PAGE H T ä ASÄLAffD ÍJAltT tatijfGÍÍ Liooal à P e rso n a l Jiotes HOARDED $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 IS • x___ I ONE BROADCASTER I BEATS VOX POPULI ------------------------------------ “ ------ July Io, 1 « U n .------- m — r 7 ^ T Z T “ M ~ in M > n j^ -_ Daily Fashion a Hinf J UK i l0CaI, markGt for ores because t h e , have been removed are ------ j supply of ore is so small. Three ' promissory notes, drafts and tr a T ! 1 r n ^ ° T “ 0M y ° rd er’ I dredges in this region have been J acceptances. Stamps d e n o ti. 7 C° ¡> eGtors of E te rn a l revenue are doing profitable work. The new 1 paym ent oV'tax m ^ still Z ^ i l ** laW f t ° m aCCeptin« D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of By S. W. STRAUS, President American Society for drad^ 2 n t M Ih„ e_ Q_........ ......... be affix-1 uncertified personal checks in local in terest Ä S,UPeriOr. CO” a .! tK . Properly Thrift. Bridgeport, after digging for some ' b ô n d ïo f lÀ iZ L d n e s s “- - d ’ P3ymeni of stam ps." at the rate time in relatively poor ground, of 5c per $1 n » JJOARDING Is as unlike true 00; to certificates of i Arrived Y esterday— thrift as a pile of iron ore Business Visitor— moved to the more productive stock at or the Radio Corporation of Amer- is 5c and transfers there- ' unlike a powerful locomotive. Jam es Brown, of San Diego, tgo late to c l a ssify C a unga t h ^ 11^ a n° Vel o" ' part cf its holdings before mid- of at H arry Tomlinson, of Ashland, 2c per $100; to deeds and , The ore repre­ arlved in Ashland yesterday for wag a business visitor in Med­ I j year. , . .. There was a little pock-j conveyances at 50c for each £r»iiu s e n ts potential rating the power of the average EOB SALE CHEAP— Ton 1-2 a stay of thirty days. s X I ? Stati° n ln the Unit® d j et-hunting in the P rairie City and ' “ * ford yesterday. s t r e n g t h and States in terms of its equivalent or fractional part thereof; to cus- truck. J. W. Shattuck. Talent. Canyon City districts. J “ £ £ £ power. But it ! the “independence T Phom ’3J3. In F rom Lake— tion,UmaH V ° iCeS- F r° m calcula- _ _ __ 269-3» F rein Wyoming— m u s t b e o u t • i.h ,and measurements in his Air. and Mrs. E. V. C arter were through certain mines have been milling. The ' proxies at in ’ tS l h . to K »l \D — Camera. Owner Au Ashland visitor from Wyo- laboratory he is able to arrive at p r o c e s s e s of the approximate amount of power today Baisley mine has been doing some ! of attorney at ” 5c e h° ‘’‘T ’’’* may have same by identifying ♦ in h Ashland a k v from Lake of ming yesterday and today is Lee preparation and work, and development has been ^ t e a m s h ^ c i t t = ‘° the Woods, where they arc spend- Bagey. to u ris t/w h o stopped here property and paying for this ad. b e c o m e A C ­ under way a t the copper deposit, v u £ , s t X p0rl8 ing the summer. They remained at dark, and decided to stay TIVE before its 269-1 at the ra te of only today. near Keating. In the Mormon few days when lie saw the camp u se fu ln e s s is from $1 to $5 depending upon the IO R RENT — 5-room unfur­ Basin region the Gorman and made available. the next morning. cost of the ticket. nished house. Inquire 242 Gran­ Phe an mines have been in opera­ Cleaning, Pressing and R epair­ s. w. STRAUS H ° a r d e d ‘It is probable that banks and wealth is a dead ite or phone 340-R. 269-tf tion. The Cornucopia aud Iron ing at P aulserud’s. 2451-tf M assachusetts Man Stops— weight on business. Between the others may have a supply Of Dyke mines have been operated FOR HALE — Blackberries, , C. O. Fills, of M assachusetts, miser and the spendthrift there is stamps on hand, purchased for B u sin ess V isitor— about as usual. Production from little to choose when they are was one of the tourists who stop- $1.25 pep crate. 