►■ih» M ÀfiftWtò K i t i t itttftöä Tuesday, July 22, 1024 A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G § in interest charges. quite a bit of excitement d u a ls 'o v e r the “W hiskey Hills” which investigate c if a r t akf A dinner at tha Thompson ranch these playful exhibitions of In- m aterially shortened our road t o ' AS WATER SUPPLY will be one of the features of the dian temper. They had quite a the crossing of Snake river. These occasion. bunch of beaver skins and I w - r e rolling hills, splendidly SALEM, July 22. — Governor The caravan is due to arrive in bought two fine ones that 1 sent i clothed with bunch grass th at home to my m other in Illinois suited our needs. About twenty Pierce announced today that he Salem at 10 A. M. and will later proceed to the penitentiary where after we reached Boise City. miles along this trail we came to would make the trip to Clear the visitors will have an oppor- Lake, Lane county, July 31, for Snake River ; “ Old Camp Lyons” , another aban- Tlie Jordan river emptied into doned frontier post. This post the purpose of investigating the ,u n ity to see the state flax piant a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter tb n - 7 T L !? V ‘rie C tl> feasibility of obtaining w ater operation. They will then in- tne general public does not benefit, but indirectly it bene- the Owyhee ju st above our cros- from th at lake for municipal sup- lsPect many of the flax fields in (Continued on Page Four) ilia onft 4-1 » ,»4- * is an ______• • sing. About tw enty miles above Subscription P rice, D elivered in City tits from anything that economic saving. ply. Sam A. Kozer, secretary of vicinity of Salem. Two pat- — . ---- »------ --------- 1 Jt-JL One M onth___ the mouth, in Jordan valley was $ .«5 state, and Jefferson Myers, state i f'nted flax pullers recently pur- Throe Months 1.95 an im portant mining camp nam ­ S ix M o n th s .......................................................................................... 3 75 treasurer, also will be- members I abased in Canada will he in oper- The less a man knows the more often lie delights in ed Silver City. About Silver City One Year of the party. ation for the benefit of the visi- 7-6# i springing an occasional Latin phrase. wc were told th a t there was B y M ail and R ural R ou tes: The investigators also will in- to rs- u » e iu o m n .......................................................................................... « .65 One Mouth quite a settlem ent of farm ers and elude Mayor Giesy of Salem, mem- j ---------------------------- - Ask any man who is wearing Three Months ................................................. ..................................... < 95 th at they were building up an In this day they are fortunate parents who can asso­ W. L. Douglas shoes and he Sfec M o n th s..........................................................„ ..........................................' 3 50 bers of the city council, and of­ im portant settlem ent. We travel­ One Year ............................ ficials from Lane, Linn, Benton CAVEMEN FROLIC AT 6.50 ciate with their children a sufficient length of time to ed up the Jordan for a few miles will tell you they wear better and longer. FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC and Lincoln counties. absorb a little culture. and turned to the left by a trail DISPLAY ADVERTISING R A TES: Should it be determined to go Single insertion , per inch ................................................................. $ .30 GRANTS PASS, July 22.— The Y early C ontracts: ahead with the project it is like­ Still, we don’t see that a long skirt in combination, «Re insertion a week ..................................................................... .2 7 3 ly that Clear Lake will provide Cavemen, 100 strong, enjoyed Pvo insertions a w e e k ........................................ .25 with bobbed hair is any more incongruous than a fat, bald i w ater for Eugene, Albany, Cor- their first annual picnic over Sat­ D aily in sertion .......................................................................... _ 20 headed man in golf pants. I vallis, Salem and a nuiffber of urday and Sunday* A picnic din­ R ates for Legal and Miscellaneous A d vertising • other towns and cities in the ner where fifty chickens were insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 I W illam ette valley. eaten, songs by the Cavemen 05 subsequent insertion, 8 point line....................... There will always be one outstanding issue between quartette and radio music were 1.00 <&rd of T hank s......- ___ . . . . outstanding features. .02% the Republicans and Democrats during the presidential j OMtttnries, per line............................................... FLAX GROWERS TO Several rounds of ‘‘barnyard campaign as to which party La Follette will draw the! W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING GATHER AT SALEM golf,” or horseshoes, and a w rest­ ‘All future events, where an admission charge is made or a most votes from. collection taken in Advertising. SALEM, July 22. — Between ling match in an irrigation canal No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. were staged. 