Mon «>cj» » « « < »« ASMA#» » tttütfi« •tniiday, August 4, iPifi ><♦ } TEN MILLIONTH FOR' fed for this car to C r 0M9let*' n u a b o r of people in the world.' BOX FACTORY IS ON WAV TO COAST ! city, the box factory will attrtet U 60n UP There wi!1 be no let-up in the the Pacific Highway to Portland I world. There will be no let up FINANCED BY ASHLAND many small sawmills, developing • • • as soon as possible a fte r Aueu9t , 1 De no iet UP a payroll th at will far exceed th a t (Cointinued from page 1.) 1st, when Frank Knltck delivered tb ‘ " " “J ” “ “ ’ j of any other local industry. A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of to the Mayor of San Francisco a “ h 1&S marked the a PPear‘ original Deadwood stage coach, local interest (Continued from page 1) ? ° ’ 10,° 00' 000 across the Many Tourists— i which was driven by cowboys in letter from Mayor Hylan of N ew' ’ . paved ! full regalia, guns, sombreros - York. Thus the longest _ ____, 1 C-ontinent’ „ the Paclfic Northwest When an Ashland resident i chaps and all. road in the world, the P acific1 , . ? s lts intention of ac- cess of $200,000 afid both were ¡drove out to the Em igrant Creek From K lam ath F all CONVALESCENT HOME.— If ' Farm ers along the Lincoln Highway, will be traversed by ! h C;ti2P?8- j dam project Sunday night at 6:30 Mr. and Mrs. Doi Stevens, of the expectant m others who are DOG AIDS SEARCHERS ‘husasm than it met with else-; The committee in charge of he counted the tourist cars be- K lam ath Falls, drove ver to Ash- counting on coming here will call j the box factory project was com- FOR MISSING CHILD numbers to do homage^ through make of car used by the greatest ! where along the route. tween the Library and the branch land yesterday, retui ng to their and make definite arrangem ents, Watch for Ford No. 10,000,000. posed of O. F. Carson, chairm an; road to the duni. 41 cars that the passing car, to Mr. Ford, who home this afternoon. it will save confusion at the time. J. N Dennis, C. W. Banta. V. O. TALORSVILLE, Calif., Aug. 2. has given thohi transportation were unm istakably tourist m a­ ; N. Smith, Senatoy G. w . Dunn, chines were met in the short dis­ — Much excitement was aroused facilities and traction power u n -1 Sweet cream for whipping and Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. ! Frank Jordan, B. H. Delsman, tance. here last evening when it became guessed and undreamed of but a * 285-2* coffee— also fresh milk, always j and T. H. Simpson. Members d e - ! known th at th e 3-year-old son of few years ago. At one place Jthej on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Powers was ' oted several days to the examin parade was joined by a num ber ofJ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Twink W ashes and Dyes — Mc­ lost. ation cf the proposition as sub­ farm ers with a Fordson tractor To Long Bead»— Nair Bros. mitted by Mr. Coog'ns and to the FOR SALE — o ï t Hay, 314 The little boy was supposed to coupled to a tra ile r loaded with Miss Celia R einhart and sister, have gone across the street to play sale of the stock and much of the Garfield, 285-4 Ladies 're e tickets tent tonight. Mrs. Norton, left Saturday even in the yard of R. A. Young, a re heavy horses. In this emphatic success attained is due to their m anner the tillers of the soil told j ing for Long Beach. Miss Rein- I (Rtive. Hig m other went to eal, FOR R E N T — Four-room fu r­ untiring energy. R eturns H om e— hart has been in poor health for him home at dark and found that the world of the complete trium ph nished bungalow on Upper Gran- The General Plan ite. Call 44OJ. Mrs. Henry Taylor, of Ashland, some time and goes to the sea he had been gone for soni9 time. of Ford traction units over horse­ 285-2t 1 lie proposition submitted by flesh on the farm. who had been visiting her sister, shore In the hope of better health. A fter fboking around the neigh­ Mr. Coggins provided for the f o i l SALI-, — Anacoua cocie­ Mrs. Will Weeden, In the Klam­ forming of a corporation capital- reis. Fine ones. Cal! Phone borhood. the alarm was given and ath country, returned to her home Leap year crowds tent show. zed at $100,000. with $50,000 4F12. a searching party set out to find 285-3* Saturday. fully paid qp. Of the $50,000, the child. A fter going