ASHLAND DAILY HDtKÖS professional Classified Column PHYSICIANS ClusftJfied Column R ates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or more, H e the word each time. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. iwBOLE FAMILY ENDORSE TANLAC AS BEST TONIC Daily Fashion Hint DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—^Pvac- tlce limited to eye, ear, nose and , FOR RENT th ro at— X-ray including teeth, i FOR RENT — Five room fu r­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ! nished house, adults only. 123 B 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, _ • street. Mrs. Churer. 267-3* Ore. FOR RENT - Five room fur- | or . E. B ANGELL—Chiropractic nished house, Inquire >13 Oak and Electro-Therapy. Office 268-2* street. I phone 48; residence 142. Firsl National Bank building. FOR RENT 5 room un fu r­ nished house. Inquire 242 G ra n -< DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings ite or Phone 340-R. 268-tf office. Phone 91. FOR RENT— Furnished Cabins DR. C. W. HANSON _ and tents facing park, near Lith- D entist la w ater and play ground. Place Special attention given to pyor­ to park your car. Call 153. 261-tf rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR RENT— Nice room with MONUMENTS or w ithout private bath; also, nice sleeping porch, 211 North ASHLAND GRANITE Main. 265— 6t MONUMENTS Oregon G ranite Co. FOR SALE S. PENNISTON, Salesman. FOR SALE— Packard two ton Res. 470 Laurel Phone 444-Y truck, in excellent condition, >550; Ford ton truck, worm PLANING MILL drive, pneumatic tires, cab and ; ____________ ___ _______________ bed, >250. L ithia Garage, near | FORDON’S SASJI AND CABINET park. 268-3t* WORKS, Cor. Helman and — —-------- --------------------------------- • I Van Ness. 19 Ilf FOR SALE— Paige 6; good, ______________ _ _ running order; price >200. >100, TRANSFER AND EXPRESS down, tim e on balance to respon- ' W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. sible party, Lithia Garage. for SERVICE. 265- -6* Experienced movers and pack­ ers of household goods. Deal­ FOR HALE— Cheap wood. Dry , ers in coal and wood. Phone down tim ber, >4.00 per load. One 117. mile East Siskiyou Saw Mill Office 89 Oak St. near Road. J. A. Edwards. 264-6* Hotel Ashland FOR HALE — By sick man at Convalescent Home, new Ford T. L. POW ELL— General Trans- fer— Good team and motor touring car, only used two trucks. G )od service at a rea- m onths, with new camping ou t­ «onab’e price. Phone 8 3. fit. Call 153. 26 9 -lt à FOR SALE — Milk goat and FEHIGE-ROACH kid. 600 Indiana street. Phone Transfer — Express — Storage 485L. 267-2* Hauling — Dray work of all kinds. Quick m otor service. Drv FOR SALE — Choice b u ild in g ! wood of a l, kind9. PhOne 41O.R lo ts on G ranite street, facing R 112-tf p a rk ; near Lithia w ater and__play- __ ____________________________ ground. Inquire at Convalescent; RING’S TRANSFER— Service- Home. 26 7 -lt ! ¿ay or night at reasonable rates. Wood for sale. Phone 113, Res. ; MISCELLANEOUS 231 Van Nés». 2 65— Im o! WANTED to rent, furnished or Blacksm ith Shop unfurnished modern, 4 or 5 room Blacksmith Shop, East Main house. Located in suburb, with Horseshoeing. Automobile acre or so of ground, work shop St. and considerable storage room. Spring work a specialty. Auto P refer dealing with owner. Would i parts. IRA YERIAN. 252-1 mo. lease for one year. Address, Mer- 111, Oregon, N. E. Woodhouse. 268-6t BEAGLE Ä BEAGLE, P a in te r s — Day work or contract. Estim ates LOST last night, bar pin set Free. P. O. Box 171. 266-6t* w ith brilliant center and blue stones on each side. Leave at Virginia Cafe. Reward. 268-2* For a smooth shave and q u ’ck service go WANTED — Quiet, gentle to the Shell Barber horse safe for children. Address Ladies and M ountain Fuel Company, Siski­ Shop. you. 268-2* children get your hair bobbed and m arcel­ WANTED — Washing» to do. led. M urphy Electric Company. 