PROFESSIONAL NURSE SAYS 15O-MILE BEAMS TO TANLAC HAS NO EQUAL Classified Column Wyo. The giarg beacons ttt these prelim inaries at an early date. Dut it waa reported Saturday that ÛTES IN AA.LEM her reoor«rv * ag expected. Her points will be visible to the fliers Members of the committee nave from a distance of 150 miles in Fall but completed an investiga­ son. W. P. Lord Jr. of Portland. C lassified Colum n R ates SALEM, July, 7.— Mrs. W. P. wa9 called here’ Tuesday. each direction. The sm aller bea­ tion of several proposed sites. One cent the word each Lord, pioneer Oregon resident and cons at interm ediate points will time. Mrs. Lord had been a resident The demand for a golf course be visible for 100 miles. widow Of the late Glvernor Lord, of Salem for many years, and had Night; weak 1 I would feel r i g h t , Gla« t Beacons to To run every issue for one Mrs. J. Clark Says Tanlac me 30 weak is growing daily and visitors ex-) would feel right!Giant Beacons to Make Emergency landing fields have Tvr„4.„i, faint. The least exertion would Flying Safe fo r New P. O. died here early today following been Prominent in social and civic month or more, %c the word press profound regret In not be­ Was More Than Match ---------- ------- Air Service been provided a t various points completely exhaust me and six each time. ing able to indulge iu the fa v o r-' an operation performed two actlvit,es- She w»s 79 years of For Her Troubles. on the direct flying route, and, as ite game while guests of Ashland. months before taking Tanlac I weeks ago. She had been in a ? Se' Resides her son- w p Lord □ well, ju st off the route in both was so weak I had to hire my J CHICAGO, July 7.— Five g reat’! critical condition , J r ’’ Oue dauSb le r. Miss Elizabeth directions, with the result that By reason of the fact that she crtucal condition for several days. Lord of Salem, survives. FOR RENT housework done. I was in bed j beacons of five hundred million Classified Ads Bring Results the fliers will never be out of speaks fiom her long experience most of the time for two months candle power each, with th lrty - sight of the safe haven. FOR RENT — Furnished four as a professional nurse, the state- and was getting desperate. tfour interm ediate beacons of five room house, modern and well lo­ mnt of Mrs. J. Clark, of 415 Wal- “ Tanlac was more than a match million candle power each, will cated. Call 353-L or see Mrs. sworth Ave., Oakland, Calif., will for my troubles and eight bottles guide United States Air Mai! GOLF COMMITTEE WILL C. W. Chatteo. 4t be of interest to all who are in SUBMIT REPORT SOON left me feeling fine. I eat and fliers on the 886-mile stretch be­ need of an upbuilding tonic. sleep like a child and have en­ tween Chicago and Cheyenne in FOR RENT— Furnished Cabins At the meeting of the board of In all my fifteen years ex­ ergy and strength that makes life the new transcontinental day-and- and tents facing park, near Llth directors of the Chamber of Qpm- Tanlac is .simply night aerial mail service. la w ater and play ground. Place perience as a trained nurse,” says a pleasure. merce last night, O. F. Carson, Mrs. C lark’s statem ent, ‘‘I never grand.” to park your car. Call 153. In addition to the ground in'f ' chairm an of the special committee ' -x 261-tf found the equal of Tanlac as a ’ Tanlac is for sale by all good stallation, which will be extended stomach medicine and tonic. Two druggists. Accept no substitute. to cover the two stretches be­ appointed to work out plans for a local golf course, gave out the in­ years ago an attack of influenza Over 40 Million bottles sold. tween Cleveland and Chicago, and FOR SALE form ation th at the committee left me w ithout appetite and my Cheyenne and Rock Springs, C A V TN G is an act of sunshine. APRICOTS — Freshly picked stomach in such a bad fix th at the Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for con­ Wyo., when the Summer wanes and non-lrrigated. Phone 415-L. little I did eat seemed to do me stipation, made and recommend­ and the days grow shorter, the It is not a gloomy and dis­ 262-2* harm instead of good. ed by the m anufacturers of planes will carry with them a re­ tressing thing. Get the habit and “ Stomach pains would make TANLAC. serve of 10,000,000 candle pow­ see how it will tone up vour whole FOR SALE — J. H. Hale. New Sweet Com, Carrots, l ife . er to be used in emergencies or Peaches, Table Carrots. Phone Turnips, Cucumbers, To­ in landing. 