pao » «au» Classified Column ss? PROFESSIONAL AMILAtffl HAH* WhtìltìÌ iuvwlay, July 15, 1024 SOG! E TY i ““ “ Cinnbar Spring,- wm w . * - . „ , Eugene harvests largest cherry M ill M. Dode e affd John Galey crop in years. PHYSICIANS were vistors yesterday at Cinnibar ,.,G e o ig e Nichols Jr. and daughter MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor Classified Column Rates J cnie— . Springs, beyond Mount Ashland. Phone items to her at 345-R, between lb A. M. and 2 P. M. ‘ Betty, R. E. Jarvis and son Roy, One cent the word each DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi- Wheeler fam ily of They made the trip as a pleasure Carl Carleson and sister, Miss ¡.Medford motored to Ashland Sun- and evenings. time. dence and office, 108 Pioneer J ana < „ . ____ jaunt, ____ _ „„„ and to get some w ater a avenue. venue. T e le n h n n e 28. 2S nffi.-e > - • • • • • • * • • • ; *a ar eson, rs. . W. Jar- , day afternoon, planning a picnic from the springs Telephone Office To run every issue for one CALENDAR OP W EEK , hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 month or more, the word There .ere presen. a. rhu tive of Hale W heeler’s natal day. each time. Tuesday— Open House— Civic boun.ltul feast of good tiring, | Mr and’ M,.a. T A. Moss and p. m. only. son The picnic was changed to an FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid- Club— Club House. Hostesses, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dean and Jn n - K o b m and Phllip A |aa Sheldo|] DR. ERNEST A. W(K)DS— Prac­ the Mesdgmes Hammond, Wood- ior, who a re visiting here fr o m , indoor one at the home of Mrs * ug8’ 25c per bundle. dh „ , „ A b a il’s breadth in tice limited to eye, ear, nose and H. W. Andrews, on Church street, ________________ __ POR RENT side and Roberts. P ortland; Mre. Theresa Lowe and J o p en House__ safety is just as good as th ro at— X-ray including teeth. and the rest of the afternoon ' — ------------------— __ __________ Wednesday, July 16. Upper q»n vRwnaI r : Mr, a? d Mr8‘ H arry The Clvic Club i3 ^ e p in g open a mile, bOK RENT — Front bedroon Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Valley Community Club. Hostess, Sackett; Mr. and Mrs. Tom B u r-' ho u se' today, with Mrs. i spent at the A. Andrews’ home, to lady, Inquire 29 S. Pioneer But, are you sure of a hair 6. Swedenburg Bldg., A shland,! Mrs. J. E Gowland. Bellview, n ett and two sons, Ray and Mil-f Hammond, Mrs " ¿ ' “ w o ^ lsid e on Fairview street, prior to Mr. breadth escape when disaster Ave. Side entrance. 266-3 Ore. Boulevard. am of Talent; Mr. and Mrs. H arry and Mra. L A Roberts ho8tesseg and Mrs. A. Andrews and Miss and collision confronts? If Abbie Andrew’s’ departure for you have Thursday, July 17. Trinity Lowe of B utte Falls, who are in charge FOR RENT— Furnished Cabins DR E B ANGELL— Chiropractic Corvallis for a short visit. Guild Picnic. In L ithia Park. visiting in T alent and Mr. a n d ' and tents facing park, near Lith- and Electro-Therapy. Office It is understood th a t this will * » * RAYBESTOS Friday, July 18. “ M ysterious Mrs. A. F. A bbott of Ashland. ia w ater and play ground. Place be done every Tuesday and no W. R. C. Social— phone 48; residence 142. First B rak e L in in g Social", Christian Church. to park your car. Call 153. A pleasant visit around the in your car brakes, and your doubt many will avail themselves National Bank building. The W. R. C. Club met in Saturday, July 19. W. R. C. tabie, and during the evening 261-tf brake bands and rods are ad­ of the opportunity to take their ¡ Lithia Park, Monday afternoon meets in I. O. O. F. Hall. after, the supper things were justed frequently you know DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings FOR RENT— Nice room with * » * with certainty you can stop cleared away, rounded