Mut unlay, July 2A, 1024 AfltttÁÑD M B A tfö itfö ä 2,600.14 Taxes ...... ........... Engineering ............................ 91.00 6.63 in bank Interest on funds Office supplies ................. ;. 52.43 SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND D ISB U R SE­ Cutting~and sawing wood .... 100.00 Miscellaneous ..... 51.50 (E sta b lish ed in 18T «) MENTS OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND, OREGON, FOR THE PER ­ Lum ber and cement ............ Dtékurséntdnts I 104.10 1,042.00 IOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1924, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1924. Checking Salaries ............................. irrigation rates .... 60.00 60.65 R ecorder’s O ffice, A shland, O regon, Lights and telephone ..... P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by Blacksm ithing ....................... 33.45 Ju ly 21, 1924. ‘ 150.00 Jan ito r work .............. Insurance .................. '............. ASHLAND PRINTING GO. 45.50 204.00 GENERAL FUND Insurance ....... ;................ Repairing sidewalk cut by W ater Dept. 14.50 20.00 Fuel .................................. Jan u ary 1, 1924. _ „ Bert R. Greer .................................................... - ..........—.....................Editor Supplies .............................................................. ¿ ‘ " 456‘ 16 82.60, Rebinding books .......... Balance ....................................................................................... 13,441.80 Repairing pavement ........................................ George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager 183.95 45.00 Labor on building ...... REC EIPTS Services of F. F. Henshaw, Engineer . .... 35.97 150.00 Books and subscriptions OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R ..........................................................Telephone 39 Taxes ......................................... 1...................... v............ ...................25,377.40 1 Miscellaneous .............. 26.54 19.40 Supplies ................ ........... E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice a s Second C lass M ail M attar Licenses .........................................................-.................................... 326.00 j Land purchased 150.44 Miscellaneous .................. Fines in City C ourt ................................................. ........................ 122.00 j Dunn Tract in watershed ................................... 1,577.00 90.00 Balance June 30, 1924 Subscription P rice, D elivered in City In terest on funds in bank ............................................................... 429.50 Rocho Tract in w atershed ....... „ ..................... 1,600.00 ____ > .^5 One M o n th ----- Rent of city property ................................................................... 40.00 | Jones Tract in w atershed ................................... 3,533.15 3,533.15 32.50 ....... 1,95 Interest on 240,000 U. S. T reasury Certificates ................. Three M onths 950.00 Reader Tract in watershed ................... SEW ER F I ND 1 730.85 ____ 3.75 Bis M onths___ Talent Irrigation l)ist. Expense. 801.60 1 Jan. 1, 1924. ____ 7.6« Premium on bonds sold ............................................................... One Y e a r ------- 3S1.2S Legal services and expenses .......................... Miscellaneous .......................................................................................... 67.69 677.80 Balance B y M all and R ural B o o te s: Reim bursem ents of election expense— Auto. Camp Im pvt...... 112.80 F irst payment for w ater right to 600 acre R eceip ts One M onth........................ - ........................................... - ..................... I 1.35 feet of w ater ........................................ 20,000.00 T ransfers Taxes Three Mònths ....... - ............................................................................. Transfer to Talent W ater Sinking Fund ........ 1.500.00 D isbursem ents From Fire Dept. F und— Paym ent of loan ............................... 600.00 3.50 Six M o n th s..................- .............................................................- .............. — 75.40 6,371.81 349.92 Balance June 30, 1924 ........................................ Labor on sewer mains 6.50 H 'gh & Church St. Sidewalk Fund— Sidewalk eno. ex .'.... One Year ............................................................................................. 2.65 Street Fund— construction of crosswalk on High St................ 35.20 Covering for septic tank 304.58 47,379.45 47,379.45 Balance June 30, 1924 Sewer Dist. No. 26 Fund— Expense of sewer construction .... 629.00 DISPLAY ADVERTISING R A TES: ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND DISBUR SEM ENTS Single insertion, per inch ................ ...... ...................................- 5 .80 382.63 Jam 1, 1924. 382.63 Y early Contracts: Salary of Mayor and Council ...................................................... 2 137.50 Balance .......................................................... 8,318.31 .27% Telephones for Council ................................................................. SEW ER DISTRICT NO. 2« FUND One insertion a week ..................................................................... 67.50 Receipts .25 Receipts f*fcc insertions a w e e k ................................................................... Salary of City T reasurer ............................................................. 125.00 Electric light rents ............................................ 28,258.02 Assessments collected .................. ....................... 