MALARIA GERMS - Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leadii g N e w sp a ^ , For, Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1923 No. 100 NEVADA MAX ATTACKED MRS. KELS SIST E R MAY BY SWARM OF BATS 9 HAVE TO ACT FOR H ER RENO, Nev., Dec. 29.— » : a a Attacked by what he de­ « LODI, Cal., Dec. 28.— 8 ¡8 Mrs. Annie Kels, wife of 9 clares was a swarm of a » 8 Alex A. Kels, Lodi mur­ a thousand b a t s , Joseph » ¡8 derer under sentence to be n Morasky, station agent at « a Imlay, relates a weird 8 « hanged on January 4th, 8 may have to appear in a story of a recent trip he » •8 p r o x y before Governor a made through a cave in a » ______ J« Friend W. Richardson to mountain six miles east of « * XX present petitions now be­ $49,804.50 Is«A.mount to Be a Imlay. » Suit to Restrain State Is Supreme Court Rules A d e r-8 ing circulated and to plead Raised in Taxes for ¡a Morasky says he was » Scheduled for Feder­ sely Against Tax Conser- 8 with him for the life of 8 Wredenski, Clergyman of Coming Year. a taking a walk over the » al Court. « Russian Church Named vation Commissions. 8 her husband. ----- — j a mountains when he sud­ n » to Work in U. S. LEVY ABOUT 18.4 MILLS « denly came upon the open­ « THREE JUDGES TO SIT Mrs. H. A. Staples, sis­ 8 J -------- EXCEPTION I S MADE a ter of Kels. said to-day a ing of the cave. He re­ « ---------- A rrange for P urchase o f Addi- a -------- 8 that unless Mrs. Kels im­ » 8 i ORDERS ARE REPEALED turned later with a rope, 8 H earing on Com pulsory A tten d . Decision Places Tax Levying Bur-1 8 proves from her present tion al Lands in A shland a and lowered himself into 8 ance S tatu te to B e H eld B e­ 9 T chitcherin R ecalls Orders Not to den Upon County Courts 8 broken-down cond 111 o n, Creek W ater Shed. a the mouth of the cave, It fore Three Federal Jud ges. 9 Conduct Com m unist P r o p ­ and Other Bodies. ¡8 she would be unable to a and after proceeding thru 9 9 aganda. -------- 8 make the trip to Sacra­ 9 The city council met last night a a natural tunnel and down 9 • > J PORTLAND, Dec. 28.— Suit for SALEM, Dec. 29.— The su- 8 mento to see the gover­ 9 In specal session. Business of « an incline for about 200 9 a restraining order against the (Copyright by. I. N. S.) preme court yesterday held that 8 nor. In that contingency, 9 importance was transacted, inclu- « feet came into a large » state law requiring public school | BERLIN, Dec. 28.— A clergy- the act of 1923, creating tax con- 8 Mrs. Staples said she her­ 9 ding the adoption of an ordinance « chamber. « attendance will be tried before | man of the Russian living church " 'S - ' ‘i f servation commissions through-'» self would carry to the This chamber was the « three federal judges in Portland providing for the tax levy for the ** ¿ ¿ A - , named Wrendenski has been sent i out the state, is void because of a 1 8 governor t h e petitions home of the bats, and he « January 5, according to notice re- year. Th^ budget as provided in I to the United States by the Third defect in the title. This opinion 8 which request that the the adopted ordinance will pro- ** says they began an infur­ « ceived yesterday by Joseph A. , Internationale to conduct red does not affect the tax conserva- 8 death penalty be set aside. vide the sum of >49,804.50, which n iated attack upon him and 8 Hill, president of Hill Military a- propaganda, it was learned by tin* tion ànd supervision commission 8 « « 8 8 » 8 8 8 ■will be appropriated to the several ** he owes his life to the 8 cademy, who instituted the pro- International News Service to­ V/.ó'/A'. of Multnomah county, which was _________________ funds. - i ** fact that he wore a very 8 ceedings to test the compulsory day after a searching investiga­ created by an earlier act passed NEW YEAR# A HOLIDAY and 8 law. One of the federal judges The budget originally decided decided ** heavy cap, coat tion of the ramiications of the in 1921. The court did not rule on AT TH E POSTOFFICE 8 will probably come from Califor- on and submitted by the council a gloves. Russian propaganda system. the constitutionality of the act a n t t n n n n n n 8 nia. to the County Tax Supervision and i ****>»*50,804.50. A re­ 140 CASES OF WHISKEY be to place the burden of tax Year’s Day, Tuesday, January 1st, sioner for foreign affairs' in the STOLEN BY BANDITS last July. He filed four counts— duction of >1,000 was made by levying, supervision and conser­ will be observed by the Ashland soviet government at Moscow, that the law violated the consti­ the commission, particulars of vation entirely on the shoulders postoffice as a complete holiday. has repealed ironclad orders that CHICAGO, Dec. 29.