ftute tWd ÁMttLÁÑtí bÄtt* rtoíÑGg A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 « ) States, already the world’s greatest nation. has Tbuixiajr, July EXESCISÈ MIST plaited the ascent toward the heights. “ MY COUNTRY, ’TIS OP THEE! i » » THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. The Elks Magazine for July contains a fomtispiece B ert r . G r e e r ................................... ............................... .......... ;.........E ditor i11 colors of a magnificent young man with keen and de- a m c i A L ciTBf P A P E R ....................... 2 ...................... Telephone’s» telminetl eyes, dressed in the garb of Revolutionary days E ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffic e a s Second C lass Mail M atter a n d grasping a il did flint lock lllUsket f i r i l l l v . This pic Subscription p r i c . D elivered in c it y V'1* ‘8, s"l'ul'ilul’<’o««l on a copy of the Declaration of In- One M o n th ....................................................................................................... $ .«5 jdependence. We never look at one of these pictures of ^Mon?h?th8 "........................................... 3 7I Revolutionary days that we do not wonder how any sane One Y ear .............................................................................. ..... 7 59 American citizen with a bit of red blood in bis veins can By Mail and R ural R outes: declare that be would not fight in defense of bis country, One Month 5 .65 Three Months ....................................................................................... 1.95 her b y nor or her liberty. Slj Months .................. ...................... ......................... 3.50 ! One Year ................................ 6.50 -ck_..................... ....................................................... Tomorrow the small boy will be in his greatest glory. > DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch ................ ........................................... $ .30 Y early C ontracts: Boys will be boys and girls will too in a few years. •s® insertion a week ..................................................................... • 27% Two Insertions a week ................................... .25 Daily insertion ............................................................................ If a man’s face is bis fortune, some of us are nearly .20 Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising ¡broke, while others are bankrupt. F irst Insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ P ublished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line............. •a r d o f T h a n k s ___ Qbituarles, per line -?SAr‘..L. ■ ___ .10 .05 1.06 .02% Heal tli bint: they bit. Sweet Soag.” w riters and title m akers gather ilistic activities. Many of the actresses dear to the hearts of the American pub­ lic possss knowledge of the box­ ing game and are able to cheer for their -p e ts ’' in intelligent A night in Hollywood!” What fashiqn. does it mean? £ Recently her favorite battler, 'there is nothing more typical F rankie G randetta, of Portland of Hollywood life than an evening Oregon, known as the “ Hollywood a t the arena of the Hollywood 1 Shiek,” has taken some severe post of the American Legion, heatings, and Miss Dana is now which has been made wealthy by looking for a better boxer to ad­ mire. its weekly boxing shows. Here movie queens, heroes, villains, directors, cameramen, to watch their favorites in pug- Knowledge gained by the teats, it was announced, w’ill mean sav­ in s of much time in the movie industry, w here hundred of ani­ mals are used. DONATIONS * No donatons to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ing or ,ob printing— our contributions will fie in cash. TRUST IN THE LORD with all thine h eart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.— Proverbs 3:5, 6. PATRIOTISM AND FOREST FIRES AV ith a three-day holiday in sight for most of our citizens, many will be planning to celebrate the Fourth of July by camping or fishing trips into the forested re­ gions which are so inviting at this time of year. In addi­ tion to seeking pleasure and recreation, it is well to re­ member that this is a day for patriotic thought, and for a consideration of our national greatness—past, present and future. Forest economists have impressed upon us the fact that our abundant forests and forest industries are one of the foundation stones in our national greatness; that reforestation is necessary if we are to continue this na­ tional greatness; and that forest fires are the greatest enemy, both of the forest resources and of reforestation. Statistics show that from 70 to 90 per cent of our forest fires are man-caused—unnecessary. Foresters tell us that the woods are abnormally dry and the fire hazard great this year. Every visitor to the forested regions can make Jiis patriotism practical this Fourth of «inly by preventing fires—by putting every camp fire absolutely out; by breaking every match and pinching out every cigar or cigarette stub. All fireworks should be left at home. There is no place for them in the woods—the hazard is too great, and the risk unnecessary. Better than all the noise and temporary brilliance of pyrotechnical dispalys are the woods preserved, green and alluring, for present and future enjoyment. TAKING JOY OUT OF