» Friday. Jul) 2.5, iü iií A éíhl A ñ D D âil A tfiDÍSGtf ASHLAND D A ILY T I DIN G S I » "«« «>™ - w>' HMD gh; and d<-ibt1e6s 1 «‘ ther up (he dust and you arc not dimmed my recollection of it. 0 ~ ~ ! subjected to a stoim of m u d -! Ashland Ore., July 25, 1924. > W f> J £ k O W* t? . ! slinging th a t lays the ordinary C. B. WATSON. I v a U ll (established In 1$76)< At any rate, mere denunciations of this or that will i political campaign in the shade; ' not mend matters. We must accept the understanding it of no value for agricultural j Published Every Evening Except Sunday by that we are definitely done witii certain customs and purpises, because the soil w a s 1 04237027 THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. w hite and seemed ashy, while the ; -------r —- ' ....... ....Editor usages of the past, and from the greater liberty and Mississippi valley where most o f ; broader thought of the present we must separate that them came from had a deep heavy ; “ My experience with Tanlac which is clearly obnoxious, and retain that wh ich is plain-1 black soil. They associated these covers a period of about three OPWOJAE C IW P A P E R ............................................... years and as time goes on my con­ Eirtewa at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter ly progressive. This is a process that may safely he left j things as a required condition fidence in the medicine grows to public opinion.—Morning Oregonian. suited to agriculture. The earl­ Subscription Price, Delivered in City ier settlers in all this great sage even stronger," is the striking $ .<5 M eath...... ............................................................................. plain, went there because of the; 1.95 statem ent of T. J. Parker, well- I Three Shraths ....................................................... —............... 3.75 vast supply of bunch grass and known real estate man, offices' 7.5« A record is broken every day in the size of the still its suitability for stock raising. 5519 Rainier Ave., Seattle, Wash. ' By Mail and Rural Routes: Nearly every day we would see captured. “ Before I first used Tanlac my SALEM, July 25. (Special) __ $ .65 great herds of antelbpe on the i o n account of the rapid increase health had so played out on me Three ffl&ntha ...............................•-....................................................... 15,0 3.50 plains and many mountain sheep in the num ber of automobiles and that 1 frequently had to lake oil Qa Months ............. ..................................... .............................. 6.50 in the rocky fastnesses. These the constant improvement in i several days at a time from my One Year — ............-,— ....................-j—............................... Imagine staid, old Boston having to resort to the use herds of antelope were made to m e th o ls of transportation, the work. My digestion was bad and i • DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: of the Marines to capture eight rum-runners and 2000 present many freakish pictures by problems I .30 of camp ground sanita I had no appetite or strength. But Insertion, per inch —........ — ........................... gallons of alcohol. the mirage which is always pres- tion are becoming increasingly Tanlac put me on my feet and Yearly Contracts: .27% insertion a wee ent in’ hot, dry weather. Frequent- j mOre im portant. This is especial- ; gave me the best health 1 ever .25 to insertions a we ly we would see a band, apparent­ ly tiu e in regard to the Pacific I enjoyed. .20 M y Insertion ....... a mile away loping along in Coast states, owing to the m any'1 “And since then 1 have contin- Rates I oi egal end Miscellaneous Advertising A newspaper head says: “ Battling Siki has married ly 3 .10 their characteristic fashion, that attractioons offered by this sec- ued th at way, for I stick to la n ­ point line ............................ .......-........... gbwt insertion, per a white girl in New York City.” Another good proof that seemed not to touch the ground tion to tourists and summer cam-! lac and us? it as 1 think neces- .05 subsequent inser:lon, 8 point line....................... ........... 