*Áot tfcftrfc ASÄUK8 ifibnfi-.il » n w Classified Column ATK »- rm m» MtiÄ HWSö» Saturday, Juí> íü llhH -w - Ä S ,s °“ly tbs are sitters. M ft, a R«tu?n to pirtiaik i— present. Each member chose book Mr. Severin has been a resident Mr“ m 1 F B ' u L B uttortW H. “o” r!,la" i ,S * * b » in «*«* .te rfb b, A d. s h fath l . ^ er of r ftom lists provided. F ir st C ongregational Church Clasfliried Colum n R ates MRS. GRÂCE E. ANDREWS, Editor ' ■ rie k a nearly two Years has W. Judson Oldfield. Minister One cent the word each Phone items to her at 345-R, between lt» A. M. and 2 P. M. These books will be given t h e ! established an extensive acquain- The family picnic « , held in | f r i i X " ’ ¿ , brotf,;' time. Boulevard and Main street. and evenings. library when reviewed. Books of tatxceship and has many friends the park, and w a. a very h a p p y ',b a - a morning for Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with late fiction, travel, biography, n a -!T h e bride is a young woman of affair To run every issue for one ‘heir homes in Portland a fte r' a classes for all grades and ages. to re study and history are among j charm ing personality, and. al- month or more, H e the word CALENDAR OF W EEK * * „ ' three >Jay visit here. Mr. Lee is the president Mrs. Long, it was Bring your Bible. Morning ser- These reviews though not a resident of this citv . each time. Monday, July 14. W. R. C. decided th a t the vice president those chosen. , connected with the Frank L. Mc- with the half-hour subjects will ’ vice-at 11; subject, “ The Victory Club. Round table in Park, has many friends here also.” GeOiW e Robinson Enter- .'Guire realty company o f iforu should act as presiding officer u n ­ th at Overcometh. Junior Christ- Tuesday, July 15. Open House, til the time for the erection of oT present a varied and interesting Miss Deeter has been an em- X n « v !and’ and commentod favorably on FO R R ENT program for the year’s study. ian Endeavor a t 6:45. The even- Civic Club. Hostesses, ploye in the Citizen’s Bank s in c e ♦ * , Robl,16on entertainec Ashland’s future. Mrs. (icers. A fter the business of the a fte r­ ing service wi.l be a Union ser- Hammond, Mrs. Woodside January. Prior to that time she eI®borate tWo o’clock din- and A fter the close of the business FOR RENT— Furnished Cabins vice of all the churches at the Mrs. Roberts. noon was settled, the guests en­ was employed in the First NatJ " e r Monday ,n “ “ PMinent to Mr. session, the ladies present spent and tents facing park, near Lith- Baptist church at 8. Prayer meet- Wednesday, July 16. Upper the social hour in visiting and joyed an in-door picnic. : and Mrs. W. O. W heeler of Port-, ional at Medford. ia w ater and play ground. Place .ng every W ednesday evening at Valley Community Club. Hostess, The hostess had planned an land, Mrs. D. W. Stone of Oak with fancy work. Miss D eeter’s mother to park your car. Call 153. and out-door one, but the w eather 8. The subject for next week is, Airs. J. E. Gowland. land, and Mrs. J. R. Robinson of Delicious refreshm ents were sisters live in Ashland. , 261-tf, The Home at Bethany and The man interfered with a sprinkle Thursday. July l Seattle, who have been here for a Trinity served by the hostess Mrs. H atch­ Good wishes are extended tb Friendships of Jesus." The public Guild Picnic, ju st in tim3 to occasion a hasty num ber of days enjoying a family- FOR RENT — Housekeeping er and Mrs. Crowson. In Lithia Park. Mr. and Mrs. Severin for a happy is cordially invited to all th e s e ! i etreat of guests and the delicious reunion and visiting at the home ' apartm ent. Large living room, Those present were th e Mes- and prosperous life. services in the Congregational refreshm ents planned for them. of Mrs. George Robinson of 78,; Lockhart-M orris— bed room, kitchen pantry and dams Newland, Wm. Rice, Frank ♦ * * 1 Second street. bath room all newly papered and church. The. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crowson, Dan H atcher, Roberts Family Reunion— . , . Tbe Boosts returned to their painted, 5 m inutes walk from A. Lockhart, 712 Boulevard was W ilkins, Ethel Doyle, J. B. Coch­ M arried— A very happy family reunion homes the la tte r part of the week F irst Church o f Christ, Scientist business center. Phone 4 4 5-R. The m arriaj . the scene of a very pretty home ran, B ertha McKinney, Edwin of Mrs. Carl occurred here the ’----- " " Fourth w h en 1 __________ Pioneer Ave., South wedding when Miss Jew el Morris Dunn, F rank Shaffer, Wm. Moore, B arrett 263-tf f n of ! Ta ,t nt a ‘ld R‘ R' F ° S' Mr’ and Mrs- GeorSe W alton, Mr Sunday morning service at 11 and Theodore F. Lockhart were .and J. V. W right. Cottage Grove to erect $18,000 1 third ? rvn V aSS ° CCUrred Ju ,y ! and Mrs- Wm. Marshall and their FOR RENT— Nice furnished o'clock. , Subject o( lesson. "Sac. , unlted „ „lar r ia s e ,7 h e Rev. S.“j . • • • school. ird at Yreka. children of Crescent City; Mr front apartm ent. Phone 263-R or ram ent . unday School a t 10; Chaney officiating clergyman. Mr and Mrs. Foster will ' and Mrs. W. O. W heeler of Port- c a ll’at Shook bldg. 265— 2tf o’clock. W ednesday ’ 1 The impressive ring ceremony was M issionary M eeting— ’ evening make th eir home in G rants Pass. land. Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Sea- The Missionary m eeting of the meeting at 8 o clock. Reading used ° T ‘ Hr ° USe- - , | « le, Mrs. D. W. Stone, Oakland, FOR RENT— Nice room with Christian Church was held F ri­ Room open daily from 2 until 5 The bride looked very charm ing day afternoon as planned. Men­ o r w ithout private bath; also, The Civic Club will keep open 1 and Mrs. E. A. Fox of Sacramento P. M., excepting Sundays and hol­ in her dainty, soft white gown. tion will be made later of the house every Tuesday during the , met in Ashland and enjoyed the nice sleeping porch, 217 North idays. Her sister, Mias Overa Morris was program. Main. 265— 6t vacation. Hostesses will be pro. , visit together, vided. maid of honor and her brother The next meeting is expected Mrs. W alton, Mrs. Robinson, ¡ At The Salvation Army FOR SALE Jasper Morris supported Those for Tuesday are the the to be an out-of-doors one, the Mrs. D. W. Stone and Mrs. Fox No. 30 4th Street groom as best man. ladies planning a picnic “in the ' Y,esdames p K - Hammond. L. N FOR SA L E — Paige 6; good Sunday Services Ju st the immediate families of park at which all the m em bership; " oodslde and L A- Roberts, running order; price $200. $100 Holiness m eeting 11 o’clock. bride and groom were present, of the society are cordially in - ! * * * down, time on balance to respon­ Sunday School 2:30. Young Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lockhart, Mrs. vited to be present. sible party, Lithia Garage. j Severin-Deetei<— Peoples Legion 6:30. Salvation C. T. Morris and Miss Overa and 265— 6* Service 8:15. * • • _ Tlle following clipped from the ! Jasper Morris. J G ive H ouse G uests an O uting— Siskiyou News will be of interest Week night— at 8:15, Tuesday, USED piano for sale, cheap. Imm ediately following the cere­ Miss Dudley of Portland is a i to Miss Dee te r’s many friends, Friday and Saturday nights. W. L. Douglas shoes are known Apt. E, Shook Bldg. 265— 3* Gscar Jack Severin, jeweler The public is invited, come and mony the happy couple left for a house guest at the Presbyterian i to be value received for money wedding trip, by motor, to the Manse, and Mrs. Ida Chaney and i and watcb repairer at the Lake FOR SALE— Cheap wood. D ry 1 bring your friend. spent. old home of the groom in St. children, Elizabeth, Ruth and iew el‘ y store, and Miss Zona Me do overhauling and repairing. C. DUEILL. down tim ber, $4.00 per load. One Our Ribbon Stock is Always Fres|, Johns, W ashington, where they Wilma of Portland are guests in Gee^er of Ashland were married Lieutenants. mile East Siskiyou Saw Mill in Yreka by Rev. John K. Hub- Books and Officerss in Charge j will visit a brother, Mr. B urritt the S. J. Chaney home. Road. J. A. Edwards. 