pagi -: R. e« AS élañí » ó Artv ftbíÑüñ M » -♦-»♦♦ • • « ♦ » » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »■» ♦ « ♦ Wisconsin Man Visits-— J. C. Copeland, of Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, is in Ashland today visiting friends. over July 4th and 3th. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald are the parents of Mrs. Spencer. The Spencers, with their guests and Mrs. Mildred Ep- perly visited the J. A. Archibald family at Kerby, Oregon, on Sun­ day, and also saw the Oregon caves, returning home late Sun­ day night. All report a splendid trip. act was filed with 31,141 signa­ the thought of one by himself, i when she undertook his eduea-1 mission was sitting at Berne tures, while only 13,498 were One of his practices was to let tion, he u se* to roll on the? Switzerland. About to retu rn to necessary. his opponents lull the court to floor at night, reciting his'lessons America, announcement of the Te­ sleep under a blanket of verbiage. as he rolled. signation of W alter Hines Page Astoria lets $55,000 building Then, with a short, concise defin­ A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts of He was born in Clarksburg, as Ambassador to the Court of To Canada— perm its one day recently. ition of the issue, delivered in the April 13, where his father was 1 St. Jam es's was made, and Presi- local in terest A California man who is going rapid, searching style for which eminent as a churchm an and law-1 dent Wilson cabled him a proffer “ i to Canada for a vacation is Al­ Astoria to pave Exchange street he will always be remembered in ^e r‘ of the post, which he accepted. fred Anderson, Santa Maria busi- from Seventeenth to Twenty-third I tbe Supreme Court he would A fter “ graduating from his Mr. Davis is a former presi- Here For \a v a tio n neg8 man> Who stopped here yes- A shland L odge No. 23 and Commercial street from rouse the justices to wide-eyed m other’s “school’’ he attended j dent of the American Bar Aato- The Misses Almeda and Emily terday to sample, the Lithia water. A. F . & A, M. Twenty-Second to Twenty-Third wakefulness. two boarding schools, in one of elation, a member of college fra- Kaiser, form er Ashland residents, * Arrived Monday— During his term as Ambassa­ which he was one of two male ternities, the Masons, Elks and and south on Twenty-Third to Stated communication, T hurs­ arrived from California recently Complete line of Ashland Can­ Mrs. F. Stevenson, who lives Franklin Avenue. dor, which began in November, students in a large class of girls. ! Woodmen. day even ng, July 10. Petitions, tor a vacation. They will stay ued Goods at Detricks, His first wife was 94-tf near G rants Pass, and who is a 1918, it was said in London Davis reports, and routine business also several weeks. Noted for his studiousness atri ' Julia T. McDonald, who died in ______ form er Ashland woman, arrived Çendleton — Very little wheat was one of the most popular and bashfulness, he devoted most of 1900, leaving one daughter. Julia vote on proposed am endm ent to 176 R egistered Y esterday— here Monday, and plans to s ta y , acreage is being abandoned in highly esteemed diplomats who by-laws increasing the annual . , , his time to books. Members of! McDonald Davis. In 1912 he HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, a week. She is here for the bene­ Umatilla county this year. Yesterday only 176 out-of- a represen ed the United States i his family credit him with saying m arried Miss Ellen G. Bassel, and a u ts from $6 to $12; hence a full of course. 212— tf state tourists registered at the fit of her health. m anj years | be would rath er walk three to this union one daughter. Ruth attendance is im perative. Meet local bureau, which is considered On the eve of his departure he blocks out of his way than to was born. at 7:30 o’clock. On T iip — McADOO AND SMITH was the guest of honor of the Pil­ meet a girl acquaintance. They M. H ELLlS, W M. ; Svlvester Patterson left Ash only a very ordinary reglstratlofl To Tacom a— QUIT TORRID RACE grim s’ Society and London news- day here. W hile K lam ath Falls Mrs. Runam a De Wees, an Ash­ W. H. DAY, Sec’y. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY declare that at George Young’s land on July 2 for a trip, and is ' is proud of a high m ark of n earl; land resident for eighteen years, papers characterized the gather boarding school — where the stu now at Madison, Yula county. ! flfty m otorists in one day, and left Saturday night for Salem (Continued From Page 1) FOR SALK— At a Bargain, new ___________ j ln& as among the most notable dents were all girls except Davis Comes To A sh la n d - California, where he plans to re­ Medford boasts of registering 200 with her daughter, Mrs. Stanton. bungalow. Call at 505 Elizabeth Davis had scarcely bemi seated ‘ ever assembled for the purpose of and another boy — he was cured Mrs. B. G. Davis, of Oakland, main for some time. Street. 