ÀèìfcLAfró DAILY fíBÍSG « f» AUK M -rtt Samnisy, July jg, jpá-í Buys New Hom©— : bocal * P erso n al flotes The Bale of thé Bhfheburg property on North Main street to Henry Enders, Jr., was recent­ ly reported. Mr. Enders intends to move into the place in the near future. UNUSUAL EVENTS AMERiCA’SAMAZ!Nf>' PROGRESS IN THE PAST H IW E IT TEARS NWS lETTEfi he knew the animal had wrecked his life, “Curley" LOS ANGFbfeg, Ju ly._ Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of i phant and the beast was killed . . . ! -------------------- • itu r r T * lh ’U 13' inch steel-bound ; against the trainer's wishes. In- local Interest e , tli< 48 bluejackets killed V f l I I P IJU T P P F C T Material Progress Staggers the IraagFn&tidn, but Real stead, he had remembered the s c#‘lifori»ia coast in the U. i i years they had played and work- T U U l x I I I I L f t L J l , ^Wealth Is in the Character of the P ecp le In- z To the l^ake—- j • MissUsippi explosion did not I'p From Gold Hill— , cd together, lie pleaded that , ll, 3 in rain. J. D. Allen and J. H. Fuller D ischarged— berited From the Pilgrim Father!. . j ( harlie be saved, claiming that RECLUSE IN TOWN FIRST Bob Murry of Gold Hill, was made a hurried trip to Lake of Dan Cannon, who has been a j, A ©jw and secret lotion for TIME IN 24 YEARS patient at the Community Hos­ in Ashland on business last Tues­ the Woods on Wednesday, re­ Jnajor burns, which leaves the the "tricks' of Hie famous ele- -------- - By W ALTER W. HEAD, President The American Bankers Association day. pital for some time, was discharg­ turning the same day. i ■ 'in tvhite as a lily and smooth phant entitled him to a savage disposition at times. M arshfield , July 12. — One hundred years ago when Lafayette revisited, ed y»i»jo?*ay as fully re-> «ret. i &s a baby's cheek, has been re- Sleeker, who was only 32, j william Anderson, who lives 45 , America he found the United States a nation of little mote I 'e a ten through treatment or men Gravensteiu cooking apples for B uys Car— I trained many famous animals 263-tf¡ The sale of a second hand miles irom ’ here* „ than million people—less than one- ou Myrtle ------ creek’ SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ sale. Phone 9F11. j in jn the fatal blast. in motion pictures,-including Ford touring car to Albia Beck, came to Marshfield today for the tenth of the present number. The territory MOBILE insurance; better terms TLe lotion, said to have been seen ‘‘Joe Martin,” the famous ape. Visiting Relatives— who works in the Simpson hard- first tlme in almost a quarter of fembraced lea? than 1,800,000 square miles and lower rates. Yeo, of course. i Perfected by Lieutenanl-Cotn- and “Ethel.” a trained lioness. Mrs. G. Snow is in Ashland, vis­ instead of the present 3,700,000. Half was ware store, was reported yeeter-ia century> and the improvements Phone 21 Ä 274-J. 212—tf i «»ander Ralph McDowell, navy I ¡which he viewed caused him much iting her mother, Mrs. S. Ganiere, d Still a wilderness of unsettled plain, pl^. surgeon, was tried out for the I * | surprise. Mr. Anderson had been teau and mountains. and her sister, Mrs. D. Perozzi. 1 T o Coast— first time on an extensive scale i Los Angeles is the mecca of so busy farming and clearing his Only one hundred years ago the work / Mr. Marion and family, of 124 6 M ontague Man H ere— ■ on the hospital ship Relief in I ring personages these days. was still agog over the recent passage r Iowa street, are leaving soon for j Good music, good floor, lots of R. K. Hammond, Montague homestead that he had not found Jack Dempsey calls this city j Los Angeles Harbor, where the' _ the “Savannah,” an American sailing ve men injured from the Missis-1 home most of Hie time. the coast, on an extended visit fun, at the Lithian open air pa­ business man, is in Ashland to- time to visit Coos bay in 24 years. , , Mr. Anderson had kept to the Waiter w. Head se^ equipped with paddle-wheels propel’ vilion in LRhia Park, tonight. with relatives and friends. Then, the other night, at the j sippi were carried immediately! d a , attending to local in terest., when he be. by steam, from New York to Liverpoo' in after the explosion. opening of a new club in Culver He will return to his home to - ' J - 1 came an isolated resident of the ¡. twenty-six days. Today we boast of a trans-Atlantic air- Over from Yreka— -Detricks ■ Instead of ugly scars, the lo­ City, a suburb, Jes Willard, for­ morrow. W« deliver