I / AgfiLÁtftt fc À fiï tfíb tso a fh n tsd sy, July iti, lft24 » » ♦ »«<»■ State Vice President; Mrs. Olen Arhfipiger, ahd Mrt. O lean Fab-1 ! rick both 6f Medford and state I Your Business PHYSICIANS officers. - MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor Classified Column Rates The luncheon was a very at- And I t ’s Boss Phone items to her at 345-R, between lb A. M. and 2 P. M. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ One cent the word each ! tractive affair, the tables b£auti- i and evenings. dence and office, 108 Pioneer time. J ful with bouquets of brilliant W hat is the power behind your avenue. Telephone 28. Office To run every issue for one business institution? That is gladioli. a blunt question, but one that CALENDAR OF THE W EEK j was one of the many pleasant hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 month or more, f tc the word The inform al speeches were of sometimes requires outside aid Thursday, July 24. High School; trips th a t are being given the th e most helpful kind, and com­ p. m. only. each time. foi a correct answer. Some UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Day at P. T. In stitu te at Club house guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. ing fi om those so experienced in can not get the ’ DR. ERNEST A. W(X>DS— Prac­ House. July 24. ,— A set of the G entle-' Swenning of Church street. the P aren t Teacher work, were tice limited to eye, ear, nose and Mr. Swenning. Mr. and Mrs. deeply appreciated by the fo rtu n ­ m an’s Magazine, a British publi­ Proper View FOR RENT Friday, July 25. Grade Day, a t th ro at— X-ray including teeth. P. T. In stitute, at Club House. cation, has been purchased by the Caleb Smith, the Misses Smith ate guests. K eep the bloom of youth and FOR RENT — 5 room unfur. Of their business and them ­ University library. The set. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc the basis of health by e n jo y ­ Saturday, July 26. G. A. R. and Madine Swenning left for the • • • nished house. Inquire 242 Gran­ ing a daily bath. which contains 307 volumes, was selves in the relation which 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, meets at Armory. Caves Friday evening. The party Picnic at Rogue Rivet*— they are viewed by the disin­ When nerves are frazzled ite or Phone 340-R. 268-tf ordered for use in the History Ore. camped at th e Caves and went in Tuesday, July 29. Open House terested observers in their Eight cars filled with happy departm ent. a fter a hard day’s work at the with the first group of visitors people from the Nazarene con Civic Club House. holding of the reins of the in­ office or at hom e, a warm hath DR. E. B. ANGELI./——Chiropractic I he first issue of the magazine stitution. Frequently a gen­ in the morning. FOR SALE before retirin g w ill sooth e and gregation went down the valley * * * and Electro-Therapy. Office They enjoyed the unusual ex­ Tuesday to the Rogue River to was published in 1731, and the ial, but critical d'seussion with quiet t i l e whole body, and in­ you and your banker helps to phone 48; residence 142. First R eception a Success— FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers title page reads som ething like duce a good nigh t's rest. periences and wonders incident to put you and your business on The reception given at the a thorough exploration, returning spend the day. this: N ational Bank building. milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- W rite, phone or call for in­ the proper relationship. The picnic was held near the form ation about bath-room s. ______ Civic Club House was a decided dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* “ The G entlem an’s Magazine, or Saturday evening, glad th a t this C. E. Sams ranch and the dinner DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings success. visit was one planned for their which was a most bountiful one, Monthly intelligencer for the FOR SALE o r TRADE— 24 office. Phone 91. Many who attended came in pleasure. year 1731, containing: I Effays, was served at noon. acres river bottom land, 2 miles time to enjoy the splendid lec­ • • • . Controverfial, Humorous, Politi- DR. C. W. HANSON west of G rants Pass, under grav- i The day was spent in this cal> Religious, Mora, and S at-ri_ Plumbing tures given