• - w Pase Twô ■M. ASH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) P ub lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Bert R. Greer ................. ........................................................................Editor George Madden Green .......................... .......................... Business Manager OFFICIAL CITY PAPER .......................................................... Telephone 3» Entered at the A shland, Oregon P o sto ific e as Second Class Mail M atter Subscription Price, D elivered in City One M o n th ...... Three Months Six Months ... One Year ........ By Mail and Rural R outes: One M o n th ..... Three Monihs Six M onths..... One Year ..... . DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single Insertion, per inch ........................................................... Yearly C ontracts: One insertion a week .................................................................... Two insertions a week .................................................................. Dally insertion ............................................................................... $ .«5 1.95 3.75 7.5# $ .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 ? .30 .27% .25 .20 R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................ Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line.................................... Card of T h a n k s ________ ___________ ___ Obituaries, per line........................... ............. $ .10 he didn’t learn from text books. His lack of education seems to have been a great asset to him, just as it has been to Henry Ford. Ford and Crandall, because of that lack, have never heard of various things that can’t be done. So they go ahead and do them. At one time Crandall was in the livery business, but lie sold his the first noisv * horse- • horses when he observed, • less carriages moving about the streets of Washington. “ They’ll take the place of horses,” he said to a form­ er schoolmate who had gone on through high school. “ I don’t agree with you,” declared the other young man. “ Do you think they’ll ever be able to haul a big load of coal up some of these steep hills?” “ Of course thev •» will!” “ If you had studied physics in high school, you would know something about the principle of a gas en­ gine and understand its limitations.” “ I admit I know nothing about physics,” replied Crandall, “ but just the same, I ’m going out of the horse business. I intend to watch my chance and get into some­ thing that’s coming instead of going.”—Fred Kelly in The Nation’s Business. .05 1.00 .02% WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken in Advertising. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. These are trying days. People will try anything. In days gone hv it was “ Home, Sweet Home,” but in this new age, “ there seems to be no place like away from home.” DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis­ ing or returned deep valley where there would be querque, Medicine H at and other ! man. j to Oregon In wagons and carts no snow and lots of good grass P uzm ci . . . i as far as F o rt Hall and thence on and game. R eluctantly he took places staged in the stadium of . ‘ td the war is as old as the hills j horseback to the Columbia river, the Indian's advice and turned the B ritish Em pire Exhibition. nong ie lower animals, he says, and the grasshopper Later Dr. W hitm an again re tu m - toward the east. The point which Rodeos* became passe in a l l ' has used a torpedo tube from time immemorial to plant #d t0 the states and in 1843 join- he had reached was w hat we now’ its eggs low in the ground. Even the patented fastener i ed the Applegate contingent for know as “ Big K lam ath M arsh’ twenty miles southeast of C rater only invented by man about forty years ago,'has been’ ! Oregon. OreKon’ As Seen by Popular Mechanics Magazine The general understanding was lake and at least twenty used by the cuttlefish to button its outer skin on ever th a t they would not be able to miles northeast of the Klam ath steel. The inventor expects the proc­ since there has been a cuttlefish, while the file, the an­ proceed beyond F o rt Hall with lake. At the end of two days “Two-in-One” Electric Engine Has Gear Shift ess to aid in hardening and strength­ chor, the rail, the groove, and the art of dovetailing have their wagons, but Dr. W hitm an he came to the top of a high “ rim- By simply shifting the gears, the engine weighs 408,000 pounds and can ening common metals, and believes always been used by the lower animals. The invention of who had been over the ground rock” . The snow there was three “L-5,” a powerful electric locomotive be operated with