Pafte tw * Àft&tAtô D A ttï ttBffiöS ASHLAND DAILY T ID IN G S o-nninn uPon him b? (Established Io 1876) gom an. Thursday, July ld, idfli wason of tbeir familiarity.—Morning Ore- aad Jaelr-rabbits ware innumer- able. As I have said this was the [Ir.t night that we put o u t ' »ATES FOR OVARI) RIFLE Fugsfle business men. alumni SHOOT ARE ANNOUNCED ci U. el o., faculty and staff workers have contributed $201,- SALEM, July 10. — Brigadier 000 to finance a 5-year building General W hite, head of the Ore- campaign. goon National Guard, has issued orders for the second state rifle and pistol competition since the * Oregon City— 4 3-4 miles Red- world w ar to be held August IS i land highway, lying between this ience,— for the nervous and dis- ience,— fir the nervous and dis- THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ______ ________________ _____________________ With the definite object of learning what he could | satisfied Indians boded trouble. B ert R. Greer ................................... ......................................................E ditor from such a perilous Undertaking someone has just read I In 1864 a treaty had been madej OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R ..........................................................Telephone 89 I *’000 novels- Contrary to what.might he expected from between tbe governm ent and the and the K lam ath Reser­ Entered a t th e A shiand, Oregon P o sto ffic e as Second C lass Mail M atter this adventure OUr voracious reader apparently Came Indians SAN FRANCISCO, July 3. — and c o n tin u in g seven days a t the vation had been established. The i city and Viola, completed^ through the ordeal in good health. Modesty is the greatest charact- j Clackamas range. Crack m ili­ i K lam aths and Modoc Indians Subscription Price, D elivered in City One M o n th ..... $ .*5 It will make US somewhat more charitable toward i were not altogether friendly and | eristic of Lieutenant Russell L. tary rifle and pistol shots from 17 Three Months 1.95 what this individual has to say in the matter of c u r r e n t ! was sought to put them on this Maughan, whose sensational flight i counties in the state will p a rti­ Six Months 3.75 reservation together and there across the continent betw een! cipate. ©ae Year..... ................... ........... 7.5« fiction if we remember that when placed side by side as was much opposition to this. The dawn and dusk definitely reveal­ The state championship for By Mall and Rural R outes: One Month $ .65 they are arranged on book shelves, 1,000 novels will take Modocs claimed the Tulle lake ed the possibilities of the a ir­ rifle and pistol will be decided as ThTee M o n t h s 1.95 I up nearly 120 feet of shelf. This amount of reading m at-, country and the lower reache8 of plane. will be the best rifle team in Six Months “Anyone could have done it,” 6 50 ter’ Parricularly in modern fiction, could easily prove the ¡'Lost river. Lost river had always Oregon. The 16 best shots will One Year undoing of the best of US. “ Only about 100 of these been a common fishing stream , said Maughan almost as soon as represent Oregon in the national DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: books,” says this devourer of literature, “ deserved pub- and botb tbese sections were o u t- ’ the congratulations began to pour matches at Camp Perry. Ohio, in Single insertion, per inch ......................................................... ? .30 side of the reservation, though upen him from thousands of en­ September. Yearly Contracts: lication; the remaining ninety per cent were valueless.” they were perm itted to visit Lost thusiastic Americans in all parts One insertion a week ....... ........................................... ....... • 27H It might be remarked that some of us who read only ten PUBLIC SERVICE ACT rwo insertions a week ................................................................... river during the fishing season. of the country. .25 Daily insertion .................................................................. books a year have come to the same conclusion and that The Indians resented the en- R E PE A L HAS FAILED Maughan is hardly a handsom e' Jo Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising we thus spared ourselves the task of reading the other: croachm ents of th e whites, a man. He bears a striking resem- i SALEM, July 10.— Failure of First insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 990. The quandrv remains, however, that we are not all «umber of whom had settled blance in the stamp of his fea­ the prom oters of the initiative Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line..................................... .05 ■about the borders of Tulle lake tures to the rawboned backwoods m easure to repeal the public ser­ Card of T hank s____ <____________________. . . ...