MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. (International News 'Wire Service) VOL, XLVII. Successor to th e Sem i-W eekly T idings, V olum e 43. SHORTAGEOF WATER CAUSE OF MEASURE Drastic Restrictions Made By Council To Conserve Water Supply SHORTAGE APPALING I TEX FAMILIES BURNED OUT AT NORTH REND '» ---------- JJ 8 ¡8 8 ' 8 I 8 l 8 i 8 8 8 8 NORTH BEND. Ju ly 1.— 8 Ten fam ilies w ere burned 8 o ut here last n ig h t when a 8 fire sw ept two a p a rtm e n t 8 houses, re su ltin g in dam age 8 estim ated a t $25,000. The 8 fam ilies w ere forced to flee 8 th e a p a rtm e n ts scantily at- 8 tire d in n ig h t a ttire . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 -------------------- HOTEL FUND IS STEADILY M Hi I I ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1924 ■ ■ , . „ I L IJ1 V ,L ■■ ■■■ . FLIERS ARRIVE AT ALLAHABAD LONDON, Ju ly 1— The American round the world fliers. Lieu­ tenants Smith. Nelson and Wade, »eaehed Allahahad, India, this aft- eroon, according to a dispatch from that city. COLORSTORN OFF STAFF OF U.S. EMBASSY WILL PROTEST DEATH OF .MISSIONARY Stock Subscriptions Report- I ed Since Yesterday To­ tal $3,600 10 CARTER H E IG H T S ™ T0TAL ,128'700 KO. 2S7 ■■.■■■■■.■■■■■I. SHANGHAI, July 1— The United States legation at Peking is expected to lodge protests with both the Peking and Canton govern­ m ents as th e result of live murder of George Byers, American m is­ sionary, in China, by Shinz bandits, June 24. Byers is survived by a w ife and four children. He had lieen a member of the Presby­ terian m ission since 1906. Byers’ hom e was in Bandon, Oregon, FAMILY OF FIVE BEATEN TO DEATH 8 ---------- « 8 CHICAGO. Ju ly 1. — An 8 8 e n tire fam ily of five, Mr. 8 8 and Mrs. O tto E te r and 8 8 th e ir th re e sm all boys, w ere 8 8 found beaten to d eath in 8 8 th e ir su b u rb an hom e hear 8 8 yesterday. T he trag ed y had 8 8 a p p a re n tly been com m itted 8 8 only a sh o rt tim e before th e 8 distovery of th e gruesom e 8 STRENGTH OF M'ADOO Is Protest Against Immigra-I Break of Delegates Comes on tion Law, Bann‘ng Japs i a trasedy. 8 Twentieth Ballot; Loss from America « » « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Is Serious PAPERS ARE SILENT BOOTLEG EXPOSE 10 J. W. DAVIS GAINING I .awns May Be Irrigated Only One aders of Movement Elated At Foreign Minister Prom ises Im- ! West Virginian Climbs to 123 1-1; •PONY EXPRESS THROUGH THE CLOUDS’ Day a Week; Acreage Irri­ Steady Increase; Teams mediate Investigation of Startling Changes Predicted ga tieni Forbidden To Continue ' SAN FRANCISCO, July 1— W ithout cerem onies, the “pony tlie A ffair View of City From Vantage Point This Afternoon express through the clouds” was inaugurated when Piolet Vance left Is Unsurpassed; Adds New So a cu te has th e w a te r s itu a ­ A dditional su b scrip tio n s for th is m orning in the first fligh t of the continental air mail service TOKIO, Ju ly 1. Attraction to City The flag ' Five Reel Film Highly Endorsed NEW YORK, Ju ly 1. — Unable w itii 15 pouches for eastern delivery. The plane will arrive in the tio n in A shland become th a t a _____ j stock in A sh lan d ’s proposed new est late tomorrow afternoon, 32 hours after leaving the Pacific i which flies from th e sta ff of the By Prom inent Meu and .Many to reach a decision in tw enty- special council m eeting was c a ll­ T hrough the co urtesy of H. C. j to u ris t hotel continue to come in roast. Another plane also left New York this morning, and a dai^> ■ United S tates Em bassy was torn Large Organizations fo u r ballots, tlie D em ocratic con­ ed last