AéîtLÀÎrtj ÔAîLŸ ÎÎOÎSd« Monday, July b o cal • P e rso n a l flotes I I < í I-Yoni San D iego— Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hoffman, of Suu Diego, were Ashland visitirs today, having stopped off here on a trip North to look up friends. A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and event« of local Interest » • * » > » > » 9 -9 - 9 - « -♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • PORTION OF M EDFORD TH REATENED BY ■ * * » » * , G rants Paas Man Here— To C rater Lake— Complete line of Ashland Can­ R. Danofsky, of G rants Pass, A man who drove from S a c ra -' ued Goods at Detricks. il 4-tf was registered at the Holet Col­ m ento ju st to see C rater Lake i s ; ---------- umbia Saturday night. J. B. W ilson, who stopped here F icn :o Idaho Falls— Saturday. On his vacation, J. McCarrol, Vlslt K lam ath Falls— of Idaho Falls, Idaho, stopped Among the many Ashland peo- Let us fill your pall with Swifts here yesterday to sample Ash-j pie who Sunday attended ’1 e Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than land’s m ineral waters. K lam ath Falls Rodeo were A. C shortening. Goes fa rth e r and Is Nininger, Fred Neil and Bulter more nutritious. D etricks. 9 4 -tfjA t H ospital— i W alker. J. McMahon, state tra f­ Mrs. W. Sowash of Talent, was fic officer, has been in Klamath Galley Here— brought to the Community Hos­ Falls in an official capacity, d u r­ milk slowly stirring all the time. Paul Gulley, well known local­ pital yesterday for medical treat- ing the celebration. SAFEGUARDING MILK Cook in an enameled ware double ly, who Is now living in Monta- j ment bdiler stirring constantly until gue, arrived in Ashland Saturday Here From North Bend— the mixture begins to thicken. It Milk is a most useful food at for a visit with frends and rela­ G oing To P ortland— Jam es L. Cavall and wife, of ‘all times, but Is never more ap­ the custard is to be eaten by it. Johnson J. Graham expects to i tives. North Bend, arrived in Ashland preciated than In summer when self flavoring may be added at the leave in the morning for P o r t- . HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, Saturday evening, and intend to heavy foods pall on the appetite. end. If it is to be used as a sauce, of course. 212— tf land, where he will visit relatives stay her6 a week, visiting friends Two things are essential in hav­ it is better plain. for some time. ing good milk. The first, of and relatives. course, is to be sure of the source P U R E E D PEA SOUP Oakland To Portland— from which the milk comes, that Bath Cape, 25c— McNair Bros. An Oakland man, J. Shaw, who Hoquiam Man Here-— & the cows are healthy and well A milk soup is acceptable in is on his way to Portland on a A Hoquiam, W ashington busi­ cared for. The next is the care summer when soup stock is not so From G lendale— business trip, and who is driving ness man, C. J. Hill, with Mrs. of the milk after it reaches the Charles W estrem, Glendale, Hill, were Ashland visitors Sat­ household. The Ideal container easily kept on hand. When peas through, spent Sunday in Ash­ from the garden got too old to be California business man, is in urday and today, atte n d in ’ to lo­ for milk Is therefore an enameled eaten as a vegetable, use them in land. Ashland today visiting with cal interests. They returned to ware covered milk kettle or an this soup. Cook the peas in cold enameled ware pitcher. This ware water in an enameled ware sauce­ friends. He expects to return ' Hoquiam this afternoon. Gioco, 50c & 75c, McNair Bros. will not break and can be kept pan for about twenty minutes; home tomorrow. scrupulously clean with perfect when soft rub them through a V isitor From Glendale— No P rinters Ink— ease. Cajre should be taken not sieve. Rub two tablespoonsful of A visitor from Glendale, Cali­ H ere From Maricopa— This morning a telephone call to put milk away in an ice butter and two of flour together A Maricopa resident, I. J. Wil­ was received from the K lam ath , chest near any artlole of food with and add to the peas. Put a pint fornia. is J. B. Bibb, Jr. He is kinson, stopped here yesterday to Falls H erald, asking th at some! a strong odor, as milk absorbs of milk and a pint of water in an in Ashland transacting business smells in a most remarkable way. rest in th e park. He had made a this week, and plans to go North p rin ter’s ink be sent over on t h e ' Where "ice is hard to get, milk enameled ware double boiler and: when hot, stir in the thickened pea long drive, and wanted to rest a stage. A supply of ink failed to on a vacation trip later. can be kept sweet by putting the mixture. If it is preferred, two day before going North. arrive in the Falls, and until ink enameled ware can In a pail, of teaspoonsful of sugar may be We deliver the goods— Detricks arrives from Ashland, today’s ed­ cold water, renewing the water added. 9 4-tf To B u tte FalLs— from time to time. ition cannot be printed. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walch of DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY Ashland, spent July F ourth and To P ortland— Prom Gladstone— CUSTARDS— BAKED OR AND BANANA JAM BOILED T. B. H ayhurst, Gladstone, Ore­ Fifth at B utte Falls. The little Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Phetteplace gon, resident, passed through town staged a real celebration, It accompanied When straw berries get really by the doctors , custards are not only an agree- cheap and are so ripe that they Ashland today on his way home Is said, and the beauty spot a t­ m other, departed thls m orning abie dessert, but they are very must be used at once then let the tracted many who wished to for Portland. after a w inter in Los Angeles. W hile in the city, j nourishing and taken by them­ housewife add some glasses of spend a quiet Fourth. Dr. Phetteplace will take special selves make a light but satisfying strawberry and banana jam to her Madden sei.s Balloon tires. work in electro-treatm ent of pyor­ luncheon on a hot day. Here is a assortment of preserves. 246-tf At Hotel Columbia— 1 good rule for baked custard. rhea. Pick over the strawberries and A to u rist party, consisting of ! Scald four cupe of milk in an let them stand, ’well covered with ' enameled ware double boiler. Beat sugar, in an enameled ware pre­ Mr. and Mrs. Weber. W eber Mc­ On Vacation— Rack to HJlt— four eggs slightly and add one- serving kettle over night. This W alter F. Paterson, U. S. E n ­ Donald and Mrs. M. Davis, ^11 of “ Spud” Rose and Johnny Rue- half cup of sugar and a pinch of is safe to do as the porcelain-like jrlppor stationed at Rio v ista. San Francisco, was registered at ger, who were home for t,he cel­ s a lt Put the beaten eggs Into an surface of tne kettle will not- California, who is on kis annua’ ¡ the Hotel Columbia last night, ebration, returned Sunday n :gh t , enameled . . ware bake dish which darken or injure the fru it In the va—t ’on, h°re Raturdcyj The party is returning to San to Hilt, w here they are working ^ R °h i morning add finely cut up bananas ? lsh “ P ° f h o t w a te r and in the proportion of one cup of night and l’ked Ashland so we’l Francisco after spending some th is su m m e r bake in a slow oven until the banana to two cups of strawber­ time at N orthern resorts. he will spend a week here. —------- custard is firm. If cooked too long ries. Add sugar in proportion of To Northern C alifornia— ! or t0° iast the custard will whey. one cup of sugar to one and one- Swimming caps 25c, McNair From Glendale— Ray McGee left last night for ;The CU8tard should be eaten cold. half of fruit. Set on the back of Mr. and Mrs. R. Michenu, of Bros. , A boiled custard makes a nice the stove and cook slowly until Glendale Oregon, were here Sat­ a northern C alifornia lum ber substitute for cream on fruit or all Is a smooth mass. Then cook urday while Mr. Michenu was camp, where he intends to work berries. Scald