PAGE H.tJJt AfifetÀftft ÜAtLi ítftfftfíá üoeal ; P erso n al flotes Born, Monday, July 21, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. George Helm, at 126 Church St., a son. UNUSUAL EVENTS Monday, July 2 Í, 1924 PRES. LANDERS VISITS OBITUARY ASHLAND NORMAL SCHOOL ! Daily C hronicle o f th o se w ho com e and go, and even ts o f <> . * . M afM fet M. Ganiard was born W .C.T.U. to Meet— local in terest ' !' J. L. Landers, president of the ! ,n Hud9°n, Michigan, November A meeting of the W. C. T. U. ' 9 9 9 tta te normal school at Monmouth, I 23, 185°- the youngest daughter ■ • • • » « will be held a t the Library at V / W i n ! AshIapd today paying an oi MarIe Somnies and R utherford R eturned R ecen tly— official visit to th e local normal B' Davidson. 2.00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.! I Take« R estaurant— E. C. Payne returned to Ash- To a representative of the Tid- A f,e' the death of her m other It was recently announced th at and the president announces th at Organization of the LaFollette land after attending the Elks Na- I Hal Cochran had take over the & is de^ d >ngs Mr. Landers expressed great she mad*' her home with a grand- PRIMITIV’E WATER SUPPLY tional Convention in Boston ! - tbe campaign in Oregon is proceeding satisfaction at the success of the ’«other and aunt in Augusta i m anagem ent of the Tourist Home j „ SERVES CALIFORNIA TOWN with a rapidity never before local normal school, and said that,' Ma,ne- later attending school in Cookery near the Holmes grocery. Mc<,,ord w »ter B etter— equalled in political movements Suits, Suits, Suits at Paulser- the attendance of 120 is splendid Boston- ___ _ That tbe vegetable taste to the SAN FRANCISCO, July 21 __ ude’s. 'n o t only, but that the character I 0,1 March 11, 1872 she was 273-tf Complete line ot Ashland Can-1 f Ry drinking w ater which has Engineers of the Hydraulic Divis- according to A. M. Arnold, C hair­ man of the tem porary La Follet- of work being performed is high- Iliari^ d to Silas B. Ganiard of ued Goods at Detricks. y4-tf , “ the ruIe for the past week, ion of the Railroad Commission te committee which consists of In K lam ath F alls— ly creditable to Supt. Brisco and J °nesvllle. Michigan. Her bus is now disappearing, and was recently discovered, during their members from farm er, labor and Genevieve Hensley, of A sh lan d .! To Newport— all members of the efficient corps ' band Passed awav June 6 1906 caused by the low w ater in Fish , inspections, the most prim itive other progressive groups. went to K lam ath Falls recently; p B of instructors. The visitor also a fte r w'hich Mrs. Ganiard moved lake, the w ater there, having re- w ater supply sy8tem serving any Announcement o f 't h e organi­ to visit her sisters. Pauline and ' NeWpOrt, ' ceded to expressed satisfaction with the to Ashland. Oregon, .w here she he will spend a , t0 Ks f° rm er level before I comm"n ity in California in the zation of the tem porary commit­ Georgeanna Clift. la p ’d growth in attendance at the Bved until November 2, 1918 was bui,L b u ilt t u town nf T month vacation resting, Mr t . the dam was The w ater J town of Chicaugita, Los Angeles tee was followed immediately by local school. when she moved to California to _ ! however, is pure as always, as it ' County, which is entirely inhabit- i Sanger hopes to benefit a response from scores of persons Orree tailors for men res. Landers will leave this Dve with her son. ! goes through the chlorification ' ed by Mexican families who a are health at th e sea side. who tendered their