• agi nnusfi ABBWtö bAEi mtitöfc BEGINNING SATURDAY Thursday, July 17, Í C L E A R W E P Î SALE and lasting all next week 7 Day CLEAN SWEEP Sale J ~ Í N i E RESTING Super-Specials Every Day Next Week WATCH THE PAPERS I .US More than an ordinary Clearance Sale is being launched Saturday at this store»a Store-wide Sale, not only of seasonable summer goods but oi things you will need tor early Fall and School wear. A // Kinds of Dress Materials on Sale LOT 3 WASH GOODS Plain and printed voiles, crepes, p art linen suitings, values from 68c to $1.00 19* 49c Lot 5—89c Barred Organdies and Voiles, values up to $1.15 yard Lot 2, Wash Goods Printed Voiles, plain Voiles, values to 50c LOT 4 WASH GOODS 79c* Organdies, 98c Ratine, 75c to $1.00 Crepes all in this splendid lot at Lot 6—98c Novelty Ratine, Imported check Organdie, Im port­ ed fancy Voiles, values $1.19 to $1.50 yd. Get a clean sweep Whisk Broom 50c value for 10c Wash Goods Silks Woolens Lot 1, Wash Goods Voiles a n d Printed Flaxons, up to 39c Things to Wear Cost Much LESS NOW come Saturday! Coats for Less Than 1-2 with a $2.00 purchase of other goods. One to a customer 22 Coats left from Spring for Clean-Sweep Some Good Clean 29* 68* Lot 7—$1.19 Printed Silk and Cotton Crepes, solid color Silk and Cotton Crepes, Novelty R at­ ines, Values $1.45 to $1.60 Sweep Specials Pure Gum kitchen aprons with cross strap ......................... 39c A wonderful lot of all kinds of silks, printed Crepe-de-Chine, Foulards, Can­ ton Crepe, Brocaded Spiral Crepe, a few shades in Skinners Satin and Taffeta, $2.50 to $2.95 values Novelty Stripe Spiral Crepe, plain colors Spiral Crepe, Niag­ ara Satin Crepe, Luxceil, and fancy White Crepe in brocade or plaid, values from $3.48 to $4.45 $1.98 9 Coats in this lot that were priced regularly ud to $24.50 $29.75 8 coats plain and plaid, and $39.75 to $44.50 val­ ues 5 coats of fine twills in tan or navy and $49.50 to $64.50 values Reuben’s Cotton Vests .. ,25c Ladies’ Cotton Bathing Suits, Black only ......................$1.00 I Three fine Spring Suits, light colors, $48.50 and $55.00 suits a t ....................................$29.75 Knitted Sport Suits for motor­ ing trips at almost the price of sweater alone, $16.50 suits, a t ........................................ $9.75 Linen and Voile Dresses a Knitted Suits for motoring $11.50 values $8.75 2-Piece Tweed $9.75 and $10.00 Dresses ...............$8.75 jackets ............................................$13.50 Other lots of gingham house dresses $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 Turkish Bath Towels, 2 for ............45c Splendid lots of extra good values in serges, tricotines, plaids, tweeds, coat­ ings, etc., 98c, $1.19, $1.49 and to $3.49 28c Fine Rib H o s e ............................. 19c HANDBAGS ON SALE 35c Fine Rib H o s e ..................*......... 25c Cretonnes and curtain goods are on sale LADIES’ HOSE Silk and Fiber in black and colors 95c 35c Fine Mercerized Lisle in Black and brown ...............................................25c and Tweed Knickers ..............................$3.69 Khaki Coats, $7.00 value .............. $4.45 $3.00 Khaki Breeches .................... $2.45 $5.50 Gabardine Breeches ............ $3.95 Kayser 85c Silk Gloves .. 49c Silk Petticoats Kayser $1.25 Silk Gloves 79c Tricolettes and Jerseys make up one Special Lot at Tricolettes and Jerseys make 7 d3uin Blouses Pongee Blouses . O UfT $3.45 Kayser $5.95 Tailored Jersey Petticots $4.75 Cotton Petticoats for your camping trip Stripe Cotton Charmeuse, all colors, yard...................... 69c 75c98c Skirts For Monday! Women’s and Clean Sweep of all wool and silk skirts Sleeveless wool sweaters and new kid boats slip-overs . Plaited Spiral Crepes and Novelty Silks at A lot of splendid styles in spring jac- quettes, wool and ¿g" silk and wool Wool plaited skirts and nov­ elty wool materials with a $2.00 purchase of other goods. One to a customer All Waists and Blouses in stock are specially priced for this Clean Sweep Sale. Sweaters 12.50 and 13.50 plaited Crepe CO 7 C and novelty silk skirts f w 10c $2.00 Dimity Blouses $1.89 $5.95 For the matronly woman there are staple tuxedo in fibre silk and in wool priced at $4.95 '$11.75 M uslin Gowns Gossard Corsets $1.85 48x48 Seamless ................................ $1.00 75c, 98c, $1.19, $1.49 54x54 Seamless ................................ $1.25 Nainsook Chemise Two styles for women and one style for girls 60x60 Seamless .................. Full Fashioned Silk Hose all colors $1.69 knickers Kaysers Silk Vests ___ $2.98 C hildren’s Hose CHILDREN’S HOSE Suits, BATHING SUITS ON SALE--------------GLOVES ON SALE $3.75 Silk Scarfs ...........$2.95 If you can anticipate your needs for Fall Now is a good time to Buy your WOOLEN DRESS GOODS Outing Clothes $11.00 to $12.50 Dresses ...............$9.75 $5.45 to $6.75 Dresses .................. $4.45 Cotton Charmeuse Princess Slips cheaper than you can make them .......................$2.45 12 Momme Pongee 98c---- Colored Pongee $1.49 $19.75 Two Wonderful Lots of Silk Dresses values to $24.50 at $16.75; values to 34.50-Sl9.75 Tissue ginghams 39c—19-59c--- Colored Poplin 50c value 39c Silks SI-98 Silks S3-29 $9.75 $1.50 White & Pink Crepe for underwear 25c GOODS ill L !M * ! M L1!!" ‘J M JE * If [ l i . ' Irp. • 98c—$1.19 Chiffon Hose $1.19 Japanese Lunch Cloths Allen A Black Cat quality Nainsook Athletic Style Combination Suits 98c, $1.19, $1.49 Chinese Parasols, now $1.00, $1.39, $1.49 ; I ¡ ^ I gfid