É»AOE FPÜR * * * * » “ " ‘ ^ T t f T t t t T t t t t t t t t t l âshîà N d oÁfLf ittirtföä Wednesday, July 28, I9ii4 ♦ * * * , Out Of H ospital— !! Ixocal ■ P erso n al Jiotes PROSPECTOR SEARCHING A fter an illness of six weeks, Jam es Crowson, ja n ito r of Ash­ land High School was yesterday dismissed from th e local hospi ta! as recovered. Sweetser, “ end agricultural ex- prohibition departm ent Is inter­ p e n s were sure they had found sting, in that they are wholly an easy V a »» n J -» ef ending the farm- lacking in inform ation. F or in­ SANTA MARIA, Cal., July 23 e r’s ru st troubles. There is p stance, practically every monthly A D aily C hronicle -of th o se w h o com e and go, and event« o f Said to be the oldest known penalty of $250 for allowing a claim presented by Mr. Cleaver local Interest prospector, John Lancester, 90, barberry .Although Expensive, Oregon Res- j an original “ *49er,” is today , , bush _ to grow on a va- , and approved by the governor R eturned M o n d a y - ♦ i ♦ ♦«►i eant lot in Oregon, so thoroughly! contains a sub-heading “Opera- idents Favor Night Coast searching for the El Dorado, Mrs. W. Clay Smith and Alice has the world been fooled.” uves, under which are enum er­ D e M olay M eeting— Plane Service traces of which he accidentally W hole-wheat bread fresh daily Morgan returned to Ashland I ______ ated some numbers. In a few ! found 25 years ago, in the Big 1 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, R egular m eeting of L ithia a t The Lithia .Bakery. 273-tf Monday after an absence of three 1 SAN P R A N C R cn t . o , Chaptor at Masonic Hall, Wed- STATE DRY BUREAU claims they run from two to 16, Pine country, and which because i Eugene, weeks, during which they visited h r „ FRANCISCO, July 23— July 23. — Killing a ............. .. J' L y d ! To ,nake new transcontinent- of^his then youthful w anderlust, m}’th that has won its way to neaday evening, July 23, 1924. Special Nurse— IS CRITICISED apparently vary according to in southern ashlngton and al air mail route practical to the amount of money available to All members requested to attend. A special nurse at the Com­ Portland. he did not take the trouble t o 1 responsibility in standard botany spend. Opposite these numbers RALPH ROBISON, Portland, and to way points, a discover. m unity H ospital is Miss E. Smiles, i books and th a t has been defend- (Continued From Page 1) are the salaries of the operatives, M aster Councilor night a ir line between Portland who is at present connected with A ttended M edford Luncheon— Today, with a golden sample of ed by legislative enactm ent in RUSSELL OVEROCKER, a Medford hospital. She is a na­ and this city m ust be estabinlish- j tb e quartz, which experts claim j tb at a n d in at least a half dozen ; did the statem ent 3et out the na- and in another column the ex­ J. II. Fuller, secretary of the ed, say many who are anxious to assays ' hundreds - - of dollars to the oreign countries may be some! ture of the work don.e by the op- penses. tive of New Zealand, and is w ork­ Scribe. Ashland Chamber of Commerce, see the new system serve Oregon ton, Lancester is hiking, with job, according to Profoessor Al- j ©rative. Under the law it was Both Governor Pierce and Mr. ing in America to see the country. attended the weekly forum- more fully. G oing To L a k e - three burros, across the San Ra­ bert R. Sweetser, professor of n©cessary for the secretary of Cleaver contend that It is neces­ Complete line of Ashland Can­ luncheon of the Medford Cham­ A letter could he carried fael m ountains in search of his botany, who is an instructor in state to approve this claim, sary to m aintain absolute secrecy Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge and ber of Commerce today. Mr. F u l­ 94-tf through the skies from New York fortune. the Portland summer session, but which previously had received the with relation to the operatives family intend to spend the next oed Goods at Detricks. ler attended chiefly to fix a date to Portland via San Francisco in ! --------------------------- it is time th a t the bed-time story sanction of the governor. week-end at Lake of the Woods. employed in the prohibition de- for a joint forum and picnic in Fast Im proving— about black rust and the barberry! 