two cups of milk in faster until the jam is thick V isitors From W ashington— the rest of the summer. an enameled ware double boiler. enough. Should any lumps re­ Visitors from W ashington to­ transacting business. Beat the yolks of three eggs slight- main they can be rubbed out with day were Fred Dunbar and party, 'ly, add one quarter cup of sugar an enameled ware skimmer. This Wi-ek— of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. To Meet 23 Tourist)*— and a pinch of sa lt Add the hot jam Is universally liked. O. W. Ealtahow of San Jose, Clarence Johnson, of Tacoma. W hen J. W. McCoy drove to They were in different parties, end F. J. Price, of Los Banos, a r­ the Em m igrant Creek dam last but are both returning home rived in Ashland last Night. They night, he counted the num ber of stated ih at the British, American After short vacations in Californ­ exnect to be here a week, atten d ­ tourists between the city lim its and French Governments are in­ ing to business m atters. ia. ♦ • > terested in the .invention, and and where the road tu rn s off. 23 SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ that a definite offer lias been re­ travelers going North were met MOBILE insurance; better term s See R odeo— ceived from the United States. in this short distance. Mr. Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. A. Petroff, George Coy reports th a t work on the and lower rates. Yeo, of coarse. • • • Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf T rott and Mabel T rott returned dam is rapidly progressing, and today from a vacation trip, d u r­ th at the special machine to pour SAAS HEAD CAMP MAY From Albert*— ing which they visited C rater cement is almost ready for opera­ CONVENE IN ASHLAND C. W estall, of Brooks, Alberta, Lake, and yesterday visited the tion. The m achinery if of the j Canada, who is returning home Rodeo at Klam ath Falls. The type used on all large dam con­ NEW AVAR ROCKET RAINS There is a strong possibility after a vacation trip, left Ashland Falls is reported packed for the struction projects. MOLTEN M ETAL ON FOE tiiat the head camp session of the yesterday after m aking Ashland big occasion, and it is said th a t Woodmen of the World to be held his headquarters for a round trip the celebration spirit is ram pant. LONDON, July 5.— A new te r­ four years hence, will be held in R eturn to S e a t t l e - to C rater Lake. He went by way ro r to the air raider of the future Ashland, Oregon, is the word Mrs. Shafer and daughter, who is revealed by the announcem ent of Medford and returned by way Shooting Up Ashland— brought by H. G. Shidler, dele­ Floyd M. Rush, who recently for the past two weeks have been of the invention of a new incen­ gate from the local lodge, from of K lam ath Falls, and is a u th o r­ ity for the statem ent th a t the purchased a motion picture cam­ visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. diary rocket, which, it is claim­ the head camp session at Yellow­ road by Klam ath Falls, while era. has the past few days been Shafar, left this m orning for ed, will spread a rain of molten stone paik. Mr. Shidler re tu rn ­ ju st as dusty, is in better shape, “ shooting” Ashland and near-by th eir home in Seattle Mrs. Shaf­ metal over an area of five to ed to K lam ath Falls yesterday. sights. He kept the machine er was very favorably impressed eight miles on bursting. being smoother. ‘When the proposition was grinding steadily during the cele­ with Ashland, and especially with The inventor, E rnest J. Welch, brought up, it was apparent that Orres tailors for men and bration, and has taken some films the spirit displayed here during declares th a t the bursting of the th ere were many supporters of women, upstairs over McGees. of the Im m igrant Creek dam pro­ the celebration. the rocket would destroy any Ashland. I certainly did my best ject. aeroplane or anything else In to help the cause along.” Don’t miss the big closing out