Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 08, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    ¿ììbt.Àfcvt h i t t i * «tfttftrtfl
ftw*» Twö
(Established in 1876)
Published Every’ Evening Except Sunday by
B ert R. Greer ..........................................................................................Editor
OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ....................................................... Telephone 89
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter
Subscription Price, Delivered in City
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but many additional dollars to be paid in insurance pre­
miums against more fire.
Much of the fire loss could have been avoided.
Some of the fires were of incendiary origin. Others
might be called unavoidable. But an exceptionally large
number can be attributed to carelessness alone. Ten mil­
lion, or five million, or one .million, is a large sum for the
state of Oregon to pay as tribute to carelessness. The
higher insurance premiums that may come is another
sum that might easily have been saved. And all the time
and energy’, to say nothing of the cost that was expend­
ed in building part of that ten million of wealth might
as well not have been spent.
Oregon cannot afford to pay ten million dollars a
year in fire losses. It 'cannot afford to pay heavier in­
surance premiums. But they are bills that will be paid
so long as a few people persist in going through life with­
out a single thought as to the destruction they may bring
about by carelessly starting or spreading fires.—Oregon
Dailv Journal.
$ .10
• 02%
There is no longer any need for carrying one’s im­
agination to the bathing pools and beach resorts.
“All future events, where an admission charge is made or a
collection taken in Advertising.
No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
The main trouble with the girl of today is that she
refuses to act like the girl of yesterday.
No donations to charities or otherw ise will me m ade in' advertis-
lBg or job printing— our contributions will be in cash.
Calendars as works of art are very handy in covering
up bad spots on the wall paper.
FINALLY, BRETHREN, w hatsoever things are true, w hat­
soever things are honest, w hatsoever things are ju st, whatsoever
things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, w hatsoever things
are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,
think on these things. Philippians 4:8.
Most of the fellows who long for the good, old days,
kick like a bay steer when they have to wait ten minutes
for the street car or auto stage.
Many of the nations that would lead doubtless believe
in leading first with their right.
A few loyal republicans are predicting that the dem­
Everyone will admit that there is some difference be­ ocratic delegates will keep on balloting for a candidate
tween the language which the Englishman calls his own until the November election and then vote for Coolidge.
and that which the American has adopted as his mother
tongue. To representatives of both countries it has af­
forded amusement to note minor distinctions, and not
Interesting Reminiscences By A
seldom it has been attempted to prove that one is better
Southern Oregon Pioneer
than the other.
Time was when such argument was indulged in with
Being a series of interesting articles dealing with early day
a good deal of acrimony, one learned advocate of better
events and pioneer men and women who made history and
speech in America going so far as to assert that the time
builded for succeeding generations.
would come when Americans would no longer he able to
understand the works of Milton, Pope, Swift, Addison
and other English authors without the aid of translation
C hapter Two
high conceit,
into what would some day he called the American tongue. OUR FIRST CAMP IN THE W hen man in the bush with
God may m eet.”
But although it was more than 100 years ago that this WILDERNESS, ON OUR WAV
I finally slept and was aroused
prophecy was made, we do not yet stand in need of such
It would be difficult for me to ! by whoops and im prications. I
translation. According to a recent writer on the subject describe my sensations when we
was on my feet in a m inute, only
we stand less in need of it today than we did a century had prepared our first supper and to
learn th a t w’e were not a tta c k ­
ago. He shows that many of the specimens collected by spread our beds with fir boughs e d 'b y Indians. It was only the
British writers on this subject are not Americanisms at to soften our repose. There was Pinto mule prospecting among
all; they are mere coloquialisms, the like of which an a large corral of logs near by th a t our camp Equipment. This mule
been occupied to corral sheep had been raised by Cash W alker,
American would observe more abundantly in England. had
in during the past season and this who is still an Ashland resident,
Much of the difference seems to arise out of the fact we used to confine our band after and who had trained him— like
that frequently writers on this subject compare the edu­ they had browsed their fill on the Bret H a rt’s heathen Chinee, in
cated speech of England with any peculiarity of American luxurious bunch grass and wild “ Ways th a t are dark and tricks
speech that may he found anywhere. As is pointed out clover th a t in these early days th a t are vain.” We were to learn
carpeted every glade and su r­ more about Cash W alker as we
by this latest writer on the subject “ if the talk of street rounded
the m arshy grounds,
loafers in American cities, and the verbal peculiarities of made so by the num erous springs. got b etter acquainteh with Pinto.