170.00 .20 EaRy insertion ..................................................................... -................. Salary of City Judge ...................................................................... 208.20 ’ Connect fees .......................................................... 223.00 From sale of Impvt. Bond ............. , 459.00 R ates fo r L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising Salary of City A ttorney ............................................................... 375 .0 0 Street lighting ...................................................... 3,056.77 D isbursem ents First insertion, per S point line ............_.................................. $ .10 Engineer’s services ...................................................................................61.25 W iring licenses .......................................................... 30.00 Reim bursem ent of am ount advanced by .05 Bach subsequent insertion, 8 point line For labor ................................................................. 40.05 General Fund to pay for construc­ 1.00 of Thanks ... 22.25 Sale of supplies ..................................................... tion of sewer ........................................ 629.00 .02% Street lighting ................................................... a ................................ 3,056.77 Obltnariee, per line. Miscellaneous ........................................................ 2.45 Clock rental ........................................................................................ 7.50 D isbursem ents v 629.00 629.00 WHA'i CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING Auditing accounts of treasu rer and Recorder ...................... 48.10 P roduction "All future ^Bvei , where an admission charge is made or a SE W E R BOM) REDEMPTION FUND Surety bonds ...................................................................................... 82.50 C urrent purchased* ......................................$ 5,036.00 collection taken In A< irtlsing. Jail. 1, 1924. 930.70 Care of public toilets ...................................................................... 25.00 1,870.00 Operation of P lan t ................................... No discount will ce allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Balance .......................................................... Cutting wood ..................................................................................... 12.50 246.35 Labor on dam ............................................ R eceipts 176.83 DONATIONS 9.75 Hay for elk .......................... 26.35 Miscellaneous ........................ :..................... Assessments collected ..................... ............. No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis­ Plate glass in s u ra n c e ...................................... 14.35 M aintenance— Accrued interest on bond sold to E. L. Ovp 1.90 2,217.39 in g or ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. Services of H ealth Officer ............................................................. 20.00 Labor ............................................................... Fund ..................................................... 475.00 Salaries Recorder and A ssistant ............. D isbursem ents Labor on am bulance ...................................................................... 217.92 JULY 26 90.34 195.70 Office supplies ............................................... Repairing defective sidewalk ...................................................... 25.00 Interest on Bonds .............................................. BE SURE YOUR SIN W ILL FIND YOU OUT. -Numbers 32:23. Indigent expense ............................................................................. 1,019.09 256.95 Car expense ................................................. 37.78 Balance June 30, 1924 ........................... ....... 13.75 C utting wood ............................................... Salary of Recorder ..................... 300.00 1,109.43 1,109.43 58.50 R epairing pipe line ................................... 53.60 R ecorder’s Office expense .................. 166.09 Accident insurance ...................................... PAVING BOND REDEMPTION E l a I) Special election exp en se 20.68 THE TOLL OF THE FIRE FIEND Miscellaneous .............................................. ............ 62.40 Jan. ’J, 1924. Services of Judges .............................. 393.71 1.851.54 Supplies .......................................................... Balance ............ 275.25 Every newspaper of the state is carrying graphic ac­ P rinting election notices and ballots ............ Im pro vein cut— R eceipts 8.50 Miscellaneous ....................................-V— 388.5S 1,680.36 Labor ............................................................... counts of fires that are raging on forest and grazing Painting Assessments collected ............ 37.50 City Hall ................................ 121.05 734.12 Accident Insurance ................ ..................... Delinquent liens collected lands. A few of the larger dailies devote columns to the Loaned H arrison St. S’dew alk F und . ............ 620.40 132.51 Freight, drayage, express .......................... D isb u rsem en ts ............ 268.85 Nob Hill Sidewalk Fund ....... 110.10 416.61 Car expense .................. „............................. description of onrushing flames that are enveloping thou­ Loaned Interest on bonds Printing ..... 229.00 2,557.63 2,163.71 Supplies .......................................................... Balance June 30, 1924 .................................. sands of acres of grass and as many of virgin timber, all Miscellaneous ................. 