the good« county, and today, when he was plane crossing that required but few more hours thar th e Au Ashland visitor from Yreka tion produced a complete new1 mer heavyweight champion, was 94-tf here as a witness in a homestead * ‘ Savannah” S » v « . n n o h ” required days. 4 Is Ellsworth Tuffs, who is here on ! layer of skin, it is said, formed the referee, and in the audience Dr. Scholls Corn Pads 35c entry, wore a fur cap closely fit i One hundred years ago the total of common knowledge and t for a over the horrible burns caused by business. were Ad Wolgast, Joe Rivers,. Is Improving— McNair Bros. ted to his head. In his 24 years j national wealth was less than a common purpose. We b Ave re. * flaming powder. Billy Papke and Kid McCoy, all John Robison, former fireman, of isolation Mr. Anderson has billion dollars, less than $100 per sources of labor so abun< £int tjlat Where all the young folks go, great fighters of their time. Five days after the lotion was Went u) Portland recently for an In-From Shale City— . , . . in h is ' capita; today the national wealth we have placed an artitv -iai Cheek .. t n f » ov i accumulated a fortune is where there is lots of fun. To­ exceeds 300 billion dollars—an applied the old skin peeled off Tom Jones, former manager of upon immigration. operation. He is reported to be Mrs. J. R. Woods, of Shale fields . . . . and „ well-stocked _ ranch. average of almost $3,000 per capita. These things are o r* material , and a new growth, like a rose Jeffries, is matchmaker for the improving. Dr. Coffee was the night at the dance in Lithia Park. City, was in Ashland yesterday In 1821 there were ten savings resources. They con Mltute the j petal, formed on the sailors’ faces new club, while Tommy Ryan,, surgeon performing the operation. visiting friends and transacting Mt. Angel Co-operative can­ banks wfth 8,635 depositors, with basic material eleme «nt—but the and bodies. Convalescing— another old-time champion, is the* business with local merchants. $J,138.000 on deposit; one hundred real foundation of ou a progress is nery working every day to mid­ Mrs. Peterson, of Pine s tro t, club referee. ' Dr. McDowell lias refused to Wanted — Washings to do. years later—more than thirty mil­ not material. It Is th.- * other, mor? night. who has been quite ill lately, is discuss the lotion. lion depositors had rr.vre than $18.- valuable resource- -the capacity Tïom C h ico - Murphy Electric Company. convalescing. It is understood, however that 000.000,000 savings deposits. The and character of o jj ,- people. To Fay Siler, of Chico, is in Ash­ Portland— 26,075 cars wheat total receipts j the formula will be given to medi-, of the federal gov­ that w fe owe the discovery ana From Wisconsin— land today visiting lodai friends received during year, breaking all ernment In 1823 were $20,500,000. Madden soi.s Balloon tires. | cal science after the injured men development of natural re­ From Madison, Wisconsin, is and acquaintances. records. the total expenditures were $11,- sources. their uso and their con- ! have been discharged as entirely1 246-tf Mildred Johnson, who with her 700.000. Last year our national in­ servation; to th at we owe the es­ j cured. family is enjoying a tour of the You like to dance. So do we. Stops Here— come and expenditures each ex- tablishment and development of • Discovery of the new medicine western states this summer. She Here Yesterday— Let’s all go to the danco in Lithia F. V. Dewey, of Hanford, Cali- ceeded $3,500.000,070. nation founded ©n Ideals of equal Mr. and Mrs. Rush Grieves and is regarded as one of the most stopped at the Ashland auto camp One hundred years ago there rights, ideals of! equal opportunity Park tomorrow night. AJways fornia, registered his machine at children, of Hornbrook, were here noteworthy since the World War last night. cool there. Good music. A real the’ local bureau yesterday, and were no railroads, no automobiles, Ideals of etÿial responsibility yesterday shopping and visiting floor. no airplanes. There were no tele­ which remain today untarnished, gave the Ashland camp ground aa phones, no telegraph lines, no which now shiae forth with greater HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo Mrs. S. L. Allen. They returned “Curley” Stecker, one of the his Oregon address. According to cables. There was no gasoline, no luster than ever before. Back Again— •f course. 