254 Van Ness the Bay Horse mine was appar­ use on promissory notes and Ave. . „ M. . R. . De Long, formerly a ped a t the Ashland auto cam D placed on the scales of moral and 269-3» bond salesman, now m anager of In th e past two weeks, there have social valuation. ently somewhat curtailed during drafts, and for which they will have no fu rth er use. They may development, installation of elec . The hoarding processes grade the m u n icj al bond departm ent been very few nights on which at FOR HALE - Baby’s ijght trie power, and mill construction. write or call at my office for a sleeping basket. Mrs. A rthur 1 u. er * 8 this tailleur ^¡utli b° ° k l° kiss before I Phone 21 & 274-J. 212__tf LOHT — Teachers diploma, , ' ■ rlrM . i ci X d ied. I could l\lz» v _ J • i ---- — a _ — « "«««: : tourists stopping here last night. ury Department. These figures re- ries on a conversation. The p „ „ er ot the human voice, "»I «u« It. Then he shoi , supply of revenue stam ps in all hearing name of Vida L. Henry. 'eal that the amount of money •n loud speech or song „ On i / Ä Ä t ^ t r Ä d ^ S ' “ d « « ¿ ¿ ¡ M for! denominations, and On Sick List— orders for Finder please return to Dr. C which may be termed as hoarded Motored Over__ savq1 on® ;“ ,yiontb of a watt,” he 1 tons, which may be of rataF cro ch e’ ' the gUn he shot ,liniself.’ Charles Robertson, of the Cit­ stamps should be sent to me. Pay- W- Hanson, Beaver building in this country amounts to S400,- i savs “Thio j Guests yesterday a t th e home incredibly _• • 9 usualhi .. . i Detectives notAnti»mr, and __ > reporters who ment for stamps must be by ™»h I tiny — or ’or bone. The chic n Parisienne «»».«OO. There are 8.000 pereen, , says. o, This ’ izens Bank, was unable to be on of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lane were 269-2t Is yet sufficient fweara an overblouse of self-color wit4 hurried to the Doris suite in Q the job this morning, due to ill­ Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Van Riper, of 1 who are definitely classed as ro be heard power by the ear for a few misers with $44,000,000 hidden 4 ’< y a rd sU54-inchematTriaTe require" i b*g white apartm ent house, own- ness. hundred feet. The ear is. there- ; K lam ath Falls, who came to Ash- away in secret places. Pictorial Review Jacket No. 2132' ed by tb e accused man, found the Among our foreign population, a I n n f f i ' “ X « ’ lnS‘r“ °"!“t ! land for a combined business and TXT Sizes, 34 to 48 inches bust. Price. 45 typical ‘‘Babbitt touches. M e deliver the goods— Detricks pleasure trip Treasury •c a a u r v official estimates that ! the ‘ as sensitive .cents. Skirt No. 2030. Sizes, 24 >6 I The two bodies were prone be­ “ . s .*? : • « “ “ 94-tf sonie r two of power rea.Hr~i • X p * million e X hoard - j r $225,000,- - 1 I amount • side a purple couch, heavily laden In K iam ath Falls__ Coupe on D isplay— ■with embroidered pillows. On the Invited to Bandon__ wall were typical "B ab b itt” pic­ sm a" The Bandon Beaches, Bandon tures— w aterfalls and other scenic of Ashland are the Automotive Shop today is a in Klam ath Falls visiting booster organization, has issued bits. L. by the ,a c , th a t .h e n « new Dodge B rothers Coupe. The Jacobs started t„ a rural locality where I or e .ea thousand, an invitation to the Lithians to On the center table were four machine embodies the latest no bank existed before, personal ! that we have to . produce »n 3 as many delegates as pos- . . . _send t ♦♦♦ < books— "Preservation of the H er­ __ _ ... . produce an ap- deposits made made up un largely inre-eiv from «-r— ! principles in Dodge design, and From M errill__ proximate one-horsepower voice, ‘ s^b*e to Bandon next Saturday m itage," an account of the efforts hoarded sums at once begin to nr presents a snappy appearance. . . . a when th0 MarshfIeld p irates w ji’ or. as .♦ it is --------------- more usually called, W arren F. Fruits, Mr. and make their appearance. About 500-watt transmitting station. It to reconstruct Andrew Jackson’s Mrs. j . h . Hobbs, with their $125,000,000. it is officially esti- initiate them into the ranks of birthplace; ‘ Miss Lulu B ett,” by should be considered that thia HONESTY is my POLICY. Yoo, house guests, Mr. and Mrs. N. ! mated, is hoaTded in rural com4 means that we have to increase Orgon hospitality and booster or­ Zona Gale; "Fam ous Americans of course. 