f» f M iUtLOeb t»AÜt fin!»« _______ ____________________________ Thursday, July 17, 1924 Returned Tuesday— U N U S U A L E V E N T S iuvcsli®atinS proposition, are i ner with a number of guests ores- friend« n*o ’ Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Carnes, Ash­ _________________________- confident th at an increased vol- ent for the midday repast and for t h a t n n n h m 1>eineiilbin’ P ^ H C e s that belong to an Out' r o, busin«s, w„ , demaad . f vlIlt durtoe . X T ™ . “ * IM i ä x * “ S “ S ° f " ,a, land visitors from San Francisco kind. who have been visiting at the C n M M A N n I hl Iar*ei . ptlaut J comparatively Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Leggett and provided. ‘ ---------------- homes of Mrs. C arnes’ m other, A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of V 1/ IV/ /F f H IV IS f IV Q early d ate’ aQd th a t the demand little son Manley were guests at ♦ * » Mrs. L. Hilty, returned Tuesday L u i t6H ! t CT fK°r ,1UIUber • dinDer at Ule BeQcdict Sun- R eturns From Crater Lake— local Interest to their home. They reported Organized wvill stim ulate the lum bering in- day . , , 1 ' A delightful outing was en- themselves as delighted with Ash­ dustry of this section to an un Community land during th eir stay here. ’ joyed recently by Mr. and Mrs. Over from H i l t ^ precedented degree. . M Special A gent H e r e - Open House. 1 aupel, Mr. and Mrs. Pope, Mr. There are certain definite pos­ Anticipate Quick Sale Mrs. Wiley Jones, of Hilt, is Kelly Owens, of Portland, m e Civic Club kept open house Loy Wilkes, a brother of Mrs. sibilities, even necessities, pe­ We deliver the goods -Detricks B E L L I! ES CLOTHES FROM • The members of the committee an Ashland visitor, taking tre a t­ special agent of the Union Oil with8 aSr»ht d bCen planned Pope, who is visiting here from culiar to Ashland which it 94-tf X. Y. IN TWO DAYS who have been investigating the m ents from an Ashland doctor. company, was in Ashland yester­ should have. To get them i w w Hammond’ Mrs. Colorado and the Misses Louise project stated w ithout exception there must be organized senti­ day inspecting the local station. From Cottage Grove— f ” an<1 Mrs' L A- G illette and Jessie G uthrie. AUBURN, Calif., July 17. — their belief th at the $20,000 of an e^ n lo u .“8 ment. education, demand, fi­ Orres Cleans clothes. Phone ------ -—• <‘SS<'8 ’° r “ * The 1' avt iu at r ' ' u r" « ‘ A Cottage Grove men who is To supply a funeral director with preferred stock will be readly ab- nances and 64. 270-2* ' Dance, Lithia Pavilion, Satur- returning after a trip to southern a suit of clothes in the shortest I sorbed in Ashland. There w from their trip which was of sev- ' day- 270-3t California and East into neigh­ time possible. N. J. Cohen, local! The local factory will become out of to Z n 'v ish o ra wIw « p r e s s ', " c r a " ^ ! j ^ w a ” 'th e objective. Co-Operation Here for Summer boring states, L. C. SIboll, stop­ m erchant, resorted to the air s e r - ' a member of the California Pine to make these realities. The Mrs. Glenn Blenie, of Roseburg Came to Town — Club eHnuheS Wlth the but other points were visited, and ped here yesterday to spend the success of these necessities is in Ashland to spend the sum-j Wiliam Briggs, 1923 graduate day in the park, which he visited vice, wiring for a suit Friday iBox M a n u fa c tu re rs’ Association, e x te n d i u ,u ™ hO8pitali,>' all report a w ouderfull, e n jo y adds to the success of this in­ night, and having it ready for de­ which has m aintained a selling m er months. She is consulting a of Ashland high school, who is on his way South. Mr. Siboll has " “ ’'. ’"'■o able trip, with all the happy stitution, and reverse. When ex- local chiropraitor and is taking working on a carpenter crew in been a persistant m issionary of livery to his custom er in Auburn agency throughout California for j present, of course, from Ashland someone calls on you with a treatm ent while in the city. 1 th e Siskiyous, repairing some the Ashland park on his trip , as Monday morning. The suit came years and as a result the local fac- j Card tables were provided for new proposition call your banker. T here’s where o r­ ---------- tunnels, came to Ashland last jhe believes it to be worth stopping from Rochester to A uburn, via tory will secure its regular quota those who wished to play. Many ;New York and San Francisco. of the total demands. In addi­ employed themselves with needle ganized co-operation starts for Madden sei.s Balloon tires. night to spend the evening. \ i- V o r? ? J in. He told everyone he met th at A1 Broyer, assessor and tax col­ tion it is a recognized fact th at work and all enjoyed the delight- ! A1AK E S 110 d if f e r e n c e community development and 246-tf ---------- the Ashland park was the ideal lector of Placer County, recently the demand for pine box shooks protection. ful social hour. ‘ B etter cIothes for less money 1 place to stop, WHAT the Eskimos purchased an interest in an un­ is increasing from year to year From M innesota— at Orres. 