PAG k R . IH Uoeal 5 P e rso n a l flotes A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local interest ASHLAND DAILY T t b lä ö l Visiting Friends— Mrs. Opal Deming, of San Jose, who is staying in Talent, was in Ashland last night visiting with friends. Hack To K lam ath— Mrs. C. H. Barnstable, of Klam­ ath Falls, returned to her home From M assachusetts— .... .......... Rcgit tration Drops— city Tuesday after a visit of sev­ M arking a decrease of exactly eral days in Ashland. L. E. Norton, of Oak Bluff, travelers M assachusetts, was the tourist 20 registrations, 151 from the greatest distance t h a t ! ¿eglslereu yesterday at the out-of­ yesterday registered at the local ' state perm it bureau at the Cham- To The Lake— Leaving at 8 o’clock this m orn­ out-of-state bureau. He came by i her of Commerce. The day be- ing for C rater Lake, an Ash'.and way of California. , : fere, 171 were registered. Noth- party expects to retu rn tomorrow. ---------- I ing but the peculiarities of tour- The party is composed of the Rev. 8PECIAL attention to AUTO- j ist travel explains the sudden S. J. Chaney and daughter Elaine, MOBILE insurance; better term s drop. ' It is nothing unusual to and lower rates. Yeo, of course. 1 note a fluctuation of between and Mrs. Ida F. Chaney and two daughters, Ruth and Elizabeth, Phone 21 274-J. 212— tf ; twenty and fifty cars. who last night arrived from P o rt­ tloing To T o le d o - Adlerika, $1.00— McNair Bros. land to visit the Rev. Mr. Chaney. The party intends to make the P arry G. W hite was an out­ round trip, and will spend as bound passenger on a train thi: ! Road as Usual— According to the reports of the much time as possible at the lake. morning, going to Toledo, where Friday, July 11, lOlU Orchestra Leaders H eed UNUSUAL EVENTS Advice To “Go West 99 ---------- EUGENE, July 11. — Right of way difficulties of the new state highway btidge at H arrisburg • * • have been practically settled, ac­ cording to Judge Duby, chairman of the state highway commission, who with Roy Klein, state high­ DAUGHTER AND FATHER way engineer, was here yesterday MEET AFTER 43 YEARS on the way to (’rescent City, Cal., to join a caravan of California United after being apart for m otorists coming to Marshfield, forty-three years, Mrs. Julia Co-j Ore. Farm ers on the. Lane county i len, m other of Mrs. J. W. Beck, side of the river have agreed to • and Mis. Colon’s father, Andrew the terms of the commission, and D. W hitney, 93, 1 rescott, Arizona construction work is expected to pioneer, were today holding a proceed. happy reunion. j _________________ Nearly half a century ago, Airs. Coos county will vote on $290,- Co’.en lost trace of her father, and 000 highway bonds early in 1925. sought in vain for him. During this time, the old gentlem an was Glendale— Christian church to making history on the Arizona erect new building. frontier. Eight months ago, Mrs. Colen FINE APARTMENT IS learned through Eastern friends COMPLETED BY BUTLER th a t her father was living in Prescott. She immediately got (Continued From Page 1) in touch with him, and yesterday he arrived in Ashland to make I fort of tenants. Window boxes his home. , are already completed and planted Mr. W hitney had never seen , to blooming flowers. Rose gar- his granddaughter, Mrs. Beck, un- dens will also be a feature of the til he arrived to live at the Beck outside. The apartm ents occupy home. He is a veteran of the a scenic location and when the civil war, and an- old pioneer in grounds are completed will pre­ Arizona. sent a beautiful appearance. The plans were draw n by Mr. Big Dance Again— and Mrs. Butler, the owners, and Saturday night the Lithians construction work was superin­ will start their regular week-end tended by Den Delsman. open air dance at the pavilion in Im piovem ent Is Praised Lithia Park. The crowds which Local people who have visited attended during the celebration the apartm ents are loud in their week found it the coolest and praise of the conveniences, but most enjoyable spot in southern no more so than new arrivals, Oregon. i who marvel th at a town of Ash­ land’s size affords such a splen- SLAYERS OF RANGER 1 did improvement. RETURNED FOR INQUEST Will Hold Form al Opening RED BLUFF, Calif., July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Butler, aided by R eturned to tlie Taham a coun-i neighbors, will preside at a for­ ty jail, from Willows, where they J mal openin'? of the new apart- weie rushed yesterday following, merit some time next week and th reats of lynching, Earl