Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 08, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    AmÁÑá DAttf fihtífüs
iuesdAV, July H. l y j i
W. C. Lyman, who has been
ill, is alm ost recovered, and now
is able to be out of th e house.
b o c a l » P e rs o n a l flo te s
A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and event« o f
On M otorcycle Trip—
local in terest
A shland L odge No. 2 3
A. F . & A. M.
Clay Sugg, well known Ashland
boy, left this morning on his
motorcycle for a jau n t to P o rt­
P atient at H osp ital—
H arry Hartley, of Siskiyou, a r­
rived in Ashland yesterday, for
Stated communication, Thurs treatm en t at the local hospital. From W illow s—
W illiam L. Chadwick, of Wil­
day evening. July 10. Petitions.!
arrived in Ashland today
reports, and routine business also ■ Free trousers at Orres tailors.
a short vacation. He will
vote on proposed am endm ent to
262-2* return to Willows a t the end of
by-laws increasing the annual |
his rest.
dues from $6 to 512; hence a full
V isitor from R edding—
attendance is im perative. Meet
C. Kennedy, of Redding, a r­ Is Im proving—
at 7:30 o’clock.
rived in Ashland yesterday and
Jam es Crowson, janitor at
M. H ELLIS, W M. intends to rem ain here for sever­
high school, who has
W. H. DAY, Sec y.
al weeks visiting with friends.
been convalescing at the Com­
unity Hospital for several weeks
HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, is now alm ost recovered, and It
The regular m eeting of Lithia of course.
212— tf is expected th a t he will be dis­
C hapter will be held at Masonic
missed in a few days.
Hall, W ednesday evening, July 9. Friin K lam ath F alls—
Routine business. All members
Dr. and Mrs. Soule, K lam ath G oing to P ortland—
are u r ^ d to
Falls, were Ashlan dvisitors yes­
A visitor from Los Angeles,
terday, calling on friends and who is enroute to Portland, is
Master Councilor.
, Dr. F. S. Harden.
He stopped
t here yesterday to ride over Ash­
Rubber Aprons 50c and 75c— land's famous scenic drives, and
2 6 2 -ltf McNair Bros.
to visit the park. He said th a t a
For pleating, see Orres. 262-2* V isitin g H ere—
Miss E. H arrison, K lam ath
A ll th e W ay—-
Falls nurse, is in Ashland today,
"All the way from Ioway,” was visiting with friends and acquain-
the slogan which Mrs. N. O. Rem- : tances. She plans to retu rn to
ing, of th a t state wrote on the Klam ath Falls in the near future
back of her camp ground regis­
tration slip last night.
She is
Let us fill vour pail with Swifts
now going all the way back to Silver Lea lard. Costs less than
shortening. Goes farth er and is
more nutritious. Detricks.
Orres cleans and remodels
262-2* In A shland—
erly of Mt. Vernon, arrived in
Bays Shasta—
Frank Van Valkenburg, form-
Henry Pace, of Ashland, recent­ Ashland yesterday, and will stay
ly bought the Shasta Cafe in at 165 North Maint street
Medford, says the Mail Tribune.
The Shasta is one of the largest
Complete line of Ashland Can­
confectioneries and cafes in Med­
Goods at Detricks.
To M innesota—
Sweet cream for whipping and |
H. D. Miller, of Westwood, Cal­
coffee— also fresh milk, always
ifornia, who is driving to Minne­
•o Ice at the Plaza.
239— tf
sota to visit relatives, spent the
in A shland’s park yesterday
To L ake of W oods—
and looked up Ashland friends.
Mr. and Mrs. F rank Dean and
daughter. Betty, and Mr. and
Fall woolens in at Orres.
Mrs. K arl Nlms and son, Jack,
left recently for a vacation trip
to Lake of the Woods, where they
From H ollyw ood—
will stay a week.
An Ashland visitor from Holly­
who is going to Aurora,
Orres tailors for men
yesterday was Mabel D.
women, upstairs over McGees.
C ameron. She stopped here to
register her machine at the
T o Ohio—
Mrs. Emma H. McKibben, of Chamber of Commerce.
Ashland street, left for Ohio on
Saturday. She will probably stay
Orres relines coats (upstairs.)
a month, visiting with friends and
To M onument—
Verg Davidson left Ashland
SPECIAL attention to AUTO­
MOBILE insurance; better term s this morning by autom obile for
and lower rates. Yeo, of course. Monument, in eastern
Phone 21 & 274-J.
212— tf
summer months, returning in the
On B usiness—
Richard Posey Campbell and
Major Pettigrew , of the H artm an
Syndicate, were business visitors
In Medford yesterday.
Madden sens Balloon tires.
A t H ospital—
Mrs. Goddard, wife of Dr. C.
Goddard, of K lam ath Falls, was
brought to the local hospital yes­
terday for treatm ent.
Her bis­
ter, Mrs. D. Stearns, of San F ran­
cisco is in Ashland to be. near her.
Seasonable offerings in the various
Shopping worth while and your sa
This July Clearance Sale—
tourist at Redding had told him
of the beauty of A shland’s high
Our Dry Goods Department Offers the Early
En R ou te to Seattle—
Shoppers Unusual Bargains from Every Nook and Corner. Herein
we list a few items to show you what is going on at this Sale
A to u r’st who stopped here yes­
terday to register her car, and
stopped to make Ashland head­
quarters of a series of short
trips to beauty spots is Mrs. L.
A. Dubois, of Los Angeles. A ft­
er she has visited C rater Lake
and Lake of the Woods, she is
going to see the Oregon Caves
and then drive to Seattle to vis­
it with relatives and friends. She
will stop here when she returns
several months hence.