out a de­ guests and visit the Club house, | at the Round Table for its regu- office. Phone 91. Fuller Paints, of pure lead and or w ithout private bath; also, * * * | lar social afternoon. There were your car just outside the dan­ lightful reunion. } E ntertains at Luncheon— linseed oil, save the surface J u ">or Picnic ; sixty tWQ iadjea present to enJoy ' nice sleeping porch, 217 North ger zone. • • • DR. C. W. HANSON- Mrs. T. J. Malmgren en tertain ­ and save all. Main. 265— 6t The Ju n io r D epartm ent of the the delightful visit, while busy! D entist ed the French Club at her home Good News From Pacific Grove— We lnstaM Kaybi’stos and M. E. Sunday school had a picnic fingers were employed in dainty Special attention given to pyor­ A djust Brakes in Phoenix today at a one o’clock It will be a m atter of great in the P a rk Thursday evening. FOR SALE needle work. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver luncheon. Mrs. H. O. Anderson satisfaction to the many friends This is an artnual affair and Refreshm ents of ice cream and , FOR SALE— Paige 6; good Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. and Mrs. F. D. W agner motored, in Ashland th a t Miss Elizabeth one the children enjoy very much. delicious cakes were served the Í running order; price $200. $100 taking the Club m embership with P alm er who has been ill for some Cnr Main and Pjniict-r Games were played and a boun- MONUMENTS down, time on balance to respon­ them. time is surely regaining her I tiful supper served. The child­ guests at the close of the pleas- an afternoon by the hostesses, sible party, Lithia Garage. • * * * health. ASHLAND GRANITE ren brought well filled baskets 265— 6* G uests E n tertained— MONUMENTS "furnished ~ice R n ^ ' n " Codet m Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fifleld were out for short drives. Both Miss Oregon G ranite Co. FOR SAI a E— Cheap wood. Dry cream. z Mrs. Huldali Brush. host and hostess at a large dinner Palm er and Miss Cham berlain ex- down tim ber, $4.00 per load. One S. PENNISTON, Salesman. party W ednesday honoring house P©ct to be in their home at Hilltop affair very m ud/and*should^' n'm m * w* assistpd hy the mile East Siskiyou Saw Mill | Res 470 Laurel Phone 444-Y ' . y “ should not , Mesdames Hicks, Hood, Hogue, i guests at the F. W. Shaw home, in the fall. Road. J. A. Edwards. 264-6* i ---- mind if picnics came oftener than Hammond, Hassis, H arrell, and j Mrs. Marie Maberry of Minnea- Both are anxious to retu rn to once a year. PLANING MILL Herndon. FOR SALE — By sick man at _______________________________ polis, Minn., and Mrs. Elizabeth A shland; the only compensation Convalescent Home, new Ford fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET i Roberts and Miss R uth Roberts for absence is th a t there is no Home Missionary Society— j COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN touring car, only used two WORKS, Cor. Helman and j of Long Beach were guests last w ater shortage to w’orry about, The Home Missionary Society! ARE ROILED AT ASTORIA months, with new camping ou t­ Van fless. 1 9 4 tfjwefk of Mr' and Mrs' P - w - Shaw- and the w eather at Pacific Grove of the Methodist church held its ______ fit. Call 153. 26 9 -lt --------- ------------------------------------ J arriving Monday and leaving Sat- is ideal. m eeting at the home of Mrs. G. • ASTORIA, July 15.— Com m er-' * » « TRANSFER AND EXPRESS j urday for Long Beach, the home F. Billings, Friday at 2:30 P. M. fishing circles here were stir- j ^ prico^ at Ranc'h W hittle Transfer Storage Co. of Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Maberry Social at Church— The membership m et at t h e ; red by reports from Ilwaco th a t! mile and half east of Phoenix, in for SERITCE accompaning them for a visit Friday of evening there will be Fern valley. 