over the Milk and Cream whole sale and town with no results, about a Coggins agreed to subscribe $30,- I OR SALE— Tborobred Airdale Next Tuesday noon is the last retail from certified herd— Lin- 000 in common stock, provided puppies, now on display at John­ hundred men combed the heavily day to submit bids on buildings ingers Dairy. Phone 369-J. Ashland residents would sub­ son’s pool hall. Females $5; wooded hillside back of town. on the Hotel site. 284-2tf scribe $20,000 in preferred stock, Males ten to tw ,nty five. H. M. The child’s dog was known to Start Service From P ortland to Pleating at Orres Tailor Shop. be with him, so calls were made 285-6* j on which eight per cent dividends Painter, 233 Granite St. R ainier; Presen t Fares W ill H ealth giving whole wheat 285-2* for the dog and then one of the are guaranteed and which is pre­ C ontinue bread at The Llthla Bakery. FO l ND— Ladies wrist watch. ferred as to assets in the event searching party went back for his Loser can have same by proving Paving Completed— of liquidation. Coggins turns dog and caused it to bark. The PORTLAND. A ugust 4 . — The In A shland— property. Call at 204 W eightman The paving between Medford signal was answered by the boy’s sawmill and box factory machin­ Spokane, Portland & Seattle Rail­ stfeet. W. N. Cole. Jt Miss M argaret E. Johnson, of | and Jacksonville was completed dog. Going in the direction of ery, logging equipment and 15,- way company will inaugurate an Tennant, arrived in Ashland re­ Saturday by Samuel Schell and is the sounds, the fath er found the automobile bus service between 000,000 feet of pine on this side I OR HALL — Good team and cently, and plans to rem ain here no wopen for travel. Paving will child asleep, with the dog at his Portland and R ainier as soo as ol the Siskiyous into the corpor- harness. On Mooie place in B ell­ for a short time, visiting with commence a t Ruch Monday and side. Codk until the cherries are ■ at'on. view distlici, L. E. Tracy. 285-3* equipment is available— probably friends and relatives. the road will be paved four miles t a s t y r e l is h e s for co ld smooth Jam. Put in glass Jars oi i The boy was not found until in about two weeks— W. F. T urn, Will Employ 30 Men MEATS this way, leaving a four mile gap after 9 o’clock, after having wan­ glasses If there is more juic* A factory with three cut-off er, president of the company, an ­ Mc- between Ruch and Jacksonville. Rexall Asthma Powder than Is desired, take out some o’ | dered over two miles from home nounced yesterday. saws will he installed in the first N air Bros. j The standard Jelly will always it while the cherries are still c C ?*d h “ eatS ° f “ny k? d Jam made ware the motor yachtsman will bering industry in this section Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Franklin , entirely of half currants and ha,f raspber. not only have dishes and pans T heatre beautiful tent theatre. from a two weeks vacation. While and son returned to Ashland on out of business, and has reduced 1 lie s ,9 very good The sugar which will uot rust, but also dishes which will grow from year to on th eir trip they went to P o rt­ Thursday, after a 12-day fishing the earnings of the railroads to tihould be cup for cup Stir often which will withstand the rough year until it becomes the most W e’ll be glad to show’ you our land and Seattle, and drove over jaunt, during which they visited the point where sonve lines have i with a long enameled ware spoon, usage they are sure to encounter im portant possessed by the com­ t new Fall line of wonderful wool to Bend, w’here they visited Mr. Odel Lake, between C rater Lake become liabilities to th eir owners, j *until all is smooth together A when “washed up” by willing bul munity. W ith millions of feet of fabrics. Paulserud’s. 285-tf Dews’ sister. small enameled ware dipper will inexpert amateurs. Some motor i excellent tim ber tributary to the and Bend, and also Diamond Lake ra th e r than assets. The Spokane, Portland & Se-j be fcund most useful ,D putt,nS boat owners prefer enameled ware - They report some excellent mugs and some like the shape of ' Free ladies tent theatre. Oil Sick List— catches, and back up th eir stories attle railw ay, after en d eav o rin g ; the Jam into glasses or Jars the