r ió le Kvrft ÄÄÖLÄitD ÍJÁÍLt fflrtÄöS *•** ***** m o m m i m i M M M ♦ 4 W »»» »» W » > » . i; bocal • Personal Jiotes A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local interest Being Improved— The Shepard home on the Boulevard is being improved by a new roof of the shingle variety. Good music, good floor, Lithia Open a ir pavilion, Saturday night. 270-3t B irth - Back From Y e llo w sto n e - Mrs. Angie Engle and Miss Ger­ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. K. trude Engle, who have been visit­ A shcraft, 130 8th St., an eight ing the Yellowstone park, re tu rn ­ pound boy. ed to Ashland recently. Special $23.50 Suits at Orres O rres Cleans clothes. Phone Tailor Shop, upstairs. 270-2* 64. 270-2* Back from Convention— Back Home— Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Angell, who Hammona H arrell, well known have been attending a chiroprac­ Ashland resident, returned yester­ to r’s convention in Portland re­ day from California, where she turned to Ashland Thursday. spent the winter. 1'rtday, July 18, lO'it UNUSUAL EVENTS • • « ■ adornment, the love of dress. THE FORUM C O M M A N D IN G YOUR INTEREST Articles of timely interester are welcomed under this head. Communciations m ust bear the signature of the author. ‘Ashland citizens should see .7 afid UK There is more concern put upon - . “ Robin Hood.” The songs of lust / tôffiorrow night, which will the outw ard adornm ent of the one or two of the leaders are * an ®W>ortunity t0 ness it.” girls today than is put upon th e | worth the price of admission spiritual and intellectual develop-: alone The County F air manage- ment of the world. ] ment and Andrews brothers are The average street is a moving j deserving of great praise and d e -; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS — j died bids will bp i»v staircase of fashion or « m ystery; serve to be barked to th e ir .(fo rte t h . Oregon SU le Highway Com' >and suggestion. There is not only! to place high class entertainm ents mission at two o’clock P M on tne love of ease and the love of before 6 o f .oul county. ¡J u li 29th, 1924, at Room 52«, dress, but there is also the love i “The admission price of $1.10 Multnomah County Court h « of pleasure! - *. .ru e th at three hiiiion j X X T - « j ~ o ^ ? To H ornbrook— John M. Brady accompanied FROG’S DIET BACKS To the Editor: his brother Charlie Brady, by MARK TWAIN TALE A certain Dr. M. A. Mathews, auto to his home in Hornbrook, Pastor of the F irst Presbyterian Cal., where he will visit the week­ LODI, Cal., July 18— Folks Church of Seattle, and well known end. who have been scoffing for more to Ashland C hautauquians, lays than half a century at the possi­ crime to laziness and pride. We paid by the private owners, and j « a n d but what every note “ an SU tton- C° - Best place to dance, Lithia bility th a t Mark Tw ain't famous reproduce his “ drastic rem ark s” ,a million and a halt of those dol- be beard or where the 1 . ‘° “ " 8i“ 0( o“ '> « • '- park Saturday night. 270-3t jum ping frog of Calaveras ever aCtl° n ° f deDce’ one w arehouse and 950 in a summarized fashion, as de­ lars represent the m ortgaging of I the opera . — - v , l6«g,Ui ui upt-ia can not be seen A s a foot >< existed were definitely silenced livered by him before a congre­ V isitin g Here— » ' I !O! m er » • F air board. ' J here by Clarice, who, loaded to of nearly O. K. Davis, Will Cleave, and the gunwales w ith th e latee, mod- i gation character itself to satisfy the de- Í * 1 «.now know m that vu oausiy me ae-1 at it it is is not a in o n e v ~ a Proposal j ■ blanks may be ebtain- h o " . . '. ^ . " , ; ^ ' Carl Bruggerm an all of Farm ing- / ® .8pecificati° 118 followed him sire th a t comes from the wheels making proposition, and as the ? el ball bearings, is m aking vain throughout his discourse with well of life ton, Iowa, are spending a few Resi- expenae thia year win appro! d- ' “ 'he efforts to jum p for distance. Tanlac $1.00— McNair’s. sustained interest. mate I t non dent State Highway Engi days with the Will Davis family H. G. GILMORE. mate $3,000 they are entitled to Room “ “ “ - - e neer. “ Meet Me a t the Pavilion.” Clarice is noted hereabouts as His chief contention was th at the patronage of every citizn of n T Medford 1 National on Allison street. The party have W here a real floor, real music Visited H ere — a w eather prophet of note, and parents are blantable for the sad been making a tour through the or ob­ the county. , em glad per. and a real crowd combine to Mr. and Mrs. William Russel, southern states by auto, and will from her tank at the city pum p­ state of affairs, and th a t the ne­ To D u n sm u ir- tained direct from the State High- 1 form ance is to be repeated tonight m ake your evening complete. of Los Angeles, visited recently ing station is wont to swell her