ÄÄäLÄWÖ ö A itT Notic e - ■■ There will be a called business meeting of the D. A. R. a t the 5 Library on W ednesday a t 2 p. m. Everyone th a t can come is i urged to do so. Blanche Hicks, Regent. t UCMbir, July 22, 1924 FATAL FIRE IS LAID Airivcd Last Week— | all their courage and ingenuity, dcr away into tho alkali plain TO MAN AND W IFE Mrs. C. E. Donnely, of Los An- they dared to undertake. It was that surrounded us. From this • 0 • geles, arrived here last week to now late in the afternoon, and camp we were two days reaching (Continued From Page 1) spend some time with her mother, j we drove five or six miles on the Boise City which gave us a de- A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and event« of thing there. While McCulloch 1 Mrs. W. W. Giddings, of North sage plain to a grassy place where iightful change from the lonely j We were told we could get grass days spent on the boundless local Interest * • « was in the house an explosion oc­ Main street. and water. We were now follow-j plains. What we found at Boise curred, blowing out the side of) Classified ads bring results. ing the Boise-Kelton road and ; and what we did for the next six the building. The inform ant said ; i Squires Coming Here— were told that grass and w ater! weeks I will tell in my next De M olay M eeting— Pleating of all kinds a t Orres. he then called “A re you dead, j A telegram received today from would be scarce from there in to ; chapter. KEMINESCENSEH Regular meeting of Lithia E ddie?” to which he received no 273-2* the Rev. J. C. Mergler now a t­ MOURNED SIX YEARS, Boise valley a couple of days Chapter at Masonic Hall, W ed­ reply. He then returned home. • C. B. WATSON, tending the Presbyterian synod MAN IS LOCATED (Continued from page 2) aw’ay. This plain was without Ashland, McCulloch's burned body w a s ! nesday evening, July 23, 1924. Sunday At Home— Oregon, July 16, 1924. at Eugene, states th a t W alter E. any occupants. In fact we did not found in the ruins. Miss Emma Alberts, of Grants Squires, director of W eekly Bible All members requested to attend. REDDING, Calif., Ju ly 22. — ' « • “ a i " “‘ ,he half a dozen » h i t . poopl be- At this tim e the W itners had Pass, one of the students at the Instruction in the Presbyterian Thomas Hoffmaster, a stockraiser RALPH ROBISON, tween Oregon and Idaho and oc- tween Camp C F SmiUi and t Summer Normal, returned to her church, is coming to Ashland and farm er of the region of W hit­ gone to Mount- Vernon to visit TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Master Councilor cupied an excellent site for camp- Boise City Those we saw told ! home to spend Sunday, returning with Mr. Mergler and will present more and Millville, who has been over the week-end, seeking by ¡ng. Nothing of note occurred and RUSSELL OVEROCKER, WANTED — Desirable 5 or 6 “ to Ashland Sunday night. , 7 7 1 ! exPectin« Scribe. weekday bible school work a t the m ourned by his relatives and this means. ,t is thought, to tu rn th e next m orning we got an early a 7! advis‘ d 1,8 room furnished house, near ju n ­ Presbyterian church W ednesday neighbors as having died in suspicion from themselves. They I s ta r t, intending to reach S n ak e!™ , f undertake to drive our ior high. Phone 340-J. Completo line of Ashland Can­ 'evening, July 23. All Ashland Marysville in 1918 during th e in­ did not retu rn to this county until r jVer th a t d a v T M n r u 274— tf F ishing Trip— thia m orning,. Urn J L h“ rsea be>’‘>Dd ‘hat ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf W. C. Polk, with his son-in- residents interested are invited fluenza eipdemic, lias turned up .th o river « again camo into the band, bad already been taken by WANTED— 2 boys to thin ap­ According to the inform ation Boise-Kelton road and followed law from California, were among to attend. alive and well in the neighbor­ ples. Phonel-Fl-11 274— 2* given out at the sheriff’s office it to the ferry. Here Snake river the Indians between Boise a n d , the many fisherm en on the Nftrth From Ham pton— hood of Susanville, where he is Helena th at year and the drivers fork of B utte Creek over the j E. Stanley, of Hampton, South From N ew Jersey— FOR HALE - employed by the F ru it Growers’ it is thought th a t McCulloch had is a noble stream and we did not were killed. We saw no Indians Cows, either poured gasoline and stru n g a fuse week-end. , Carolina, was in Ashland yester- need to be told th a t our mules but had no doubt that they were fresh or dry, J. N. Dennis, 542 A. Huber, of W ashington, New 1 Supply Company. i- ■ { day and the day before, attend- Jersey, left the Ashland auto This is the word brought to to it and th at w’as when he struck would never wade it. We drove w atching us. Our first night be- Boulevard. 