335-L. 575 Liberty St. 262-6* and bondholders. matoes, Cabbage, Beets, 1 All together a total lighting Taking the average exchange power of 5,279,000,000 candle G r e e n Frying Apples, FOR SALE— Pigs, your choice; Sim ply because they are bet­ for the last five m onths a gold power has been provided by the ter— ingredients, m ixing, bak­ leaving; Bryan 1% mile west of Watermelons, Green Peas franc is worth four paper francs. electrical engineering experts ing, appearance. * Talent High School. 262-3* ! Consequently, 38,790,000,000 called In hy the Post Office De­ gold francs owed to foreign coun­ FOR SALE— By owner, a good partm ent for advice. B room house close In. Good lo ca-! H erriot to Find True Total o f I ' tries would equal 155,160,000,- Main stations of the central 000 paper francs. This makes Ik bl B efore A sk in g for New tlon. 550 Fairview St. 261-tf stretch will be located at Chicago, H. A. Stearns Ashland, Oregon , France's total debt in paper Appropriations Iowa City, Iowa; Omaha, Neb.. FOR SAIAS pr TRADE for : 426.178,000,000 francs, or at the larger place— a well improved PARIS, July 7. — If every man, ■present average rate of exchange, 20 1-2 acre farm with good build­ woman and child in France! $21,308,900,000. ings, stock, crop, and implements. should make a gift of $500 to th e ' I The most optimistic French Inquire of owner, R. Scheldereiter Government, France would still i , census experts estim ate F rance’s R.F.D. 1, Box 173. 259— 6* population, including foreigners, — --- - I i be in debt. As a m atter of f a c t,' FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid- 'nobody, not even the Minister of at nearly forty millions. This toga; 25c per bundle. dh Finance, knowns exactly how would make a per capita debt of more than $532. much France owes. Prem ier Edouard H erriot, in i The “ Radical-Socialist” Party MISCELLANEOUS his first message to P a rlia m e n t,' of which Prem ier H erriot is the ....HOME laundring done 239 2nd promised th a t the new Cabinet leader, is neither so radical nor street. Fancy laundrying a spec­ will make an investigation of so socialistic as these words im­ ply in America. Big business in ialty. 262-6th F rance’s liabilities. "We will not present another France feared H errio t’s Govern­ . WANTED — Local agent for I appropriations bill before the ment. would make a levy on capi­ beat Ford accessory known t o ! Chambers until this inventory is tal to reduce the French debt. auto world. Every dem onstra­ completed and we know where we ' Such a capital tax was voted by tion gets many sales. 100 per cent stand,” asserted the Prim e Minis- j the German socialists shortly profit sales. No investm ent re­ ter. after the armistice. quired. Box 7 Tidings. 262-2t) When asking for his first vite . I Monsieur Clementel, the n ew ! of confidence from the Chamber, M inister of Finance, has w m - : ------------ LOST — Crystal ear-ring, call com pleted a prelim inary study of the H erriot flatly refused to support Powells Transfer. Reward ” • a capital tax at the present time. 261-3* French debt. He finds, however, “ W e’ll make an inventory o f) •----------------------------------------------- j th a t the fluctuating value of the Seooud Hand goods bought, sold franc, and the fact th a t the debts what France owes,” declared the ■ “ W e'll enforce the ’ exchanged,repaired. Collected and to England and America must he Prem ier. delivered. Chair Doctor, Cor.3rd. repaid in gold francs, while the strictest governmental economy. ! and A St., Phone 295R. 232-2mo. ! French internal bonds are in But a tax in capital would simp­ ly he trickery if it isn’t preceded I DO FANCY cement work, , term s of paper francs complicates by a severe application of the in­ chimneys, septic tanks; also cem-\ making a true total. If the total debt is reduced to come tax. There are Frenchmen etry work etc., J. D. Peffley, 143 a common denom inator of either Wh° \ aven,t yPt paid th e inC0me •thlSt. 227— lmo* I paper or gold francs the amount ^ ^ h M inister Llucheur has ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE-r-May changes millions of francs each de9Cnbed by the expressive words a , only „ a , few ■ .• ‘a tax on suckers.’ You have ask- communicate with Ensign Lee Hov flay, ^ with centimes of the Salvation Army at the fluctuation of the paper franc ex­ ed my opinion of the capital tax. Under the present conditions, WhlteShield Home, 565 May- change rate. flatly. N o!” fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. The foreign debt, inluding Ioans from Am erira, which are repayable in gold, am ounts to 28,-' Letterheans, statem ents, to 790,000,000 gold francs. France I vour order a t the Tidings Office, owes 2(1,018,000,000 paper i We have a good job printing de­ PHYSICIANS francs to French banks, railroads partm ent. tf DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office A full train of Woodrow Washers, consisting of 24 carloads hours, 10 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 women will he made happy thru this opportunity to place an p. m. only. has arrived in the Pacific Northwest. This is the largest ship­ ------------- , electric servant in the home without a down payment. You will DR. ERNEST A. WOODS-^Prac- ment of hench-type washers ever made to one dealer in the his­ tlce limited to eye, ear, nose anà I not have to postpone any longer, purchase of the washer you throat— X-ray including teeth. tory of the industry. have been wanting so long. Office hours, io to 12 and 2 tc : p o rm er Kansas Contractor Now every woman can have an Electric W asher in her 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. T e U s o f W o n d e r f Ul Re 'I his is the first time Woodrow Washers have been sold on Ore. Sunshine ¡getablesâ' FRENCH DEBT OVER $500 PER C A M Folks Like Our Breads Franklin Bakery Phone 199 The Citizens Bank of Ashland P-Jaza Market World’s Largest Shipment of Bench-Type Washers TRAINLOAD SALE OF WOODROW WASHERS PROFESSIONAL YOU CAN NOW BUY YOUR WASHER Man of 74 Made Young in Three Weeks by Simple Method suits F r o m Testing Korex Compound heme v ithout paying one cent down. There has never been such DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. Office phone 48; residence 142. F irst!. Thomas J- Glascock, 74, well- National Bank building. I kn°"'n ° ld time Kansas ^ “ tract- ! or, declares he has virtually been DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings made young again by the recent ly discovered korex compound. office. Phone 91. ------------ ! which by many users is pronoun- DR. C. W. HANSON j ced superior to ‘ gland treat- Dentist m ents,” as an invigorator and Special attention given to pyor- revitalizer. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver I feel like I did at 35.” says Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Mr. Glascock, “and seem to be getting stronger every day. Dur­ MONUMENTS ing my three weeks' use of the new discovery, pains and weak­ ASHLAND GRANITE nesses of many years’ standing MONUMENTS disappeared almost magically. Oregon G ranite Co. Today I am as vigorous and THOMAS J. GLASCOCK S. PENNISTON, Salesman. supple as I was in the prime of R hs . 