1.00 ol Thanks ------- — — all fools are not dead. but to be moving from ten t o ! pers. No vacation is considered j sary. Even now my health and .02% per line......................................................................... twenty feet above it. complete these days th a t does not strength is at the highest mark WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING In the most barren portions the include a visit to the Pacific and I have not fe;t b etter in 2» The more I know about "AH future events, where an admission charge is made or 8 The Coast Guard service announces that 1,000,000 country is subject to dust storms. Coast. In order to meet this situ ­ years. collection taken in Advertising. Tanlac the stronger I feel like to the west you will see ation, w ithout endangering the Fo discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. cases of liquor fire being smuggled into the United States Looking w hat appears to be a heavy black public heatlh, it is necessary to praising it." every month. This means 12,000,000 cases a year, and con cloud rising and moving forward pay m oi? attention to the sanita­ Tanlac is for sal? by all good DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis­ sidering the fact that many millions are not using hooch in a very threatening fashion. By tion of our camping grounds. druggists. Accept no substitute. er *ob printing-—our contributions will be in cash. Over 4 0 million hotties sold. Bit ual ion N eeds A( tent ion the quantity must he sufficient for the fellows who still and by it will commence to thun-1 JULY 25 In choosing a camp ground site. der and occasional flashes of . ... ... EYE HATH NOT SEEN, nor ear heard, neither have entered like the liquid with a kick in it. It also shows that the lightening will streak this cloud, a great deal if attention is gen­ into the h e art of man, the things which God hat hprepared for coast guard service spends some of its time with figures, which as it grows nShrer presents erally paid to the wonderful for the sanitary conditions of them th a t love him.— 1 C orinthians 2:9. rather than in apprehending the smugglers. a most portentious and th re a ten ­ scenery, the picturesque sur- camping grounds, and also for ing aspect. Now it is upon us and rounding, the pioxim ity of fish- the equipment and sanitary ap- we are alm ost stifled with the ing, hunting and bathing resorts, j pijances on the same. A care- WHY A DECREASING VOTE dust. The cloud is only dust hut but little attention is generally taker must he employed to visit Ito he involved in it is by no paid to the safety of the w ater the grounds daily and see that A compilation of statistics by Collier’s Weekly, shows means a pleasant experience.» The supply and the proper disposal of they are kept clean and sanitary. i and fiee from litter. An ad - w eather will be stifling hot and garbage and waste. that: The rules and regulations of quate and safe w ater supply m ust th e dust almost srffocating. The Being a series of interesting articles dealing with early* day In 1896, 80 per cent of voters cast ballots. thunder and lightening will in­ th e Oregon State Board of H ealth bo provided for the campers. If events and pioneer men and women who made history and builded for succeeding generations. In 1900, 73 per cent crease and while you are wonder­ make the m anagem ent responsible a w ater supply is unsafe or doubt- (By C. B. WATSON) I ful, it m ust be eliminated or ing w hat th e result will be you j In 1908, 66 per cent. 'p lacard ed , w arning against its are pelted w ith mud. It is ra in ­ In 1912, 62 per cent. : use. W ater flush toilets or sail- ing and the heavy drops of w ater would then tu in my back to him, it is raining mud. Chapter Eleven | itary privies, both for men and In 1920, less than 50 per cent. A Retrospt'ctive Review of tlie j down with the lattigo strap I women, must he provided within The hills to the north of the What will he the showing in 1924? ovei my shoulder and draw as I a reasonable distance. Fly-tight Country Over Which We Jordan river were different from tightly as I could and then hold Reasons for the steadily decreasing interest of the _ most of the country we had cros­ Traveled it th ere until he was forced to electorate in their right and duty to vote are as varied sed. They were more like the ---------- j let his breath go, when I took up as their sources. The increase of the vote through wom­ I have devoted the preceedingl the slack and held on for him to rolling prairies seen in some por­ an suffrage, the dissatisfaction of voters with the allegeo articles in our movements