VACATIONS V\ bile the ultra-careful and the pessimists tend take the joy out of vacations tor those who will listen to them by issuing warnings against not only every possible danger, from poison ivy to rattlesnakes, hut also all the evils they van imagine, prudence nevertheless will rec­ ognize that there is demand for reasonable care when so­ journing in the country. Although one should not go forth on a vacation equipped or fortified as if to tour jungle for ferocious beasts or venomous reptiles, over looking that the main purpose of the trip is rest or to free the mind of ordinary care by a change of scene and occupation, there is nothing like carelessness to take the joy out of an outing. It is not necessary to suspect all water when 011 . trip. Confidence can he placed in the supplies of reput­ able hotels or hoarding houses and in the average spring recommended for a camp site. Where there is the least ground for suspicion, however, no risks should he taken. Better put in the time necessary to boil the water than to come home with typhoid. There may be times when warning taxes patience but the real enemy of the vacationists is the spirit of care lessness that neglects every precaution. After all, William Jennings Bryan is a liancly man to have around a national convention. (c) By B ernarr Macfadden Grasp an imaginary curry-comb In the left hand and a brush In the right, bending the arm s at the el­ bows raise hands In front of chest and bring comb downward follow­ ing with brush. Count 1-2. Eugene lets paving contracts totaling some $62,000 and $321.60 sewer contract. NEWS LETTER Fall, Sinclair and the Dolienys have been indicted for their nefarious transactions in government oil reserves, i LOS ANGELES, July 2.— Cali­ which means that their case will he where it belongs, for fornia’s golden, gorgeous b u tter­ a while at least. flies have a love-life, which, if Sons of Revolution to Meet Here T e j i PLS followed by humans, would bring world happiness, Dr. John A. Comstock, director of the South­ west Museum here and a b u tter­ fly connoisseur of recognized au ­ thority, said recently. A female butterfly has only one lover in a lifetim e, according to Dr. Comstock. She is constant in her affection; but this steadfast love is not of her own choosing however, for the males will have nothing to do with a female who has once mated. No m atter how gorgeous her wings, a butterfly cannot a ttra c t new lovers after she meees her first mate. She loves but once, then dies. The love affairs- of butterflies are beautiful; but th a t butterflies do immense damage annually in America is adm itted by Dr. Com­ stock, who estim ates their rav­ ages in crops total more than $100,01)0,000 each year. In California there are 350 va­ rieties of butterflies, which annu­ ally destroy $10,000,000 in plants and vegetables. One variety, white in color, ac­ tually destroys more than $500,- 000 w orth of cabbage plants in this State every year.' Music hath charm s for the sav­ age beast, but much depends on th e choice of music, psychologists of the U niversité of California, Southern branch, asserted after conclusion of exhaustive tests conducted in a film zoo here. The tests showed th a t the sac­ red baboon will cavort in an in­ sane dance to th e tunes of the latest “ tin pan alley” productions and become calm and dignified to the strains of the “ Merry Widow W altz.” A saxophone solo terrorized m ountain lions and a big brown bear, while an elephant previous­ ly made hostile by the playing of “ Papa, Love Maamma,” became docile on hearing “ Love’s Old 0etou: M Ü ßM öN Home dnddjoyto make them the state in the intensive mem­ bership campaign, which is to be AMERICA’S GREATNESS confined to the two weeks period In 1950 the population of the United States will be of June 30-July 14. . There are 200,000,000. By 2,000 it will he five hundred million. no dues. Membership in the as­ These figures, based on the National Bureau of sociation is obtained by signing Economic Research estimate that the present population a card, pledging the individual to o f this country is 113,000,000, an increase of 7,000,000 do all in his power to prevent forest fires. The by-laws of the 8ifn i ^ 9 -0' T h e J , a i n ,P«oI± , i riD d U r h lg t h ? Ia 8 t h a l f “ “ ria u o " are the six rules tor of 19_3 IS repoited as 1,162,000, the greatest in any six I fire prevention and are given on m o n t h s Of the last two decades. ! the back of the membership card, i If this jate of population increase is maintained, the One of the featu res of the cam-i -¿"•"'""I s assistance in securing this co operation.” Is Only Safe H ereafter when your home burns. Not a theory but a proven fact, many times. CORVALLIS, July 3.— Richard Joy of Ashland won third place in the stock judging contest held at O. A. C. as one of the final features of a two-week junior session attended by over 400 boys and girls. Homer Bray of Salem was first and Alex Chrickshank, Arnold Zipset and Ralph HUI tied for second place. population of the country will he 200,000,000 within the I pa!gn is the proposal to offer cash 1 span of life of a majority of people living today pnzeat0 and Girl Scouts’ , a dlfterent country, with new economic dividual boy or girl securing the and political problems that will make those of the present most members. The plan contem- 8eem petty by comparison. j plates th a t the prize contests This is a great country, hut its greatness is only in 8ha11 be arran£ed in each locai- its infancy. While the old nations of the earth liave ’ ity, .