______ ____ 1.00 agreed on just what sort of book is worth reading. Obituaries, per line.......................... ............................... and along the banks of Lost popularized during the co-; vice act to secure a sufficient .02% Until there is more agreement than there is today on river. This wras about the mid­ type verted-wagon days and previous num ber of properly certified sig­ WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING Art* you paving t o o what books are worth reading, it is rash to say, as this dle of June th a t we were there to those days by such men as Lin­ natures to their petition has “All future events, where an admission charge is made or a elim inated that m easure from the collection taken in Advertising. critic did, that only ten out of 100 books are good read­ and in November following, the coln. much for your fire in­ No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. November ballot, Secretary of Not tall, he yet lends the im­ Modoc war broke out at the Stone ing. Perhaps if he had not read so many, he might have surance.* Do von think pression of height when h e 'i s State Kozer, announced Monday. bridge on Lost river. DONATIONS had more fun out of a few. your rate should be Our night passed w ithout inci­ dressed in m ilitary uniform, his The petitions filed by W. E. No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertis­ ing or dob printing— our contributions will be in cash. dent and th e m orning dawned wide shoulders and slender figure Richardson and others last week lower? I can tell you. The democratic delegates may not be broke, but it is beautifully. Night noises were accentuating his five feet nine— j were accepted by Secretary Kozer JULY 10 a safe het that most of them are badly bent. subject to check, and the check hushed with the rising sun and possibly ten. The Billings Agency O DEATH, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? completed Monday rvealed th 1 in­ M aughan's face is a study in breakfast and packing were soon But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord E stablished 1KM3 sufficiency of the signatures. Some of the carnivals parading through the country accomplished; our horses ro u n d ­ human types. His home is in — Jesus Christ.— 1 Cor. 15:55, 57. under the guise of a supposed stamp of approval from ed up and the days m arch begun. Utah. Seventy-odd years ago his some super-organizatioif are a good deal like the would-be Our course ,was now northerly ancesters pushed their way across IS WILLIAM J. BRYAN A PASSING FIGURE? through a couple of miles of yel­ the continent over many weary doctors who have been practicing under diplomas grant­ low pine tim ber w ithout brush. mouths in a covered wagon— a The democratic convention now in session (Wednes­ ed by diploma factories. The horses were learning to fol­ journey Maughn made in hours. day evening) has proved the longest drawn out, the most The man m ight be one of those low the bell-made and there was sensational, and in some respects the most bitter, ever pioneers— to see him in repose. little to distract attention to the It might he a good idea to put McAdoo and Smith held in the United States. It has broken all records, hav­ A retu rn to th at original stock, he new and changing environment. ing cast 103 ballots before selecting a candidate to oppose into a squared ring and let them settle the draw. V l t THEATER 8EALTIFW To the north of this cluster of has been called, and during the Show er b athing is quick bath­ Coolidge in the November election. Pew conventions tim ber was Swan lake valley but half-hour in which he gave the ing. No w aitin g; anil you Some of the Democratic delegates who opposed the not visable from our line of thousands who had assembled at Finishing Today have exhibited bitterness to such a marked degree, but Crissey Field, when the flight hatlie in clean running water. m arch. Lucian A pplegate a fte r­ in considering the notable features one cannot forget abrogation of the two-thirds rule at the beginning of tlie located in this valley and was completed, a chance to see I t’s ideal for a bath-a-day for William Jennings Bryan and his prominence in the long convention have doubtless experienced a change of mind. ward acquired a large acreage of splen­ him, there were many who called ¡ th e busy man or wom an. days and nights of the struggle. One cannot forget that did meadow land and establish­ attention to th a t fact. H ave us in stall a modern when the two factions created by the Kian issue had all Time heals all wounds but it will have to work won­ ed one of the stock ranches in “ Maughan looks like a back-j ih o w er in your bathroom — but disorganized and disrupted the resolutions commit­ ders if it cures all political injuries sustained in the New the K lam ath county. He still woodsman. No wonder he was you'll enjoy bathing