MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the~rich ozd»ne at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL XLVIL Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 43. SAN FRANCISCO HAS REAL BU FFA LO ROUNDUP 8 ----------- « 8 SAN FRANCISCO, July 25. 8 8 A real ‘‘buffalo roundup” 8 8 is under way here in the 8 8 residential park districts. A 8 8 herd of 25 Buffalo escaped 8 8 from Golden Gate park last 8 8 night. jj -8 Mounted police, with las- 8 8 soes, are after them in an 8 Testimony of Witnesses Re­ 8 attem pt to round them up 8 veals Slayer as Outrival- ! ** and retu rn them to their 8 ing Fiction’s Best » quarters. • 8 8 Home owners and autoists 8 REPORTERS ON STAND 8 were frightened by what they 8 — —— i R thought were ‘‘big cows.” 8 T ell How Loeb A ided Them in ! 8 Lawns have been denuded 8 ••Turning Up” Im portant Evl- ! 8 but no other dam age report- 8 den ce in Case 8 ed. 8 LOEB IS NERVY COLD BLOODED A N D D A R IN G CHICAGO, Ju ly 2 5 . — D etectiv e Sergeant G roti and testified that Nathan Leopold Jr., had said: ‘‘.Murder in my cod e is not crim e. My crim e w as in g ettin g caught. Mad I reaUzed I w as being trapped I w ould have killed m yself and a couple o f po­ licem en .” Leopold Is said to have de­ clared In answ er to a question w h eth er or n ot h e w as sorry for th e victim and his fam ily: “ Not a dam n bit. I don't care If th ey croak tom orrow ." Sergeant Grot land a lso tes­ tified that Leopold, in speak­ in g o f h is d efen se, said: “I suppose I can eith er plead n ot gu ilty before a Jury and get hanged, or plead g u ilty before a friendly ju d g e and g e t life im prisonm ent.’ LA FOLLETTE DRIVE ASHLAND CLIMATE \\ ithout the use of medicine cares nine cases out of ten of asthma 'This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 25. 1924 NO. 276 ■ I j I 1 1 CITIZENSHIP OF D. M. CHALLENGED ' COOPER R EA PPO IN TED TO FARM LOAN BOARD WASHINGTON, J u ly 25— Robert Cooper, form er governor of , South C arolina, w as reappointed by P resid en t C oolidge as coin mis- sinner and execu tive officer o f th e farm loan bureau. “PR O G RESSIVE” IS NAME GIVEN NEW PARTY Well Known Portland Poli­ ! tician Is In Predica­ ment IS BORN IN IRELAND PLANS ARE READY F Û R INSTITUTE — a LA GRANDE, July 25.— li Jack Horck, 35, shot and 8 killed his pretty wife in the 8 presence of their 14-year old 8 daughter in a hotel room 8 early this morning, then 8 jumped out of a window and 8 turned the gun on him se’.f 8 ” *vaa laint with fatal IUÖUIIS. results. jj to Con-In Horck was jealous of his 8 P in a l C Mon- » » n e , » h o »tnuing m ap- a O W'ASHINGTON, J u ly 25— T he ‘‘ProgrtMsive" party o fftcially Epwoith Leaguers vene in Aslland cam e in to existen ce and w ill be th e standard carried by Senator day, July 28 I,a F o lle tte for the presidency. The party nam e w as chosen by ----------- a "com m ittee o f e lev en ,” and w ill be carried Into every state The inrAVTvr A m erican liberty bell w ill be th e party em blem . MANY WILL LA GRANDE MAN KILLS W IFE, THEN SUICIDES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 » . . . n with her- ATTEND u j 8 ------- OBSERVATION BALLOON BR EA K S FROM MOORING H as No E vidence F ath er W as rom hient Methodists to Assist; N aturalized; Clerk to In ves­ S i ITl ATE, M ass., J u ly 2 5 — T he naval observation balloon, Program Annouiwwl Announced tig a te Charges w hich broke aw ay from its m oorings at L ake Hurst air station O pening Day early th is m orning, 1» probably lo st. Thousands o f spectators w it­ PORTLAND. July 25. — David nessed the undirected fligh t o f th e ship over Providence, H anover The fourth annual Epworth M. Dunne, who for 16 years held and Brocton. The balloon was a h a lf m ile in th e air when first I.eague institute of the southern sigh ted , and th e cover appeared badly torn, DOLLAR ROAD IS FINISHED J 8 tl 8 