Í A O fitO M » ASfllÁtfft DAILY «D IM A fcalUKlh), July lid. ifrtU Classified Column REDMOND BOY HURT BY F IR E TRECK B E N D , July S O C IE T Y * N. woodald«» Who are vliUlng Joy6e Jphnson with violin. V. K [ hers, Mrs. A. C. Rrigga, Mrs, Ira Aiiisofi will sing “ The Judgm ent.” Shoudy’S guest ftfld Mr. Lon Ed- C hristian Endeavor at 7 o'clock wards, Mrs. Louis Dodge’s fath er | P- M. Union services at Presby- were guests of the C hapter for the terian church at 8 P. M. pleasaht affair. —----------------------- Use Yourself as Vfell as the 25. — A double Barber Uses Vòu Lessen the Horrors MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor C lassified Colum n R ates m isfortune visited the Frank Mc­ Phon© items to her a t 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. One cent the word each Donald home near Redmond when of a Fire and evenings. tim e. at the same time th at the farm To run every issue for one house was burning to the ground i ..............” ” * * ” Litliians E n tertain — A fire is horrifying and des­ month or more, fcc the word Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Greenwood,i McDonald’s ten-year-old son. CALENDAR OF TH E W EEK tructive, hut there is one way Thursday evening’s party w a s 1 wlH do wh« each time. Francis, who was carrying sm all; Saturday, July 26. G. A. R. Mrs. J. K. McClaren, of Rogue! by which the horror can be another of the very successful a f - ! _ rid your system of Catawh o?D°a£ River and Mrs. Van Wegen. lessened and by which the des­ articles away front the flaming meets at Armory, truction can be partly counter­ A fter the pleasant visit a b o u t! fairs for which the Lithians are aess caused by Catan h. building, was run over by a truck. I Monday, July 28. W. R. C. Club famed. balanced. FOR RENT SoU by druggútt to t (n e t 40 yean the table, goodbyes were spoken, J The boy is lying in a plaster ' meets in Park, In this m stance. the wives of J - C H E N E Y &. C O , T o le d o O k - Tuesday, July 29. Open House all feeling it had been another the p members and a num ber of __________ FOR RENT — 5 room unfur­ cast, his spine probably fractttr- ledo.ObJo After a Fire, ed. J Civic Club House. Hostesses p ro -! of the h aPPy tim es this neigh- nished house. Inquire 24 2 Gran­ house guests were the compii-! borhood have a fashion of having. if you have insurance, you feel vided. ite or Phone 340-R. 268-tf mented guests. - • « * comforted by the knowledge FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid- • • • No effort had been spared to th a t the insurance money will tngs; 25c per bundle. dh Í Speedw ay Club H ave P icnic— W. R. c . Club— make it an event long to be re-I enable yen to rebuild ‘ vour FOR SALE The W. R. C. Club Social will membered. The men proved roy­ can be greatly increased if The Speedway Club, the social property or replenish your s to c k of m e rc h a n d is e . N ever FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers , organi sation of the Royal Neigh- , oceur Monda-V afternoon in the al hosts. you keep them repaired and in The com m ittee in he unprotected— is the best good usable condition. bors had a very delightful picnic P a rk - milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- charge of the arrangem ents were protection. We do all kinds of shoe dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo‘ supper in the Park, last night. A num ber of hostesses are pro- the Messrs. Kenneth McWilliams, repairing The invitations included the j v*ded an<^ a Rood attendance is chairm an, L. N. Woodside, S. A. Good Insnrance— Phone 5 8 FOR SALE or TRADE— 24 Royal Neighbors and th eir fa m -; expected- Peters Jr., M. H. Ellis and D r.1 acres river bottom land, 2 miles ¡lies. Tables were laid for around Crandall. % west of G rants Pass, under grav­ ' forty r nests. Luncheon for O fficers of P . T. The carb aret supper was served Now may save your house ity ditch, crop included. Will A.— It hsd been planned as a cov­ Office Hotel Ashland on th e platform and the menu de­ tra d e for Ashland residence prop­ from costly deterioration later. The Medford P. T. Circles en­ lightfully satisfying. The tables ered cksh dinner and a wonder­ erty, 203 K. St.. G rants Pass, ful dinner it was. Tables groan- tertained th e faculty of the P. T. were beautifully decorated in Oregon, F. M. W lchman, 272— 6tf ed under their burden of delicious Institute, Mrs. J. F. Hill, nation­ flowers and greenery donated F u ller P ain ts save th e surface j viands, to which all brought al vice-president National Con­ from the greenhouse. FOR SALE — Oat Hay, 314 You, merrv hearts and appreciative ap­ gress P. T., Miss Frances Hays, W hile th e men were supposed Garfield. 