44.95 784.73 Ford truck ................................................... 2,974.24 P o lic e D epartm ent 2,974.24 4.50 . Miscellaneous ............................................... of which reveals that natural resources are being made 46.17 Supplies M iscella neous—- CURB AND GUTTER BOND REDEMPTION FUND subject to wanton waste, resulting in an app ailing loss to Salaries and services of special p o lic e ................. 1,712.05 46.78 Insurance ........................................................ 1, 1924. Jan, 86.68 4.00 213.56 the present generations and to posterity. The tree that Telephones and telegram s ...................................... R ents refunded ............................................. Balance Car expense ................................................................. 372.94 Supplies for w arehouse (To be refunded Receipts is destroyed today can not be replaced for half a century Meals for prisoners .................... 83.70 714.40 7.33 by W arehouse Fund .......................... Assessments collected .74 4,380.00 62.59 and the grass that is being burned from the rolling hills Accident insurance .................... Transferred to E. Light Sinking Fund . . Interest on loins ....... 5.00- T ransferred to E. Light Depreciation Surety Bond— Chief of Police D isbursem ents and from the canyons is gone for a year, while livestock Laudry for jail ................ .......... 1,200.00 10.34 3.17 Fund Interest on Bonds ....... men are facing a shortage of feed. 211.29 B alance J u n e 30, 1924 ............................................ 17,648.84 5.00 A ttendant for insane patient Balance June 30, 1924 14.30 Yesterday the residents of Ashland were attracted P rinting ........................................ 221.63 221.63 >39,950.85 39.950.85 13.46 ............................. by the siren that sounds a warning of fire. People rush­ Miscellaneous FU N D SINKING FUND REDEMPTION ELECTRIC LIGHT 4,292.92 SIDEWALK BOND Balance June 30, 1924 ....... — Jan. 1, 1924 ed from their homes and places of business to ascertain Jan. 1, 1924. >355.68 4,937.73 Receipts Balance 13,282-91 13,282.91 Balance .......................................... • the location of the blaze, and as they turned their eyes 4,380.00 T ransferred from E Light Fund .................... R eceipts ST R E E T FUND 11/ D isbursem ent s to the northeast they rested on black clouds of smoke January 1, 1924 Assessments collected .................. ........ 767.50 Dep. In terest on bonds ...............t.............................. • Accrued interest on bond sold to E. I rolling up from Grizzly Mountain. Flames were vieing Balance ........................................................................................ >2,014.67 Telegrams ............................................................ 4.43 4.71 Fund ..... ................. ................... R eceip ts 1.91 D isbursem ents Commission for handling in terest coupons f . with each other in the race up the mountainside, sweep­ Taxes ................................................................................. 3,282.81 Balance Ju n e 30, 1924 ................................... 13.34 8,543.61 Interest on bonds ......................................... ing every vestigate vegitation. It spread, grew in inten­ From sale of old g r a d e r ............................................. 35.00 358.50 9,317.73 Balance June 30, 1924 ......................... •— 4.00 9,317.73 sity, swept out of the canyons and over the hill sides in From sale of old dump cart .................................... 371.84 371.84 161.88 For labor in cem etery ................................................. ELECTRIC LIGHT DEPRECIATION FUND its race toward the top and the timbered section that From 45.00 Jan. 1, 1924— W taer Fund— for replacing p a v e m e n t........ SIDEWALK FUND ' HIGH A CHURCH ST. 17,093.81 Assessments collected ..................................... 116.64 8.57 fringes the mountain. Night came and the fire became Assessment ............................................................... Balance .......................................................... 009 *> Ç D isbursem ents R eceip ts From sale of bond to E. L. Dep. Fund plainly visible. It resembled an inferno and as the flames Salaries and labor ..............................................> 1,874.63 — 1,200.00 T ransferred from E. Light Fund ................. D isbursem ents 4,500.00 Reimbursement of am ount advanced by shot upward they illuminated the heavens, and the side of Accident insurance from employees ................. From sale of bonds owned by E. L. Dep. Fund 57.04 General Fund to pay for construc­ .......... ...........................................~......... 21.25 In terest on bonds owned by E. L. Dept. Fund 184.84 old Grizzly stood out plainly, almost ghastly. Those who Engineering 349.92 Drayage and freight ........................ i....................... 61.50 tion of High St. sidewalk D isbursem ents fought desperately to stay the progress o fthe fiend say Supplies .......................... Bonds purchased ................................................. 3,219.81 13.55 349.92 349.92 Balance Ju n e 30, 1924 ........................................ 19,758.84 15.00 that has swept over an area of 1000 acres destroying every­ Garage re n t .................................................................. LK FUND Truck expenses .......................................................... 243.88 thing. R eceipts 22,978.65 22,978.65 Office supplies .......................................................... 