during the afternoon An In terestin g Trip—— Heating Dentist beautiful spot, and all present P hon e 138 ity ditch, crop included. Will j 207 E. Main by th e faculty of the P. T. In­ cal; II Debates in Parliam ent: IV Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs and son report a most enjoyable time. Special attention given to pyor­ stitu te now in session. trad e for Ashland residence prop­ a succinct account of the Moft Kenneth of Fifth street have ju st • • • erty, 203 K. St., G rants Pass, rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver The program included an ou t­ Rem arkable Tranfactions, Foreign 233-tf. line of the national organization; returned from an interesting tour Entertained in G rants Pass— Oregon, F. M. Wichman, 272— 6tf , Block. Phone 178-J. and Domeftick; VI Obfervations of Southern California by motor. Monday Mrs. W. J. Wallace, in Gardening. Vol. I, by Syl- how organized, why, and what MONUMENTS They visited all the larger Mrs. H. E. Sackett, Mrs. J. S. FOR SALE — Choice building has been accomplished. cities and very many other points Parsons and Mrs. Will Moore vanus Urban, Gent., Printed and lots on G ranite street, facing Mrs. G. J. Perkins gave an in­ of interest, spending some tim ASHLAND GRANITE sold at St. John's Gate by Jeffer­ park; near L ithia w ater and play- j were guests of friends in Grants ies in Ludgate Street, and moft teresting account of th e last N a­ in this delightful outing. MONUMENTS ground. Inquire at Convalescent Pass for the day. The visitors tional Congress of P. T. held a. Oregon G ranite Co. This was a well earned vaca enjoyed the delightful drive ant’ bookfel’ers.” Home. 2 6 7-11 St. Paul, Minn. 8. PENNISTON, Salesman, A sentence or two picked at Mrs. J. F. Hill told of the B si sqqoR 'J j\ Tuaqj joj d p i uop the pleasant time spent with random from an essay “ Of Co­ FOR SALE - Cows, either Res- 470 Laurel Phone 444-Y mail clerk, and has not missed a friends there. National Boards and how they run in tw enty one years. fresh or dry. J. N. Dennis, 542 quetry” in Vol I, follow: “ An • * * a ie functioning, and Miss Frances Boulevard. honest plain Tradesman was un­ PLANING MILL 274— 6tf * * * W, c . T. U. Meeting— Hays, Director of the In stitu te, fortunately sm itten and made her Guests Enjoy Trip to Crater The W. C. T. U. held a very an offer of sharing his Fortune FOR SALE — Trailer. Inquire JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET- who spoken at Normal in the Lake— Interesting m eeting at the Lib and Bed, but was rejected with i WORKS, 715 N. Main. 275-2* Cor. Helman and morning. and would again on Mrs. A. R. Gregory and Mrs rary with a fair attendance. Van Ness Difdain. grew melancholy, fell j 194tf Wednesday, told especially of the G. H. Yeo have as house guests FOR SALE— Wool and fiber It is announced that at the sick and died. This was the best ! Student Loan Fund. rug. 9x12, $7.50. Kitchen table, Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith and next meeting, two weeks hence, TRANSFER AND EXPRESS At the close of Miss H ay’s ad­ book case and w riting desk. A W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. d au g h ter Alene, and Mrs. M. L th a t the superintendents of all Compliment she though a vulgar dress, the formal program ended few glass dishes, 62 Fourth St. T arker th e m other of Mrs. Smith departm ents of work are to bring mechanick could nay her beauty.” for SERVICE. and the social hour began. and a cousin of Mrs. Gregory, in complete reports. and a beverage that Experienced movers and pack­ Hostesses from the P. T. A. FOR SALE — Oat Hay, 314 from Los Angeles. It is also announced th a t the is brewed by experi­ era of household goods. D eal-! and from the Civic Club saw to Garfield. 275-6tf FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid­ During th eir stay they made election of officers is to be held era in coal and wood. Phone it th at the strangers were wel­ enced brewers is uni­ a delightful trip to C rater Lake soon. T hat is an im portant m at­ ings; 25c per bundle. FOR SALE CHEAP — Pure­ 117. db comed and m et every one. formly pleasing. spending some tim e there. They ter and a good attendance is much bred Jersey bull or will trade. 