275-6tf Farmers Attention field secretary for N ational Con­ to attend to every thing a p p e r-! petites for the satisfying menu. Your Business, The evening afterw ard was gress P. T. and Mrs. G. Ji P erk ­ taining th ere to, it was hinted FOR SALE CHEAP — Pure- Fly season will soon be on. Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. spent in jolly visit. Every one ins, state president of the Ore- th a t fair fingers assisted in the) bred Jersey bull or will trade. 500 Your Finances voted th a t this was one of t h e , £ °n p - T. and the other sta te of- preparation of the delicious com­ Bos. fly spray for your cow’s T errace St. 275-3* the best fly killer made. Gard­ happiest gatherings of the year. ficers at a very attractiv e lunch­ bination salad. en Hose, and garden tools, Are they In complete harmony * * * eon a t twelve o’clock, Thursday, SUBURBAN HOMES Vari-colored shades for which fencing and binder twine, and accord? Do you regulate Civic Club News— a t th e Blue Flower Lodge in Johnny Gruelle was responsible, Rent insurance costs mowers and repairs alwavs on For a country home close to your business and your finan­ The Civic Club will have an Phoenix. town, it would be hard to find lent added beauty to the scene. hand. little, but pays big ces, or, do they regulate you. a p re ttie r location th an the The hour was set thus early Mr. Cruelle also acted as toast­ Executive Board m eeting at two All three should be in h ar­ should you lose rental Bellview district, ju st east of mony with because of the w ork of th e In sti­ m aster and the program offered o’clock, Tuesday, July 29th. Ashland. This district sits in mcorhe through a fire. At three o’clock open house will tu te Friday afternoon. much In originality and profund­ an adm irable position, afford­ It w ill im prove your health The Community The distinguished members of be held as usual, with a num ber ity. ing a panoramic view unex­ the faculty leave this evening for of hostesses present. celled. Dancing to the music of Love­ You are the perform er, your Portland. The In stitu te has been The new irrigation ditch Every one is cordially welcom­ land’s orchestra followed, and Fresh daily at business is your instrum ent, which will be finished this fall ed at these afternoons and those a w onderful success, with a large hosts and guests are quite of the anil the finances is the tune will afford ample w ater for having visitors from a distance attendance of interested women. opinion th a t parties such as th at yon play. If you feel your next season and I predict much daily perform ance is not up Ashland feels th a t this has been are urged to bring th eir guests to Real Estate & Real Insurance of Thursday evening’s should be activity and increase in Drice to standard we will be glad to a splendid opportunity for ad­ Estab. 1883 Inspect the Club house of which often repeated. of real estate in th a t district. help in colving the problem. 41 E - Main St. Phone 211 vancem ent along lines of the the Club and Ashland are justly BETTER BUY NOW O ther than the members Mr. Forty acre tract, half mile utm ost im portance — welface of and Mrs. Blackstone, guests at the proud. Representing the off Boulevard, tw enty acres the child and appreciate the fact Miller home. Miss Gwendolyn Bat- insurance COMPANY OF cultivated, mostly in fruit, sev­ I). A, R. Meets— th a t the In stitu te was held here. tersbee, Mrs. Ellis’ sister, and two NORTH AMERICA en acres under the new ditch, • • • Founded 1792 The D. A. R. held a business friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe W ind­ tw enty acres pasture and wood meeting at the cal, of the R eg en t,, Sunday School C lass P icnic— land. All of the land has a sor who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. PHYSICIANS ! Miss Blanche Hicks, at which ai gentle slope to the north. Will Mrs. J. R. R obertson’s class of Fsrlow as special guests, were in sell this land and build a five -r - - - - DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ ! num ber of business m atters were the Presbyterian church, which attendance. room house for the purchaser The U N IV E R S IT Y of O R E G O N includes the Training C ass at m aking the term s very, very dence and office, 108 Pioneer disposed of th a t were pending. It was decided a t this meeting present, with a num ber of other contains: attractive. Price $5000.00. avenue. Telephone 28. Office to purchase plates showing the Eight room modern bunga­ invited guests enjoyed a very The College of Literature, Science hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 low extremely nice inside, all correct use of the flag and have pleasant picnic supper in Lithia and the A rts with 22 departments. p. m. only. kinds of conveniences, well these shown with proper explan­ Park Friday evening. The professional schools of A rchi­ with inexhaustable supply of The B aptist Church Supper 'was planned for six- water, electric ¡pumping sys­ DR ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- ation before the special patrio­ tecture and A llied A rts—Business Why Did God Make You? is tlce lim ited to eye, ear, nose and tic occasions on which the flag is thirty, and all present did full tem, good barn and other out A dm inistration—Education—G rad­ from the mountains now. buildings, large shade trees, th ro at— X-ray including teeth. displayed. By so doing, there will justice to the very satisfying re­ the them e for Sunday mornipg u ate S tu d y —J o u rn a lis m —Law_ Why not order your w inter’s supply of some fru it trees, two and a half M edicine— M usic—Physical Edu­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te be no need of any one who notes past th a t well-filled baskets had at the B aptist church. Special acres, level but sightly loca­ wood and let us haul it direct, thereby music. We are looking for a cation—Sociology—Extension 5. Swedehburg Bldg., Ashland, the explanation in the paper, m ak­ provided. tion. Price $5500.00, very ing m istakes in the use of the The guests lingered long in the great meeting Sunday morning. saving hauling it twice. Ore. easy term s or will add six For a catalogue or am? information ____________________ flag. Last Sunday morning the house quiet visit th a t filled out so hap­ acres of young pear trees foí­ Write The Registrar, University of DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic] * * * pily the delightful evening. was filled almost to capacity. You an additional thousand dollars. Oregon, Eugene, Oregon The house is in splendid con­ and Electro-Therapy, Office I Fam ily G athering— will enjoy this service. There dition, stone and concrete phone 48; residence 142. F irst A nother pleasant gathering oc F am ily Picnic— will be no preaching service at The 49th Year Opens September 25, ¡924 foundation, basement heating curred Saturday evening in Lithia A family reunion took place in i 1 e eburcb in the evening owing National Bank building. plant and could not be dupli­ Park when Mrs. Buchanan, W. E. Lithia P ark last Sunday when the to the uniono church services and cated today for less than DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings Jr. and Gail with Mrs. Buchan-i members of the E. E. Miller fam- the evangelistic services at the $7000.00. I am afraid you office. Phone 91. ‘‘In th e Heart o f T ow n” will wonder what is the m at­ an's m ather, Mrs. Kate Kee fro m ; lly gathered for a most delightful chataqua. Sunday evening will P A TIO ? J te r w ith it and I suggest th at he the close of the rem arkable iTv't8? a v o W d - o r to rp id Medford, met Mrs. Frank Shaffer dinner and visit afterw ards during DR. c . W. HANSON you come and s e e .' er, b ilio u sn ess,in d ig estio n j and her children in the P ark, and ; the afternoon. series of meetings. Dr. G arr is and gassy pains result. Dentist Easy to take, thoroughly cleansing a very happy reunion was held. The ones pre8ent for this pleas. a great preacher. His boy has a For instance; here is a 5 Special attention given to pyor­ j The delightful feature of w hich,. ant gathering were Mr. and Mrs. I m arvel° us voice for one of his acre tract on the Paved High­ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver 'w a s the picnic supper which all E E M1n er> Mr and Mrs j E ' age- Tbey will long be remem-i C H A M B E R L A IN ’ i S way, only 2 miles out, good TABLETS soil, some fru it trees, fine Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. enjoyed most thoroughly. j Rowland of Bellview, Mr and Mrs. j bered for their messages. The Never ditappeint or nauseate—25e building spot, panoramic view, The Buchanan family, who are c M Hamilton and family, a n d ' Young People will hold their us- for $750. MONUMENTS • * • • • guests of relatives in M edford,; ivir. and Mrs. H arry Young of! ua^ serv*c®a 6:45. Other services A well built, plastered, 6 ASHLAND GRANITE and Ashland were guests at the Phoenix. A sister of Mrs. Young, ! as anuounc©d from the pulpit, room bungalow, full basement, home of Mr. and Mrs. Evans of j w^o ,g vj8jtjng them from Oak-! Sunday school which has not only MONUMENTS concrete foundation, first class Ashland Sunday at a very delight- jand( was also present. i boen keeping up but growing un- Oregon G ranite Co. poreclain bath and toilet fix­ ful dinner. I The Miller’s have relatives der th e leadership of Supt. Gear. S. PENNISTON, Salesman. tures, sightly front, close to Res. 4 7 6 Laurel P h on e 444-Y * * i visiting them this week and sev-; m eet a t 9:45. 