direct or alternating tliat the treatment, if applied to other now in use on the Pennsylvania rail­ current. I t was assembled in a minerals, may result in materials that or four feet, yet, below him more insisted th a t he could direct them musical instruments is stolen from the insects. road, can be adapted for hauling an month’s time, said to be a record for would permit moving machineiy to than a thousand feet was a beau­ by a ro u te over which the wagons The scientist does leave one thing to the ingenuity could be taken. Under hls pilot­ tiful valley with a lake many express p*^qnger train at a speed the Altoona shops of the railroad, and travel at much greater speeds. The t of 46 m;>*. an or, thrown into was exhibited in Philadelphia as the scientist is said to put raw rock salt of man the wheel, hut who knows how soon it will be age and the m anagem ent of Jesse miles in extent, surrounded by ‘‘low,” wfce^e it develops a sta ,ting ’ latest development in'electric engines; under high heat pressures, thus chang­ round that some hug invented it long ago? green meadows, and Applegate they were successful broad ing its form and increasing its flexibil­ in reaching the Columbia river. through his glass he could see an­ ity and strength. During the progress of this ex­ telope .and deer in abundance. * * « pedition, Lieutenant J. C. Free­ A fter some time they found a OLD STUFF T ow ing Small Boats mont, (la te r General Freem ont) place where they could get down The same old bunk, which makes its appearance who under direction of the W ar and rejoiced at getting away from J When the stream is flowing so fast or the wind blowing so hard that it is every Leap Year, is abroad in the land. D epartm ent, was engaged in the snow and into m eadow s; difficult to make headway by rowing, The story is, in fact, that Wall Street, Big Business, w estern exploration, traveled with where he could recruit his fam j th& simple stunt shown in the drawing them interm ittantly, finally bear­ ishing horses. So pleased was lhe Interests, or what have you, is or are about to manip­ ing offers an easy way of towing the boat away toward the north-w est, he th a t he called it Summer Lake along the bank or shore. Tie the boat ulate business to squeeze out a president to its or their reaching the Columbia at The valley, which name it bears to line to both bow and stem, as shown. liking. Dalles. K it Carson was guide and this day. The K lam ath m arshes tractive effort of 100,000 pounds, and those commonly used being geared for By paying out on the bow part of the will haul a heavy freight train at a 23- only one type of service, either freight line and holding in the stem line, the “ There’s going to he a panic,” one dispenser of the ■inseparable companion of the and tim ber he had passed through mile-an-hour clip. This “two-in-one” or passenger. boat can be kept nearly parallel with Lieutenant. Leaving his party at and this beautiful Summer Lake inside dope asserts. the bank, while if only a bow line is The Dalles, Freem ont and Carson were, at the tim e of our excursion ' „d? tributor, of «ratis information d e c l a r e s ^ . ...... « . . . ,. u™ used the current or wind will cause the Testing Battery Polarity Cleaning Crystals w ith Alcohol bow to a small detail proceeded a p art of Jackson county and now dig into the bank, making tow­ , , * c to make prosperity so bountiful down the Columbia to F o rt Van- belong to Lake and K lam ath ; Duro is an automatic A simple method of determining the The sensitiveness of a crystal deter­ ing difficult. If a narrow creek is en­ tnat there will be no change. couver for provisions and infor- counties. of a battery or cell, and at mines to a great extent the receiving countered, its mouth can be crossed in pressure system, entirely -polarity the same time roughly measuring its range of a set. Some crystals are the boat as follows: Let out the bow From the top of the rim-rock . These arguments are triumphs of lo°ic Thev can mation- IIe had learned that adaptable and necessary strength, is as follows: Dissolve 1 part much better than others in this re­ haul in the stem ; this will cause prove anything froiirnothing. Either or both argument« there was a cluster °f large lakes he could see heavy m ountains to in this section, to relieve of potassium iodide in 25 parts of spect, but even good ones are soon and the boat to lie close against the mouth. the south which, in view of the can be used on behalf‘of the same candid«^ T h 1 lying between the Columbia and water; place the solution in a shallow spoiled by improper care. Air causes Fasten the towline to an oar pushed farm homes of water 1 „„„j • c . e XI U candidate. 