glect of the child means the ru in ­ ! way Commission at Salem, Ore- proceed north and visit n o rth ­ Mrs. Mark H am aker has gone F air Grounds, Saturday night. stomach when a rainy spell is in ation of the nation. The memb­ with Mr. R ussel’s aunt, Mrs. ern cities on th eir way home. ' gon. to D unsm uir for a visit with her the offing, reversing th e proceed­ ers of our Ashland Parent-T each­ Mary W ilshire, 87 Granite St. Cash, Bidder’s Bond or Certi- sister Mrs. T. T. Ahlstrom. The TOO I.ATE TO CLASSIFY B eattie Man Here— ings during dry weather. The Russel ¡family left yester­ ____ J Check for an am ount equal er Association, who have done so visit will be of indefinite length. A business visitor from Seattle day for Portland. H er latest avocation began much for the cause they repre­ WANTED — Heavy Chickens, tO 5 per cent of the total am ount yesterday was Melvin Quammer when Engineer W. J. Webb was sent, know full well th a t p ar­ A rrived Yesterday— peaches, apricots, and plums. D e-' of bld m ust accompany each pro­ He left this afternoon for Rose dism antling an ancient flivver. ents do everything but their duty Let us fill your pall with Swifts Milton W illiams, of Alhambra, pot Hotel 271-6tf posal. burg, where he has other inter-» Silver Lea lard. Costs less than Clarice sampled a ball bearing, lik in the rearing of their families. California, arrived in Ashland OREGON STATE HIGHWAY for SALE — Gentle saddle eats. ed its flavor and went back for The w riter could compile a list yesterday, and will visit with his ■ihortenlnf. uoes fa rth e r and la COMMISSION more, aided by Webb, who g a r-[o f young men and maidness__ m other Mrs. A o n . Wliiieme. tnore nutritious. Hetricks. 94<-tf ROY A. KLEIN, • R epresentative Students Make nished them w ith oil Cleaning, Pressing and Repair ie 292-T. 42-3 with half a dozen octogenarians State Highway Engineer. the Coffee home on Oak street. Public Statem ent Thanking lag at Paulserud’s. 261-tf Rock th a t Burns— Now Clarice can ’t jum p any throw n in for good weight— who Organizations W ith the aid of a large magni­ more, and the one-time problem are living examples of w hat man To St. H ek Visiting in Talent— of keeping her out of mischief has and woman should be in life, but fying glass, C. B. W atson, yes­ G. O. Van N atta left Ashland That the recent entertainm ent apparently been solved. Miss Ann Ennis, of Cottage terday made a piece of rock burn. in every instance the fact is made recently for St. Helens, Oregon. I Grove, Is visiting Miss Dena Davis He focused the sun rays on a by the Ashland civic organization plain th a t the parent stepped in where his son, Will Van N atta i a t Talent. Miss Ennis came to piece of oij shale with the burn­ in honor of the Summer Normal St. Helens increases city w ater a t the proper time and perform ­ was seriously injured when he fell Talent to attend th e wedding of ing glass, and In a short time, students was appreciated la evi­ supply. ed the duties incumbent upon from a barn a short time ago. Miss Davis, which will be a social the rock was afire. denced by the following, handed them as heads of families. event of July 30. to the Tidings this m orning: Summarized — Dr. Mathews’ We, the students of the Ash Go Where The Crowds Go! talk to his congregation (for it robin hood praised SPECIAL attentlon to AUTO­ F air Grounds Pavilion, Sat. night. land, Oregon, Normal School, wish seemed of th a t character) w’as BY SPECTATORS MOBILE Insurance; better term s Most beautiful “open-air” Pavil­ to express our appreciation to substantially as follows, dealing th e organized clubs of Ashland and Jpwer ratea. Yeo, of coarse. ion on th e Pacific Coast. Tickets with the more attractive features (Cointinued from page 1.) Phone 31 & 274-J. 312— tf for the pleasurable hospitality 1.10. Ladies Free! of his discourse: Ing. L arry Mann as the F riar you have shown us. Especially “An alarm ing situation prevails Many R egister— we wish to express our apprecia Stopped Here— in the female world because of the was one of the bright and enjoy­ Climbing slightly above the tio for the trip to the summit of R. N. Williams, who Is a resi­ complications and conflictions of able parts, with a freedom of ac­ average, 172 out-of-state cars reg­ dent of Curry county, was an the Siskiyou m ountains, showing modern society and because of the tion and speech that drew com­ istered here yesterday. Many to many of us for th e first time, Ashland visitor yesterday. Mr. erroneous views th at the modern mendation. Mrs. Isaacs as Dame states and two Canadian provinces a view of the supposed “ Promis Durden was fitted to the part and girl has of life. Williams, who is a syndicate were represented. ed Land” . But to us the promis­ w riter, is retu rn in g to his home In all great cities of the land carried her lines well with her 8 KANAKA V ed land lay in the little valley at od M AC FADO K M { after a trip to K lam ath Falls. even including our own city of acting.