W illiams; the general public will be privil- and Fred Johnson, accused bank j eged to inspect the structure robbers and slayers of Samuel I throughout. The exact date of Hernianson, forest ranger, attend-j the opening will he announced ed the coroner’s inquest over the ! within a day or two. body of their alleged victim. j Special apartm ents, in addition 1 lie paii disclaimed any in ten t, to the eight, are being completed ♦ o kill Hernianson. declaring that ' for Mr. and Mrs. Butler, who wil! he was shot in a scuffle for the reside there and give their per- possv-fls’.on of the gun after he had sonal attention to superintending | the building. » captured them. C O M M A N D IN G YOUR INTEREST He many Ashland people who visit Lake of the Woods, the road is in Mae M urray Picture— The Vining shw tonight and its usual condition, rough in tomorrow night is “ Madamoiselle , We deliver the goods— Detricks places, but a decided improve­ M idnight,” with the exotic Mae , 9 4-tf ment over form er years. M urray in the fem in’ne role, To Newpork— Cleaning, Pressing and R epair­ showing Mae’s gorgeous gowns, C. V. Carey and daughters, ing at Paulserud’s. 261-tf dances and vivacity, in a story that is a flame for excitement. Alice G. and Hazel B arbara left this m orning for Newpork, Ore­ Fam ily to Lake— J. II. McGee drove his family In Klamath Falls— gon to visit Mrs. W alter Walrod. The Carey family will spend the i to Lake of the Woods last night. M. S. Schammel connected with and returned this morning. His th e Southern Pacific company, summer months at the coast. family will spend a short vaca- arrived in K lam ath Falls Tues- HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo tion at the lake. day night from his home in Ash- of course. 212— tf ______ j land and will transact company ! Let us f’ll vour pail with Swifts business for several days. Mr. Start on Trip— nilver L«si lard. Costs less than j Schammel is connected with the ! idge and family, and hortenii>_. Goes farth er and is auditing departm ent of the rail- J. B. Renton and wife left at noor iore nutritious Detricks. 94-tf road.— K lam ath Herald. ’O y •, j ctor trip. Except th a t they are going North, they hav< Going to CanaUa— No McCloud Perm its— no id. a of where their trip wil John Pulse, Hugh Barron, U. No camp fire perm its will be lead them. They intend to take D. Jordan and Amos W illiams issued in the McCloud river their time, and to go until they plan to sta rt tomorrow m orning w atershed near Redding from this get ready to get back. for Calgarj-, A lberta, Canada, time on, it was announced today making the trip by auto. They by J. B. Hall, supervisor of the . Books and ’Stationery— McNair will work in the wheat fields d u r­ Shasta national forest. This o r­ Bros. ing the harvest, then will separ­ der is due to the neglect of two ate, some going to Montana, and Los Angeles tourists who caused From Des Moines— some returning to Ashland for the the W yndham Ferry fire on P it ¿ j¡ - . . 1 ^ ._L As Ashland visitor yesterday winter. river. Road crews will be "al- B»• f r i pu co leek in your heart,_ Just »top and f-i cA bi>-î from Des Moines, Iowa was Gab- par ______ * lowed to build fires at the side rille Nadeau, who is touring the Gravenstein cooking apples for of the road, it was provided, K in g s o f J a z z , fro m because the romance and aban­ W estern states this summer. He sale. Phone 9F11. 263-tf ---------- don of the West encourage d ar­ went on North this morning, and W hiteman to Lyman, — ■ — Incorporate— ing. intends to retu rn to his home Have All Journeyed Articles of incorporation were “Out there, everybody is a Madden sei.s Balloon tires. through Canada and the N orth­ pioneer,” he pointed out while on California-wards to 246-tf filed with the secretary .of state western states. a brief visit East. “If you re­ ---------- at Salem on Monday by the fol- W in T h eir member, it was only a few years Locate Here__ lowing Southern Oregon con- Laurels ago th a t the rest of the United Rubber Aprons 50c and 75c- T. W. Beagle and A. H. Beagle, corns: The Oregon Consolidated States, and in fact most of the McNair Bros. Though dance orchestras had world, was copying dances from who have been located in K la­ Mines corporation of G rants Pass, math Falls, recently moved to capitalized at $250,000. The in- rtot come into th eir own in the San Francisco’s Barbary Coast. Vlslting Sister— “They copy everything we do. Ashland, where they will open a corporators are J. S. Savely, Ad-j days of Horace