— Forcing tution of the United States; that which appear in another article of the county courts and other tax Service same as on Sundays. no one connected with the Rus­ their way into the office of the it deprived him of property with­ of this issue. levying bodies.’ sian diplomatic or consular ser­ The amount of taxes to be Illinois Wholesale & Manufactur­ out due process of law; that it The act of 1921 created the vice in any capacity whatsoever raised this year exceeds that of ing company, six heavily armed denied to his school equal protec­ commission now operating in may directly or indirectly engage last year by >3,010.00 The a- bandits overpowered the boy tion under the law; and that it Multnomah county. By the a- in communist propaganda pur­ watchman, bound him securely impaired the obligation of con­ mount last year totaled >46,794.- mendment of 1923 an attempt poses. and carried away 146 cases of tract. December 16 further steps 60. Although the total amount of was made to extend this system Tchitcherin had instructed the whiskey valued at >19,000. were taken when Governor Pierce, taxes to be raised for the coming throughout the state. This a- Russian envoys to direct their en­ Attorney-General Van Winkle and year is larger than for the past mendment was found defective tire attention to legitimate busin­ Stanley Myers, district attorney year the levy will be somewhat by the supreme court, which made M atter Subm itted to Council; ess so that no foreign government for Multnomah county, were ser­ S tate Game Board to Be lees, due to an increase in the as­ only a memorandum opinion, could accuse the soviet of using ved with copies of the suit for a C onsulted. sessed valuation of the city. The evidently with the intention of its diplomatic machinery for A New York newspaper editor was amazed recently when he restraining order from the federal amount to be raised will require opened his morning mail and read the following remarkable letter handing down a written opinion propaganda purposes. courts. Frank Jordan, representative later. a levy of over 18.4 mills. The However, the Third Interna­ Mr. Hill alleges that a business accompanied by the photograph of the sender’s eyes: "Kindly put this ad in your evening paper: Yesterday’s opinion is only a and member of the Park board, tionale is still feverishly hacking former levy as 18.7 mills. The equipment A shland S u ffers Cut of $ 1 ,0 0 0 worth >100,000 and “For sale, a pair of eyes. short memorandum, issued to appeared before the city council propaganda for a world revolu­ present assessed valuation is >2,- valued in excess of >40,000 will “I have used them for twenty three years, and they were of ____ .... M h ile M edford Sustain s cover an emergency that being last night, and asked permission tion. Every conceivable means of 717, 845.75. be rendered useless by the law if good service. I think I saw more than enough of this w orld and i itm a . . $ # ,3 0 0 R eduction. 1 d X ° “ whIch’ under the to remove the herd of elk now publicity is being employed by Included in the items among it goes into effect September 1, give a chance to anyone who can pay me enough to live the’ rest law, tax levies may be filed with located in Lithla park to land of my days in darkness. which the total tax will be divided 1926, as provided. He further the officials of te Third Interna­ Although the action was recor- the county assessors. A more owned by the city in the Ashland “Kindly have the answers sent to you. I shall call on Saturday is that of the city park. The sum tionale. charges that business has decrea­ office. I am sending a sample of my eyes. lengthy opinion, in which the water shed. In making the ap­ of >4,254.32 will be apportioned i ded October 22, it will be a mat­ sed since its passage at the gener­ at your A branch, specializing n prop­ “Thanking you heartily, ter of general news to announce court is expected to touch upon plication, Mr. Jordan stated that the park fund. This is less than al election in November, 1922. aganda in England and America, “A FRIEND WHO DOESN’T WANT TO SEE ANY MORE,” that a meeting of the Tax Super- p ' *“ veiI,Der’ is z z . the constiutionality of the act, no final action could be taken, the amount asked for by the park , „ p Parochial schools are also inter- has