ÀSfltAitò Munday, July 2f», i(hi4 WILL SHIP 7000 HEAD WOMAN IS WIDOWED ) j Clayton and W illard Caldwell, are of twelve real actors, headed by Sweetest Girl in Dixie” a play CATY1È FROM KLAMATH now in the county jail at Jack­ J. Burt Burton, lead ing «tan and th a t has never failed to please TWICE BY GAttoW S NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN NOTICE Classified Column to all Subscribers to the Capital MERIDIAN, Miss, July 28. — Stock of the proposed Corporation C lassified Colum n K ates "When the noose claimed the life to be organized for the purposes One cent the word each of Frank Atkinson here Friday of procuring a site, erection of a time. for the m urdei of H. Bryant, in hotel and furnishing the same, To run every issue for one June, 1923, it made Mrs. A tkin­ l will be glad to estimate in the City of Ashland, That the month or more, ^ c the word son a widow foi the second time FIRST MEETING of the SUB­ each time. with you. I can locate SCRIBERS for such Capital Stock by the law. Nine years ago her first husband. Allen W estbrook, will be held at the City Hall in water. Expert well drill- was hanged in Pike county for the City of Ashland, Oregon, at I FO R R ENT the m urder of Mr. and Mrs. Col­ Ten O’clock A. M. on Thursday, ing and locating. um bus Cleveland, fath er and August 7th, 1924, and all sub­ m other of Mrs. Atkinson. FOR SALE scribers are urged to be present, and in the m eantim e ALL are urg­ W rite FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers PO RTLAN D TO REBUILD ed to use every reasonable effort [ milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- STOCK E X H IB IT BUILDING to increase the subscriptions to dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* the stock th a t the full am ount PORTLAND, July 28. — Work may have been subscribed by said FOR SALE or TRADE— 24 will be started today on a date acres river bottom land, 2 miles Box 147, R. F. D. HENKY, O. ENDERS J r . ! J 5'" ’'" '7 ^ 7 ‘° » ’ t n V“ west of G rants Pass, under grav­ . 1 burned building of the Pacific In- Chairman of the Board of , , ity ditch, crop included. Will Ashland, Oregon . ternational Livestock exposition, Incorporators. t . . . . . trade for Ashland residence prop­ «.1 according to an announcem ent by erty, 263 K. S t, G rants Pass, O. M. Plum m er, general m anager Oregon, F. M. W ichman, 272— 6tf yesterday. It is expected th a t it will be completed by November WILL UTILIZE BEAV ER FOR SALE — Oat Hay, 314 IN STOPPING LEAKS 1, in tim e for the holding of the Garfield. 275-6tf an n u al exposition. The building will probably be HOOD RIVER, July 28. — To FO R SALE CH EAP — Pure­ Insist on prevent leaks in Goose lake, not- la rg e r than the one which was bred Jersey bull or will trade. 500 ’ ed goal of fisherm en in north- ■destroyed Wednesday. It will be Terrace St. 275-3* ; western Skam ania county, Game ■of the same general style, accord­ ; Commissioner Hufford of Steven- in g to officials, who voiced the SU BUR BA N HOMES For C onstipation I son plans to trap a colony of opinion th a t the purpose of the For a country home close to j beaver and release them at the show were adequately served by town, it would be hard to find lake soon. It is believed by game f th e old structure. a prettier location thain the Bellview district, ju st east of ; officials th a t these anim als will i ---------------- Ashland. This district sits in daub the lava rock bottom of the L TJVO BOUND OVER an adm irable position, afford­ Farmers Attention lake and prevent the outflow of i FO R ALLEGED M URDER ing a panoramic view unex­ water. • KLAMATH FALLS, July 28.— celled. Fly season will soon be on. The lake which lost most of its i W illiam Sievers and W. M. John- The new irrigation ditch Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. which will be finished this fall Bos. fly spray for your cow’s w ater last year, immediately after son, charged with the m urder of will afford ample w ater for the best fly killer made. Gard­ th e great Japanese earthquake, J F ran k Brown at Crescent City, next season and I predict much en Hose, and garden tools, was filled with thousands of Ju ly 4th, were bound over to the activity and increase in Drice fencing and binder twine, trout. Leaks were stopped by bags grand ju ry by Justice of the of real estate in th a t district. mowers and repairs always on i of earth and piles of woven tree Peace