M aam A «™ BAÎLŸ TtDtS'GS ! because farm women' fit that ' may be a little less busy Wednesday, July 1024 time PENSION SYSTEM IS than PROPOSED AT flVNOD j usuai. Attendants from a dis­ PHYSICIANS tance will find it easy to camp in EUGENE. July 23. — A new C lassified Colum n R ates i the park and attend the session. pension system for retired and - One cent the word each DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ disabled chuich w orkers was fav­ That Ashland is receiving literary recognition is indicated by j P*cn*c dinner will be served dence and office, 108 Pioneer time. ored in a resolution adopted by __ e ____ .............v„ th July ______ num ber „ of The ......... L ariet, which in its own words, is “i d 0 &ll I*1 attendance Wednesday Vy To run every issue for one avenue. Telephone *.8. O ffke monthly round-up of W estern discussion and criticism devoted to night in the park by the Cham- the Oiegon synod of the Presby­ month or more, Vfcc the word hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 higher standards of literatu re on broad cultural lines of expression.” ) ber of Commerce and women’s terian church at yesterday’s ses­ p. m. only. each time. i i r J “ bi iCn n ° n «a!® ® ’ th ! h«adin«’ “ Monthly Anthology off ( clubs The regular park concert sion. Ninety five horses have been Verse, a poem w ritten by Blanche Logan O Neal, of this city, en- t nder the plan a sum equal will he changed to Thursday eve­ entered in the tro ttin g and pac­ S U i S DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ titled, “ Recompense.” It follows: to 10 p r cent of each m inister’s ing races at the Jackson Countr ning and varied to cater to the tice limited to eye, ear, nose and B C R .N A R .lt FO R R E N T salary would be paid annually F air in September. This is the institute music lovers. The com­ M ACFAODEN God sends to us the w intry blasts th ro at— X-ray including teeth. into the pension fund, the church m unity singing will be led by record number of race liorces ever b s s e s s b s s s s s b s s b b That sweep the land and sea— FOR RENT — 5 room unfur­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc And yet we know th a t sum m er comes— George N. Angell of the Oregon i assembled in Southern Oregon. The day has gone by when It was paying 7 1-2 per cent and the nished house. Inquire 242 Gran­ 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, W ith wild ecstacy. Farm er, not only a musician of Entries for the running races will considered that frailty, either in a’ m inister 2 1-2 per cent. From the ite or Phone 340-R. 268-tf Ore. thus derived m inisters ability but a real leader. not be received until later on and physical sense or In Its reference fund God gives us days like monks in black would receive at the age of 65 an FOR RENT— Furnished Cabins , OR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic as the purse offered is very much to character, was the essential The welcome address will be Slow marching, one by one— and tents facing park, near L ith­ annual pension fund equal to one- And yet we know behind the clouds and Electro-Therapy. Office made by Mrs. K ate W. Jameson, larger than in the past it will un- quality of womanhood. We know ia w ater and play ground. Place lia’ . t of their actual average sal­ He holds for us, the sun. phone 48; residence 142. First dean of women a t the college. doubtedly result in more runners now that the designation of th® to park your car. Call 153. ary during their years of service, N ational Bank building. Other college speakers and their entering the races here than ever "weaker sex,” as applied to women, God knows th a t they who walk alone, 281-tf before. was an unpardonable libel against the minimum am ount to be $600. subjects are as follows: Feel solitude’s dull pain— FOR RENT— Furnished room, DÇ. HAW LEY— Above Dr. H e n iy B. M asters, n a tio n ­ The directors of the Fair As-j tho sex, which there is good Tidings J. L. Fairbanks, head of the So he tenderly imbues the heart breakfast given, 300 Meade St. al s e c re ta iy o f th e b oard of m in ­ office. Phone 91. soclation have the problem to reason to believe is the more vital W ith love’s exquisite flame. arts departm ent, a rt in the home iste ria l re lie f and s u s te n a tio n . 