ÎABlî M'CS boeal ■ P erso n al fiotes A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local interest Returned Recently— heft For Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Reid returned to Miss Jasm ann, who has been Ashland recently after a short | acting as a special nurse a t the vacation trip. i Community Hospital, left yester- day for Portland. where she will work. SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ MOBILE Insurance; b etter term s ; Dance at open a ir pavilion, and lower rates. Yeo, of course. Lithia park, Saturday night. Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf 276-Stf A hh UW» M it* mbiMg Thursday, July 24, 192« Guests Merc— Visiting From Mexico— L. Applegate and little i “ ' T T T p!iyEICIa'18 'rlth 2100 honrs »' »»wwathw college' trained by inatrurtorp retnlred td Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Isbell, of ter a h p a « T « e x ic o t Aeb,.,.a * td u ,dlc“1 hIgh Mll<** scl,° o1 training, as .u against 43:4 ia„. hours for be highly skilled 'n the subjects Council Grove, K ansas, arrived in (rom hAcapo"ètea. T r t s i t I 1>re-,’" “ »d « I no » « woik • e ra a .e phyei. Ashland last night, and are visit­ who 18 they teach.” ing Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Woodside, j Mr. A pplegate’s m other, Mrs. J. M M M » They plan to rem ain here for D. Applegate will go to Klam ath some time. Tonight they will Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Smith be guests of the P. E. O. s is te r-! today for a visit. Brushes.— McNair ^hood, of which Mrs. Isbell is a member in Council Grove. COMPULSORY INSURANCE s Came T u e sd a y - Mrs. A. _E. Patterson, of Port­ land, m other of Mrs. Elsie Churchm an, came to Ashland with Mrs. Churchman Tuesday when the Ashland woman returned from her vacation. Combs and Bros. BILL IS HIT Maxadon, to whom we furnish- COUNT SHOWS MUCH ed all his milk, having disposed of TRAVEL ON HIGHWAYS (Cointinued from page 1.) his route, we will deliver the simply the peculiar and special same high quality milk at 10 (Continued From Page 1) cents a quart, from certified herd. friends of th eir own monopolistic southern Oregon. Linger’s Dairy, Phone 369J. and super-legal scheme for con­ Yesterday, 136 out-of-state ma­ trolling the adm inistration of 276-tf chines registered here, and 120 w orkm en’s compensation. Stopped At Camp G r o u n d - got perm its on Tuesday. N aturopath Bill A ttacked Goes to Salem— Back From Outing— Dr. and Mrs. Mayon, and two The N aturopath bill, which The Rev. W alter A. Squires, daughters, Ethel and Mabel, of YOUNG MAN SEIZED Mr. and Mrs. Olin Conwell seeks to create a state board of have ju st returned from a motor} D- D-» who delivered an address Oakland, California, stopped at WITH CRAMPS; DROWNS naturopathy, is opposed by the trip to Portland. They report a last night at the Presbyterian , the camp ground two nights this Oregon Health League which in chuich on W eekday Religious week. They are friends of Miss most enjoyable outing. an argum ent filed for publication KLAMATH FALLS, July 24— Instruction, departed this morn- Nina Emery, and visited her d u r­ Carl Umbaugh, 18, was drowned in the official pam phlet, declares HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, ing for Salem, where he goes to j ja g their stay here. yesterday afternoon while swim­ th a t the bill would “ perm it the __________________ • f course. 212— tf ’hold a conference with J. A. i ming in the icy-cold w ater of handling of deadly and dangerous Churchill, superintendent of pub- LOST— Gold fountain pen, in- Odell Lake, near the sum m it of narcotic drugs by incompentent lic instruction. itials M. D. S. between Haw­ the Cascade range, north of C rat­ persons, and th e legislature could Rpturaw l Y esterday— thorne School and Raggedy Ann er Lake N ational P ark . He was not prohibit or regulate this Mrs. Pernie Johnson returned Health giving whole wheat shop. R eturn to Tidings office seized with cramps in deep wat- abuse.” to Ashland yesterday after a visit bread at The Lithia Bakery “This bill” , the argum ent sets Reward. 