toute twe Í ' ' T Snake be that a vear on one manorial estate is all the purse will bear. Certainly tenants are of brief fealty to rented do­ (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) miciles. Their independence is deeper than belief that Publish» E very E v en in g E xcept Sunday by dumb waiters tell no tales; their roving spirit has florid THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. expression in a refrain of moving day. . . “ Millions for Bert R. Greer ..........................................................................................E ditor moving, but not one cent for landlords.” George Madden Green ..................................................... Business M anager! But if an itching foot takes to the road, an itching official city pa per .......................................... Telephone 39 palm will take from the purse. “ Pay or move,” says the E ntered at th e A shland. Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mafl M atter landlord. “ Pay Or Stay,” Says the moving mail. Does it pay to move! Subscription P rice, D elivered in City 3 .65 One Month ................ ............................................................... A variation of an old jingle assures that 1.95 Three Months — six M o n th s....... 3.75 j All the king’s horses and all the king’s gas One" Y e a r ........................................... .................................................. - 7.5« Won’t turn a'wheel until silver shall pass. . . . B y Mail and R ural R outes: Because every van keeps close to the vanguard?— 3 .65 One M o n th __ 1.95 The Nation’s Business. Three Months ASHLAND DAILY T ID IN G S 3.50 6.50 f She M on th s..... One Year ...... DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch ............................................................. 3 .30 Y early C ontracts: insertion a week .....................................................- ............. Two nwsftlons a week ................................. _ .......................... P a lly Insertion ........................................................ ~ ............................. R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. subsequent insertion, 8 point line.................................. — of T hank s__ _________ a w t o . r i « . p«r U^edtiOoday, July 2Í». iÖäH ASHtAXD DAÍÍA* TlÔINGfi » v i fl ni I r .25 .20 3 10 05 1.00 . m h General Butler, in command of the Coolidge forces, 'announces that they are ready to inject “ personalities” ■ into the campaign, if necessary. It will doubtless be nec- ¡essary from the standpoint of either of the three candi­ dates. Let us hope that the probable I ocr I showers are not »«•♦« n(-x t w e e k . W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ; m, , • , , / . ~ ~ “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or s m e OOOlllg a n ti iliS S in g ol American collection taken in Advertising so-called French sportsmen seems to have No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. __ + i , »• , ■, . DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertis­ ,, , , athletes hv the had little effect . on the Yankee track and field stars—they continued win­ ning. e s or ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. ______________________________ ___________________________ _ JULY 2 3 BRETHREN, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the sp irit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tem pted.— G alatians 6:1. Soon California will have to initiate a campaign to keep tourists at home. There is no closed season in politics. A DOUBLE OPPORTUNITY river and Boise is now either hand, has a irood defense team ing with population. The ! and -is willing to gamble th at he Snake river has furnished great can knock any of the present irrigation projects and what ap- > contenders silly long before the peared to US' as a veritable desert limit. is now covered with prosperous The Greenwich Village fighter farm ers and happy homes. The is not going to rush into a battle N orthern Pacific railroad now with Jack Dempsey. He is go- crosses this plain and the thriv- j ing to go ahead by easy stages, ing little city of Caldwell is built ; adding m oie weight to his frame, about eight miles south of Boise, until such time as he thinks he while the la tte r has grown to : is “rig h t” for the titu la r go. Then be a city in fact and is no longer Gene plans to force the champion flouted by an insolent savage ! into th e ring. hoard such as we found there, i Of course, Tunny’s lofty ain- It is not my purpose, however, to bition may come a cropper. He try to depict the progress and may have the wrong dope on grow th of th e country through beating C arpentier; but American which we passed. This I may followers