D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL X L VII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. II. S. FLIERS ARRIVED AT PARIS TODAY ------- ** AUGUSTA, Kan., July 14. j 8 . — The bodies of th ree addi- | 8 tional victims of the torna- i 8 do, which twisted much of 8 the business d istrict into 1 8 ruins, were discovered to- • 8 day. This brings the total . 8 dead to four. Several of the j n injured are reported dying. n jj « » t* » SCOUT STORY OF GIANT APES R R 8 R Circle Arch_ Triumph _______ i n ' 8 » » R a i : a o t j n j : t t 8 Tales of Battle With Gor- Honor of France’s 'Un rilla-Men “ Figments of known Dead Imagination” CROWDS SEE PLANES SPIRITUALISM FIGURES Gen. P ersh in g W ill C ongratulate Intrepid F liers; M acLaren at K ushiro L L Coos County Student Expresses G ratitude of Schoo] and PARIS, July 14.— Plying in a A shland H ospitality IVithout the use of medicine cures niue cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY,-JULY 14, 1924 FO l'K KILLED, MANY INJURED IN TORNADO » ASHLAND CLIMATE SE V EN ESCAPE FROM ROSEBÜRG JAIL RO SEBURG, J u ly 14— No trace has been found o f th e seven prison ers w ho escaped ja il last n ight, cu ttin g th e bars o f th e jail w in d ow s w ith a hack saw and dropping to th e ground w ith a rope m ade from blankets. A m ong th ose w ho escaped are Jam«*» A. A t­ kins, G eorge Ix*acli, Bernard R osendorfer latndree, and Sam m v I Gordon. ‘ ' CONGRESS MAY NAME PR ESID E N T U. S. MARGIN IN OLYMPICS IS INCREASED American Team Members Continue to Run Up Lead on Finland WASHINGTON, J u ly 14— Chances o f th e presidential election b eing throw n in to congress for a decision has been m aterially increas. ‘h<* NeW York convention and th e eagern ess w itl, 0. A. C. BOY WINNER Say Giant B easts Bom barded Cab. I * ‘a8 £ ° ,,e ab° Ut or«anizinK Ws forces, is th e opinion o f P olitical leaders. B oth republicans and dem ocrats view th e pros­ Sw im m ers and T ennis Players in W ith Stones, Injuring One pect w ith uneasin ess for neith er republicans or dem ocrats, inde­ Are D efeatin g C om petitors of th e Party pendently, control th e house. of Ail N ations ( TWO PRISONERS ESCAPE t W HILE SPREADING FLAX 8 ---------- SALEM, July 14.— Marion G illette and Byron Robert- son, prison trusties, sentenc- ed front Multnomah county for an assult and statutory offense respectively, escaped while spreading flax in a field east of the prison this morning. R R 8 8 8 K 8 8 8 R 8 « 8 XX 8 8 8 j. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 IÂPAN EMBITTERED Al UNITED STATES EARLY DAYS BY PIONEER Visitor From Klamath Falls Recalls Ashland of 60 Years Ago WAS INDIAN FIGHTER Ashland Had Rut Six H onses When John Shook Lived H ere; A nti-A m erican A gitation Is Grow­ F irst T idings R<*ealled in g Says Am erican Im porter A pioneer who remembers the COLUMBIA BASIN IRRIGATION LEAG UE MEETS KELSO, Wash., July 14.— Res­ perfect “ 4” form ation the trio PARIS, July 14, — American idents here today characterized of American round the world Ho , P ) S €' ° ’ W ash., J u ly 14— The annual m eetin g o f th e Colum bia swimmers, w restlers and tennis . That Ashland Normal School the stories told by Marion Smith, Basin Irrigation le a g u e is under way here w ith P ortland Seattle Ashland of sixty years ago, when P ,7 " a 7 L ° Ver Lebour&et and the hospitality extended stu Jtoy Smith, J. Peterson, Fred and stars continued to win today and Spokane d eleg a tio n s w orking i„ h a .m o n y for Ih e X c e X £ PORTLAND, July 14— There the city consisted of about six field U 1:45 this afternoon. The „ e in ' Beck and Gabe Lefever as having the pi-oject and people for m iles around are 'jam m ing P asco irr ig a ­ pile up additional lead after is an unfortunate and bitter anti- intrepid American fliers and their are re' ceived with pleasure and g ra ti­ encountered “ m ountain devils” tion istis w ere cheered by a telegram from Congressm an Slnnot say­ Uncle Sam’s track and field a th ­ American sentim ent in Japan that widely separated shack's, dropped mechanics were escorted by a into the Tidings office today to tude by the students is indicated and “ rock tossing gorillas” near in g th a t th e secretary of the in terior has instructed that in vciti^ a- letes had w on-the Olympic games is further emphasized by the ob­ fleet of French planes which was tell the force of the first Tid­ ' th e B aker proJw t P>°ceed im m ediately' cbainPionships with 255 points to by the following letter to the Coos Mount St. Helens as “ figm ents of tF ranciî" Salem’s fig­ story concerning H. C. Stock, i the subject. The cost of egg pro- the Zidell-Steinberg company and Itirge as Eugene. agriculture by reinstating the house, however, in th e middle of ures for the month were $59,405 which appeared in the Portland duction wiu be discussed by E. was aw arded two m onths’ com­ WALLA WALLA, W ash., July course in farm foraging; leasing the m oro’ng. D. G. went to the pensation by the commission. He and those at Astoria, which is re­ Oregonian, and in another story A. Lloyd, head of poultry hus a half acre of land for agriculture Residents of Ashland who wish — Ed Meath, clerk of the state house about 11:30 a. m. and he to take advantage of the new air