over let go again. Each time he would tions of the Mississippi valley. were covered with wiid grass decadence of parties and the supposed fact that one party five hundred miles of wild, In ­ threaten to bite me but never did They of excellent quality. At the time is much like another, too great an increase in foreign born dian infested country, giving only so. By and by I’d have him of this w riting, those hills are A R E Y O U 100% E F F IC IE N T ? j our rate of progress with a few “ cinched up” and then we'd put very extended grain-fields. The population, are all suggested. U a recognized fad. that a person of the incidents occuring by the on his pack. Pinto and I grew to A fourth, which has some appeal to logic to recom­ way. There were many things be good friends. None of the Jordan valley is not so high in with PILES is only 50% efficient, or Relief should not only benefit you mend it is the failure of the electorate to understand happening each day which, others came to a good understand­ altitude as the plains we have physically, but increase your earning been traversing and are highly “ what it is all about.” In other words, the complexity though of tem porary interest, I ing w ith him and he seemed to suited to agriculture which has power. My non-surgical treatment for PILES will not attem pted to detail. At know th a t he had them “ hoo- of the problems involved makes a choice of candidate or have cure you or I GUARAN1 tE to refund been made apparent in the past many of our camps we indulged i dooed” and sometimes appeared your fee. My practice in rectal and colo-i j party si difficult that the mental laziness which is ap­ in pranks and playful games, such to laugh about it. I sometimes fifty years since the events I have treatments is the largest on the Pacific parently an inherent part of the majority of minds takes as a company of young men are imagined when he had frightened n arratin g and thousands of happy Coast,* my large staff of skilled assistants offices being housed in charge and prevents any vote, rather than endure the dis­ J ik e ly to tu rn th e ir hands to. some of the boys th a t he turned peiplepeople live there. The and most modem my own new building, j younger generation listen to the adjoining tny hotel, where psti- comfort of thinking out which candidate to vote for. Sometimes it was the catching and and winked at me. I m ust not pioneers tell of the stirrin g events entt are assured or the utmost riding one of the wild horses on take more time now in describing $1.00 Cascara fab- care and comfort. If this last suggested reason is correct, November a banter. We were not dressed Pinto. There will be an incident of fifty years ago. W rite today far my FREE illustrated book. lets chocolate coated should show a surprising increase over previous years for company and were unm ind­ which he played on us on our way In my next I will invite you to DEAN, M.D. Inc 25c Aromatic Cas­ in percentage of votes cast. It is true that there is no ful of the grease and dust accom- home which a t the proper time I go with me over a new route and I-OPPOSITE COURT NOibE will give. This was a joke on ulated in handling bacon and such issue before the public this year, as, for instance, in am sure there will be something ID , OREGON tor oil the whole crowd with serious con­ other freight in our packing o p ­ of interest. Fifty one years has 1896; there is no such sharp differentiation between the I have intim ated th a t sequences. 25c Rochelle platforms of the two major parties as might cause such erations. the Pinto mule was a character Much of the country we trav el­ Salt j an increase in votes. But there is the radio; millions list­ whose pranks were to he watched. ed over and considered to be des­ ened with absorbing interest to the proceedings at Cleve­ This mule seemed to greatly e rt unfit for human habitation 25c Perox­ land and New York to whom, hitherto, a convention was enjoy doing such things as he has since then shown great value ide merely an incident in the day’s news. Those millions seemed to know would annoy us. to the world. There was no tim ­ ber to speak of after we passed 20c Babbits have been educated at first hand. They know “ what it is For instance, at one tim e when Goose Lake; nothing but extended oh account of loosening of the ¡Lye all about.” They heard the statesmen, the politicians and pack on one of the other