n ig h t in sp it of th e fact Galey, th e e d ito r of th e T idings ¡ om ' ocal resid en ts, and the service will be maintained through the year. I down early th is m orning by an vention ad jo u rn ed a t 4:45 th is th a t to n ig h t is the re g u la r m eet­ was p erm itted to tak e a trip over j ani0,1 nt since y esterd ay to ta ls ' unknow n m an as a p ro test against afternoon with McAdoo still los­ A t eig h t o'clock tom orrow FAILURE INEVITABLE IN HAPHAZARD IRRIGATION ing n ig h t, and had not im m ediate ■Ashland’s new ly com pleted scenic! 53,600. I lie to ta l rep o rted up to ' the Im m igration law, recently evening, th e re will be show n a t ing stre n g th . Sm ith is holding and d ra stic steps been necessary, drive to C a rte r H eights, w hich j ^es^e rd a y was $125,100, m ak in g PORTLAND, July 1— “Failure is inevitable in the haphazard enacted by congress, and which the F irs t M ethodist C hurch a mo- his own and Davis is forging th e issue could have been faced overlooks the e n tire city and tbe grand to ta l of $128,700 a t irrigation of land,” Dr. Elwood Mead, international authority on land places a ban ag ain st Jap an ese en ­ 'tio n picture which is declared to ahead w ith consistent progrès». th is evening. m uch of th e su rro u n d in g valley i H ; 30 th is forenoon. Of th e sub- reclamation and national com m issioner of irrigation, stated here to­ te rin g th e U nited S tates. The new McAdoo had 438 % on th e tw en ­ F o r th e balance of th e season, front tlie extrem e brow of w hat I scrip tio n s received since y ester- day on liis arrival. He will spend 17 days investigating Oregon and 1 law became effective today and be a com plete expose of th e boot­ ty -fourth b allot; Sm ith, 308; leg tra ffic, and an appeal for loy­ absolutely no acreage m ay be ir ­ is tra d itio n a lly know n as R o p er’s ¡d ay , 111 in X w ere m ade v o lu n tarily , W ashington reclam ation projects. He recently succeeded Ex-Gover- ■ was the signal for th e insult. Davis, 129.5. The convention a lty to th e C onstitution. nor Davis, of Idaho, in the office he now holds. Several delega- . rig a ted , it was decided a t the bunion directly west. ' " b ile o th ers cam e in as a re s u lt tions cam e here to give data on Oregon projects including William , Japanese papers were forbid- The picture is endorsed by will m eet at 8 :00 to n ig h t to re ­ The re tu rn trip req u ires o u ly 1 oi th e w ork being P erform ed by Steard and Fred Phillips, Baker; Judge W allace, Prineville; Judge den by authorities to m ake a n y ' m any m eeting. T his includes a lfa lfa , public men and hundreds sum e balloting. g ra s s lands, o rch ard s, and o th er 15 m in u tes w ith th e T idings of- ’he 16 team s th a t a re conducting Sawyers, Bend; Dave Nelson, Pendleton; Jam es Kyle, Stan Hold; E. I mention of the Incident and For- I nf nat r infj„ larg e tra c ts. A lthough th is will i fice as th e s ta rtin g point. The | a C;ean-up cam paign, Van Patten and Pat Gallagher, in behalf of Malhauer projects. } elgn M inister S h id eh ara agreed ! z a tions have given R th e ir ap- McAdoo Loses Votes w ork a h a rd sh ip on m any Ash- , ro u te follow s th e B oulevard east ■ Leaders in th e hotel m ovem ent ~ ' to m ake an investigation. j proval. .!,po purposes of any n a tu re . peace in fho th e Pa,' Pacific ocean • it. pense of c learin g th e road i The ,' np ne«an son, 28; R itchie, 17 14; G overnor F o r th e irrig a tio n of sm all th ro u g h th e h eig h ts and for th e j m opping-up cam paign will con- to push th e ir fav o rites to the