264-6* Lockhart. They will retu rn by Drug Sund-ies Yesterday, the Rev. S J. Chan- ■ bard last Friday. The ceremony Stationery Spokane and Seattle. They ex­ FO R SALE — By sick man at Toilet Goods M ethodist Episcopal Church ey, Mrs. Ida Chaney and children i was Perf°rm ed at the parsonage | - pect to be gone two weeks. Convalescent Home, new Ford S. J. Chaney, Minister and the Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Merg­ Both the young people are ler and family with th eir guest touring car, only used two The Sunday School will meet m onths, with new camping out­ at 9:45. Classes are provided for graduates of the class of ’23 A. H Miss Dudley, left for a two days fit. Call 153. 269-lt all ages and all are welcome. The ; S. trip to C rater Lake. They return Both were popular students in Saturday evening. pastor will speak at the morning i FOR SALE — Apricots 6c at High school. Mr. Lockhart dis The guests are m utual acquain­ orchard. Phone 11F313. 26316* church service and the Sacram ent J tinguishing himself in- athletics of the L ord’s Supper will he ad­ tances and all friends of the FOR SALE — J. H. Hale m inistered. There will be special i Miss Morris tau g h t successfully Mergler family. Mrs. Ida-Chaney Peaches, Table Carrots. Phone music. “ The Great Theme of the ; in the Lower Soda Springs school. is a sister-in-law of the Rev. and 335-L. 575 Liberty St. 262-6* Bible” is the topic for the Ep- I Mr. Lockhart has the position of Mrs. S. J. Chaney. * * • worth League m eeting at 6:45. ' salesman in Ahe Ford Garage FO R SALE— By owner, a good Union service at the B aptist I They will make their home in A D eligh tfu l Lawn P arty— 5 room house close in. Good loca­ bestoq Ashland, going to housekeeping church at 8 P. M. Mrs. S. L. Allen and Miss Sarah tion. 550 Fairview St. 261-tf on their return. Fox were hostesses at a very de­ To these young people their Classified Ads Bring Results MISCELLANEOUS lightful lawn party at their pleas­ many friends extend congratula­ • " i an t home on Laurel street Friday L etterheaas, statem ents, t o tions and good wishes are their evening in honor of a num ber of your order at the Tidings Office. for a life of happiness and pros­ house guests who have been perity. We have a good Job printing, de­ spending some littie time with • « « partm ent. tf PHYSICIANS them. A D eligh tfu l Trip— The evening was spent in the W ANTED— Gravel or granite OR, MATTIE B. SHAW — Res<- Two cars filled with friends happy visit of old friends. De-‘ for ballast. Must be cheap. dence and office, 108 Pioneer bound for C rater Lake, the Mecca lightful W anted— 500 ft. steel cable, in music furnished by the avenue. Telephone 28. Office of so many at this season, left good condition. FOR SALE— Dickey O rchestra added much to hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Ashland the afternoon of the good barrels, chepp, S. D. Tay­ the pleasure of the occasion. p. in. only. Fourth, returning home Sunday lor, at Cannery. 265— 2tf Delicious refreshm ents of ice evening. cream and cake were served later DR. ERNEST A. W OODS^-Prac- Those who made up the party LOST at picnic grounds, Elgin tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and were Mr. and Mrs. Eric W aren. in the evening by the hostesses. w rist watch with initials E. E. on The guests in whose honor the th ro a t— X-ray including teeth .- Mr. John Rigg, Prof. I. C. W il­ back. Reward. Call 10-F13. happy affair was given were Mr. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc } son, Mrs. Burroughs, Miss W at- 265— 3tf and Mrs. G. V. Payne and baby 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland tenbarger. Miss Jean Anderson of Hillsboro and Mrs. Russell of WANTED— Few 2nd hand bird Ore- ! ahd Miss Hezel Brunner. Salem. Mr. Payne is a druggist cages. Call 153. 265— tf in Hillsboro. He was a form -r ¿Sa-«. j thus getting all the thrills pos GET YOUR STOVE repaired at resident of Ashland and has a and Electro-Therapy. Office Eagle Iron and Brass Works, l phone 48; residence 142 First sible. The trip around the Rim wide circle of friends. j was taken, also the one to Wiz­ Oberlain street. New grates and Mrs. Rusell is a very successful National Bank building. ard Island, which they explored. liners made *to order, any style baby specialist. i tove. Stock on hand. Stoves for I DR. HAW LEY— Above T id in g s: m akinS Gle cl*mk to Its summit. Those present to meet the com­ They returned by way of Klam- office. Phone 91. sale. 2 6 4-1 mo. plimented guests were Mr. and . , a .h P a l,., adding m. „ y „ „ „ d e rtu , ^ 7 . ' W. H o T e. ' l ' o U a M Ro™ DR. C. W. HANSON -..HOM E laundring done 239 2nd view . ,o 'a Ppy afiairs. com m unicate with Ensign Lee te r Lake, returning W ednesday 1V1.1.UC T ransfer & s.o rag e Co. w , ? " “ *° m eet P ro' ' o f the Salvation Army at the evening. for SERVICE. " so 1 and bis ’»yther, Mrs. Bur- W blteSbield Home, 565 May- • « • Experienced movers and peek s ° “f " p i ”0 ” “ eV' “ rS' fa ir Ave., Portland, Oregon. ers of bonsehold good, Deni i Ch' Mre"- th e k Speedw ay Club M eets— £ lieal gu ests, Mr. and Mrs The Speedway Club, the social • r . ,n C l nnd wood. Phone la n d daughter from B “ arnstahle nth organization of the Royal Neigh­ 117. Fine lot with building for bors, met recently at the home b alls; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stannard $400, small cash payment. Office 89 Oak St. near of Mrs. T urner on Sixth street Miss Nellie Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. W hittier. Calif., lots to trade Hotel Ashland High, Mr. and Mrs. B runer, Miss with a large attendance of Us for Ashland land. , Hazel B runer, Mr. and Mrs. Tail- membership. A 40 acre tract partly irrig at­ f. L, POWELL— General Trans­ The evening was spent in vis­ ed, fine land. Bargain price fer— Good team and niotor man, Mr. and Mrs. Jam m erthal, on easy terms. iting and planning for future ac­ Miss W attenbarger, Mrs. Ruth trucks. G iod service at a rea $1500 municipal bonds to tivities. At the close the hostess Mitchell, Miss Jean Anderson. souak'e price. Phone 83. trade for city home. Mr. Oliver Anderson, Mr. and served delightful refreshm ents. Staples Realty Agency The next social affair will be a Mrs. Gerald Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. FEHIGE-ROACH Kelly Tires Therm oid 71 E. Main, Ashland Hotel Bid. Fan Belts T ransfer — Express — Storage Anguin, the Drs. Crandall, Mr. picnic in Lithia Park, the even- Mason Tires Petry Cut Outs Hauling — Dray work of all John Rigg, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. ing of the 25th. All the Royal Copper Tubing McQuary-Norris Food Boxes kinds. Quick motor service. Dry •imith, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wer- Neighbors and their families are Aeromore Exhaust Horns invited and each is to bring a well Pistons wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R en. Bolts Flexible Tubing- Prof. Wilson and his mother filled basket for the dinner in the 375 B. St. 112-tf Pins Grip Racks Ring Bolts and Lugs returned to their home, Friday. picnic grounds at six o’clock. Rings • • • • • • Tire Carriers KING’S TRAN S F E R— S e r v i ce r a we claim for r Motometers Bearings —rid your system of Catarrh Or Deal day or night at reasonable rates. Entertained for Guest__ Sun Visors The C hristian Endeavor Socie­ Lamps ness caused by Catarrh. Wood for sale. Phone 113, Res. Washburn Valves Mr. and Mrs. C. H. B arnstable ty of the Congregational church License