Greeley, th a t gen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Triebel tlem an’s “ Go W est” advice has, Many of the orchestra leaders of house painting business. In lo- ney Tracey and Sam Ellis. The queerly enough, been heeded by the E ast are held down by tradi­ and family, of Redding, Califor­ eating here they believe they have Klam ath Supply Co., of Chiloquin all those conductors now riding tions and convention. Out th e re ' nia, are spending a week vi-iting picked a city th a t will see much incorporated for $48,000. . n the crest of popularity’s one dares take radical measures the family of a sister, Mrs. A. W. waves. development in the near future. with harmony and counterpoint, Hall. 24 7 Laurel street. Missionary Meeting— From the king of them all, Paul not always according to Haydn. ' The W oman's Home Missionary W hiteman, who started Cali- In this way I believe we are abl« Prices Canning Co. 15c, Mc- Orres tailors for men and Society of the Methodist church forniaw ards from Denver before to get nearer to w hat the nov­ Nair Bros. women, upstairs over McGees. will meet with Mrs. G. F. Billings he was twenty-one, to the idol elty loving public w ants.” of Hollywood, Abe Lyman, all the Mr. Lyman has found w hat the Back to Ship— this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. orchestra leaders who figure in public w ants anyway, for, “ Be­ L eft This A fternoon— . Luther M. Richards, who has the day’s news have made their fore You Go,” his unique song, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Laughlin been in Ashland for a m onth vis­ V isitor From Sacram ento— fam e in the Golden West, gen­ a fox-trot ballad in the vernac­ and daughter Lucile, left Ash­ iting his m other, will retu rn to ­ Mrs. Geo. W. W hite is a visi­ erally going W est to do it. ular, has “taken fire” and is land this afternoon for Mitchell, morrow to the U.S.S. Idaho, on tor at the C. H. Vaupel home. She Mr. Lyman, who has a psycho­ being danced to, North, South, in eastern Oregon. They are go­ which he is stationed, He will ' is from Saciam ento, staying at logical bent* deduces th a t this is E ast and West. ing by way of Portland, and will join his ship at San Diego. the Vaupel home during the fam- ' — • - — ------=s stop in the Oregon metropolis to PRIVISION IS MADE ily’s absence on a touriug trip, i Improves Steadily— Vicks Vapo Rub, 35c, McNair She will visit a while after t h e ! Roy P a rr, victim of a diving visit their daughter, Mrs. E. Erch- FOR 2OO TEACHERS ard. Mitchell is the form er home ' Br °s. Provision has been made for Vaupei’s return. , accident on July 3, in which he of the family. 200 persons at the picnic d 'n n er —------- ; lost his left hand, is daily improv- Arrived Today— in Lithia Park this evening at . . ing, and now spends considerable Miss Ethel Simpson, of M arsh­ Visitor Thursday— 6:30, it was announced this a ft­ “ Meet Me at the Pavilion.” W alter A. McClure, prom inent j time in a wheel chair enjoying field, form erly of the F irst Na­ ernoon. The dinner is being giv­ W here a real floor, real music tional bank here, arrived in Ash­ Seattle lawyer, accompanied by the sunshine. en by civic organizations to the . „ and a real crowd combine to land this afternoon for an extend­ his wife and daughter, was a students and teachers at the Ash- ” make your evening complete. ed visit with the Charles R obert­ visitor in Ashland Thursday, aud PORTLAND DIAMOND SHOP land branch of the Oregon State F air Grounds, Saturday night. ROBBED OF VALUABLES renewed some old time University son family. Normal school. of Oregon friendships, among At four o’clock, an automobile Back From Trip— PORTLAND, July 11— Precious Montana Hot Springs Sat them Postm aster F. D. W agner. drive, startin g from the high A vacation party, composed of stones, watches and gold rings, Night. 265- -2 tf Mr. McClure and family are on school and extending to the top Mrs. Evelyn Caldwell, and her by an automobile tour of points of w orth $3390, were secured I _ of the Siskiyous, then back to son, Cleon, of Ashland, and Mrs. interest in Southern Oregon, in­ burglaTs who broke into a dia­ At the L a k e - Gilchrist and Mrs. Chisholm, of mond shop in the downtown bus­ Lithia Park, will open the recep­ Mrs. and Mrs. C. W. Klum, who cluding C rater Lake and the Ore­ Gold hill returned last night after iness district early this morning. tion. gon Caves. Lithians and Civic Club mem­ a short motor trip to Bandon and recently went to Lake of the Entrance was effected through a Woods, will retu rn to Ashland bers are asked to meet at the Marshfield. The party left Tues- transom over the street door. From G reatest Distance—- day noon. A most enloyable trip ““ wln .?