Pwê two AsHLAND ÔÀîLŸ TlDlNÔ^t A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 0 ) stay must write to the nearest American consulate for an appointment to «appear for a visa. Those fourni eligible There is in every human naturo an ineradicable capacity for ex­ pression, its origins are deeply imbedded among the primal in- s t ’ncts. In the organization of life to­ day the average man finds little occasion and less opportunity to be a creator. We find we live in a world where our vocations of­ fer little or no outlet for the cre­ ative urge within us and we there­ fore devise channels of expres­ sion— avocations, or the play to sail are given these certificates assuring them of ad­ mission to the United States without detention at Ellis THE ASHLAND PRINTING 0 0 . Island. Only enough visas to absorb the quota are granted. Bert R. Greer ..........................................................................................Editor It is obvious that this system is better than the “ bit George Madden G re e n ..................................................... Business Manager or miss” system in vogue a short while ago, which caused OFFICIAL CITY PA PER .......................................................... Telephone 39 interminable difficulties to both American immigration g b te r e d a t th e A shland. O regon P o sto ffic e a s Second C lass M ail M a tte r , officials and immigrants. The 75,(XX) British i immigrants Subscription P rice, D elivered in City * ¡certainly suffered some distress when they found that O b « M o n th __ »5 ^ e*v eould n°t sa’h hut the distress was nothing to what Three Months Six M o n th s........ ...................................... 3.75 ¡might have been experienced had they crossed the ocean One" Year 7.5« only to find that they wav was barred to the promised i tinie in the margin of life an