36 hours, it was recently estim ât- I REMOVAL OF CAMPAIGN A check of ¿he payrolls of th e„P artnient. L ithia Park in the n ear future, ed by Air Service authorities. SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ Roy P arr, who has been con­ MATTER NOT MANDATORY bush was laid to rest. at which both Chambers will be Tracing the life cycle of rust MOBILE Insurance; better term s fined to the hospital since losing As the system now stands, present. SALEM, July 23— There is no th ro u Sh its various forms, which and Jowsr rates. Yeo, of coarse. his left hand in, a diving accident Portland a ir letters travel a Phone 21 & 274-J. 212 i f f on July 3, was able yesterday to third of th e distance by rail. Be- law under which candidates for Vary in a PPeapance from red at House Guest— take a short walk, his first since Mrs a m f . I cause on,y OEe Plane crosses from public office can be compelled to firSt to b,ack. and then into a • . Dyrud, 120 4th St., coast to coast, much time is fre- remove campaign literatu re post-1 colorIess for«L early scientists,! the accident. G oing To Europe— had as a house guest this week, Dr. Swedenburg and his family quently lost in making connec­ ed near the election polls prior to accordin£ to Professor Sweetser I Mrs. Gillespie, wife of Captain tions. the election days. This was the found th a t this terrible field pest Madden sei is Balloon tires. expect to sta rt Sunday for New- Gillespie, of San Francisco. W ith substance of a legal opinion pre-1 ^ intered on the barberry bush, York, where they will tak e a boat 246-tf If business were sufficient to Mrs. Gillespie was h er son, for Europe. They plan to be support an air coast route, it pared here today by I. H. Van From this they jumped to the George, Jr. The two are en route O perated On Y esterday— gone at least two months. would be a fine th in g ,” declared W inkle, attorney general a t the conclusion th a t if the barberry bush were destroyed there would I Mrs. Maude La Chance, daugh­ to Portland. O ther guests were Postm aster Jones, of P ortland re­ request of Governor Pierce. be no more rust. • Try Rlenzo Tooth Paste — Mc­ te r of John Wills, of Klam ath Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sratih and cently. Scientists everywhere, miss­ N air Bros. Falls, underw ent an operation sister, B ertha, who are on their A plane flying a t night from ANCIENT RELICS SOUGHT way to southern California ing the colorless spores of this yesterday. A nother operative San Francisco would pick up New IN ELKH ORN DISTRICT fungus that rested everywhere as F irst V isit— case was little Bobby Barlow, of York mail which left the east the Mayor C. L. Loon yesterday H ilt. The day before, Mrs. Con­ M ore D iscrim ination— previous day, and carry it to P o rt­ SALEM, July 23— W. I. Staley, . well as on the barbery bush dur- Tourists stopping in th e to u r­ land in six hours, in time for de­ secretary of the Oregon Growers I“ 5, the united ln an at visited Shale City, t.»e scene of go, of K lam ath Falls, and the the H artm an shall oil operations, baby of Mrs. Carl Pierson, of ist camp at Crescent City are livery the next morning. Such a and E. E .Bragg, industrial acci­ tack on the shrub. being told not to travel over 'The news of the criminal bar- Medford, were operated on. for th e first time. plan is, of course, expensive. The dent commissioner, yesterday vis­ ' berry bush was broadcast over the Redwood highway, according San Francisco-Portland route ited the Elkhorn district, where I w orld.” said Professor Cleaning, Pressing and R epair­ to the G rants Pass Courier. It is would have to be traversed a t excavations are being made into the HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, Trimmed with Organdie; made of fast color Ging­ of course. 