8 8 rrel£ „ Por thR Past two « years* Horck had operated a» auto stage line between here and Joseph, and fre- nnunHu ......... quently Mvo Mrs. Horck was at the wheel of one of the stages. t u 0,1 / Ä r f o n i j Ud ’? J ± math a n s H ig h w a y 8 TRAVEL SI’O'VS GAIN 8 oxxy w o UA1M 8 K lam ath Falls Broiurht Cl > -r ~ 8 * loser To N eighboring C ities by Com­ 8 pletion o f H ighway n W ith the completion yester­ the office of collector of customs day of the surfacing work on the , Oregon district of the Oregon con­ of Portland, who has helped nom­ Ashland-Klamath Falls highway BRIEF ASKS RETURN TO ORIGINAL RATE ference of the Methodist Epis­ inate presidents as a delegate to j between Keuo and Hayden Moun- 'WASHINGTON, Ju ly 25— -A return o f the original A storia rate copal Church will open in Ashland Republican national conventions, I tain, the new million-dollar high- next Monday, and plans for re­ Form al Plan Laid at Nom inal ing and has been prom inent in the case basis Is urged in a brief filed by A storia in terests in th e W alla j « l y was officially completed, ac­ business and political life of Ore­ V \alia F aim Bureau attack on th e ex istin g grain rate structure in the ceiving and entertaining those C onvention; C ounties to The hrftr L"’ W,W ‘ ,h e I,U epsta,e Com m erce Com m ission. who will take advantage of the Many T aking Rim Road Drive; cording to an announcement is­ gon for 4 0 years, has had his L O rganize sued today from the state high­ FI ar^ e \ ‘ h* J * * « « 1«. Portland, Tacom a, and A storia should "Jem im a,'’ Wild Bear, 'In way office. right to register as a voter chal­ be to n sid e ie d as form in g togeth er a ’’natural ra le group.” Farm ers institute have been completed. The institute will extend over Park W ith Cubs The stretch just completed was PORTLAND, July 25. — The' lenged in a letter w ritten to south o f Snake river have not received the benefit o f the dJfferen- the week, closing August 3, and ho b r i w ' ° r <>f ,O rt,antl an‘eld J»ly 21st. a total of 7,683 auto- ’‘"’ber from Spencer '(’reek to announcem ent and five La Fol­ of this county and that he be amnle T o v l im " h e re j mobiles bearing 25.034 visitors Hayden Mountain delayed work lette presidential electors were denied the right to vote until ample provsiou has been made had entered Oregon’s great play- ‘ in the early spring when other nominated. The campaign has a such time as he can produce sat­ , ta in P|n «- io.ding of classes, giound, as compared with 4,001 isfactory proof th at he Is a citi­ contractors had ideal conditions perm anent executive committee, athletics and assemblies. cars bearing 13,524 visitors on to work. which was elected Monday night zen of this country.” Prom inent Colonel D unne’s predicament " b ile Subscriptions to Date In-1 Chicago Convention O fficially An o, , x Work, and is a recognized leader j n ia V a [ ° Und th ® Lake ° r to sible to pass over during the win­ stein, and Jam es Mulroy, Chicago ter months, and dusty and full He was next asked the routine the Oregon Electric railway is strong possibility of the en ter­ fstructlon. To be at all in the field Stewardship. These tw o ' el" °a newspaper reporters. of ruts in the summer. question of where he was born, cetei Zimmerman, member of prise being assured. “Jem im a” Back A gain fashion, it seems, milady should and all members of the fac- The reporters related how Leob This condition made Klamath the state senate from Yamhill and answered that it was in Ire­ k J.6 / ! “ . detal,S aFe beinS ° Wn num erous "tran sfo rm ers” "Ity have announced theii deter- To the great pleasure of hun­ was a volunteer assistant in their land. He then was asked if he an e county, and farm er. y t ie Chamber of C om -¡and ‘‘sw irls” , in an endless v a r-! minatlon to give their best to dreds, who knew her intim ately, Falls a northern California city