penitentiary, died about m idnight was not satisfied with this ward, building after the great fire, were using the suposed facts which ap- bandry at the University of dem onstration purpose and oh- observed his brother sitting in j ■ peared in the Tidings on Satur­ British Columbia, Vancouver. The mail service have until 7:45 p. ' as the result of a wound received and upon appealing his case to but $170,826. college specialists will demon- sll’,ab1' aihietic field th e door of the bunkhouse with m. to mail their letters to make : when shot by A. Lechner, prison the courts received a judgm ent day, Mr. Stock charged today. o w l s Septem ber- a pistol in his hand. George wav- i connection with the planes out of guard. Lechner said he shot for a few dollars more than al- PA R EN T-TEA C H ER CLUB Acording to the story, a report strate killing and dressing f Expenses of the public schools, ed his gree hand to his brother, ; San Francisco, it was today an-1 Meath when the latter failed t o ! lowed by tbe commission in its ASSISTED IN A F F A IR on file at the state game w arden’s i f° r m arket- and caponizing he showed, have increased from saying: "so long Dave,” and sent nounced. They will go out the I give the signal which all em- original order. office stated that Mr. Stock was SA FETY MEETING HELD $151,534 in 1915 to $258,106 in a bullet through his head. One of the leading organizations arrested and convicted for shoot­ Fearing th a t Larson was insane seeond morning following being ployes of the prison are required FOR RAILROAD W O RK ERS' 1924 Mr. K ern’s figures showed mailed. i to observe in crossing the pris- the incident was reported to May­ in entertaining the Normal School ing at a deer from the highway ---------- it costs $120 a year to educate FLAX MACHINES ARE Ajuiouncement was also made on yard. Lechner said Meath aD- or John Giesy, who caused his teachers on Friday night was the near Medford, and was fined $25 To encourage continued safe- eacb puPn ,n tbe high school, DELB ERED TO GROW ERS Of the extension of the new air parently tried to throw something arrest. Larson was held for ex­ Parent-T eacher association. on July 8. Mr. Stock declared ty practices among its employes, The association had planned to the only correct statem ent was mail service to m atter destined over the prison wall and th a t he am ination. monthly safety meetings are held MAIL CONTRACT LET give an affair in the Civic Club th a t he paid a fine. SALEM, July 13. Five of the for foreign countries. At the fired on him following the move- on the various divisions of the To The Lake—- house on the evening of the Nor­ 12 flax-pulling machines purchas- Ashland postoffice, letters to fo r-' ment. It is believed Meath was In the Dead Indian country, A re- Mr. and Mrs. Em m ett Gillings, mal School reception but a t the | Mr. wvwv* Stock « said » ,u today, u u u ay, ne he u fired re a a Southern Pacific J railroad. v Howard & Grimes, of the auto- ed recently in Canada, yesterday ejgn countries require the air mail trying to observe the signal at Mr. and Mrs. Clare W ilder and shot at a dog th at was chasing single m o n th ^ v a 7"« oppratln* d a ” y request of th e Chamber of Com­ were delivered to the growers of postage plus any difference be-1 the time. a deer. , ®inB,e rn° " t* 673 “ '« U « « « « . ; between the two pointe, hare been Dan Bowerman were among the merce, joined forces with other th e vicinity. The pullers were j tween regular foreign an d domes-i Lechner is held pending the many Ashland people a t C rater civic organizations in entertaining Learning th at a rom p,ala. was ' °ead «-e contract for carry,ng purchased out of funds ^ v a n c - , tic rates. This means th a t th ere, findings of a coroner’s jury, which Lake yesterday. They made the to be served against him he went g apc,dent Prevention and the first class mail between Ash- the teachers. ed by the s ta te of Oregon and is no additional rate to some J is investigating the killng this round trip, going by way of Klam­ ’an<1 a " d K,3Tnath F a ,,s’ at th « Much of the work of the re ­ to Medford and paid a fine of $25 ' ailv on T sf 7 ^ ♦ P ortland Cham ber of Commerce.^ countries, such as England, w hile' afternoon. ath F all, and returning by way of and costs in Judge Taylor’s court ‘ ® 7 m attera by commit- rate of $2100 per year. This mail ception was done by Parent- T he money will be repaid by the others, such as France, the c h a rg e ' Meath, the dead clerk, is sur- Judge Taylor’s court, j teemen Medford. They arrived at the Teacher members, and they con- i is carried seven days per week grow ers in installm ents covering will be three cents 'ldded tn «ha i u „ „ •, j . .... aey arrivea at tne Teacher members, and they con- He said he was not arrested, and ¿period of ,e .r .. 1 air p „ t . « " Z "lke ‘ n'1 « ' "> «>• «» the »»"««« of The Southern Pacific is a pion­ twice daily from Ashland to air postage to New York. went into court before a process' dren, two of whom are married. ‘ national park. eer In the campaign to prevent K lam ath Falls and one daily from the affair. was served against him. accident to employes. Klamath Falls to Ashland. CRATER LAKE ROAD TWENTY STUDENTS E SLOCK SAYS PAPER CLERK WALLA WALLA T E