274— 6tf ____________ Suits, Suits, Suits at P a u lse r-: in8 to business interests here. He camp last night, a declared Ash­ Redding yesterday by John Ellis, a match th a t ignited the gas and the band in below the ferry; it I-OR SALE— Wool and fiber ude’s. 273-tf! 1®$* yesterday afternoon for P ort­ land booster. ‘‘You fellows th at a farm er of W hitm ore, who know caused an explosion. McCulloch was very swift and we expected yond Snake river was not a com- fortable one. The grass was rug. 9x12, colors, brown and tan is said to have been in jail in land. th a t we would lose some of our live here can’t appreciate how HofTmaster well for years. Ellis short and the w ater bad. Notwith- ’ $7.50. Axminster rug 9x12, in Humbolt county, California, and W orking on Dam— horses. Our party was divided, | good Lithia Park looks after com­ has ju st returned from Susan­ standing that we maintained a good condition, also in Colorado or Wyoming. He For quick sale, Sweet cream for whipping and ing in off the dirty, dusty road,” ville, where by chance he met Cleon C. Caldwell, well known some being sent across to the dilligent guard, a part of our $12.50. Call 62 Fourth St. 274-tf was between 40 and 45 years old, I other side to he,p auch horseg as coffee— also fresh milk, always local boy, started to work yester­ he said. H uber came to Ashland Hoffmaster and had a long talk and is understood to have no liv-1 m ight need assistance to get hand either wandered or w e re 1—______________________ 239— tf from California, and is going up with him. day morning on the Em m igrant on ice a t the Plaza. driven away during the night. ) F o r KALE— Platform scales, ing relatives. Creek dam project. He expects to ashore. The river was about a Had W ander I.ust to Canada to spend the ‘‘dog caPac*ty» $17.00. 1 30- rem ain there the rem ainder of the Fuueral Yesterday— q u arter of a mile across and very We followed the tracks and re-i gal. lt)S- days.” H offm aster explained th a t after coal oil tank and pump, summer. Funeral services were held yes­ dee^. Some of the band swam covered them a few miles awav. he sold out in W hitm ore nine OBITUARY $8.00. 1 16-foot counter and It is quite certain terday for D. L. Greenman, well To Odel Lake— years ago, he was seized with a that they bins, $25.00. I cheese cutter, Decius L. Greenman was born very strongly and were not swept Orre« tailors for men and known Ashland resident who O. M. F ranklin, proprietor of w ander lust. He roamed from near Joliet, 111., Sept. 17, 1857. very far wlii’e others becoming would not voluntarily hove d e -)|5 .0 0 . Plaza Market, 61 N. died July 18. Many relatives, the F ranklin Bakery, with Mrs. p ace to place and never took the women, upstairs over McGees. He lived in E ureka, Illinois, and excited were carried down stream serted the band and grass to w an-1 Main, Ashland. ’74—-I t from distant points, attended the F ranklin and their son, “ Bump,” trouble to w rite back to the home in W atseka, Illinois, where he j . half a . mile. . . Several had to be . funeral. E igh t-fou r R egister— left this morning on a ten day folks. He left W hitm ore with a m arried H enrietta C ariet on N o - |laS? ° ed , r ° " ’ tbe baak and r ashore. Our pack and saddle Sunday registration at the lo­ vacation trip. They expect to good record. vember 24, 1881. His wife pas­ cal out-of-town bureau totaled So much reliance was placed in sed away on December 28, 1915. horses were crossed on the ferry. B etter clothes for less money follow The Dalles-California high­ 270-2* way through C rater Lake and th e rep o rt th a t Hoffm aster died 84. For the convenience of mo­ at Orres. To th e union were born six Finally after much labor and ex­ torists, the local office