500 Office 89 Oak St. near Mrs. Ralph Gill and Mrs. I. R. enjoyed the concerts given even­ to be desired. Terrace St. 275-3* Hotel Ashland Bateman dispensed delicious re­ ings by a trio of n tertainers. Miss freshm ents a t th e punch tables. T- L. POW ELL— General T rans­ Bernice Yeo and two others, Mrs. FOR SALE The Weinhard Brewery ha» been famous since 1862 Beautiful roses and gladioli fer— Good team and WHEAT AND CORN m otor ; brightened rooms and tables, and R uth Akers and Miss Eloise Mc­ PRICES ARE SOARING UP­ trucks. G iod service at a re a -1 guests lingered long enjoying the Pherson. The three worked to­ WARD, and other farm pro­ gether last w inter at U. of O. souab/e price. Phone 83. social hour. W ho have worn W. L. D ouglas ducts are on the rise but real and were chosen from three hun­ sh oes for m any years know the -------- Not only were th e members of estate is still astonishingly FEHIGE-ROACH dred applicants to fill this en­ r ia l, day-in and day-out val­ low. Some withdraw als of (he P. T. In stitu te which includ­ T ransfer — Express — Storage gagem ent this summer. They ue in this footw ear. property from m arket but on­ Hauling — Dray work of all ed those from other towns of th e’ have been there since the first ly a few upward changes in valley, and the In stitu te faculty, prices asked. In the face of kinds. Quick motor service. Dry of July. HENRY WEINHARD PLAN! but the faculty of the Summer the proposed developments, the wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R The visitors returned delight­ Art School, many from th e Nor­ unanim ous opinion is th at now PORTLAND, OREGON 375 B. St. 112-tf ed with the scenic wonders view­ mal. and a great many from Ash­ is the time to buy real estate. SNIDER DAIRY & PRODUCE CO.. ed and pleasant experiences of The New Hotel will be built. land w'ere present during the KING’S TRANSFER— Service) the outing. Ashland, Oregon The Shale Oil will be flowing day or night at reasonable rates, i ' afternoon. • • * into Ashland very soon, The The reception com m ittee com­ f annery will operate on larg­ Wood for sale. Phone 113, Res. posed of officers in the local P. Go to Caves and C rater Lake— er scale, a big Box Factory 231 Van Ness. 265— lm o Mr. and Mrs. Aylesworth, who r. A. were the Mesdames E. M. will be built this summer, startling developments of the Berg, M. M. Brower, I. R. Bate- ai9 entertaining relatives and B larksinith Shop friends this week took their Pompadore Lithia springs are Blacksmith Shop, East Main j j man J. H. Ruger. Louis Schwein, guests to the Caves and to Cra­ under way, which will cause St. Horseshoeing, Automobile ' B. R. Greer, Guy Good, B. C. te r Lake for two delightful ou t­ car loads and train loads of Lithia w ater and Carlvonic Gas Spring work a specialty. Au'o Forsythe, D. S. W hitney, Rolph ings. Needless to say the visit­ Gill and A. M. Humphrey. to be shipped from Ashland, parts. Medical baths to be construct­ Those from the Civic Chib were ors appreciated these scenic won­ IRA YERIAN. ¡52-1 mo. ed, handsome Golf grounds the Mesdames G. B. Eubanks, ders and enjoyed their trips won­ laid out, and a corporation with BEAGLE & BEAGLE, Painte i Channel. Gruelle, and Mitchell. derfully. capital of $300,000 will take ! Day work or contract. Estim ates Yesterday's plan in In stitu te • • • over the Blair G ranite Quarry Epworth I/cague Have Picnic— ; Free. P. O. Box 171. 266-6t* included the whole state organi­ working 150 men and shipping Over forty young people mo­ zation. On Thursday (today) the! train loads of granite, over GET YOl R STOVE repaired at tored out to K ingsbury Springs the coast states. IN VIEW “ High School” will clain the a t­ The proceeds of the sale of this stock will be used Eagle Iron and Brass Works. tention, and on Friday the Friday evening for an outing and OF THIS. WHY WAIT? Oberlain street. New grates and “Grade Schools” will be discuss­ picnic dinner. exclusively for new, income-producing additions to YOU CAN NOT LOOSE liners made to order, any style They met at the Methodist and betterments of property and equipment. TODA PARTNERS ed. Today’s program is open to ON WHAT YOU IN PROGRESS stove. Stock on hand. Stoves for church wlieie cars awaited them. BUY NOW everyone. sale. 264-lm o Laden with well filled baskets, • • * For instance; here is a 5 the company THE STOCK acre tract on the Paved High­ great freezeis of