j no b ra k e s,” he w rote under his O ther th an th e flag incident Davis, 10; W alsh, 1; Copeland. It is said th a t nearly $50.000 tra c ts. A shland has been divided erection of th e signs, am o u n tin g I continue th e ir w ork u n til every lim it, lots of action is prom ised 1 m otto. F ontz left O akland about no o th er d em onstration against was spent in m aking th e produc- 114. in to fo u r d istric ts. T he persons in all to $200. The city fu rn ish -I av ailable prospect has been solic- betw een now and 11:30 to n ig h t, i a w«ek ago, and is h u n tin g for a th e .A m erican ban a g ain st Jap - j tion th a t R 18s per8on8 ln Uving in each d istric t m ay irri- j ed a road g ra d e r and eq u ip m en t! ited and good re s u lts are expect- w hen th e contest closes on the ' cool place to spend th e sum m er. anese had been rep o rted through-1 (lie CRSt and is five reels long NEW YORK, Ju iy 1. — Mc­ gate only on th e day set aside for to STnOoth th e drive th ro u g h the j ed from th a t source. L ith ia n dance pavilion. i This m orning he left th e p ark , i out the islands. Adoo’s m uch vaunted stre n g th in Over 100,000 people have seen h e ig h ts to th e crest. ' Follow ing is a list of subscrib- th a t d istric t. At 11 o’clock th e dow n-tow n still h u n tin g . the D em ocratic national conven­ ; it in C alifornia th e p ast th re e I T he drive is e n tire ly safe, ex- ] ers, to g eth e r w ith th e respective voting places close, and h a lf an | First Dist riet Tokio Takes Precautions j monthi, and ,t ig now to be shown tion began to break away se rio u s­ Sixty five m achines w ere in the T he first d istric t is South of 1 cept th a t d riv e rs m ust exercise j am o u n ts, rep o rted since yester- h o u r la te r, to th e second, th e i Pa rk last n ig h t, m aking an in-; TOKIO, Ju n e 30. — A lthough ' j Q Oregon ly a t »he tw en tieth ballot. He N orth Main s tre e t and W est of I carp jn tu rn in g at th e erhst. F rom I day noon: contest will close on the p la tf o rm .! crease of tw o over the re c o rd -! th e police today predicted th at „ A dm ission is free, but a silver reached th e peak w ith 497 votes A shland creek. P ersons on a flat > t he crest of C a rte r H eig h ts one A m brose. J. G....................... $100.00 C oronation of th e Queen will tak e b reak in g crowd of th e night be- j calm ness w ould c h aracterize th e j Offe r {n g will ba tak en . on th e fifte e n th ballot and has 100.00 anti-exclusion m ass j ________________ ra te in th is d istrict m ay irrig a te ; o b tains th e best view of A shland C la rk , L e ttie M. place T h u rsd ay m o rning at fore. O ver 250 persons stopped m onster been losing s4nce. On th e tw enty- 50.00 on M ondays betw een 7 and 9 a. i anil t he su rro u n d in g co u n try . It Clapp, R alph W. in th e cam p last night. m eetings to be held in Tokio to- SALT LAKE TO LOSE 10:30. second ballot he had 43814, W’hen m.. and betw een 5 and 7 p. m. ls several h u n d red feet above th e j Fiapp, Mrs. • R ................ 100.00 The tra v e le r from th e longest i m orrow , they today assigned T his m orning C arol Van Dyke, COAST LEAGUE BALL M issouri broke from his sta n d a rd 100.00 M eter users m ay use w ater on l h ig h est point on th e H igh Drive D onough, J. W . M distance was R. Shirless of Mas- 40 special gu ard s to th e A m eri­ who is being backed by th e E lks, and w ent over to Jo h n Davis, of 500.00 ¡a n d adds a n o th e r excellent drive Evans, B. E ........ T uesdays a t th e sam e hours. ju m p ed from fifth place to sec- ] sa ch u se tts, w ho, in a H udson, is can em bassy and 10 to th e U nit­ W est V irginia, who on tho tw e n ­ PORTLAND, Ju ly 1. — No 500.00 M r- & Mrs w - D- D istrict tw o is S outh of the to th e m any from w hich A shland . ond. and any so rt of an upset j enjoying a sum m er o u t of doors, ed S tates consulate. m ore P acific Coast league base- ty-second ballot had 123% votes. 100.00 B oulevard and Main stre e t, a n d can be view ed to ad vantage. • H a m e r. J. L .................... In addition to these p recau ­ i ball gam es will be played in Salt Sm ith about held his own on th e m ay be expected betw een now ’ Of the new m achines th a t re g ­ 200.00 E a s t of A shland creek. F la t ra te Those who have viewed th e city ] H urst, H. B. ................. ain! 11:3 0 . t istered last n ig h t, 26 w ere Cali- tions 200 policem en w ere assig n ­ L ake th is year. W ord to this tw enty-second ballot w ith 307% . 50.00 u s e rs m ay irrig a te on W ednes- ] a f te r night from C a rte r H e ig h ts ! Hood, A. V: ................ S tan d in g of th e can d id ates a t j to rn ia n s, bound N orth to h u n t a ed to d uty on feanodai hill and effect was received here, to g eth e r M anagers are freely p redicting days from 7 to 9 a. m. and front declared th e scene unsurpassed, J e te r. Mrs. S. R ............... 100.00 noon was: cool sum m er re so rt, two w ere th e Zozoji tem ple grounds w here w ith th e rep o rt th a t th e series “ s ta rtlin g changes, by th e tim e 5 to 7 p. m. M eter u sers m ay ir­ W ashington, one going | anti-exclusion d em o n stratio n s a re scheduled to be played a t Salt th e tw en ty -fifth ballot is re a c h ­ T he d riv e will he fu rth e r im ­ M inkler. C. R ...................... 100.00 V elta Ackley ............................8445 from rig a te on T uesdays at th e sam e proved th is fall, w hen some of M inkler. R. A. & Ada B. 100.00 Carol Van Dyke .................., 8065 South and one re tu rn in g , seven to be held. Lake d u rin g the week of Ju ly 15 ed. hours. th e ste e p e r g rades are reduced P.ratt, C. E ........................... 100.00 ¡F lo re n c e Ilollm eyer ..............6970 i w ere Oregon m otorists, and M as-, P rie sts th ro u g h o u t th e em pire had been tra n s fe rre d to S eattle Reed, W. E ........................... 100.00 P e a rl W ardle ........................6220 ' sach u setts B ritish C olum bia, i w ere praying all day today for The th ird d istric t is N orth of BLIND MAN KNOWS OLD Ross, Geo. W ...................... 100.00 R u th F lack u s ............................ 5400 C olorado, Illinois, M innesota and ! the developm ent of n a tio n a list and th a t th e series w ith O akland E a s t Main and N orth Main FO U R K IL L E D W H EN FRIEND AFTER 22 YEARS th e follow ing week m ight be play­ AUTOM OBILE HITS TRAIN Robison, R. E ...................... 100.00 P e a rl H odkinson ...................2330 j K ansas w ere rep resen ted by one : p atrio tism and crow ds of people ed in V ancouver, B. C. s tre e ts and W est of Second stre e t. S ayles, H. L.......................... 100.00 Irrig a tio n fo r fla t ra te u sers is w ere to be seen a t every shrine. Io n a B echtel ...................... 1480 c ar each. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Ju ly The decision to give up playing SPO KA NE, Ju ly 1.— Mrs. G. Shaw , Dr. M attie ............. 100.00 F lorence M a rre tt ..................1010 on T h u rsd ay s betw een 7 and 9 Scores of people have given up in S alt Lake was reached a fte r 1— Loss of sig h t does not prevent W olcott, E. T ...................... 