hat« twe AftftttAfthftÄtLf f a m i A SH LAN D D A IL Y T ID I N G S (Established in 1876) Friday, Juiy li, i(}¡y Mentis its energy in bringing in netf settlers and then ’ mark ¡blandly ignores the fact that the farmers so enccaraged' --------- do not make a success and may fall not far be:ow It is whispered, aad one with tal­ UKE STING CAUSE one. asked why he had not read ^20.000,0O0, contingent upon the ent. OP FATAL AUTO WRECK the highway advertisem ents. The approval of a num ber of m ajor tourist replied th at the only camp “ G astounet,” as his old SALEM, July 11.— Gussie signs he had seen between Redd­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. these j friends call him, promises to be Irene Nelson, 12, was killed on 5 w - s - N were e ls o n ’ towards th e a is x th at the “ public u n tm _____ | !T h e Dalles Chamber ot 7 Commerce settling: f figures ty ing and Ashland were advertis­ a popular president. He comes the Pacific highway near Barlov. Bert R. Greer ing a piivate camp in Medford. __ ______________________ — Editor upon a planting program for the district. We don’t w ant: business of Oregon is the most from the small village of Aigues- yesterday when she was struck by OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R — .................................................... Telephone 39 grower producing Olie Cl'Op. We encourage the i ra Pldly growing industry in the \ ives, in Southern France, and an automobile driven by Miss THE WEATHER Entered at the Ashland. Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter planting of crops adapted to the locality, soil and market State’ and in suPP°rt of the ex has the good qualities of all the Nona Hoyt of H arrisburg. Report past 24 hours: needs . The local fruit association handled 135 varieties cellent showing made by the con»-1 meridionals. Coming from a The child was walking south on Maximum, for Subseript.on Price, Delivered in City 92; Minimum, 51; Set panies in the Inform ation Bureau ■ simple provincial family, he has the left side of the pavement and One Month pf fruits three years ago. Think of the economic waste Maximum 85. W eather clear with Three Months ......................................................................................... - —• »uvuuuo v 05 i • „1 , • ... ------ is the la w m fact th at a t «very every one oi of vneiii them always been a hard w orker and the car struck her in the hack. Northwest winds. Six M o n th s.............................................................................................. 3.75 1 1 P*antlng 80 many varieties. Lack of volume, lack of ’ has extensive construction pro- a modest personage. However, She was dragged for more than o n e Year - J 1 ’ ih Va.i „„,1 p , ................ 7-5® ' -------1 mai’ket, lack of *• success. — We surveyed the district and grams in vlew for a num ber of he could not hide his joy on 100 feet, it was reported at the Canyonville — Pioneer Bridge, One Month................................ *.. ® " : $ Gg ¡found ord-v fruits were paving the farmers, years to come- The bureau early | election day. state traffic departm ent. Offic­ Three eonfhi'hs .............................................. ............ - I.’»5¡these were adopted in our planting program. It is folly in the year estim ated th a t these “ I got ’em,” he whispered In ers said the brakes of the car at Canyon camp, dedicated. Six Months utility companies would the ear of an old friend as he were in perfect condition. One Year ..................... US to encourage farmers to simply set out fruit and then seven continue to invest new money in went into the Elysee palace — ignore the fact that the varieties so planted may be en­ th eir physical properties here in meaning of course, th a t he “ got” Miss Hoyt said she lost control . DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: of the car when she was stung tirely unprofitable. Single insertion, per inch .............................. DEMAND the state in excess of $10,000,- his opponents in spite of the hard $ .30 by a bee. Officers said no charge . , Yearly Contracts: The business men of The Dalles have found that 000 a year for an indefinite per­ obstacles they had placed in his would be preferred against Miss I One insertion a week • 27H there is a definite place for them to fit in with the ag-1 iod. These construction pro- way, and all in the last forty- Hoyt Two insertions a week .................. .25 Daily insertion .............................. ricultural development of their district. The friction gr&“ 3 T made necessary by the eight hours. .20 Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising w liio li io f o b in on i i ,, . I constantly growing demands for F irst insertion, per 8 point line .............. . « .10 which is felt in so many communities between the fru it] service which are being made T hat the new President is a ANSWERING QUESTIONS The Bach subsequent insertion, 8 point line World’. BtK Took growers and business interests of the city is lacking in .05 upon the present facilities of the P ro testan t is also a curious fact, Card of T h a n k s _____________________ ................. " y " ......... BOTHERS SERVICE MEN 1.00 Over 100,060 people have The Dalles. A constructive program is being worked out utility companies, and the only inasmuch as France is notably a Obituaries, per line...................... .02% testified that TANLAC lim it th at will m ark the activities Catholic country. But this seems by the three groups: farmers, business men and canneries. “ Can’t they read ?” has relieved them of: , > " HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING of the utility industry in build­ to provoke less comment in the Such is the question of the ser­ it fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or s Other districts could well afford to adopt The Dalles ing up the industrial stru ctu re of French press than the knowledge Stomach Trouble, collection taken In A dvertising. 