in work and aided in “ turning up” realty, although it is,located in had proof of his naturalization, Gust Anderson, secretary of the and Secretary Fuller said iety of tin ts and shades, these make the Institute a success. "Jem im a", C rater Lake’s most im portant inform ation in connec­ I AH AV t that hot it i * is I. .. necessary ~ ______ A i ■ . .. Oregon. Much of the travel went and responded th at it was not today central labor council. for a i de»aila dictated by her wardrobe, popular bear, wandered proudly tion with the case. They testi­ Chaney Is Dean by way of "topsey” , through Cal­ necessary, as he had come to New Ernest K roner, architect. considerable am ount to be raised All of the coming trend will he Into Government Camp last week fied th a t he even mingled with The officers of the southern ifornia, and even the Ashland The electors show two candi­ I York at the age of 10 with his yet and all who are really In te r-! to hide, to disguise, the boh. accompanied by two brand pew the crowd outside the Franks district are headed by tlio Rev. stages were compe.leil to go the I father, John Dunne. ested in securing new industries' "T ransform ers” and "sw irls", ■ ubs, which she offered as un ex­ home on the tragical night the dates who are farm ers, one rail­ The colonel next was asked it for Ashland which will g u a ra n te e , are ju st for the purpose of chang- S. J. Chaney, of this city, as dean. cuse for her delayed appearance. n o n h e in California m ute wheu roader, another an officer of or­ crushed body of little Robert he had evidence of his fa th e r’s a constantly increasing payroll | *»’g the bob, and the husband who Rev. F. L. Moore is manager; ! 1 he two little rascals are already the other became rough or m ud­ F ran k s was found and recovered ganized labor and the fifth is Mrs. J. O. ltigg, assistant m an-j dy. Klamath Falls produce went supposed to represent the profes­ naturalization, and said th a t he are urged to consider this m atter leaves a chic bobbed-haired wife at a stage where they will take from the culvert. ager; Mrs. S. A. Danford. dean ; oy tail through California, as the sion class. did not. He testified th at he weli and confer with either of three when he goes to work in the Says “ Guy Should Hung” of women; Rev. Joseph Knotts, j dainties from the fingers of a fav­ roads were not in a condition to | remembered when his father had banks or the Chamber of Com­ The perm anent executive com­ Goldstein, the second of the re­ morning, he be m illionaire or pick Life W ork secretary: Mrs. Hazel ored few, but they still show a permit much shipping by truck. come with his first papers, and m ittee to handle the La Follette merce strong instinct to take tb the tre e ­ porters to take the stand, said swinger, may return to find her Gunter, Registrar. As late as 1923, it was half a campaign in Oregon consists of knew that he had voted continu- The fact that the plan to finance head covered by what appears to tops w ithout provocation. that following his visit to the J. O. Rigg is chairm an of the day’s trip from Ashland to the m orgue, where he viewed the re­ G. A. Schriltz, chairm an, who is ! ousIy after th at time. He said the box factory followed immed-j he a growth of years, A m athem atical ‘‘sh ark ’’ from eastern Oregon city. committee on accommodations labor i tliat lle was morally certain that iately the campaign to finance I Delegates to the beauty con- m ains of Bobby, Leob asked wha, president of the central the faculty of a western college and entertainm ent. That Klamath Falls has been council; A. M. Arnold, se c re ta ry ,! h,is fath er had completed his nat- the new tourist hotel, has been condition the body was in. When vention also decided th at synthe­ became Interested last week in brought in closer touch with the The Program who is chairman of the brother- ; uralization, hut