PAGE H'CÄ ÄMttÄW ÖOAilf 1ÎÔÎK Back To Oakland— ” ! The Misses Almeda and Emily ' . > Kaiser returned Thursday m orn-' o I ing to Oakland after a visit of a A D ally C hronicle of th o se w h o com e and go, and even ts o f '' , few weeks in Ashland. They were " form er residents, and drop back local Interest when possible to renew old ac­ < ! quaintances and friendships. ««»»♦»»>» ■♦>»<■» j Local * P ersonal fiotes V isitin g H ere— SatimLuy, July UNUSUAL EVENTS npeed of w riting and the sl2e of : letters In a given time and by producing m arked deviations I from the natural handw riting of , the subject. It was possible to determ ine certain traits of char- i acter.” COM M ANDING • * YOUR INTEREST 'T' A Over From W eed— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 6 0 0 0 H ave Seen Caves— Valuable Fountain pen. Branded on pen point “ LeBoeuf, Springfield, M assechusetts,” Size S. Branded on filling lever, “ Le- Boeuf. Mottled barrel, stam p­ ed “ U nbreakable” . Stamped on j top of barrel “ 75" Stamped on j gold clip, “ LeBoeuf.” Finder please leave at Tidings office and j receive rew ard. 272-3 I. i i s i with little- or no musty smell and contents of the bale to be uniform throughout. A little poor hay in a bale will condemn it all. M a Negri in the Paramount Picture S h a d o w s o f P aris * A Herbert, Brenon Production T h e s h ip p e r s o f g o o d h a y sh o u ld fo rm a n a s s o c ia tio n If th e ii ow n o p ­ e r a tio n s a r e n o t e x te n s iv e en o u g ti. to b u y a g o o d b a le r a n d to g ra d e th e h a y a s it is b a le d . H o n e s t q u a l­ ity w ill b r in g th e p ric e , a n d n o b o d y c a n fool th e h a y b u y e r, so if tr a s h is m a r k e te d a s good h ay . th e lo ss is c h a r g e d b a c k to its p o in t o f o rig in . B a le tie s s h o u ld be c a r e f u lly s e le c t­ ed, o f g o o d le n g th a n d s tr e n g th , w ith s ta n d a r d lo c k in g d e v ic e s w h ic h w ill n o t a llo w th e b a le s to com e to - p - ieces han— N u rs i n g, m aternity chology in Pomona college, Cali­ j cases and housework at homes. fornia, and instructor in the Uni­ Call 132 Elizabeth St.. Phone versity of Oregon summer session 323-Y. 272—-3 1' j in Portland. Dr. Ewer expressed i the view th at the surest, test of character was in the reaction of | a sign of weakness. There are not the individual to his surround­ very many ‘best’ types for any coun­ ings and his ability to fit into his ty, so it is the wise thing to make1 environment, and not in outward Why Call Your a selection of the type best adapted S"gns such as are used by phren­ Banker, In? to soil and climate, and try to breed ologists and handw riting experts it up to its highest quality. The il­ Bankers, it is said, ihstinctive- lustration shows the seed corn com­ in their “ character reading.” ly are conservative. That does- mittee of Kankakee county, Illinois, Phrenologists have attem pted deciding upon the typical size te to read character by the protuber­ n t mean they lean backward. Conservatism is a virtue where adopt ror the entire county. Then- is, of course, reason for growing dif-* ances over the ears and projec­ money is concerned. It isn’t every person who knows how ferent kinds for different purposes., tions on the back of the head," but usually there ought to be one' said Dr. Ewer, "overlooking the prevalent variety and size.” fact th a t these prominences To Spend Money• are due to physical development and in the case of the back of The banker knows what a dol­ f thorities predict the time when lar is worth in purchasing pow­ centers of motor activity that er, and how soon it will come thousands will attend the school have nothing to do with intellec­ back. W hether it is a new bus­ at Yale, for its attractions are tual qualities.” iness or an addition to your such that applications are pouring “ Many specimens of penman­ present concern, tell us your in from all over the East and ship have been studied without plans and we’ll tell you the South. possibilities of finances. proving any index to character.” The name of Yale seems a thing ho stated, “ unless we consider to conjure with, so far as school one who habitually fails to dot teachers are concerned ‘Us’ and cross ‘t ’s’ as careless in habit. Recently, however, a SHENANDOAH IS TO FLY California teacher found that by WESTWARD TO ( ’OAST j Establishing Best Variety for the Latitude Thrift. all over the Seven Seas. Fortunes ’T'HE good use of money and ma- were made out of carriages and Tourist traffic at the Oregon g terial possessions does not by New Haven prospered. As avail­ Caves is increasing rapidly, says any means