MALARIA GERMS ASHLAND CLIMATE C^onot survive three months in the“Hch ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL X L V II. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. HELEN WILLS TAKES FIRST PARIS GAME BRAZILIAN REVOLUTION f IS THREATENING NATION I « 8 8 8 8 a 8 ¡8 Cahforma School Girl Is!« Winner in First Tennis 8 Games of Olympics 8 8 YALE CREW WINS HEAT » MONTEVIDO, Chili, July 8 ¡ ASHLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1924 NO. 263 SUBSCRIBERS TO NEW HOTEL HOLD SESSION WHOLESALE RAID MADE ON ITALIAN VESSEL — The Brizilian revolu- 8 tion which has centered 8 ' about Sao Paulo and Santos 8 is spreading and threatens to 8 become a national uprising. 8 The federáis besieging Sad 8 Paulo has been increased to 8 40,000 men and. in term ittent 8 bombardment of the city 8 Call Is Made for Ten Per; continues. Ten thousand 8 Cent of Total Stock armed rebels succeeded in 8 1 Subscriptions fighting their way past the 8 federal lines. Three thous- 8 i WILL ACQUIRE SITE and names are reported on *8 the casualty list. 8 C om m ittee A lso Instructed to A c­ ■ — — I 8 A m ericans Fare Badly in H igh J 8 D iving; Win B oth o f Box- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [ : lu g M atches quire P lan s and Specifica­ tions; A ction U nanim ous VOTERS WILL PASS DU BOIS NAMED MEMBER BOUNDARY BOARD ON ASHLAND WASHINGTON, Ju ly 15— P resid en t C oolidge appointed form er S en ator Fred Du B ois o f Idaho, to th e International Join t Boundary Com ilw* Canadian ("'»nuflinn border, jjy succeeds (lie om m ission con trollin g the la te Mark Sm ith. DEBS TO SU PPO RT LA FO LLETTE CHICAGO, Ju ly 15— E u gene Debs, lead in g Socialist and m any tim ts a presidential cadidate on that tick et, form ally declared him ­ se lf today for Senator La F o lle tte for president. Debs called upon a ll S ocialists to support th e W isconsin senator. Workmen Pouring Concrete For Foundations Of New Structure TO HAVE 120 CRYPTS 8 8 tt 8 8 R 8 8 8 NEW YORK, July 15.— Nine persons were arrested 8 and drugs valued at $1,000,- 8 000 were seized in a raid of 8 federal agents assisted by 8 100 customs guards aboard 8 the Italian steamship Duillo. 8 A uthorities declare the ar- 8 rests and seizure broke up 8 « °ne of the biggest dope 8 » rin g s operating in this 8 8 country. jj 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B uilding B ein g Made To Last F or ! C enturies; Of Egyptian Type Blaze N e a r I r J i ™ « v , ed a XL Doing n Offf P eori* . O regon, w as drow ned th is m orning in W illa m ette river near his hom e. He w as w orking w ith a crew of loggers and recently cam e from Idaho. A widow survives him . F IR E S ARE CONTROLLED SAfci flAM FIRE I Forest H ill F ire in Tahoe Nation- SEE GEYSER SPOUT «1 Park Spreading In Three D irections PARIS, July 15— Helen Wills, Approximately 150 people who Actural construction on the ! California school girl, won her have subscribed for stock in the KELLOGG. Idaho, July 15.__ E l GENE WILL RETAIN F IR E PATROL BASE first Olympic tennis match by de­ Mcmntai M®”1Orlal Mau8Oleu®. in j Last D em onstration Will Be Held ! Thi« y -« v e persons w proposed new tourist hotel met Mountain View cemetery, was he- Next Sunday; Plant Work- feared (Uu„ « . ? L ? ho were feating Mrs. Satterthw aite, of at the Armory last night and au­ I*ORTLAND, J u ly 15— D istrict F orester Cecil received a te le ­ m a terrific fire near England, 6-1 and 6-2. Miss W ills' thorized necessary prelim inary ac­ gram trom W ashington ordering th e forest fire patrol base retained gun this morning when pouring of ¡ng F ull Timo Blue Side, in northern W ashing­ in the fo u n d atio n s! strokes were well timed and ac­ Ten Days More A llotted for Per­ tion which will make the project t i T ,le; J 881(1 J “e « I«»« controversy between concrete ton, arrived here safely this morn- th e War D epartm ent and forest agen cies as to th e location of the started. The structure will be Nearly 300 persons were at the ing after a curately placed. H er opponent sons W ho W ish to F ile a reality and bring to Ashland an base, th e form er havin g tried to secu re th e rem oval o f th e base to successful dash completed in everv detail hv 1 01. persons were at the was fast and accurate, but no • - y ta l by the .L ith ia springs South of Ashland through N egative B r ie fs the fire-swept area, improvement th a t for years has Vancouver, W ashington. IO first of next year, according to G. m atch for the American g irl’s been a cherished dream. The a t­ on Sunday to see the Lithia gey­ Eleven children were in the D. Mason, supervising engineer. skill. Norris W illiams, of Ameri­ MAY EX TEND INCOME TAX PAYM ENT TIME SALEM, July 15.