276-1* ; er and sank before a companion of several weeks with relatives out, “ would place the seal of ap­ could reach him. Interm ent will and friends in Moro, Oregon. She On Vacation— proval of the state of Oregon on W anted F ire F ighters— be at Bend. also visited other eastern Ore­ Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Berg, with The fire alarm at the city hall gon cities during her absence. th eir boy, Robert, left this morn­ was sounded about one o’clock RAIL BROTHERHOODS ing in th eir car for Seattle, where today to summon fighters to com­ INDORSE LAFOLLETTE On To Vancouvei they will spend a short vacation bat a grass fire which broke out G rant L. Muier, r., and J. at cool Puget Sound resorts. Mr. K ellar, of Richmond, California, Berg is foreman of the Tidings on the side of Grizzly Mountain 1 SAN FRANCISCO, July 24. — left recently for Vancouver B. C. printing office. E. M. Woodside North of Ashland. As the Tidings The presidential ticket of La Fol Last Times Today was lette and W heeler was form ally a fte r a short visit with Mrs. is managing the shop while Mr. went to press, th e fire spreading rapidly and threatened indorsed by representatives of 87 Schuerman, who is an aunt of Berg is gone. to get into some tim ber. local chapters of the “ Big F o u r” Mr. Muier. Muier and K ellar are railroad brotherhoods, compris­ well known contractors in Rich­ W ITH You’ll enjoy tripping the light ing 15,00 men, in the biennial mond. Thomas Meighan fantastic at the open a ir pavilion From Grants Pass— conference of those unions here Saturday, night. 276-3tf Mr. H ott, fath er of Gilbert today. We deliver the goods— Detricks H ott, was up from G rants Pass 94-tf Expected Tomorrow— FRIDAY and SATURDAY today to visit his son, who is in FIRES ENDANGER Mrs. W. T. Abbott, of Los An­ the Community Hospital. Gilbert Tlie mad dash KLAMATH STORES Visiting Sister H e r e - geles, is expected to arrive in was injured yesterday when he Mrs. Henry DuBuost, form erly Ashland tomorrow to visit with across the - KLAMATH FALLS, July 24.— of Ashland, but now a resident of her sister, Mrs.. Louis Dodge. Mrs. fell from a Ford “ bug” near the Canadian Corvallis, is visiting her sister, Abbott will stay here several overhead crossing, was run over Two fires, thought to have been by one wheel, and was dragged set by “ fire bugs” yesterday en­ Mrs. Livingston, in Ashland. Mrs. weeks, and will go to Lake of the Rockies by a short distance. Although not dangered the K lam ath News, the Du Buost will be here a short Woods with the Dodge family aeroplane! seriously h u rt, he suffered pain­ Robertson Tamale House - and time. Saturday. ful bruises and his head was cut other structures on Main street and scratched. here. No sooner had the first Orres tailors for ipon and May B reath 10c and 25c — Lost in the fire, a num ber of blazing boxes, women, upstairs over McGees. McNair Bros. From P o r tla n d - raging bliz­ been extinguisnec., ta a n a second H arry Moore arrived today alarm was turned in. Suits, Suits, Suits at Paulser- At The Lake— zard— an from Portland to visit his m oth­ Fire Chief Keith Ambrose, nde’s. 273-tf Among the many Ashland per­ er, Mrs. Lloyd Moore, of the Bell­ oualaw camp says th a t three boys started the Saw Mausoleum— sons whb visited Lake of the view' district, who is ill at the second blaze. Among the forty or fifty per­ Woods last Sunday were J. H, ahead ! local hospital, Mr. Moore expects sons who visited the Mausoleum McGee, W ilbur Tucker, Henry yesterday to see the foundations Homes, Edith Dodge, Irm a Bess to spend several days in Ashland. FIRST GROUND TURNED Cosmopolitan Corporation ON NEW HOTEL SITE before the capstone was put on, and Isabelle Silver. Reports say w ere Dr. Blake, H. J. Enders, the supply of drinking w ater is Death— Mrs. Maude Lee La Chance, of The first sod was turned on J. P. Dodge, Louis Dodge, Chief not affected. Campfire perm its are of Polioe McNabb, Charles Pierce, necessary before a fire can lie Klam ath Falls, died this morning the site of A shland’s new tourist at 5 o'clock. The body will be hotel this afternoon when three, B. R. Greer and J. H. Fuller. built. shipped tomorrow to Klam ath local hoys, equipped with post- o Falls for burial. J. P. Dodge and hole diggers, crow bars and spades from A r th u r S 'tn n y r r’i S to r y . u o tk Sweet cream for whipping and Dance to the music of Love­ coffee—also fresh milk, always land’s orchestra in the cool and sons are In charge of the body. started sinking test holes to de­ UONCL BARRYMOne . Seena Ow«n Louis Wolheim and an ail s+jjr cast* en ice at the Plaza. 