constitute all there Is to able lum bering land retreated fa r­ the G rants Pass Courier. Man­ th rift Physical con- th er and farth er west, the car­ ager George Sabin, of .the resort, s e r v a t l o n — riage companies pulled out and was out today and states th a t by health thrift—Is followed the tim ber. Some liquid­ tonight 6,000 persons will have V isited— just as impor­ ated and their owners retired to gone through the caverns during ta n t Mrs. K ronenburg and son Jack, enjoy life in a, college town. Now the present season. Yesterday 24 There Is al­ of Bandon, visited at the home the day of the last of the car­ Dance, Lithia Pavilion, S atu r­ persons went through. Quite a ways a great riage m akers is over. of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Poley on day. 270-3t num ber of tourists are staying temptation for Gresham street from Sunday until Yale is to have an indoor sk at­ those who are overnight at the resort. Thursday. Mrs. K ronenburg is V isitin g— ing rink as large as any in the naturally ener­ Mrs. Poley’s sister. land. When fire wiped out the getic and am­ Mrs. Frank Moore, her daugh­ W ill In vestigate Strike— WASHINGTON, July 19— The bitious to over­ Arena late in June and took navy departm ent officially an- i ter, Ruth, and her son, Paul, of 8. W . STRAUS J. T. Logan intends to investi­ do. We read away th e place where for a doz-1 nounced this afternoon that the Madden sells Balloon tires. Los Angeles, are visiting Mr. and 246-tf Mrs. John Arnold of Ashland. gate the reported gold strik e at recently of one of America’s out­ the headw aters of the Rogue. Re­ standing public men who boasts en years Yale hockey teams have j giant dirigible U. S S She nan i •They have gone to C rater Lake ports are to the effect th a t a reg­ that he works almost continually, X v a i r ^ n H ^ p 17 7 k e W lth! doah would «X to the West coast I Funeral M onday— for a few days, going by way of excepting for about four hours’ H arvard and Princeton— here j during a series of m aneuver, t o ’ Funeral services for D. L. Medford, and retu rn in g by way of ular gold rush is being staged, sleep a night Hobey Bayer first reached high be conducted with the Atlantic and Mr. Logan does not intend to Greenman, of Ashland, will be the Falls. While we can not help but ad­ points a t hockey— plans were pass anything up. He places be held at 2:30 on Monday after­ mire a man who can make of him­ drawn at once to rebuild the fleet during August and Septem­ some credence in the reports ber. The date of its departur to- self such a driving force, we know noon, from the Stock undertak­ B etter clothes for less money which have been sent out con­ structure. H arry F. W alker, the Pacific was not decided on. that sooner or later nature will re­ ing parlors. at Orres. 270-2* cerning the rich strikes because fuse to be abused. Collapse will known as the “ Ice King of N e w ___________ England,” will furnish the mon- < of early stories circulated during come. The man’s usefulness will Be there. W here? Lithia dance R elatives H ere— the Indian war, to the effect th at be over years before such an event ey, close to half a million, and ; Kl'NAWAY GIRLS ARE pavilion, Saturday night. 270-3t Relatives are visiting at the a miner found a ledge of gold th a t would have occurred, perhaps, with Yale’s athletic departm ent will LOCATED IN ORE the observance of temperate habits. take a long lease on the struc­ home of Mrs. Josphine Poley, of was later lost.— Courier. Notice— The nation’s loss through the ill­ ture, which is to be ready by No­ B street. Mrs. Mitchell and MARYSVILLE, Calif., July 19 ’ ness of its citizens is prodigious. There will be a called business daughter, and Mrs. Murphy, of vember 15. — A message to Sheriff McCoy For example, we are told that the m eeting of the D. A. R. a t the Springfield, arrived Thursday for The lately burned Arena, in­ from G rants Pass, Ore., laat night 42,000,000 gainfully employed men Library on W ednesday at 2 p. a visit for a few days. and women of the United States cidentally, was once th e site of a conveyed the news th at Floris m. Everyone th a t can come is lose the labor of 1,000,000 workers great carriage-m aking plant. Evans, 16, and Bessie Thornton, urged to do so. each year from sickness—a loss Best place to dance, Lithia 14, runaw ay Ynba City girls, who equivalent to 300,000,000 working Blanche Hicks, Regent. park Saturday night. 