^ George Maddox as Robin Madden sei is Balloon tires. the foot of the m ountains on the «Hood, leading man and teno/-, Seattle, there are scores and hun Oregon side of the heart of which 246-tf All kinds of pleating at Orres. ii autointoxication constipation dreds of girls th at literally drop carried off his share of the hon­ land City of Aeh-| «How. th . lnte3tlna, contcnu out of existence every year, never ors. Miss Leata Childers was pe­ 270-2* Tourists From D istan ce-— tite, blonde and of a m anner to main in the passage much longer1 1° he found. Tourists from a distance who To Hood R i v e r - be a practical sw eetheart o fa bold This ride developed an appetite . than normally, which further aids’ j It is not ju st the girls who drop registered their machines at the and to our delight, when we J in the development adventurous woodsman of Olde Hood River is a popular mecca of unnatural- out of existence— the girl who has lical out-ofo-state bureau yester­ Merrye England. Ed Andrews, reached the park, a sum ptuous products, and in the absorption of- day were W. P. Lorenzen, Daven­ of m otorists who enter this state lunch was spread under the grand Uthese products. A very prominent been m urdered, the girl who has as the sheriff, w ithout reserva- ‘ port, Iowa, R. T. Bell, Chicago, from California, according to old trees. The atm osphere about I !Bymptom is headaches, also dizzln- | J een 8Old’ *he girl who has been tions or equivocation was the spot tho hrtan«» in p u i Less. There may be sleeplessness or, kidnaped, the girl who has been 111., T. C. Coughland, Vancouver, blanks filled out by out-of-state ii« light of the comedy, always sing­ us, the hospitality of the ladies ta drowsy, sleepy feeling, and a< travelers. An average of four cars destroyed, the girl who is in the B. C. ing well. Fletcher Fish, as aid who served, caused us to linger] general lack of energy. Nervous-* daily sign Hood River as their , ’ caverns of a lost society— they to the sheriff and as Sir Guy Gis­ Oregon destination !°ng and enjoy more than one I — î —_îtyL a l d ,retfulnesÎ are not the ones I have included, Be there. W here? Lithia dance borne, was a complete scream in helping from the seemingly mir- " t but the thousands of girls whose Not Infrequently the skin is more pavilion, Saturday night. 270-3t aculous store. or less covered with eruptions am lives have been burned by the every particular, and carrying Complete line of Ashland Can­ along the business with Ed An­ The whole evening was like a there may be fever. Vague ache hot iron of cruel society. ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf Christm as box from home__th e J*nd pains throughout the body a r Going to M arshfield— drews in a snappy fashion. The scars and m ars upon their M argaret Van Dyke plans to surprises and good things seem de?cribed many- One of the beautiful an dex- na A 1“ g em" ! In overcoming this condition, From Alberta— previous bodies and brains, and ceedingly fine parts of the show spend her summer vacation at ed never to cease. The program which might easily lead to diseasd souls only God can see. A large J. Brown, of A lberta, Canada, th M arshfield, leaving Sunday by was the May Pole dances and at followed the lunch in the I almost any or all organs of the ■tage. Her friend, Ethel Simp­ was a highly pleased guest a t the park served to prove w hat the body. It Is advisable to make a part of the condition th a t I have ballets by the little folks under fChange In the diet. Usually It Id described is due to the irreligious, the tutelage of Miss Helen Ro- son. who is visiting her from the auto camp last night. “ I have students already thought . . . x th ®y best to fast, so that the Intestinal unreligious, non-religious, and been looking for a camp like this coast city, w ill,re tu rn with her dolph. The variety of dances and fieit — th a t they were welcome in .tract can be thoroughly cleansed, antagonistic attitu d e of fathers J costumes, combined with the en all th e way down the line,” he Ashland— and, with th e speakers, At the beginning of this fast it maj declared. and m others toward God, t h e ! thusiasm of the young folks we wished th a t instead of spend be well to give a saline laxative bible and the church. We deliver the goods -Detricks I n a oi-a • A V, J I to sweep the toxins as quickly as made th a t part of the product^.’ ing six weeks in w were | possible, or the enema may be used m Ashland we Sweet cream for whipping and spending thirty-six weeks. There are women in this city, one of the outstanding features 94-tf In conjunction with drinking large coffee— also fresh milk, always respected in the fashionable, fri- The culm ination of the whole |