In the early dawn we had our
outlying regions are to he counted as American speech Near by, to th e east were high first
breakfast and I had my first
we must also take account of the lingo of the slums of cliffs and looking tow ard the west experience in the a rt of packing,
as the sun Bank behind the Siski­ throw ing the ropes and executing
London and Edinburgh and Cork.”
Significant for arriving at an understanding of what you's, was a w onderful vision of the diamond hitch, in which, by
beautiful valley and towering and by, I became an expert. Ere
each country is contributing to the development of the m
ountains. Near by were great long we were in the big tim ber
English tongue is the statement that “ English conserva­ trees th a t charm ed me with their which
has since th a t tim e set tjie
tism is a valuable preservative of the written language,” dignity and the thought th a t they lum bering world crazy. As we
and that “ American energy and invention are always were growing in full vigor before rode through th a t wonderful fo r­
likely to outstrip this English characteristic in giving di­ Columbus discovered America. est of sugar pines tow ering in
I have not yet given you a de­ m ajesty two hundred feet into the
rection to current speech.” We Americans, in other
tail of the personnel of our little air, I tried to see the top of everv
words, play the role of pioneers in the development of party who were destined to the
tre e and nursed a stiff neck for
the common language. Of late years we have given the closest companionship during days afterw ards in consequence.
language innumerable words and turns of speech.
/many months to come. F irst was For a boy w ith im agination, re a r­
ïuvsday, July 8, iau4
— An invasion of the United
States by Mexican troops, the
Articles of timely Interester
first since Villa crossed the
are welcomed under this head.
border and raided Columbus,
Communciations m ust bear the
New Mexico in 1915, was report­
signature of the author.
ed to the state D epartm ent re­
cently in a dispatch from H arry
C. A. Damm, U. S. Consul at
THE MANY CHANGERS Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. *
'However, the diplomatic seis­
mograph failed to detect any
violent trem ors over the occasion;
To my fellow citizens:
instead a repressed chuckle and
There m ust be something rad i­
a faint smile greeted the news in­
cally wrong with out idea of
stead of a horrified stare and a
pleasure if we find or think that
frantic call for Yankee troops.
our visiting friends find unalloy­
H ere’s how it happened:
ed pleasure in our beautiful Lith-
President Ilvaro Obrcgon, of
ia P ark when it is cluttered w’ith
Mexico, was paying a visit to
activities so out of harm ony with
his home town, Nogales, Mexico,
its n atural beauty and restfull-
and the Chamber of Commerce
of Nogales, Arizona, invited him
There are people who visit Ash­
across the border as the guest of
land once a year th a t have no
the city. This he accepted, and,
conception of the much talked of
as has been previously reported,
n atu ral beauty of the park, for
reviewed troops of both nation­
they have only seen it on the 4th
alities on the international boun­
of July when it has become m er­
dary line, made an address and
cenary and reminds one of the
was cordially received by tire No-
need of such an incident as th a t
goles Chamber of Commerce, The
of Jesus ridding the temple of
Governor of Arizona, the com­
money changers.
manding officer of the American
L. E. J.
troops there and hosts of Ameri­
cans and Mexicans. A pleasant
time was had by all.
A fter the spellbinding an in­
ternational review and parade
was held, an event staged in all
seriousness to those present, but
presenting some bizarre incidents
th at could not fail to tickle the
At Dunsmuir—
Miss Thelma H eer spent the funny bones of persons so far
For the
F o u rth of Ju ly and the following away as W ashington.
week-end at the home of her sis­
ter, Mrs. Carl Smith, at Duns­
of the line, while the American
soldiers stepped off ju st as proud­
Back From Visit—
Mrs. Brush, of Union street, ly on their own side. The review
has returned from an extended ing stand, in which stood Presi­
visit w ith friends and relatives dent Obregon, Governor Hunt, of
Arizona; Colonel Woodson Hock-
at Albany.
er, of the U. S. Infantry, and
Mexican officials, straddled the
Reported Better—
line, care having
Mrs. J. C. Mergler, wife of the
have ju st exactly
Rev. Mr. Mergler, who has been
som ew hat ill the past few days, as many inches of it on one side
as the other.
is reported better.
