A nd L.i ÑB íMfit f»A«î 'httffcßs hatui-da), July M tt > ♦ -♦ ♦♦<•>« + L o ca "»* « ft a Ï ft! T*-! 5 A 2«, iftU r.ifi th e ??2iiIIar scenes of the ¡theatre and is larger than most? TRICT .y** "N a Board of Viewers, consist- c ' d to assess the special Em pire state, down the historic ! house theatres, being fifty feet j OF ASHLAND, OREGON. LcG/L F íi/d l ó j ing of W. M. Barber, G. M. Frost fits ccruing from such sewer I » *>** ’*»* 1 Hudson river, and stopped at wide and th irty feet deep. The U íX Recorder s Office, Ashland, Ore- ’ and O. W inter, to determ ine and construction A ls to n , form er capital o f the seatiug capacity is one thousand, gon, July 26, 1924. . I assess the special benefits accru- The View, n r tdío H ¿ S \ Í jwt rs may take evidence state,, w here w e .sitiy a d a •few; l u L f i u i •thtts enabling "the'big edm pany‘to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ing to any -parcel of land from lation there bí h íj go, and ev< n> c oí sreto and in relation v k jt. . r s B /r tl n r n r 5JTIU week's « r for a ------' present good shows and b ig ' to the owners of property situ- the construction of the to th in special benefits ac- K ttr N C n A- I V ' :? r‘e -V£,d ¡show s at popular prices. ated in Sewer D istrict No. 22 in aforesaid, and designated the in- cru irg auy lot or parcel of land l n i . l L f i i l L ’Ji».: S ; L .= - c u L.reugn , ew Eng.and, and This company is coming from I the City of Ashland, Oregon, that i tersection of Ash and and Beach raw my Asnokan dam, the source Grants Pass where they have ju st j the Common Council, at a meet-! Streets, Monday, the 4th day of within said Sewer District. Guest of Date of first publication July • York Cities w ater supply. closed a sixteen days run and ing held July 15, 1924, appoint-i August. 1924, at 1:30 o’clock P. 28, 1924. 278-2tf F o r cis day;, wa were on a from E ureka, before th at, w h e n ' _ B A F in ^ h ) M. as the tim e and place when G ertrude Biede, s ara inquiring Southern Pacific steam er, enroute they stayed six weeks. said Viewers shall meet and pro- City Recorder. This company stops at no ex­ the recent trip f ■' n New York to New Orleans. We passed th e harbor sentinel, pense to please the people. The Bore, tho Goddess cf Liberty, and put tent auditorium is centrally lo Fork and N >.nd, I - f n e*t 3, nito. con eivod Ik ' id .a < i giving yen ' GUt to sea- The porpoises raced • '-»♦M rig h t in th e h e art of Ash- >; c. Mr. an; 2 t 7-k. t cl .» through tli 3 kindness cf the r ‘9, plunging from the sea. land where everybody goes, the 7 d: a hr; ' synopsis of the The flying fish were seen as th e y 1 ' " ’den Gate Park of the highway, * Cîi v"" j arrey. ¡sailed through the a ir fm m t»»»!The prices are cheap, you get MOBILE Inst’ •.-right? p e r; r. o than ten of the great ship. The b il- 1 " '’lne received, where your mon- A, P. W. th e S u p erio r Q uality and lower rm a, to the - ,i i ■ in Oregon and C alifirnia, to w foamed as the shiped iockvu i ey does its duty. I t’s different, Phone 21 & «7 li&sptt terday . o Lr.u thought to spend the through tho sea. A t noon, a few i Its spoken dram a and comedy, ac- :al tren in i: sg . . driving E ast for the pur- were vacant. tion on stage, where ladies, gent- Working on Drm— p. . ct • ending a few weeks J Then we reached the quiet gulf lemen end children can enjoy When one of our sum­ asi. yeai W ebster W ertz, wfc • i: i; f -id;, but after le a rn -: w a te r: of the Mississippi’s m outh, something new every night. Lad- mer suits, summer under­ IO II vlil JuCGi»— attended Pacific College, i. ; k ! sum m er rate:- f o r ! a n 1 landed in New Orleans. W<- w i’’ h« adm itted free first Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Roper and wear, straw hats and oth­ A thland this summer, and ves­ ■ t: . tickets of the South- ’ck the Southern Pacific “ Sun- night. Seeing is believing crowd daughter, Carolyn, from Lodi, er summer furnishings terday s ta ’tod doing cement California, and Mr. R oper’3 sis­ e-n Pacific, v. f u n d j’ a fin a u -! sct Lim ited” from New Orleans • h o f o n t t h e verv first night rain A sk us a b o u t p rices on will greatly lessen the dis­ on tho big Em igrcnt Creek tí am ter, Mrs. Carolyn Roper-M atthews cial advantage to go by ra,i end to Ashland. On our trip, we saw or shine, be a moving advertise­ y o u r y e a r ’s supply project. comforts which are felt of Los Angelos, arc visiting Y farcer ra th e r than t uring the j :'1'1 varied scenes cf the w orld’s ment fnr the largest and best friends in Ashland, Medford, and long, dreary trai n of mountains k 'o atest nation, and lived in its tented th eatre ever visiting Ash­ by those who do not dress Guests Here— r r d plain.