ÀfcttAób ôAîtÆ îîüîngs frat© twtf Saturday, July 10, 10li4 A SH LA N D D A ILY T ID IN G S ! quite likely not been as wholesome as might be expected. It embraced feur inain.~G4tir* lectures have been successful and ! motor are of this class. O aSG O N GUARD UNIT itie s:— B etter m arketing condi- ’ have created a profound impres­ , Therefore, the appeal to the FOREST GROVE PLAN (E stablished in 187«) Here is a good exhibit and the result of questionable home tions for the farm er, land settle­ sion everywhere. ' vacationist is doub’ . e-barreiled, it ________ _____________________________ _______ surroundings. Those who are working and exerting every ment, an illustrated lecture lour i brings the ready cash for the A dvertising FOREST GROVE, July 18. — P ublished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by possible means to make this old world better, hoping to by Frank Branch Riley, and na­ The National Publicity D epartm ent has ' money invested in the advertising A unit of the Oregon National THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. raise the standard of citizenship, have many like.condi- tional publicity through m aga­ carried on a nation-wide adver­ ' campaign and is the beginning— Guard is being formed here, with Bert R. Greer .......................................... - .............................................E ditor tions to meet. The home—the most sacred of all heaven- zines, newspapers and special a r­ tising campaign based principal­ ¡»but only the beginning for every­ 87 members signed up already. George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager j ly gifts—a place where children should receive all that ticles. In all of these activities ly upon an appeal to tourists. And thing cannot be accomplished in M ustering services will be held em ciA E city paper .........................................Telephone 39' is pure and wholesome from the cradle to that period the campaign has been successful why should this appeal be car­ a few months— of bringing Into Monday, with Captain MiUner, and on a broad state-w ide scope. ried to tourists more than any­ the state a high class, new citi­ froip the H eadquarters organiza­ - a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter w Ji e n tJle responsibilities of life ’B e thrust upon them, For instance, the efforts of the one else? Chiefly because in this zenship.» There is a vast in­ tion, in charge. Adjutant-General is made a breeding place for harlots and criminals. Un- m arketing committee, which has way it is possible to reach al­ crease in tourist -travel and it is W Subscription P rice, D elivered in City hite will he present. ©ne M o n th . ........................................................................ ................ such time arrives that every home is made the foun- been to bring the growers of v ar­ most every man in America. estim ated th a t twenty-five • mil­ Three Months 3 75 nation tor pure manhood and womanhood criminals will ious products of the field and There are only a certain percent­ lion dollars will be lefj in Ore­ Six Months __ EIGHT RUM RUNNERS One* T e a r ...... . 7 5«' continue to prey upon society. The home—and there farm closer together and have age of farm ers, of business men, gon this year. AND AUTOS SEIZED B y M ail and R ural R ou tes: them realize th a t their interests hankers and m anufacturers, hut R esults of Publicity $ .65 o n ly — can pure thoughts be instilled in the young hoy are m utual, to so plan the sale all of these classes are embraced One Month various forms or other near­ Three Months..... .......................................................... g 1.95 or girl that - will assure a clean bill of lading ~ for their of their products s*o they lia y get In th e tourist, because everyone ly In 18,000 SANTA BARBER, July 18. — inquiries have been C JIa* ♦ X * a . 50 — Six Months one Year".............................................................................................. 6 5 0 1 delivery to those public insitutions, our schools, where the a better price and thus realize usually includes in his budget an made to the Portland Chabmer of Eight alleged rum runners and a g reater profit from their oper­ item for a vacation. All these Commerce as a result of this ad­ 10 automobiles, containing 300 D IS.-I,A Y A P Y E R T .SIX G KATKN:.......... delicate minds will absorb the good things of life and ah- of bonded Scotch whiskey hor the had, thereby growing into clean, useful and bright ations, have been quite success­ people have reserved from them vertising. A proof th at the plan cases Single Insertion, per inch ....... .................................................... ? .30 were seized early today when ful. This committee of the land a vacation period and the ra il­ adopted by the trustees of this Y early C ontracts: citizenship.