established headquarters at however, without consulting the will be handed down later. board, but is all the city felt vising and Conservation Commis- ested in »u the outcome of the forth­ Bonn on the Rhine in the occu­ The validity of the tax conser­ State Game board. justified in appropriating, in the sion of Jackson county held on coming hearing, which, in event pied area in Germany. Is is con­ The matter was discussed at vation commission law, as well as face of a reduction of >1,000 the oregoing date, the commission of either success or failure, it is ducted by a Russian named Rar- its constitutionality, was attacked some length and terminated with made by the tax supervising com­ unanimously voted to reduce the predicted, will go on to the su­ marovski. in a mandamus p r o c e e d i n g the council issuing Instructions to annual budgets of Ashland and preme court of the United States. mission. It was Rarmarkovski who gave brought in the supreme court by the Park board to make whatever Medford. Orgon is the first state to test the Buy Additional Land to the clergyman Wredenski as disposition of the elk that the The commission ruled as fol­ validity of such a public school F ire, O rigin ating in B oiler R oom , 1 H ou sew ife is V ictim and O ther the county court of Umatilla A decision was reached looking to how to proceed in the United board considered necessary, so coutny and the banks of Yamhill is C ontrolled W ith Sligh t to the purchase of additional land lows: “That the budget of the law and the procedure here is be­ Two Leave Gas on Follow­ States. long as orders of the State Game county. Damage. ing Liquor Party. in the Ashland creek shed. The cty of Ashland should be modi­ ing watched with great interest Wredenski is understood to board are not violated. In the former instance the court additional purchases will include fied by reducing the item of >14,- by other states. have worked his way to New Members of the Park board re­ was asked to compel the county approximately 200 acres owned by ?~2.50 estimated for the general — A fire that started In a boiler SEATTLE, Dec. 29. — Three assessor of Umatilla county to alize that the pasture occupied by York as a steward upon a steam­ J. F. Rocho, for which the city room in the rear of the Ashland persons are dead as the result of city department; and the police de- SHASTA LIMITED BARELY extend upon the tax rolls an item the elk is demanded for anto camp ship. partment, in the sum of >1,000, AV ER TS SERIOUS W RECK Lau n d r y w a s c o n t r o l l e d two separate cases of gas asphyx­ will pay >8.00 per acre. Another of approximately >65,000, repre­ and park purposes, and that if with difficulty early last night be- iation. When Neils Sorenson re- tract of about 80 acres will be leaving the amount >13,722.50, senting a levy for market road they can be removed to a suitable WALLA WALLA WILL REDDING, Dec. 29.— Passen­ fore serious damage was done to ; turned home from work he found purposes, which had been elim­ location congested conditions will purchased from Mrs. L. E. Reeder and that the budget of the city BAN ( IGARETTE A1)S The sum of >10.00 per acre will of Medford should be modified by gers on the northbound Shasta the main floor of the building, i his wife dead on the kitchen floor. inated from the county budget be greatly relieved in both the be paid for 40 acres, and for the reducing the item of >20,300.00 Limited of the Southern Pacific Because the bulk of the machin- She had attempted to light a gas by the tax conservation commis­ park and auto camp. Final action WALLA WALLA, Dec. 28,— remaining 40 acres the sum of for the water fund in the sum of j were thrown into a panic when a ery in the room was placed dir­ oven and had undoubtedly faint­ sion. will not be taken for some time. After January 1 cigarette adver­ >8,300.00, leaving the amount of broken drive rod derailed the lo­ ectly against a narrow board wall, ed as the result of recent illness, >8.00 per acre will be paid. tising on billboards with be under C ounties Join comotive and mail and baggage the fire was hard to get at and being overcome while uncon­ Bills were allowed for the said item >12,000.00.