100.00 WANT 12-MIL^l STRIP and betw een 5 and 7. M eter users W. Gibson, her 6-year-old son th e ir tim e to passing out tebs of th e poor a tten d an ce a t S unday’s one from rem em bering those .................. 200.00 irrig a te th e sam e h o u rs on Tues- D arel, and h e r fa th e r and m oth- 1 ning. I. RELEASED ALONG BORDER th o u san d s of p atrio tic handbills d oubleheader, a fte r an appeal had I seen years before th e sig h t was ................. 100.00 SHASTA COUNTY I.AD er, Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n J o rd a n ,; W aite. C. M. days. lost. been m ade to th e fans to support SCALDED TO DEATH all of th is city, w ere killed when W im er. Mrs. Chas I.......... 100.00 KLAMATH FALLS, Ju n e 30. DRIVER PINNED BY Fourth District A few days ago J. F. Myers of th e club. — The K lam ath Livestock asso­ In the fo u rth d istric t. N orth of an au to m o b ile fin which they w ere • AUTO NEAR DUNSMUIR P o rtlan d , field ag en t fo r th e stat» DORRIS, C alif., Ju ly 1.— D ar­ ciation m et here today and ad o p t­ F o r In d e fin ite Stay— th e B oulevard and Eaet M ain, and rid in g was stru c k by a Chicago j H en in stitu tio n for th e a d u lt blind, TWO CARAVANS TAKE A- W assom . a K lam ath F a lls win Johnson, 8-year-old son of ed reso lu tio n s favoring a 12-mile E a s t of Second s tre e t to th e in­ M ilw aukie & St. Pau! passenger | REDDING, Ju iy 1. — R obert called upon U’aldo M iller of th is -ADVERTISING TRIP Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Jo hnson, se t­ strip along th e O regon boundary te rse c tio n of Second and East tra in in a rock cut two m ile s ' business m an. b ro u g h t h.s w ife C rooks, San Francisco trav elin g city, who once had sight, but lo st and little son to A shland yester- tle rs on th e Macdoel Irrig a tio n in n o rth e rn C alifornia being re ­ M ain, fla t r a te users m ay irrig a te so u th of Cheney, in th is county salesm an, is in a D unsm uir hos-j it years ago. A bout tw enty-five cars, load­ day for an indefinite stay. They I P ro je c t a t th e south end of B utte leased from th e p resent foot and from 7 to 9 and from 5 to 7. Ir- th is m orning. p ita l w ith serious in ju rie s as a ed to the to p s .w ith a rd en t A sh­ A fter they had conversed fo r I have tak e n one of th e Ba B arb er I V alley, died here S a tu rd a y night m outh q u a ra n tin e , for livestock 5 r e s u u Of an a u to m o b ile a c cid en t land boosters, left th is m orning some tim e, Mr. M iller in q u ired of rig a tio n is p e rm itted only on F ri- Mr. Gibson, who was d riv in g ; of b u rn s received in an unusual certified to have o rig in ated in a p a rtm e n ts on G ran ite street days. M eter users irrig a te th e ,’ th e car, escaped w ith m inor i n - , S a tu rd a y n ight when his m achine for G rants P ass and way points, Mr. Myers w h e th e r he had not accident e a rlie r in th e day. th is u n affected te rrito ry o r to ov ertu rn ed on th e highw ay be­ sam e h o u rs on T uesdays. ' ju rie s. He is publicity m anager determ ined to repay the com ­ been a piano tu n e r back in C an­ The la d ’s m other had a tub have been driven in from Oregon Public p a rk s will be irrig a te d for the M cC lintock-T runkey com- • full of clothes over an outdoor Local ilvestock m en felt th a t such tw een Mt. S h asta and D unsm uir. plim ent of th e G rants Pass cele­ yon City, Col., 22 y ears before. on S a tu rd a y s from 8 u ntil 12 pany, w holesale grocers of t h i s 1 Crooks was proceeding a t too bration boosters w ith in terest. The two