¿y cIv,c or booster clubs- reached the zenith of their development, the United ' ,„r,e ,°Ld l u u 7 ^ ' , ' I Farmers Attention • Fly season will soon be on. Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. Bos. fly spray for your cow’s the best fly killer made. Gard­ en Hose, and garden tools, fencing and binder twine, mowers and repairs always on hand. There are no reasonable rea­ sons why any property owner, home owner, should take all the risk of fire hazards. Goods insurance is the only safe here­ after. Tr.v II anil See Eagle Market rpHE Ashland Electric Supply N. Main Pearl Oil’s fast, in' tense cooking flame doesn’t o v erh eat the kitchen, and it’s always ready .always clean and economic cal. But when you or* der, be sure you get th e Standard Oil Company’s cl pan Burning, high-grade Kerosene. For best results be sure to ask for Pearl Oil by name! ST A N D A R D OIL COM? ' i (Calilornix) I ts Nestles ALPINE apuai. “---- 1 W E IN KAP, Has the ‘pep’ for the 4th of July Picnic and Celebration Take a case along! G-E Fans G-E Fans « G-E Fans G-E Fans G-E Fans KEEP YOU COOL Good Insurance— P hon e 5.3 Carter & Mills Murphy El ec. Co. Office Hotel Ashland Main - P laza Ashland Skeezix will give the Kiddies A GOOD TIME during the celebration and for weeks after SKEEZIX BABY DOLLS $1.25 SKEEZIX BOY DOLLS . ......... *1 50 PAL DOGS ........................85 These aie made of leather and are very durable. GET THEM AT Stationery Phone 107 ¿ne creamy nehjxess of this dk makes all food, better, * B ooks and P E IL ’S CORNER Good Meats WHIRLWIND fs a vacuum sweeper with a p«Hfng pow “ sufficient to pull Ivory soap percentage of d irt out of a mg. — and th e w hole secret is in cooking w ith a good oil cookstove and Pearl Oil. No heavy coal to lug, no wood, no ashes nor muss. Why Be Without Insurance? * JOY W INS TH IRD IN STOCK JUDGING SHOW7 Shoe Shop Insurance touching the o u tsh k A v alk of " h e to prevent forest fires,” said Mr. Cecil, ‘unless there is a feeling of personal responsibility on the p art of every citizen to keep out fire, all efforts are apt to prove futile. We m ust have the cooper­ ation of all citizens in preventing th a t one spark which is respon­ sible for the forest fire. I am convinced th a t th e Stop Forest OVERLAND — preserving in comfort — no overheated kitchen less "carrying;” less "watching «I the national c o n y f tte X n .! * o / t h ” *4* patpiotic sei'ic e s «re scheduled to be held oi.% ...„i«v I f »he American Revolution .non temple, loeateS J Ä " ? * J u ,'V 2° ’ an<1 the Mop’ ANOTHER VIEWPOINT A gentleman observed yesterday to the writer: -„don : U “ There is not another town the size of Ashland in all the e d S ‘8 n° " -Mormons broad expanse of the Pacific coast, with Canada thrown in* that is at the present moment in as healthy business condition as is this city. All of your business institutions 0. K. GIVEN ANTI seem to be prospering. Your banks are full of money, FIRE ASSOCIATION your people are forward looking and optimistic and there BY GOVERNMENT does not seem to me to be a blue line on your horizon. All is rosy dawn. Tell your fellows to kick up and kick The Stop Forest Fires Associa­ in and go to it. Aou’ve got the world before you and tion idea, originated by the K lam ­ nothing to be afraid of and are sitting pretty at a time ath County Chamber of Com­ when pessimism seems to have taken possession of the merce, and sponsored by the Ore­ balance of the country. I am not advising any boom busi­ gon State Cham ber of Commerce ness; that never pays. The only thing that sticks to the do a trem endous am ount of good ribs is steady, substantial growth. That never comes in arousing the people of Oregon about except you realize your favorable position at the to a realization th at we have a moment. I have traveled a great deal and know where­ very bad forest fire season ahead, to Geo. H. Cecil, U. S. of I speak.” This is good timely advice from a sub­ D according istrict Forester, of Portland. stantial source. People who travel a good deal get a dif­ The State Chamber of Com­ ferent viewpoint than do those who stay closelv at home merce ha# enlisted civic and and tend to their knitting. booster organizations throughout W. L. Douglas shoes are al­ most as well known as the F ourth of July. They are popular priced and a quality th a t is recognized. And see the dust and dirt that comes out, without the nap. There is no brush to pull nap out. In this day and age they promise to love, honor an 1 obey their impulses, whether for good or for bad. New York may not be a hick town but more ignorance exists there relative to the remainder of the country than in any other city in the country. Douglas Shoes An Institution on Your Cai•pet see some JULY .3 Suthsrlin tc got tannery. Whirlwind In dropping remarks, be careful who Women are vain, but barber’s mirrors funny sights. llttU Pul a W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or s collection taken in Advertising. __ _.^9 discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. it, ELHART’S Drug Sund des Tollet Goods HENRY WEINHARD PLANT Portland, Oregon SNIDER DAIRY & PRODUCE CO., Ashland, Oregon