R. A. Em m itt. Bond was hand. B E TT ER B I Y NOW Forty acre tract, half mile i branches. set at $1,500. off Boulevard, tw enty acres Sievers and Johnson were a r­ cultivated, mostly in fruit, sev­ rested on the night of Brown’s en acres under the new ditch, FOUR MEAT MARKETS death, charged with having beat­ tw enty acres pasture and wood FINED AT PENDLETON en him to death following a quar­ land. All of the land has a gentle slope to the north. Will rel over a pint of whiskey. PENDLETON, July 28. Bell this land and build a five The two accused men and the Charges against five local m eat ; room house for the purchaser ’ deceased were itin eran t railway m aking the term s very, very m arkets th a t they sold sausages - PH YSICIANS ■workers. attractive. Price $5000.00. and ham berger in which sulphates E ight room modern bunga­ DR. M ATTIE B. SH AW — Resi­ were used as preservatives were low extremely nice inside, all C lassified ads bring resu lts. kinds of conveniences, well dence and office, 108 Pioneer filed W ednesday afternoon in the with inexhaustable supply of avenue. Telephone 28. Office local justice of th e peace c o u rt,, Lt» X water, electric pum ping sys­ and today four of them appeared i hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 tem, good barn and other out and paid fines of $25 and c o s ts ’, p. m. only. buildings, large shade trees, in each case. some fru it trees, two and a half The charges were brought h v ; acres, level but sightly loca­ DR. E R N E ST A- W OODS-LPrac-1 » tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and ■ L. L. Leach of th e state food and tion. Price $5500.00, very th ro at— X-ray including te e th .! dairy commission a fte r he had easy term s or will add six acres of young pear trees for Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te j niadp a trin of inspection in the 9 Bars Crystal W hite Soap an additional thousand dollars. 5. Swedenburg Bldg.. Ashland, j m arkets. Those fined were the 6 Bars Cream Oil The house is in splendid con­ Qre Pendleton Trading company, 1 pkg. Peets Granulated dition, stone and concrete ______________ _______________ _ Clover Leaf, Mays and Rex mar- foundation, basement heating Soap. All for plant and could not be dupli­ DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic lret. Charges are pending against cated today for less than and Electro-Therapy. Office the Table Supply m arket, accord- $7000.00. I am afraid you phone 48; residence 14 2. First ing to a statem ent from th e di-> will wonder what is the mat- National Bank building. trict atto rn ey ’s office. ter with It and I suggest that you come and see. DR. H AW LEY— Above Tidings I.ITHIANS W ILL INSPECT For instance; here is a 5 office. Phone 91. U irge Ovals in Oil, Toma­ acre tract on the Paved H igh­ POW ER PLANT AT COPCO to Sauce or Mustard, way, only 2 miles out, good DR. C. W. HANSON 15c par can, 7 for $1.00 soil, some fruit trees, fine D en tist The Lithians, not the Cham ber P ortola's Boneless and building spot, panoramic view, Special attention given to pyor­ of Commerce, were invited by .pealed in olive oil, per for $750. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Vice-President Paul B. McKee, to * • • • • can ...................................... 13c Fancy G arnished, per can 15c Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. to inspect the plant of the Califor­ A well built, plastered, 6 Ovals, 15 oz. cans, in room bungalow, full basement, nia-Oregon Power Co. at Copco, w h ite,w in e sauce, per MONUMENTS concrete foundation, first class and have accepted the invitation. can ..................................... 20c poreclain bath and toilet fix­ The object of the invitation is to Norwegian Sardines, ASHLAND GRANITE tures, sightly front, close to acquaint the booster organizations Country Club, 2 cans for 25c center of town, and the price MONUMENTS ■ of the Copco te rrito ry with th e Preferred stock, per can 20c is only $2100. Don’t let the Oregon G ranite Co. None B etter packed, per • price scare you. It ju st hap­ ■ vast power plant and improve­ S. PENNISTON, Salesman. can ......................................25c pens to be a rare sacrifice snap ment? constructed by th e com­ * • • * • Res. 4 7 6 Laurel P hon e 444-Y pany. as well as the additional City lots, Acreage, Orchards, j power projects now under con- Farm s, Stock Ranches and PLANING MILL _________________ I struction. Business