212— tf ing at P aulserud’s. 261-tf stated th a t a woman visited every night, to make the schedule prac­ the side of a huge pyramid which ham. Sizes to 46 camp in Crescent City and told tical, which would mean placing explorers believe hold the re- ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY them to go North over the Roose­ In stitu te is B u s y - To Santa Cruz— 5,000 candle-power lights every mains of some ancient peoples, i velt highway as the Redwood Tomorrow, th e lecture and dis­ Mr. and Mrs. F rank Bess and three miles. W ork has progressed in tw o ' FOR SALE — Oat Hay, 314 daughter Irm a left yesterday for cussion period at the Parent- route was too dangerous to trav ­ Many Oregon persons are in te r­ tunnels, one for a distance of 30 Garfield. 275-6tf Despite th e fact th a t th e Banta Cruz, California, where Teacher Association Institute will el. feet and th e other about 20 ested in a coast mail service, and Made ot tine cfuality Nainsook; nieelv trimmed; FOR SALE — Fresh J e rs e y ¡ they will spend a vacation of two be devoted entirely fo High w arning was given in most con­ will try to «interest Congress in feet. Sizes 16 and 17 weeks. They plan to retu rn to school problems, it was announc­ vincing m anner, two cars decided the m atter. 275-1 Excavators alleged th a t they heifer. Phone 485-R. to come on over the inland route Ashland a t the end of th a t time. ed today. Friday the course will have located inside the pyramid FOR SALE CHEAP — Pure­ deal with grade school prob­ and stopped in G rants Pass to m arks which indicate th a t they bred Jersey bull or will trade. 500 FL IE R S W ILL LAND tell of the discrim ination. N ear­ lems. Yesterday, Miss Frances We deliver the goods— Detricks IN SCOTLAND MONDAY were m ade by human hands. Terrace St. 275-3* 94-tf Hays, head of the In stitu te deliv­ ly every party took the suggested route. BROUGH, England, July 23__ 32 and 36 inch heavy quality Percales and Ginghams, ered a talk before the students of LOST — Money in Ashland to- PLANS ANNOUNCED FOR The American round th e world the Summer Normal. light ami dark colors W ent To M edford— CLACKAMAS MATCHES! day’ R eturn to Tidings office for .At The In stitu te— fliers plan to leave for Kirkwall, Mrs. J. Hill, national vice- PORTLAND. Ju ly 23. — The reward. 275-lt Among the Medford women a t­ Scotland, Monday, where th e Let us fill your pall with Swifts president of th e Parent-Teacher biggest and most comprehensive tending the P. T. A. In stitu te flight across the A tlantic will be­ WANTED — Second hand din­ Association, who is here in con­ Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than targ et match of the Oregon na­ here this week are, Mrs. N. B. gin. shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is ing table and chairs: also iron nection with the Institute, went tional guard will be held at the Newcorabe. Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. more nutritious. Detricks. 94'-tf bed and 9x12 rug; must be re a s -!, 36 inch fine, heavy quality for dresses; comes in to Medford last night for a short R. G. Smith, Mrs. E. M. Husson^, TOKIO, July 23— S tu art Mac- Clackamas range near here Aug­ onable. Call 153. 2 7 5 - ltf : I visit with her neice, Mrs. M. D black onlv Mrs. A. S. Kroschel, Mrs. Glenn Laren, British round the world ust 18 to 23 inclusive. Matches L eague to M eet— Cole. in which machine guns and how-1 WANTED— Good farm wagon. | The Epworth League will meet Fa brick, Mrs. Winn© Mason, Mrs. flier, hopped off from Tokolan itzers will be used will be held Phone 120 or call Ashland Green­ M. C. Chaney, Mrs. H. M. Arns- Bay for M urukamu Bay. O rres tailors for men and Thursday evening of this week in addition to the regular rifle house. 