239— tf invigorating air of the Lithia Mrs. La Chance was a daughter term ine where the bedrock lay. of Mr. and Mrs. John D. W itt, of Before fu rth er work is done, it A society park pavilion Saturday night. Klam ath Falls. She was a native will be necessary to find the Back From Trip— 276-3tf of the eastern Oregon city. beauty in character of the sub-strata on Mrs. Em m ett Gillings, wife of a which the hotel will stand, and it Tidings linotype operator, re tu rn ­ Going U p - a {Mick o f CORRECTION is to determ ine this th a t the test ed last night from a short trip to According to reports, the big In the poem which appeared in men-wolves Portland. Mrs. Gillings went up Em m igrant Creek dam is rapidly yesterday’s Tidings, and of which holes are being sunk. In a machine with Mr. Gillings' being built. Cement is poured Blanche Logan. O’Neal is author, brother, who had been visiting through “ The E lephant’s T ru n k ” , the word “ sw eet” was om itted DR. SCHOLZ, PRESIDENT here, and returned on the train. a machine*which does the work The struggle from the last line of the first REED COLLEGE, DEAD much faster than workmen could verse. The line should read: on (he edge of accomplish it. Over 100 work­ “ And wild sweet estacy.” PORTLAND, July 24. — Dr. Complet« line of Ashland Can- men are busy on the site. the precipice Richard Scholz, nationally known 94-tf ned Goods at Detricks. AND THEN educater and president of Reed Here For Summer— WEEK-DAY RELIGIOUS College here, died yesterday fol­ May Use New Road— Edgar Buchanan, Ashland High INSTRUCTION” SUBJECT lowing a critical illness of five It is reported th a t engineers of School graduate, arrived in town , The Rev. W alter A. Squire, D. the California highway commis­ recently, and will stay here the D addressed an lntere; ted au- days after an operation. Scholz came to Reed College in 1921. sion are considering a plan rest of the summer. He drove ! dlence at the Presbyterian He' was form erly in stru cto r at w hereby the old road between down with his fath er and G ale| church last night on “ W eek-day Gasquet and P atrick ’s Creek may and Lova Buchanen, who intend Rellgious in stru ctio n ” from a th e U niversity of W ashington and be abandoned. Indications at to spend several weeks visiting th ree.fold standpoint, the im port. at C alifornia and Wisconsin. De­ ceased was born in Milwaukie in present are th a t the perm anent relatives in Medford. The Buch ance, inadequacy of the one-day 1880, and was one of the first bridges will not be constructed anans are form er Ashland resi­ program , and the progress made I American Rhodes, scholars. along th e route of th e new road dents, and now live in Eugene, in th e week-day schools. . --------------------------- th is year and the engineers pro­ where Edgar is attending the Uni­ The speaker sa’d over 1000 pose to put in tem porary bridges versity of Oregon. week-day schools, with an enroll­ FOREST FIRE NEAR ra th e r than to spend heir funds BLY UNDER CONTROL ment of 100,000, are functioning. im proving the old ro d. — Del R eturned S a tu r d a y - Dr. Squires spoke from definite N orte Triplicate. Mrs. Emma Miller returned to KLAMATH FALLS. July 24.— f knowledge and many rem ained her home in Eugene on Saturday F ire which menaced huge stands Madden sells Balloon tires. morning after a visit of several after th e address to ask ques­ tions. of virgin tim ber in th e vicinity of 246-tf m onths with the Will Reeves Bly, sixty miles east of here, has The address was heard by family, of Ashland. Mrs. Miller practically been placed under some of the members of the local Not« Irrigation Progress— expects to go to Pennsylvania control. school board,. Messrs. McLean and Crook, soon to visit friends and relatives. The blaze covered an area of representing the Anglo Paris Na­ approxim ately seventy acres. THERMOMETER RISES tional bank of San Francisco, the On The Go— O ther small fires in this te r­ AS “DOG DAYS” NEAR Institution th a t financed the B. A. Finch, with his wife, and ritory are now under control. G rants Pass irrigation district, children, Douglas, Evelyn and The coming of th e “ dog days” were in the city yesterday, stop­ Juan ita, who night before last ping off here on their way south returned from a trip across the was heralded yesterday by an THREE FINED IN FALLS FOR BEING INTOXICATED th a t they m ight note the progress continent and back, left this abrupt rise in tem perature which being made in development of the morning on a camping trip to made Ashland residents hunt for KLAMATH FALLS, July 24.