««■ ** b“ k dance pavilion and civic club­ Two cars from the other sido house, respectively a fte r the pic­ is reported. It Is said th a t good to the lake on another vacation of the continent hold the record A storia— County rock crusher trip. roads were encountered all the of being the to u rist machines at Elsie preparing m atrial for re­ nic. Lithians are asked to wear <> way. pairing roads in th at vicinity. Dance Hot Springs Sat. Night. from the greatest distance th at their uniform s at the affair. last night stopped in the Gate­ 265— 2tf l rom a Distance— way city. W. Grosen was one of Among the visitors from a dis­ the men, and the other was J. II. Daily Fashion Hint tance who registered their cars Go W here The Crowds Go! Houck. Mr. Grosen is from at tire Ashiund chamber of com­ Fair Grounds Pavilion, Sat. night. Reading, Pennsylvania, and Mr merce yesterday were Henry Most beautiful “ open-air” Pavil­ Houck from Pittsburg. Both are Beck, of Jackson, Minnesota, E. ion on the Pacific Coast. Tickets going North after spending some E. Lengrich, of Beaufort, South $1.10. Ladies Free! time in California. Carolina, W. E. Barrera, of E ka­ Montana Hot Springs, Sat. laka, Montana, Jessie Gray P a t­ Night. 265— 2tf To Medford— terson, of Cherokee, Oklahoma Today is the last day for and R. W. Mastick, of San F ran ­ “ B rick” E. E. W hetstone as cook Missouri Man Here— cisco. Other travelers to regis­ at the Plaza Confectionery, where L. R. Nance, from Missouri, te r were W. A. Alldridge, of he has been for several months. Dunsmuir, W. C. Butler, of stopped at the Ashland auto camp He is going to Medford to work last night. He was the only man Chico, F. C. W arriner of Oakland, for Hank Pace, who recently p u r­ who is going to Cascade Locks, from his state to stop at the camp chased the Shasta Cafe. last night. Mr. Nance has been and Eve’.yn C. Elliot, of Halcyon, following the highways for sev­ California, who will stay in Ash­ Big dance in Lithia Park Sat­ eral months. land for three months. urday night. Cool, comfortable, Something New, Hot Springs, and good music. Complete line of Ashland Can- Sat. Night. 2C5— 2tf ned Goods at Detrb ks. 94-tf ! Sport Model— I Dan Kay, of the Automotive Visited Yesterday— Among the Travelers— Miss Cora Hamilton, of P o rt­ Shop, local representative for Tourists in the auto park l a s t ; land, was a visitor yesterday in the Dodge Bros, cars, is showing night from a distance were Thel­ Ashland with Mrs. Spackard. They a nifty sport mode! roadster. m a Sterland, of North Dakota, L. are visiting C rater Lake and the Dodge cars are becom'ng favor­ Belence, of Iowa: J. H. Trekas, ’ of Oregon 7 , Caves ' this .7/, week. 7 ites in this community under . Indiana; R. F. Shend, of Kansas. Dan's selling and service. W ithout exception, they were go- __ ing north to return to their homes ! The birth of a daughter to M r.’ You like to dance. So do we. over northern highways. j and Mrs. J. Dunn, of North Main Let’s all go to the dance in Lithia ' street is reported. Mr. Dunn is ' Park tomorrow night. Always FEATURING THE PANEL Sweet cream for whipping and a southern Pacific engineer. cool there. Good music. A real In many of the new season’s frocks, coffee— also fresh milk, always • ______ floor. the panel idea is cleverly carried out. j In tn is frock of Madonna blue crepe, ' on ice at the Plaza. 239— tfj v isit Crater I>ake— the panel is in blue-and-silver brocade, , i Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel, Mr. Rack from Portland— and a charming afternoon model re- , To Napa— ! and Mrs. C. W. Polk, Miss J e s s ie ! v - D. Miller returned y e ste r-__ suits. ___ _____ other ____ fabrics ____ ______ Of course and Mrs. C. H. McEwen, Miss Neva i G uthrie Miss Louise Gillette and 'lay morning from a business trip i trimmings may be combined in the I C rater i Portland. Incidentally V. D. ( ’ G earhart, A lbert McEwen and I Mrs. Roy WHkes. wen, Jim Bowers are leaving soon for Lake yesterday morning for an ; probably explained to a good ; ing collar. Medium size requires Heavy Quality Bath Towels, Napa, California, where they will oqjing. They will visit at C rater many about A shland’s proposed yards 36-inch plain and 1M yards all- 39c each visit the m other of Mrs. McEwen Lake today and go to Diamond new to u rist hotel and the develop- ‘ OVKc‘S S ’aRevi!ewt Dressh