270-2* Dainty refreshm ents were serv- dertaking establishm ent at Rose­ E. A. Rose, of Minnesota, with ta^ e® being especially WEAK, in winter or HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, ville. He wanted the proper eíallyare™xcenení°ndÍtÍOnS his family, stopped last night a t Back to Lake — attractive with roses and sw e e t, of course. 212— tf clothes in a hurry, and consulted the Ashland auto park, and left Mr. and Mrs. E. V. C arter, and peas adding colorful beauty. SI MMER, or whether with Cohen, who jokingly sug­ this m orning for N orthern points. ' Lloyd Mulit, J r., who drove in to i N egroes Leave Town— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY The hostesses for next Tuesday gested the a ir mail service. The are the Mesdames Eubanks, Chan-! * H E ) eat walrus ---------- ; Ashland from Lake of the W oods' The cause of much dissension idea pleased Broyer, and a tele­ BOR SALE— Piano, at bargain, nel, Gruelle and Mitchell. ‘‘ " t 7 \ er<” M " “ “ ,lanCe ■ I ! “ er” « ra n is Pass during th e past (OR whale blubber, KEEP pavilion. Saturday night. 270-31 j They are among those who a r , ! t „ o months has been dlsappated gram ordering the suit was dis­ 376 E. Main St. 270-3* The Executive Board will L patched. SMILING meet at two o’clock on T u e sd a y ’T n L-azu, spending th e entire sum m er a t . today with th e dep artu re o, the W IT H The suit traveled as first class To E u gen e— . . ' 2 oi Keys, warne and at three the receptlon will be KELLYS j three negroes brought here with mail. The postage on the box plate, Rook Emerson, Pullm an, | held. GLOBE UNDERWEAR The Rev. J. C. Mergler, Mrs. J W. W alker from Alabama, containing it showed an expendi­ W ash. Finder leave at this of-} Members of the Clt _ . M ergler and children, Stephen and and vood music, good floor, Lithia saya the Courier. Mr. W alker tu re of $24.48. fice. 270-2* IS preferred by Betty, left yesterday in their car Open air pavilion, Saturday night brought two of them as servants, for Eugene, where the Rev. Mer­ 270-3t and the other followed in the Services T o m o r r o w - FOR SALE——Household fu rn i­ I MOST men in gler will a tte n d 'th e annual Ore­ tu re at 66 2nd St. 265-3* hope of getting employment. A F uneral services for Mrs. M. gon synod. A fter the eight day New F ires — ' ASHLAND;—Globe storm arose and the negroes de­ Ganlard, will be held Friday af­ FOR SALE or Exchange— Good session, the party will return to Forest service headquarters in cided to depart, but were unable ternoon at 2:30 from the Stock fru it ranch. Will consider house ! Ashland. Medford received word yesterday j ¿o’ Yais'e funds $200 was sub- ; HAS trouser seat. undertaking parlors. Burial will as p art pay. Address Box 77, One P air Leads morning of several new fires in-j scribed and tbe colored per8On8 tak e place in the Mountain View Ashland, Ore. 270-3* Special $23.50 Suits at Orres side the C rater national forest LNH)N suit $1.75. To Another, are now on their cemetery. way back to Tailor Shop, upstairs. 270-2* boundaries, says the Mail Trib­ Men LOST: — GIRL’S GLASSES, Alabama. une. Two small fires are burning TORTISE SHELL RIMS, BE- SOUTH AMERICANS N ew Sign— on Buck lake, south of Lake of Have you tried our TW EEN CAMP GROUND AND Orres tailors for men and IM PERIL CONSULATE A large new sign was yesterday the Woods, and another fire Is By the Post OfKce Sudden Service? LIBERTY STREET, ALONG LOW placed over the Main street en­ reported on Elk creek in the Trail women, upstairs over McGees. DRIVE. RETURN TO PARK j WASHINGTON, July 17.— Ar­ ’or tires ami replacem ent trance to the Hotel Ashland, and district. Over from H o r n b r o o k - tillery shells have fallen w ithin DELICATESSEN OR 354 I J B E R - ' parts to- In a location th a t makes It Mr. and Mrs. F ran k E ller drove half a block of the American con­ TY STREET. LIBERAL R E - ' prom inent w ithout being u nat­ Rinex for Asthma, $1.00, Mc­ j over from H ornbrook today. They sulate at Salo Paulo in the fight­ WARD. tractive. N air Bros. will stay here a short time. Mr. ing between federal and rebel S O C IE T Y DENTAL H om es j,hat have balh-a-day Eller is a S. P. man. forces. According to cable dis­ Let up f’ll vour pail with Swifts To C o r v a l li s - CREME fa cilitie s for all, enjoy a lux­ patches great alarm has been Silver !