— Pouf refer- tendance was such th a t practical­ ser spout, according to H arry Sil­ group, which was reported trap ­ The Mausoleum, which is be­ ca won his match, but H unter, dum and three initiative measures ly all the stock was represented ver, m anager of the springs com­ ped in a mill fire. his playing partner, was elim inat­ will appear upon the ballot in and the proceedings of the m eet­ fa iIu ,v o f U,e suprem court to decide ing erected at a cost of approxi- pany. The natural geyser is prov- a • - ---------------- t w i/H ili e r V tM lIL The homes of 250 persons were bv' . 1 ^ s',“ ' n d ± g lîLT E Ï Ï “ ’ ° f '» » « to c to « I mately .................. $30.000, was financed on ing of much interest, he ed by J. W asher, of Belbium, in ; the November election, according ing were carried forward with dis­ said, and destroyed by the Pine Creek fire n pnnnmot ¡tr,-. ^1«.« a , 1 « ’ 1 1 V five sets. r®8*'I «° a««ow moxe to see It, the stream near here, which was checked to a statem ent prepared today by patch and unanim ity of opinion. dents taking crypts in it, and to­ Am erican B oxers W’in Secretary of State Kazer. Today . Will be released again next Sunday when the wind died down. The A motion was unanimously car­ gether putting up the building. | at 4 p. m. , | 2 " X Î »•"'<■ - « « 1» « few (liw, lss In the boxing events, Labare, was the last day for the filing ried to issue a call for a payment blaze had been fanned by a stiff Mr. Mason, who has erected ten cleverest of Los Angeles am a­ of affirm ative argum ents for elec­ of ten per cent of all stock sub­ The geyser will spout for the breeze, driving desperate fire sim ilar structures in different teurs, defeated W arwick, of Eng­ tion m easures. 'Ten days more scriptions, which will retu rn suf­ last time next Sunday, due to the fighters before it with relentless cities, brought the idea to Ash­ land, in the 122 pound event. La- are allotted to persons who wish ficient money to perm it the com­ fact th a t the springs company is fury. No loss of life has been re­ land, where it has been enthusias- barhe’s superior footwork kept to file negative briefs. The fol- m ittees to proceed with plans. * •1 1 . now in the middle of its season ported as yet. Nabob Pine build­ tical y received. The ‘mausoleum and Is usins all tbe w ater. When ings were destroyed, and a loss hiin out of reach of his opponent’s lowing m easures will come before W H ('lose Deal for Site idea, as explained to a Tidings j the geys, r up (he ah. blows, and his habit of jum ping the people in November: of over $500.000 was suffered, but T he first step to be taken will representative this in, hitting an effective blow, and Literacy am endm ent, legisla- be the closing of negotiations for morning. is the water is wasted, and as two the Constitution Mine, which is stepping out of danger, gave him tive referendum , no affirm ative the site for the new structure, directly in the patch of the flames, piovides for the desiccation of the “ re Pi< O ,,i- < « to to O « B ridge And Drop» the unanim ous decision of the argum ent filed. , , , ' working every day extracting car- may be saved. Unless another which includes what is common­ X u e X 't X ln,:lnerati0” or ! [ « » «be stream . It Is eia ls to Use E very Effort judge«. Public use and welface amend- ly known as the Mills block, at wind springs up, the fire will be T w enty F eet; Boy E scapes To F ind K illers Tripoli, of New York, defeat- ' ment, legislative referendum , af- the coi ner of East Main and F irst completely under control in an­ W ithout Injury T i t e r e d ,3 "l ‘ : eu S I £ ed Useveaga, of Chile, at 118 Urinative argum ent by a joint streets. An