6 cents pound. Please another the , i Church where cars conveyed th«»» , a purse seine boat has been op- I Experienced movers and pack­ there. another of the delightful socials to the Billings home, bring boxes. S. P. H unter. 266-3* i erating off Long Beach within the ers of household gouds. Deal­ Covers were laid for ten, with th a t occurs every month at the i There were th irty present. A , the three-mile limit, ers in coal and wood. Phone Mr. end Mrs. F. W. Shaw, Mrs. C hristian church. FOR SALK — Milk goat and business meeting of more than : Advices were to the effect that 117. Maberry, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Ruth - These are ‘Mysterious Socials” kid. 600 Indiana street. Phone usual interest occupied the first i Ernest Seeboig, dirctor of fish- 485L. 267-2* Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fifleld for only the ones who are respon­ Office 89 Oak St. near b o u r' • eries for W ashington, had been present to enjoy with the family, sible for the program and am use­ Hotel Ashland An election was held at which , notified and that he promised to FOR SALE — Choice building the delicious repast served. ment know- what to expect. the following officers were nam- i have the m atter investigated. II- lots on G ranite street, facing T. L. POW ELL— General T ra n s-! The afternoon w’as spent in the te piog,am s aad jolly j ed. President, Mrs. J. R. Me- waco publications declared that park; near Lithia w ater and play-1 ^er Good team and motor delightful visit of relatives th at games are the usual order and Cracken; Vice-president, Mrs. ground. Inquire at C onvalescent, trucks. G ,od service at a rea- have gathered in reunion after always delightful re fre sh m en ts; P atrick; Second Vice-president, light penalties in the past for vio­ Home. 26 7 -lt ‘’ouab'e price. Phone 83. ■ many years. are served. | Mra g ' j Chaney; Recordlng lations of the regulation prohib­ iting purse seine fishing within j Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cleveland All of the Sunday school a r e ' secretary, Mrs. Van Fossen; Cor- MISCELLANEOUS FEHIGE-ROACH the three-mi'.e lim it have resulted t -. ! from H ilt motored over twice guests and it goes w ithout sa y in g ' responding secretary, Mrs. Ralph in present purse-seine a ctiv itie s.! auline '** n *PreSS ~ s to ra g e ' during the week to join the fam- th a t there will be a good atten d -j Billings; Treasurer, Mrs. O. G. j Crater Lake* Tillamook, Newport, Coos LOST— Gold nugget stick pin. H Hauling — Dray work of all Bay beaches, Oregon Caves, the McKenzie R eturn 259 B. St. Reward. 267-2* kinds. Quick motor service Dr v ' Z ‘ Thursday evening they I ance the coming F rld ay night Howard. Vi B. Iiiuiur service, u r j . were were guests ffI1Gsts at at th thp e Shaw Shaw home. hnniG ; * * River and scores of delightful mountain I * | The tre a su re r’s report was m o s t! wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R » !fc * * NOTICE resorts in Oregon are available for your p a s s io n a ry M eeting— • gratifying. A total of $448 were Those knowing themselves en- 375 B' 8 t‘ 112-tf i jaarect fro m y o u r d r u g s to r e b e c a u se , gifts, too, were received. The tired-out feelings, by Jam es Stevens by th e tr e a tm e n t d o e s n o t h e lp you S r U a recognized fad; that a person The mid day dinner was a very 1 24 h o u rs , th e d r u g g is t w ill ' TOM SWEM Mrs. Geo. Andrews HELEN You m ust reach the spot— get w ith PILES ï is only 50% effid-nt, or ro m p tly r e f u n d y o u r d o lla r. , elaborate one, with turkey the Chas. T. H azelrigg RODOLF G e t R in e x to d a y a n d j u s t T R Y it a t t b e c a u s e u Relief Relit should not only benefit you it c o s ts yo u a b s o lu te ly h o th in g if piece de resistance, and