enameled ware cups better ; Hugh, Bates, who is spending with photographs of the big fel­ to hold the traffic to its rail line j Some want plates and saucers and his vacation working in the E n ­ V isiting M other— lows they landed. some find plates alone sufficient : by means of ra te cuts, has d e - ' MIDSUMMER PRESERVINO Mrs. Eva J. K. Kennedy, of ders store, has been on the sick All. however, agree that there term lned to adapt its m ethods to j HINTS would be little comfort in the Te is slight- Portland, is visiting with her Came in Sunday— list since Saturday, the changing times, and to go into mother, Mrs. L. H. Hash, of 120 “light housekeeping” on a boat ly better now. J. H. McGee returned to Ash the auto stage business itself. Fifth street. Mrs. Kennedy will With July the canning and pre­ were it not for these light, easily land Sunday after spending some serving campaign Is m full swing, cleaned and practically unbreak­ Tent theatre ladies ee tickets remain in Ashland about two time at his cabin at Lake of the KINCAID COMPANY PLAY’S ; aud never is the perfection of an able utensils. weeks. Woods. TO CAPACITY HOUSES i 'euaaiel«d ware preserving kettle Paulserud’s Suits are guaran­ ______ more appreciated than when the Free ladies tent theatre. P IQ U A N T O ELIC A C IES teed to give lasting service. 285-tf Left This Morning—— The Evelyn Kincaid DramaUc CherrieS currantfl’ k gooseberries, etc., come upon the The Misses Sarah W illiamson r>n Co., which began an en g ag em en t, Bcene. To be able to cooR In From Camps— We have so many fruits that wt R eturn From K lam ath— and Vera Manel, who have taught here W ednesday evening in th eir .fruits long enough and slowly A rt and Harold W ilhite, and are apt to neglect and disregard Rosalind and Wanda Schwine In th e Ashland grade schools for tent th eatre, played to capaciy ■ enough to make Jam apd compotes Cleon Caldwell, who are w o rk ­ that English favorite, the gui.j-e have ju st returned from a vaca­ several years, left this morning houses Saturday and Sunday ' 18 possible tn the porcelaln-like berry. We use gooseberri e» iiiiisi tion of three weeks in Klamath ing in northern California lumber for the northern p art of th e state. nights and continue to win pop- ’ tenameled ware kettle, which not ly In their green state for sauce ui Falls. The visited at the home camp3- wer* in Ashland over the This sum m er they attended the ulnr approval. Saturday night ; ,onIy lnsures safety from any ac- in pies. They are good in that G 2 M U IN E ^ 9 of Mrs. Louis Schwine’s brother. week-end. They intend to return C alifornia Normal at Sisson. Next Miss Kincaid appeared as the lead- way, though very acid, but the ber­ “eepS lh8 A. L. B arker, while in the neigh­ to work this evening. ‘«Princess' — darkening, no matter ries should always be cooked be­ year Miss W illiamson will teach in^ ing character in al how long it has been cooked. boring city. at La Grande, and Miss Manel at Patches,” a production th a t pleas- | Cherries are very good canned, fore putting in pies or puddings. gej. u. 3. Leap year crowds ten t tonight. Enameled ware which is imper­ Pal. Off. Eugene. ed th e audience. and the favorite variety for can­ vious to fruit acids will not j Orres tailors for men and The Dope Fiend,” portraying ning is Morello, with Its bright change the color of the fruit, and A M e b . C f A . l i i D IV A t M f A I M c Back to K lam ath— women, upstairs over McGees. H ere From Dairy’— the evil influences of dope, was ; color and solid flavor. This cherry is therefore desirable for these can be washed ar.d worn in any Mrs. J. H. C arter and Mrs. L. Gilbert Anderson and son, of presented Sunday night with Miss also makes a good preserve. When uses. way you please. I t is absolutely Jacobs returned Friday evening oi Tent theatre ladies free tickets. Dairy, K lam ath county, arrived Kincaid taking the p art of the cherries are canned the stones are For green gooseberry sauce, F A S T TO SO A P A N D BO ILING from Ashland, where they had left in the fruit; for preserves the cook the gooseberries In an enam­ in Ashland recently, and are v is­ fiend and the large audience left F A S T TO S C N A N D W E A T H E R stones should be removed. Put eled ware saucepan until 60ft, and Shirts made to order