option on the block other day, as a large crew of men Thel-e will be about 120 crypts ho jj pounds. The South American lad committee of the house and sen- was secured soon after prelim in­ SALEM, July 15. — Governor AMITY, July 15. — W Love- is fighting it by back-firing and in the building, according to the took a terrific beating, but stay- ate oi The legislature, trenching. ierce¡this afternoon directed the 'la n d , 61, was killed and his At present, two freight cars a ary plans were worked out. The plans, and nearly all are taken. I cd on his feet throughout the , Bonus am endm ent, legislative block is approxim ately 126x300 Cols C aDdt dltStrtCt attOniey of daughter. Mrs. week are leaving Ashland loaded O. Coffee. of The crypts are to be built fiv e ! event. referendum , affirm ative argu- feet. The purchase price is $16 - fgenev h l ¿111° that eVery Salem’ suff^ e d fractured ribs and Tahoe l i r e Hpreads ... „ , 1 w» h tubes of carbonic gas, and Old E li V ictorious j ment by a joint committee of the 000. agency be utilized to ap p reh en d . possible internal injuries when high, and torm a Malteese cross, there is a demRnd fQr even morp SAN FRANCISCO, July 15. — eo?n.a t h 3P h mV ! n te r' The «eyser’ whit>h is »»der con- The Forest Hill fire in Tahoe na­ Old Eli came through to v ie -1 house and senate. A two story dwelling is located the m urders of Timothy P e ttis ,! an automobile driven by Loveland completed buRdmg will m easure * trol> shoots through a tory when the Yale crew, coached ! Oleomargarine and condensed I on the block and will be disposed colored, ot M arshfield, whose mu- swerved through a railing on a tional forest broke into three by the famous Ed Leader, took I milk bill> referendum invoked on of by the hotel committee to the tilated body was found in Coos midge near here this morning, 8 T h a / i h y a V 7 V 1’ ' tw enty-four hours each day, keep- seperate branches today and con­ , V n‘a ’Iso1^ ' ing two shifts of men busy. In tinued its march through valu­ first place, in the second heat of i lesislative act by the people, af- highest bidder, and the proceeds Bay last Sunday. The action fol dropped 20 feet and landed up- w«n b ° f th \ ET tlan tyPe> a ‘V the o r a t o r , the gas is extract- able tim ber despite the heroic th e prelim inary eight-oared races. Urinative argum ent by the Pure therefrom will reduce the lowed a letter to the G overnor' side down pur- will be one of the most in,pres- ed and forced Jnto tubefl whHe The Yale crew, hitting a slower Dairy Products of Oregon, nega- chase price of the lot to from G. Campbell, colored, eff Loveland drove too close to the s ve he has ever built, was the the w ater ,s dlscharged a8 waste efforts of fire fighters to halt It. that M arshfield, asking the state to stroke than its opponents, but us- tive a rSument by Fred J. Blake- amount. . The Santa Barbara forest fire is railing, striking it and bending statem ent this morning of Mr. aid in the case. ing the now famous stroke in v e n t-' *y* chairm an of m argarine corn­ tem porarily checked after raging Will Sec u ie Plans the front axle of his machine, In the appeal to the Governor, which caused it to swerve across Mason. He said that there FIYE ARE DROWNED ed by Connibear at the Univer- seven days through green timber, Univer­ In addition to in stru ct'n g the were a t present about 2,000 such N atruropath bill, initiative no criticism was made of local | the road. doing damage which has not yet sity of W ashington, took the lead W HEN BOAT UPSETS Mrs. Coffee's small committee to close negotiations been estimated. early in the race, and kept it un­ m easure, affirm ative argum ent by for the site, stockholders also au­ officials, but the negro residents ‘ son, who was riding on a pile of structures in the United States, and that they were every y e a r ' VICTORIA, B. C„ July 14. — the r e lr o( {he til the finish line had been cross­ Oregon Association of N aturpaths. thorized the securing of plans ot th e Coo. Bay city felt the c a s e ! beddIng becoming more popular, as they A tragedy involving five lives was W orkm en’s compulsory com­ to be serious encash to w arrant j ntob„ e, e, c d