50 and 75 Portland and W ash­ . DONATIONS ington men interested in the flax No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis- industry will he guests here next W haling vessel captured 60 la g or x>b printing— our contributions will be in cash. Friday of P. E. Thompson and whales the last two months off the Salem cham ber of commerce, the coast of Coos countv. JULY 22 BUT NOW IS CHRIST RISEN FROM THE DEAD and become Being a series of Interesting articles dealing w ith early day- the first fruits of them th a t slept.— 1 Corinthians 15:20. - events and pioneer men and women who made history and If you really want to builded for succeeding generations. (Established in 187«) This is no mean consideration, and gives the coast • to coast day and night service an added value. Trans- P ub lish ed E very E v en in g E xcept Sunday by i actions among the eleven federal reserve banks scattered THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. _____________ throughout the country necessarily were long, when these Bert R Dryer, .............................................................. E ______ ditor transactions were accomplished through the regular mail George Madden Green Green .................................................... . .......................... .Business Business Manager Manager,channels. In cutting down the delivery time of bank W earing Q ualities OVERLAND Shoe Shop K D O N ’T “Kid” Yourself For Your Protection In te restin g R em iniscences By A S o u th ern O regon P io n eer A bout C arrying Y our Own F ire P rotection (B y C. B . STIMULATES BUYING The AVoodla 1, California, Democrat says that the merchant who de des not to advertise when business is C hapter Nine W e Camp in W illow Creek Can- dull reminds it o the hen that quits scratching because yon, Carve Onr N am es on th e there was a scarcity o f worms. Sand-stone C liff and F igh t When the fanners’ fields are dry and crops are short M osquito’s. they don’t put their farming implements in the shed and sit down in the shade of the barn in idleness, saying there On July 12, 1872, we camped is no use cultivating a crop that can’t thrive without in Willow Creek canyon where an moisture. On the contrary they continue to stir the soil, expansion furnished us with realizing by experience that such a method raises mois­ abundance of grass and w ater. ture from the lower depths through capillary attraction. The stream is the outlet for the “wells” th at we passed. On the The surface of a local situation may look as if there east side of the canyon was a was no trade to he had, but the same principal applies sandstone cliff, perhaps fifty feet to advertising as applies to cultivation. Always there high. The stone was soft and are people in every community who have money. They many names had been carved in may not l>oast or make much show of it, hut they have F it. On exam ination of these in­ it, more or less, and when they see things for sale that scriptions we discovered th a t a seem favorably priced, and which they need or like, they [ ^ ”2 of volunteer; SX ( w- «n 1866 and many names were of residents of Rogue Advertising, on a dry surface, is equivalent to plow­ River valley, who had volunteer­ ing dry ground. Plowing attracts moisture and adver­ ed to guard the frontier during tising makes business. Advertising, moreover, is not the Civil W ar on account of the regular troops who w ere guard­ merely the solicitation of patronage from those who are ing the outposts, being called to ready to buy. It is to promote, stimulate and develop the service in the arm ies' of the buying. • North. Many of the men whose If the people in this country would do SO, they could names were carved were known reduce their scale of living to the level of Russian peas-!to Walrad> M-vers and Cardwell, ants in the obscure Russian provinces. They could, if! ET“'a,i"B ,h' ?L,hc“ they had to or wished to, come down to the fundamental > carved our names above them, bread and water, the grass skirt and tl|p thatched h u t! The camp would have been a very i pleasant one ............. had it not been for of the aboriginal Hawaiian. the mosquitos. Before coming B lit enterprising populations prefer improving the coast I had spent some time standards ot living, and these standards impel increased to along th e Mississippi and Misouri production, increased comforts and increased activities all rivers, which were supposed to around. Advertising builds in that direction, nationally rival any portion of the world in and loeallv. the abundance and viciousness of W ATSON) over to direct and assist in driv­ ing the band into the river a little below the ferry where the banks were suited to entry and exit. The w ater was muddy from min­ ing th at was carried on at the mines near Silver City. Idaho. We drove them in and watched them swim the tu rb u len t stream . We then put our saddle horses and the bell m are on the ferry boat and unpacked the mules, tried to drive them in with the hand. They refused to leave the hell m are and cavorted up and down the bank. The ferrym en w*ere particularly active in trying to get the mules into the swim­ ming w ater after the band, even after we had urged them to let the mules alone, assuring th e n th a t they would cross after v, ? got over. We could not under­ stand why the ferrym en