212__tf ' | LaRaut, motored 'to Ashland on munities. the power of the human voice ganisations. of Recent Times,.” and "Practical One of the great benefits which' Saturday. They met friends and over fifty billion times, in other Methods of Seif-Development,” by Driving New Car— come from thrift education lies in5 H. G. Enders, Sr., is driving a T acop'ir - “ &Dd the fact that people are made t | words, if everyone on earth were mineral output of Elizabeth Towne, high priestess of Pl/Nrl orn car /->r> «• t.vLKt. • M’ash., at the Ashland Sfee that tj)e mt;re iioar(}ing 0? to get together and shout at once, the New Thought cult. new Dodge which he recent- ' the voice power produced would O R EG O N IN C R E A S E S ly purchased. It is understood th a t i ^ hl.P gro” nd’ where the picnicked .money is not thrift. Inside Mrs. Doris’ spectacle case still fail far short of the strength Real thrift is the elimination o.| of the voice of a broadcasting was found the following, w ritten ho also bought a Dodge truck, over the week-end. (Cointinued from page 1.) waste. And within this definition station. In fact, the world’s call on small cards: which will be delivered in three hoarding must be considered would be only about one-thirtieth ben, and D eath— weeks. “ My mind is becoming empty of ---------- th e Millionaire and wasteful because the individual as strong “ as that of the broad- Sylvanite mines, near Gold H ill myself and I vibrate you, My ' The young sliild of Mr. and loses the rightful income from his •f casting ing station station. It Is little wonder. ! Milling has been dnn» t Mrs. Homer Grow, who live near sav ings, and business in general Father, through every cell. My j Day a t Shale City__ therefore, that broadcasting sta- ! properties in t h . p h ! ° n th Galice district, eyes see only You, and in every-1 Mrs. H. E. Robison and Mr. Ashland, died Monday evening loses the benefits that should come tions can be heard so far under •’ , Y, ” trom these additions to the legiti­ favorable conditions." i at three in the Rogue River dis- thing I inhale a perfume of Your i and Mrs. George Dewey, of Lodi, following a short illness. mate channels of trade and invest | trict, two in the Gold Hill district love. I hear Your voice calling i California, arrived in Ashland ment. 1 un/l __ ■ . . > Sweet cream for whipping and uuderstaad . a , . : E s t'APED W U SO X K B IS , i * / , ° ne “ ch •” the Applegate; me. Peace, be still. My blood, I recently and are guests at the It Is well to RECAPTURED AT BEND C° ’ . . iio lian d - and Lower saturated with Your love, is p u r - ! home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. I coffee— also fresh milk, always when the saving of money is c a r-1 on ice at the Plaza. 239— tf ned to the point of keeping It con i ---------- i !?°gUe .d istrlcts- H is reported j ''fying me entirely. I feel Your j Robison, 78 Second street. They SALEM, Ju ly 16— John Tuel, j th8t H 25' ton »ampler will be put healing power through all the or-1 tinualiy out of circulation such motored to Shale Cit yesterday, A, Hes„ | „ | _ habits come very far from conimission about the middle Sans of my body, do.wn through be in who escaped fro the prison brick- .' where they spent the ay. Jack Tipps, of Weed, was i within tiie rightful meaning of ! yard June 12, has been re c a p tu r-' ° f f U y- a t Gold Hill, which should niy legs to my feet, which are now thrift. i brought to the community h o sp i-' ed at Bend and will be retu rn ed ' m&ke p9ssible th e operation of standing on the Rock of Ages. Orres tailors for nen and tai yesterday, and this m orning here to finish 31 days of his year many deposits, whose size does women, upstairs over McGees. not w arran t th e construction of underw ent an operation. He is OREGON VETERANH OF sentence for larceny. i individual mills. making a steady recovery. To Portland— W A R H O LD E L E C T IO N 1 In northeastern Oregon the Eugene — Construction J- W. McCoy of th e F irst Na­ started on two new tent haneer« S',m pter VaBey sm elter has ap- Let us fill your pail with Swiftb tional Bank, and vice president of GRANTS PASS . J u ly 16.