unin)ured. ed. The crew semi-finals are to­ 1500 Acres Burned and specifications. These were are both impressive and economi­ disclosed this morning when an morrow. and the finals are the pensation law for hazardous oc­ prepared by T ourtllotte & Hum­ state action. Campbell, is w r i t - ! _________________ _ PORTLAND, July 15. — The cal. overturned sailboat and the body tire in the Santiain Forest hold­ next day. The showing of the cupations, initiative m easure, af­ mel of Portland, and accepted ing, represented th« negro reBi-! Durable Structure SON OF W. J. BRYAN of a woman were picked up in ings of the Hammond lumber American crew make it a favorite firm ative argum ent by Oregon some time ago by the committee dents of Marshfield. Construction work is being Ross bay, one of Victoria's beach W orkm en's Compensation league. HERO AT ROGUE ELK for winning the world title. company were today placed under appointed for th a t purpose. done by Mr. Stuart, the contraet- resorts. The woman was identi- SAYS ITVILIZKD NATIONS Income tax repeal law, Initia- control through the persistence of Fare Badly In Diving Although plans for completing A R E TH E BEST FIG H TERS MEDFORD, July 15. — W il­ or, with Mr. Mason as supervising ; fled as Mrg Watson> wlfe of Lleu. large fire-fighting crews, and by The Americans fared badly in 1 tive m easure« affirm ative argu­ the financ’al program were -to liam Jennings Bryan, Jr., son of engineer, and Frank Jorden as tenant R. W atson, a British naval showers which fell upon the fire the high plain diving. Thrash of ment by C. C. Chapman, editor of have been given consideration last LONDON, July 15— Nations , the distinguished democratic lead­ inspecting engineer. The foun-1 officer. in the early hours of the m orn­ San Francisco, getting fourth the Oregon Voter. night they were not discussed, and th a t are the most highly civil er functioned as a volunteer flre- dations are being made of co n -! ing. Lieutenant and Mrs. Watson place. E sjardines of Florida, • the committees will proceed as be­ !zed are the best fighters, accord- ‘ man, during an incipient blaze at crete, and are of the most dur- : left here Saturday afternoon .in Approximately 1500 acres of placed sixth, and Pinkston, of San NEW’ METHODIST CHURCH fore. at least until after the work ing to Professor Gilbert Murray. : construction known. The .th e sail boat, manned by three Rogue Elk Resort, 26 miles abl . 51JJ Francisco, was ninth. valuable tim ber was burned, it DEDICATED AT MEDFORD of closing the deal for the site building will he of steel, marble : sallor8 £rom the nava, barracks was today estim ated after forest “ It is a strange thing,” Profes- from this city Sunday noon. He The Americans still lead the and the securing of the plans and and concrete, and built to last for for a plea8ure crulse officials had made a careful su r­ field, with Finland second. Un- '' MEDFORD, July 14.— Follow? specifications. Until th a t is ac- sor M urray said, in an address at ‘ discovered the blaze under the centuries. a conference of the League of Na- ' porch, rushed to the woodshed, vey. The damage was not so less an upset occurs, the Stars lag a week of special events in compl shed the committees will A car load of lumber, to he GREAT W HITE WAY BIG heavy as was first estim ated. Of­ and Stripes will win the Olympic connection with it, M edford’s ! have hut limited time to give to tions Union, "that, on the whole grabbed an axe, and returning the races th a t have come to the cut a hole in the porch, inter- used in m aking forms for the con-i VIN ISG SHOW TONIGHT ficials of the Iiatnmond lumber games again this yaer, as it has $80,000 new First Methodist 1 ( f nancial program and _ stock • top Bi civilization and which have spersing his efforts with cries of Crete, is on the ground, and the company consider the flre so well repeatedly done in the past. Fin- Episcopal church building was sub .ci Wjjj received ! produced the greatest contribu-j “ F ire !” The fire was extin« steel reinforcem ents are ready for ; „ o “ The Great W hite Way” is the under control th at several crews land has no men entered in sev- form erly dedicated Sunday with • « .1 the hope