263-2* in two days, Ashland daily regis­ A fter a short visit in Salem, Mrs. when President Wilson appointed I bidding farewell to an American of his bashfulness. arrived in Ashland last night. She ! - ____ ters between 150 and 225 travel­ De Wees will go to Tacoma, where him Solicitor-General to the De- j diplom a^ bl England. The Prince At the age of thirteen he e n te r­ will stay here a week, visiting ! Rubber Aprons 50c and 75c FOR SAI.E — Apricots 6c at ers. she will live with her son, Frank. partm ent of Justice. His asso- ^ ,a ’ei and Lords Curzon, Read- ed Pantops Academy, a prepara­ orchard. Phone 11-F13. 263-6* with friends and relatives. McNair Bros. Mrs. De Wees sold her Ashland d a te s declared Davis made the ing and Desbrough paid tribute tory school at Charlottesville, Va. Surprised By F riends— home to E. E. H ewitt, of Factory best record of all the men who to Davis as “one of the most, il­ At sixteen he graduated and en­ W AN TED— 75 c o rd s of wood. Gravcnsteiu cooking apples for Here T his W eek__ Mr. and Mrs. L. Miksch were street. lustrious in the line of American C all phone 120 or A shland G reen tered W ashington ami L ee Uni­ have appeared in the Supreme sale. Phone 9F11. 263-tf Miss Opal Taylor, of Merrill. surprised recently by the arrival Ambassadors in the last quarter versity. H ouses. 2 63-2t Court for the Department. was an Ashland visitor the early of friends from California when century.” He was graduated from th< A tall, slender man with a From H ornbrook— part of the week, returning to her Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Huebner, with WANTED — Alfalfa and oat A ttack s Reds University in 1892 with the de­ shock of almost snow-white hair, U. E. Rose, H ornbrook, Cali­ home today. Miss Taylor stayed : th eir son and hia wife and ch„ d hay. Call phone 120 or Ashland a slow and gentle smile, and the i Replying to the eulogitsie. gree of bachelor of arts. In 1905 fornia, business man, arrived in with friends while in the city. I Donald> came to Ashiand. After Green Houses. 263-2t general a ir of a student listened speecbes’ Uavis thanked t h e ' tbe institution conferred the de­ Ashland today for a short busi­ a short visit, the Huebner family gravel y while two assistants (Oj speakers and then declared th at , gree of bachelor of law upon him. FOR RENT— Front bedroom to ness visit. Let us fill your pail with Swifts left yesterday to visit C rater ! the U. S. A ttorney General out- *recent events hao proved m ilitar- He then returned to Clark: burg lady, inquire 29 S. Pioneer. Side Silver Lea; lard. Costs less than lined th eir views on a legal point i ' sm to be a danger and not a safe and was adm itted to the bar. The entrance. 263-3* For pleating, see Orres. 262-2* shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is Lake. They plan to take the round-trip route, going by way guard.’’ Branding Communism following year W ashington and which was the crux of a case more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf of Klam ath Falls and returning FOR It ENT — Housekeeping as “ an ignoble fraud,” the Am­ Lee called him back to serve as pending in the Supreme Court. Reedsport Bound— ........................ by way of Medford. apartm ent. Large living room, bassador devoted most of his j an assistant professor of law Finally, they paused. The So­ Frank Dias, well known locally, To Seattle— bed room, kitchen -pantry and licitor General of the United speech to Anglo-American r e la - : position he filled for one year left this morning for Reedsport, Mrs. A. T. Edm unson well bath room all newly papered and Hons. Back to Oaklaud— SALEM, July 8. — The ballot States smiled, then rendered his F ath er Law Part i t e r where he will work the baance of know Ashland resident, with her painted, 5 m inutes walk from Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum, and at the November election will decision. Davis is a “ good m ixer.” He R eturning to Clarksburg he the summer. daughter Bertha, left recently business center. Phone 4 4 5-R. .daughter, Lael, left today for contain four initiative and four ‘ That sounds mighty fine, gen- has had enough of the rough- formed a law partnership with with her son Oswald Sanford, of 263-tf Orres cleans and remodels Seattle, for a visit with relatives th eir home in Oakland, after a referendum m easures according tlem en; now, if one of you will and-tum ble of politics to keep his father and practiced his pro­ him out of the exquisite class, de­ f short visit with Mrs. C. L. Loomis to developments yesterday, which ' loan jne a pipeload of tobacco, fession until he made his first clothes. 