273-6* i solve as to how all of these horses Rod enduring of the two. We from the standpoint of applica­ DR. C. W. HANSON are to be housed. At present there know now that the apparent and poin,Pd out ,hp advantages th e tion to color schemes and pic­ Dentist is stall room for fifty three head superficial muscular weakness of new syFtera would have over the FO R SALE en will be made by Dr. Estella tu res; Frederick Berchtold, pro­ of horses. The cost of construct- women has been the result of arti- • Present plan, under which only a Special attention given to pyor- I Ford W arner, of the state board fessor of English, present day lit­ ing adequate stable room for the J o r a / i n o n * h"® whl.c b . been few of the church workers receive FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver . , rorcea upon her, and the old ron. any sort of pension. The new sys­ té ra tu re ; Edwin T. Reed, iollege cf health, and how to play a bit milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. horses th at will be here for the ception of her was a result of the and how to find time for it in editor, “ Speed, Power and Con­ fair is estim ated at two thousand general misunderstanding of this tem would provide for all em­ dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* ; MONUMENTS the daily round of household tro l;’ ’ E sther Cooley, clothing five hundred dollars. ' iact- We know now that when ployes of the church. FOR SALE or TRADE— 24 duties will be brought out by re ­ specialist, daily talks of the R acine Coming Rack P lth th e ln possiblllty a n a tu ra of l environm v o m in g » a t k . w fu l, deve, ent. i ASHLAND GRANITE acres river bottom land, 2 miles creation specialists. Some of the clothing problem. Horse racing is coming back ment, woman is no less strong and MONUMENTS west of G rants Pass, under grav­ Mrs. C. W. H ayhurst, form er stronger than ever before. For a enduring lectures will not be at all edu­ «•muring than tnan man a fact which Oregon G ranite Co. ity ditch, crop included. Will cational, and the en tire program president of the state paremt- time the automobile took the cen- has be^n a,nPly proved by the i 8. PENNISTON. Salesman. OREGON AGRICULTURAL is so arranged as to he unified teachers association and leading te r ot „ the . stage but . . the . bone and Jous physical stamkta women In J v , « r I I trad e for Ashland residence prop­ tribes of where con‘( I Res. 4 7 0 Laurel Phone 4 4 4 -Y COLLEGE, Corvallis, July 22— A erty, 203 K. St., G rants Pass, member of the federated women’s and fairly complete w hether ta k ­ muscle of the horse has super-1 have favored something like hom em akers’ institute for women en as a whole in daily attendance clubs will give an address on the ceeded the automobile which is a equality of development. Oregon, F. M. Wichman, 272— 6tf PLANING MILL of southern Oregon will be held or in piece-meal by women who “ Passion Play." test if mechanical strength. . 1be Present rime the athletic FOR SALE — Choice building by the state college extension “ ju st drop in ” from busy homes n Rig t P n u rs e s A . ttra ‘ c t glrl is w orld fast becoming | th e gGnerally the l8 ideal, and JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET lots on G ranite street, facing service at G rants Pass July 28 or from the to u rist camp. It was the purses hung up by i more wholesome conception of tho ' WORKS, Gor. Helman and park; near Lithia w ater and play­ to August 1. The G rants Pass A rcordtng to Reports the F air Association that attract- J meaning of perfect womanhood. ' S ession s Near Park Van Ness. Chamber of Commerce and ground. Inquire at Convalescent wom­ Southern Oregon cities are be- ed the finest horses from Califor- ,m.e? and wom en a re learn- 1 Home. 267-lt The session will be held in the . v, . , , , lng that e subtle charm of wo- I en's clubs have charge of local TRANSFER AND EXPRESS coming the mecea of tent theatres. ma, W ashington. Idaho. Montana manhood tb Is the result of the sub- pavilion on the county fair FOR SALE - Cows, either W hittle T ransfer & Storage C o .' arrangem ents and Mrs- Jessie D. The Frank and King players are Oregon and even several from far j erb physical magnetism of robust auto park. in this city and the Evelyn Kin- off Illinois. The Jackson County b race horses acceptet th e i m ore. wom en a rc com ing to real- _ . Ashland is soon to b e je r s of ------ ------ _ _ccepted 500 lbe. capacity, $17.00. 1 30- tional needs. ! or so and take away a very defi- , vjSjted by a ^ m ila r organization. [ schedule and will ship here. ize that exquisite personal beauty 117. gal. coal oil tank and pump, Daily talks on health for w orn-' nite idea. The d ate was selected 1 — Mail Tribune. ! otherwise thev would have to lay h e alth °a nd0 deveiopm enr^’B ea u ^ Office 89 Oak St. near $8.00. 