103 R egister—
193 out-of-state tourists stop­
ped in Ashland yesterday to reg­
ister tlieir machines. A large ma­
jority were from California, with
the w estern states represented by
the most cars. One car'from New
York was the only eastern car
registered, although several stop­
ped from the middle west. Prac­
tically all of them come to Ore­
gon by southern highways.
Back in Ashland—
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Van Vacter
of Bakersfield, California, re tu rn ­
ed to Ashland last night from a
trip to C rater Lake. They left
Sunday morning. They have been
in Ashland visiting friends made
here while Mr.«Van Vacter was a
Southern Pacific engineer, and
they intend to retu rn to B akers­
field soon. Mrs. Fred Neil made
the C rater Lake trip w ith them,
stopping at F ort K lam ath to vis­
it relatives.
FOR RENT — Furnished four
room house, modern and well lo­
cated. Call 353-L or see Mrs.
Smiths M. A. C. Tonic, $1.25 C. W. Chatten.
— McNair Bros.
... HOME laundring done 239 2nd
To C onvention—
street. Fancy laundrying a spec­
Hal McNair and family, and ialty.
Mrs. Sam McNair left this m orn­
FOR 8ALE — J. H. Hale.
ing for Eugene to attend the Ore­
Table Carrots., Phone
gon convention of druggists.
Liberty St.
A fter the close of the convention,
they will go to Portland for a
"A N T E D — Local agent for
short vacation, returning to Ash­
Ford accessory known to
land next Tuesday.
auto world.
Every dem onstra­
tion gets many sales. 100 per cent,
Cleaning, Pressing and R epair­ profit sales. No investm ent re­
ing at PaulBerud’s.
quired. Box 7 Tidings.
We deliver the goods— Detricks
APRICOTS — Freshly picked ! j
94-tf L ongest D istance—
and non-irrlgated. Phone 415-L. |i
The to u rist from the greatest
From N ebraska—
distance to stop in Ashland yes­
Two cars of tourists from Ne- J terday was Charles R. W illiam ­
FOR SALE— Pigs, your choice;
braska, one driven by G. W eaver, son, of Brooklyn, New York, who leaving; Bryan 1 % mile west of
the other by H. W eaver, stopped is on his way to Portland. He Talent High School.
last night at the auto camp. The ' came west through the central
W eaver family is m aking a leis­ states, swinging down to Califor­ I FOR SALE— 1923 Ford road-
urely trip on the coast, and may nia, and is now on his way back i stec, excellent condition, real bar­
g a in . 43 Third street.
26 2 -lt
■tay in Ashland for a few days. i through northern states.
Child’s Pajamas white self
striped Sizes 5 to 12 yrs
35c to 69c; none higher
Child’s summer Union suits.
Sizes 3 to 12 yrs.
All White Goods such as
Flaxons, Batistes, Organdies,
Gaberdines, Whipcords, P i­
ques, etc.,
July Sale Price 29c
15% Less
July Sale Price 49c
Lingerie materials in 6 differ­
ent colors, 36” wide, very
Children’s and Misses Middy
Slipover Blouses. Sizes 6 to
July Safe Price 49c
15 Per Cent Less
Women’s Bungalow Aprons,
all sizes—light and dark
about 100 of them priced to
move quick
Ladies’ cotton hose, brown
and white
July Sale Price lie
Imported, permanent finish
Organdies in all colors
Our entire stock of Flat Silks
pul on the block at
July Sale Price 45c
July Sale Price 98c
Embroideries and Insertions,
assorted widths and patterns
Ju ly Sale P rice 7c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c
Child’s D e n i m Slipover
Kreepers. Sizes 1 to 4
$1.25 to $3.50
All Voile and Linen dresses,
every style and size. A our
savings on these are
20 per cent .
all sizes
Our Shoe Department is Bubbling Over %vilh Values in Foolery
Some Lines We List at Less Than Cost
Billikins in
Tan Ankle
Buck—Low rubber heels.
These sold for
5.50 and 6.00.
One table of Oxfords and Shoes from lines
that had one and two pairs left, in Grays
Black, pat. etc.,
July Sale Price $3.95
One lot broken sizes in Suede, Calf Strap
Pump. Values 7.50 to 8.50
July Sale Price $3.95
Sherwood one strap pump in Suede, Bamboo
and Log Cabin, Values 8.50, 9, and 10
July Sale Price $4.95
July Sale Price $3.00
Women’s Brown and Black Suede pmflp,
» Junior Louis Heels, 8.00 values,
July Sale Price $4.65
Gray Suede, Block Heel, Strap pump
Oxford in welt and turn. Three styles
in this lot, 6.00, 7.00 and 8.00 values,
July Sale Price $4.45
Our Variety Department Offers Specials For This Sale
Yellow mixing bowls, set of 5 ........................................... $1.00
Bird Cages, all sizes. Priced $3.00 to $7.00.
English dinner ware, closing out at one-half price.
. , .
. .
Canary Birds
Guaranteed Singers
Full line of Bird Supplies.
Grit and Biscuits.,
We have added the famous line of Max Geisler roller seed
and Maizene Biscuits.
$2.75 and $2.95 Printed Crepe-de-Chine and printed
Spiral Crepes, mostly new designs just bought particu­
larly for this Sale.
All Voiles specially priced
July Sale Price 59c
Also a lot of plain colors in
taffeta, silk and cotton can­
ton, b rig ad e spiral crepe,
and o th e r novelty crepes
up to $3.50
Q fi
e • your
we are putting in
If you love your bird, feed it “ h
balanced food and the results w