Opportunities. II. A. Stearn s 61 N. Main * • « « « fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Sunday. August 10. is the date If your price is attractive, 1 - WORKS, Cor. Helman and j set for the visiL I will be glad to list what you j . j j -'- l - l Van Ness. 194tf --------- 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ " L i.i— i s . have for sale. If I sell it wUl be at your price and you pay TRANSFER AND EXPRESS the commission. I do not spec­ W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co. ulate on the ow ner’s property. * * • « » for SERVICE. CALL ON TH E MAN WHO Experienced movers and pack- 9 » 5 » E . MAIN PH ONE 2 1 4 AD VERTISES ers of household goods. Deal- 3 A shland, Ore, ers In coal and wood. Phone 8 IF I T ’S ANYTHING IN THE FEED 117. Staples Realty Agency LINE W E HAVE IT 71 E. Main, Ashland Hotel Bid. Office 89 Oak St. near Hotel Ashland If You Need Water V. Zboraliski TANLAC VEGETABLE PILLS PEIL’S CORNER PROFESSIONAL Crystal White Soap Special $1.00 Sardines Plaza Market J. W. Frazier and Son M ISCELLANEOUS Good Clean Wheat, pr. swt. . . . ?___$2.50 Good Clean cr. Corn, pr cwt............. $2.50 Rolled Oats, pr. cwt............................$2,50 Mill Run, 80 lb. sk.............................$1.60 T. L. POW ELL— General Trans- NOTICE:— Bring your black­ berries to the cannery before noon, Saturday. Bagley Caning Co. 277-2t ! fer— Good team and motor trucks. G iod service at a rea- souab e price. Phone 8 3. i a FEHIGE-ROACH Transfer — Express — Storage 9 FOUND— Glasses in ca?e. O w n-! Mauling — Dray work of all er may have same by paying for kinds. Quick motor service. Dry this ad. 277-2tf wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R 37 5 B. St. 112-tf WANTED— Good farm wagon. Phone 120 or call Ashland Green­ KING’S TRANSFER— Service house. 275-3tf day or night at reasonable rates. Wood for sale. Phone 113, Res. 231 Van Ness. 265— lm o * * * * * W ANTED— Clean cotton rags. No overalls, underw ear or w oolen good s accepted. 5 cen ts per pound, T idings o ffice. — tf $3.25 Good clean alfalfa and grain hay, $1.25 -•-•-i 1 sonville. Both men were bound over to the grand ju ry on $500 bail yesterday in the local ju s­ tice court, Clayton on a charge of hitting Caldwell over the head with a billiard cue and Clayton on a charge of pointing a gun at Caldwell. Clayton c’aims th at he hit Cald­ well in self-defense, when he saw signs of Cadwell pulling a gun out of his pocket. Friends of Caldwell claim lie left the pool room, .a fte r being attacked by Clayton, returned a short time afterw ards with a gun for self-protection. Night officer J. II. Leggitt made the arrests of the two men. both of whom are transients. W it­ nesses of the fracas included Horace R obeits and Victor Daily. ¡T H E EVELYN KINCAID CO. TO PLAY IN ASHLAND Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. McAdams, lì l! £• 3 REWARD The W. & N. Service Station of this city will pay a reward for any infor­ mation leading to the arrest and con­ viction of person or persons who dis­ figured the large billboard sign which we have a t corner of Melton and Boulevard. Give Information at the service station. The company carries its own orchestra and is showing in its own “ Tent Theatre B eautiful” one of the largest and best in the west. The opening play will be “ The The Willys-Knight is a car you can keep and enjoy for years. A touring car with all the thrill of 42 horsepower—a car you can drive 50 miles and more an hour, hour after hour— without over-heating—with­ out loss of power—without engine trouble — without carbon cleaning — without ever needing valve grinding. The Willys-Knight sleeve-valve engine is the most powerful engine of its size ever b u ilt—and the quietest—and the only type of engine in the world that actually improves with use. It is common for Willys-Knight owners to report 50,000 miles and more without sp en d in g a cent for repairs on the engine. TOILET PAPER A. P. W. the Superior Quality WILLY Extra large 2500 sheet rolls, 25c each Ask us about prices on your year’s supply Books and Stationery ELflART’S Drug Sund •ies Toilet Goods OVERLAND GARAGE DIX BROS., Props THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Preferred Capital Stock Price #98 per Share YIELDING 7.14% T h e proceeds of the sale of this stock will be used exclusively for new, incom e-producing additions to and betterm ents of property and