V isit Crater Iaike— range, penetrating even steel or “A num ber of im portant ■ale on Tires, Tubes and Acces­ H as C onvulsions— changes were made in the by­ A party consisting of M argaret asbestos. sories now on at the H ardw are Brought in to the hospital with Eight hundred attended and Carol Van Dyke, E sther and 3, Es At a test in which tlie rocket laws. D epartm ent, Enders Big Store. convulsions yesterday, the 13- and Doris Kleinham er, Mrs. on a small scale was used, privil­ the convention at Mammoth can­ 258— 4 months-old child of Homer Grove, K leinham er and Clyde Young eged onlookers saw bursts of mol­ yon. It lasted from June 12 to who lives near W agner Springs, visited C rater Lake yesterday. ten lead scattered far and wide June 20. was this m orning reported bet­ From aK nsa« City— Following the convention, Mr. They left here at noon, and re­ im m ediately after the rocket B. A. Spence, of Kansas City, ter. turned at 12:30 last night. They burst, giving a grim indication of Shidler visited his brother, U. G. Missouri, was among the 228 report th at they took a leisurely w hat rockets on a larg er scale Shidler, in Denver who he haS m otorists th a t Saturday register­ H ere for Sum m er— not seen for 36 years.— Klam ath Mrs. Gerald Torrance, of trip and visited all points of in­ would be able to accomplish. ed hie machine at the local of­ terest. The roads are reported Fuller tests on behalf of the Herald. fice. Mr. Spence left Kansas City Springfield, M assachusetts, arriv ­ to be in a condition th a t makes B ritish Government are to be about tw o m onths ago, and came ed in Ashland Saturday evening a good rate of speed possible. made in the near future. It is to the coast through Southern to visit with relatives. Mrs. Tor­ states. He Intends to retu rn by rance expects to rem ain here the way of Canada and N orthern rest of the sum m er season. states. states. L eft T his A fternoon— Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Swank, of Sweet cream for whipping and Vancouver, W ashington, left Ash­ toffee—also fresh milk, always land this afternoon for th eir home, ea lee at the Plaza. 239— tf after visiting with the R. E. Det­ rick family. Mrs. Swank Is a sis­ ter of Mr. D etrick’s. R oad Is D usty— That the road to Klam ath Falls, while much better than To Oregon Caves— Mr. and Mrs. K enneth McWil­ form erly, is getting dusty was the statem ent of Mayor C. L. Loomis, liams and Mr. and Mrs. L. N. th e Oregon who Saturday visited the eastern Woodside visited Oregon city. Mr. Loomis made Caves yesterday. They made the the trip for the first time In many trip in one day and report the reads in good condition. years. Helpful Sugges­ tions for June 1024 comment since the accident Not j To Yakima*— Ire. Elsie Churchm an left yes« (Medford Mail T rlh n n e i I ? afterw ards, ards’ dId hs ' terday for Yakima, W ashington, G-iectord Mail Tribune) ¡consciousness, and although dis-¡w here he intends to visit rela- The largest and most danger- mayed at losing one hand, he has! lives, H er son, John Churchman ous grass fire of the season start-! not broken down. left ome time back for W ashing­ ed about 5:35 o’clock yesterday! ton, where he is working. afternoon in the four acre fie ld ' FOUNDATION WORK ON buck of the Pacific and Eastern MODERN HOME ENDED1 Flags Come Down__ depot, reaching to Jackson street ! j The last vestige «of Ashland’s on the north and to the rear yards i j * « i o rk w hich te n (lavs s e o wa? celebration glory was removed of homes on the west side of Gen-1 started on (he fo,j ndatjoi” Qf today when linemen removed the essee st„ rolling up a dense smoke mOdern bungalow to be e re c te d flags and pennants that were w hich w e n t a ll o v er m o st of th e , by E v e re tf s ,p ith npar ¡lung across Main street through city an d fo r a tim e th re a te n e d th e farm fqrni nn a , . , . , T > & o v < buildings i iii- ,. . . , larni on Oak street, was todav the business