-!, to say nothing of t h e ! varied clim rtea. Home again, we land. S tarting W ednesday night, Books and for the season ' other cities in the valley. Drug Sundaes Mrs. Rebecca Kinney, Cha July 30th. — Adv. a; crior ease and ¡usury of the ^l i. j ; -g ;s. j expressed him self as three weeks a t Sea id; Dance to the music of Love- •r y n :1c i ' f - e c with the Ashlan dschool. -N and Burrone. r-i's orchestra in tho cool and A • Track n u m b .r coven. Trans- : —------------------------ FUN 1E3 rating air of the Lithia ' a xpr; : -- uerammito, -COO .u” K E S O F FINE IÌIOTOUS— ravilion Saturday night. FROM ■n. k ’ ' TiMHER IS DESTROYED W hich we h av e fo r Cheyenne, Omaha, Chicago, START SPA R K L IN G ^Continued From Page 1) ègra Fa: r.ud Now ih.rk.” We ! homi TO you to choose from ': COM EDA’ id Mrs. II. C. Galey and ¡ were in Oakland. F IN IS H Back wo went through t?, 3 1 tim ber land, southeast of B utte t1ft Ashland recently for! Falls, and is estim ated to have DRAMA 1918 a n d 1920 Chev- heart California through W; un en Dutch Creek, in ; ' burned over 1200 acres, most of W ITH welds, with t h 'i r dart California. Jo h n and j pointing rkyward. E D W A R D HORTON JtSSI LLASRV «IC5ENTS A ro le ts, 1 9 1 9 a n d T hor through : which b v a -uable tim ber. Em ­ THEODORE POBERTS . in end to v 'sit C an n i-1 HELEN JEROME EDDY tho JAMES CRUZE rra ?■ .a m ountains. : ployees of th ? Amber company LOUISE UfAEJjU DRESSER ... PROOVCTIQH ■ ■■ ■ V / ' IvulJL 1918 D odges, 1922 4- i- fucvvv :.r r n’-M are f'"Ghting it. and conditions at . .. -•*• l j r.Ici:g tho top of c-nuv.'-n c ’ff ■ { 4 toduy indicat6 th a t it is c y lin d er O ldsm obile In the m orning we passed j ,jetCer- - ¡th ro u g h the sage and bunch -rs :si tvventy acres above mu •r- n...;try o{ N; . t k u . v. tj * ' ^ac ; Ji.ville is reported under a n d a 1919 H upm o- •1 n ltxngurp d an(^ flourishing herds of Utah. L°*ltro -’ ^T° Gres this week have Duro is an automatic bile coupe. ’ P Trt J i & 3 of p i’e- been reported in C rater National pressure system, entirely ?-an I driven trestle I, v ‘ » :r tho great Salt Feres , in spite of w eather condi­ tions. adaptable and necessary i y pL-n xr-A -nor5 1 ' ’ ° F®-4’ dìo the sun sank in this section, to relieve ° ¡ he^’nd tho w ater. “Meet Me at Lie Pam TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY The next morning, wc pesa farm homes of water W here a real floor, C i 1 * T’ / D Gill a” d ’-’m il- alon° th e highway, and see a- FO Wedge wood and a real crowd c shortage in the dry sea­ ............. J'<4Par.y of tourie s r .nk hub-deep! range -vith coil, $15.00. Inquire Inquire make your evening ter.ic-Drive, left this m o r^ -, . .. . . . . . i son. M aintains P ressure. ... , i 5 T * the mud of t h 2 t yommg roads. ¡152 G ranite St W e h av e it, 2 7 8 -lti F a ir Grounds, tonigl Ci U’Ji Plicy (lid 1 i We apeod through tho plains c f --------------------- Duro Shallow-Well systems vv exactly where they r iapp ✓ g ve a pressure of 25 pounds Orres tailors t . r neu nd : - Re o, but o:.ctod they would Nebraska, .Iowa and. I ’linois, and GOOD NEWS FOR to 35 pounds at all times, see tho m ighty Mississippi before LOCAL SHOW GOERS' r-umping autom atically to keep women, upatahs over McGees. ¡be gon a month. stonpieg in Chicago*. Then MONDAY ONLY w aiter supply on hand at all ! througli southern Canada, to Ni- Tho Kincaid D ram atic Com See yourself as others see you, on the screen - in addition to “ PETER F o rm er F-^sidcr.t ill— •pi-, tim ^s for house, barn, milk a n .ans w hl p.uj « ,l-.lag ra F a l’s. house, garden, bath and fire B utler Ht-’mau, and Mrs. Jan e i Jatlrso ííprings Sat. nite. . “ W onderful!” declared awe-in-j pany will open a weeks engage THE kR EA T” , with Charles Ray. Regular admission. protection. m ent in the Ashland parlc on nex C arter left this m orning for Edin, 1 277-2* ' 'p ired tourists. W ednesday night, July 30th. Calif., where *hoy w ere called by I j '- c i¡ d b :, .