ice cream, and S w f 7 ° f Ti e* Ca*4ornia Oregon Pow er Com- Mrs. Thom as E ntertains— Second Hand goods bought, sold way, only 2 miles out, good P ar value $100 per share. sul’stantlt 1 growth in facilities and Monday evening of this week the m akings for the delicious lem­ soil, some fruit trees, fine exchanged,repaired. Collected and resulting from the large sums of money in- onade from the K ingsbury 3oda Dividends have been paid on The California Oregon Mrs. I. W. Thomas of Medford building spot, panoramic view, lelivered. Chair Doctor, Cor.3rd. p r°.P*rt.ie8 “ d from the development of Pow er Company Preferred Capital Stock each quarter for $750. was hostess at a dinner party with w ater all were prepared to enjoy the territory which it serves. and A St., Phone 295R. 232-2mo. since issuance, without interruption, at the rate of $7 * * * * * Mrs. Josephine Poley, the Misses themselves thoroughly. per share per annum. Dividend checks are mailed Dinner was served almost im­ A well built, plastered, 6 Steady Growth in Customers Served I DO FANCY cement work, Poley, th eir guests, Mr. and Mrs. every three months. room bungalow, full basement, pZ L er n? w ,seir vcd by The California Oregon chimneys, septic tan k s; also cem- Dallas Murphy, and , Mrs. H. T. mediately upon their arrival and Proceeds of all securities sold are devoted exclusive­ concrete foundation, first class the fortunate forty present ap- K b liS fio m p a n y includes parts of Jackson, Josephine, Mitchell of Springfield, Mr. and etry work etc., J. D. Peffley. 143 ly to additions to and betterm ents of the Company’s porcelain bath and toilet fix­ K lam ath and Douglas Counties in Oregon, and properties. 6th St. 227— lm o* Mis. W. M. Poley and Mary, and i Pr«clated to the fullest extent the tures, sightly front, close to -C° r n^ and RSfts .of Shasta and Trinity Mrs. Lou Reeder as dinner guests, i delicious viands the baskets con- center of town, and the price The stock is not assessable by the Company for Counties m California. This is an area equal to the tNY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May is only $2100. Don’t let the Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. D a llas; tained. , any purpose whatsoever. I t is non-callable, and if pur­ ° f M*s“ ch“ « “ . Rhode communicate with Ensign Lee Murphy and Mrs. H. T. Mitchell price scare you. It ju st hap­ A jolly hour or so followed, and chased at the present price, yields a return of 7.14% on the investment. pens to be a rare sacrifice snap of the Salvation Army at the left for C rater Lake, where they when shadows lengthened the re­ D uring the ten years from 1913 to 1923, the nom- * * * * * It is exempt from Federal Normal Individual In ­ W hiteShield Home, 565 May- will spend a short time before re­ turn was made to town, for bon­ i« voe co“ sumers «as grown to the present total of City lots. Acreage, Orchards, come Tax. p * , ’ increase of 177%. Due to the increasing use fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. fires may not be kindled now. turning to Springfield. Farm s, Stock Ranches and o t electric power for industrial, agricultural and do- I t takes precedence as to assets and dividends over All report the happiest tim e ; Business Opportunities. The Mitchells were form er res­ PurP°,se8» the Company’s output has grown from common stock amounting to $4,441,100 par value This * « • • • idents of Ashland, and many i ever and anticipate with pleas- approximately twenty-six million kilowatt-hours in means that all dividends on the Preferred Stock must If your price is attractive, E . • °^oohundred and fifty-two million kilowatt- fi iends were g'.ad for th e o p p o r - ure a recurrence of the event, be paid in full before any dividends may be declared VW ' CUAMNTECC hours in 1923—an increase of 475%. I will be glad to list what you (unity afforded by this visit to * * * on the common stock; and that the Preferred Stock Thousands o f sufferers last year have for sale. If I sell it will in«? additi° n to its local consumers, the company en- has a claim on the assets of the Company prior to the completely relieved in 24 hours w ith see them. Out ° f Town Guests Entertained— , be a t your price and you pay new internal prescription o f Cleve­ i ~ r g* and advantageous wholesale contract common