1 16-foot counter and Hotel Ashland , over some other point without is the expression of a vigorous and bins, $25.00. I cheese cutter, ! the opportunity of racing that harmonious condition of the en- $5.00. Plaza M arket, 61 N. T. L. POW ELL— General T rans­ : week. ) body, of internal cleanliness x • , . . . land wholesomeness, all of 1 which Main, Ashland. 274— I t fer— Good team and motor j One entry that is of p a rtic u la r1- -- -■ • - union -J ' i a re absolutely inconslstant w ith a track s. G >od service at a rea-1 interest to persons of this district condition of w eakness or th e phy­ nouab.’e price. Phone 83. is Oregon Bond, owned by Scott sical inactivity which Is resp o n ­ FOR SALE P u re Woolf, of Medford. This horse sible for such w eakness. WHEAT AND CORN blood an d good circulation a re lm - FEHIGE-ROACH PRICES ARE SOARING UP­ is a bay gelding sired by Bonds- possible u n d er conditions of m us- T ransfer — Express — Storage WARD, and other farm pro­ nian, an d h a s a rac e reco rd of tw e c u la r stag n atio n , involving also i Hauling — Dray work of all ducts are on the rise but real minutes, sixteen and a half sec­ lack of tone a n d th e sluggish a c t- estate is still astonishingly B est kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry j Output for 1924 likely to break of the government and those of latter in recent years. The records' onds for the mile. H e is e n te re d ion of the fu n c tt°n a l organs. Tho low. Some w ithdraw als of . . . . . . b eau ty lines of any p a rt of the wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R • w n u . Total production autos now in use are the latest of the Automobile Chamber of j two C o sts N o M ore events, one in which , property from m arket but on­ 37 5 B. St. noay Honon.i aepena upon th e m uscular since 1900 about 2 0 million e A stiraat5 of the Department of C o e r c e 112-tf ly a few upward changes in Because of th e ir outstanding , . , ... i . Agriculture. number ot passenger machines pro- time £f two minutes and fourteen efficiency of that part. prices asked. In the face of machme. of which .b o o IS The ,o[a, wholesale of duccd to 1923 8 time, u man, seconds for the mile is expected. I su periority we are often asked KING’S TRANSFER— Service , the proposed developments, the why these great over-size m iluon n o w in use In U . S. 20,000.000 machines turned out in M 3*»» earher, the and the other in which a time of) Classmen ads bring results. day or night at reasonable rates. , unanim ous opinion is th a t now C-T-C hand-built low infla­ and 1 million exported. Ma- this country since 1900 is approx- na<* or f^dcs turned out two minutes and eighteen seconds ; is the time to buy real estate. Wood for sale. Phone 113, Res.) tion cords cost no more than chines n o w sen t to o v er 1 0 0 imarriy $ that of the »» » » to a a .a s im n y m in jg hoped for o rd in ary tires. The New Hotel will be built, 231 Van Ness. 265— l m o ' anrl 1.000.000 machines exported over , Trucks now form «boot 10% < • The Shale Oil will be flowing co u n to es, c o l o n i e s and <:10()0G00000 Of the approx. of die total number of machines' T hey’re w orth more, p erfo rm ­ into Ashland very soon. The islands. U . 5 . has 83% o f imately 18.000.000 machines in the p.rodt^ ? d; “ 1914 tbe3r were ance proves that; but C-T-C’s Blacksmith Shop C annery will operate on larg­ world auto*. whole world wc have 15,000,000. 5% of toe totaL Trucks form- are made on the P acific Coast Blacksmith Shop, E ast Main ! e r scale, a big Box Factory w here o f the finest m aterials fo r _____ The United States with 6% of the cd about of the total number tire b uildin g are assem bled at less I n s is te n 9t. Horseshoeing, Automobile ) will be built this summer, a »v . *». world population has thu3 about °. automobiles exported of 1923, cost than back East. Then there’s the average export value per ma- startlin g developments of the Spring work a specialty. Auto ) Announcement that the automo- 83% o{Hthe wwrl(j,s autQ3 »ot. the freight cost in bringing the fin ish e d tires back again. This sav­ bile production of the United Thls wonderfu, th in our chine being, according to toe rec- Pompadore Lithia springs are parts. ing goes into extra quality for C-T-C States in the first two months of production of machines> says the ords of the Depwtment of Com- under way, which will caus« cords. IRA YERIAN. 