MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. 'I ___ ______ _______ _ ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma, -this is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL XLVI I. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. FACTORY IS GRANTED 23 YEAR LEASE I COOLIDGE TO R EC EIV E f NOTIFICATION AVGUST J 4 i 8 ” 8 8 « ' « | 8 8 8 , ! 8 ----------- NEW YORK, July 16.— Coolidge will be officially notified of his nomination for reelection August 14, at W ashington, D. c „ with Frank Mondell, chairm an of the recent Republican con- vention, m aking the notifi- cation speech. C h a r l e s D a w e s , vice 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ; 8l ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1924 COUNTY AND STATE COPS IN KLAMATH Proposed Box Factory ci-i— Will i ! n 8 n« t — presidential 8 Resident Gives Administra- B Clty ' 2 p°m • wl" be no," ‘ed al K i tion Until August 1 to Industrial Site • » Evanston, 111., A ugust 19. 8 fJlpan flitv --------- GIVEN SIX ¡ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 MONTHS HI W h ile L ease Is T entative, Adop­ tion Is P ractically A ssured; 1 P ow er Q uestion Up 'll AMAZE LOS ANGELES HAS FINANCIAL AID NO. 269 DAVIS SEVER S BUSINESS CONNECTIONS WITH FIRMS DE VALERA AND STACK R ELEA SED FROM PRISON ( 10— Eam m on D*‘ Valera and A ustin Stack, Irish rep u b lican ¡lead ers have been released from Dublin prison, accord­ in g to a Dublin dispatch. COOLIDGE O FFE R S AID TO CALIFORNIA r JuIy 16— P resident C oolidge today offered fed ­ eral aid to t a llfo r n ia to fig h t great fo rest fires which are sw eeping th ou san d s of acres of fin e national tim ber areas P * MAN WHO STOLE PAYROLL IS K ILLED I. WHEELER BOLTS DAVIS- BRYAN TICKET^ MD 0rt t a 8 8 NEW YORK, July 16.— ¡8 John Davis, Democratic pres- j 8 ldential nominee, announced 8 today he had resigned his partnership in the law firm of Stetson, Jennings, Russell & Davis, as general counsel 8 of the Associated Press, as n h r0 W s S lip - « States Rubber c £ o f^ h l port to La FoUette; Will Aid Campaign BREAKS PARTY TIES ROCK SPR ING S, W yo., Ju ly 16— C F ish er allem vi tn. O fficials Raid A lleged G am ing absconded w ith th e payroll o f th e Gunn Q uealey Coal Com pany wiw R efu ses To Support “R epresen ta- IK n and A rest N ine Men; sh o t to d eath w h ile resistin g arrest at Gunn, W yo by JP liv e o f Firm o f J. p . Morgan R oadhouse Raided e 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 « Atchison, Topeka & Santa 8 8 Fee Railroad, and National 8 I 8 Bank of Commerce. jj » « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 r C ?m m u ì a y e rÌ A sk G am es Comnuttee For Decent Locker Facilities AMERIOAjfg LEADING u. S‘ nwimmers I)o Well In Raeos; Yank Boxer» And Company” A fter over two hours of con- • W in Bouts ---------- i KLAMATH FALLS, July 16.— tnuious debate, the city council Tragedy in Which Two Are Kill- Unless city officials clean up all WASHINGTON, July 16.— That AMERICAN F L IE R S REACH ENGLAND last night gave A. C. Coggins, p ARIS, j uiy cd he will bolt the Democratic ticket Result of Row of blind-pigs. i»i. Notice was I ...... - gambling dens and D unsm uir lum berm an, a twenty- this afternoon » '"»m ~ u » .l K «he » world and throw his support to Senator fliers Staid Citizens houses of ill fame by August 1 of S S ’ l ± Z . ‘hb. f * « " " ! » " , « t o t Federal O fficials Inspect Various] Olympic Games served on the five year lease on a piece of city L atollette was the statem ent Is­ S S r ’S r t S ? ' OM. K , 1 A committee that this year, other forces will do it, Sections And A re P leased property known as the Living­ on the American tennis team would LONG BEACH, July 16. With and will also wipe out some of the J L J 2 L L Denver, Kansas C ity ,1 ee e r- discussion arose. Geiagnty, of New York, was Dr. Mohler is scheduled to Known for F earlessn ess chant king, claims her h u sb an d ! Crane, L. U. Summers. Elm er gazine readers per m onth for a &Ud Went th ro u ®b northern states Mr. Coggins desired a clause in The Montana man gained a leave Sacramento this afternoon America's sole surviver in the 200 was lured to the Doris apartm ent Long, C. Jensen, L. J. P arks O period of several mouths. This as far as Gettysburg, Maryland. th econtract perm itting the mill national reputation for fearless­ for Los Angeles to attend a m eet­ metre breast stroke for women. it u , - , and m urdered, and she demands Cate Nick Kenlcv w r to lie idle two years w ithout des- the p.,- ♦>,.......... ,.v.. _ K n e n le y. w - B- Renley, advertising, to make the most un­ They spent over a m onth in ness and honesty during the Tea­ ing of livestock interests. W eismuller Wins noose for the wealthy Doris. W. B. Bostain and Nels Peterson iversal appeal, was directed espe­ W ashington, D. C., then went to troying the lease. Johnny W eismuller, of Chicago, “ Meyer threatened to kill me” , ; An outside guard, who was pro- cially to the tourist; but is also Florida, where they spent the pot Dome oil lease scandal, when “ It tim es of depression, the defeated Roy Charlton, of Aus­ he took a prominent part in the ANTHRAX IS CHECKED Doris told police. “ I begged him R eeling the house, was arrested stressed land settlem ent, m anu­ w inter. lum ber industry Is demoralized, to let me get my m other's prayer , officers then broke in the door, facturing and business opportun­ IN CALIFORNIA COUNTY tralia in the 400 metre free styl© One of the most delightful collection of evidence, and in and a shutdown Is necessary,” he race. throw ing light upon the dealing handcuffed the inside guard, and ities. H undreds of injuries re ­ cities they visited, they say, was (C ontlnuP d on p ag e 4 t declared. “ Again, If mills supply­ In serving the notice that the of Fall, Sinclair and others involv­ MARYSVILLE, Calif., July 16. ; went upstalis, where the party lating to land have been turned Hot Springs. Arkansas. ing the lum ber knew th at the American tennis team will be Six of nine head of cattle that On their tr'p , Mr. and Mrs. ed. j arrested is said to have been over to the Land Settlem ent de- business would either have to va­ PORTLAND STOOL PIGEON withdrawn unless even the poor­ In high circles, it is feared that developed anthrax In three locali­ 1 gambling and drinking. Liquor, partm nt of the Fund, which works Sempert passed through thirty- cate or buy lum ber at a fancy IS VICTIM OF TRICK est facilities are provided, the money and firearm s w’ere on the through county land settlem ent eight states, and declare th at many W estern voters, never too ties in Yuba County in the past price, we would have to pay im ­ conservative, will follow Wheeler, week have died, according to a re­ American Lawn Tennis Associa­ PO R TLA N D , J u ly 16. — T h is ' E ' m er L ° nR rea c h e d committees throughout the state. they like Oregon the best of all. possible prices for our m aterial.” and will withdraw their support port made by Dr. J. J. Fleming, tion is perfectly serious. Presi­ Asked what she thought of the A fter several plans had been business of enforcing the prohibi- „ for a , gun, , but was rendered un- At the state inform ation bureau dent Myrick said today. Since the in Portland literatu re from all Ashland park, Mrs. Sempert de­ from the old party candidates and county livestock inspector. Flem ­ suggested, the one of allowing a tion law is a dangerous business ! nSC‘° U3 by a ” offlcer‘ opening day of the Olympics, Much liquor was taken, and sections of the state has been dis­ clared th at of the hundreds of throw their votes to La Follette, ing, working with City Health Of­ one-year shut down, and then let­ and the man whose business is who is known as a liberal, and ficer Dr. R. S. Christm as, has when the American rugby team paiks they had stopped in, Ash- tin g a board of arb itrato rs decide th a t of w andeiing from b’.ind pig between $500 and $600 was tributed. was booed and rocked when it The Publicity D epartm ent of i lan d ’s was easily the best. 1 due to hi3 stand at the “ Red” given assurance th at the disease .whether or not the lease should to blind pig has an extremely haz­ found. the Development Fund during the j “ I t ’a ju st like coming into ¡'convendon- as onp who dop8 nnt has been taken in time, and will won, insults to the United States A nother Raid be discontinued, was agreed on. ardous calling. » favor too radical changes in gov- be limited to a small area. Every have been offered whenever pos­ N om inal R ental In witness whereof the case o f ' At 1:30 Tuesday morning, a year has issued over 250,000 ! adise,” she declared. In- giving the American ' ernm ent. precaution is being taken to pre- i sible. Two sisters of Mrs. Sempert, A nominal rental from the prop­ one of the police special “ stool house at 137 Mortimer street was pieces of literature, most of which . W ith this latest development, vent its spread. A quarantine has players thp Poorest quarters, and e rty was agreed on. Under the pigeons” is quoted. This individ­ raided, and Hudson Lane, W. is available for distribution by Mrs. J. B. H urt and Mrs. J. M. refusing to equip them with even who will Griffin, were form erly Ashland it is becoming increasingly' ap- been placed on the places Infect­ term s of the proposed lease. Mr. ual has been employed for the Tyler and M argarette Lane were anyone In the state towles or water, President Myrick 1 parent th a t there is a strong pos- ed. residents. Coggins will be granted the prop­ purpose of obtaining evidence arrested on a charge of m aintain­ write. sees a veiled insult. j sibility of the