of the fistic game feel tak e up a t some future time. We confident th a t the French idol traveled over five hundred miles will be easy for th e local boy. of genuine wilderness, still dom- They figure th a t C arpentier is not inated by its native wild man and ! the same fighter he was a few at a time when they were discus- i years ago, when he met Jack sing an effort to wipe the white , Dempsey in Boyle’s Thirty Acres race off of the face of the coun- and went hack to France w ithout try between the Cascade moun- ‘ the toga. Tunney, on the other tains and the Rocky m ountains. hand, they say, has been coming, In the capacity of a U. S. Sur- and coming fast. They look for veyor and in other capacities I : him to finish off C arpentier eas- have kept in touch with its g ro w -' ily. th for more than fifty years and Tunney’s plans after th a t are have crossed it in many direc- still incomplete. The prohabil- ities are th a t he may meet Tom tions. It was our intention to retu rn Gibbons; or the w inner of the to Rogue River valley by a route W ills-Firpo set-to. A fter that, entirely different from our t r i p ' next year — for Dempsey won’t out and to th a t end crossed cen- be seen in action this year— the tra l Oregon emerging via the Mc- task of lifting the championship, Kinzie river a t Eugene in the if he is able. W illam ette valley. To this jo u r­ ney I will address my self in subsequent' chapters of this n ar­ rative. C. B. WATSON, Ashland July 19, 1924. To the people of Ashland who recognize the need for I Interesting Reminiscences By A new industries and an increased payroll and who desire! Southern Oregon Pioneer to invest surplus money in an approved security bearing guaranteed dividends, the movement to finance a box fac­ Being a series of Interesting articles dealing w ith early day tory offers a double opportunity. events and pioneer men and women who made history and The need for new industries offering employment builded for sueceeding generations. I throughout the year to those who desire to cast their lot (By C. B. W ATSON) DETROIT, July 23.— Music and here has long been recognized by many local citizens, and the ten m illionth Ford are m ak­ that the box factory will afford more employment and c h a p te r Ten ing m erry along the Lincoln High­ See R ogu e R iver Man way. increase the local payroll to greater extent than any Boise City, W ith its T h rift and We found several men from If it were possible to repro­ other industry, capital invested considered, is a fact rec-, Many B eautiful H om es, Con- Rogue River valley who had come duce all the selections th a t have stitu ted a D eligh tfu l Change to Idaho with the wave of m in­ ognized by all. The fact that the factory in itself will af­ NEW YORK, July 23.— Gene ¡greeted the car so far on its event- From the W eeks W e Had ing excitem ent th a t spread a few ford labor to twenty-five or thirty men is not the only Traveled Through th e W ilder­ years ago. Sam Clayton was a Tunney, pride of Greenwich C il-ifu l trip from New York to San important factor in connection with the proposed project, n ess. mem ber of the old pioneer fam ­ lage, is going after big game. Not Francisco, the world wou’.d be for once the factory is established and placed in opera­ ily of th a t name who had settled this year, for Gene does not be­ given a phonographic record tion the local demand for lumber will be such that many The Town W as F illed . W ith In ­ in the earlier days a t Clayton lieve th a t th e tim e is ripe for which would make the modern to pluck the laurels now held jazz orchestra green with envy, small sawmills will follow, each employing from twenty dians in B u ck sk in and F ea th ­ creek four or five miles southeast him of the ers, Im pudent and Saucy and of Ashland. Myers, Cardwell and by Jack Dempsey, but next year according to accounts to thirty men during the greater part of the year. It is D oing as T hey P leased , N ot­ will be another year. tour. There would be recorded a alrad were acquainted with not unreasonable to predict that with the box factory un­ w ith stan d in g th e Gari^son o f W Gene has got a little set-to with ! great medley of airs, produced by Clayton. So well pleased were der successful operation that within a very few years the Troops Stationed There. Clayton and his fam ily a t seeing Georges C arpenter, to be staged ; a big variety of instrum ents and -Si— combined lumbering industry will employ not less than friends from th eir old home th a t shortly. He is confident of the punctuated by frequent bursts of result. He also is willing to meet song, continual honking of auto one hundred and fty men, exceeding by far the payroll As we approached Boise City they gave a dance in our honor the winner of the H