252-1 mo. the current year is 25% greater Trade Record for we hav/ made merce, fiqucks $61$, passenger ma- car loads and train loads of There is also a C-T-C haod-built Bal- than in the same months of last mracri<.a,,v aI1 nf thn^ nnw in chiTlCS $714. L ithia w ater and Carbonic Gas For C o n stipation? b/on tire for extreme low inflation, BEAGLE & BEAGLE. Painter* which fits any standard wheel and rim. The exports go to aU all parts of , ------------ ’ --------- year suggests tnat tne out- jn the United States and probably Ane exP°™ to be shipped from Ashland, Day work or contract. Estim ates turn may approach the 5 million .on€_thjrd of those in u s e to io a d Jhe world- The 1922 record, the C-T-C Tubes add tnileace to a lm i at a n y Medical baths to be construct­ will save you hot hours eaaing. Free. P. O. Box 171. 266-6P I hne as against the former high is a result o{ a tremendous increase Iat,cst for which detaiIs are avail- ed, handsome Golf grounds record of 4 million in 1923. in the capital invested in this in- 5 ? ®akor trucks went laid out, and a corporation with spent over a stove this The number of automobiles pro dustry. The census of 1900 pot GET YOUR STOVE repaired at , 9? , different countries, capital of $300,000 will take Eagle Iron and Brass W orks, duced in the United States, says the capital of the automobile fac- COI°P!es an« »lands, and passenger over the Blair G ranite Quarry summer. We hake it w orking 150 men and shipping Oberlain street. New grates and the Trade Record of The National tories of the country at $5,769,000, V»c“ mes to over 100. Of the 24,- City Bank of New York, which that of 1910 at $173,837,000. that of 861 trucks exported in 1923 abow tra in loads of granite, over liners made to order, any style was only 4,000 in 1900 jumped to 1920 at $1,310,451,000, while the 9,000 went to Europe, approximate • fresh daily for your con­ the coast states. IN VIEW stove. Stock on hand. Stoves for ’5,000 in 1905, 187,000 in 1910, total at the beginning of 1924 is 2,000 to South America, 2,000 tc, OF THIS, WHY W’AIT? Beaver Block I sale, 264-lmo. •early one million in 1915, over 2 estimated by competent authorities Australia, and 5,000 to Japan venience. Rescued By Korex After million in 1920, 4 million in 1923, at fully $1,500,000.000. or 260 times the 127,000 passenger machines cx- YOU CAN NOT LOOSE ON WHAT YOU Second Hand goods bought, sold ?'.ld may approximate 5 million in as much as 25 years ago. With ported in 1923 approximately 35.- Flu Nearly Got Him :4- The total number of ma- this enormous increase in capital 000 went to Europe, 26,000 to BUY NOW exchanged,repaired. Collected and For instance; here is a 5 delivered. Chair Doctor, Cor.3rd. 'nines turned out from 1900 to the investment and outturn has come Australia and 15,000 to South “A fter having the flu four ■vl of 1923 is, in round terms. 20 a big reduction in prices, the aver- America. Exports of trucks r acre tract on the Paved High­ and A St., Phone 295R. 232-2mo. ••-illion, of which about 15 million age export price of the machines Canada are reported at 1,350 an- m onths,” says Henry R. Haines way, only 2 mRes out, good ..it now in use in the United States, sent out of the country having been, passenger machines 11012 th.s of Cardin, Oklahoma, “ I came soil, some fru it trees, fine I DO FANCY cement work, 1 million have been exported, and according to governmental figures, comparatively small number of ma out in a condition worse than i building spot, panoramic view, chimneys, septic tan k s; also cem- tne other 4 million have presumably $1.708 per machine in 1907. the first chines passing from the United death. I had no vigor, strength for $750. ♦ • ♦ ♦ * etry work etc., J. D. Peffley, 143 ’¿one where all good autos go.” to year of official record, $1,005 in States to Canada being due to th e or courage. A fter taking korex. A well built, plastered, 6 Wh St. 227— Imo» be melted down and turned again 1913. and $712 per machine in fact that the Canadian market i? I gained 10 pounds right away ¡.do new machines. These figures of January 1924 largely supplied by plants in C arnot room bungalow, full basement, .roduriion are those ot the United This tremendous growth in the owned by United States com pare- and it seemed to put new life in ­ 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May concrete foundation, first