better. lives there at an advanced age in able to last out the day” , one tee, that the great statesman, long hailed as the boy orator York convention before the November election. Friday and Saturday man said as the aviator leaned peace and plenty. of the Platte, asked God for divine guidance, and no man See us for particulars Four or five miles from our over the balcony of th e head­ or woman, irrespective of politics, harbors not the least quarters building, telling the camp we came into Alkali valley doubt hut that the appeal .made by Bryan was sincere in and there found more stock men crowd it was nothing as far a s ! all that the word implies, for reasonable people never stop already established. Uncle Billy , he was concerned — merely evi- ■ Boberts, Ivan Applegate and the dence that American flying is on ' to question his sincereity. Later on, with the struggle Shook B rothers had availed them ­ as high a plane as th at in any I Plumbing Heating over the platform out of the way and succeeded by the selves of a beautiful tra c t of other country. P hon e 138 2 0 7 E. Main battle of candidates, there appeared on the floor of the country. Splendid springs and | “ We need money from Con­ convention the great commoner, who without fear or fav­ YORK, July 3.— “ Hell ed, “ Helen, now Mrs. K arl An­ an abundance of the finest m ea­ gress now more than anything Robert Z. or, launched into an eloquent appeal to break the dead­ an ’ NEW M aria,” heralded by the press derson, of W estport, and I lived dow lands, destined to make them else if our branch of the arm y is Leonard. lock and to induce delegates to name a man who stood as the picturesque invention of on the campus at M arietta, and rich. Our road now bore more to continue its progress” , he said. out squarely as a progressive. No temerity was shown. Charles E. Daws, Republican — I say this with alL modesty— to the north until we reached the “ You know there are only! Bryan did not side-step the issue and there was no strad­ candidate for the Vice-Presi­ we were quite popular w ith the Sprague river country where we three scout planes like mine in found Yianax, a sub agency of the army today. dling. He drew the line between the progressive and re­ dency,, tu rn s out not to be a cuss college boys a t the time. We knew the K lam ath reservation. Here after all. all of the Dawes boys well— had actionary candidates. His appearance on the platform word Classified Ads Bring Results It is nothing more devilish, it been playmates with them from we were in the midst of the Klam­ in that appeal failed of its purpose. Delegations remain­ is learned, than an innocent, ab­ childhood. ath Indians, who seemed peace­ You have that when your The phrase ‘Hell an ’ ed unmoved and the deadlock continued, and today those breviated contraction of the M aria’ wras undoubtedly derived able enough, though sulky and brakes are always well who have watched the almost unparalleled career of the names of two charm ing sisterB, from a combination of our names, uncommunicative. This valley lined and adjusted. was a very beautiful spot with former Nebraskan are asking: “ Is William Jennings the form er Misses Helen and Mrs. Anderson furnished the Hell luxurient grass, springs and clear Maria Buell, who w ere campus part of it and I the Maria. Bryan a passing figure in American political life?” running stream s everywhere. belles back in M arietta College, For twenty-eight years he has been a dominating Ohio, when the General was a “ A fter his testim ony before the There was only a family or two h Lining that resists to power in the councils of his party. It was at the conven­ freshm an there. All the students investigating commission in of white people who did not ap­ W ashington, Charlie Dawes visit­ prehend any trouble but suggest­ the extreme. tion of 28 years ago that the fire, which had burst forth swore by them — w ithout being ed us here and explained why he ed th a t we had b etter m aintain a Raybestos assures perfect brak­ into its greatest fury within him, so kindled the hearts profane. used some strong language on close watch over our band as it ing— when brakes mean the “So at last the tru th about of the delegates to the Democratic convention that he won C harlie Dawes’ famous phrase has th a t occasion. He said th a t he appeared to a ttra c t the attention h a ir’s breadth difference be­ for himself the nomination of his party. Even those of the came out,” said the form er Miss merely w anted to wake the coun­ of the natives and m ight tempt tween safety anq sm ashup— have brake rods aud bands ad­ younger generations recall the thrill of his wonderful ad­ Maria Buell, now Mrs. Donald P. try up to th e seriousness of the them beyond th eir power of res­ situation and the folly of th e pro­ istance. We made our camp at justed occasionally. Raybestos dress, of which the “ cross of gold and crown of thorns” H art of New York. ceedings. He thought the best the lower end of the “ Lower Gap” and adjustm ent pay big divi­ was the climax. Defeated then, and in two subsequent “ The phrase isn’t ‘cussing,’ and way to do th a t was the pictures­ dends. Sprague river; a wonderful campaigns, the general popularity of Bryan never waned. never was. It is nothing more que m anner which he adopted.” on beautiful spot, covered with wild than a lucky slogan, like some of ) Twelve years ago he led his delegates from Champ Clark our slang phrases of today, and Mrs. Anderson, “ the hell p art rye and clover, of so strong a Cor Main and P ioneer over to Woodrow Wilson, and in an address characterized Is not intended to be profane. of it” in he? sister’s words, who grow th as to make it difficult to as wonderful, stampeded the convention to the former General Dawes fell into the habit was with Mrs. H art during the get about in it. The riv er-w as head of Princeton and governor of New Jersey. At the of using It back in the days when interview, smilingly endorsed teem ing with fish and th e quak­ everything her sister said. A ing-asp groves were seductive in San Francisco convention of four years ago his part was he was a freshm an at M arietta th e ir sister, Mrs. Creelm an, wid­ th e ir invitation to repose. From I have heard him use it no less prominent and his fight against the wet wing of College. ow of the au th o r and war corres­ th is camp our road was to the thousands of times while he was his party is still memorable and he emerged from the a student, and he was not the only pondent, Jam es Creelman, also east for about tw enty miles w here seemed to relish the “ Hell an ' we camped at “ Round Grove” convention powerful and victorious. one. w ith good grass and w ater. On “ You see,” Mrs. H art continu­ M aria” joke. Thursday of last week, Bryan again attempted to this day’s drive we saw but few swing the convention to his way of thinking through his Duro is an automatic Indians and most of them at a wonderful oratory and the logic of his thoughts, hut he distance. From “ Round Grove” pressure system, entirely failed. McAdoo failed of nomination and in his stead we plunged into the forest again adaptable and necessary John W. Davis, who deserted Bryan in the campaigns of which continued until we reach­ in this section, to relieve ed Drews valley. We were now farm 1896 and again in 1900, was named. In this connection homes of water beyond the reservation. Drews Bryan, in his address on the convention floor, branded Being a series of interesting articles dealing with early day shortage in the dry sea­ vailey was so seductive a spot events and pioneer men and women who made history and Davis a reactionary and a conservative of the first stripe. th a t I laid the foundation of a son. Maintains Pressure. builded for succeeding generations. Hence we have the spectacle of Bryan repudiated by his cabin and concluded th a t if w e ; (By C. B. WATSON) own party, as it repudiated Woodrow Wilson and the returned th a t way I would locate i Duro Shallow-Well systems my frontier home. We were now j give a pressure of 25 pounds to ideals for which he fought and died. Chapter III feet and a depth of eight or teu nearing Goose Lake valley o f ’ 35 pounds at all times, pump­ T he E very P a V What the ultimate outcome will he with respect to ing autom atically to keep w ater feet. Its course thence for ten which I had heard much and on ; supply on hand at all times for the great commoner, who is acclaimed as one of the great­ LOST RIVER; PLENTY or twelve miles is west w ith a the following day entered it at J house, barn, milk house, gar­ OF FISH; ALKALI VALLEY est of all Americans, is somewhat problematical, yet it ap­ southerly trend until it has passed th e north end. As we crossed ■ den, bath and fire protection. pears that he is passing from the political stage of his As stated in my last article, ‘the Gap” when it tu rn s southerly the divide a beautiful view was j Get F ull P articulars y 'J 11 we camped ju st above Lost river and finally south-easterly and presented. n Hon. Looking south o v e r' From gap, on the banks of this, now empties into Tulle lake, on th e i the lake the m ountains looked j historic stream . For ages Lost south of which lie the lava-beds very distant. Antelope and deer BAD YEAR FOR LAWGIVING river had been a favorite fishing destined to be m ade historic were plentiful and the W arner This election year, it appears, is unpropitions for the stream where hundreds of Indians w ithin a year from the date of .range rose high to the east. | Ashland class of initiated bills known as repeaters. The old fam- gathered a t the proper season to our camp by the m urder of Canby Around the north end of the lake j Main - P la z a in th eir annual supplies and Thomas in the Modoc war. were