6 8 plan.—Oregon Grower. vice men, who daily answer, or j Rheumatism, the state is the ability of these th at he is a “jolly good fellow.” try to answer, the thousands of No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Mal-Nutrition, companies to finance their capi­ In other words, he knows how to questions asked them by tourists. „ J t DONATIONS Sleeplessness, tal requirem ents. eat and drink well. There is a unanimity of opinion that Ashland is en­ “ How far is it from here to No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis Nervousness, “No more presidents who are lag or ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash tering the greatest era of growth and development in his- Bedford, Indiana?” X -yy|10 wyj ¿ jSpute Loss of Appetite, on the w ater wagon for us,” tory. “ W’hy doe3 gas cost so m uch?” Loss of Weight, w rites Leon Vibert in the Paris- JULY 11 “ Is the w ater here fit to Torpid Liver or TIIOl SHALT LOVE THE LORD thy God w ith all t h v h e a r t Soir. “ France has suffered for d rin k ? ” With Coolidge, LaPollette and Davis squared away m i n d ^ t n / W ^ T’Su a " d with a11 thy 8tren&th . and with all thy Constipation. more than ten years from politics “ Has this town an auto cam p?’ mind, and thy neighbour as thyself.— Luke 10:27. silk shirts and janamas will soon begin to fly. directed by dyspeptic men wh > “Ask Anyone Who Has To all of these, and many more Taken TANLAC" drink only water. Millerand. j questions, the attendants must PARIS, July.— Who will be the OVER 4» MILLION BOTTLES Kinlan dis providing America with worthy competi­ new W hite House m istress in Poincare and Clemenceau ordered j give courteous answers, SOLD m ineral w ater for their banquets | One service man today, in tell­ RESERVE COMMUNITY SPIRIT REQUIRED tion in the Olympic games at Colombes, France, but as France? This is an all-im port­ Louis XVI was sober and chaste. For Sale By AU Good Drafrfati The final drive to finance the proposed new tourist has been the case for the past several years, the boys ant question w'ith the ladies d u r­ Not one of them understood ing a traveler that Ashland did have an auto camp, and a good ing the last few weeks. F o r Mon­ hotel was ushered in today and the Jesuits of the next Finland is providing America with worthy competi- sieur France and her problems. Doumergue, the newly-elect­ lew days will determine whether or not the contract can Beware of too virtuous peo- j ed President of the Republic, is a pie. N eurasthenics are often the ! be let and actual construction be under wav at an early Senator C. A. McNary will return to Oregon within veritable old bachelor, and more (late, or whether a long delay will necessarily ensue. a few days and will receive a heart greeting in the shape than likely to rem ain one. W ith most dangerous. Now we have a president who will not m istake ! .n die ^ na^ ^r*ve wa8 ushered in this morning the of the republican nomination to succeed himself, and all one exception, it has been the Vouvray for Saint-Emilion, so we i solicitors were within $45,000 of the coveted goal, a goal of which was acquired while the Hon. C. A. was sticking rule to elect a m arried man who ought to have a good time in gay THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL has a “ better h alf” to help him that will make the hotel a reality and give to Ashland an to the job in Washington. France— Europe, too.” en tertain at fetes and ceremonies improvement that will be a strong link in the chain of in the palace of the Elysee. In for­ developing this city into one of the leading vacational As a lot of fellows are saying: “ We want a hotel and eign courts these duties are us­ and recreational centers of southern Oregon and the Pa­ we want it right now!” Let’s go! ually perform ed by the nearest THE cific coast. in rank and station, but his rule does not apply to the President. The iact that within the brief period of a week or | estim ates for th e cu rren t year. In He is free to choose whom he ten days, Ashland people subscribed stock to the amount ! every instance expenditures for wishes, and it is now officially : this year will he well abovo nor- of $140,000 to finance the hotel, is commendable and FOR stated th a t M. Doumergue is go­ i mal. , speaks well for the progressive spirit of the citizens of ing to count upon the help of Six of the seven' companies will his niece, Madame Combes, a Ash and, but the sponsors are now at a point where thev spend more th an $1,000,000 each, The gorgeous Murray gowns, the exotic Murray beautiful and charm ing woman, or the city can no longer shine in reflected glorv Re­ and the total for the seven com­ dances, anil a story that will breathe of the flame of Gate Valves LLB.’---------- 1 —a serve community spirit must be marshaled in tins last panies will reach the $15,000,000 Published Every Evening Except Sunday by t *.