arry Wallis- horns and blasts of factory from the great sage plains spread at th eir ranch three or four miles of any other loci industry. Luis Firpo fight, and thus leap | whistles. to the south we cheered with out in the country. It was a reg­ The need for ‘w industries is made apparent by the out another step forward in his am ­ There have been parades and the prospect of again enjoying a u la r pioneer occasion with all the bition to be crow’ned w orld's receptions with large bands, small many people who arrive in Ashland, become enamored of season of civilization. How quiet necessary accessories. heavyweight champion. bands and even orchestras. Men's W riter G ets E m ploym ent its beauty, the climate, productivity of soil and its splen­ and peaceful it looked as we ap­ Gene is ju st oozing with confi­ did type of citizenship, yet are compelled to move on be­ proached it. The river was span­ Our whole party 'was not need­ dence these days. Also, the Vil­ to look after the horses so I cause of inability to find employment with which to pro­ ned by a.very good bridge and as ed we entered th e city of perhaps concluded to vary th e employ­ lage Pride does not think much ! vide themselves and families with the necessities of life. three thousand people, we were m ent by getting som ething else of the fighting abilities of e ith e r , J. W. Frazier This condition has obtained here since the early history delighted with th rifty young or­ to do. My first attem p t took me Champion Jack, Luis Firpo, or i of the town. Nothing will be gained by dodging the issue chards and splendid gardens. to a saw-mill a few miles out other contenders for the le ad in g 1 and Son title. where I was set at “ off-bearing” Along the side of every street and the earlier we realize the necessity of securing new Tunney has it all figured out th e saw. I t proved too industries and creating opportunities for laboring men was a canal carrying an abund­ from how he is going to he the next of w ater and every lot sup­ heavy a job fo r me and I only 3 cars of second cutting alfalfa the quicker will we attain the growth that natural re­ ance champion. He figures th a t any plied w ith a water-wheel which lasted two days. I then secured hay and 2 cars of grain hay sources entitle us to enjoy. scooped up the w ater and poured a job with a th resh in g machine man with a good one, two punch ju st arrived. Hay is going up be down the ladder very . From an investment standpoint there is no reason it into the gardens. Looking be­ with which I stayed until the won’t in price. Now is the t:i e to long. . to doubt the stability of the project. Every detail has been yond thd town up and down the band had been sold o u t and our He opines th a t Firpo, if he had lay in your w inter suppi), ah we saw attractive farms. It p arty ready to retu rn , when I thoroughly investigated by some of the substantial busi­ river kinds of grain and mill feed had th a t one, two punch, would was harvest tim e and we noticed joined them. is w orth more by the car load have been the champion today. ness men of the city ,who without exception, have given the appearance of promise of When I left Ashland it was not than we are retailing it at. it their stamp of approval. It is their judgment that the abundant crops. my expectation to retu rn . I had Tunney said th a t the fact th at Firpo is not such a puncher will Our present prices can’t stay planned to go from Helena down prime promoter has sufficient assets to cover the $20,- Indians in W ar P ain t the Missouri river home. T h is ,! spell defeat for him when he where they are many days, As we approached the business 000 of preferred stock, and they are firmly convinced that meets H arry Wills, negro cham p­ come in and see us and bring I w ould have done if the plant will be so operated that eight per cent dividends streets we were startled with the doubtless ion, your grocery order. We de­ we had gone to H elena as we of a large body of Tunney declared th a t Jack will be assured. Tirus we have a clean-cut proposition, appearance planned. The “ Indian scare” liver. Indians in paint, buckskin and which has stood the acid test of thorough inspection, feathers doing about as they thus, perhaps changed the whole Dempsey would have some diffi­ in overcoming a good one, guaranteeing eight per cent dividends and backed by suf­ pleased. Many of them were on course of my life. W e were in culty two puncher, especially a fighter J. W. Frazier out of Boise fo r about six ficient assets to make it sound. This ought to appeal to horseback doing what white men and who has a kick with the blows. weeks during which tim e we sold and Son the man or woman with funds to invest as being far su­ would have been arrested for all of our stock except our riding Not immodestly, Gene figures As they were not disturbed we perior to schemes daily offered by strangers. We th a t he has all these attributes. 