212—tf to their home last night. country’s most famous wild ani­ his information blank he will be kerosene. The Character of Our People mal trainers, is dead here — a Every Saturday, the local re­ here for three weeks. There are those among us who From It harve come the patience, McNair porter has to think of a new way Whitmans Candles For Med'cal Treatment— victim of his pal, “Charlie.” an : regard the present as a period con and the wisdom which have rec­ Mrs. F. C. Stanton, of Ashland, Bros. enormous elephant. of saying that Charles Rush Going to Seattle— fronted with unprecedented prob­ onciled effective authority and is a patient at the Community “Charlie,” a trained elephant, went fishing the day befcre and I. J. Williams, of Seattle, who lems- a period beset by perils here­ adequate liberty. From It has come Hospital, rece'ving medical trea- Is 111— returned with the limit. Yester­ has been here visiting, will re­ tofore unequaled. There are those the tolerance which has preserved went raving mad a year ago and who express doubt of our ability freedom of speech, of press and attacked Stecker, inflicting in­ Mrs. Elvyn Dougherty is quite day Rush and Vern Carey took a ment ill at her home on P'ne street, it day off and returned with the turn to his home today. He will to make further progress—some of pulpit. From it has come the juries which caused his death be accompanied by the Rev. ¡ even who profess to foresee the foresight whieh established Tree Washington done FREE. Ca1 /as reported today. weight limit of fine trout. Chas. Hampton, of Hollywood, , destruction and disintegration of public schools. From it has come The animal was shot shortly Murphy Electric Company. California, an old friend who ar- j our social, political and economic the courage which commanded Montana 5 Hot Springs Sat Geyser To Spout— structure. In the light of achieve­ adherence to principle at the cost rived here yesterday. Night. 265—2tf ments that have been wrought In of selfish gain, even at the cost Business Visitor— The lithia water geyser at the the past by firm adherence to true of life Itself. From It has come R. A. Jerauld, 376 Pittock Büro Makes Short pompadour mineral springs South Visiting— principles, In the light of the tre­ the respect for the rights and bnilding, Portland, who is a rep­ Notice— of Ashland will he released to­ Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Niles and 1 mendous resources our country privileges of one's fellow man The W. R. C. Club will meet morrow at 4:14 sharp, for the Shrift of WaltM- resentative of the La Salle exten­ Mrs. Merle Hutton and son, Scott, i now controls, what justification which has found expression in Monday in Lithia Park at the sion university of Chicago is a benefit of those who missed it of Alturis, and Mrs. Edna Con­ can men have today for express­ guaranties of equal representation S hortam n 1 business visitor in Ashland today. Round Table. All members are two weeks ago, it was today an­ over, of Sacramento, are in Ash­ ing doubt of America’s future? and universal suffrage. urged to be present. The character of our people is a America’s Resources Today nounced. land for .a few days visiting Mrs. spring which has never run dry. Orres tailors for men and I Miro is an automatic We have today 110,000,000 peo­ Niles’ sister. It has had its source ever and al­ Dance Hot Springs Sat. Night. Return to S e a ttle- women, upstairs over McGees. ple. Our total bank deposits ag­ ways in the stern and firm faith of pressure system, entirely 265—2tf Mr. and Mrs. Gaddis, of Seat-_ gregate approximately 40 billion How about the gun you atlajHable ami necessary the Pilgrim fathers—a political Correction— Likes Camp— tie, who have been spending the dollars. Outstanding life Insurance faith based upon and grounded In want and annn'unition. ’ Due to 'misinformation, the amounts to more than 70 billion in this section, to relieve A Portland man, returning They Wouldn’t Bite— summer in this city, at the home the tenets of the Christian religion. Tidings made a mistake in an­ Although they saw all kinds of dollars. Our 500 million acres of tarin homes of water home after a trip to southern Cal­ Despite every other influence, the of Mrs. Elvyn Dougherty, left for We Trade, ifornia is P. J. Peterson, He ar­ fish in Butte Creek Thursday, O. the northern city on Friday. They nouncing a birth yesterday. A Improved farm lands are valued at strong and steady current of the shortage in the dry sea­ 77 billion