262-2* in Brem erton and Seattle. She was the last day allowed by law spite a certain perfection in dress? and other Ashland residents. They both your lengthy argum ents will venture into public life in 1899, plans on a visit of in d e fin ite ! and distinction in appearance. for filing completed initiative pe­ be forgiven.” are returning over the new Red­ when he was elected to the State A ppreciates Service— length. His first laurels in Congress titions with the secretary of woods highway instead of down This incident happened when Lgislature on the Democratic Appreciative of the service of the Pacific highway, which is us­ state. Of the referendum mea­ Davis was forty-five years old, were won as prosecutor of Judge ticket. As an immediate recog­ police chief McNabb in catching G uest H ere— ually traveled. sures three were referred to the and at the time he had had more Archbold, of Pennsylvania, who nition of his legal knowledge he a fugitive, the Hotel Medford to­ Chalmers Strange, of P o rtla n d ,1 people by the Igislature and on experience with big law cases was impeached in the Senate. was made chairm an of the Ju d i­ day sent the chief a box of cigars. arrived in Ashland recently, and He framed the principal provi- j ciary Committee. H ere Y esterday-— one the referendum was invoked than most lawyers of seventy can is visiting at the homes of Mrs. sion in the Webb-Kenyon Act to Sheriff T errill, of Jacksonville, by the people at the instance of point to. A fter serving one term Mr. Madden seì.s Balloon tires. Jesse Neil and of Mrs. E. Mc­ prohibit shipments of liquor in Associated Industries of Oregon. was in Ashland Monday in an of­ • W on N oted Cases. Davis retired from politics and 246-tf Carthy. He plans to rem ain here ficial capacity. He returned to This la tte r m easure is the act Celebrated cases he won w e re ! interstate commerce to dry ter- jn accordance with the expressed a short time. Mr. Strange is well w hat was known as “ The Pipe i rit° r Y - wishes of his father, who was, to the county seat the same even­ ¡prohibiting the sale of milk and N apa Vlsitoi known in Ashland, and has many When he was twelve he was l quote him. “sick of politics’’ and ing. b u tter substitutes and is known Line Case,” a decision which com­ Especially do wo recom­ A tourist from Napa, Californ­ friends here. pelled oil companies to post their urged by school officials to take determined to keep his son in a as the oleo-m argarine and con­ ia, who is driving E ast over From W alla W alla— schedules and to adhere to them the examination for teacher in the law office, refused the importun- mend Scaly mattresses densed milk bill. N orthern roads, is Mrs. A. Cor- Motored Over—- E verett Gillings of Walla w ith respect to all well owners, C larksburg public schools, but de tties of party leaders to re-enter The m easures referred by the lett, who left this morning after Mr. and M rs.'W m . Wood and for good sleep and com­ ’ the political field. W alla, arlved in Ashland last legislature are: A measure req u ir­ th e income tax law of 1913, the d in ed on advice of his father. spending a week in Ashland. son Hugh, and Mr. and Mrs. John night to visit his brother, E. O. ing a literacy test for voters; an ship subsidy case, the Adamson When he was twenty-one he He did. however, represent plete rest. Linfesty, of Merrill, drove to Ash­ Sweet cream for whipping and land and G rants Pass Saturday Gillings. The visitor plans to re­ am endm ent m easure providing eight-hour law, the Selective was offered the presidency of the; W est Virginia as a delegate to t h e ’ eeffee— also fresh milk, always night, stopping here Sunday and main in Ashland for a week or for the condemnation of roads D raft Act of 1917, and many W ashington and Lee University, ‘ N ational Democratic conventions! from which he had ju st graduat- ¡n 1904 and 1908. and highways for the tran sp o rta­ others. •a ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf returning to their home Sunday ten days ed. The long-suffering justices are tions of m aterials beneficial to President Wilson in the Rum- Orres tailors for men and evening. The trip was in the na­ Çwenson & Peebler When he was thirty-three h e mer of i 