266-1* ______________ a------------------ W. A. SHELL, Prop. WANTED— Few 2nd hand bird >32 A. St. Ashland. Orc cages. Call 153. 265— tf GET YOUR STOVE repaired at E agle Iron and Brass W orks, ■Oberlain street. New grates and liners made to order, any style stove. Stock on hand. Stoves for 264-lmo. «ale. S econ d Hand WALKED WITH CANE g o o d s bought, sold ; ■exchanged.repalred. Collected and delivered. Chair Doctor, Cor.3rd. a n d A St., Phone 295R. 232-2mo. Korex Compound Helps Old Woman Regain Her Energy. I DO FANCY cement work, chim neys, septic tanks; also cem- « try work etc., J. D. Peffley, 143 « th St. 227— lm o* “ I hardly use my cane any more,” says Pollyan Rainsey of Pueblo, Kentucky, “ and because of using korex compound will scon be able to lay my cane aside altogether. I feel 15 years young­ er. Talk about vitality— I now have plenty and to spare. Any thing th at will help a person like me would help almost anybody alse.” Weak and tired-out worsen and men are pra'sing the marvelous invigorating effects quickly exper enced after taking korex com­ pound. Many say the benefits are perm anent and lasting. Sufferers ■ from m uscular pains, stiff joints, . lack of appetite, lessened vigor 1 and early old age will be interest­ ed in learning th a t the American distrbutors of korex compound have arranged for korex com­ pound to be sold :n Ashland at East Side Pharmacy. ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May com m unicate with Ensign Lee ©f the Salvation Army at the W hlteShlelri Home, 565 May- fa ir Ave.. Portland. Oregon. Fine lot with building for >400, small cash payment. W hittier, Calif., lots to trade for Ashland land. A 40 acre tract partly irrig at­ ed, fine land. Bargain price on easy term s. >1500 municipal bonds to trad e for city home. Staples Realty Agency 71 E. Main, Ashland Hotel Bid. NEW BOX FACTORY FOR KLAMATH FALLS PLANNED KLAMATH FALLS, July 16.— Construction of a box factory on a fifty acre site three miles south­ west of town on the Southern Pacific main line and adjacent toi the Shaw-Bertram Company was announced here by J. R. Shaw, general m anager of the company. i The mill site was purchased by 1 the Shaw -Bertram Lumber Com­ pany for >15,000 from the Grow­ ers Packing and W arehouse As­ sociation. W hile no definite plans have been made, Shaw said work on the new plant would sta rt early this , Fall. Shaw is now in Portland to confer with directors and stock­ holders of the Shaw-Bertram Lum ber Company on the plans and specifications for the new lactory. i _ « - w « i Dainty, Delicious Cake New Dishes Ju st airived new stock of dishes for making sets of 4 8, 51 and 84. Two patterns of nigh grade China. In six tem pting varieties— lemon cream, orange cream, van-'lla cream, straw berry, maple, chocolate. Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Safely, Sw iftly and Comfortably • INTERPRETING THE LATEST FASHION One of the lovely cotton crêpes that “ Tanlac has been our constant could wish. Paris weavers know so well how to friend for years, and my wife and “ My wife was all broken down brake and glorify with colorful em in health. But now she weighs ' broidery is used to develop this charm- myself and eight children are all , c c x , * ig straighthne dress. The collar. • enjoying w onderful health, large- J Pounds, and is strong and t ’eep narrow vestee, and straight ly due to this medicine,” is the i well and I am giving Tanlac i bounce are in plain color which may rem arkable statem ent of H arry ' credit for it. We give Tanlac to i harmonize either with the background, H. Pistole. 