that the entire ' tion to the nobler life of m ankind guished with a fire extinguisher delivery. A crew of workmen rean y big show of the summei of fire fighters have been dis­ eral events which the Americans special services in the edifice. The am ount will be pledged, making in the hands of R. A. Holmes, in­ started operations this morning, óhowing of picture8 at the Vin- missed. seem sure of winning, which im- other churches of the city parti- it unnecessary to issue bonds for are the pugnacious races.” The task of the League of Na­ surance agent of this city. W il­ and the building will be rushed ing, beginning tonight. Today a special crew of ten proves the chaces of Uncle Sam’s cipated in tonight’s service, the balance required. liam Jennings, Jr., and party of to completion. tions, Professor M urray asserted, One of the most interesting men was organized and sent to boys considerably. ' Bishop Eben S. Johnson deliv- is to save these pugnacious races k ° s Angeles, Calif., are making things about this picture is the the Deschutes National Forest, ------------------------— ered the didicatory sermon in the Reedsport orders six hydrants large num ber of noted people fea- where it.will he kept as a perm an­ Classmea ads bring resulta. from perishing by th eir own ■ ftn auto tour of the lakes of DEPOSITORS LOSE IN I m orning and Dr. S. A. Danford, Jackson county. The identity of t° r ^ re protection. pugnacity. 1 tured in the pages of the news- ent fire guard. It is believed KLAMATH RANK SUIT i superintendent of the south dis- Bryan was n o t discovered until ’ papers of today. Among th ac- that the n e w is essential to pre­ ---------- jtrlc t; Rev. A. L. H owarth of Port- 02773577 he was asked to sign the hotel vent further loss from fire. ■ tors are Anita Stewart, T. Roy KLAMATH FALLS, July 15.— land, were also among the speak- ¡ SMUT FIR E CAUSES register. The crew is supplied with a Barnes, Oscar Shaw, H arry Wat- Depositors of the F irst States i ers the day from the outside. LOSS OF SEPARATO R I -on, Olin Howard, Dore David- special truck and equipment, and and Saving bank , defunct, will --------------------------- 1 son, Hal Forde, Stanley Forde; will do road construction work MILTON, July 15.— Fire from FA RM ER K ILLED WHEN recover a sm aller am ount on the BAXDITS SPURN COUNSEL; newspaper w riters are A rthur when not on fire duty. dollar than previously expeted as sm ut explosion destroyed the CAR GOES O FF BANK I BEQUEST SPE ED Y TRIAL Brisbane, Ned W ayburn, Irvin S. Light Cars Most P opular Am ong wheat separator and nearby straw the result of the decision handed ! E xtensive D evelopm ent Work Is Cobb, H. C. Witwer, H arry Hers- INDIANS TALES OF SEEING dow’n by the United States circuit T ourists; tin M achines At stack on the Alva Shumway ranch MYRTLE POINT, July 15. — RED BLUFF, Calif., July 15. Scheduled; Superintendent field, Damon Runyon; sport pro- STRANGE TRACKS RECALLED court of appeal in San Francisco. five miles up Couse creek, south Camp Ijast Night, W. T. Culbertson, a farm er living Spurning aid of legal counsel, P leased W ith Show ing moters, Tex Rickard. H. C. M, local legal re p -; Fred John8on aiiaB Charles Craig, of this city, Friday afternoon. near here, suffered fatal injuries ---------- Cartoonists, "Bugs Baer,’ PORTLAND, July 15.— ’ There resentatlve ot F rank C. B ram w ell,. and E ar, w ll|ia m s. bandits wbo Fords led in num ber a t the This was the th ird day in succes­ when his automobile went over a Operations were resumed today George McManus, Nell Brinkley, is something in this tiling about state superintendent of b a n k s ' held up the Bank of Tehama coun. auto camp in Lithia P ark last sion th a t grain fires had destroy­ high bank on the Gravelford road. at the Barron mine, near this city, Hal Coffman, J. W. McCurd, Win- the mysterious creatures up in says the decision gave the United being represented by ed separators and grain fields The man died four hours after i ty here last Thursday, today ask­ night, when a crew of five men was put sor McKay, Billy DeBeck, Fay he legions back of Kelso,” de­ States Fidelity and G u a ran tee 1 the accident, and is survived by ed for a quick trial