services in women, upstairs over McGees evening on his return . to Mon-' Tw° months ago she returned ; Process at the w ater works in employed in the orange groves m the coming campaign, says Mr Woutb- • ; ,o Ashland, hoping to regain her sw eet cream for whipptog and 1 X 'n d e « “ " " 8“ '’er’ the vicinity. Each family, or a Arnold. He says interest is by W ent To Lake— ( ----— ------------------ . ! health, hut gradually grew weak- vegetable taste group of two or th ree families, Mrs. C. L. Loomis and Mrs. coffee—also fresh milk, always no means confined to farm ers and will soon be entirely gone.— Mail constructs an underground cistern, Atten.l Pageant— Pr and Passed away at the home E. Caldwell were among the many j ° D 1C® at tbe Plaza- 239— tf Tribune. industrial labor, but is evident in Dr. and Mrs. W. E. B lake w ere ! ~ h of Ohio; E. Anderson for there m ust be left enough WASHINGTON, Jjily 21.__The land persons who made the trip of Wisconsin; William Lahmnn w ater in the reservoir to keep Persian governm ent has present­ to ------------------------- the Oregon /Caves over the - of « » n o * : F. W eckerley of’ alive the fish with which it was ed formal regrets to the Ameri­ week-end. They left Ashland Pennsylvania; F. W. Rose, stocked. can state departm ent over the abonut 9 o’clock Saturday night, North Dakota; H. M. Lee,’ of slaying of Major Imonie. Ameri­ and camped about tw enty miles Montana, and C. Ding, of Colo­ huckleberries ripe can vice-council, fay a finitical out of G rants Pass on the Cres­ rado. NOW, SAYS H.AMAKER mob at Theran, in th at country. cent City road. The retu rn trip The Persian governm ent offered was made In slightly under four Cleaning, Pressing and R epair­ T hat there will be a slightly to undertake any diplomatic ac­ hours. ing at P aulserud’s. 261-tf better than average crop of huck­ tion with reason to placate this leberries oil H uckleberry Moun­ government. UNIVERSITY of OREGON, Anyone having part of a load Is Dct.aiii<> of tbe second story window. The stopping a short time before go­ nner.s Announced— Mr. and Mrs. Lee T uttle were \A Z H IL E a vast improvement has Too Much C om petition Among the many Ashland vis­ been shown in all farming op­ among the many Ashland resi­ Due to the failure of the re­ itors who yesterday saw the won­ “The problem ,” said Dr. Mc­ dents who witnessed the presen­ erations, somehow the fanning mill port to reach the proper party BERNAAR. paooemv Dowell, ” i8 to prevent competi­ tation of Robin Hood at the Fair is not holding its own in popularity. ,. MAC ders of the Oregon caves were F. the -__ _____ 11UID Ashland Tidings did not re- Seed selection lias been neglected _MACFAPPEM< B. Sankey, with Genevieve and I Port the winners in the best tion in these sm aller fields. Com­ grounds Saturday night and were and while there is no doubt that j I®®™®®363533 ---------- Frances Sankey. o th e r visitors orated window contest T petition may be th e life of trade, the guests of A. S. Rosenbaum, those who do select their seed of. ; Hackache is a common symptom X T i r ? wM ere Joi,n b - to r‘ <» X w , ,o but it may be the death of re-, of Medford. th e variety best udapted to soil and: of many diseases. Very freauentivi •C mate, who fan it until it is clean it Is very necessary to k n Hgion. The national representa- j „ „ ------- — K.‘ u B u X ' B e u r; T“ ckEe'r1,8J I ■>« and plump; who test it for germina-.: cause k tlves of th e several churches • R eturned Saturday— tion after having treated it with __ . f° re 3uccessful treatm ent SannderS’ 1 ^ ° SCh°eniger’ C,ark » » •n itu re " ^ ’^ ^ " ' ^ o o k & agree on this policy of non-com -' MrS’ JuHus K° ch ’ of Laurel formaldehyde or copper carbonate X b' °» g b t to o i^ b?