The cavalcade halted and a
salute was fired by
Called to Tigard—
Cash W alker left last evening the guns of the two nations—
one by an
for Tigard, where he was hurried- i twenty-one shots,
next by a
ly summoned by the illness of j
form er
well ]
known Ashland resident,, who is
îeported in a ra th e r critical con­ of course the rounds were coun­
dition and who will be moved to ted up and it was found th a t the
the coast to enjoy a lower a lti­ Americans had fired one more
round than the Mexicans. How­
ever, no international complica­
tions resulted from this and all
On Trip—
Today Mrs. E. Caldwell, her was well and the goose hung high
son, Cleon, her m other, Mrs. Gil- j
christ, of Gold Hill and an au n t ;
of Caldwell’s left on a m otor trip ,
to Marfehfield. They plan to be
gone several weeks, and may visit
coast resorts.
At Alsea—
Mr. and Mrs. Carey, if Fairview
street, are visiting at Alsea this
summer. Mr. Carey retu rn ed to
Ashland last week for a few days,
and reports Mrs. Carey is quite
ill. He expects to take her to a !
coast reso rt soon.
Spending Few Days—
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marx, of i
Eugene, are spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodkin-
son of Church street. Mr. and i
Mrs. Hodkinson are Mrs. Marx's
and the parade swung on.
; ward, calling attention to the
Then came the invasion.
A blunder of hie officers, and gave
Mexican troop of calvary in mak- orders that a man be posted on
ing a necessary tu rn did “ fours the line to prevent a repetition of
left” in front of the revie
the incident.
stand and before they could help
it had swung a few feet across the
line into American territory.
It was a small incident and per­
haps would have passed unnotic­
ed had not President Obregon
himself seen it. He started for-
More Than
Good Clothes
Simply Good
For Men
Litliia Bakery
M itch ell’s
By tiie P ost O ffice
There are thousands of
these pumps and Red
Crown signs where,
your Standard Oil
Scrip Book entitles you
to reliable Red Crown
gasoline, Zerolene
and other petroleum
supplies. One or tw o
books ($5, $ io and $ao
denominations) will
last a season and save
carrying cash. Con*
venient! Economical!
(C A L IF O R N IA )
to Newport
H. F. Phillips, who had charge of ed in the boundless prairies of the
th e venture; then came W alter Mississippi
valley * this
Myer, son of B. F. Myer, who through the interm inable wiods,
There appeared recently before Superior Judge C. owned the band of horses; then was a revelation, a dream and it
W. Guerin, in Los Angeles, a girl mother, who asked for Eugene W alrad, A lbert Cardwell, did not occur to me th a t in time i
Phillips son of H. F. would become very fam iliar with
a divorce on the grounds that she had quarreled with her Oscar
Phillips, who had charge of the this forest; th a t I would survey From Canada—
husband for the reason that lie objected to her attending “ bell m are.” W alrad and the much of It as a deputy of the U. F. B erirke, of Vancouver, B.
dances and shows several nights a week. The judge, a w riter bunked together and gen­ S. Surveyor, nor th a t I sh o u ld , C., who is retu rn in g home after ‘
quiet and thoughtful man, listened to her plea, then said: erally rode together. We looked sometime see a million d o lla r1 a trip through the coast states j
Seaside ¿Resort
“ A rational man or woman when given their freedom, will after the packs and the packing. road built through it with a grand and into Nevada, was an auto
Each one had his particular place celebration a t its sum m it, a mile park visitor last night. He de­
do the right thing—they will go from the home only when in
$14.40 to N ew p ort
this undertaking. In our pack- high. We were following the i clared th a t “ Best in the W est”
they have to and will not frame excuses to get away from train were three mules and the blazes of th e Applegate party of j was no idle boast for the Ash­
and return, sold Fri­
those they have sworn to love and honor.” Pausing a bell-made. These were practical­ 1846, slightly improved so th a t land camp.
days, Saturdays and
few seconds, during which he seemed wrapped in intent ly inseparable and were general­ th e wagons m ight be driven
Sundays. Return limit
thought, the Judge continued: “ You do the right thing ly kept in th e lead of the band. through. We were still trail blaz­ Illinois Man H ere—
16 days.
One mule we called “ P in to ” be­ ers, still moved by th a t m yster­
by our home and by me and let me be the judge, and I cause he was spotted; he was
L. V. Lord, one of the three
$17.15 to N ew p o rt
impulse th a t was rapidly fill­ drivers of to u rist parties
th at
will do the right thing by our home and by you and let small but according to the con­ ious
and return, sold any
ing up the great west. We were
in Ashland last night,
you be the judge. That is the sentiment each one should census of the party was very four days reaching Linkville, now stopped
day. Return limit 3
left this m orning a confirmed
have when they marry.”
closely related to his Satanic Ma­ K lam ath Falls, and only a few
months, not to exceed
Ashland booster.