dollars. We have wealth Pilgrims’ faith has persisted child was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Buy, Sell, M. Franklin, of the Franklin rived In the camp last n’ght, and were delighted with Ashland. son. Main ta in s P re ssu re . untold In our forests, in our mines through generation after genera­ L. C. Dunn, of North Maiu St. liked It so well that he will spend Bakery, and his two sons, Mil­ Repair All of Iron and coaL We have more tion. ton and “Bump,” made a very Visit Here— several days here. than 250,000 miles of railroad with Shallow-Well systems It Is thia Invaluable resource— Kinds Guns Diiro light catch. The fishermen attrib­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Which to transport ourselves and the capacity and character of our give a pressure of 25 pounds to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leonard, our articles of commerce; we have people—that has made America •15 pounds at all times, pump­ There is said to be an abun­ Complete line of Ashland Can ute their poor luck to using the of Dunsmuir, Calif., spent last FOR SALE— Three adjoining more than 250,000 miles of com­ great dance of deer this year, you wrong kind of bait. ing automatically to keep water in the past, that will make nod Goods at Dctrlcks. 94-tf night in this city at the home of lots commanding beautiful view. mercial telegraph lines and 800,000 will want a gun to get your : upply o i l hand at all times for America greater and more power­ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tuttle and left Good Soil, Large Lots, Water hy- miles of telephone lines to afford ¡■hare. house, barn, milk house, gar­ ful In the future. As long as wo Go Where The Crowds Go! Beattie Man Here • this morning for a visit with rel­ drent on each lot. They are on us communication; we have 20,000 uphold our established standards den, hath and fire protection. W > also, are stocking a big O. M. Blair, of Seattle, Wash­ Fair Grounds Pavilion, tonight. atives and friends at The Dalles the upper Side of Morton St. Fac­ daily and weekly newspapers to of belief and conduct, we need sr.piy of big game and bird Get Full 1‘articulars ington, was a business visitor in Most beautiful “open-air” Pavil­ and Elgin. They were accompan­ ing East. These lots are worth disseminate Information and to have no fear for the future o.f ammunition—hunters’, clothes, From ion on the Pacific Coast. Tickets Ashland yesterday and until noon ied this far by Mrs. Leonard’s $300 each, but I am forced to bind our people together by ties America. also, from shoes to caps. today. He left shortly after noon $1.10. Ladies Free! brother, Wm. George, who re­ sell them at onPte and have reduc- ¡ for California, where he will turned to Dunsmuir by train. The ejl the price to $$.25 Each, which ¡ Army Goods Store From Kansas— combine business with pleasure. two men are employed in the S. is $75 below tbe assessed yajuo An Ashland visitor from Well­ Biggest Little Store in Ashland Main - Plaza Ashland P. shops at Dunsmuir. of each lot. Will sell all or sing­ Angler's Lieease Here ington, Kansas, today is G. E. Sweet cream for whipping and ly. Qne-half cash. Write to the okffOe—also fresh milk, always Patterson, who is touring the N otices L ate— owner, Mrs. Jennie M. Franklin, •a fee at the Plaza. 239—tf western states this summer. This Notices from a number of the 109 Brookview SL Roseville, Cal. is Mr. Patterson’s second trip in­ churches were received by the or >eall at the office of E. to the coast states. From Idaho— Tidings too late to go in the us­ PhiPPS. }n the Phipps £ldg.r Ash­ B. Jones and B. A. Steming Big dance in Lithia Park Sat­ ual column, At the Baptist land, Ore. were the drivers of two machines church the usual services will be FOR RENT —• Furnished four from Idaho that last night stop­ urday night. Cool, comfortable, held, with Master Alfred Garr, and good music. room modern bungalow on upper ¡ ped at the Ashland auto camp. called the hoy wonder, giving spe­ Granite. Phone 440-J. 266-ti cial musical selections both piorn- Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ Going on Trip— ing and evening. The Union ser- FOUNfl *-• Hill Fpldep, owner Paul F. Fratessa and family of ivees will be held at the church ing at Panlserud’s. 261-tf may have same by Identifying and San Francisco, who have been at 8 p, in. At the Presbyterian paying for this ad. 266-2 tf visiting the D. Perozzi family, is church