310 A rcher St., Waco, j the children to tone,them up and ! i m ake them grow, and nobody [ yards 36-inch figured and 1 yard 36- " " a ' healthier ‘ ‘ ‘ set of " chil " . j inch plain material. "In my own case Tanlac has ever had Pictorial Review Dress No. 2113. done wiiat seemed to be impos- dren than we have, Sizes, 34 to 48 inches bust, Price, 40 sible. When I began taking it j “ Tanlac is certainly the great- cents. my stomach was in such a bad est medicine on earth for anyone fix th a t I had to live on a milk ; whose life is wrecked by bad and egg diet and I was almost a health. We sure do have a* great FIRE WATCHED ALONG KLAMATH BRANCH skeleton. I had been flat on m y ! deal to praise Tanlac for at my back in bed and under treatm ent I house.” WEED, July 16— A fire has for 18 months and felt th a t my Tanlac is for sale by all good broken out on th e K lam ath Falls time was about up. druggists. Accept no substitute. branch near Delaney, a short way “ A fter my case had been given Over 40 million bottles sold. out of Weed. A lthough the fire up as hopeless and I thought I ; ---------- was beyond redem ption a relative ; Tanlac Vegetable Pills for con- does not appear th reaten in g ' men put me on to Tanlac, and the re- stipation; made and recommend- have been sent from Weed and sult is, I gained 20 pounds, and ed by the m anufacturers of Tan- the logging camps to see th a t it does not become dangerous. enjoy as good health as anybody ' lac. State received >211,907.59 d u r­ drawn out and therefore have ing May from to u rists’ automobile credit for that much in their sav* license fees. lugs accounts. The dollars, them, selves, that they handed in, have flowed right on through the banka —have been sent out to buy the bonds. That is, the money deposit^ W hat Do the B ankers Mean, have been used in behalf of the “ Eighteen Billion Dollars in depositors to buy the safest form 4 of investments. When a man buys the Savings Bank” ? a bond, he really rents his mone^ out—puts it to work to earn him By JOHN OAKWOOD more money. The savings banks The bankers keep telling us that have done this for their deposit« It seems stran g e th a t the big­ the savings accounts of the Amer­ ors. • • • gest successes in inventions, plays ican people total eighteen billion dollars. I asked a dozen people So the picture of idle piles of and operas have been turned I what that meant to them. Most money is all wrong. Even a pic* dow’n by financiers and th eatre of them seemed to see visions of ture of piles of bonds is wrong If it m anagers. We all know the his­ endless stacks of coins and bales stops at that. The bonds repre* tory of the telephone, how Alex­ of currency stowed away In the sent two things. First, since they» vaults of fine looking granite bank are readily saleable for cash, they ander Bell peddled it about and buildings. mean that any individual can get could find no one willing to put a • • • dollar into it. The same can be his savings out again in the form Now, as a matter of fact, there of money within a reasonable time: said of “ ROBIN HOOD." Is less than nine billion dollars’ Secondly, and more Important, be­ W riters Unknown worth of money In the country all hind those bonds loom up the rail­ R. De Koven and H arry B. told, including gold, silver, nickel roads, factories, businesses and Smith, both poor young men and and paper money of all kinds That public works that the money in* unknown in the theatrical world, Is less than half the eighteen bit vested in them set going for the* p u t. th eir heads together and lion. Therefore there must be benefit of everyone, Including the wrote “ ROBIN HOOD,” Smith something wrong with the vision depositors themselves. Saving,' of eighteen billion dollars in stacks therefore. Is not merely accumulat­ w riting the libretto and De Kov­ and hales in the bank vaults. More ing money—it la accumulating real, en, the music. Then De Koven than that, there probably is not wealth. The money flows on like took it to New York but could more than one dollar for every water to turn other wheels—the not find a m anager who would twenty of that eighteen billion ac­ real wealth and savings of the produce it. He finally met the tually In the savings bank. country are the accumulated fac­ • • • Bostonian