1 hey c a m California Which were called snow which he could see dish, soak several pieces of white blot­ the surface of the crystal to oxidize slantingly (toward the water) into the e used in favor of the party of the administration or ! K lam ath lakes. Frem ont, in his would retard his progress, shortage in the dry sea­ ting paper in it, then remove them gradually, which of course decreases the party ot the opposition. 'memoirs spells it Thiam ath. The while to the east and n o rth ­ son. Maintains Pressure. and allow to dry. To use, moisten a its efficiency. Dust particles in the air piece of the prepared paper and touch also lodge on the surface and adhere l Indians, even when I first went east were broad sage plains, it with wires leading from both poles to it. The most trouble is, however, ——— ———— — i among them pronounced the name apparently level and free from Duro Shallow-Well systems of the batteiy, keeping them about caused by handling the crystal, as with kind of gutteral kluck th a t snow, so he concluded to move in give a pressure of 25 pounds to % in. apart. A dark-brown spot will the oil on the hands and fingers, which LOOKING AHEAD sounded like th e letter “ T” . F re ­ th a t direction. A fter resting his 35 pounds at all times, pump­ immediately be produced where the is imperceptible to the naked eye, Harry • Crandall ing autom atically to keep water e e of Washington, o - — ? D. C., i o is' i c rated i i v v i tlo m mont u m la talked m m w with u u u Dr. i . im McLoughlin v u u u r u i h i , n horses u ib u a < i and iiu m men e n i u for i iw u u or r lu rw two three wire from the positive pole touches insulates the surface of the crystal, and on hand at all times for more than a millionaire. lie derived his fortune from a a^out these lakes and asked for a j days, they set out to the east. supply the blotter. A dead cell or battery will for this reason crystals should never house, barn, milk house, g ar­ produce no spot. A little experience in be touched. An excellent method of String of picture theaters in the capital. But the inter- guide to P*l°t him. Dr. McLough- The W arner Range of m ountains den, bath and fire protection. judging the rapidity with which the cleaning crystals, which will in many esting thing about Crandall is that his business snceess I th o u sh 11 rath er lata ,h e i seem« 1 to term in ate on this great Get F u ll P articulars spot is formed, and the shade of the cases restore the original sensitiveness, seems to have been due to his lack of what is common Iv T " CI' ur!lon’ f c < “ " 'ra! p!aln color produced, will soon enable one is to give them a bath in alcohol, using From i. j ! ,• 1T . * * olnnioniJ but seeing the L ieu te n a n ts a n x -, east of where he was and he con- to tell the condition of the battery an old toothbrush to scrub them. Called educa ion. He (put SCnool 111 the tourtll grade and, iety for it, arranged for him to eluded to pass around it. After fairly accurately, whether it is nearly ♦ ♦ ♦ he told me recently, he doesn’t recall ever having read ( get a W arm Spring Indian who, a day’s *----- *--j - a *— travel • he ----- reached loca­ dead, half charged, or felly charged. it I r 11’ 1 t 11 4 ft % I ¿ - / / V X 1 1 A — ...T. for w hat seemed a large present, tion, where, from an elevafed Salt Is Tougher than Steel a book, with the sole exception of “ Black Beautv.” This method is applicable to both stor­ bank. After walking across the creel age batteries and dry cells, although The onlv explanation must be that Crandall w a s 1 promised to go- The Indian, how-i point he could see a valley on the Main - P laza Ashland Strands of wire made from o rd in a r y in the boat, the oar is pulled out the wires must be further apart in the rock salt by a Russian chemist are re­ bom with a ¿¡It for seizing opportunity. What he knows h‘m tha‘ “ ,7?! “ .‘"l “ t WarMr, ra“ge- which can readily be done on accoun case of storage batteries. ° KUO\vs i and early snows were likely to I which on its east was again bor- ported to bo tougher than those of of the slant a t which it it placed. T but served only for a sh o rt time, when W illiam M artin was elect­ ed and retained his position while the caravan rem ained Intact. L at­ er it was broken up and differ­ ent men had command of the di­ vided portions. A large body of these em igrants were directed by Jesse Applegate. Dr. Marcus W hitm an who had come to Ore­ gon in 1835 in the interest of Foreign Missions and had re tu rn ­ ed to the states n 1837 and In 1838, in company Dr. ..................—— , with ..... — Simpson’s Hardware Hear him at the Chautauqua Build­ ing every night next week What the World Is Doing Duro Makes Short Shrift of Water Shortage o m a a m « Murphy Elec. Co.