Plate Clips Spot Lights 231 Van Ness. 265— lm o and daughter of Klam ath Falls, enjoyed a very pleasant lawn Stromberg Carbureors Wa’den Wrenches P. J. CHENEY & C O ., T oledo. Obit, Jacks were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. party at the MacDonald home on Stromberg Parts Gaskets Blacksm ith Shop Axles S. J. Chaney over the celebration. Palm Ave. Thursday evening. Detroit Springs Blacksmith Shop, East Main Mrs. B arnstable and daughter re­ Clutch Facings Pep It was well attended and the Perfection Silent Timing T O U T PERSONS St. Horseshoeing, Automobile mained until later in the week. young Spring Clips folks spent the time very Shims Incline to fu ll feeling after eat­ Spring work a specialty. Auto Gears In compliment to Mrs. B arn­ happily in jolly games on the ing, gassy pains, constipation Spring Bolts . parts. Water Bags Refined and digttiioit improved by stable, Mrs. Homer Billings en­ lawn. Klaxon Horns Compression Couplings IRA YERIAN. 252-1 mo. tertained Mrs. S. J. Chaney and Screw Drivers Dainty refreshm ents brought to C H A M B E R L A IN ’S Ring Gears and Pinions Radiator Hose Mrs. B arnstable informally at a close a very delightful evening Keepsit Spare Tire Preserv­ TABLETS Alemite Chains luncheon Tuesday, prior to Mrs. of fun and frolic. er r i—wring and comforting - only 25c For a smooth shave Lincoln Shock Absorbers Tire Covers B arnstable’s retu rn to her home Boyco Emergency Kits and quick service go • ’ * Mrs. P eil E n tertains Study FO R SALE— Old papers at Tid­ to the Shell Barber Social Circle M eets— Club— WANTED—Lots of Customers For Our Sudden Service. Ladies and in g s; 25c per bundle. dh Shop. The Social Circle met at the W ednesday afternoon the Ash­ children get your hair home of Mrs. Dan H atcher, on land Study Club were pleasant- Oregon m anufactured $2,639,. bobbed and m arcel­ Upepr Mountain Ave., Wednesday entertained at the home of the 505 w orth of candy during 1923. led. afternoon, with Mrs. Frank Crow­ president, Mrs. Emil Peil, on son as assisting hostess. P ortland shipped 152,578 bbls. W. A. SH ELL, Prop. Granite street. During the business meeting at flouer during first three weeks of »32 A. St. Ashland. Ore The m eeting was called to de­ Beaver Block June. which Mrs. F ran k Sliaffer pre- cide definitely upon the books Drop In For Chat sided owing to the resignation of , selected for review, before the I S O C IE T Y I X V ?' R°. “" W hole Wheat Bread Is Healthful Lithia Bakery Typewriter Specials Everywhere— 2 Corona Machines.......$35.00 1 O liv er................. 1 R oyal.................... ..$50.00 1 Remington Rebuilt ..$60.00 OVERLAND Shoe Shop ELHART’S Carey Asbestos Roofing The Ashland Lumber Co. is chosen to serve Ashland Oree on to apprint The AshfaidLumbeT Co aS WdJ &S °Ur °Wn have lead us rnnf.-nJ p?* ? Lu™bei to to represent us, and serve you on Carev As- It wa^J w k h ih h i h ± h ft°r StnCta iatT ityJ n SeCUrin8' this fam is ^P ortant. years of nraetical eYnpr?»?1 " mind.that we have appointed a firm that has had PROFESSIONAL encountered * atmospheric condition, gasses or temperature to be a n d ^ ^ l r f g v i l n ^ S U '^ V . ^ advice alon8' these lines big values offered to the building owners. THE PHILIP CAREY COMPANY LOCKLAND and CINCINNATI. Ohio. Ask CTC Users About CTG Tires Every C T C tire is a booster for Oregon industry, to promote work for Oregon labor, pay dividends to Oregon investors, give tire economy to every car owner, more mileage, greater security and more pleasurable satisfaction to buyer. Replacement Parts For E very Car N ow Stocked This auto accessory service is one th at is becoming quite popular and ap­ preciated both by garage men, m echanics and individual owners, be­ cause of the real stock and the well known user-tried and nationally ad­ vertised brands carried. H a ll’s C a ta rrh M w,il do wba' S Leedom’s Tire House