stock. The equity in assets back of the P re­ * * * Mrs. F rank DeW itt Black of land specialist that quickly neutral­ th e commission. I do not spec­ izes pollen poisoning from other power companies, thus greatly ferred Stock amounts to more than $9,000,000.00 as of tbruout the system, know n aa Visit to th e Caves__ 1 Seattle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i expanding and diversifying its field. ulate on the ow ner’s property. Rinex. Complete relief in 24 hours positively guaranteed May 31, 1924—over two and one-half times the par « « • • • — or money back. Send 10c for 24 hour sample treat­ A visit to the Josephine Caves H. G. Gilmore of Scenic Drive, is value of the Preferred Capital Stock now outstanding. ment to C linical Laboratories Co., Cleveland. Regular Increase in Facilities CALL ON THE MAN WHO the house guest at her parents i ize sold by *11 good druggists. Upon the completion of the new Copco power The company owns and operates eight hydro-elec­ ADVERTISES home this week. Many plans a n McNair Bros. house, the new Link River power house, and other tric plants in Southern Oregon and N orthern Cali­ Ashland, Ore. made for her entertainm ent d u r­ projects now commencing construction, approximately Says Piles Heal Up and fornia. In building these hydro-electric plants, natural Staples Realty Agency .Y.e .Million Dollars in new and productive property ing her stay. Mrs. Black is a I forever** *r * developed which will be productive Disappears Forever 71 E. Main, Ashland Hotel Bid. will be added to the company’s physical assets. well known composer-pianist. Her i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS u I ? * Company’s main trunk high tension and distri- The stock may be purchased in any amount from Sealed bids will be received by ; Seldom Fails To Give Absolute work is very well known. She MISCELLANEOUS length hnCS #t thC Cnd ° f 1923 WCre 1550 miles in one share upward. Relief from All Pain and Suf­ has travelled extensively. the Oregon State Highway Com­ Miss M argaret H argus who has It may be purchased either for cash or on our special fering. Guaranteed by East ' w a nted —• Desirable 5 or 6 mission a t two o’clock P. M,'on fa -r?- actJaa^ investment in the construction of these savings plan, namely, $5 per share as first payment, Side Pharmacy and All Good been the week end guest of rel­ room furnished house, near ju n ­ J u lj 29th, 1924, at Room 52U, til *?Cr^ d frO1? $4,787,624.35 in 1913 to and $5 per share per month. Interest is not charged by Druggists. Srh* 61 j ’19 m exclusive of valuable water atives returned to her home in ior high. Phone 304-J. 274-tf Multnomah County Court House, the company on unpaid balances. ngbts and intangible assets. Klam ath Falls this week. Mrs. Portland, Oregon, for the con­ Interest is paid by the company, however, on* all WANTED — Heavy Chickens, struction of Service Buildings on ! Many sufferers from Piles or I. D. Applegate, her grandm oth­ Immediate Future Development partial payments under the savings plan at the rate Hem orrhoids have become des­ er, will be the gnest of Mrs. W. peaches, apricots, and plums. De­ :he Pacific Highway south of A sh -1 4 « n \ S ° . mpany “ ? ow engaged in building a new of 6% per annum. Interest checks are mailed to pondent because they have been O. Smith in Klam ath Falls for p o t Hotel. 271-6tf land near Siskiyou Station. Con- j Fall? ^ 2 & . pla? t On Link River at Klamath subscribers under the savings plan every three months. led to believe th a t th eir case was perhaps a fortnight. ; f? n a/^nlVonal power plant with a generating struction to consist of one resi­ WANTED — W ashings to do Subscribers who find it necessary to cancel th t’r ! hopeless and th a t there was noth­ 3!f R i ~ r ° i 4° X5 ? hor.s t power at C°Pco on the Klam- A trip to C rater Lake is plan­ installment subscriptions Will be allowed a refund t ) M urphy Electric Company. 266-1» dence, one w arehouse and 95C ing in the world to help them . ^ th e r7 1 ,th imPortant extension of its ned for the house guest of Mrs. feet of pipe line. all payments made, plus interest earned, either in cash h i ” Jine8>A ¿arge part of this increased pro­ or in paid-up stock. (A deduction of $1.00 per share* duction has already been contracted for, in the case Proposal blanks may be obtain-I To these people we say’ “ Go tO J. P. Wo If,Mrs. Fannie Kugle of WANTED— Few 2nd hand bird will be made to cover the expense of cancellation.) of the new Copco plant, and it is estimated by the cages. Call 153. 