election this No- erty, and no rental charge will be against liquor law violators. All ing a nuisance. Raiding parties It is hoped by officials of the i vember being settled in Congress, DOG’S BARK W ARNS MEDFORD HAS BIG m ade, the city getting payment in th at he is suposed to do for eight expect to make more arrests soon. ALLEGED KELSO SLAYER Association that the Olympics ' as it. is doubtful if any one man SAYS MIND BLANK OF RATTLER IN HOME A road house was raided Sat­ th e form of an additional payroll. hours a day is to go front joint REGISTRATION DAY j committee will meet the American ; will get the m ajority provided by “ All th a t is necessary to a box to joint, posing as a logger, and urday night, and four men were ! demands and avoid the hard feel- 1 the Constitution. In case of this KELSO, W ash., Ju ly 16— “I YREKA, Calif., July 16— arrested. No liquor was found on factory is frontage on the rail­ drink moonshine. Monday is always a big day i n : 11 • family « watchdog a L j ! lng lbat be believe th a t my mind was a blank registering the out of state cars event, Congress will elect the When the small , caused by 7 the road track s,” Mr. Coggins told The proprietor of a certain the premises, hut ten gallons were , < . v . withdrawal of the American play- President. raced through the house whining era Two for a tim e on the day th a t Sybil at the Medford state bureau, says th e council. “ In locating in Ash- joint, who knew the perform er, found in a car near by. and barking in a very much ] land, the box factory corporation , simply provided himself with a deputy sheriffs, a special agent was killed and 1 may have dis­ the Mail Tribune, and yesterday’s frightened condition a few days •will face the disadvantage of high bottle of croton oil. Then one day and a state prohibition officer charged the explosive that ended registration of such cars num ber­ her life,” was the statem ent made made the arrests. ago, Mrs. Fauquier, wife of City FUGITIVE FROM NEVADA ed 220. The record for this sea­ ta x es, but will secure the advan- j early last week the inform er, dis­ by Rudolph Otto, charged with Recorder L. W. Fauquier, could PENI TK N TIA RY CA P T l’R ED son, however, was a week ago ta g e s of fire protection and of guised as a logger, entered the m urdering his wife July 5, in his not imagine what was wrong un­ b e tte r living conditions for em­ place and called for a drink. The Monday, when 318 out-of-state latest interview with Sheriff til she followed the animal . CARSON CITY, Nev., July 16. ployees.” cars were registered. bootlegger provided it, but into Studebaker. through one room into another, — Captured neai Minden yester­ Power Question Up This gives Medford the distinc­ the drink went a liberal portion until finally it began walking cau- day, John W. Delaney has been His statem ent was regarded as tion of having registered more A t th e m eeting last night, the of the croton oil. meaning eith er th a t Otto was get­ machines in one day than any question of light and power rates iously around a sewing machine. placed in solitaiy confinment at Sixty-tw o Players Tec O ff For Back of the machine, coiled as the Nevada penitentiary after cam e up. A plan was advanced ting nearer a complete confes­ other city in the valley. The Ash­ S tate H onors; Dr. W illin g sion or was building a foundation land record does not quite reach if ready to strike, Mrs. Fauquier staging a daring escape. He was by city electrician Oliver E aster­ JA IL ED FOR SMOKING Seem s F avorite IN FORBIDDEN AREA Shortage of W ater H inders P la c­ for an insanity defense. Sheriff the 250 m ark. ling whereby the proposed box perceived a small rattlesnake. captured by Sheriff Park after er O perations; Copper A ffect- Studebaker does o t think Otto How the reptile got into the room be had been recognized by Edward factory could buy city power at j 169 cars were registered at the <*d by Lou P rice PORTLAND. July 16 — For th e same rate as It could secure PORTLAND, Or., July 16. — is a mystery, but it is believed to j L»mhergreen, on duty at a garage really intended to commit suicide local bureau yesterday, which is rmoking a c'g arette in forbidden ---------- He has requested to see Henry about the average. Last month, Sixty-two golfers teed off today have crawled up the pipe leading wb,cb Delaney calmly entered and Copco power by locating outside territory on the Salt Creek w ater The niining industry in Oregon Crass, Vancouver attorney, who the reports show, Ashland regis­ of th e city. over the Portland golf club links to the kitchen sink and then a8ked for aP automobile and The question of placing a fair shed in the Cascade^national for- during tbe first bair oi !924 was has been notified and will be here tered alm ost twice as many ma­ in the qualifying round of