'You will re- center of town, and the price is only $2100. Don’t let the '! Social Circle— j eral trips have been taken, in- ce’ve a welcome at this church. price scare you. It ju st hap­ The meeting of the Social Cir­ eluding one to C rater Lake, and B. C. Miller, Pastor. PLANING MILL pens to be a rare sacrifice snap cle, W ednesday afternoon at ---------- 1 — T . several family gatherings are * • ♦ • • JORDON S SASH AND CABINET j home of Mrs. W right on Mountain j planned , M ethodist Episcopal Church City lots. Acreage, Orchards, WORKS, Cor. Helman and avenue, was a very successful af- * * * S. J. Chan ey,Minister Farm s, Stock Ranches and Van Ness. The Sunday School will meet at 194tf fair. Business Opportunities. . .Mystic Seven Meet— * • * * • 'r n A v a n n » ----------- i The attendance was especially TJje Mystic Circle, with its per­ 9:45. Classes are provided for _ R AND EXPRESS large, there being forty-four pres- If your price is attractive, fect num ber in membership have all agws and all are welcome. h ittle T ransfer & Storage Co. ent to enjoy Mrs. W right’s hos- I will be glad to list w hat you begun a series of parties th a t will "W hen the voice was past, Jesus have for sale. If I sell it will for SERVICE. , . „ . i pita ity. doubtless continue until its p e r - jwas i°hnd aloue” Is the text for he a t your price and you pay xperienced movers and pack- i The afternoon was spent in a sonnel have to again take up their tbe p asto r’s sermon a t the morn- the commission. I do .not spec­ ers of household goods. Deal- social way, visiting and needle college work. ! ine church service. There will ulate on the ow ner’s property. * • « • • ers in coal and wood. Phone work occupying the time. The One of the group has m arried : be special music. “ The Bible in 117. CALL ON THE MAN WHO younger folk, sought the lawn, sjnce ja s^ meeting and their ! the Life o f th é W o r ld ” is the ADVERTISES Office 89 Oak St. near w here games were in order and (jrg^ gathering took the form of a i topic for the Epworth League Ashland, Orc. Hotel Ashland many of those of older growth ! «.porch P a rt y” , with Mrs. Otto meeting at 0:45, The union ser- watched the fun from the porch. | Neidermeyer, nee Nellie Hake, as j vice will be at the Presbyterian Eeard dties celebratin8 ^heir centennials, but did you ever hear òf a city Staples Realty Agency T- L. POW ELL——General Trans Miss Milby, a house guest at j hostess at h er home In Jac k so n -! church at 8 P. M. celebrating its first birthday anniversary! T h a t’s w hat Longview, Washington, is going 71 E. Main, Ashland Hotel Bid. Jr^ s ° ? J r , aDd m° tOr the V’ K ’ Alli6On h° me‘ delishted ! ville. to do July 31, A ugust i, 2 and 3, and the whole Pacific N orthw est is invited. Four days trucks. G»od service at a rea- h er hearer8 in playing for th eir | are to full will of v unusual * of the ' to entertain ' program, and ’ g plans are machinery made thousands o f ■ visitors. Miss Edith Robison, lately re-i Firsl Church of Christ Scientist T be he crammed celebration open w ’ ith R e s ta rtin in Longview’1 eonab.e price. Phone 83. , a did Miss Louise MISCELLANEOUS ¡pleasure, as did Miss ,jOUlse turned from Los Angeles, took t h e : Pioneer Ave., South s first big indus' great lumber manufacturing plants o f T he Long-Bell Lumber Compa M°c r- I m erry party in her car to the! Sunday morning set vices at 11 pany. T h a t alone fehige - roach WANTED — Desirable 5 or 6 ! will be worth a trip to what the newspapers call the miracle city,” on the Washington side of The hostess, asssted by Mrs. W. jlOme of tb e hostess. , o’clock. Subject of lesson room furnished house, near ju n - ! Transfer — Express — Storage E. Moor, served delicious ice* the Columbia River L,lf way between Portland and Ccoaider th«e esKntiab- Those with her were the M isses; "T ru th ” . Sunday Schoo! at 10 the Pacific Ocean. ior high. Phone 304-J. 274-tf ' Hauling — Dray work of all cream and w afers at the close of M argaret McCoy, K atherine P a r - 1 o’clock. ■Transportation by river, by sea, by rail and ly W ednesday evening A year ago Longview was dedicated as the beginning kinds. Quick motor service. Dry highway. ! 