f agi m . eft • • « bocal » P e rso n a l Jiotes A shland öÄltf ttöfSG« Is 111— Mrs. John Edetorling is ill at her home with an attack of “ flu ” . Tue m lay, July 1«, ltUiT UNUSUAL Ei/'ENTS _ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY A* Homo of Dau$htn ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf to see it going in Ashland now, G rants Pass; Drs. Clair Allen, Lee Wells and L. A. Dillard of Rose­ warm states, This week he is for the Provost hardw are store burg; Dr. H arris of Eugene; Dr. m aking Ashland his headquarters Black P elican s— has pa nted Its trouble-chasing Noel of K lam ath Falls. for a series of short trips to near­ Although K lam ath visitors are plumbing car a brilliant orange. • The next m eeting will be in by fishing stream s. soon made aw are of tlie famed G rants Pass, September 20”. — B.V the P ost O ffice white pelican, little has been said To Copco— Mail Tribune. For pleating, see Orres Orres jf the black species, says the Kla­ aterprool hoots a n d “Newt” Newton, who has been upstairs. 267-2* math Herald. The black bird Is of high top shoes that work­ n Ashland the past w inter, left The T id ln g’s A ds B rin g R esu lts he same s z e as the ordinary pell- yesterday for Montague, where he ers and sportsmen need. V isitor from N e b r a s k a - an, and undoubtedly belongs to will work for the California-Ore­ All sizes in stock. E. Miller, N ebraska tourist, a r­ the pelican family. J. E. W hit- gon Power company for some rived in Ashland last night, and lach, who told of the bird, said he time. Newton has been in Ash­ intends to stay here for ten days, had seen but one, but that, there land for two years. using the Gateway city as head­ were possibly others on Klam ath q uarters for visits to valley points. Lake. Tours V alley— Mr. Miller likes’ to choose a cen­ Captain and Mrs. Maxson, with tra l city, then branch out and see Woodrow W asher dem onstra­ their daughter, Miss Dorothy all nearby points of interest. To tion free. No payment dow’n. is not pleasant to hear, -Maxson, were in Ashland Sunday day he is on his way to Crater Small monthly payment. Murphy Now Is the time to prepare for for a short time when th eir pri­ the hunting season— get your Lake. and sympathy has no Electric Company. gun and ammunition/ in readi­ vate car, the “ Rio G rande,” stop­ power to replace proper­ ness. Fall fish'jig season is ped here. Captain Maxson, w’ho HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo. No Ju ice— ty, or salve conscience approaching, all kinds fishing is senior captain of the Southern of course. 212— tf tackles here. The Tidings was not out on Pacific boats, took an auto ride time yesterday due to th e fact through the valley. L eft Today— th at no electricity w'as available Carl Stodenrous, who was In­ to run the linotype machines or and there is no insurance pro­ jured about two weeks ago when to turn over the printing press. To G rants P ass— tection against the occasions New assortm ent of Remington his Ford bug crashed into a tele­ For an hour directly after noon L. R. H arris and family, of of unforseen conflagrations. knives ju st arrived. No two The mourning of the fire vic­ phone pole, was able to leave the' the power was off, and it was Liberty street, spent Saturday in knives alike. tim, who has insurance is local hospital today, and left for off for about half an hour be­ Grants Pass and also made a never harassing nor pitiable Portland, where he will meet his tween 3 and 4 p. m. There was short visit in Gold Hill a t the because folks adm ire wisdom sister, returning with her to his some trouble at the city power home of Earl Moore. The H arris Good Insurance— P hon e 5 8 home in Del Rapids, South Dak plant on Ashland creek, which the family is from Lakeview, but is ota. Stodenrous’ machine was substitute electrician did not spending the sum m er here while such a wreck th a t he was forced know how to remedy, and the Mrs. H arris is attending the Sum­ Biggest Little Store in Ashland Office Hotel Ashland H unting and Fishing Licenses to sell It as junk. mer Normal. So well do they Copco power was turned off. like Ashland th a t they may locate W ashington done FREE. Call Let us fill your pail with Swifts here perm anently. Murphy Electric Company. SilWr Lea; lard. Costs less than shortening. Goes farth er and is I'rom Many States— more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf B. W. Em spoher, ot Iowa; H. Johan, of Illinois; W. Holt, of O ff A gain— Missouri; L. M. Akers, of Okla­ THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL in Oxfords and Shoes. Prices from W illiam Patton, A. C. Patton homa; L. C. Thompson, of Wis­ and Fred Patton, w ho rectupned TODAY—TOMORROW—THURSDAY consin; J. S. Bee, of Montana, recently from a vacation trip in w ere among the many tourists t the Goose Lake country left Sun- ^ 7 day »” a" MhM W here they enjoyed the hospitality of Ash­ are going is not known, as the land’s famous auto park. All only inform ation they would give were enroute from California to was th a t they were going some the cooler Northwest. place where there was no one else to bother them. ÇOMMAOnVG YOUR INTEREST K CA LL our banker : Eagle Market First National Bank c o n e Buckliect Boots For Miners, Rail­ roaders, L o g g e rs, Farmers, and Hunt­ er For Work Clothes for Plasterer, Carpenter, Farmer, Railioadei, Electrician—gloves, shirts, corduroy pants, wool shirts, socks, shoes, underwear, khaki pants and shirts. M itchell’s $9 to $14.50 The Mourning Of the Loser Guns and Lots of Ammunition When Fire Comes Pocket Knives Carter & Mills Army Goods Store Men’s Shoes Men. Buy your shoes where quality counts. Our lines of men’s shoes are dependable in quality, style and price. Florsheim, Ralston, Beacon $ 5 t0 $ 1 0 Specials for July Clean Up One lot of men’s dress shoes taken from different lines. Clean Up Price G rants P ass Traffic— Tomorrow morning, says the G rants Pass Courier, the long ! H otel Being Planned— sought traffic changes go into e f - ! D r- J - F. Reddy, of Medford feet and every automobile driver and John D. Oiwell, form erly of is expected to observe the new New York, but now a resident of regulations as printed recently. the Rogue River valley, have been P arking lines have been painted in Crescent City th e past week orf all of the streets ’n the down — working on - plans — — for con — - the V V11- town section of the business dis- san ctio n of a to u rist hotel, which trict. Cars must be kept within according to estim ates will cost these lines. The old back-in sys-1 ^he neighborhood of a quarter tem is to be done away with, °* a million dollars, providing cars not being allowed to park (hey are able to secure sufficient th a t way on any street. backing for the project. Accord ng to the promoters, a stock Orres tailor» for men and company is to be formed with a large capital sum. and the peo­ women, upstairs over MoGees. ple of Crescent City are to be ask­ KLAN NOTICE ed to invest as liberally as pos­ R egular business m eeting to sible in the undertaking. It nleht. July 15. for klacm en and seems Probable that ___ __ _ something klanwomen. Im portant b u siness1 tangible will result.— Del Norte to be transacted. i Triplicate. Men s outing Shoes, all leather. Clean Up q* - No such condition occurs when the family washing is done in our plant— price ........ ’ ,5S0 One Lot m en’s work shoes, Elk leather, leather soles, $5 to $5.50 grade. Clean Up P r i c e .......... everything washed ju st as neatly, cleanly and carefully as you would expect y»urself to do It. $4 Eoy’s outing shoes for youths and little boys. Clean Up Price $2.20 d $2.45 “ Ball Band Shoes with Mishko Soles will wear longer than two leather soles, for work tfto —Clean Up Price . . . he Ashland Laundry Phone 165 C o m p a rtL / A realistic portrayal of Musical Comedy—the Prize Ring the Race Track and of the Night Life on Broadway. .95 •W here Your D ollar H as More C ents’