ice cream physically, but increase your earning r e s u lts do n o t sh o w in 24 h o u rs. In many cases ’tis the kidneys. to w er. Sold u n d e r th e sa m e m o n e y -b a c k Doan's Pills are for weak k id n e v u and watermelon included in the . ,, K id n e y s. last course. My noiwurgical treatment fot PILES will g u a r a n te e to c o m p le te ly re lie v e Ashland citizens testify Ask aire you or I GUARANTEE to refund A s th m a a n d C a ta r r h . Be s u r e to Thirty were seated about the e g e n u in e D r. P l a t t 's R in e x ! v rm _ „ a i a h h A .i your fee. My practice in rectal and colon i P g e r e t s c th r ip tio n in th e a i r - t i g h t g la s s ^ o u r nel&hbor. .. ' table to enjoy this wonderful oeatm ents is the largest on the Pscific fla sk . I t is on s a le In th is c ity a t: r* \ i 6 a je s > 195 L aureG feast, the crowning feature of Coast, my large staff of skilled assistant! and most modem offices being housed in J .. s and, says. I have a l- j which were three beautiful birth- ray own new building, w ajs tound D oans Pills a good day cakes, one of which was a a d j o i n ., » y hotel, where patt­ e n « ate aaauted ot the utmoat kidney remedy. I had attacks of I triple cake adorned with seven- cate and comfoct. - D U L .P L A T T ’S < kidney complaint and my back ty-one candles, made by Mrs. W rite today for o y FREE Uloatntod book. ached and pained dreadfully. I Archie Kincaid. B rilliant gladi­ felt dull and tired, especially oli gave the pretty touch of color DEAN, H.D. Inc Admission—Grand Stand (not reserved) Adults, P R E S C R IP T IO N mornings. The action of my kid­ to the scene. OFFOSTTE COURT HOUSE ©1921 by The Clinical Laboratories Co., Cleveland. (X $1.10; Children, 50c. Reserved Box Seats and The afternoon and evenng were neys was irregular. I used Doan’s Seats on Elevated Platforms in Front of Boxes, Pills and it was not long before spent in the happy reunion of rel­ atives at this hospitable home, $1.65—performance, 8:30 P. M. they gave me relief. They FIRST IN THE SUMMER whose occupants enjoy so th o r­ strengthened my back and kid­ vacation kit, put a hottie of oughly the retu rn of children and C H A M B E R L A IN ’S neys.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t grandchildren on these festal oc­ C O L IC a n d D I A R R H O E A casions. . REM EDY simply ask for a kidney remedy— - r i d your system o f Catarrh or Deaf- invaluable Those who gathered there for sudden and severe pains get Doan’s Pills— the same th a t ftos caused by Catarrh. in stomach and bowels, cramps, diar­ Sunday were the Messrs and Mes- rhoea. When needed - worth 50 times Mrs. Hayes had. Fotser-M ilburn • „ i daines W. R. Kincaid, the host, the cost for single dose. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio i Co., Mfra., Buffalo, N. Y. No. 42 and hostess, C. B. Howard and A. R. Kincaid and Children, Ber- ments. nice, H ateld, Lesli» and Eunice * * * Just Out Of D A N G ER ? Good Houses Good Paints Vice Versa J. O. RIGG Automotive Shop ''T . 1 ■ - ■ --------------------------- ■ ■ - going away - To Oregon’s ^Vacationland low roundtrip fares For Your Protection B etter Appetite Southern Pacific Whole Wheat Bread Lithia Bakery Jackson County Fair Association Announces Its SECOND ANNUAL PAGEANT ‘"Robin Hood” ENSEMBLE OF 150 PEOPLE BALLET of 75 ORCHESTRA of 20 Mr. Ed Andrews Mr. James Stevens packaS. Reaching The Spoti Gorgeous Costumes Douglas Fairbanks’ movie of ROBIN HZOD GENERAL ELECTRIC £ The largest, most beautiful outdoor performance ever given in Oregon McNair Bros. HaU’s Catarrh Medidhe FAIR GROUNDS July Near Medford 17-18-19 -Reserved seats now on sale (up to four o’clock each day) at Ashland Chamber of Commerce c re a m y ric h n e ss o f th i s m i lk m a k e s a ll food, b etter^ I t s Nestles ALPINE