£ the w afer was j This company carries, it’s owr th o soricus illness cf the;? sistor, • entam ans "ill . play at running tho other way,” says a , te n t theatre, one of the finest ir Mrs. AIzneta Shepard. Mrs. Jackso: Ke - „ Springs ♦ , »♦ ■ ♦♦ — « Sat. nite. ¡ crass native. the west. It* is fully equipped Shepard was raised in A shlard | From N iagra Falls wo went with special scenery, electrical O ur Phone 82 and io well known to all older * • Main - P laza Ashland j affects and has one cf the '.argost residents. ll— :nce Hot Springs, Sat. nite : stages ever erected in a canvas 277-2t¡ Horn yesterday morning, to Sweet cream for whipping and Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Ricklay, of j coffee— also fresh milk, always Dotliam. Oregon, a six-pound son. : , j Go W here The Crowds Go! on ice at the Pl; 259— tf :.ir Grounds Pavilion, tonight. - ra- Rickxey is a sister of Mrs.; W e a r e clo sin g -o u t L a d ie s’ o u tin g ______ Georg« K ram er, of Ashland. Complete Unu of Ashland Can -.lr.nr R csjdcnts Wri e— ---------- clo th in g , b o o ts a n d shoes. - N ow is th e ned Goods at Detru ks. »4-ti‘ W ord u j recently received by NOTICE:— Bring your black- tim e to p r e p a re f o r t h a t o u tin g trip . 'hirnri friends from Mrs. Nellie J berries to the cannery before! Fall sty'i cud d-î usntôr H e len ,! noon, Saturday. B ' in at Orres tailors, upstairs. FP ROI I ■ * - • ben** I LL «I Why Be Uncomfortable, TOILET PAPER Extra large 2500 sheet rolls, 25c each E L H A R Ï’S M i t c h e l l ’s Look at the Good USED CARS Duro Makes Short | Shrift of W ater Shortage W I he LAplE¥ BOYCE - ITE Automotive* Shop Murphy Elec. Co. Mausoleum Entom bm ent Has no Com parison CUith Either Earth Interm ent or Crem ation Professor Thanked— In a letter w ritten by a gr son of Pro.’. H. G. J . ’.more i. mothor, now visiting here, grantisrn, a v. known. Ee flu tist and piani.~i, spoke hi of a c^emorlal hymn w ifC t, Mr. Gilmore, and ded*'“' “ ''’ relative, Clarence A. of tho four men who Cadiiluc factory. .Army Goods Store located in Sacram ento, where ;s Connor has a position with! l oiv'.-rral een n an y . In order! Mirs Loui: Gillette, of Ash- rh’ . ond ! land, a, i3 a new adaiticn to tho I n touch with ¡’.©graphic departm ent of the added their ! uers have add •ro heme c.'.iicc. in Medford. Lst of Tidings sub- ! Biggest Little Store in Ashland of course E v ery th in g for th a t outing astm an Fi'inv,— McNMr E ro ­ »autiful “open-air” Pavil- ’-•'.cNi? Coax*. Tlckcic L.-dics Free! FOR EVERY CAR in Medfoi«— v.tert this y m the mercury 204.5 - -M ail Tribune, ie tem paràture F err is needed some equipm ent w hich w ill m ake motor- ing m ore com fortable. om Porrlaxd— f---. S. J Chancy, p rrto r ? . Methodist church, re- j Cleaning, Pro in Mednesday night from ’ w here he attended a i Ing a t Paulreru ■J Eyrtip Pepsin. -—Me-; of the Board of H o m e; Iiet up fill your pail w ith Sw ifts' Missions, of which he is a m e m -! SllvTer Lew lard. C o ss leas than ( states th a t effects of d ry ! -------- ahortoim .v. uoea fa. ie r and is ' w eather are m arked from here a l l ! Trouble«— Kay Nei!, more nutritions. D etra ks ys-r the way to Portland, even through ! Kenuotii Hobson Ashland agents for the Oregon- W illam ette valley. an, staged a five m inute battle Visited He: «— w ith th( r delivery “ bug” in (located Cur­ J. L. Anderson A nother group cf Reserve Of ■rent cf tb s Tiding3 office yes- ^tuderson. oF., ct ia , P ,-. fircr;-’ Training Corps boys, from J terday morning. A fter cranking} visited a t he Payr ..h e L : ersity of California, who ■ about half a m inute, the engine I stre et thi • w-. h. .. - _ve be- n attending th e a n n u a l, would s ta rt, and ju s t as the boys : who is a contra: eon ;m e n t at Camp Lewis, i w«?ro ready to get in, would stop!' Oregon w ith avi ■ r j ' v.'as’: ng'.on, passed through A sh-i asnin. A fter five attem pts to get j and was much i ”.d :.,s morning. According to ] th e seat before the engine died. A sh.and anu its p: . . .h t- machine w r.. 