270-3t Those students at Yale who in­ left home last Saturday in an au­ days annually. In other words, the habit the dorm itory ram part along tomobile belonging to the step Two W’ell K now n Y ou ng P eop le time lost every year to the nation, We deliver the goods— Detricks Left Today— College street and whose rooms ■ ' a ^ ler of- the Evans girl, were ap- through the sickness of its work­ M arried L ast W ednesday; 94-tf Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Nelson, of overlook historic C entral Green, I prehended a t th a t place late yes- ers, is three times greater than all On H oneym oon 1101 Boulevard, together with the working days gained annually will have a new proposition t o ! terday afternoon. Mrs. Hosking, F rom D istan t S tates— Miss Louise Robison, of Oakland through immigration. detract them from their studies niother of the Evans g ‘rl, left for (B y Mrs. Grace A ndrew s) Rovers from distant states at Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crisler, of This million hours of labor lost A very attractive home wed­ every day from sickness are In ad­ when “ college opens in the fall.” ‘ G rants Pass this morning to re- the Ashland camp last night were K lam ath Falls, and Dr. and G. The City F ath ers are to install a ! turn with the girls, W. Lorenson, of Iowa; C. E. Cald­ D. Berryhill, of Los Angeles, left ding took place a t the country dition to the 227.000,000 working home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ad­ days which the United States De­ radio set with loud speakers be - To th e officers of G rants Pass well, or Colorado; C. F. Wilson, today on a trip to Portland. amson near Talent, a t e’ght o’­ partment of Labor estimates are neath the Liberty pole on the ! the girls> declare th a t no person Idaho; M. T. Chapman, Utah, and lost annually through industrial green to entertain the citizens accoinPani<>d them to Oregon. J O. A. N orthington, Oklahoma. Good music, good floor, Lithia clock "Wednesday morning when accidents. whose relaxation is to park on the I " itd them , however, were tw o Open a ir pavilion, Saturday night. ■heir daughter, Miss M arjorie Ad- It is impossible to check the dol­ grass or benches of the green’s ! Oregon Y°une men, t h e authori- HONESTY 1 b my POLICY. Yeo, 270-3t rmson, and Ted Ge Bauer were lars lost in wages annually through An experiment, Ges a ^ G rants Pass report, united in m arriage, the Rev. P. ilckness of workers, but inasmuch eighteen acres. • f course. 212— tf this. If it succeeds every park in '---------- ~— —-------- ts it is known that the annual wage K. Hammond, the officiating Arrived Recently— loss from Industrial accidents ex­ K IfX S 25 W,LD ANIMALS R est at New port— A recent arrival from Roseburg clergyman. The Impressive ring seeds $1.000,000,000 the financial m e n tCity Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Billings and is Mrs. H. C. Cavanaugh, former ceremony was used. IN ONE MONTH loss from sickness must be far in granddaughter, Jean Billings, Ashland resident, who will re­ The bride was charm ing in a excess of this sum. Yale becomes strictly a female left today for a visit of ten days main here for some time, visiting vhite silken gown. There were When you think of thrift, think In KLAMATH FALLS, July, 19. institution in summer. Follow­ at Newport, where they will rest. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones io attendants. Only the immed­ terms of health as well as wealth. — High point man among the 24 Much ill-healtl) is the result of ing precedent established two predatory animal hunters who of Fairview street. iate relatives of the bride and carelessness. Guard the reservoir years ago, the university has tu rn ­ Orres tailors for men and groom were present: Mr. and operated in Oregon was H. H. of your physical strength as yov women, upstairs over McGees. »See “Robin H ood”—— Mrs. E. B. Adiamson, Mrs. Ray­ woqld your home or your life’« ed a portion of its plant over to Cubser of Klam ath County, ac­ the State Board of Education to cording to word received here to- H undreds of Ashland residents mond Badger and baby, Mary savings. V isitin g — ----------------------____ a , . use as a sum m er school for day from Stanley G. Jewell, pre- have seen the comic opera “ Rob­ Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. Max Ge There can be no real thrift w that K enneth Wood is in Ashland, in Hood” at the F air Grounds the Bauer, Orna and Harold and doea not Include care.of the health, j ach?rs ’ and 1,500 y °uns ladies } datory animal inspector of t h e 1 marched into the old campus-! United States bureau of biological visiting his brother, John Bill­ last two nights, and undoubtedly, Henry Pace. early in July to settle for the survey. ings, for a few weeks. many more will attend this even­ Following the ceremony an rest of the summer. Previous to ing. A fter th e show last night, elaborate wedding breakfast was In the thirty days of June, Cub­ two years ago a State normal ser accounted for twenty-five an­ Always a crowd, ’cause always the highway was a solid line oi served the bridal party at the school building, accommodating imals. He killed four bobcats, good music, good floor, good cars traveling South. A m ajority Blue Flow er Lodge in Phoenix. times, Lithia park, Ashland, Sat­ of them were driven by Ashland less than 100 was summer school j tw enty adult coyotes and one pup A color scheme of pale pink . .N E W H AVEN, Conn., J u ly 17 urday night. 