sometimes down to Crescent, about half in Marysville during th e influ­ children, five of whom, Mrs. L. i citem ent we counted up and epidemic, his brother, C. Dunn, of Ashland. Charles C. j found the whole band safely rem ains open on Sundays. way between th e lake and Bend. enza Am ong The T ourists— Charles Hoffm aster of K ennett, B. T. Crane, of Missouri, was From there they will drive over Greenman of San Francisco, E r­ landed. We began to appreciate Greeting Cards, McNair Bros. among the tourists a t the auto to Odell Lake, known as one of talked about erecting a m onu­ nest N., of K ankakee, Illinos, | the experiences of the early pion­ the best lakes in " Oregon for m ent on his grave, but the grave Mrs. Jam es R. Dewing, of Eureka! eers, who in crossing the coun­ camp last night. could not be located in the R eturn to Ashland— catching Dolly Varden trout. California, Fred W., of D unsm uir, try in the early days were not Marysville cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P ettit Let us fill your pail with Swifts are living. A nother son, Leslie, supplied with ferry ’s nor roads and who in many instances had recently returned to Ashland from Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than died at th e age of seven. Klamath Falls, to make their shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is From L onghorn State— From D istan t S tates— Mr. Greenman came to Ash­ to travel many days before they home here. They have taken a more nutritious. D etricks. W. W. G reentraam , from Texas W anderers from distant states land in 1916, and lived here un­ could find a crossing that, with 94-tf place on B street, w here they will was one of the many guests at who last night stopped a t’the lo- tIl th e tim e of his d eath . -All of live. the auto camp in Beautiful Lithia cal auto park were A. Howard, of ; js children attended the funeral At Trail Sunday— Mrs. Anna W illiams, and son P ark last night. About two B ritish Columbia, N. L. Ne-sbit, of except Dr. E. N. Greenman, of We deliver the go< i— Detricks Milton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert months ago, Mr. Green traam Idaho, B. D. Vega, from U tah, J. K ankakee. Wrhen a young man, 94-tf Greer spent Sunday at Trail. started out to see th e farth est C. H usbardo, of W ashington, S. Mr. Greenman joined the Metho­ W estern states, and is taking a N. Calon, of Colorado, and F. F. dist church, and was an active From B erkeley— Cleaning, Pressing and R epair­ leisurely trip. He left this m orn­ Pool, from Iowa. church member as long as his Mr. and Mrs. E arl Fraley, of ing at P aulserud’s. 261-tf ing for Klam ath F alls and C rater health perm itted. Berkeley, arrived in Ashland re­ Lake, and will swing back on the H ere From Lodi— Funeral services w ere held cently, and will visit relatives At Rogue Elk— Pacific Highway at Medford. At Mrs. Charles S. Price and Ver­ from the Stock Funeral Parlors, here until school opens in Red vou start on « vour Among Ashland guests ta G rants Pass he will go up to the non. wife and son of Dr. Charles Monday at 2:30. Interm ent fol­ Before * Bluff, where Mr. Fraley will be Rogue Elk over the week-end Oregon Caves, then over to Cres­ S. Price, evangelist, have m otor­ lowed in the Mountain View motoring trip, yon should principal in the high school. were Mr. and Mrs. H arry H arri­ cent City, traveling up the coast ed up from Lodi, California, and cemetery. son of Ashland. They reported from there. Beside his children, two sis­ look over THE BETTER are spending a few days as HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, the roads in good condition, guests of the Rev. and Mrs. B. C ters, Mrs. Crayton Lewis and Mrs. • f course. 212— tf especially the road ju st out of Miller, w hile Mrs. Price attends W. Thomas, both of Eureka, Ill­ CAPS, which we have Medford. th e G arr m eetings a t the tab er­ inois, and a brother, Charley C. Prom M arshfield— nacle. Greenman of Kansas City, Mis­ just received. At th e Hotel Columbia last Madden seka Balloon tires. souri, are left to mourn his night, Mr. A. A. McMasters, Mr. The T iding's A ds B rin g R e su lts death. 