equipm ent. r THE COMPANY The history of The California Oregon Pow er Com ­ pany shows a substantial growth in facilities and earnings resulting from the large sums of money in- vested in its properties and from the development of the territory which it serves. Steady Growth in Customers Served The territory now served by The California Oregon Pow er Company includes parts of Jackson, Josephine, Klam ath and Douglas Counties in Oregon, and Siskiyou County and parts of Shasta and Trinity Counties in California. This is an area equal to the combined areas of the States of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. During the ten years from 1913 to 1923, the num­ ber of consumers has grown to the present total of 18,225, an increase of 177%. Due to the increasing use of electric power for industrial, agricultural and do­ mestic purposes, the Company’s output has grown from approximately twenty-six million kilowatt-hours in 1913 to one hundred and fifty-two million kilowatt- hours in 1923—an increase of 475%. In addition to its local consumers, the company en­ joys a large and advantageous wholesale contract demand from other power companies, thus greatly expanding and diversifying its field. The company owns and operates eight hydro-elec­ tric plants in Southern Oregon and N orthern Cali­ fornia. In building these hydro-electric plants, natural resources are developed which will be productive forever. The Company’s main trunk high tension and distri­ bution lines at the end of 1923 were 1550 miles in length. The actual investment in the construction of these facilities has increased from $4.787,624,35 in 1913 to $11,752,616.19 in 1923, exclusive of valuable water rights and intangible assets. The Company is now engaged in building a new 4,250 horse-power plant on Link River at Klamath Falls, and an additional power plant with a generating capacity of 40,000 horse-power at Copco on the Klam­ ath River, together with an im portant extension of its high-tension lines. A large part of this increased pro­ duction has already been contracted for, in the case of the new Copco plant, and it is estimated by the Company that the new facilities alone will increase its net earnings by more than $400,000.00 a year. ASHLAND, OREGON . TOUR PARTNERS IN PR O G R ESS THE STOCK P ar value $100 per share. Dividends have been paid on The California Oregon Pow er Company Preferred Capital Stock each quarter since issuance, without interruption, at the rate of $7 per share per annum. Dividend checks are mailed every three months. Proceeds of all securities sold are devoted exclusive­ ly to additions to and betterm ents of the Company’s properties. The stock is not assessable by the Company for any purpose whatsoever. It is non-callable, and if pur­ chased at the present price, yields a return of 7.14% on the investment. I t is exempt from Federal Normal Individual In ­ come Tax. It takes precedence as to assets and dividends over common stock amounting to $4,441,100 par value. This means that all dividends on the Preferred Stock must be paid in full before any dividends may be declared on the common stock; and that the Preferred Stock has a claim on the assets of the Company prior to the common stock. The equity in assets back of the Pre­ ferred Stock amounts to more than $9,000,000.00 as of May 31, 1924—over two and one-half times the par value of the Preferred Capital Stock now outstanding. Upon the completion of the new Copco power house, the new Link River power house, and other projects now commencing construction, approximately Five Million Dollars in new and productive property will be added to the company’s physical assets. The stock may be purchased ir any amount from one share upward. It may be purchased either for cash or on our special savings plan, namely, $5 per share as first payment, and $5 per share per month. Interest is not charged by the company on unpaid balances. Interest is paid by the company, however, on all partial payments under the savings plan at the rate of 6% per annum. Interest checks are mailed to subscribers under the savings plan every three months. Subscribers who find it necessary to cancel t h r r installment subscriptions will be allowed a refund i 1 all payments made, plus interest earned, either in cash or in paid-up stock. (A deduction of $1.00 per share will be made to cover the expense of cancellation.) The stock is listed on the San Francisco