270-3t people. and white was carried out very — L ast o f w h at w as once a vast headquarters. Today school au- coyote. artistically in th e centerpiece of industry, th e N ew H aven Car­ To P o r tla n d - Vicks Salve, 35c, McNair Bros. sweet peas and in dainty candles. riage Com pany h a s closed its E verett Gillings, of Walla “W e Mr. and Mrs. Ge Bauer left by doors and is liq u id atin g. Walla, who has been here for a Guest H e r e - motor for Portland. Upon their are to o far from th e cen ter o f th e week visiting his brother, Em­ Mrs. A. C. Briggs, of Oroville, return they will be a t home In au to in d u str y / say th e ow ners, m ett Gillings, left yesterday California, who was an Ashland their own new bungalow in Med­ w h o h ave plen ty o f m oney, are- m orning for Portland. He was resident when her husband was ford where the groom is In bus­ n ot grea tly In debt, and find them ­ accompanied by Mrs. Em m ett connected w ith the Ashland F ru it selv es ready to retire from ac­ iness. Gillings, who will spend a short Association, arrived here recent­ Savage Carbine, both in 30-30 tive business. The concern has Miss Adamson is a graduate of vacation in Portland. and 303, the latest models ly, and is the guest of Mrs. Ira A. H. S. and has attended O. A. C. been g oin g a lon g sw im m in gly of Shoudy, of Almod street. la te years, buildin g special bodies Mr. Ge B auer graduated from NOTICE— REWARD Eugene H. S. and attended U. for high -grad e cars and uph ol­ Marlin 30-30, Carbine 32-75. Also Marlin 30-30 Union Savings & Loan Associa­ M oney Doubled— sterin g other bodies to special or­ of O. and 32 Special, Sport Model tion of Portland, Oregon, offers E arlier in th e season prizes Mr. and Mrs. Ge Bauer are well der. “ Every tim e a w om an has a rew ard of twenty-five ($25.00) were offered by th e Civic Club a new gow n sh e W’an ts her c a r ' for Inform ation leading to the for the best kept Ashland lawns, know’n popular young people and ■ the best of good wishes are ©x- ’ uPh°ffdert‘d t ° m «tch” so the a rre st and conviction of p e rso n s, the money for th e aw ards being ta le ran in com pany circles until alleged to b© circulating fa ls e ; furni8hed by H G Enders Sr tended from th eir many friends ju st lately. Now is the time to prepare for that hunting trip and derogatory rum ors concern- As lawns may not be watered ’now for a life of happiness. Huge factory buildings, now ing said Association. Statem ents the com m ittee in charge decided We have all kinds of Guns, New and Used: Fishing used as m anufacturing or stor­ Tackle, Outing Clothes, etc., H unting Licenses. know n to have been made a r e : to call the m atter off, and so in- Letterheads, statements, t o age lofts, once housed New Hav­ u tterly false and fraudulent. formed Mr. Enders. The donor your order at the Tidings Office. en’s carriage trade. Sailing or U nion Savings & Loan A ssociation, of the prizes declared th a t the We have a good Job printing de­ steam vessels brought wood to R. J. KIRKWOOD, offer held good for nxt year, but partment. tf w harfs th a t now handle nothing President. ■aid that he would double the but coal, and then took aw ay fin­ Biggest Little Store in Ashland LV amount in prizes. The Tiding’s Ads Bring Results ished carriages destined to ports The m other and grandm other of Jack Tipps drove over from Weed last W ednesday to see him. Mr. Tipps is ill here. His grand­ m other, who is 98, enjoyed the trip w onderfully, and w-as so de­ lighted with Ashland th a t she wanted to stay here perm anently. 1024 iflorsaa’ng and decreaging the • • * R eturned Thursday— V isitin g Friend.