AâatASλ C A t t t « M i a i _____________________________ i A t Home-*- eute ‘ •• bocal ■ Personal Jiotes • A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of local interest A To th e Lake— ------- events requirem ents of the future. s = Hence 5 C O M M ; A N D IN G j To Bandon—r Paul Mars and wife left this ^m orning for Bandon, O regon,¡ where they will spend several ' v n I i n j weeks at the sea side. YOUR f l if e / Ai I £ ______________________ _ _ __ (tim-MJu)', July MO, tirtU ~ — ery, was an always-present men- it was decided to wild-cat at Bon- i ace, .and some became ill, but as dOCO’ a wliole health was good, due to j In December, 1920,van expe- Proper sanitation. Of recreation ' south, in Borneo, and it may yet be found in the Philippine group, where drilling there campaign has been only one real , w SaHed from Sau r t ‘ancisco there was litt,e or none — ®ome 1 just finished. 5 7^'f°r Mani 8' EverythinS necessary hunting when the rains allowed. ______ ______ the one , , t0 and work had to be ship- d u rin g the wet season it was Henry Enders, Jr., left yester- Back in A shland— pea iiom California. The ship- f° r the most part, imprisonment W ILL LAUNCH FINAL masquerades as man DRIVE ON NEW HOTEI . _ day on a short trip to Lake of m ent ran to a thousand tons of ’n camP- Once two U. S. Army Willie Creps, form er Ashland Stated communication, Thurs- the Woods, 7 YEARS; GOES TO JA IL m aterial. The tim ber for the »«’Planes crashed near by— an ex- resident, arrived in town last day evening, July 10. Petitions. ' (Continued From Page 1) M a r ^ h a t t ' rigs, all machinery, road-building citinS event. night and plans to spend three MARSHALLTOWN, La., July i apparatus, and even the supply of The effort in the Philippines reports, and routine business also For Medical T reatm ent__ creational centers of the Pacific vote on proposed am endm ent to J Mr. Cannon, who lives south months here. He has been In Cal-j 10. u un y, 33, who, for j manila rope were placed abroad has been watched with great In- ifornia. , Z " 8 T X " ” T ' ,Uera