—!Roseburg News-Review. Sheriff Ross and four deputies • has worked unceasingly and un- roads make special rates for their fund, in this quartet of activities, .27% Insertion a week .................................... ................................ surprised the party transferring .25 Fw© insertions a w e e k .................................................... .............. ! selfishly for the uplift and bet- vacations, therefore, in carrying has been almost a perfect plan, •ftlly Insertion ......................................................................................... .20 the instructions of the tru s ­ is th a t all the departm ents have the whiskey from a launch to the Being turkeys with straw hats on in the “ good old ^ZeTv n’ the farmers in out R ates fo r L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertising tees the publicity committee in worked together in unison for the shore three miles West of here. West Insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 days is nothing to compare with the sights some pros- a few m onths' operations c o u ld 1 appealing to tourists have ap­ benefit of the state. The pub­ w » subsequent insertion, 8 point line...................................... .05 peetors have been seeing up near Mt. St. Helens. accomplish these things. Many' pealed to all the people of the licity departm ent supplies all the Card of T h a n k s .......—___ ____ __________________________ ___ 1.00 Yamhill county harvested large ©W tnaries, per lin e................................................................................. •02% w orth while organizations have United States. other departm ents with its in­ cherry crop this year. W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING Senator Wheeler has bolted the democratic ticket and been formed for the better grad­ Moreover the change in tra n s­ quiries for them to deal with be- I portation th a t has taken place cause they are best fitted, through | „ 2A?1 f ^ u r e events, J bere an admiS8ion ch afse is made or a Senators Couzens and Ladd and former Governor Frazier ing and b etter m arketing of our collection taken in Advertising. during the past tw enty years— for their intim ate knowledge of the most im portant fru it crops. have deserted the camp of Coolidge and Dawes, and La- Ko discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. there was hardly an automobile subjects inquired about. The D irected S ettlers Follette gets all four. The Land Settlem ent Commit­ tw enty years ago— and the vast committees have w’orked jointly DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertis­ tee has organized the counties progress and improvement which on these propositions, each with in g ©r /Ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. H om es that have hath-a-(lay throughout Oregon whereby com­ has been made in the construct­ the idea of spending the money i’ ine clothes bring little consolation to an overworked fa cilitie s for all, enjoy a lux­ ion and m aintenance of highways allotted to it for the best advant­ m ittees have been formed to wife if they are on her husband. ury that costs next to nothing. JULY 10 whom prospective settlers can be has created a new order of things age of its own particular depart­ THIS IS THE CONFIDENCE THAT WE HAVE IN HIM, THAT, Daily bathing ben efits Ixxly sent with a prospect of acquir­ and made it possible for a great m ent, but all for the good of IF WE ASK ANY THING ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, HE Apparently some people think that a careful driver and m ind. It is really m ore of m ajority of people to enjoy a va­ the state at large. ing land upon which they can HEARETH US.—-1 John 5:14. a necessity than a luxury. is one who toots his horn to let the train know he is ap­ make a living, and securing it cation at a minimum of expense. Many Tourists Expected /Force Increased— upon reasonable term s. In other proaching the crossing. Modern liathing equipm ent The railroad companies iri their is m oderate in cost. The force at the local W estern words in a few m onths almost the LIBERTY MAKES ALL ONE propaganda Union office has been increased whole of the state has been pre­ great advertising We'd lx- glad to tell you Toleration is merely an admission that the other fel­ have most attractively brought by the addition of Vernon Phipps pared for the reception of new­ July 14, Bastile Day, is the natal day of French Indé­ about it. comers and a public