®?Pes® whl,e enjoying a swim. an d c u rin g th e neurotic orning an n o n n i« i th ♦».„* be raeL Most 01 of the churches and thus d°os swimming help to , 'm morning announced a t the J I T tendency. T h at is. th e e n tire n erv ­ steelhead (season on the lower 066(1 equipident; we can’t m eet P^ 5 er,Ve_mentaI balance as well as NOTICE— REW ARD ous system m ust be built up as lower , community needs with ....... ' symmetry. m uch as possible. Local tre a t one- muscular Union Savings & Loan Associa- Rogue has been officially opened. ■ JS® , uslty of being able to ® e a ts ’ . how ever, will be of value room church.” on of Portland, Oregon, offers Joe always declares the season frigbtfully apparent to the and should include electric light, Dr. A. E. Caswell, of the Uni- drowning person, and the thousands rew ard of twenty-five ($25.00) open eat, m assage, vibration, etc. f,8101!!8 hiS fir8t versity of Oregon, an elder, ex- “ aedlessly’ drowned" have' a poor Som e b ackaches a re due to an >r inform ation leading to the steelhead on a fly. He managed uflam m atm n of th e nerves, anS the opinion th a t with the t h e W a T ’ Sometne t0 f° r •rest and conviction of persons to hook and land a four and a Pressed . j S p a r r e8f Slmple n eu ritls . . ----------- has said there in modern leged to be circulating false ha,f p„uad6r oa Plerce „ „ ‘ “ ' J Srea‘ Is no such thing as fate. But from x 8» m u ItiPic n eu ritis id derogatory rum ors concern- night on a March B row n « » o « .’ 1 tran sP°rtation, du t to good roads «trange stories could be told of per- sport, there is only one line to be diabetes The ^ ’x , Iead’ or g said Association. Statem ents ers fishing th ere also re n n rt , H i the autom obile- » good bit of J?“ 9 ^ ave bad a chance to drawn—the water level- and th« x T he a lc °hol an d lead . . . . to have teen made are Ice.«. Quite a num ber „ ’ t i e Z "b“ a ‘he Ch" r<:hes ahzwei ’e“ - -■ > Ä = Ä ä . — »ciuseu n ana terly false and fraudulent. — — • " ...................... .. llu ' had been don* «woar »._____ •?fterwa.r d were drowned. uy tn b e have been hooked. Up- a0 aMd ,o . . a ? ? ’ . 'I - Tery busJ' «term in atin g ion Savings & Loan A ssociation, per river flshinc- hno x« D° need ^°r th© sm aller church « le aiapid. for several » « i r . x..a _ <>n, good within easy reach of th e larger o ld ^C h to ii® ” 1 ¡5 18 w rong” * an « you__a_re Interested to Sw to,£tog where. R- J. KIRKW OOD. several weeks hut th e low er body 8aylcg’ and aPPlles President. fishing 4a *- later.— G rants Pass more to the art of swimming than p fe ¿ e yO^ i t e OIth e Ofv?’atter S« Pply’ aCUte tonsllltls" tooth Infection, UlMÜfflülllüi 269-6 Courier. to any other art. liuüttn Daily Fashion Hint • • • C O M M A N D ¡NG OUR INTEREST IA FOLLETTE Semi-Annual Clearance S A LE • > oil Can’t Afford to Miss This GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Bargain in every Department—Silks_ A ool Goods—Wash Goods—Draperies all Reduced—Buy Now! Women’s Coats Reduced 1-2 CLildren s Coals Reduced Î-2 !>y,die Father^/ Physical Culture Vi omen s Silk and \\ ool Dresses Reduced 1-2 Women’s Dress Skirts Less 14 Women’s Wool Sweaters Less 14 E. R. ISAAC & CO. Swim to H ealth Clean Sweep SALE of dry goods and garments all this week at The Tiding** Ads B rin g R esu lts Where a number of porann» ape gathered together to qajgy this e s« « « causative condition. ? s