at Orres. been visiting at the John Enders iting with relatives, the Apple- F A S T TO P E R SP IR A TIO N - A N D the ten t impressed with the pow­ stoned cherries tn an enameled They 285-2* home for several days. URIC ACID gate family, of G ranite street, and erful lesson presented by the play ware preserving kettle. For each then add sugar cup for cup. When were accompanied home by Mrs. ripe the gooseberry, makes a very F A S T TO E V E R Y T H IN G I T E N . with th e George Loosley family. Each succeeding evening reveals ' ®u0ful of the cherries, add a cupful nice Jam mixed with raspberries. C O V N T E R S A S .1 D U E S S , John Enders and daughter Shir­ Madden seka Balloon tires. BLO U SE OR S L I T F A B R IC Miss Kincaid a perform er of un­ of granulated sugar. Cover the Put the berries into an enameled 246-tf ley, who will visit here for a To G rants P ass— kettle and let it stand all night In Y fc will prom ptly and cheerfully re* ware preserving kettle and crush usual talen t surrounded by an week, and Mrs. O. L. C arter, who tu rn your mcney ru.-t only for eveiy the morning there will be enough with a long enameled ware spoon. A m otor party, composed of excellent troupe of actors. y a r d o f ’Everfast” which, for any reason, Juice to start the cherries with. Add sugar, one cup of sugar to one does K.t hold i’a eolo”, but TUB Gleaning, Pressing and Repair­ has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. R. E. D etrict and daughter, Tonight they present the play There will he no need to add and one-half of fru it Cook slowly, COST Oi- i.lA ;.IN C T H it C oif\l...MT. ing at Paulserud’s. 261-tf ! Mrs. Rance Morris, who lives in Helen, NLs. D etrick’s niece. Miss In nil p o p u la r »hade»—T h e r.^iua “ W ithout a Name,” w ritten by water. Put the cherries on a slow stirring often, with the cover off Ashland. Irene R offler?M rs. E. M. Wallin «‘E verfast” is b.^tnyud every y„: 1 in Billy Tripp, comedian with the fire and cook gently. When they be­ the kettle. Cook until the juice is the telvau?- and son, E. M. W allin Jr., and company. I have bought the Plaza Shoe gin to get soft stir frequently with cooked away and the berries are a Ycrrf Pays For Horse— Eugene Detrick, drove to G rants a long .enameled ware spoon. smooth Jam. Shop and have moved my family > A to u rist from Utah, anxious to Pass and spent Sunday. They re ­ to Ashland to live. I will con­ M any D eer Seen— tinue doing first-class shoe re ­ get home, was speeding South to ­ turned to Ashland on Sunday Deer are reported plentiful in pairing and will welcome your day. He approached Wolf Creek evening. the hills, and raiding some of the trade. Alex SpJuth. 285-3t and there ran into a horse which gardens of the m ountain farms. was on the highway. The horse V isited Friends— The th reat of the state to call off J. M. Cysfck and Julius Orre, the deer season this year on ac­ Let ns fill vour pail with Swifts had become loose and the own­ •liv e r Lea; lard. Costs less than er was trying to catch him when of K lam ath Falls,. Drove over to count of danger from forest fire ♦♦ ♦♦ •h o rte u in t. Goes farth er and Is the auto appeared. The car hit Ashland yesterday and visited is no balm of Gilead” to scores more nutritions. D etricks. 94-tf the horse, but the driver did not with friendB here. of local people, who look forward stop. He was apprehended in to a vacation In the hills as a Çom píete line of Ashland Cau­ Grants Pass and was held in th a t Birth— bright spot in their lives.—"Mail city. A fter agreeing to p^y ’$75 Born, Sunday n'glit, to Mr. sed Goods at Detricks. 94-tf for the horse, he was allowed to and Mrs. J. L arkin Grubb, 114 Stoppiti Short Thue— go on his way. Third street, a seven-pound boy. The School Board of District Mrs. Ella Brooks and Miss The newcomer has been named Laura Wilcox, of Corvallis, who eight will receive bids for tra n s­ John Larkin, Jr. porting pupils to Ashland up to are en ro u te from Corvallis to DRY SEASON CAU8E9 and Including August 17. T he' Los Angeles, stopped in Ashland IJGHT BERRY CROP F aiuous Car Coining— Board reserves the right to re- ; a short time Sunday to v a it with The Ten Millionth Fordi, which Miss M argaret McCoy. Ject any or all bids. For particu- i That the huckleberry crop on is m aking a transcontinental lare call 11F12. 