'T h e p k e boys pushed th eir m ach in e’ : P w ith a College E ducation.” : Auto the street and let it c o ast' Dacca at oper- Y esterday ar.d today, seven c a r s ,! Jsw n hill to a gas station. Lithia park, Satnr ‘5-3:f Fords, passed through from ---------- . damp Lewis. The Universities of C rater J .r k e - - - . - A C alif-ruia S au th err C.id.fcrn’a , } ‘ -- P~r:y composed of Mr9. Lulu Maxadon. to whom we furnieh- od all his mi k. having dirpoK d of C ’ o g o n a n d Utah w ere rep resen t-, Wil-on, Ja n e t W nson, Jane Pol-j ! lard, E dith Hall and Mr. Hall ■ his route, we will deliver the cd. _____ ! recently returned ' from a th re e -i same high quality m ilk - t 10 ¡ day trip to C rater Lake, They) ren ts a quart, from certified herd I r:n i" G rants Pass>•— Mr H ctt, of G rants Pass, ar- m ads the drive around the rim ! L ininget’a Dairy. Phene 3GJ-J. a Ashland yesterday mom - road, and declare it to be the} — 276-tf ing to fee el the bedside of her m ost delightful«feature of th e e n - i Tc Lake 01 Woods— son, Gilbert, w ac was injured two tire trip . Yeaterday Louis Dodge drove day:, age n ta ; the overhead ______ c u t io l ak«» of the Woods, taking -g .O Kh m Ashland. Mr. j H ot in Medford— provisions and supplies,- a 1 to- ■- vas up the d a / before, b u t' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bailey and j day took out his fam ily and Mrs. had to retu rn to G r-ntc Pans, daughter, Mrs. B. T. Treffren, h W. T. Abbot*, of Angeles, where he is employe-’ by 13; q Cal- and Mr3 F. R'ce and George . Tho party will spend a m onth’s Uomia-Oregon power company. Bailey left Thursday for a w eek’s ; vacation a t A shland’s summer — ----- vacation in Ashland, Medford a n d : playground. The Th ing's Ails Bring Results Portland.— Y reka News. 1 Madden s c ... M. LEEDOM HAS IT! __ New T runk Racks F o r E v ery Oar Modern ervpt entombment, to which Kelly Springfield Tires th in k in g the outgrowth of the practice of tin* ant people ¡c u ts away in such time-defying mausoleums as art* r a p i d l y turning, is who laid their honored ones th e Egyptian p y r a m id s . They believed, as do the more advanced moderns of today, that burial in Chamois and Sponges the earth lacked in the elements of respect, protection ami jierinaneney F o r E v ery C ar that are due to those who sleep. So they hewed out v a u lts of s to n e am i there gave to their loved ones secure repose. Mason Tires F o r E v ery C ar • In the m agnificent„vault or sepulchre, which is being arranged for Ashland, the bodily form will rest within vaults of concrete anti marbled These vaults will be herm et'cally sealed, and, like the pyramids of old, will protect the body against the destructive ele­ m ents of air and m osture, and protect it from vandals, where the body finally turns to ashes by evaporation through the outlet pipes. Lincoln Shock Absorbers « F o r E v ery C ar 2 T C Tires : F o r E v ery C ar I But finer still, it will give to the living a place of beauty, whe-» they can visit with their ! loved ones at any time, under shelter, and w ill fortify them with the knowledge that their loved ones will rest, truly a t peace. Instead of abandoning your loved ones to desolate earth, isn't ft far, far better to place them in vaults and buildings of stone and 'marble, above the ground? Fly Ring Gears F o r E v ery Car and hundreds of other parts For Every Car Lecdom’s Tire House j z Mr. Mason will be glad to explain to Ashland citizens the simple plan under which they can subscribe for crypts in the Ashland Memorial Mausoleum, if yon phone The Tidings, Phone 39, or Mayor Loomis, Phone 9 7. All space wili be taken within a few days, so do not delay. Visit the Mausoleum when in the vicinity of Mountain Vic-vr Cemetery. » M M M »