class Census and the Automobile popularity of the automobile has the 1922 outturn of these United to my nerves and made my blood poreclain bath and toilet fix­ communicate with Ensign Lee C’n. ml.er of Commerce, those of been shared by both passenger and States plants in Canada being c circulate faster. Now I am full tures, sightly front, close to of the Salvation Army at the sports are from the official record freight machines, but especially the 90,000 machines ** *" of pep again.” Today, many center of town, and the price W hiteShield Home. 565 May- is only $2100. Don’t let the months later, Mr. Haines still fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. price scare you. It ju st hap­ feels as “ good as new,’’ accord-) pens to be a rare sacrifice sn ip ing to his own statem ent. • • ♦ • * According to enthusiastic users For a smooth shave City lots, Acreage, Orchards, TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL the benefits of korex are com and quick service go Farm s, Stock Ranches and C4S S E E N B Y ^POPULAR c ^ O C H A N K S c A ÍA G A Z IN E piete and lasting. Thousands the Business Opportunities. te the Shell B arber TODAY and TOMORROW * • • * • world over are now using this i Shop. Ladies and If your price is attractive, Exercise in H am m ock H elps T o A mountain of solid rock 5,000 feet this is plainly shown in the detail. A wonder compound. A 0 0 te w ZUKOA. «0 J l S i t t . LASK.Y P K E ÍI N T W eary and children get your hair I will be glad to list what you high and the same distance through spacing peg must be used, so that ah worn-on* men and women, tun Reduce W eight have for sale. If I sell it w 11 bobbed and marcel­ To exercise the parts of the body in the base, if placed on an immense the knots will be of the same size; tht forers from m uscular pain, lack led. be at your price and you pay which fat accumulates, and help users jack, could be lifted by the force re knot is tied around the peg, which v of appetite, lessened vigor and the commission. I do not spec­ \ \ \ A. SHELL, Prop. improve their physical condition, a re­ quired to operate the vessels, at the then slipped out. The peg should be low glandu’ar activity, w 11 lie ulate on the ow ner’s property. • * • • • volving hammock has been invented rate of a foot a day. Connected to about 1 in. square and tapered to a interested in learning th a t the | • 32 A. St. ABhland, Ore ? pumps, it is enough to drain Lake point. CALL ON THE MAN WHO American distributors of korex ♦ ♦ * Michigan at such speed that the level ADVERTISES compound have arranged for kor­ would be reduced 10 feet a year, or it Lead-In F its under W in d o w s Ashland, Ore. V ex compound to be sold in Ash- ,I could light, heat, and furnish power Fitting under a dosed window, a Staples Realty Agency NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS to 600 towns with populations of 5,000. j land at East Side Pharmacy. Ask 71 E. Main. Ashland Hotel Bid. Sealed bids will be received by Were it possible to use the energy in flexible lead-in now on the market p.b,'iit korex compound the next p. Ct Çfammonal Cfidure the Oregon State Highway Com­ artillery, 200 tons of shells could be should p r o v e time you are in this drug store. popular w i t h . shot onto the moon each day. MISCELLANEOUS mission a t two o’clock P. M. on radio fans. The L ;— ! T * * * —--------------------------------------------- ' Ju lj 29th, 1924, at Room 520, lead-in is thin Sim ple M ethod o f M aking R ag and flat, and can IAWT: License plate No. | Multnomah Couuty Court House 71-126 Ore., between Ashland and Portlandi Oregon for tfae cqq Love—Til rills—Suspense—and that dement that Vs dif­ M ats be bent to any ferent. an Lake of the Woods. Finder structlon of Service Buildings on Excellent doormats can be made at 8 h a p e to fit leave at post office. 