had been well a c q u a in t­ fire , w hen a peddler called. In m odification of th e em bargo g re a t a speed to m ake a tu rn and a. m. city and S eattle. A ccording to i ed a t th a t tim e. tu rn in g to answ er him , she Sunday before last. G rants would assist so u th e rn Oregon th e car le ft th e highw ay and over- M om L iberal A llow ance 1 in form ation received here, the j knocked over h er son, who fell . ran c h e rs who have been unable j tu in e d p in n ing him u n d e rn e a th , i ag 8A s h la n d ^ 1 advertising^ ^ h e k These reg u la tio n s w ere draw n engine of th e autoiqobile went into th e tu b of boiling w ater. ;,to move th e ir stock from w in ter ; H& wag rescued by a passlsng m 0. celebratIon> ’ They had lots of GRGW ERS P R E P A R E TO up by E a rl H osier, su p e rin te n d e n t dead on th e railro a d track. No His body was badly scalded on feeding groundg p a rtlcu la rly in HARVEST FLAX CROP of th e w ater w orks, and they one except th o se in the a u to m o - M a te r ia l M ade U ntler 1800 P ounds one -ide. He was rushed to th e , thg TuJe ,ak e to rist. He is expected to recov- pep and m ade a good im pression w here thQUs. , i ’ivs.sure; ItlfM'ks Resist re p re s e n t the m ost liberal allow - ■ bile w itnessed th e accident. h o spital here, but e ffo rts to save and th e A shland boosters d e te r SALEM, Ju ly 1— B ecause of Great Weight ands of sheep and c a ttle a re now j An a n c e th a t can possibly be m ade ----------------------------- autom obile driven by m jned (0 stage a caravan th a t his life w ere futile. delay in a rriv al of flax-pulling facing d ro u th y ran g e conditions, b ro o k s, ran down and killed for- th e w a te r users. KING GEORGE PRAISES would draw eveu th e en th u siastic m achines ordered recently from A glance a t the low er in ta k e on SIR HENRY I HORN ION , A new building m ate ria l th a t m er C oroner Jo h n B assett in R ed­ G ran ts P ass people to A shland a Toronto, C anada, firm , a num - WELL GOES DRY FIRST is fast becoming very popular, NO BAND CONCERT IN A shland creek, A sh lan d ’s chief ding th re e years ago. The caravan will stop a t every fe r of local flax grow ers today TIME IN 60 YEARS and is used in the E a st and la rg ­ source of w a te r supply reveals NEW YORK, Ju ly 1.— A cable PARK TOMORROW NIGHT town on the ro u te , and is pre­ s ta rte d assem bling crew s to h a r­ the seriousness of th e situ a tio n . • received h e re today says King er cities in th e W est, is soon to I p a re d w ith m usic and banners vest th e ir crops. T he flax ls ripe T here will b e .n o band c o n c e rt' DELTA. Calif., Ju ly 1— The , S unday evening th e city power George received th e prem iers of ! be m an u fa ctu red in A shland, to a ttr a c t a tte n tio n . in practically all sections of M ar­ p la n t, w hich norm ally develops th e C anadian provinces at a gar- Jo h n M. Newell announced today, in L ith ia P a rk tom orrow n ig h t, j well on W illiam V ollm ers’ farm At one o’clock a sm aller cara- ion county. The s ta te p e n ite n tia ry A display of tlie m ate ria l is d ire c to r Cari Loveland announc- ( directly west of Delta has gone; 300 kilow ats, was down to 112, den p a rty in B uckingham palace. an left fo r Y reka and way is com pleting a rra n g e m e n ts to d u e to th e lack of w ater fo r pow- I In q u estioning th e v isito rs on now on display in the ^window of j pd today This is due to th e fact dry for th e first tim e since 1860. points, to tell the C alifornians of handle the yield. e r. U nless th e restric tio n s im p o s -’ C anadian a ffa irs, his m ajesty ex lh e A utom otive Shop. The blocks th a t so m any a ttra c tio n s are in T here is only a foot of w ater in A shland’s big celebration. The cost of h a rv e stin g flax by ed last n ight had been put into pressed very p a rtic u la r pleasure ’ w ere m ade a% a te s t by th e Ash- th e p a rk th a t th e re is no general tb e creek th a t has been ru n n in g hand labor is approxim ately $20 W orks, and were Vollmers' private electric plant. Bhipmen of Extra I’ancy Grade ALLEGED BAD CHECK effect, not enough w ater would at th e success of Sir lle n ry 1 horn- land G ranite dem and fo r a concert. an acre, w hile th e cost of o p e ra t­ Brings 17 Cents Per W ith a L ithian dance tom orrow T he p lan t is of necessity idle and OPERATOR ARRESTED have been left in th e reserv o ir to to n as p resid e n t of th e C anadian ; crushed from m a te iia l th a t was w aste. ing the p a te n ted pu llers is consid­ Pound ’ You have | lul luei iv an expensive n ig h t, and w ith a carnival tro u p e ' ollm ers and his sum m er vaca- ta k e care of even a fire em ergency N ational Railw ays. 18,000 located in th e p a rk , it is t h o u g h t! tio n ists have gone from electric ; e ra b ly less. P aym ent of th e m a­ ta k e n a good m an aw ay from us They are m ade under ---------- ! YREKA, Ju ly 1— A. L. Ayles- of a m inor n a tu re . The new re stric tio n s on th e use jin E ngland, said the King. Sir pounds p ressu re, of ciu sh ed g ra n ­ th a t a concert would not be of lig h ts to candles. W h at A shland ch erries, prop-1 w orth, alleged to have fleeced Sis- chine p u llers w as g u a ra n tee d by By a govern­ sufficien t in te rest to w a rra n t of w ater ta k e effect tom orrow , H enry T h o rn to n w as born in ln - ite and cem ent. erly packed, can do in the way kiyouans of nearly $1,000 w ith \ th e s ta te of Oregon and the P o rt- ------------------------ of m aking a dem and for them - fictitio u s checks, has been appre- laRd ch am b er of com m erce, the and will be rigorously enforced, diana and was associated v ith m ent test, th e blocks w ere shown holding one. • W eek-end Here— to be capable of stan d in g a pres- selves is show n by a shipm ent of hended a t Salinas and will be m oney to be paid back by th e B ritish railw ays and th e allies A regulaY concert will be given Mrs. L. H atfield of C entral it was sta te d today. grow ers over a period of years. u n til ■ su re of 2000 pounds per square “ w ar e ffo rts ” from 1914 W ednesday a fte r next. P o in t, spent S atu rd ay and Sunday 150 boxes to H onolulu Sunday, i brought here for tria l. T here w as a dem and for 300 j F ra n k Piluso, Sisson ¡called to C anada to head th e do- inch, autom o- in A shland w ith h e r sister, Mrs. CHICKEN BONE FATAL A late m odel rock c ru sh e r is m inion n atio n al system . Johnson, w ho is ill w ith n e u ritis boxes of strictly e x tra fancy Lam - bile d ealer, charges he lost $100 REGISTRATION REUORD TO PORTLAND WOMAN j being in stalled a t th e q u a rry by OIL TANKER AGROUND b erts, but only 150 boxes of A sh-; a n d a new autom obile th ro u g h his WAS BROKEN YESTERDAY a t th e C onvalescent Home. OFF PORT TOWNSEND PORTLAND Ju ly 1.