“ Your camp
In the last bit of advice given by the judge to the jesty, as will'“ more fully appear weeks ago I made it by automo- ground has sure m ade me a mis­
October 31,1924.
the course of this n a rra ­ 1)116 In two hours and fifteen m in­ sionary for A shland,” he declar­
young wife is doubtless contained the secret of a success­ during
utes, but such things as these had ed.
Visit this old favorite
ful and happy married life. If one is true to his home he That night a t Green Springs no
p art in my dreams.
resort frequently this
is all hut true to all that goes to make up a home, includ­ was clear and frosty — my first At Linkvil’.e we found the river
ing his mate. The individual who is untrue to his home camp under the pines. I lay' spanned by a pole bridge, over Seattle E ngineer He
cAsk agent fo r
is untrue to his mate and untrue to himself and eventual­ awake for hours thinking, th in k ­ which we only dared drive a few m echanical engineer of Seattle, is
ly causes his home to crumble and decay into desolate ing about m other and home and horses at one time. “ Uncle” in Ashland on business in connec­
venture which seemed to be George N urse had built the first
ruins. “ Do the right thing by our home and by me” is this
bringing my boyish dream s — house there only five years be­ tion w ith his profession. In com­
the motto deserving serious thought in every home. Mak­ since I had been old enough to fore and there was now four or pany w th J. H. F u ller, secretary
ing the homes subservient to the whims for pleasure and have dream s of adventure— true. five more, including a store, a of th e Cham ber of Commerce,
Mr. W right visited the oil shale
popularity keeps the divorce courts busy arid is throw­ I had read about K it Carson and shack called a hotel, a saloon and j fields
and holdings of the H art­
G. ( . Krauier, Local Agent
ing innocent children out into a world void of necessary Frem ont, and now was to see the a blacksmith shop. Looking to man Syndicate th is forenoon
Phone 48 or 14
protection and guidance. Never in the history of America land where some of th eir thrills the south east, only swamp, sage-
I (■iMWWMftMMMBMMWlli lûriir 'iW
were obtained. I w’as to experi­ plain and distant m ountains were
has there been a greater need for making the home the ence
in the wilds, among the In­ seen. B. F. Myer, the proprietor
shrine for husband and wife not only, but for thir off­ dians some of the things I had of our band had come this far
read about. I thought about the w ith us but from this point he
pioneers of the plains and won­ returned to
Ashland and
dered if they, like myself, were headed for Lost river. There
not moved by some mysterious were a few Indians sauntering
Ten million dollars was burned up in Oregon last impulse which they had not fully about looking ra th e r glum and
I had been a devotee to we were advised to keep close
year. If the cost of fires were actually distributed over divined.
the w ritings of Emmerson and watch on our horses a t night from
the entire population of the state, more than $11 would these lines come to me:
there on. The Modoc w ar was
be collected from each person. A million dollars’ more “ W’hen I am alone in my sylvan even then brewing and broke in
insurance was paid out in the state last year than during
full blast a few m onths later. Our
I tread on the pride of Greece first camp beyond Linkville w a s ,'
the previous 12 months.
and Rome,
after we had passed through Lost i
What is burned up is wasted. It is gone. It cannot
"When I ’m streached beneath river gap, on the bank of th at
he brought hack. Ten million dollars’ worth of timber,
the pines,
historic stream . Here we formed I
homes, plants and stores burned is that much wealth des­ When the evening star so holy our party into a night guard; I
troyed. It is beyond the hand of man to return. And
Phillips and his son taking the ;
w atch; W alrad and I the '
that ten million dollars’ lossrmeans more. The added mil.
second; Myers and Cardwell the
lion dollars paid out in insurance may moan heavier pre­
The sophists schools and learn­ third.
miums to pay the next year in order to get insurance. It
ed clan,
means, perhaps, not alone the ten million dollars wasted, For what are they all in their Ashland, July C. 6, B. 1924.
Il You Have No
Tire Preference
Try Either
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rich n ess o f th is
m ilk m ak es
a ll food, b etter,
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And Yon Will Have
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Many Customers, who hcre-to-fore have been
buying tires haphazardly, withouj a great deal
of real insight into the merits of tires for their
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the use of Kellys and (' T ( ’ tires that it pays
big dividends in tire service, economy and
troubleless motoring, to prefer them.
A Fan belt for ever year— Stram berg
carburetor for
every car— replace­
m ent parts for every ear
Have You Tried Our
Sudden Service?
Leedoni’s Tire House
Drop In For Chat
Beaver Block