265— tf ed and plans and specifications j your druggist and get an original Menomonie, Wisconsin, who is n*» that the new (abilities alone will increase its The stock is listed on the San Francisco Stock and i inspected at the office ef R esi-' box of MOAVA SUPPOSITOR- here to enjoy a visit with her net earnings by more than $400,000.00 a year Bond Exchange. LOHT — Money in Ashland to- ) dent s ta te Highway Engineer, i IES ” One of these Inserted into girl hood friend, Mrs. Wolf. day. R eturn to Tidings office for Room 308 Medford National the rectum according to direc Miss Elizabeth W agner and reward. 275-lt Bank Building, Medford, or o b -Itions w ,n be found to give im- Miss G ertrude Mann are here THE RECORD OF TEN YEARS’ GROWTH from San Francisco for the va­ WANTED— Good farm wagon. tained direct from the State H ig h -! m ediate relief. They reach the Year Value of Physical P rop­ Gross Operating and Net Earnings without Kilowatt Hours Phone 120 or call Ashland Gi*pen- way Commission a t Salem, O re-' source of the trouble and’by their cation tim e at th e home of Miss erties (not including Revenue Maintenance W agner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deducting Interest or gon. 1 soothing healing antiseptic ac- Generated water rights, etc.) house. 275-3tf Expense Depreciation Cash, Bidder’s Bond or Certi-i tion first allay the pain and sore- J. M. W agner. Many delightful 1913 $4,787,624.35 $347,261.70 * * * * * * * * $143,746.67 $203,515.03 26,485,359 fled Check for an am ount equal ness and then by direct contact outings are in store for them, 1923 $11,752,616.19 * WANTED— Clean cotton ♦ to 5 per cent of the total am ount ■ with the ulcers and piles cause durinfl th eir visit. $1,370,544.78 $594,603.97 $775,940.81 152,124,781 • • • * rags. No overalls, underwear * of bid must accompany each pro- them to heal up and disappear * or woolen goods accepted. * posai. Luncheon for S ta te Officers, Con­ forever. * 3 cents per pound, Tidings * gress of P. T.— OREGON STATE HIGHWAY ; I t’s simply w onderful how * office. — If * The members of the Institute o f , COMMISSION speedily 'they act. Blessed relief N ational Congress of Parent- ROY A. KLEIN. ! often comes in two days. Evan in Teacher were hostesses at a very O ffice,: R o sb u rg , Medford, G nm u Pass, Klamath Falk, Oregon . Yreka, Dunsmuir, California State Highway Engineer, j cases th a t have steadily resisted delightful luncheon given at - f * ‘ * * " " l * * * * , , ‘ , « » « * M e e w e ,e « i,a « « i« « a For a smooth shave all known treatm ents, marvelous 12:30 W ednesday at the Civic! and quick service go results have been obtained. MO­ Club House with the state o ffic-! to the Shell B arber T H E C A LIFO R N IA O REGON P O W E R COM PANY AVA is one of the wonderful dis­ ers as complimented guests. Shop. Ladies and coveries of recent years and any MEDFORD, OREGON Those so honored were Mrs. ! children get your hair will do what sufferer from Piles or H em orr Please send me full information about your 7% J. F. Hill, National Vice P re s i-! or mail this coupon »im for - it bobbed and marcel­ —rid your system of Catarrh^™’^ ' hoids who is disappointed with its Preferred Stock and special partial payment plan. dent, Miss Frances Hays, N at'l. i or Deaf- led. . ness caused by Catarrh. use can have th eir money refund­ Field Secretary; Mrs. George J. Name _ ed. East Side Pharm acy will sup­ Perkins, President of the Oregon W . A. SHELL, Prop, F. J. CHENEY & c o . , Toledo, Ohio ply you. Mall orders accepted. 5 Association; Mrs. Louis Dodge. J f SI A. St. Ashland, Ora Classified Column PROFESSIONAL -«•V* LOVE AFFAIR TOLD IN EARLY ENGLISH TRY S O C IE T Y Keepin’ the body fit—- First National Bank Jerry O’Neal li J thoroughbred always runs true-to-form Pioneers W E IN H A R D OVERLAND Shoe Shop THE CALIFORNIA OREGON DOWER COMPANY > 7 0 / Preferred Capital Stock / / O Price 098 per Share YIELDING 7.14% rO h (pLETE RELIEF THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY H *U ’s Catarrh Medicine Ask any member of our organization, —today! Address