275-3tf to work on the new tennis court plger and Mrs. M. E. Roat. Some women, upstairs over McGees. i and pistol competitions. Advices are visiting friends here, while! they are building next to the There 1« wisdom in reading ads. received here are th at nearly 40 inch wide; comes in black only; an exceptional FOR SALE — Trailer. Inquire ; church. W ork will begin at 5:30 others come up every day for the! A rrived Y esterday— 715 N. Main. • every guard unit in the state is 275-2* value tor this sale onlv sessions. Visited K lam ath Falls__ Lon Edw ards arrived in Ash and supper will be served at 8 . planning on sending team s to FOR SALE— Wool and fiber land yesterday and is visiting at o’clock. J r. and Mrs. Merle Robinson i compete in the shooting, M edford M hu H u r t - rug, 9x12, $7.50. Kitchen table, and Mrs. C. V. Beeler spent last th e home of his daughter, Mrs The sixteen best shots in the In an auto accident in Medford B etter clothes for lees m st^y book case and w riting desk. A Louis Dodge. Mr. Edwards is week visiting in K lam ath Falls. guard will be selected to repre­ Monday night. C. E. Olsin, riding at Orres. 270-2* few glass dishes, 62 F ourth St. here for a stay of indefinite sent Oregon in the national Silk Stripe Tissue Gingham, all colors, fast and good I a bicycle, was struck by a Chev­ PACIFIC LIVESTOCK length. m atches at Camp Perry, Ohio, in ’ « * * • * » assortment ot patterns to ('boost* from rolet car driven by Fred Niehols, Back Last Night— PAVILION DESTROYED September. The Oregon team * WANTED—Clean cotton says the Mail Tribune. Olsin was Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Kincaid, Suits, Suits, Suits at P a u k e r won first honors among National * rags. No overalls, underw ear of Ashland, and Mr. and Mrs. severely injured, and is now in a PORTLAND, Ju ly 2 3 . — ude’s. 273-tf Guard marksm en at Camp Perry * or w oolen goods accented. George Nichols, of Medford, re­ Medford hospital. Traffic offic­ (Special to The T id in g s)__ last year. * 5 cen ts per pound, T idings turned last night from a week­ er J. J. McMahon investigated the The big P acific N orthw est H ealin g Services Today— * office. {f “ The Q u ality Store" livestock ]>avilion in N orth A song by young Alfred Garr, end camping trip at Diamond and 1 case' WORK PROGRESSING Portland w as destroyed by and a sermon on “ Fellowship,” C rater lakes. ON N EW R. R. LINE Here F or Sum m e fir e tills aftern oon , w ith a toy the Rev. Mr. Garr, featured BOISE, Idaho, July 23.— Bal­ Mrs. E. R. McCormick, of Genuine “ Therm os” Bottles, lo ss o f approxim ately $ 6 0 0 ,- th e revival m eeting a t the taber­ lasting and block signal construc­ Omaha, Nebraska, arrived on 11.25.— McNair Bros. OOO. A heavy- w ind fanned nacle last night. A healing ser­ tion is now being done on the 27- the Shasta Limited last night to th e flam es, w h ich started in vice will be held Thursday night, mile cutoff which will bring the R eturned Saturday— spend the sum m er with her th e M ow att-Sm ith sh in gle It was announced today. main line of the Oregon Short Mrs. John Enders and daugh­ mother-in-law, Mrs. E. T. Merrill. M ills and jum ped over a Line train s through Boise. Lay­ Sweet cream for whipping and ter, left Klam ath Falls for Ash­ This fall Mrs. McCormick and clearin g 1OO feet w id e to the ing the rails has ju st been com-j livestock buildin g. The coffee— also fresh milk, always land on Saturday, after a visit Mrs. Merrill will go to Los Ange­ pleted. W ithin a few weeks I sh in g le m ills w ere a lso d es­ on Ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf of a week with Mr. and Mrs. L. les, where Mr. McCormick will work will sta rt on a new station join them. Mr. McCormick is a Jacobs, Mrs. Enders parents. troyed. T he cause of th e fire here. The first trains are expect­ form er Ashland resident, and will has not been determ ined. L eft This Morning— ed to be through here in early Caravan Coming— be remembered here as a tennis Mrs. J. H. Sugg, who is proprie­ September. ~ According to word received, champion. to r of a millinery shop, left this m orning for Spokane. From there here, a caravan of between 150 ' M » * M 1 * • * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ( > ♦ ♦ » ♦ * t t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t > t ♦ t t> m t » « ♦ ♦ ♦ t ♦ t she will go to Portland, to attend and 200 autos will pass through i W riter In G rants Pass— W alalce Smith, eastern w rite r,! th e opening of the spring m illin­ Ashland on August 5 or 6. The cars will contain members of the is in G rants Pass, accompanied ery show, on August 4. Mrs. Sugg United A rtisans of tho Northwest, by