mu'les, sage-plains and alkali flats, with the “ wheel horses” of the great parties talk. And then, and when Myer was stooped over a t long d ista n ce s,a meadow su r­ 15c Chloride following a unive ;al human curiosity, they turned to the tightening the cinch, pinto rounding a lake or m arshy tract, Lime newspapers the n xt day to read again what they had thought it a good opportunity to a sink where some stream or col­ perpetrate a joke. On such oc­ lection of springs sank. The coun­ 4 bars Cream E Q U IP yourself. Keep up vour listened to the nig .t before! casions he wore a very seriously try way by no means level in all reserves. You need all the aid Oil Soap If, as is believed, a record vote is polled this Novem­ innocent look as though he were of these plains; there were b ar­ you can get in the race for success, ber, the reason may he found in that which is fundamen­ very tired. H e’d sidle around ren, (freary locking m ountains 4 bars Lemon and one of the best equipments is and yawn as though he wanted 'h e re and there. These moun­ tal to all citizenship, education! Soap to take a nap. I watched him on tains were of the nature, gener­ the money you have saved. this occasion, knowing th a t his ally, of “ table-m ountains," th a t mental processes were essential­ is an elevation risin g 1 hundreds of EXIT RODEO ly mulish. He walked slowly un- feet with flat top and sage plain covering many square miles. British authorities dismissed the charge a'gainst the td ju9t °£pos’te the ,stoopintg These table-m ountains were su r­ American cowboys at Wembley on the condition that the ance and the most suitable ground rounded by “ rim -rocks," some­ steer roping contest hereafter he excluded from the shows. to launch a lightening lash of his times a thousand feet high with The incident generally is considered closed. dainty hoofs a t the promising p a rt a taius slope at the bottom. Gen- Ashland, Oregon One of the interesting phases of the disapproval o f, w «“ e'8 anatom y m ort « 1 ^ e r.lly , t h e « u b .e m o « n « .ln . were ° 1 i *xx i f ' t o «n elr nn o v n lo t t w h e n h e w h i r l - : w it h o u t, w a t e r . T h e countrv b e - the British spectators was the letter written the Man : , Chester Guardian by a Britisher who P’urporietl to KlluW wa8 knocked head-long under the I Rocky m ountains is adm itted by >-»-» « » » ♦ •» » » ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ > » ♦ ♦ ♦ » »o a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > » ♦ » ♦ a ♦ « »o . g a r '/fc /O C v llfl Additional Evidence IN AUTO PARKS AND A 0/ •'***■* ----- Tanlac Vegetable Pi Is for con­ stipation; made and recommend­ ed by the m anufacturers of Tan­ lac. Interesting Reminiscences By A Southern Oregon Pioneer vessels must he provided for gar- bage and waste and these mu». he emptied daily. Copies of th'* rules and re g u la r vrs are requir- ed to be printed and posted on the grounds in conspicuous places, Copi of these rules and regula- tions may be obtained from the State Boaid of Health, ---------- Contagious disea?r reported for the week ending July 19. 1924: Tuberculosis, 17; Typhoid 3; D iphtheria 23; Scarlet fever 11; Smallpox 25, Whooping coueh 2; Measles 2, C hickenpox 6; Mumps 5, 1 ueumonia 1. — j. n j i- ■' —■! .» East Side Pharmacy Prescription Druggist SPECIALS for SATORDAY Drugs 15c 17c 17c Get Ready The Citizens Bank of Ashland all about life on the American plains. He alleged that i mule he was busied wim, w hite' the worlds geologists to be the he had spent many years there. But he condemns rodeos Pinto at once awake and galloped I greatest extended lava field in the on a few rods when he turned world. It is unique in its char in general as not “ a show for sportsmanlike people,” and and his im- acter of “ volcanic region"; It is 1« 1 1 • xi z /1 11 1 * ’ a around i 'U U U U a im e enjoyed u ju jc u u i a j joke u a v ****- he particularly arraigns the “ bullocks or oxen roping i There i3 no quegtion estim ated th a t it is covered with contests.” but his ladical contortions were an average, depth of lava 2000 When American cowboys on this side of the water brought about as yours or mine feet thick. Geologically it is new read of the “ bullock” roping exhibition they will get as when we laugh. We all agreed and the early pioneers reckoned th a t Pinto laughed. „ W hen we sound a laugh as the American baseball fans who read were