246-tf Balloon anl low-pressure tires make the require­ Why Better? Because, and Mrs. J. A. Smith and daugh­ ments of snubbers exacting, hut (Jahriel, alwavs ter, and W illiam W atkins, all of Back in Ashland— A ctivities o f H um ane Society instead of having a sweat- M arshfield, were registered. R elated by its P resident, Mrs. H arriet Fielding has re­ the leader, has met these requirements with a band only in front, those C olonel H ofer turned to her home on G ranite Try ‘93” H air Tonic, McNair snubber which will delight the balloon or low street a fte r a visit in Santa Mon­ Bros. caps have the sweat hand SALEM, July 22. — Activities ica. H er sister, Mrs. Ninnicks, pressure tire user. of the Oregon Humane society accompanied her. entirely around the insidi On Vaactlon— have reduced m aterially the ani­ Miss M argaret Van Dyke, of Big sale on now of tailored to mal m ortality during th e last five of the cap, thus, protect the Citizens Bank, with a friend, order suits at Orres, with trousers years, according to a statem ent E thel Simpson, of M arshfield, left free. ing the cap and a 1 iuy 273-2* issued today by Colonel E. Hofer, Sunday m orning for Marshfield, president of the organization. comfort to its wear. Mr. Hofer lives in Salem, but is in w here she will spend p art of her R eturned Today— vacation. She plans to return Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy, close touch with the affairs of the society, which has its head­ next Saturday. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Springfield, AU colors and patterns to se­ quarters in Portland. lect from Oregon, who have been visiting Bringing payroll and much delayed de­ Cleaning, repairing and remod­ relatives in Ashland, returned Mr. Hofer said th a t within the eling prom ptly done at Orres Tuesday morning to their home. last five years losses of live­ velopment of the lumber industry in Ash­ <■ stock from freezing, starvation Tailor shop upstairs. Phone 64. ♦ ♦ and lack of w ater in two states 273-2* land territory is offered in ♦ W eek-End Here— had approximated from 10 to 50 T. A. Beford and three chil­ per cent of the total. ♦ On Vacation— By th e Post Office Cor Main and Pioneer dren, Bradford, Roy and Tom, 4 “ These losses became so sta r­ 4' H. J. B utterfield, m anager of and Miss Elsie Potter, all of W il­ the Ashland Twentieth Century lows, California, spent the week­ tling,” said Mr. Hofer, “ as to grocery, w ith his family, Mrs. T. end a t th e home of Miss P o tter’s constitute a national crime, and Wixon, of Medford and Mrs. Mac­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pot­ the Oregon Humane society was the first organization of its kind Intyre, of Medford, left Sunday te r of Emerick Avenue. to conduct surveys calling a tte n ­ for Portland where they will with guaranteed dividends of 8 per cent, tion to the barbarism , cruelty and spend a short vacation. Smith Bros. M. A. C. Tonic, and backed by entire assets of company crim inality resulting from the! McNair Bros. neglect. Publicity was resorted financing Box Factory. In Grocery S t o r e - to by the society in different Marshal B arber is clerking in From Portland— states, with the resu lt th a t in the Tw entieth Century store dur­ Portland tourists who stopped sections of the country losses have Endorsed by Directors of ing the absence of H. J. B utter­ at Ashland hotels last night were alm ost disappeared. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE field, who is» on his annual vaca­ Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Behrendson, “ The Oregon Humane society tion. and Jam es E. Lewis and wife. for three w inters in succession • California tourists were H. G. sent its agents over the stock « •- Greeting cards a t McNair’s. Holmes, of Berkeley, H. M. ranges, where tem peratures in Springer, of Alroroda, and F. Bie- w inter drop to 33 degrees below laky, of St. Helena. In M edford— zero. The suffering among the Miss Leona M arsters, director livestock in some of these cold W hole-wheat bread fresh daily districts was almost indescrib­ of Music a t Ashland High School, A handsome line of Crepe de All White Goods, including Flax- 273-tf able. In many cases th e owners and at the Summer Normal, spent at The Lithia Bakery. Oils, Lawns, Batisties, Organdies, Chines, Georgettes, Cantons, Chif­ the week-end in Medford. of the