Opera Co., and offered tories and other enterprises evi­ But the eighteen billion In sav­ denced by the bonds. ¡them the opera for $1,500. Theyj • • • ings bank is no myth just the j refused to buy it but finally same. Suppose all the savings Therefore, the true picture ol agreed to put it into rehearsal and depositors could demand all their what the bankers mean when they if it showed signs of m erit they money all at once, and that they say the savings accounts of the would put it on. insisted on Immediate settlement American people total eighteen bil The last rehearsal was rath er one way or another when they lion dollars, instead of piles of a dull affair and. as Barnebee found they could not get it all In money In vaults, would be fao ¿'ash. What would happen would tories, railroads and public works once said to the w riter, “ It was ue that they would come into pos­ in action. only th ru our friendship for De session chiefly of bonds—Govern­ Koven th at we gave it a public ment, state and municipal bonds Stimulating Club Work perform ance.” ■and the best railroad, equipment, The Arizona Bankers’ Associa Perform ance Success public utility and . other corpora­ tion added a stimulant to boys' amJ The perform ance, however, j tion bonds. The average deposit- girls’ club work when It voted to Came off in Chicago and wras an j j 's are really the owners of all offer a scholarship of >150 for th« > his vast real wealth. year 1924-25 to the high school immediate success. The morning • • • graduate having the best record i after the perform ance, De Koven V.'l’.nt the bankers really mean, The association annually provides' i refused to sell but an agreeent l In n ¡ore, Is that the savings de- traveling expenses for the club’ was made on a royalty basis giv- ‘ lositors, so far as money is con- champions to attend Farm ar.d i ing the Bostonians sole right to „•erned. have deposited eighteen Home Week at the State College the opera on condition that it be billion dollars more than they have of Agriculture. ---------------------------------------------- , produced in New York. Even ; troyed. Mr. Carson Is said to have ' after its success on the road New j FARM BUILDINGS AND LIVESTOCK DESTROYED ! had no insurance. The fire is York m anagers were loathe t o , ---------- : thought to have started from the play it on a percentage basis so ; PENDLETON, July 16.— Dam- ! exhaust of a gasoline engine iu the Bostonians hired a th eatre j for two weeks and, in order to • age e s tim a te d a t >7000 w as d o n e j th e b a in . _________ _______ . _ : make good their contract, book- j this morning by a fire th at des- I ed th eir company on the road as i troyed a barn on the dairy farm Silver Lake — >39,675 con- usual, expecting to stand the loss of Sam Caison, near Hermiston. Besides the barn, 24 head of cows, tract let for grading 8 ba miles in New York bv m aking it up in the outlaying districts. 3 horses, 200 tons of hay, a car Summer Lake road. and farm implements were des- FIGURE IT ........ OUT YOURSELF EARLY HISTORY OF IS ONE OF SURPRISES l i m i t The Golden Rule i Green Apples — — Peaches rT' HE other half of the golden C an talo u p e s------------ - Oranges ■ rule is that you should intelli­ gently' love and care for yourself. Otherwise you can ba of no help to other people. Strengthen your­ self and make yourself a source of strength to others’by opening a sav­ ings account in this hank. Red R a sp b e rrie s-------Lemons Blackberries — — G rapefru’t PEIL’S CORNER “D ottie D elite” T rav el By M otor Stage Apricots for canning in good supply if you want to can. • Fly season will soon be on. Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. Bos. fly spray for your cow's the best fly killer made. Gard­ en Hose, and garden tools, fencing and binder twine, mowers and repairs alwavs on hand. fair grounds near Medford, as sion, >1.10, including tax. Re­ this year’s pageant, and It is safe served seats. >1.65, including tax. to say th a t it has never had a more elaborate production than will be seen July 17-18-19. The general seat sale opened at the Medford cham ber of Commerce on July 10, at 9 a. m. The prices are: General admis- ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 94 N. Main F R U IT S Farmers Attention New York Hit A nother surprise — New York flocked to see “ ROBIN HOOD” and w’hen the two weeks were up the Bostonians tried to cancel th eir road dates and rem ain in New York, but the country m an­ agers refused, so they had to go out and play their bookings and retu rn to New York City the fol­ lowing year. On their return the opera played two years in one theatre to capacity houses. The Bostonians were never able to buy “ ROBIN HOOD” but paid De Kovcn close to >200,000 in royalties. This Y ear’s Pageant “ Rbbin Hood” is the opera to be given at the Jackson County W atermelons FRESH HONEY— VEGETABLES— Turnips and Onions, Car­ rots, New Potatoes, Cucumbers and so forth. P laza M arket H. A. Stearns 61 N. Main _ 12:00 noon and 4:15 p. m. Stages connects Io I ortland following morning. in f o r m a t/n n tn ^ T V 8! 1’3 for aH way P°in ts : for further inform ation and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone FARE ASHLAND—PORTLAND $8.20 A ll The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon Jackson County Fair Association Announces Its Q u a lit y SECOND ANNUAL PAGEANT You cannot find as thoroughly a well constructed tire, nor as durable a tire, as these great oversize C-T-C hand-built low inflation cords, which we are handling. Smith & De Koven’s ff Only the best ru b b ers and long staple com bed cotton are used; com pounding is im proved un­ ENSEMBLE OF 150 PEOPLE BALLET of 75 ORCHESTRA of 20 There is also a C-T-C hand-bniit Bal­ loon tire for extrem e low Robin H ood" America’s Favorite Comic Opera der a secret process ; the most expert hand-craftsm anship is employed; production is restricted and the most rigid inspection required. inflation, which fit* any standard wheel and rim. Headed By C-T-C Tube* add mileage to almost any exaing. Mr. Ed Andrews Mr. Janies Stevens Leedoin’s • • “ THE S H E R IFF” T ire H ouse as ‘LITTLE JOHN” G orgeous Costumes Beaver Block That were made expressly for the Douglas Fairbanks’ movie of ROBIN H OD Scenery by TOM SWEM Musical Directors Ballet J a m e s S tev en s by Mrs. Geo. Andrew» Chas. T. Hazclrigg HELEN ROIIOLF The largest, most beautiful outdoor performance ever given in Oregon FAIR GROUNDS Ju ly N ear M edford 174849 Admission—Grand Stand (not reserved) Adults, $1.10; Children, 50c. Reserved Box Seats and Seats on Elevated Platforms in Front of Boxes, $1.65—performance, 8:30 P. M. Reserved seats now on sale (up to four o’clock each day) at Ashland Chamber of Commerce Qwenson & Peebler Furniture Company Biggest Home Furnishers . iu Ashland US.Royal Cords U N IT E D STA TES T IR E S ARE GOOD TI K T ° RoVaI Cord user ever gets very «*»^1 excited about new tire develop­ ments, because he knows that when his present Royal Cord does finally wear put he will find any really worth while advance in tire building in the new Royal he buys. Latex treated cords are the latest contribution o f the Royal Corti makers to better tire service. A new patented process that gives greater strength and wearing quality. You get the benefit of this latex treatm ent *n Royal Cord High-Pressure Tires, Royal Cord Balloon Tires re? 20*, 21 and 22 inch runs and Royal Cord Balloon-Type Tires built to fit present wheels and rims without change. U. S. Tires tire the only tires in the w orld m ade o f cords solutioned in ra w rubber latex T rad-3 ;■ From Ashland Daily to P ortland............................7;oo A. Id- Daily to E ugene............................. 12.00 Noon Daily to Roseburg......................... 4:15 P M Buy U. S. Tires from Mark TALENT SERVICE STATION, TALENT N. DIX & SON, ASHLAND