80nB, G ertrude Brown, Mabel i meeting at 8 o’clock. of a city with the formal opening of its first pretentious — Acceaalble markets, domestic and foreign. NOTICE:— Bring your black­ wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R the pleasant afternoon. building—the beautiful Hotel Monticello. Since that day Miss Milby, guest of the Adi- ! T ro tt, and P auijne Plum mer. ! Reading Room open dally from —Expertly planned industrial districts. berries to the cannery before 37 6 B. St. 112-tf the transformation has feen little short of marvelous. —Raw materials. son’s and Mrs. Sarah Leach, a Among the Interesting things 2 until 5 P. M„ excepting Sun­ noon, Saturday. Bagley Caning Not long ago the site ef Longview was nothing but a —Putl and power. broad valley. KING’S TRANSFER— Service sister of Mr. J. V. W right, who i tk at occupjed tjie attention of the days and holidays. Co. 277-2t —Labor. Here are some of the things you will see when you * • • —Unexcelled climate. day or night at reasonable rates. ' has been visiting the W rig h ts fo r' Q|ub was first, the initiation of attend the birthday celebration: FOUND— Glasses in case. Own­ Wood for sale. Phone 113, Res. some weeks were special guests the new member of the circle, —A modem community. Presbyterian Church Population 5,000; paved streets, concrete sidewalks; —Populous contiguous territory. e r may have same by paying for 231 Van Ness. for when a member m arries auto­ 265— lm o at this pleasant arair. Sunday school a t 9:45. Al! de­ sewers; water system; many permanent business buildings; —Scenic environs. Among the many in attendance this ad. 277-2tf three modem hotels; daily newspaper; electric power matically the husband becomes a partm ents of Bible study and all All of these essentials to a city’s growth and progre-s plant with an ultimate capacity of 36,000 kilowatt«; more are to be found in Longview to a marked degree and yet, at the meeting were noted the part of the circle, lienee the Init­ are welcome to these classes. A t­ B lacksm ith Shop WANTED— Good farm w agon.! than 70c modem homes and .many others under construc­ land and property values in this rapidly growing com­ the Mesdames F. iation. Mr. Neidermeyer stood tendance good In spite of the f a c t! Blacksmith Shop. East Main following: tion; a Community House, equip­ Phone 120 or call Ashland Green­ munity are decidedly reasonable St. Horseshoeing, Automobile prow son’ Delia Hale, Sarah Leach, j t be ordeai with becoming forti- that many are away for vacation. ped with gymnasium, swimming and fair. Longview would have house. 275-3tf ! pool, auditorium, etc.; modern Spring work a specialty. Aufo Newland, Prose, J. B. Cochran. ; tl|de you investigate for yourself. Morning W orship at 11. Sermon street lighting system; parks, Four Days of Pleasure and Profit parts. (. Moss Moor, H atcher, Allison, You've heard of Longview. Few The new home of the recent subject, “ A Restless World and boulevards, golf course, athletic IRA YERIAN. 252-1 mo. i P isher- F - P u tm an - Wm- Rice- bride came in for its share of at- new cities have been written ard W ANTED— Clean cotton field, tennis courts; a complete an Awakened C hurch.” C. E. at he 1 business men and town»- talked about as has this new i n d u s ­ people bave planned a great oele- ‘ Bui die, McKinney. H attie S m ith ,' tention and was duiy inspected. municipal government; suburban rags. No overalls, underw ear 6:45. Union services at the bratioi trial center. Now here is your ration for the entertainment of garden lands; modem schools, BEAGLE & BEAGLE, Painters— F. D. Swingle, W right, Ethel the new city’« gueete. or w oolen goods accepted. Delicious refreshm ents was t h e ! Presbyterian church 8:00. Pray- great opportunity to come and see places for religious worship and A special oelebratioo will mark the Day work or contract. Estim ates Doyle, the Misses Milby and Vera happy finale of R happy afternoon er and Bible Study Hour led by it with your own eyes—to see the 5 cents per pound, T idings fra te rn a l g a th e rin g s;—in all, Long-' ill opening. opening, The pressing >ng-Bell mill «tarring of one of the greatest Free. P. O. Box 1 < 1. 