the crawled through three other d r*vei I°r a tr ip to California, est reserve, Thomas Carey, m em -! baudicaPPed by extremely low Before entering the garage De­ ra te of power was discussed, but tomorrow, when Otto probably chines as Medford, which was In Oregon State Golf championship rooms to the one where it was her of a construction gang, must WHter’ . yet lbe 88 shown by inform ation HAS «20,000 FIRE LOSS recently is looked upon as the Street improvements were dis­ Samuel A. Kozer, secretary of AUSTIN, Nev., July 16— ■said to have escaped from twenty- supplied by the m iners to J. M. cu ssed by the council last night, direction of the United States de- most formidable entrant to lift the While he lay dying in the blaz six government hospitals and state of Oregon, was named pres­ I Hill, of the San Francisco office, and some improvements were or- j partm ent of agriculture. TRINITY CENTER, Calif., July title held by Claire Qriswold, 1923 ing sun after being m ortally ' county and 8tate prisons in the i of the Geological Survey. The ident of the N ational Association 16.— F ire originating a t 11 o’­ dared made, while others w e re 1 -------------------------- champion. Under the rules Gris­ wounded In a pistol duel with past few years. of Financial and State Adminis­ prospects indicate th a t the output clock last evening in the home ta k en under consideration. wold will not have to qualify. Out Thomas Brackney over grazing | for the year 1924 will be greater tration Officials a t the annual occupied by M. E. Munger des­ CHICAGO SL.YYERS HAD of town golfers who are entered rights, Vigenti Arroti. Basque m eeting here. State • auditors, DESIGNS ON O THERS ! than th at for 1923. Copper min- forest flames CLOSE TO troyed two cottages and the form ­ include: sheepherder, scratched his will on IMPORTATION OF JAP ---------- , ing was affected by the continu- controllers and treasurers, in sep­ er Holland Hotel, operated by the DUNSMUIR BURNING BRISK Ercel Kay of Salem, C. D. a tobacco can with some sharp i n ­ CHICAGO, July 16— Persons ’ ed low Prtce of the metal, but arate session, named .R ay P. GOODS ON INCREASE Estabrook Gold Dredging Com- H unter Jr., of Tacoma, George strum ent. Chase, state auditor of Minnesota, The will bequeathed close to the defense declared th a t tb e production of the largest cop- ; pany. The loss totals $15,000 to DUNSMUIR. July 16— A for- Fowler of Aberdeen, L. A. Hepen- his property to his fath er and PORTLAND. July 16— Im por­ Richard Loeb and N athan Leo- per mln® 8GGnis to have been well as th eir chief executive, and $20,000. ■?r t h .<,i » “ • stall of Oneida, N. Y., P. G. Snede- m o t h ï r V s 'p . , ; 7 5 Mike Holm, secretary of state of tatio n s of Japanese m anufactur­ pold, aw aiting trial for k id n a p -1 m aintained. The hotel and two cottages m uir has been burning for three ed goods to the Pacific coast will ping and killing Robert Franks, I In southw estern Oregon w ater Minnesota, was named president belonged to Mrs. Ada Mallory of cor of the Rancho club of Los can was brought to Austin y days. It seven covers about be of considerably larger volume had not only calmly considered ! was 8cant and th e placer mines of the secretaries of state organ­ Oakland. H er loss is $8,000. .Angeles, C. V. Swain of the Jef- Sheriff Parker. .ferson Park club of Seattle, Local attorneys state the brief square miles and is burning very th is year than next or than ever using Tommy Loeb, 10 year old • made only a sbort run, but devel- ization. M unger’s household goods were George Gashlein of Tacoma and by a A nt’cipated consolidation of Will is easily read and will stand briskly as it is fanned before, according to David W alk­ brother of Richard, as their vie- ! °Pment was continued on several valued a t $5,000, with insurance A rt M organstern of Seattle. strong breeze. in law. Arroti, died in a local hos­ e r, of the firm of M orimura tim , but also had even co n sid -1quartz Pr °Pe rties, notably the the la tte r two organizations with of $2,500. The final match over 36 holes pital shortly after being carried the N ational Association of F i­ B rothers of New York City, w h o 'e re d the possibility of a tta c k in g !C a lifo rn ia mine, at Mount Reu- Eugene — Additional fire hy­ will be held Saturday morning over the m ountains fifteen miles 1» here on business. th eir own fathers. 1 77— Z----- I------ 7 ------7 ----------- nancial and State A dm inistration Sutherlin to construct several drant to be installed and 8,000 and afternoon. A large gallery Is (Continued on Page Four) Officials did not take place. and brought to Austin in the new sidewalks. sq ft. cement sidewalk laid on expected. sheriff's car. University of Oregon campus. CONDITIONS BETTER! "“™- i Í CONTINENT ROVERS IS GETTING RESULTS; STOP IN ASHLAND