there wiy be JIG eyening From Farthest State— FQK RENT — Front bedroom L. A. Buzaqulna, from Massa­ leaving soon, with the Perozzi service, owing to the Union By BERT BALL family, on a vacation trip that pigs and jack rabbits and fruit and Rlqueet chusetts, was the guest of the meeting at the Baptist church. to lady, Inqiilre 29 [H ational Crop Improvement Service ! and in many cases the will extend as far north as Van­ 266-3 * < <25 of H, C. Stock, of Ash­ and stopped to be shown. This tempting to lower the round-trip j BEAGLE A BEAGLE, Painters— land, according to a report filed morning they left, convinced that time to Crater Lake came to Day work or contract. Estimates yesterday at the state game war­ the slogan “Best in the West” grief recently when Traffic Of­ Free, P, O. Box 171. 266-6t* den’s office. Stock was fined at . was true. ficer J. J. McMahon arrested Rol­ WANTED — Washings to do Medford on July 8. and H. Bradley, Portland, who TH E T H EA TER BEAUTIFUL Something New, Hot Springs, Murphy Electric Company. 266-1« was fined $10; J. H. Edwards, L a s t tim e s to d a y 265— 2tf Klamath Falls, $20; and Olie Big dance tonight at Lithia Sat. Night. May Murray in Open Air Pavilion In Lithia Park. Sandvick, Portland, $15, Portland B ou n d - Three machines of tourists Accident Victim Improving— Virginia Car Stop«— A rover from the south is G. S. from Venice, California, register­ Tom Tracey, court house jan- Is Your Light Tarry, of Virginia, who has been ed their out-of-state machines , itor in Klamath Falls, who was A Community SU NDA Y and M ONDAY Kami at the auto camp the past few here yesterday. The three, driven wounded recently when a jail Development days. Mr. Tarry visited the East by R. E. Stout, C. H. Lewis and i guard accidentally discharged a eoaat last winter, and is seeing J. H. Walker, are headed for gun, 1 b improving, says the Kla­ If not set for a clear track Portland. There is no reason, when $25 buys a the west thia summer. math Herald. Tracey was struck ahead, you are endangering i iu the foot by the bullet. suit that is all wool, from “cloth a friends, and neglecting your Let as fill your pail with Swifts “Meet Me at the Pavilion.’’ yard wide,’ ’made by tailors of national community Silver Lea- lard. Costs less than Where a real floor, real music F ires ar«' B etter— shortening. Goes farther and is and a real crowd combine to reputation, in styles that have the pop­ While the Emily creek fire in ' Responsibility aatritlouB. Detricks. 94-tf make your evening complete. Curry county was being brought ular lines for correct dressing. Sound finance implies loyalty Fair Grounds, tonight. . under control, a new fire broke I to self, family, friends and Seventy-fiv© S to p - . out Thursday i,n the Galice dts- ' community in which you live Only 75 cars of tourists stop­ Births— j trict. The Galice fire is the only : —one element in American ped last night at the Ashland au­ Your business, Recent births reported today i new one in the Siskiyou national patriotism^ to camp. From them, a revenue by Dr. Mattie Shaw are: Born to forest and at last reports was go- your use of money shows the G lobe U n d e a rw e a r, th e tr o u s e r s e a t k in d , of $35.00, or fifty cents from each Mr. and Mrs. F. Hibbs, of Kings­ i ing strong. Men in the Galice way your light shines. S u it $1.75 a n d u p . The backbone of any picture is the story—and here’s ear was collected. The most un­ bury Springs, a son. Born on ' country wertf fighting the f ir e ! a story with the strength of Gibraltar! And so different!' usual contrivance in the camp July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles and it is not believed necessary A more engrossing plot has never been invented, and the climax— ! last night was a one cylinder mo­ Bilderback, of Neil Creek, a son. i to send men from here. T he fire But we’re not going to spoil it for you by telling too torcycle, on which G. Facey, of Born on July 6th, to Mr. and 1 situation in other parts of the fo r-1 much. Just take a tip and get acquainted with “The Strang­ Bremerton, is going to California Mrs. Fred Hobson, of Ashland, a I est were declared improved.— * er.” By ti»e Post Office for a vacation. son. i Grants Pass Courier. • • • C O M M A N D !NG Hunting Season Soon Here Every Rural School Should Have a Fail Murphy Elec. Co. I “Mademoiselle Midnight” Why Pay More Than $25 for a Suit? Suits $25 and Up First National Bank M i t c h e l l ’s