* Elber and Austin Bush, from Mrs. C. H. Pierce and Miss Robert Tweed a graduate of [ BOOTLEGGING ADDED CAUSE Los Angeles, are visiting in Ash-! R uth Osmond returned Thursday AfihlanH » land „„ „ . ‘ , .. y Ashland High School, and form OF “H E L P ” SHORTAGE land. I from an auto trip to Marshfield, erly an Ashland resid en t,'is here i N orth Bend, Bandon, and other from Portland visiting friends, I JACKSONVILLE, Fla., July 19 Let us fill your pall with Swifts resort points. They report a won- among them, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 1 Municipal Judge J. J. Beckham Silver Lea; lard. Costs less than derful trip, Billings. Tweed graduated from has given a new’ cause of the shortening, uoes fa rth e r and is O. A. C., received his m aster’s servant problem. more nutritious. Detricks. □A'-tf Go W here The Orow’ds Go! degree at Michigan, where he was Negro women, to whom m o s t! F air Grounds Pavilion, tonight. an instructor for some time. He O perated On— By h f r t b a l l Most beautiful “ open-air” P ra av v il-K 7 77» with .7, of the Jacksonville homes look j p ii | jias v jjPen » ,n « Mexico connected for help in domestic duties, have ! INattonal Crop Improvem ent Service.] Mrs. W. L. Moore, of the Bell- ion on th e Pacific Coast. Tickets ' the Associated Oil company hos­ found bootlegging much more HE price of hay is lowered near- vue district, was operated on at $1.10. Ladies Free! pital as a bacteriologist. I profitable and consequently have / every year by a bunch of care- the Community Hospital yester­ .v .. , ¡less shippers who make loose, irn- day morning. j ted the broom and scrub j perfect bales containing r ank- m ix- Back From Weed— Arrived Monday— mop in order to sell liquor, itures of weeds and foreign matter. J. H. Doran this m orning re- Mrs. M. A. Stratton, Portland ! The National Hay association is “ M eet Me at th e P a v ilio n .” turned from Weed, California ., * arrived . . , in Ashland . .. , on Judge Beckham said. 1 ’ resident, “ Negro women have gone wild uia^*nS a determined campaign to W here a real floor, real music where he was a business visitor Monday for a short visit with her improve the quality and price of on the subject of money-making,” hay. and a real crowd combine to! several days this week, m other, Mrs. M. E, Wood. Mrs. he said. “ Court recopdis show th at m ake your evening complete. There are many things to be ob­ Stratton, who was form erly Jessie F a ir Grounds, tonight. tw o-thirds of the bootleggers in served in baling h a y : First it must Complete line of Ashland Can- , , Lee Wood, left on W ednesday for ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf San Francigco and Los Angeles, Jacksonville are composed of this be properly cared, of a good color, • D ism issed— class of people. I presume th a t — where she will visit relatives and f H. Bordell, who has been a From Omak ; fr jends> Upon her retu rn , Dr. in most cases these women are patient at the local hospital for j One of the 13 travelers from I Stratton and the children will hirelings of higher-ups, although eight days, convalescing follow­ "Washington at the auto camp last, d rjve down from Portland and I have no way to tell this because ing an operation, was today dis­ night, and the only one going spend some time as guests at the we are seldom able to secure missed as recovered. such evidence. South was H. W right. All the home of Mrs. Wood. rest of the W ashingtonians were “The women themselves won’t Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ headed for their home state after squeal when arrested and brought Here For Summer— ing at Paulserud’s. 261-tf spending some time in the South. up for trial because they have Jackson Burke, of San F ran ­ cisco, is spending the summer been told th a t they will serve only V isitin g B rother— Sweet cream for whipping and with his grandm other, Mrs. M. E. a few days on the prison farm Mr. and Mrs. John H arris and coffee— also fresh milk, always Wood, of Laurel street, and is so and then can go back into the little son, of Oakland, are visit­ on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf delighted with Ashland th a t he game. I t ’s a nasty problem, this ing Mr. H arris’ brother, James, would like to make his home servant-bootlegger question, but of Oberlin street. Canadian V isitor— we’re knocking the props out here. Every night for the past week, from under them as rapidly as By B E R T B A L L Fresh Eastm an Film, McNair there has been at least one visi­ we can.” To P ortland— [National Crop Improvement Service.] Bros. tor at the auto camp from , the Judge Beckham also charged «> is $34.75 $35.00 Army Goods Store Well-Dressed Com fort A man’s Clothes are especially noticeable in the summer time. Then, more than any other per­ iod of the year, comfort and a well-dressed appearance go hand in hand, if the man comes to the right store to choose his outfit. We believe you will find awaiting you here just the ( lotlies vo*u need to make you well dressed and comfortable. Suits $25 and Up M i t c h e l l ’s By the Post O füce