livestock were w intering luxuriously in California and fon Canton, Summer Roshanara’s etc., at clearance of Many Stopped— Florida while the dumb brutes and Printed Effects, now on dis­ Over 280 persons stopped last Leaving Tonight— had been turned out and were play at N. E. DIx, form erly part owner night at the Ashland auto camp. perishing In the sagebrush. of the Dix and Son la ra g e , is According to a count made by a “It was found th a t after the leaving Ashland tonig t on a trip Tidings representative, 85 ma­ second inspection of the ranger, which will last three onths. He chines were in the camp, includ­ backed by th reats of prosecution, All Voiles on the tables at final Is first going to Portland, where ing fifteen th at stopped over from owners of herds and flocks made All Summer Ratines put out at clearance of he will stop over a short time, the night before. There were 11 an effort to get feed to th eir live­ clearance of then to Seattle and Vancouver. cars from Oregon, 30 from Cali­ stock. The result has been th a t From there he will go to his for­ fornia, three from British Colom­ the loss of livestock has decreas­ m er home in A lberta, Canada, bia. two from Idaho, five from ed annually since the drive was then through Minnesota, Iowa, W ashington one from Utah, one started .” and other central states. He is from Colorado, two from Iowa, Gingham in fast colors at clearance One table of Corsets in front and m aking the trip by train. one from New Jersey one from oí' * hack laee, athletics and average to L etterheads, statem ents, t o Texas, one from Michigan, one your order a t the Tidings Office. full figure style at clearance of SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ from Missouri and one from We have a good Job printing de­ MOBILE Insurance; b etter term s South Carolina. partm ent. tf and low er rates. Yeo, of course. All Jap Crepes put in at clearance Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf Roseburg— Five carloads cher­ W hole-wheat bread fresh dally b o c a l■ P ersonal fiotes UNUSUAL EVENTS C O M M A N D IN G YOUR INTEREST Greater R iding Comfort for Balloon Tire Users Balloon and low-pressure tires im­ Better Caps» Men! proved the riding comfort of auto­ mobiles, but Gabriel lias perfected a snubber— designed especially for use with balloon and low-pressure tires—which makes ridinir o even » more comfortable. Investment Opportunity Drop in and let us show you this new Gabriel Product The M i t c h e l l ’s Automotive Shop $20,000 Preferred Stock Final July days find Kool Kloths for everyone at our “ Big Clearance” Counters Subscribe at any bank or Chamber of Commerce Special prices throughout this store bring ready response from the Ad reading public. This time we add as a final feature all our Line of Soft and Flat Silks. 20 per cent Less 15 per cent Less 20 per cent Less 20 per cent Less at The Lithia Bakery. NOTICE— REWARD Union Savings & Loan Associa­ tion of Portland, Oregon, offers a rew ard of twenty-five ($25.00) fo r Inform ation leading to the a rre st and conviction of persons alleged to be circulating false and derogatory rum ors concern­ ing said Association. Statem ents know n to have been made are u tte rly false and fraudulent. Union Savings A Loan Association, R. J. KIRKWOOD, President. 269*6 273-tf ries recently shipped. Which Is Boss—You or Your Business? TOWN AND COUNTRY NEW SPORT SHIRTS, IN LEATHER, CORDUROY AND WOOL PLAID See Them in Our Window Army Goods Store Biggest Little Store in Ashland H unting and A n glin g L icenses ' Business men believe th a t they are running their M ANY business, when their business really is running them ! No business man should try to work out his finan­ cial problems unaided. That should be p art of the bank­ ing service given to him. It iB an im portant part of our service, and you are invited to consult with us about your needs! First National Bank Outing Togs, such as Sweaters, Knickers, Tweed Suits, in 2 and 3 piece effects at clearance of 10 per cent 20 per cent Less 6 yards for $1.00 of, flat 25c per yard All Ladies’ Hats at clearance of One-half Price Our store is full of other big money saving items—Call in and get your Share. SHOP AND SAVE AT m p a r iL j •Where Your Dollar Has More Ceuta*