— At » o new tent hangers p aren tiy discontinued work, and it the Oregon Bankers A ssociation,. Silver Lea. lard. Costs less than the convention of the UnitoH I f° r government airplanes shortening. Goes farth er and is Spanish W ar veterans here y"s Is reported th a t there is now no left this afternoon for Portland, more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf Collector Internal Revenue Say< terday afternoon, Dr. George F m here he will attend a meeting Much Confusion Exists; To A. W alker, of Scout Young camp,' of the executive committee of the M ontana V isitor__ No. 2, Portland, was elected as association tomorrow M ake R e fu n d F. A. Clark, of Joliet, Montana, commander of the Oregon d epart­ Waste Baskets - McNair Bros, j of northern ’ « X ^ T t o p p e d ' in ment. PORTLAND, Or., July i j _ P ortland was chosen as the In view of the evident confusion In A s h la n d - ' ! ^ h? ? d ? ° day to fil1 canteen convention city in 1925. Robert existing with reference to the use j witb Lithia water. , Sawyer, of Scout Yo„ng camp, was of revenue stam ps under the law Hugh Bower, representative of | ’ _____ elected senior vice president, the as amended by the recent con­ the Ralph Sciineeloch company, ' From Ohio__ Post form erly held by Dr. Walk- gress and effective July 3. Clyde h l PX d B” Ser‘‘ i»AaSl’Ia«“ n vis- of M e g a .e s to t-h;'„ .7 u n 7 , G. Huntley, collector of internal en- ffiends „I , W . McCoy , Z . o ^ f “ ^ e ™ “' revenue, today issued the follow­ campm ent at Michigan City Ind..- ing statem ent: to lay and other officers will be elected Kansas, and is takeing the place in food supplies. yesterday “Tiie Q uality Store” They spent the , Iater- “ The only stamp taxes which i of E. E. Rorapaugh. entire morning in Ashland. Due to the tu rn in g out of the old soldiers’ home at Roseburg of » ♦ * ♦ ♦ » « ♦ > I U M » Complete line of Ashland Can- Finger Print Service -» ♦ » ♦ - ........................... » , . , a Spanish war veteran, a resolu- ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf Clnef of Police McNabb has o f - 1 t ,vl,l, ,1,1, s„,„1K ...... ......... your "Val Snyder. Charles was a grad­ lor seed is to let it sweat in the labor being the same, and the stack 2 4 6 -tf ney of Coos county urging that stack. Often grain will grade high- .¿'ays "ill save the quality, which is al­ uate of Ashland High School a H liopping M oney d o d o u b le duty. they see every agency at the ways in danger in tiie shock. Farm er and bring a premium if it has prices few years back. will never he From K ansas— Me. Draul5 Z j command in apprehending and been suÿed.» Di ivers from Kansas who yes­ bringing to justice the m urderers Fam ous Korex Comp.- -McNair terday registered their out-of- of Timothy Pettis, colored, whose Bros. state machines at th e Chamber body was found in the w aters of of Commerce were C. C. Miller, Coos Bay Sunday. 16 inch checked Glass Toweling The Yard jgc B irth s— from Fort Scott, and F. A. Hance That the body of Pettis was Among the latest arrivals at from Brewster. Travelers from thrown into the w ater after he Yard wide Permanent Finish Chillies The Yard i 9c th e Convalescent Home are Wil- a distance were F ran k Zooks, of died, was the testim ony of Dr. liam Donald, a ten-pound son Bula-Cynwynd, Pennsylvania; Phil Keizer. North Bend physi­ Big Rubber Aprons bom last night to Mr. and Mrs. I’homas Richardson, of Boston; cian, who perform ed a second au­ ................................................................................................. . W. N. Phipps, of Ashland, and W. P. McVickey, of Aurora, Illi­ topsy at the request of negro res­ Genuine English Nainsook 1 * The Yard ...................................45c B arbara Jane, an eight-pound nois, and R. N. L itter, of Hous­ idents of the city. Ladies all Linen Handkerchiefs 2 for ................................... .....2 5 c daughter, also born last night, ton, Texas. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenz, Jr., Htop C ertificates Sales__ Ladies’ Big Bungalow Aprons of K irkford, Oregon. Under instructions from the Tliree Cross C ontinent— 95c Cretonnes, all Snades* 95/» qq -» aic j ee There were 75 cars of tourists D epartm ent, the Ashland post- To Crater Imke— * 1a . . i c arr-v lng 297 persons, a t the office yesterday suspended the la-ge tourist party, bound to j Ashland auto camp last n ’ght sale of Treasury Savings C ertifi­ Big Turkish Towels Each ................................... ...24c C rater Lake from central C a li-! The distant state with the i t g l cates. In the order issued no Assortment of Lace Edgings tbPr d here yesterday to I est representation was New York reason is assigned for the sus­ . . . . 5c, 6c, 8c, and 10c yd. ing over th rmaChlneS bef° re g°’ Wh,Ch had th ree ma<*ines on th^ pension, but it is understood th a t Colored Bed S p re a d s .......... ing over the Green Springs. Otto j grounds. E. S RobiJlard the lower Interest rates now' pre­ ............................. $3 25 Miller, of Willows, drove a ma- O. J. Mulford and C ’ vailing in the money m arts is Printed Oil Cloth Patterns, 48 and 54 inch square . ,98c and $1.19 ea. L. Bummel chine three persons; H. were the drivers of the „ , carrying , e a ste rn responsible, the governm ent be­ nf w n i ° f T 0, and ° M anor‘ machines All three had come up ing able to secure money at a Children’s Knit Bloomers P air 5 qc M ihows, drove the other two 1 the coast from California which much less rate than the 4 1-2 per machines. The party will return 1 ’ ' ch cent which these savings certifi- Good Feather Pillows Each 50 seems to be the most popuiar j cates offered. by way of Medford, then return route of tourist travel, although New Line 36 inch Printed Silk Crepes, The yard ................... $1 98 to th eir homes. a num ber go over the Yellow­ NOTICE— REWARD stone trail, and travel South 40 inch, all Silk Radium (soft shades) ............................. $1 F u rth er O peration— Union Savings & Loan Associa­ through th e coast states. tion of Portland, Oregon, offers A fu rth er operation on the left Ladies’ Brasierres, Special Each 39c a rew ard of twenty-five ($25.00) forearm of Roy P arr, injured PAYMENT NOTICE for inform ation leading to the some tim e back in an accident at a local swimming pool, was yes- to be indebted ^ t h e ^ m e r ' 7 ai rest and conviction of persons alleged to be circulating false e day perform ed. Soon after the N. Dennis Grocery and Feed injury, was evident r e \ req ^ q ? e?ted“ to c a i r a ^ t h e ' d er° gat° ry rum ors concern- injury, it it was evident th th a a t t the the ! pany pany a are hand and a portion of the a r m ! old location, now J. w Frazier ing said Association. Statem ents would have to be am putated, but j'& Son. immediately and m ake known to have been made are u tterly false and fraudulent, due to danger of infection, only preparations for settlem ent of ac- Union Savings « Loan Association, th e hand was removed at the count ' 269-lt R. J. KIRKWOOD, first operation. Y esterday part j ‘W here Your D ollar H as M ore C ents’ of the forearm was am putated. President. Classm ea ads bring results. 269-6 DEAD-WEIGHT ON BUSINESS A a t ~ J 11 » ». Semi-Annual Clearance Sale 36” Percales, yard 19c Heavy quality in light and dark Patterns 32 Silk Stripe Tissue Gingham vard 48c All new Patterns this season, sold regularly at 65c yard Bath Towels, 3 for $1.00 Heavy quality and a good size for tamily use, s.old regular at 39c each 36” Dutchess Satin, yd. $1.98 SW H ll ffit Take Advantage of this special offer -x tra fine quality Satin for Waists and Dresses, sold regularly at $2 25 yard. ' Clearance of Ready-to-Wear All Coats L ess-------------- Onp-H^lT r^°01 and SiIk Dresses Less 1-3 All Dress Skirts Less — One-Fourth E. R. ISAAC & CO: T July Clearance Read This <9 Stop and Shop al e , ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -it T , , , , , m , « » ...................................... T r T ■ , I I I I . , , , ,