when arraign­ twelve machines. Dodges were near this city. to work sinking a shaft, which King; jockeys, Earle Sande, Ore­ clared George Smith, deputy city Company a legal right to make a his wife and eight children. It ed for the m urder of Samuel Her- second with ten. There were six it is proposed to drive down to a gon’s great running horse rider; auditor this morning. “ I used to preferential claim for approxi­ is not known w hether or not his manson, posseman whom they Buicks, four each of Chevrolets I j ABORER b u r i e d a ia v e depth of 200 feet. A program of pugilists, Kid Broad and Pete hear from the Indians of this dis­ m ately $90,000 of the assets o f , . IN SHASTA COUNTY steering gear broke, as the m a -! to death near Lyman ' and Stars, three Oaklands, two extensive development has been H artley; comedians, Johnny Gal- trict about 30 years ago that the bank. j Studebakers and two Paiges. chine is badly smashed. Springs. mapped out and in addition to lagher, Billy Gould, Frank Won they had seen big tracks of some After having set their prelimin- [ *^ake8 represented by one car j PITTH REE, Calif., July 15.- the sinking of the 200-foot shaft deriy, Joe Humphreys and J e rrj strange animal. We had the RECORD ATTENDANCE WILL ary hearing for 10 o'clock Wed-1 each w ere> Overland, Packard, j Peter Capello, 31, Italian labor- G REET COMING PAGEANT nesday morning. Justice of the Essex’ Naslb Jew ett, Saxon, Hud- er was buried alive tw enty f iv e 1 CR IM iXAL OPERATION IS ¡operations will be centered in Peterson, with a complete show- stories from them several times feet deep here S a tu r d ., » h e n the! PERFO RM ED ON NEORO i ^ " « '» S “ »“ 8 the vein both to ing of the entire ZiesfieH Folly of th tir running across these big Peace E. F. Lennon, before whom! SGn> Willys Knight, Flint, Hup- tracks and trying to find out their H. L. Frobach, secretary of the they appeared, advanced the date ( moblle and Dort- This includes brink of a deep excavation in ---------- ! r F “ "I . , ' uT w , a’ “ "™ “ ' ° r m akers, but never being able to JacKson County F air Association, MARSHFIELD, July 14.— T hat! *• bm ith- who is superin- night, Wednesday and Thursday only the machines th a t drove in which he was standing gave way, - , x . to tomorrow at their request. do so. • .. , . m ! T im o th v P e ttis w a s th e v ictim o f I tending the wotk, states that — under the auspices of which or­ lust night. No attem pt was made beneath him. Twenty men w o rk -’ ,im o in y ^ e iu s was me victim oi i OTTO RECOVERING FROM va eight houvs » ,th „ e h . „ a 7 " ' ' ' 8 I he X ” Z i O F ^ * S „ N “ I know all the men in the ganization the pageant Robin to catalogue the makes of the ma. soon be engaged in the work and party th at claims to have seen Hood is to be produced at the LARGE PROJECT W ILL chines th a t had stopped over from shovels before the body was re- ' - " rown into the bay, was the which will be prosecuted with all the animals, and one is my cous­ F a ir grounds Thursday, Friday BE COMPLETED SOON 1 the day before. finding of the autopsy in the case covered. KELSO, W ash., July 15. — in. They are all men of veracity possible dispatch. No atteinpjL- and Saturday evenings of this ---------- j Eighty-eight cars stopped last Capello left no known relatives ’ ^be neSro ex-service man whose Rudolph Otto, charged with mur- and they don’t drink." week, was in Ashland today on! LONGVIEW, Wash , July 15.— night, with Californians driving in this country. body was found in the bay on wili be made to operate the mill dei of his wife. Sybil Otto, is al­ matters pertaining to the great (Special! — One of the largest 26 of them. There were eight Saturday. The coroner’s ju ry will before fall. There is a shortage most completely recovered from production. Mr. Frobach states building projects ever under­ Oregon cars, five from W ashing­ resume its investigations tonight. of w’ater, which precludes this I effects of attem pt to poison him ­ TACOMA WOMAN FALLS there Is every indication that the taken in the Pacific Northwest ton, two from Colorado, two from AVIATOR IS INJURED Local negroes have appealed to and in addition it will be neces­ HEIR TO g25O,O