283-3* Huckleberry Mountain is much drive for advertising purposes, To Diamond Lake— We deliver the goods -Detricks lighter than usual was the state­ will pass through Ashland on H. O. B utterfield and wife to­ m ent this morning of H arry Hos­ Wednesday, August 6. The car 94-tf day for Diamond Lake, where ier, who, with his wife, and Mr. will spend the night in Medford, they will spend a short vacation. and Mrs. Dan Conner, of Medford, leaving th e next morning for Birth— They took lots of fishing tackle visited the m ountain yesterday. Roseburg, the next stop. The car . Born, on A ugust 1, to Mr. and The crop has never complete- is being driven up the Pacific with them , and intend to go after M r,. WUlrrd Thompson. « d.ogh- ¡ ly ‘a ” " 7 „ ’e “d”“ the big ones while a t the lake. seas- Highway, and will leave Redding ter. A nother Ashland man whose mec- ; on, the crop this year Is light,” | th e m orning of the 6th. ca is the popular lake, is S. A. j ' said Mr. Hosier. “ Four of us Peters Jr., who today started his G oing to K lam ath— picked about a gallon of berries O n Vacation— vacation. The Rev. B. C. Miller J. Sam Houston, one of the in a day.” The Misses Nina and Hazel is also spending his vacation at m anagers of the Kincaid Dramat- Mr. Hosier, who has picked i Emery, and th eir brother, H. C. ic Company, now showing in Ash- berries in practicall yevery patch ' Emery, left Saturday evening for Diamod Lake. land, plans to leave ’“uesday or ; in southern Oregon, said th a t a a two weeks vacation. They are Linen Table Cloths, Lunch Sets, Napkins, Scarfs, W ednesday for Kian ith Falls, ’ party might pick enough for a going to travel the Yellowstone B ig R egistration— Two hundred and five machines FFICIENCY systems have ! Have five tablespoons of grated 1 Tray Cloths, Center Pieces, Hand Towels, Guest w here the show will gi after c o m -; pie, but th a t one who wanted to trail, and see the wonders of Yel­ were registered at the local o u t-! H reached the kitchen as will chocolate In pan with one-half cup pleting its Ashland e gagement. get a quantity would be disap- lowstone Park. The Yellowstone .t owels, and Bath Towels, all at a saving’ of 25 if-State bureau over the week-end. i be seen by the concentrated boilln^ water and four tablespoons I Mr. Houston, who has been in j pointed On H uckleberry Moun- i trail is said to be in such a splen 128 cars registered Saturday, and /expression of the young woman ' th e show gam e all his life, and tai», there are 10,000 acres ideal cres of of ¡ i did did condition condition tfcat th a t it it is is an i per cent less than Regular Prices. prom oted the Sells-Floto circus i bushes, and they usually yield two weeks’ trip from here, and 77 on Sunday. W ithout excep- who Is filing away Into the re- Mix four tablespoons cornstarch tion, Sunday has in th e past been cesses of ber refrigerator, n o t' with one cup milk, add one tea- for Tammen and Bonfield, has be- heavily, i allows plenty of time inside the the lowest day of th e entire week. cubes of Ice, although she does spoon crisco, and one-quarter tea- come popular during his stay in tfcat also, but a delicious frozen spoon salt, and with this thicken park. During the absence of the A shland, and has earned a repu­ fkocolate pudding with macaroons the boiling milk, Add one cup Contract for W illam ette river Emerys, Mr. and Mrs. George Eugene— Ju n io r high school to which she tells us is made like macaroon crumbs and ta tio n for being a wide-awake bridge at Albany let for $245 - h e a te r “ The Quality Store” W atson, of Ohio street, are oc­ go up a t E ighteenth avenue and tbis- whites of two eggs. P o u r into wet business man and square dealer. 306. cupying th eir horns. Agate street. : P ut three cups of milk to boR- m old an d set on ice one hour. b o c a l; P ersonal f4otes UNUSUAL EVENTS C O M M A N D IN G YOUR INTEREST Hints From a House- Wife’s Kitchen Diary 10 BÖNSTAGE LINE Summer in the Kitchen FRANKLIN’S SUPERIOR Bread Franklin Bakery Phone 199 iiiere a r e more uew shades in Ev- erfasi Linen j u s t ¡verfast S u itin g recently 7 arrived. he most complete stock Everfast cloths, at ( M odern R e frig erato r Files Its Ice OF F ine L in en s AT A SAVING OF er Cent E. R. ISAAC & CO !