14.05 167.62 LIGHT DEPOSIT FUND ELECTRIC collected Assessments Crosswalk construction 63.20 -High & H arrison Sts. How did the fire on old Grizzlev originate ? What is 167.62 30, 1924 ? 15.0C Jan. 1. 1924, Collection .... Balance June 13.17 brooms ........................................ the origin of the other fires devastating thousands of Street 15.00 Balance June 30, 1924 ..... G rader blade ........................................ 9.50 167.62 167.62 8.00 acres of timber and range land? There are many explana­ Street s’gns .................. j.........”............. 15.00 15.00 GERTRUDE BIEDE, ithing ........................................ 7.80 tions. Some say lightning is responsible. Others attribute Blacksm City Recorder W AREH O USE FUND Surety Bond— S treet Commissioner 2.50 Jan. 1, 1924. the cause to the sun’s rays and broken glass, but it is Balance Ju n e 30, 1924 ..................................... 3,146.86 6,245.5. Balance safe to say that about ninety-nine per cent of them are D isbursem ents 5,551.93 5,551.93 150.00 Tidings classified do the business Plans ............................. started from matches and cigarette stubs that are care­ F IR E D E PT . FU ND 492.50 Labor ............................ lessly thrown to the ground by those who are criminally January 1, 1924 28.50 Accident insurance ..... Balance ............................................................... 479.00 46.25 negligent. Engineering ................... Receipts 248.95 Lum ber and cement ... There may be a wide difference as to the origin of Taxes ....................... .................................................... 3,107.57 41.25 H auling gravel ............ of Supplies .......................................................... 1.75 50.65 the disastrous fires that are sweeping vast areas, hut we Sale Supplies ......................... Miscellaneous ........................................................ 14.86 9.40 Use of concrete mixer are all united in declaring the fire fiend one of mankind’s D isbursem ents 11.50 W elding .......................... Salaries ........... 1,705.00 5,166.53 greatest enemies, and its toll is deplorable. Balance June 30. 1924 ... E xtra Firem en .......................................................... 100.70 6,245.53 6,245.53 Accident insurance .................................................... 125.99 Truck expense ............................................................. 39.30 CANYON ROAD FUND M attress ........................................................................ 24.00 Jan . 1, 1924. ■ TH FILIPINO REVOLT Cutting Wood ............ 12.50 586.64 Balance Superficial im ^stigation by United States army of­ Office supplies ............................................................. 14.00 (No transactions) of Chief to Convention ........................... 16.22 P A R K FUND ficers indicates that the recent muntiny, or “ strike,” Expenses Supplies ........................................................................ 49.77 R eceipts. Keep th e bloom o f youth ami among Filipino scouts was of a local nature and not as Payment of loan— General Fund ....................... 600.00 >2,572.32 Taxes ........................................................................ the basis o f health by en joy­ 13.27 ......................................................... 9.25 general as at first anticipated. Of the 7,000 men com­ Miscellaneous ............................................................ In terest on funds in bank ............................... ing a daily butli. From sale of Ashland Municipal Auto Camp prising the division, only 200 are believed to have plan­ Balance Ju n e 30, 1924 ............................................. 906.45 W hen nerves are frazzled Im provem ent Bonds 1 to 10, less 10,186.20 after a hard day’s work at the election expenses .............................. ned partieipatin in the revolt. 3,603.18 3,603.18 o ffice or at hom e, a warm bath FINANCIAL STATEMENT ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PHILCO Diamond Grid S t o r a g e Keepin’ the body fit— The supposed leaders are being held for further in­ vestigation, and it is likely only these, and not the rank and file of the dissatisfied scouts, will be court martial- led. Rome admired conquered enemies when they show­ ed valor on the field of battle, and admitted the defeated to citizenship. The Filipino scout strike is not likely to merit much commendation in this country and will not help the Filipino in his cause for independence. The day following “ Battling” Siki’s marriage the announcement is made that he has a wife and a baby in Paris. Even though there are still others in the jungles of his native land, it will make no difference to the white “ flame” who married him in New York. D isbursem ents CEM ETERY FU ND Turned over to P ark Board ........................... Jan . 1, 1924 Balance 322.06 R eceip ts D isbursem ent« 16/00 12.50 263.88 100.00 11.55 9.30 201.33 Commission on sale of lota ........... Engineering ......................................«... Labor .................................................... Care of Mountain View Cemetery Hose ....................................................... Miscellaneous ..................................... Balance Ju n e 30, 1924 ..................... 614.56 PU BLIC ITY A CHAUTAUQUA FITND Jan. 1, 1924 R eceip ts Taxes ............................................................................ 1,297.98 Jan. 1, 1924 Balance Love makes the world go around, but knocking a man on the head has the same effect. Taxes ...... From Geni Bond Red. Fund— paym ent of loan Fourteen armies are stronger tha nours, but ours includes the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In terest on bonds ...................................................... 