2 66-6t* j W right and many young folks and ! and before adjournm ent, plans ! pastor Wednesday, July 30, 7:30 of a button will etart the o ffice. __ tf you will find in Longview every lumber manufacturing plants ever Other events during the four day« facility found in any other care­ children, totalling over forty were made for another meeting in P. M. Studying St. John, 4th include: built—to sec a close-up of the GET YOUR STOVE repaired at present. ’ fully planned, typically American W ater fetes on the Columbia itiver: Pacific Northwest's newest c f the the near future. Chapter. Fireworks Display«; city to make life comfortable and FOR SALE FRYERS— Dressed Eagle Iron and Brass W orks,! * * » larger industries—to see a vigor­ Band Concerts; J. C. Mergler, Pastor enjoyable. ous, ambitious, confident young and delivered. 25c pound. Mrs. Oberlain street. New grates and Neighborhood P a r t y - Parades; * • * P. E. O. Picnic— But Longview has other attrac­ Street Carnival; city celebrating its first birthday. Salsbury, 7-F-3. 277-2 liners made to order, any style A delightful neighborhood Round-up: tions also that its citizefis want Thursday evening, Chapter A. A true Western welcome awaits Church of Christ Athletic Contests; stove. Stock on hand. Stoves for party occurred Thursday even- you to see and enjoy, especially if Airplane Flights: you. Come prepared to spend the C. of the P. E. O. sisterhood en­ In spite of warm w eather and FOR SALE — By owner. A Addresi tee by notable speaker«. entire four days. You'll have the you are a business ma-.i looking for ___________________264-lm o. | jng when a num ber of families joyed a very delightful picnic in vacation season the audiences good modern 5-room plastered Billy Sunday will preach rime of your life and, a: the same a good location, or a person seek­ and aiternoon sermons duni house close In, good location. 550 Second Hand good s bought, sold from Liberty street gathered in Lithia Park. every day in every way are get- ■ rime, you may find the very spot gust 3. ing an ideal place in which to the Park about six o’clock for on earth you have long been locL- Dinner was planned for 6:30, Fairview St. ting b etter and better. Won’t you Sacred Band concert Sunday make your home, or one seeking an 277-6tf exchanged,repaired. Collected and mg for— the place to make your a picnic supper. > with the Chapter membership and attractive investment. come too? Next Lord’s Day B ib le! _ delivered. Chair Doctor, Cor,3rd. liermanent home. The contents of well-laden their families, and a num ber of school at 9:45. A cash prize of i and A St., Phone 295R. 232-2mo. baskets were soon transferred to out o f town visitors as guests. For a smooth shave $10 will be given the last Sun-j I DO FANCY cement work, ; tables: said contents, the guests A very pleasant evening follow­ day in August to the class t h a t ! and quick service go chimneys, septic tanks; also cem- found altogether satisfying and ed the delightful dinner, to whose has the best average in atten d ­ te the Shell Barber etry work, etc., J. D. Peffley, 143 to which they did full justice. delicacies the guests gave appre­ ance and growth during July and Shop. Ladies and «fh St. 227— lm o* Those who gathered about th e ciative attention. August. Communion or Lord’s children get your hair friendly board were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. F. Hill, one of the na­ Supper on each first Day of the bobbed and marenl- ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May F. H. W alker and family, Mr. tional vice-presidents of P. T. A. week (Acts 20:7) at 11 A. M. > led. communicate with Ensign Lee and Mrs. Jam es Rudd, E. K. Hall, Miss Frances Hays, National field Preaching at 11:15 A. M. S u b ject,! of the Salvation Army at the Mrs. Wilsdn, Miss Edith Hall, A. SHELL. Prop. secretary and Mrs. G. J. Perkins, "W hat W ill the H arvest B e?” WhlteShield Home, *565 May- Jan et Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. state president of P. T. A., Mr. Special music with Miss Beth M S A. St. A shland, Oro fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. Stockton, and Mrs. Isbell, parents of Mrs. Johnson a t the- piano apd Miss H a ll’s C a ta r r h Your Shoes’ Value •Î A Little Painting OVERLAND Shoe Shop Carter & Mills McNair Brothers Sruf J. O. RIGG For Your Protection Whole-Wheat Bread PEIL’S CORNER ÏTYofOREGON Li thia Bakery Billings Agency First National Bank PROFESSIONAL AT THE WE ARE HAULING WOOD Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. LONGVIEW'S greatest celebration 3bAu?. 1*2*3 C / Double, Occasion Longview’s First Birthday and the Opening of the great Long-Bell Fir Mill T LONGVIEW « W A S H IN G TO N July 31, Auáust 1. 2 and 3 «