— Mrs. R. I C H E R R Y G R O W E R S A T Dan Kay of the A utom otive Shop, la n d ’s best grade w ere a v a ila b le .; dealings w ith A ylesw orth, w hile A. B aynard died ' yesterday a t ! SALEM ARE JU B ILA N T who is also fu rn ish in g th e pow er T his o rd er shows th a t even in 1 several stores in Y reka are hold- The h ighest stan d in g record ' No Class Friday— SEA TTLE, Ju ly 1. The oil Good S a m arita n hospital. She had -------- — p lan t fo r th e com pany. in varying small for o u t-o f-state re g istra tio n s was No sw im m ing class fo r th e H onolulu a dem and exists j lng checks Stockton is rep o rted children _ w n ill , be „ held „ Friday, f o ac- r A shland produce, and t h e ; am ounts. been seriously ill fo r several days SALEM. Ju ly 1 — C herry grow - In the past, th e A shland G ran- ta u k e r broken y esterd ay , w hen 203 cars aud an operatio n was perform ed ers here w ere m ore h o p eful, to- ite W orks h as been engaged in ag ro u n d a t P o in t W ilson, off P o rt ; co rding to Iverne K eller, play­ price paid, seventeen and a half j reg istered . Ju n e 18, 184 m a­ to remove an abscess, form ed, it day when it was announced th at m aking m onum ents, but in th e Tow nsend, th is m orning, accord­ cents a pound, f. o. b. A shland,! THE WEATHER chines stopped in A shland to get ground su p e rin te n d e n t, as the w as th o u g h t, w hen she sw allow ed F o ster B u tn er of R oseburg, had ; fu tu re in ten d s to supply th e new ing to a radio m essage up here. date conflicts w ith th e c e le b ra ­ shows th a t A shland products can ; D ropping th re e points, th e i,out-of-state perm its, and since a chicken bone several weeks | entered the local m ark et and g ra n ite blocks to vario u s cities No d e ta ils w ere given and it is be­ tion. F o r som e tim e p ast child­ com m and th e ir own m ark e t. ; th erm o m e te r y esterd ay reached th en , th e record had not been lieved th e dam age is not serious “ This illu s tra te s w hat c m be a •maximum of 100. The day be- reached u n til yesterday, when it p rio r to h e r illness. would pay above th e ru lin g prices j in Oregon. ren have been receiving free Mrs. B aynard was th e wife o f ’ for fancy c h e rrie s packed in 2 9 - 1 The blocks on display a t the and th a t th e vessell will be flo a t­ sw im m ing in stru ctio n s a t H el_ . done w ith stric tly e x tra fancy ; fore, th e h o tte st w e a th er in years was beat by 19. i - ' ' nniinri p roduce,’’ J. H. Robbins, m anager was recorded when th e m ere iry This would seem to indicate R. A. B aynard. salesm an fo r Ma- pound boxes for his e a ste rn A utom otive Shop w ere m ade by ed soon. T he S tockton w as bound mans. Mr. B u tn e r has e s ta b - ; J. H. Ja n se s, a m an who has been fo r S eattle from San Francisco. i of th e A shland F ru it A ssociation clim bed to 103. T he w e a th er th a t instead of driving m otorists son E h rm a n n com pany an d his clients, i said today. “ C areful packing of y esterd ay w as: M axim um, ICO; into th e cool woods, hot w eath er reeidence is a t 933 G lenn avenue dished h e a d q u a rte rs a t a local ex perim enting fo r th irty y ears in Gold found in sm all q u a n titie s St. H elens plans to improve the best fruits makes it possible M im im um , 59; S et M axim um 10. m akes them ta k e to th e highw ay, North. hotel, and today s ta rte d adver- m aking them . He considers Ash- by railroad laborers above Oak- i Church, Hemlock, Tualatin, and for us to create and fill a demand Weather clear With Northw«et as y esterd ay w as w arm er tb a a , ------- I-tising for a large q u a n tity of th e ] land an ideal location for a p la n t ridge. • W alla W alla streets. I for extra fancy fruit.” to m ake such blocks. wlai». ClaMlfled *ds brt«< reeulte. fancy product. I any o th e r re g istra tio n day. EXCITEMENT REIGNS OVER 250 PEOPLE IN QUEEN CONIES!; AT AUTO CAMP NE» TYPE GMNI1E ILANO CHE GO TO HONOLULU