should he so much more anxious about the mules than we were. Finally they give it up and started the ferry across. The mujes tore up and down the bank, braying as mules know how, until we neared the opposite bank, when they plunged in after the boat and trotted all the way across the river; the w ater not being more than mid-side to them. This was a dead give-away to the ferry- men Tliey knew th at there was no need of ferrying but were anx­ ious th a t we should not discover the fact. They sheepishly charg­ ed us eight dollars for ferrying us over. Phillips smilingly paid it and we then engaged them in conversation about th eir experi­ ences here. They were trapping j and hunting, using the ferry as a ■ kind of side issue to enlarge their j exchequer. They had a com-j fortable cabin and were well sup­ plied with provisions. Their cab­ in was well m arked with bullets th a t the Indians had from time to time fired into it. They had had KNOW about your in­ surance protection, see Big business men don’t do it, because they are good business men. They don’t try to prove the rule by being the excep­ tion. Unless you are sm arter, why should you? The Billings Agency Good Insui-nnot— Phone 53 E stab lish ed 1883 Westclox Alarms Spring Bolts For Every Car For Every Car W hy N ot Have Big Ben ................ $3.50 Baby Ben ............. $3.50 Bunkie .................. $2.75 Sleepmeter ........... $2.00 America ................... $1.50 Mason Tires UNIVERSAL Spring Clips For Every Car For Every Car E lectric RANGE? Is there any good, sufficient, plausible reason why you have to put up with the old house heating range style of cook­ ing? Electricity Cool Cheap, Econom ical And Universal is a range steadfast and sure; last a life­ time; fool-proof; bakes accur­ ately wjith a much less cost than gas, coal, wood or anv other fuel burning stove. INGERSOLL WATCHES $1.75 to $1.50 McNair Brothers 250 Stessi t M cQ uary-N orris Pistons Com pression Coup- » lings For Every Car For Every Car Rings Chains For Every Car For Every Car Be 'a n n g n s t ire (.overs For Every Car For Every Car S t roi nbe r g Ca r b u re - Copper T ubing For Every Car tors— P arts HPHE Ashland Electric Supply For Every Car !S ? r \y LZ THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY, TOMORROW and THURSDAY A erom ore E xhaust Jlorns llgS For Every Car For Every Car R ing R olls and Lugs Rin g Gears and Pinions ‘ For Every Car For Every Car a [tyammount] Q>idure M otonieters For Every Car A lem ite Service For Every Car Spot Lights For Every Car License P late Clips ¡"V For Every Car 0® Axles For Every Car T herm oid For Every Car Pep For Every Car P etry (Jut O uts For Every Car W ater Bags For Every Car Food Boxes For Every Car A T ire C arriers For Every Car Y 7 Whiz For Every Car T homas M eighan / K eepsit Spare T ire , P reserver - For Every Car Lincoln Shock A b­ sorbers For Every Car Steering c G ear a n d tic rod bolts and N<‘w Sponges and Chamois bushings IN PIED PlPERMALQNE" M cNAIR For Every Car K elly T ires & For Every Car pkesen teo by aoolph zukok y JESSE l . lasky T im ing Gears and join the merry throng—A lively entertainment of a Different sort. For Every Car For Every Car Fly J W heel Ring n Gears For Every Car Luggage (Carriers For Every Car Rim Service For Every Car G ears and P rim ers For Every Car Fan B elts For Every Car A nd Many O th e r P arts For Every Car YOU W ILL L IK E OUR SUDDEN SERV ICE O n the pantxy shelf Subscribe for Box Factory Stock Leedom’s Tire House BROS Having reached th e 4 river and C 1923 by The Clinic Laborator- ; aroused the ferrym en they came ies Co., Cleveland, O. C lutch Facings For Every Car Office Hotel Ashland HAY FEVER Ferry m en Exposed We are rapidly adding new accessories for EVERY (’AIB If what yon want isn't in this list, we have it in stock or can order it for von. C T C T ires C arter & M ills mosquitos. h This night. how­ ever, I was led to declare, laid the JAP DUAL CITIZENSHIP Mississippi river bottoms in the The announced intention of the Japanese govern­ shade. The mosquitos were not ment to modify the dual citizenship system indicates ! so large as I had seen, but for anew that the kingdom is willing to do its share in re­ ! numbers and viciousness out did them all. We could not sleep moving the harriers to amity with the United States. ithout covering our heads with The dual citizenship system presented innumerable w flour sacks, in which case we difficulties, which were particularly bothersome during risked being smothered. The the late war. Under it, Japanese born on American soil, sting of these insects left us in who thus became citizens of the United States, have been welts and fiery splotches where- obliged to perform military duty in Japan. Particularly ever they touched. Unrested, but glad to get away, we arose at on the Pacific coast was the complaint, a just one, often the break of day and prepared to heard that American citizens were obliged to serve in move. About th irty of our horses foreign armies. were missing and W alrad and I Complet«« Relief G uaranteed in 24 H ours Through With Germany, the so-called Delbrueck law, which, were detailed to look them up New Discovery while H. F. and the others said in its substance, made German citizenship inalienable, would