8,023.75 1,300.00 Loaned Genl. Bond Red. 1.15 Miscellaneous 2,133.35 Balance June 30, 1924 Z R eceip ts 11,458.25 8,837.27 1,300.00 Notes ..................................................... Transferred from W ater Fund Balance June 30, 1924 .............................. Jan . 1, 19i»i. Balance 11,458.25 W A T ER FU ND There are three parties to the contest for presidency. The main point of contention is: who is the first party? No matter how hot it gets, there is alwavs that breeze, is the most used weather alibi. 207 E . Main LESSON X Jan. 1, 1924 19,125.50 Receipts W ater ren ts ........................ Putting in taps .............................. —................ Labor on sewer m ains ..................................... Air service ........................................................... Sale of old pipe ................. .............................. Sale of supplies .................................................. From sale of bonds owned by W ater Fundi. In terest on bonds owned by W ater Fund...., Miscellaneous ................................................... D isbursem ents Salaries and labor ........ ?........................................... 4,230.26 Pipe and fittings ...................................................... 9,880.68 F reig h t and drayage ..................... 77.63 Salaries Recorder and A ssistant ..................... 475.00 Accident insurance ....................... ..................... 166.80 Car expense ................................................................. 354.98 P rinting .................... „ ................................................ 68.10 14*359.80 18.00 75.40 185.00 37.85 7.15 13,000.00 563.28 7.47 J. H. Puelicher REAL ESTATE AND REFUNDING BOND Balance ........ R eceip ts T ransferred from Real E state Fund D isbursem ents 184.49 33.15 500.00 7,488.54 DEPOSIT SL IPS—Printed blanks with spaces in which the depositor writes the amount of cash and of each check deposited. About ninety per cent, of all business transactions are finally paid by bank checks. They facilitate business and are a safe way to transm it funds in paying bills, wages or meeting other obligations. 8,206.18 LIBRARY FUND 826.3S R eceip ts 3 BLANK C H EC K S=Printed forms for orders on the bank to pay out money from the depositor’s account. The depositor writes in the name of the person to whom he wants money paid, the amount he wishes paid, and then signs his own name. When the check comes to the bank it pays the sum of money as indi­ cated, deducting it from the depositor’s account, and keeps the check which it cancels. Cancelled checks are each month returned to the depositor and serve him as receipts for the payments made. Jan. 1, 1924. Balance - PASS BOOK=A small account book in which the bank enters a customer’s deposits; an entry serves as his receipt for that amount. D isbursem ents Jan. 1, 1924. X COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT=Account in bank used in connection with funds employed in business transactions, from which withdrawals are made by checks. T ransferred to R. E. & R. B. S. Fund, close account ... Taxes paid on city properties ................. A bstracts ........................................................... F o r M argaret B utterfield T ract ................ Balance June 30, 1924 ............................... t When opening a commercial account the bank furnishes the depositor with a pass book, deposit slips and blank checks. .R EA L ESTATE From re n t of city properties From sale of city properties 24 0 East Main St. By J. H. Puelicher, Chairman — - Publlo Education Commission, American Bankers Association TALENT W ATER SINKING Receipts Ju n e, 1924, Prem ium on Special O bligation rpHE Ashland Electric Supply ------------------------ Apr. 1924, Accrued interest on Bonds Nos. 1 to 10 ................................................. Balance Ju n e 30, 1924 1,320.98 Battery Repair We m aintain a battery re­ pair service, handled by a man competent and expert in bat­ tery repairing. WHY, BANKS? 1,297.98 D isbursem ents The “ Bob” is doomed declare newspaper dispatches. Well let it he “ doomned.” Heating Plumbing Phone 138 R eceip ts Ashland Band ............................................................... 250.00 Balance June 30, 1924 ......- .................................. 1,047.98 Balance lief ore retiring will soot lie and quiet tile w h ole body, and in­ duce a gtMxl n ig h t’s rest. W rite, phone or call for in­ form ation aboul bath-room s. Jerry O’Neal R eceipts IN T E R E ST & BONDS FU N D Necessity may be the mother of invention, but this doesn’t explain patent leather hair. 12,771.79 TP ax os • •• • • From In terest and Bonds Fund— payment of loan ................................................ • • ■ From sale of Bonds owned by Genl. Bd. Red. Fund ...................................................... In terest on bonds owned by Genl. Bd. Red. Fund ...................................................... Disbursem ents 6,000.00 614.56 Redemption of J bonds ................................. 1,300.00 Paym ent of loan Balance June 30, 1924 ........................................ 12,599.05 645.23 19,899.05 AUTO CAMP IM PROVEM ENT BOND REDEMPTION 662.75 1 D isbursem ents If the world’s a stage, every man has a right to a fair show. 12,771.79 GENERAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND 2.50 290.00 Jan. 1, 1924. Balance .......................................................... Taxes ............ From sale of lots Balance 12,771.79 ajRUnunnnunununnnunu