9 18 seiected Mr. Davis From B ritish Colum bia— said to have found him a joy irrigation and drainage; and a women, upstairs over McGees. ture of a short outing. was elected president of the West From British Columbia, and proposed am endm ent to the state which they hoped in vain would to represent the United States on Furniture Company Virginia Bar Association. endure forever. One tra it appeal- going home as fast as the law bonus and loan act extending its a commissiono to negotiate with From H untington Beach— Smiths M. A. C. Tonic, $1.25 Biggest Home Furnishers Taught By Mot lier allows is R. F. Bennett, who last benefits to veterans of the ed to them. Davis would c o n -; Germany the treatm ent and ex-, Mrs. A. F. Borst of H untington -McNair Bros. in Ashland night stopped at the Ashland auto Spanish-American war. sent to long speeches by the o p -! His m other was a native of B a l-: change of war prisoners. When Beach, California? arrived in Ash­ camp. Bennett has been spend­ The four initiative) m easures position, but he could not tolerate J tim ore, and she has told how, the arm istice was signed the com-, land today, and will remain here Colorado V isitor— until Monday, visiting friends. At Visitors in Ashland yesterday ing the w inter in southern Cali­ th a t will go on the ballot, com­ th e end of her visit, she will make were W. R. Conklin, of Denver, fornia, and is now retu rn in g to pleted petitions having been filed, are: A m easure providing for a the round trip to C rater Lake, and J. E. Rodman, of Colorado his home for a cool summer. board of naturopathic exam iners; and retu rn home. Springs. There were four to u r­ S eattle Man H ere— a m easure m aking operation un­ ists in the Conklin party, and two A. C. B utt, of Seattle, who has der the w orkm en’s compensation SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ with Mr. Rodman. been on a fehort vacation down act compulsory, initiated by the MOBILE insurance; better terms South is in Ashland today rest- Oregon W orkm en’s Compensa­ and lower rates. Yeo, of course. Cleaning, Pressing and R epair­ Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf ing at Paulserud’s. 261-tf 'ing. Before leaving Los Angeles, tion league; a m easure initiated he planned to break the retu rn by C. C. Chapman for the repeal trip into two sections, spending a of the state income tax; and a From A naheim — From Kansas— day of re6t. As he had passed bill to abolish the public service Dr. Wm. P. Myers and family, A aKnsas man, W. Dawson, through Ashland on his way to commission. of Anaheim, California, left Ash­ drove one of the 98 cars th a t last On seven initiative measures, land this m orning for Portland, night visited the Ashland camp California, he decided to stop h ere petitions were not completed and a fte r visiting relatives here for ground. He left a confirmed Ash­ for a day. they will not go on the ballot. several days. They will stop land booster. From A rizona— These are: Occupational rep re­ again on their return trip. Arizona was well represented sentation bill, providing for abol­ M entho-Sulphur Oint., 60c* — at the Ashland auto camp last ition in th e state senate and rep­ We deliver the goods— Detricks McNair Bros. night by four to u rist cars, one resentation in the legislature by 94-tf driven by Ted Rodney, one by occupations instead of by political Many at Camp— P. E. Phillips, one by R. M. Mar­ p arties; single tax bill; interest Tacom a Man Here— An increase in the num ber of shall and the other by John Old­ rate am endm ent; school district J. E. Brewer, of ,Tacoma, automobiles at the city camp W ashington, stopped in Ashland ground was noticeable last night, er. All four were in different voters’ qualification bill; state today to buy some supplies, no­ when 98 were registered. The parties, and hailed from different grange Income tax bill, and an ticed the entrance to Lithia Park, tourist travel is growing rapidly parts of the camp. Three were anti-capital punishm ent measure. In view of developm ents con­ and now intends to stay here a and the peak is not believed to going North and one was driv­ ing into California. cerning a state income tax, it week. Mr. Brewer is a prom in­ have y et been reached — G rants looks as if such a law in Oregon ent Tacoma business man, and is Pass Courier. H ere Tw o Days— is in jeopardy. W hile the grange on his vacation. Alfred E. Archibald and Mrs. income tax act, which is approv­ G oing To P ortland— Bessie Archibald, of Corvallis, ac- ed by Governor Pierce, failed to Among the travelers th at pass­ TH E BAZAAR sells all kinds of 2nd hand fruit ja rs — pints, ed through here yesterday th at companied by Paul Snook and ; receive the necessary num ber of ! quarts, half gallons. Also jelly are m aking Portland th eir mecca, Miss Mildred B ra tto n ,‘of Eugene,! signatures to go on the ballot, glasses. They buy them because are J. E. Shelton, of Los Angeles, were house buests at the homej C. C. Chapm an’s m easure provid- they are tem pered.