3 5 8 E. MAIN PHONE 2 1 4 were curious to know something horses and pack anim als. PIPES GREET FORD GENE TUNNEY HAS EYES ON DEMPSEY’S EIGHT about it. We were told th a t the seemed to m ake many A GOOD AMERICAN—SOMETIMES ! Indians had been acting suspic- who expressed regTets a t parture. H. F. Phillips Aecording to liis own story, Gus Peterson’s program!ious and wlthin two weeks had very genial, jolly fellow life consists of working long enough to get money for * 'ai? e banhd “f horse! a^ ay excellent salesm an. of a first-class drunk, quitting the job and buying poor! bnTQ through to Helena, Mon- liquor. When he sobers up. he is always without money, tana. In fact two such hands and, being a wanderer, usually is told to “ get out of had been taken th at season and the people in charge of them had town.” Occasionally he gets a short jail sentence. been killed. When they learned A few days ago he quit a job with the Califoruia- th a t our destination was Helena, Oregon power company, got drunk in Medford, was fined we were urged to give up the $15, and still intoxicated, was taken out of the city and idea of going fu rth er east than told to travel. He came to Ashland, drank some canned we then were; th a t it was almost heat, and was arrested iu the act of tearing down the certain death to us and, at least, of our band. N otw ithstand­ door of a home that sheltered a terrified widow and two loss ing th a t there was a garrison of small children. troops at Boise, a good deal of ex­ When sober, Peterson is a quiet, reserved Swede. citem ent prevailed among the When drunk, he is a raging beast, a menace to civiliza­ people, and they avoided giving tion, best quieted with a blackjack. He is typical of al­ offense to the natives. Of course Indians were not blind to the most the entire floating population, a good worker, a good the fact th a t the whites were afraid potential American, when he is unable to get liquor. and this tended to make the sav­ When prohibition becomes what it was intended to ages insolent. The Indians were be, a law which makes obtaining intoxicants absolutely greatly interested in our beautiful band of horses and seemed to impossible, there will be more sober Gus Petersons, and know th a t we were coming. They the United States will move on a higher plane. asked us many questions, to wit; the price of this horse and that. We were told th a t we would THE GYPSY URGE stand a good show of selling our Moving day bills make impressive totals. The shift herd there and advised th a t we go of population in < 'liicago last year, for illustration, in­ no fu rth er. A fter a careful in­ cluded 367,000 fan dies, say engineers of a gas company. vestigation of the situation we They base their figures on the number of “ turn on” or­ concluded to take advice and try ders for gas. If all the families were blessed—or cursed— selling out where we were. In with worldly goods, and the transfer men levied tribute, pursuance of th a t plan we en­ quired about a suitable range say $30 on each move, the moving-van hill would amount near the city and were directed to more than $11,000,000. And ever}* move goes hard to drive onto the bunch-grass hills with furniture and furnishings—an additional expendi-' on the north side of the valley ture of $10,000,000 is reported for new things to put in j This we did. and Put a notice in new homes. No one has been able to appraise the loss the papers th a t we would drive in Mondays and Thursdays for of time from work, or the expenditures for meals outside the accommodation of buyers. We the homes. found th a t our herd was a ttra c t­ Some guessing has been done about the causes of the ing much attention and were soon Maytime quest for new abodes—high rentals, the perpet­ engaged in selling. As the news ual juggling to keep income even with outgo, and the spread people come in num bers and surprised us with the read­ gypsy urge for change have consideration. Lanlords still iness with which they selected hold a sort of feudal dominion over tenants, and it may and bought. friends He insists th a t lie can h it with our de­ was a and an F ort B o ise Those who have read the early pioneer days will rem em ber th at F o rt Boise was one of the oldest fro n tier posts th is side of the Rocky m ountains and was on the line of travel of these early ad­ venturers from 1837 to 1847. Their course from Boise was w esterly down Boise river to Its confluence w ith Snake river. Eoise valley and P ayette valley were very a ttra ctiv e and so soon as It appeared safe people settled there. Much of it was yet un­ settled when we v is ite d . it, but since th a t day it has become one of the chief garden spots in this great interior basin. The great sage-plain, we crossed between LJlLlLi-1!' ' Sardines Large Ovals in Oil, Toma­ to Sauce or M ustard, 15c par can, * 7 for 81-00 uIf a Printing Concern has more than one price—if any of its cus­ From Ashland Daily to P ortland ............................7:00 A. M- Daily to E ugene............................. 