>'• ’ard. Costs less than (Continued from page 2) Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrews, of ury that costs next to nothing. White Teeth Healthy Gums a n d a Clean Mouth Complete line of Ashland Can caused among attaches of the con­ shortening. Goes fa rth e r and Is F a ir /e w street, left Ashland on ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf sulate. D aily bathing benefits Ixxly Beaver Block Mrs. De W eese’s old friends are j more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf j Tuesday m orning for Corvallis, and mind. It is really m ore of The city of Salo Paulo is com­ w ishing her renewed health and j i «-tior# +h“v will visit w ith their a n ecessity than a luxury. Back from P ortland— pletely surrounded by an arm y much happiness in the new home. I Arrived Monday— son, George Andrews, and with • • • Clay Sugg returned recently .of 15,000 federal troops, which Modern Iwthing eiciure were going North from California. and has many friends in Ashland “ 1 doubt if I have driving room Duro is an automatic a fte r I get to P ortland,” said whose acquaintance she renews pressure system, entirely C lara P ark , of San Jose when told everytime she gets an opportunity to visit Ashland. adaptable and necessary th a t about nine out of ten drove A h a ir’s breadth in in this section, to relieve North. “ I expect th a t all those is not pleasant to hear, safety is just as good aa thonsandB of cars will be Jammed farm homes of water Now is the time to prepare for and sympathy has no from the Canadian line to Port­ a mile, shortage in the dry sea­ the hunting season— get your land.” But, are you sure of a hair power to replaeo proper­ gun and am m unition in readi­ son. Maintains Pressure. breadth escape when disaster ness. Fall fishipg season is ty, or salve conscience NOTICE— REWARD and collision confronts? If approaching, all kinds fishing Union Savings & Loan Associa­ Duro Shallow-Well systems you have tackles here. COLORED GLASSES ------- — 50c—90c—$1.00 give a pressure of 25 pounds to tion of Portland, Oregon, offers MOTOR CYCLE GLASSES 35 pounds a t all times, pump­ RAYBESTO S * $1.00—$l.o0 a rew ard of twenty-five ($25.00) ing autom atically to keep w ater VISORS — — — _ and there is no insurance pro­ B rake L ining fo r inform ation leading to the — 25c—50c—75c supply on hand at all times for tection against the occasions in your car brakes, and your a rre st and conviction of persons house, barn, milk house, g ar­ of unforseen conflagrations. brake bands and rods are ad­ New assortm ent of Remington den, bath and fire protection. alleged to be circulating false The m ourning of the fire vie justed frequently you know knives ju st arrived. No two tim, who has insurance is and derogatory rum ors concern­ Fuller Paints, of pure lead and with certainty you can stop knives alike. NAPKINS— PAPER PLATES— PAPER SPOONS a n d Get F u ll P articulars never harassing nor pitiable linseed oil, save the surface your car ju st outside the dan­ ing said Association. Statem ents FORKS. From \ because folks adm ire wisdom ger zone. known to have been made are and save all. < OLD CREAMS and TOILET GOODS u tterly false and fraudulent. W e In stall R aybestos and Good Insurance— Phone 58 Union Savings & Loan Association, A d ju st B rakes BOOKS and MAGAZINES R. J. KIRKWOOD, Books and Main • Plaza President'. Ashland Biggest L ittle Store in Ashland Drug Sund le s Office Hotel Ashland Stationery H unting and Fishing Licenses 269-6 Cor Main and Pioneer Toilet Goods • « 4 > H im » , « bocal ■ P ersonal flotes YOUR INTEREST First National Bank W. L. Douglas OVERLAND M i t c h e l l ’s Shoe Shop Costless luxury Leedoin’s Tire House Specials In Jerry O’Neal Our (loth ing Department Why Not Have UNIVERSAL E RANGE? McNair Brothers For Your Protection Buckhect Boots For Miners, Rail­ roaders, L o g g e rs, Farmers, and Hunt­ er EN D ER S Vx Tomorrow X à à V U v ù Duro Makes Short Shrift of Water Shortage The Mourning Just Out Of DANGER? Of the Loser Good Houses Good Paints Vice Versa J. O. RIGG Eagle Market W ÍL L X A A 4 S z $9 to $14.50 ART SINGER jim mckee ; Guns and Lots of Ammunition Vacätion Items When * Fire Comes Carter & Mills Pocket Knives Army Goods Store Murphy Elec. Co. Automotive Shop ELHART’S