— project. The ample w ater supply Davis Creek, California. They the shady spots. A maximum of la the light of the unprecedented will re tu rn in three weeks. Mr. 95 degrees was reached, while a Three men were arrested last d rought in the moat of the west, Finch has w ritten an account of minimum of 52 was recorded. The night on the stre ets here for be­ ing ifitoxicated. Charles Ander­ impressed the visitors, and they his trip across the United States, ! average was 90 degrees. Today the w eather w*as even son, Ralph Burcham and Oscar predict th a t much attention will which will appear in tom orrow ’s ! w arm er, but a report was not is- Anderson, the men, were fined be attracted to the lands here.— edition of th e Tidings. j sued, as it is the custom to wait $20 each. Burcham protested G rants Pass Courier. ; until a full record for 24 hours th a t he had taken a small am ount W orking At Dam— of liquor, but was not intoxicated. Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ Merrick Thornton, 1924 gradu­ i is made. ing at Paulsernd’s. 261-tf ate of Ashland High School, s ta rt­ BANDITS SECURE $125,000 ed work this morning at the Em- ADVOCATE PAVED ROAD IN JEWELS IN DETROIT TO CRATER LAKE Arrived This Week— m igrant Creek dam project South The reg u lar Chamber of Cora- C. R. Miller and three sons, of Ashland. A num ber of local DETROIT, July 24. — Two Marlon, Percy and H erbert, a r­ boys are now working on th e big merce forum was held today and arm ed bandits held up Joseph rived th is week from Scotia, Cal­ dam. quite a num ber were present Mazer, New York jew elry m er­ ifornia for a visit at the home of from Ashland, says the Medford chant, and Jack W olf, proprietor Mr. M iller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Advanced W’o rk a t U. of O. Mail Tribune. The subject w&a t of the Capital Jew elry Shop, and E. E. Miller, of Church street. Miss Bernice Myer and Miss “ Roads.” I Mathews Donohue, a clerk, and Y eaterday Mr. Miller and his Ethel Reid are at the U. of O. Vernon Vawter in a short escaped with 1125,000 in gems. guests w ent to C rater Lake, m ak­ this summer, taking special ad­ speech said, th a t now th a t the ing the round trip In 13 hours. vanced work. Miss Meyer will I pavement to Jacksonville is com- STEAMER RUNS ASHORE They w ent by way of Klam ath retu rn about the first of August pleted and the contracts about AT MOUTH OF COLUMBIA Fall« and returned by way of but Miss Reid, wbo tau g h t l a s t , ready to 'be let, to p u t it on Prospect and Medford. Mr. Mil­ year at Junior High, plans to through to Ruch, serious th o u g h t} You’ll find your size PORTLAND, July 24. — The ler today declared th a t the round spend next year at the university should be turned to th e Medford. steamed Sumanco, en route from j in the material and trip was far b etter than going Mrs, Reid accompanied the young C rater Lake road. Road money, San Francisco to Grays H arbor, p a tte rn t h a t one way and backtracking. The ladies to Eugene and will retu rn he said, should be Invested where ran ashore off the m outh of the pleases, if you come p arty have a num ber of other with Miss Reid. it will bring in more dollars and Columbia river in a dense fog trtn s in view while the visitors are where It will encourage th e tour- this morning, according to a w ire­ soon to make your Good music, beauty of here. sur- ¡at to stay in this country fo r a less message received here. The selection. roundings and a n u n su rp assed ■ longer period, Sumanco is a steadier of 1887 bet ns fill ▼our pail with Swifts floor combine to make the open “ The county court,” said Mr. tons and belongs to th e Trans- Wlver L*«v lard. Costs less than a ir pavilion dances all th a t can Vawter, “ is willing to pay 25 per M arine Corporation. The vessel shortening. Goes farther and is be desired. Saturday night, as cent out of th e general fund, on is said to be in no immediate more nutritious. Dot ricks. 94-tf usual. 276-3tf. a hard surfaced Medford and danger. By the Poet Office Eagle Point road. uPied Piper Malone” UNseeiNG eyep What need you care if you have on one of these c o o l, comfort- a b 1 e summer- w e i g h t Suits that we are sell­ ing so very rea­ sonably. M i t c h e l l ’s Jack Tar Togs Mean Free­ dom, Comfort and Joy Our Jack Tar Togs Line is most complete. The range covers Jack Tar Togs for Ladies, Misses and Children, both boys and girls. Our Jack Tar Middy Line is a dandy against Tub and Sun. Eveen started, with obligations held in escrow in your bank. Mr. Mason will be glad to explain the plan and benefits incorporated in the mauso- lem organization at your convenience if you will phone The Ashland Tidinj igs, No. 39, or Mayor Loomis, Phone 97.