th at he did not responsible for the delay In p r e ­ tic lips were to he taboo, and an the reported told him he said The first meeting will l»e held estim ating the volume of w ater in outside world, and particularly hood of railway clerks: Gust A n-¡know definitely in what court or Ing the entire $20,000 of prefer- "nounced th a t soft ttnted skin is Leob replied; " T h a t’s terrible, Monday evening, and following l he vast caldera or C rater Lake. with her neighbor citit-a is the awful. The guys who would do derson, treasurer, who is secretary ' exactly at w hat time, and had no red stock, hut the committee In to replace the popular flaming that (he program each day will After five hours application to unanimous opinion of both Klam­ of the central labor council; Dr. record, proof or docum entary evl charge express confidence that cheeks. th a t should be strung up.” the problem he announced that ath and Ash,and tesidents. Tour­ be substantially as follows; A. Slaughter of Salem, identified dence to support his belief. the project will be carried for- Mias America, it has been re ­ 6:00— Revilee. Said V ictim Good Subject the Lake, 25 miles in circum fer­ ists by the thousands now pass As a result the applicant was ward to a successful conclusion, peatedly dem onstrated in the Janies Mulroy testified he had with the non-partisan .movement; ence and 1996 feet deep, contains through Klam ath Falls on their 6:30— 7:15 — Morning Watch. asked Leob if Bobby Franks was H. H. Stallard, state m anager for denied citizenship, on the ground- past, shows a mind of her own enough w ater to cover the entire way to C rater Lake and other Rev. T. D. Yarnes. the kind of a boy who would put the nonpartisan league in Oregon; of the disqualification of his w it­ CANNERY W ILL BEGIN slate of Oregon with a pond over points of scenic beauty. The state ,n fat4h,ou dictates, and w hether 7 :3 0 — Breakfast. ness, Colonel Dunne. up a fight and said th at "Dickie” Mrs. C. H. Mock, housewife, and OPERATIONS TOMORROW ° r nOt t,ie beauty 8hoP owners 8 :3 0 — 9 :1 0 — B ible S tu d y , Dr. S. 6 inches deep. highway departm ent estim ates Fred Ross, member of the railway According to the naturalization answ ered: "If I were going to ______ _ j can make th eir decrees effective A. Danford. th at travel over the new road in kidnap and m urder anybody carmen and chairm an of the shop officials, Colonel Dunne has two i rem ains (o be seen. 9:15— 9:55 — Citizenship and June, 1924, was 117 per cent S D. Taylor, local m anager for crafts. courses open to him, one to se­ young Bobby F ranks is ju st the Community Service, Dr. L. E. FORMER CANADA RESIDENTS higher than in Juno, 1923. cure certified copies of the re­ the Baglay Canning Co., an n o u n c-! kind of a cocky little kid I would nd thi» alternoon .h a t the c a n -1 CHA' ,BEK MA' PLEA SED H IT H ASHLAND Lovejoy. Junior Methods, Mrs. That the "million dollar high­ I j A B O R ER MAY HAVE cords showing his fa th e r’s natur- pick.” COPCO PO W ER PLANT S. A. Danford. way’’ actually cost th at much is • FATAL INJURIES ! alization from New York. Fail- nery will begin operations tom or­ T estim ony Not R elished 10:00— 10:15— Recreational Dem { *'Ir- and *lrs. Neil Renders, of • shown by figures kept by the fed- row. Opening opeiations will be The weird tales related by the The Cham ber of Commerce is Alberta, Canada, accompanied by ! eral, stale and county govern- S e r lo u l, injured, W. Bnlline- (Continued on page 4j onstration. on a small scale, however, and newspaper reporters appeared to in receipt of an invitation from 1 0 :2 0 — 1 1 :0 0 — M ission Sludy the la tte r’s brother, Lloyd Shields ments. All three took part in only a small crew will be em- D n have a trem enduous effect on ton, 35, who had been working i Ployed the first few days. Black- 5 ‘ g®Deral m anaeer Rev. J. R. Sasnett. R(ew ard-! •s P