* a os una JLTB M x i K j r TODAY and TOMORROW Winchester Store M AKE MillENI The six light and power com­ panies during the first six months of 1923 produced 411,963,103 k. A STRATEGIC MOVE BY DAVIS w. h. of electrical energy. Possibly not one in ten thousand could have guessec For the first six m onths of the nominee of the Democratic national convention for 1924, the production rose to 470,- vice president. When the message announcing that Gov­ 683,880, a net increase of 57,- 720,777, or ap actual increase in ernor Charles W. Bryan, of Nebraska, had been named the output of these companies of tor that position and would he the running .mate of John 14.2 per cent. W. Davis, it brought with it a surprise. Yet his selection The Portland Gas & Coke Com­ b} Davis was a strategic move and reveals the Democratic pany, whicli is the only im port­ presidential candidate shrewd and a politician who may ant gas utility in the state, Bad keep the opposiiton guessing. Those who followed the an output of 1,580,399,520 cubic feet of gas during the first six convention will recall that in his dramatic appeal to the months of last year. The output convention to break the deadlock and nominate a man up to June 30 of this year was who stood squarely on progressive principles, William 1, i 51,940,710. This is a net in­ Jennings Biyan did not include Davis on his list of de­ crease of 171,542,190, or 10.8 sirables, which evoked the wrath of Davis followers In per cent. The increase in the num ber of the final dramatic minutes of balloting for the president­ custom ers taking service from the ial! nominee Bryan moved about the convention floor in an seven utilities is equally satis­ r 1 tlde f°.r Davis and force the nomination factory. There are at the pres­ Of Meredith. But, he failed, while Davis emerged trium­ ent time nearly a qu arter of a phant and victorious. Reliable news dispatches give the million users of light and power and gas in the state of Oregon. information that the first act of Davis, following his nom- This num ber would be expanded ination, was to declare his preference for Govc Govemor if the score or more of small Charles Bryan as a running mate, and when a fight ap­ plants in the state were included. On June 30, 1923, the total peared likely in selecting the candidate for vice president Davis promptly nipped it in the hud and within as manv num ber of utility users served by the seven companies included in minutes as it required days to nominate Davis, Brvaii the Oregon Public U tility Infor­ was nominated for vice president. mation Bureau was 221,179. On In that move Davis out-generaled W. J. Bryan and June 30, 1924, the num ber had opposing factions to a degree that doubtless swept them risen to 241,560, an increase of from their feet At a single stroke he placed them on 20,381, or 8.5 per cent. the defensive and in a position that will make bolting ex­ The confidence which the pub­ lic utility companies of Oregon tremely difficult If Bryan bolts the ticket, he will have have in the fu tu re growth _ and to desert his brother. And if other democrats desert the i prosper,ty of the commonwealth party because of the belief that Davis is not sufficiently is eloquently revealed in the fig­ progressive, they will desert Charles W. Bryan, who is ures showing the approved budget nothing other than progressive, though perhaps more con­ servative than his illustrious brother. COMMUNITY BUILDING ' The Dalles Chamber of Commerce is spending $10 - 000 a year in farm projects and onlv $500 in advertis­ ing. Over 70 per cent of its budget is used to increase the prosperity of the farmers now on the land and less th a n ' 4 per cent to encourage new settlers to come in. This ) policy is unique. It is constructive, farseeing and conduc- i i\e of positive results. The average commercial club' T-E-N-T-S For campers and anto tourist«. Camp stoves, also ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 04 N. Main Mademoiselle Midnight VALVES - mighty effort to push the stock subscriptions up to $185 - PORTLAND, Ore., July 11. — (X)0, the amount that must necessarily he pledged if de­ A survey ju s t completed by the lay is to be avoided. The comm unity spirit developed in Oregon Public U tility Inform ation Ashland within recent months is all but marvelous There Bureau covering the principal is good authority for this statement, but the time has public service corporations of the arrived where there must be a reserve of that conununitv state indicate th a t business is good. In no case has there been spirit of such proportions as to make the proposed mag­ any during the past nificent hotel a reality. M twelve recession months, eith er in th e v o l-’ If the entire amount of stock required is not pledged ume of production or in th e num ­ there is only one alternative for the sponsors, that of bond- ber of custom ers supplied with llch, n-eans delay’ additional expense of from service. The companies included in this $7,000 to $8,000, and obligating the stock to guarantee survey have an aggregate invest­ bond interest payments. Therefore, it seems all but im­ ment in th e state of Oregon of perative that the red-blooded men and women of Ash­ approxim ately $150,000,000 and land respond to the final drive and subscribe to the limit are as follows: ot their ability to pay. No proposition of recent years California-Oregon Pow’er Co., holds so much of merit. No project can add greater im­ Medford. E astern Oregon Light & Pow­ petus to the future growth and development of the town. er Co., Baker. In conclusion there is one thing to remember: No objec­ Mountain Spates Pow'er Co., Al­ tive of importance to the individual or community caii be bany. N orthw estern Electric Co.. attained without a supreme effort. Let those who have Portland. subscribed and can afford more, increase their subscrip­ Portland tions, and at the same time let those who are financially Portland. Electric Power Co., able and who have not yet accorded support to the pro­ Portland Gas & Coke Co., ject, subscribe to the limit. Portland. Mae Murray*