move the band slowly caused many difficulties during the war period. By its they A wonderful new scientific unitl we caught up. Mosquitos terms American born ot German parents were prevent­ had torm ented the band so th a t treatm en t has been discovered ed tram losing their nationality. This, of course, was di­ they could neither eat nor sleep 'Which banishes every single symp­ tom of hay fever— not in weeks I rectly opposed to he American conception that children and th e proposition was to get or days— but actually in 24 born in America, egardless of the citizenship status of them out onto the table-land away hours! from the nests and allow them This new treatm ent, known as the parents, were American citizens. to travel slowly and feed on the Dr. P la tt’s Rinex Prescription, is i By modifying the dual citizenship system Japan will hunch grass th a t grew plentiful­ the resu lt of 8 years’ intensive of hay fever, and complete­ remove a stumbling block in the direct path of good feel­ ly among the sage-brush. It was study ly relieved 1950 of 2000 severe ing. Prompt action by the Japanese diet will he acclaim­ hut a few miles to where we cases a t the Clinical Laboratories, woult cross the Owyhee river and Cleveland, Ohio, in one day’s ed in this country. they promised to wait, for us there time. The new discovery is no mere if we did not catch up sooner. surface spray, ointm ent or inhala­ TREASURY STAMPS H orses Located tion. No m ere headache or fever Many persons who found United States savings cer­ Finally after a couple of hours remedy. Positively no narcotics or tificates sound and remunerative investments will re­ riding we found the stragglers habit forming drugs— no bad a ft­ It goes direct to the gret the decision, however wise, of the Treasury depart­ and started them after the band. er-effects. There were signs about to indi underlying cause of hay fever ment to suspend the sale of all certificates and savings cate, th a t they had been^driven j I k * ° f the by absorption of raw protein from stamps. The decision went into effect July 15. away, but of this we were not pollons floating in the a!r. R in­ The ifiove was decided upon in view of the condi­ sure. We overhauled the band at ex, taken into the blood through tion of the money market, which does not warrant the the Owyhee crossing. There was the digestive tract, immediately this protein. The re­ Treasury department paying four and four and one-half a ferry-boat there kept by two neutralizes 24 trappers at the regular crossing suit is heavenly relief in per cent for public money when it can go to other domes­ of a road th a t connected Boise hours. tic markets and get almost 'unlimited amounts as low as city in Idaho with Kelton, Ne­ Why suffer a day longer when C'ome Rinex is guaranteed to relieve two per cent, (’all money on the New York exchange fre­ vada, the nearest station on the you completely? Simply go to . quently of late has been quoted as low as that figure. In Pacific railroad. A semi-weekly the drug store and ask for R in * It cost only $1.00. Take the tact, the last issue ot certificates floated by the depart­ stage was kept on this line for ex. the accommodation of the g a rri­ prescription for 24 hours— ju st ment was obtained at a rate of two and three-quarters son of troops and the people of TRY it. If your hay fever to r­ tures do not entirely disappear in per cent. Boise city and valley. Already 24 hours, the druggist will gladly If the money market tightens up, and the interest a large am ount of mining was be retu rn your money. ' rates increase, it is not unlikely the Treasury department ing carried on in the Boise basin, You can have a 24-hour trial package Free by m aking a w rit­ will resume the public sale of the paper. Government cer- iin the Jordan valley and in the ten request to the Clinical Labor­ tincates always will be m demand so long as the govern-; tion was kept up between these atories, Cleveland, Ohio. But you no risk in buying the $1.00 ment remains OI1 tile stable basis which it is 011 today. Im ines and the mines in Nevada take package direct from your drug Besides a lair return on money invested, risk is reduced} by this road. We w ere told th at store, because if the treatm ent on this paper as near nil as any human agenev can re- four years before our arrival a does not help you in 24 hours, the duce it. ; bunch of Chinese were massacred druggist will promptly refund your dollar. __________________ _ _ _ _ _ on this route by the Indians. They Rinex is also sold under the were being taken to Nevada and came money-back guarantee to THE ECONOMY OF FLYING attacked and butchered about completely relieve asthm a and Coincident with the announcement that the air mail where we came into the Kelton catarrh. Be sure to get the gen­ service from coast to coast has flown 2,000,000 miles road and about two miles from uine Dr. P la tt’s Rinex Prescrip­ tion in the air-tight glass flask, i without a fatality is the statement by the Illinois Bank­ the ferry. It may be obtained in this city at i ers’ association that the air service will have saved fed­ eral reserve banks $800,000 by the end of the flying year LEEDOM ADDS NEW ACCESSORIES FOR EVERY CAR hssNesthkAIHNE I Eeaver Block Drop In For Chat