section. P. E. adjoining barns completed. and homes en the north side of i I Ians show that when complet­ Letterheads. statem ents, t o East Main street, on the west side ! ed, the Smith bungalow will bt your order at the Tidings Office. of Genesse street and the big m . t'ric tly modern, and will embody We have a good Job printing de­ C rater National forest garage and all , hp ,atest tf innovations, it is partm ent. barn on the east side cf the fiel.l expected th a t tlie house will be near Jackson street. completed in the early fall. FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid­ A conflagration threatened be­ ings; 25c per bundle. dh cause of the strong breeze blow­ HOTEL WORKERS GETTING ing from the north, which carried READY FOR FINAL DRIVE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY th e flames a t a fast speed tow ards the south, and only the fact th a t U»ST— Ladies UmbTella, gold Now that the celebration is out the wind did not shift, prevented and pearl handle. Monogram G. an immensely troublesome f ir e ,! of the way, interest is again cen- M. J. Leave at Tidings office. i tering in the campaign to finance of series of fires. 261-2tf i the proposed new tourist hotel Reward. i and leaders are hoping th at the LOST — Crystal ear-ring, call PARR'S H.\ND TAKEN ' fund will be substantially increas- P ow ells T ra n sfe r. R e w ard OFF LAST SATURDAY ■ ed this week so that a corporation 261-3* ¡can be formed and the c o n tra c t!----------- —----------- - ------------___ — Furnished Cabins A fter a two-day attem pt to save ! let at a reasonably early date. Despite the celebration a number and tenls lacing park, near I.lth- the left hand ol’ Roy P arr, well ia water and play ground. Place known local boy who was injured of subscriptions were received at to park yoflr car. Cal! 153. July 3, it was am putated S atur­ the headquarters at the Chamber day morning. of Commerce, bringing the total 261-tf A fter it had been all but pull­ to $132,500 Friday. Additional I'OR SALE— By owner, a good totaling $1.000 ed off when P a rr caught it cn a subscriptions 5 room house close in. Good loca­ rope while diving at a local swim­ were received Saturday, making tion. 550 Fairview St. 261-tf ming pool, the hand was sewed the grand total $133.500 on that 6n, in the hope th a t circulation day. I'OR SALE — Housekeeping No re p o rt h a s been m ade to d ay . apartm ent. could be restored and the hones Large living room, i but it is understood th a t several hath room, kitchen, pantry and knitted back together. When it became apparent to additional small subscriptions are bath room, all newly papered and the surgeons In attendance th a t i being received. Prom oters hope P a in te d . 5 m in u te s w alk from there was no hope of such a thing to complete the financial program b u sin ess center. Phone 445-R. taking place, am putation was de- w'p nn the next w eek or ten days. 261-tf cided on as a last resort. -------------------------- ~ ————--------- ------- ------- - P a rr’s grit has aroused much , Classified ads brm g results. ' ieaning’ P r^ i « R and Repair mg at Paulserud’s. 261-tf F IR E once during the painful happen- j Mothers and Teachers See Diphtheria Death Rate Drop As Result of Precautions UNUSUAL EVENTS C O M M A N D IN G your interest ' °f Now that the celebration is over you will begin to think about your Vacation Trip and your vacation will be more en­ joyable if you go properly clothed for the trip. ! In A shland— Regular Drill Night— This evening is regular drill i Jam es Manning and Buford night for A shland’s national H argues of K lam ath Falls, drove g uard unit, according to Dave | to Ashland recently to attend the Sargent, and all those who h a v e ! celebration. They returned to not checked in camp eq u ip m en t! tbeir- home town last night. will be required to do so. Dis-! ---------- eussion of camp records and C rater Lake— faults will be a feature of the i A party