— The Bazaar, who is going to locate in the W il­ of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Spencer ing for the repeal of the present on The Plaza. 263-1 lam ette valley; C. Gordon Limp- set, Victoria, B. C, man who is retu rn in g from California, and From a D is ta n c e - who is going to stop a month at Two tourists who are a long the Oregon m etropolis; and Char­ distance from home registered les F. Sells, of Riverside, Cali­ th e ir machines at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. One was fornia, who is connected with the Lyman O. Kelling of Cedar Rap- Portland Oregonian. b o c a lj P ersonal fiotes A ON 8 MEASURES AT Beds Springs Mattresses More Cloth es for Less Money Here, Men With the July Clearance Sale policy of this store, men’s furnishings and acces­ sories, in certain lines are receiving a generous slash in prices—giving the Short - of-Clothes Man a real chance to stock up with good wearing apparel at reduced prices. M l Suits 10% Off Except Blue Serges One Special Lot Sniis Sizes 33 to 37 Clearance at $7.85 SPEAKING of VACATION Ids, and the other, Thomas Far- Thrilling Time— bairn, of Streaton, Illinois. Dr. Paul Noel reports a rath er thrilling time while attending an Celebrated Hen»— out of town dance Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Umphlett Dr. Noel was answ ering an urgent and daughter, Yvonne, spent the call and ju st as he stepped out­ Third and F ourth of July here side the hall a man stuck a gun visiting with Mrs. U m phlett’s par­ in his ribs and told him to stick ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller, ’em up. Dr. Noel stuck ’em up, of Church street. They returned but somehow or other, on t h e ) to their home in the northern part way up his hand accidentally con-J of the state last Saturday a fte r­ nected with the bandits chin and noon. the doctor cleared out at a pretty good pace. He even overlooked Highland Linen Box Paper, 50c th fact th a t the hold-up man -McNair Bros. might have been a good patient when he came to. — K lam ath News. P la n e A t M edford— Lieutenants W atkins and Get- tys landed on the F air Grounds Bai'X To Portlajid— Mrs. Frank G. Allard, and, flying field here Monday noon, on daughter, Francis, left Sunday th eir fifth stop since leaving San Antonio, exas, July 1, on a flight night for their home in Portland. ' of the west. They have made They have been visiting with Mrs. fast time, having been at Yellow- W. J. W allace of Mountain Ave- . stone Park yesteiday and in Se­ mie, and with Mrs. W. H. Mowat. j a ttle last night. The flyers are Miss Allard came from Portland now bound for home in their big with Mr. and Mrs. Walace s e v a ra l! De H aviland army plane, flying weeka ago, and Mrs. Allard jo in -: south by way of San Francisco. ed ber here later. They stopped The governm ent sent the men out, here two weeks. Mr. A llard Is th e trip being in the form of a known to local rs ’.dcats, as he tria l flight. The stop over here was form erly form an of the fo r gas and oil was for only a ' Southern Pacific roundhouse couple of hours.— Mail Tribune. I here- The bathing suits of this year are bet­ ter looking than ever. All wool suits, GOING! ^ N G !! 16!!! One lot $5 Felt Hats, Clearance P riced $3.75-$4.48—$4.98—$5.98 10 per cent o f f Bathing suit Belts» E a c h ___20c on all Felt Hats Bathing Caps, Each .. 15c to $1.00 Hosiery Specials Women’s all wool tw eed knick­ ers, p a i r .................. ; $4.18 Straw Hats Women’s all wool tw eed 3-piece 85c Phoenix Silk Hose Clearance ................55c Fibre Silk Hose C leara n ce................50c Miscellaneous Outing S u its ........... $14.95 $1.25 Leather Gloves Clearance ..............85c $1.75 Athletic Under­ wear Clearance ............$1.00 Tweed H ats to match, Each $1.00 fine ’ shirts $5 Silk Shirts Clearance ........... $3.85 $2.50 Negligee Shirts white, tan, gray Clearance ............$1.75 G irl’s khaki O uting Suits, Middy and K n ic k e rs........$2.39 E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Quality Store” DRESS SHIRTS WORK SHIRTS 10 doz. R egular 50 doz. Blue Chambray $1.50 Values $1.00 ‘W here Your D ollar H as M ore Cents' $1.00 V alues 65c