swamps, outside of which j iliar single tax, the anti-capital punishment bill and the gather of fish. Though I was to gain an Clear lake, the source of the spread out in interm inable abun­ interest regulation bill, though put in the hands of name unrestricted acquaintance with river is but five miles d istan t dance th e sage-brush plains with solicitors, failed to acquire the legal number of signa­ this stream and the surrounding from Tulle lake intoo which the which I was growing familiar. tures. A variation on proportional representation with country in subsequent adven­ river empties, yet the river is We crossed the valley and camped abolishment of the senate, well known in its main prin­ tures, at this-tim e it was perfect­ ninety miles long. Tulle lake a t the foot of the W arner moun- ' ly new to me. It may not be out has no visible outlet, and a t the tains. Here we concluded to stop ciples to the Oregon voters, is also left at the post. of place for me to give inform a­ time of which I w rite, covered over the next day, which was | Those who are interested in sober use of the initiative tion which I afterw ards gained about 100,000 acres. Some of Sunday, and visit Uncle Abe Ten- ! and referendum may he able to gain some comfort from about this interesting country and the most valuable lands of Oregon brook, who had settled there a Thousands of breweries pro­ occupy this Lost riv er country, few miles south of our camp, the fact that whereas some measures obtained a sufficient particularly this unique river. duced good beer, but only a few number of signatures, four of the six that failed were of Lost river rises in Clear lake but up to this tim e it was prac­ em igrating from Rogue River val­ have been able to brew a near- the repeater type. It strains the imagination to think that ju st across the border in Cali­ tically unoccupied. A few hardy ley. There were quite a n u m b e r' beer that continues to meet fornia and flows north intoo Lan- stock men had m ade selections families who had settled along j this is wholly coincidence. Are signatures harder to ob­ gell valley, Oregon, where It and were building up stock of popular favor. W e’ll stake our the east shore of the lake and reputation on tain for bills that have frequently been passed upon? Are sinks. Hence its name. Its ranches th a t have since then be­ were building homes th a t haveI voters beginning to discriminate in the signing of peti- course thence is by subteraneous come famous. since become wonderfully a ttr a c - ; Big business men don’t do it, All of the streams of this “Lake tlce. tions? Or have contributors to obviously hopless move- channel for f i r f t e e n or because they are good business C. B. WATSON, I ments become tired of putting up expenses? Whatever twenty mlle-8 ln a nortb- country” swarmed with fish and men. They don’t try to prove the rule by being the excep­ the cause let us welcome it. . Grly d,' ec«<>n. wbere 4 “ **aln were destined in later times to Ashland, Ore., July 7, 1924. attract fishermen from distant tion. Unless you are sm arter, The persistent resubmission of certain measures fav­ cluster of springs. There is quite cities. Deer and antelope swarm­ why should you? ored by tinkerers and experimenters has not been whole­ a town called Bonanza, though at ed over the sage plains rich in Good Insurance— Phone 58 some in its effect upon public regard for the principle of the date of which I write Bonan­ bunch-grass, while in the moun­ za had not yet come into exist- tains the more adventurous hunt­ direct legislation. Not all the measures that have this ! ance. From this point the river ers made war upon grizzly, black —rid your system o f Catarrh or Deaf year attained the ballot are distinguished for their con- hears to the west and within a HENRY WEINHARD PLANT and cinnamon bears, mountain s»ess caused by Catarih. O ffice H otel Ashland servatism nor are they sustained by experience elsewhere; few hundred yards below ,he lions, panthers and timber wolves. Sold b ¿rvggiit, f a ortr 40 yta n SNIDER DAIRY & PRODUCE CO., but they are at least new to the voter. They do not pall I spring« it has a width of eighty Coyotes made the nights hKleoua J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio P ublished E very E v en in g Except Sunday by WHICH NOVEL TO READ EPOCHAL FLIGHT For Your Protection A Shower Saves Time \ “The Humming Bird’’ Dawes “H ell an’ Maria” Jerry O’Neal Really Is “Helen-Maria” Calm. Cool Conscience Mai Murray •»MâdemaiseUe Midnight Raybestos » Automotive Slioj Duro Makes Short Shrift of Water Shortage Interesting Reminiscences By A Southern Oregon Pioneer is alw ays sw eet and. p u re in th is handy tin z sMlUS It’s N e stie s ALPINE Murphy Elec. Co. D O N ’T “Kid” Yourself About Carrying Your Own Fire Protection Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Carter & Mills Ashland, Oregon