seated about our camp the Englishman’s account of a baseball contest as a game spread enjoying our “sinkers" played with “ hand protectors resembling very much and bacon, Pinto would slip up quietly behind some one and then i elephants’ ears.” launch his dainty head over h is : victims shoulder and with o p e n 1 m outh, close down on m eat, b re a d ,, THE NONCOMFOKMABLE PRESENT or any other article of diet in i and with a squeal a n d 1 Because parents now employ their slippers merely to a his w reach hirlwind of feet, dash away i shuffle about in, and for the additional reason that our and enjoy his morsel. He was publishers are printing naughty books for the masses, the j especially fond of bacon. He was United States is tossed upon a perennial crime wave. It a great bluffer, and we had pro-, was a chief constable of British Columbia who delivered ceeded several days in the no­ th a t the rascal was danger­ this diagnosis before the northwest association of sheriffs tion ous. He landed those hind feet and police, assembled at Seattle. He might have added th e \k iH Uof a boxer? " if one that smuggled Canadian whiskey is strongly suspected approached him he’d shake his of having something to do with our troubles, but other­ head and squeal In the most wise the indictment is one that we ourselves have drawn, threatening m anner, in some e but how, I never knew, I It is no more than a neighborly reminder of the mote that way, discovered th at he was afraid of is in our eye. me. From th a t time on catching, The books we read preach license, even when they saddling and packing him fell to pretend to point a moral. Sometimes they dispense w ith* me and 1 srew to enjoy it. When even the pretense. Home life is not what it used to he, ready tack,e kim> * hg.*th®’Xd squeal> ahako hiB formly enforced. But whether the times created these head and threaten men, but I paid tendencies, or the tendencies created the times, who shall! no attention; i d slam on the say I Erase the tendencies and it may safely be predicted , saddle blankets, then the saddle that the general moral tone would improve. But not all 'iand g™b th® c?nck un^ the fault lies in suggestive hooks and faulty home dis- mence t0 draw up in it He-d cipline. Society has entered one of those reconstructive BWen himself up like a toad to periods that play havoc with established concepts of con- prevent my tightening it. i and W ear FOR M E N a n d YOUTHS THE LARftE SALE5-OENÛTE5AIISEAÇTJÛN A N E W C D C i IF THEY , P A IR It TWO-HORSE U : MERCHANDISE ! Bib Overalls or No M oney N otice the V an E ss flex- i b 1 e rubber m a s s a g e cap on the b ottle. Y ou rub th e b o ttle over your head a n a the rubber nipples feed the hair grow ing m ed ­ icine into the s c a l p . One m in u te a day in you r own hom e w ith Van E ss L i q u i d Scalp M assupe m ean s an abundance o f new hair and th e g lo ss and lu ster that coni'“ w ith p erfect hair health. A sk us ch o u t the 90 day treatm en t plan. U 'i sell it under m on ey-b eck guarantee. Toilet Goods 13c 5Cc Lemon Cold Cream 35c 11c 59c Maglac Tooth paste 35c 25c 60c Cocca Butter Cold Cream 35c 25c 6Cc Size Flordia Water 35c 7 BARS CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 25c We do Kodak Finishing Bring in your films New Prices on F is k and Massasoit V , r,, ... T im e to R e -tir e ? ■ B u y F ia k i CORDS FISK CORDS 30x31-2 Clincher .......... $10.30 32x4 Straight S i d e ....... $17.50 TWO-HORSE BRAND Hair Grown M ASSASOIT CORDS 30x31-2 .... ..................... $ 8.75 $14.00 32x4 We can sell you ¿1 better tire for less money than any mail order house and our tire service goes with every tire we sell. Come in and see the New Red Top Fisk Cord for heavy duty. Kruggle Bros. Tire Shop going «way To Oregon’s ^Vacationland low roundtrip fares Crater Lake, Tillamook, Newport, Coos Bay beaches, Oregon Caves, the McKenzie River and scores of delightful m ountain resorts in O regon are available for your vacation this summer. Special low ro u n d trip fares are now in effect to all points. Stopovers along the line. A nd on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays even lower roundtrip fares are sold, with­ out stopovers along the route. These fares have a return lim it of 16 days. For complete inform ation and copy of our booklet “ Oregon Outdoors” communicate with qnoSy p?joq ‘ jju ib . ixi Phone 14 or 43 Southern Pacific