his wife. He was brought to expects to be gone about two who are on th eir way to the na­ the northern city through the ef­ weeks. tional conclave at Oakland. The forts of the California-Oregon W hole-wheat bread rush daily Artisans will spend a night in power company and the Grants 273-tf Medford, where they will give a Pass Chamber of Commerce. He a t The Lithia Bakery. concert at the arm ory, charging will be shown spots of historical a small admission. They will not Interest in Josephine county. V isited in K lam ath— stop in Ashland for any length Charley H argadine and daugh­ of time. f h e T iding ’s Ads B rin g R esu lts te r of Ashland, visited the Dun- anc family, in the K lam ath coun­ try, the first of last week, and -» ♦ n t 11 > » ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ retu rn ed to Ashland Thursday. H argadine is a form er settler in the K lam ath country. FOR I/IS T “ EL DORADO’ Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Every D epartm ent in the store offers Special Values for this, our GREAT­ EST CLEARANCE SALE. $2.48 Gingham Dresses Now $1.69 $1.48 Women’s Gowns Now $1.00 25c Ginghams and Percales yd. 19c $2.25 Dutchess Dress Salin vd. $1.98 $2.48 Charineuse Satin \d . $2.19 w 65c Tissue Gingham vd. 48c E. R. ISAAC & CO. Protect The Loved Ones New Shoe Patterns Coming Every Day Big sale on now of tailored to order suits a t Orres, with trousers free. 273-2* W alter A. Squires, Director of W eekday Religious Education for the Presbyterian Church, will speak on the work of the W eek­ day Bible School, at the Presby­ terian church on Wednesday evening, July 23rd. Everyone Is cordially invited to be present and learn about this branch of public school work th a t Is finding re­ m arkable favor and success I d many cities of the United States. B ack From V acation— Mrs. F rank Merrill, wife of the Ashland street commissioner, Is back in Ashland after spending a m onth In San Francisco. Thursday at Have been tested by the most critical, who have found them much the b etter stove. ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY M N. Main r Patents. Satins and Camel Kids High Class” shoes that wear and are reasonably priced. Preparations for actual construction of The Ashland Memorial Mausoleum are being made. More than 50 families have reserved resting places tor their loved ones. u • 2*y $OOD$ Clean-Sweep SALE! Plain Color Ratine FLORENCE Oil Stoves W orkmen Hav, Started Imported 98c Quality 9c These families know that their loved ones will rest undisturbed and pro­ teeted against the ravages of the elements, as come with earth burials, in this beautiful, sanitary, clean and dry structure of marble, rein- forced concrete and bronze. We have a number of short lines that are specially priced. Your size and the style you want may be in one of these lots at a saving of from With the erection of this mausoleum, one of more than 2,000 in the I nited States, Ashland will join the ranks of the progressive com­ munities which think not only of earthly habitations, hut which pro vide a temple of rest for the protection of its citizens. $2.00t0 $4.00 However, there remain only a few crypts in this modern mausoleum, as the num ber will be limited by the subscriptions before construction of the foundation begins. No more can be added after the foundation is started within a few days, so suli­ scriptions must be made quickly. White Kid and Canvass Low Shoes at half price Mr. Mason is in this community to explain the benefits of mausoleum interm ent and the harmony of this modern temple of re st— the first to be constructed in Southern Oregon with modern intelligence and civilization. The mausoleum is being erected under a perpetual endowment fund government pat­ ents and standard specifications, no money being required until construction has been started, with obligations held in escrow in your bank per yd. Mr. Mason will be glad to explain the plan and benefits inc orporated in the mauso- lem organization at your convenience if you will phone The Ashland TidingH, No. 39, or Mayor Loomis, Phone 97. ‘W here Y our D ollar H ae M ore C ents’ 4