470 Laurel Phone 444-Y life. The compound referred to by Furtherm ore, when I be­ Mr. Glascock and Mr. Wood is gan using the compound, my mem­ PLANING MILL ory was virtually gone and T was put up in tablets for easy use at JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET almost blind. Now my mind is home by anyone. It has won the WORKS, Cor. Helman and clear and active and I can read Praise of thousands who suffe* Van Ness. 194tf the finest print w ithout diffi- ed from nervous exhaustion, di- culty.” . minished or depleted vigor, enu- TRANSFER AND EXPRESS In order to find out w hether ra sthenia, prem ature age and k Who serv ce at a rea- Sim ilar reports are being made i satisfaction in obstinate cases that •onab.’e price. Phone 83. almost daily. For instance, D. W. • bad defied all other tre a tm e n ts' EKHIOE-BPACH " ood, of New Orleans, past 60 j previously used. T ransfer — Express — Storage >eaFS ° f age’ Say8: The com_! -Realizing th at thousands ot eu- Hanling — Dray work of all pouad bas brou6ht me back to a s , feehled, half-alive folks may con- kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry gO° dJ bealtby condition as I en- s der such news “ too good to be ----- -------------------------- ---------------- wood of all kinds Phone 410-R joyed at 35. I am apparently { tru e .” the American distributors STB B. St. 112-tf as supple as at 25 and my eye- of korex compound have arranged sight is better than for years. I , for korex compound to be placed j would not take $5,000 for w h a t! on sale in Ashland at East Side B lacksm ith Shop the discovery has done for me.” ‘ Pharm acy. Ju st ask for korex i Blacksmith Shop. E ast Main St. H orseshoeing, Automobile 8pring work a specialty. Auto parts. IRA YERIAN. 252-1 mo. fer‘__Good team »nd fcfiC TjX C ompound Portland— Contract grading Sandy road. let fo r NOTHING DOWN, A LITTLE EACH MONTH oníc ín Tablet form a liberal offer made in the Northwest, and many hundreds of these terms, ami the offer will he withdrawn at the end of this sale. You can put the Woodrow in your home with the utmost assurance that after you have used it 30 days and should not desire to keep it, you can have your payments cheerfully re- funded, without obligation in any way. FREE ANYWHERE SERVICE - - ANYTIME e X r i T ^ n w V r keep •V° “ 1’ nlael" ne perfectly. Shout,1 you need this service a tel- S ' ‘°t 7?" ,r,n.K an exl,ert to .™»'- home. This service is a t your disposal at anv of the 2b stores m the territory we serve. the « X 5 ? " s«llinS j Voodrow’ !" “ >e Pacific Northwest for seven years, in fa d , sold the lu s t \\ oodiow bi ought west of the Rocky mountains. (he ? ? X liaVC t,l'0l,sa,lds of satisfied customers boosting for the Woodrow, and pleased with The seivice we have given. ’ You can have complete confidence in the YVoodrow, because of its wonderful record for performance and m our established reputation for serving euslomers, an d b a rk in g th e wash- ei with a 30-day Money-Back Guarantee. ASHLAND •The Tub T ilts” MIJRPHY ELECTRIC SHOP FROM No w asher Is com plete w ithout the follow in g conveniences— T iltin g Tub— for quick draining. R ust-proof construction — galvan ­ ised fram e and l>ench. Saf-T -Feed — m akes the w ringer safe to feed. A lum inum A ero-Disk — m axim um agitation . Extra large wringer. Sim ple gearing. 18-oz. Copper Tub or A g ta d e Cy­ press Wood Tub. DISTRIBUTOR « L ? ' ®P®^IAL TERMS ARE GIVEN PURCHASERS OF WOODROW WASHERS BRANCH STORES. U»E YOUR PHONE, ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION. Compare Them All Y ou’ll Choose the Woodrow T w o -ln -O n e AYV nr W . E. DOOLEY & c o . n i i? W rin g e r C o n tro l. See th ese and m any oth er features on th e W oodrow. CVT OUT THIS COUPON M urphy E lectric Shop; W ithout obligation, send me in­ formation and term s on your train load s a l e of Woodrow W ashers. Northwest Distributors NAME ..... Oldest Exclusive Washing Machine Dealers in America A ddress