Stock and Bond Exchange. THE RECORD OF TEN YEARS’ GROWTH Year Value of Physical Prop- erties (not including water rights, etc.) Gross Revenue 1913 $4,787,624.35 $347,261.70 1923. $11,752,616.19 Operating and Maintenance Expense Net Earnings without Deducting Interest or Depreciation Kilowatt Hours Generated $143,746*67 $203,515.03 26,485,359 $1,370,544.78 $594,603.97 $775,940.81 152,124,781 TH E CALIFORNIA O R EG O N POWER COM PANY Offices: Roseburg, Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Oregon W & N Service Station and a play th at is full of good clean comedy, real acting and a play that gives every member of this company a strong part to play. The big tent theatre is located at the Ashland park in the heart of Ashland and the first perform ­ ance will be on W ednesday night, July 30th. The prices will be 10-25 and 35 cents, making the very best reserved seats 35 cents- — Adv. 278 It 1 ,2 ,3 '4 '5 Yfcars— S till a Y ou n g C ar To enable the people of Ash- of Danbury, Iowa, are on an auto to u r through the coast states and ' land to “get acquainted” with the camped here several days. They folks th a t constitute The Evelyn are on their way to Pasadena, ' Kincaid Dramatic Company, the will adm it the but may retu rn here. Mrs. Mc­ m anagem ent Adams declared th a t this was the ladies free on the opneing night, first beauty spot the party has July 30th, th at is, two ladies or lady and escort will be adm itted found since leaving home. on one pa'd thirty-five cent tlck- ; et. This Is done on this night M EDFORD POOL HALL FIGHT ENDS IN JAIL : only to advertise the best d ra­ matic company th at travels in the j West. As the result of a squabble Sat­ Miss Evelyn Kincaid the lead- urday night in Rankin Estes’ Pool Hall South Front St., Jack ■ ing lady is supported by a cast Increase in Facilities 3 I includ’ng such well known actors as Clyde Callicotte, Ross Higgins, Chas. Caukins, Billie Tripp, Bust­ er Tripp and Jack B arrett and the Misses M argaret Moore, Lor­ aine Crawford, Marie Miller and Libby W alker. F irst B eauty Spot— Immediate Future Development * * Blacksm ith Shop * i Blacksmith Shop, East Main * St. Horseshoeing, Automobile u * Spring work a specialty. AiPo parts. IRA YERIAN. 252-1 mo. FOR SALK FRYERS— Dressed and delivered, 25c pound. Mrs. BEAGLE & BEAGLE. Painters— Salsbury, 7-F-3. 277-2 Day work or contract. Estim ates 266-6t* FOR SALE — By owner. A Free. P. O. Box 171. good modern 5-room plastered GET YOUR STOVE repaired a I house close in, good location. 550 Fairview St. 277-6tf Eagle Iron and Brass W o rk s,' Oberlain street. New grates and liners m ade to order, any style stove. Stock on hand. Stoves for F or a smooth shave sale. 264-lm o. I and quick service go te the Shell B arber Second Hand goods bought, sold Shop. Ladies and exchanged,repaired. Collected and children get your hair delivered. Chair Doctor, Cor.3rd. bobbed and mareal- and A St., Phone 295R. 232-2mo. led. I DO FANCY cement work, j W . A. SH EL L, Prop. chimneys, septic tanks; also cem- 632 A. St. A shland. Ore etry work etc., J. D. Peffley, 143 , " 6th St. 227— lm o* P ortland— New site secured for 4NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May soap factory, 60x200 feet. communicate with Ensign Lee of th e Salvation Army at the j J ’ Eugene — 200 m erchants sign W hlteShleld Home, *565 May- agreem ent to not use billboard fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. i. . advertising. KLAMATH FALLS, July 28.— J. W. Fitzgerald, general super­ intendent of the Shasta division or the southern Pacific railroad, and W. H. K irkbride, m ainten­ ance engineer, passed through K lam ath Falls yesterday for Skookum, th e present term inus of the Eugene-K lam ath road, 75 miles north of here, where plans will be worked out by the rail chiefs for handling new freight tonnage which will be developed this year on the line. The principal shipments antici­ pated are 7000 beef cattle being fattened on the Big Marsh and the country trib u tary to the W il­ liamson river. The cattle ship­ m ents will total near 300 cars ■"id extensive stockyard and ship­ ping facilities will he required. < Yreka, Dunsmuir, California Ask any member of our organization, T H E CALIFORNIA OREGON P O W E R COMPANY or mail this coupon Please send me full inform ation about your 7% Preferred Stock and special p artial paym ent plan. —today! M EDFORD, OREGON N a m e _________ Address ,,