opinion has the attention of the traveling to the staff as a messenger boy. pendance. One hundred and thirty-five years ago an an­ low has the inalienable right to be as mean as you are. been created in favor of helping public to Oregon and the Pacific Mr. W illard, who has been doing gry mob, incensed by persecutions and oppressions, in­ new settlers to come amongst N orthw est and shown the pleas­ messenger work, will do clerical spired with age-old love of freedom and the zeal' of rev-L _ The ,, most vindicative . ,. man ., . in . the world is one who them and to be made to feel th a t ure and attractiveness of reach­ work in the office. Plumbing Heating olutionaries, stormed the ancient walls of the fortress °1 es -e giowing mascu mi j o women will eventually they were not coming am ongst ing this country by rail. There­ Phone 138 207 E. Main prison and razed it to the ground. No vestige of it re- 2<°"' wl“ skcr8 °” em' Classified Ads Bring Results stran g rs but amongst those who fore, every class of people and would help and assist them in every class of traveler has been mains, but on its site stands a lofty column of bronze, top­ th eir problems. Visits have been reached this year by the adver­ ped by a guilded figure of the spirit of liberty. All Paris paid to various parts of the state tising of Oregon. gathers about it to celebrate the heritage wrested In appealing for vacationists it I and valuable inform ation obtain­ has been realized th a t there are by their forefathers on this spot; all France unfurls the ed at first hand and ^ e ttle rs — thousands of people who utilize as a resu lt of this initial year’s tri color to the breeze with thought of the significance of their vacations for the purpose of w ork— have been placed in many this day in the great upheaval that changed the course seeking out a new location either, districts. of western Europe. *• F ran k Branch Riley has deliv­ for a home, for business, for m an­ In many parts of the United States tribute was paid is not pleasant to hear, ered over one hundred lectures i ufacturing enterprise, or as a 1918 Chevrolet ......$150 to the French republic, even as a few days ago the people before some of the best audiences settler upon the land, and it is and sympathy has no 1920 Chevrolet ........$150 in the United States, in exclusive estim ated th a t at least 40 per of France exulted with us in celebration of liberty’s birth. power to replace proper­ clubs, before commercial organi­ cent of the people who travel by 1919 Dodge ............. $400 It is indeed fitting that these two great peoples should ty, or salve conscience zations, luncheon clubs, tra n s­ 1918 Dodge ............. $150 unite in exultation, for their historic achievements have portation officers, ad clubs, news­ been long intertwined. Without French aid the American paper and magazine w riters, and republic might never have been realized. French ships, has carried the Lure of Oregon ‘Tip From Dan’ and there is no insurance pro­ to these leading and influential French money, French men came to otir assistance at a tection against the occasions 5 qts. ( le a n Oil citizens in a m anner th a t no other —nd your system of Catarrh or Deai- of unforseen conflagrations. time of direst need. Only a few years were to elapse be­ P lu s 1 qt. D irty Oil The mourning of the fire vic­ man in the United States is prob­ acss caused by Catarrh. E q u a ls' 6 qts. Dirty Oil fore these same volunteers, who with Lafayette sustained tim, who has insurance is ably so well qualified to do. His Scld by druggisti for over fO w * Let us change the oil in your never harassing nor pitiable, our cause, were to take notable part in winning freedom crank case— Agents for all "• J. C H EN EY & CO., Toledo. Obit, because folks adm ire wisdom. for their own people. In these later days, when the two High Grade Eastern Oils Good Insurance— Phone 53 people have stood shoulder to shoulder against the as­ Costless luxury Jerry O’Neal Hints From a House- Wife*s Kitchen Diary Real Used Car BARGAINS The Mourning Of the Loser When Fit •e Comes H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medielsae Spring Dishe sault of resurgent autocracy, realization has come to each o ftheir historic association as pioneers for the rights of man. One hundred and fifty years ago there was not a free government of freemen anywhere on the face of the earth. Today there is not a continent where there is not a gov­ ernment of the people, by the people, and for the people. The United States of America, in revolt against the Ger­ man king of Great Britain, first hurled defiance into the face of autocrats. The American people proved