273-2tf the Pacific Highway south of Ash­ JnvigoratintjJmiC-i home from strips of rag or burlap. closely to t h e - — The strips must all be of the same window ledges. GENTLE horse, will work land near Siskiyou Station. Con­ width and twisted until they are about I t is covered struction to consist of one resi­ single or double, good saddle ani­ the thickness of a finger. The strips with a fireproof, mal, 1,050 pounds, Phone 292-J. dence, one warehouse and 95C are tacked, about 4 in. from one end, insulating m a - It is said to stretch the spine and the 272— 3* feet of pipe line. to a length of wood, and are spaced % terial which pre­ Proposal blanks may be ebtain- muscles, stimulate circulation, and re­ in. apart. The width of the mat de­ vents grounding duce weight. The device consists of WANTED — Desirable 5 or 6 1 ed and plans and specifications a metal framework, with stirrups at pends on the number of strips used, o f circuits o n room furnished house, near Jun- ¡ inspected at the office of Real­ one end and head grip at the other. which must be an even number. wet w in d o w sills, and elimi­ After fastening the length of wood tor high. Phone 304-J. 274-tf ¡ dent State Highway Engineer, A strap goes under the chin. Canvas nates the neces­ to a table or bench, the strips are ready Room 308 Medford National ! ebbing, shaped like a "Y,” supports WANTED— 2 boys to thin ap­ ■flank Building, Medford, or ob­ '.he body. to be woven, which is done by ty ing sity of drilling ples. P honel-F l-11 274— 2* * ♦ * « them together with “square” knots un holes and fitting tained direct from the State H igh­ til the mat is completed. The first porcelain tubes Farms in Cities Predicted WANTED —• Heavy Chickens, way Commission at Salem, Ore­ knot is tied with the first and second in the window in Seventy-Five Years ' » frames. T a b s peaches, apricots, and plums. De­ gon. Small farms within the city limit.«, Cash, B idder’s Bond or C erti­ are provided at p o t Hotel. 271-6tf t h e ends f o r fied Check for an am ount equal louble and triple-decked streets, and soldering the down lead from the ) WANTED to rent, furnished or to 5 per cent of the total am ount ■ready enlarged traffic accommoda- ons of all kinds, will be needed by AND aerial and the lead to the instrumec unfurnished m odern, 4 or 5 room ; of bid must accompany each pro- liieh means that you can get the very stove New A ork within the next seventy- The fitting will prove of special benef.i ■ house. Located in suburb, with posal. ivc years, it is predicted, to care for 5on need to add conit ort to housekeeping' at a to radio enthusiasts living in apart­ a c re or » of ground, work shop OREGON STATE HIGHWAY ne 29,000,000 inhabitants who by that :IPS OF RAGS ments, where the drilling of window greatly reduced price. and considerable storage room. COMMISSION true are expected to call the city their frames is usually prohibited. AT "Prefer dealing w ith owner. Would ♦ ♦ * tome. ROY A. KLEIN, ♦ * • lease for one year. Address, Mer- Steamed and frosted windows arc • State Highway Engineer. Vm can buy them cheaper now than at any 1 SPACING, N a v y ’s Electric Fleet H as Pow er 111, Oregon, N. E. W’oodhouse. source of annoyance to many house­ PEG time of the year, for we want to move them. wives as the moisture not only ol> for G iant T ask s 268-6t Letterheads, statem ents. t o strips, the second knot with the third structs the view but also soils tlx your order at the Tidings Office. Electric energy generated by the six and fourth strips, the third knot with glass through the accumulation of WANTED — W ashings to do. We have a good job printing de- •Hitleahipe propelled by electricity the fifth and sixth strips, and so on to dust when sweeping or cleaning. A M urphy Electric Company. 266-lt partm ent. __________ __ __________________ tf uow numbered among the navy’s the end. The second row of knots is cloth bag containing a few spoonfuls hixnting craft, according to engineers, begun by tying the second and third of tobacco, placed in the water used WANTED— Few 2nd hand bird ------ -------------------- cages. Call 153. 265—t f j FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid- if ipplied to other tasks could furnish strips, then the fourth and fifth strips, to wash the windows, will overcome H«me Furnishers in Ashland ------------------------------------------------ i ings; 25c per bundle. dh 'Uiiicient power to run 3,200 street cars and so on. The knots are all tied in the this trouble and will also impart a or pull forty-eight passenger truing same way, and the method of doing clear, crystal effect. Classified Column PROFESSIONAL RECOMPENSE OOF HORSES 10 6E IN BIO FAIR EVENTS T/ealtk hints Father o f Physical C u ltu r e MEET BN JULY28 AT GRANTS PASS m t TRADE RECORD Our Automobile Industry The 9ur -T A N V A C VEGETABLE PILLS Bread SENTENCED TO A M Leedonis Tire House Franklin Bakery Phone 199 T IR E S ¿ /T U B E S W hat, ihe World Is ¿Doing) THOMAS MEIGHAN >I£D « P/P£R ÍMA í DN^ YALE Builders’ Locks IVe Have Too Many OIL STOVES Hardware Winchester Store Simpson’s Hardware Swenson & Peebler 3