12.00 Noon Daily to Roseburg............................. 4:15 p.M 12:00 noon and 4:15 p. m. Stages connects to Portland following morning. We take passengers for all way points: for further inform ation and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone 47. FARE ASHLAND—PORTLAND $8.20 — —T* Gel Ready Ql IP yourself. Keep up your reserves. You need all the aid you etui get iu the race for success, and <»ne of the best equipm ents is the lnonev von have saved. E ♦ ♦ : : The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon {¡¿SIB ONE OF A M E R I C A ’S S T R O N G E S T C O M P A N IE S Hot simply good insurance — but BETTER Insurance T h e P erfect P ro tec tio n Policy in W e s t Coast Life offers you these better features: A c c id e n t: W eekly income during disa­ bility. S ick n ess: W eekly payments to cover loss o f time. P e r m a n e n t to ta l d is a b ility : (i) N o more premiums to pay, (2) M onthly in­ come for life, (3) Full amount of policy at death. » L oss o f lim b s o r sig h t as resu lt o f a ccid en t: Full amount o f policy paid at once; also income paid for life; also full amount o f policy paid at death. O ld a g e : A n income provided for life. C a s h L o a n s : M oney may be borrowed on sole security o f policy. M o n e y V a lu e s: Policy may be converted into cash, paid up insurance, or extended insurance. No matter who you are or what the conditions may be, the price for 9 hi> coupon tells you more about it "A Service That Endures" W est C oast L ife IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y HOME O F fIC C -S A N FRANOSCQ (O pportunity available to experienced Life Insurance salesman as D istrict M anager). Norwegian Sardines, Country Club, 2 cans fo r 25c W est C oast L ife I nsurance C o . 605 Marker Street, San Francisco Preferred stock, per can 3Oc 0 1 N . M ain a; Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably much.” you as it is to everybody else at j Travel By Motor Stage customers—someone pays too Fancy G arnished, per can 15c Ovals, 15 oz. cans, in w hite wine sauce, per can ................................... _ .2 0 c H . A. S tearn s ■a— less than what is charged other a printing order is the same to Plaza Market PEIL’S CORNER tomers are given printing for P o rto la’s Boneless and pealed, in olive oil, per can ...................................... 115c None B etter packed, per :25c can bands. Ladies’ bands, and boys' picturesque welcomes at every bands have participated in greet­ pdint along the route. ing the car at various places. Scotch bag pipers were a fea­ From K lam ath Country— ture along part of the route. Recent Ashland visitors from Buglers announed the coming of the Klam ath Country, reported by the car in some towns and in one the Klamath News, were E. J. little city a group of pretty girls Buck and Miss Esther Kielsmeier, riding on a float heralded its no drove over Sunday and spent advent with horns. Even call­ the day with friends, ipcnicing in iopes have at different points ad­ the park. W. F. Jinette and fam ­ ded their fam iliar notes to the ily were other Sunday visitors, as welcome. were Mr. and Mrs. H arry Goeller Play Varied Pieces and children. Saturday visitors Numbers rendered have includ­ were M. and Ms. Roy Orem, Mrs. ed everything from the inspiring Fred Goeller and Miss Pauline tones of patriotic airs and the , Clift, who visited Dr. Sawyer and ever appealing swing ol' the march ' Miss C lift’s mother. to the latest popular jazz fancies ! and a reversion to the more in- I tim ent tune of “ The Little Old i Farmers Attention Ford Rambled Right Along." Now traversing the great Fly seasoH will soon be on. stretches of the. western pari of • Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. the country through Nebraska, Bos. fly spray for your cow’s the best fly killer made. Gard­ Wyoming, and Utah, the car en Hose, and garden tools, which is telling the interesting ■ fencing and binder twine, story of the production of ten i mowers and repairs always on million transportation units by hand. the Ford Motor Company, is niov- ! ing steadily on toward the Paci­ fic coast with enthusiastic and The Tidings PRINT SHOP Ç e n l l r w a . — W it/ic u i vbhgat.un on m y p art, rem i me more information. t i a m t. A J d teu - C ity ----- f i n i t of Birili. i M uwth , 157-45