that across the seas could be established a nation in which men should rule themselves and in which the only divine right is the right of men to live their lives in peace and happiness. Quickly thereafter the people of Fmace in­ spired by this example, proved that free people can live at the very^gates of tyranny. Independence day and Bastile day might well he ob­ served by the free peoples of all lands as the symbols of their liberation. A COMMENDABLE SPIRIT Although the selling campaign to finance the pro­ posed new hotel and high pressure sales methods were discontinued several days ago, several thousand dollars have since been pledged in stock, indicating that the rank and file of the men and women of Ashland recognize the necessity of the improvement and after due reflection will invest to the limit of their ability in stock with which to make the proposed magnificent structure a reality. The response during the past week reveals a commend­ able spirit and a condition that is highly favorable in bringing the movement to a successful conclusion. Only a little over $30,000 of stock remains unsold and there is good reason to believe that there are still others in Ashland who have not yet pledged financial aid to the project, but who, after viewing the proposition from every angle, will render assistance in putting the hote^ over. There is also reason to believe that many who subscribed during the early days of the campaign will “ raise the ante” to such an extent that the project will be financed entirely by Ashland^citizens. Already Ashland has established a splendid record in the hotel project, and to complete the financial pro­ gram unaided by outside capital and without resorting to bonding will be an achievement of which all Oregon will be proud. And Hints IN THE SPRING—ENAMELED WARE PAILS A woman who believes In taking advantage of all the winter sales of housewives’ utensils was wandering through an enameled-ware depart­ ment recently. Her attention was ar- tested by two women, one of whom was buying four enameled-ware water pails. Her companion said: ••When you live in a city and have water on every floor, what do you want with four water pails?” To which the buyer replied: “In the first place, spring cleaning Is not far away, and I know by long expe­ rience that nothing Is so convenient to use, nor such a saving of labor, at that strenuous time, as water pails—one for scrub water and one for rinsing water. With four palls two people can work a t once with great saving of time.” “Besides," she continued, “when the first mild spring weather comes, not warm enough to begin with ice again and yet mild enough to* worry a bit about milk and such things. 1 find very cold water In an enameled- ware pail an excellent refrigerant. Milk cans and Jars of butter, set In the pail, will keep sweet, and there is no danger of the enameled ware oelng rusted, as Is the case when metal pails are used.” 1 four good-sized apples, pared, cored and cut up. Add two cupfuls of boiled rice and one cupful of sugar, half a teaspoonful of cinnamon and a little grated nutmeg. Just before putting in the oven, pour over two tablespoonfuls of cold water. Cook in a slew oven until the apples are \ery thoroughly cooked into the rice. If It is more convenient, this dish can be prepared a t noon and heated again for supper. Is it well lighted? Is it wired for electric ap­ pliances? You w ant your house wired for the best results, and to do do th a t is our business and yours. HOW TO BOIL FISH WHOLE Our Phone 82 Fish Is an Important article of diet, but some people find fried fish difficult to digesL A codfish steak, while It la very nice fried, Is more digestible boiled. It used to be dif­ ficult; to boll a codfish steak (even when wrapped In a cloth) without Main - P laza Ashland its breaking, but in the small oval enameled-ware boilers which are provided with a tray, cod and hali­ but steak can be cooked perfectly with no trouble. Lift the tray with the cooked fish upon it out of the kettle and slip the fish off on the platter. A very nice sauce for boiled fish, and a change from the Expert Coming to regulation cream sauce, is made by i cooking canned tomatoes in an MEDFORD enameled-ware saucepan until very • r t x ___ ~ so ft Rub through a sieve with an • WiU give free Demonstration enameled-ware spoon, add a tea­ MONDAY & TUESDAY spoonful of butter, salt and pepper July 28 and 29 to taste; then pour over the flsb. Murphy Elec. Co. (barter & Mills Automotive Shop FLY-TON Fatal to Flies Moths—Roaches Mosquitoes—Flea^ Chicken Lice—F r js Half Pints .................. 53c Pints ............................ 75c Mouth Spray with each bottle Han