Pate Twfl ¿gftLÁfrb tiÁtit îîO flg SioadAy, J u ly 2 1 , 1024 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS is a loss to the fanner and indirectly a loss to the state L, .. L, , , and to all the DeoDle in it ’ I Uat mad* a detour tow ard the , 8WAam £,oued' the combined sup- Gresham'—Berry industry here A a r ic u ltn r e ’e n n l, rlo'li,, • c ,, , wesL Pl“1“ aQd ' S ’ ’s »«rdreda ,-n,ployed datlv. •We traveled down this stream Agriculture s onlj deliverance is for the people en- the ease brush hid a deep guish, Published Every Evening Except Sunday by 11« * __ i business ______________- ________________________________ wuru m gaged in it to develop the end of the industry. r«i»e th a t ____ had __ been worn in severaI miles and camped. Wei C ooq iiay— Plant for manufac- THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. It is as vital to the grower to sell right as it is to plant plant!the p!ain by some to rren tial ------- r a in s i D ¡¡ad told not t0 camp in the ture of fir veneer lath will soon it asm been o .. . ° of the well as there was commence operations. Bert R Greer ..................................................................... ;...................E ditor the right ?_* kind 1 of » , trees. „ Selling has come to be ° the most i w " ------ ------- ... . the region. I basin “ “ ° George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager important thing in every line of activity. Selling is the * ”°l lolÍ^-'VMSÍC.4 told th at w ater could be ob- by roads; made the expense and »y* tions composed of fourteen cast c ernes netted many growers not more than two Itained alm ost anywhere by mod- labor alm ost prohibitive. Iron plates or segm ents, each (L eft) One or Great 2»% foot R in g s W hich Will Line New Tunnels. j r two and a half cents. The same cherries retailed in I erate digging- whi1« abund- weighing 2,800 pounds. (R ightJ R ing Shovrhig Size of First Hudson Tunnels. A Hidden Ravine The Bethlehem Steel Corporation The tubes, in fact, have! with no more danger than~a fin? Is fabricating for the tunnel 107, a needle. T hat evening, retu rn in g to the already pierced th e north caisson I on an open street. Traffic will b« Just Received 000 tons of iron segm ents and 7,000 camp, Cardwell and I indulged in on the Jersey side and so accurate strictly regulated with fast and tons of steel segm ents. 105,000 a a care. I was riding Ju p iter, my tons of these have been completed is the work o f Iboring th a t there slow lines of vehicles Just what effect the' new tunnel, and shipped or made ready for was only one-hatf an inch devia- Large Shipment i j ! x. '- Bootb an<* FHnn of New Side and two single shafts on 000 ooo! so ittle out of their cherries that tons of Bings and other day morning we drove our band passage between the camp and 000,000. T h e ventilation and fire York are the contractors of the the New Jersey side. These control sy stem s are of the finest cherries in the world dry on the trees. That to the corrals and began to select th e ranch we had not taken this are adapted adapted to j tunnel which is being built under will be the river ventilation our new riding horses. The buc- route but had followed a trail m e tubes luoes will \ n tbe ^oint su Pcr'«’ision of the tunnel chafts aftd the will pass | c a s ^ aCOflw^i Zhn,£’i i Ct»nditL°n’ Interesting Reminiscences By A Southern Oregon Pioneer Franklin Bakery Phone 199 The Citizens Bank of Ashland What the World Is Doing * ♦ • 7/ 7^ I Is Your House W IR E D ? Giant Tunnels Under Hudson River for Jersey-Manhattan Motor Traffic T Murphy Elec. Co. The Winchester Store Simpson’s Hardware through them like threads through I would brGak ° “ ’ lt comrnissions utiuutfu .would ba Bandied the sam e as and New Jersey. of New York and