consisting of Mr. and drill, and light arm s practice will i Mrs. R. E. D etrick and family, s ta rt in preparation for the state I Mr- an,3 Mrs- H. N. Swank and rifle shoot, which will he held Miss Irene R offler yesterday v is -! August 18 a t Clackamas. If Ash­ ited C rater Lake, going by way land place* any men at Clacka­ of Klam ath Falls and returning ■ mas, they will be entered in the by way of Medford. They left at national shoot, which is usually six in the morning ar.d returned held In the Bast. about 8:30 in the evening. They report that the trip can be easily At Convalescent H o r n e - made in one day, allowing plenty i Mrs. W. N. Phipps, who lives of time to visit the lake and near­ E ast of Ashland, Is a patient at by points of interest, as well as th e Convalescent Home, having allowing time to stop in cities th a t ! •ona there recently for treatm ent. are passed through. Just about everything a woman will need for her va­ cation wardrobe c a n he found at McGee’s and you will not feel out of style if you have outfitted at •» ♦ ♦ » » < ♦ « M K O M M H IL D h e a lth cen ters an- m edical clinics a re co-op- e ra tin g in a nation-w ide m ovem ent to induce p a re n ts to have th e ir children Schick Tested n /n M /p f A h k Te8ted scourge. T he Schick reactio n is I then p ro tected by th e te x in - a n ti- ' Physicians have con­ The ducted the Schick dem o n stratio n s an a c c u ra te m ethod of d e term in - toxin "injectioi s. T he above pho- i on a la rg e scale, d ip h th e ria oc- ¡ng w h e th e r a child is susceptible , to g rap li show s a line-up of boys i cupies a forem ost place am ong th e to th e disease. O ver 150,000 p u -i underg o in g t h “ exp erim en t in a ! com m unicable diseases. Yet in a. pils in New York schools have been N ew Y ork clinic. S J n i w e i e p r e ^ t e T ^ t i r i n k n ' L i 116 coad u cted in M an h at- m a d ? p H h ? t h a t . w ere p ro tected by to x in -an - ta n an d B rooklyn by th e city ih e ria g e r a m a e a in «t th e d ip h - h e a lth d e p a rtm e n t, established th e g ’ . . fa c t th a t n o t all ch ild ren a re sus- • in ? by th is d e m o n stra -i ceptlble to th e disease. I t w as in e e C n m M n v ^ h I n s u r - definitely proved th a t som e child- C om pany, th ro u g h its sixteen | ren w ere protected by n a tu re a n d •! a g r,ntS in C° U,d BeVer COntract d ip h th e ria , ‘he iTn?»'* le t ? 1StriblJt ? g ° Vsf o th ers w ere susceptible to it. • i ‘ a t ®s a n d C anada, m i l - : In th is la tte r class, th e test w as j ^ P am phlets describing the followed by to x in-antitoxin tre a t- -fists, callin g a tte n tio n to th e high m ent, consisting of th re e Injections, .n o rta lity ra te from d ip h th e ria and one each week, for th re e weeks. “ r,^ tn^ helP m routln& childhood’s S tatistics show th a t d ip h th e ria is r-.ost dan g ero u s enem y by h av in g fo rem ost am ong th e fa ta l diseases a m ore com plete ro w e r o v e r i t th a n in th e case of any o th er c o n “. tagious disease. No d ip h th e ria h as developed am o n g Schick Tested New York school children, figures show T h j value of th e injecfic ns is r e v v e d by th e fact th a t five tim es as m any eases of suspected d ip h th eria hav« developed am o n g those who wera ,not tested a s am o n g those > ♦ ♦ ♦ * > > ♦ » < > > < « »»»■♦ > ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ch ild ren im m unized by th e to x in -tin children from S to 5 and ra n k s an tlto x .n tre a tm e n ts. th ird am ong th e fa ta l illnesses of . The test itself is d escrlb ef as a ta b le s from J to 3. A nnually siniFle ta Jec tio a in. th e skin cf th e j m ore th a n 200.000 cases a re re- a rn ? a f t e r J few la y s ’ a red p a rte d and ab o u t 20,000 die of th e |»POt a p p e a rs w here th e in je c tio n , dis ase. E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Q uality S tore” is Women’s all wool Knickers, pair jj» A a ä