“ the ban. The city commissioners In the latter instance the court O. L. AND S. P . AR E It will be noted that the order cars in tunnel No. 2. Although the flames had burned their way scious. month. INTERCHANGING CARS several months ago passed an or­ was asked to compel the county reduces the amount of the gen­ the sudden stoppage greatly ex­ up the wall to the celling before Eric M. Johnson, 35, and O s-; court of Yamhill county to restore D odge Is Appointed dinance forbidding such advertis­ car Anderson, 4 3, were found an item of approximately >75,000 Louis Dodge was appointed a eral fund of Ashland >1,000, cited .passengers none were hurt. being subdued. EUGENE, Dec. 28.— Freight ing, the date of its going into ef­ The tunnel was slightly caved while the water fund of Med­ The fire department was able dead in b?d in the latter’s room. for the payment of outstanding cars are now being Interchanged fect being January 1, 1924. member of the park board, suc­ ceeding Mrs. Fred Wagner whose ford suffers a reduction of >8,- in but officials expected to have to confine all damage to one A partially empty whiskey bottle, bonded and warrant Indebtedness, between the Oregon Electric and Mayor Ben F. Hill stated today 300.00, nearly half. the track cleared at noon today. room, as a heavy concrete outer empty beer hotties, and rem­ resignation was accepted several which the commission was said to Southern Pacific tracks at Lasen that he expected no opposition, wall gave slight chance for the nants of a lunch testified to a li­ The budgets submitted by Cen­ have eliminated from the county station, two miles west of Eugene, given billboard agencies. weeks ago. The appointment was fire to spread. tral Point, Gold Hill, Phoenix, quor party, which evidently pre- budget. where the two lines cross. Physi made by the mayor with the un­ The building is owned by Wm. ceeded asphyxiation. Two burn­ Rogue River, and Talent were ap­ Klamath, Polk and Tillamook cal connection between the two ELKS W ILL HONOR THE animous sanction of the council. Myer but occupied by the laundry ers of the gas stove were turned proved as submitted. counties joined with Umatilla systems, long desired by local LATE CHARLES PRESCOTT under ownership of Wirt M. on. Both men were found partially The result of the reduction or­ shippers, was obtained largely and Yamhill counties in the at­ 81 MOROS KILLED Wright. The loss is small. clad where they had fallen uncon­ tack on the law. through the efforts of the Eu The Elk’s Memorial services BY CONSTABULARY dered in the local budget means scious on the bed. that Ashland will have to econo­ gene chamber of commerce. Steel for the late Charles N. Prescott, work on the new connecting track drowned at Marshfield, December MANILA, Dec. 29.— Thirty-one mize in general fund expenditures Tw o E xten sive T ransfers A re Re­ EXECUTION IS STAYED; FO LK S R ETU RN HOME $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 IN BONDS IN to the amount of >1,000, which is was completed December 22 and 16, 1923 will be held tomorrow ported in S outheastern P art Moros are reported killed in a STOLEN MAIL POUCHES causing city authorities some ballasting was finished yesterday. afternoon at 3 o’clock In the Elks’ of C latsop County. battle with the Filipino Constabu­ WALLA WALLA, Dec. 29.— concern. Just what the result Temple. lary at Malundu in Lano. Accord­ Believing that he was to be hang­ SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29.— PICTUR E DISTRIBUTO R will be in Medford is not known The regular ritual given hv the ASTORIA, Dec. 29.— The trans­ ing to the report a detachment of GETS TW ELV E YEARS lodge on such occasions will he 60 constabulary men attacked the but it is evident that a cut of fer of a large tract of timber ed at the state prison here to­ That the disappearance last week a pretty part of the ceremony and Moros under Chief Data, who >8,300.00 is sufficient to 'cause land In southeastern Clatsop coun­ day, the mother and a brother of of eight pouches of mail, en route j Of th e Num ber 2 1 ,2 5 0 F ile Appli- Thomas Walton arrived here the from cities in Napa and Solano i cations fo r Cash Pay- some worry in that city. Rev. P. K. Hammond will deliver PORTLAND. Dec. 29.— Ralph ty involving >313,000.00 from the cut the telephone wires. No cas­ day before Christmas from their Counties to San Francisco, was i inent. the memorial address. A male Plelow, local motion picture dis­ George L. Burrows company to ualties were reported among the home in Montague, Calif., and evidently the outcome fo a well- quartet will furnish music. tributor, convicted last week of the Crossett Lumber company was constabulary. CHILD RECO VERED BUT started on their return journey planned plot was indicated yester- The public is invited to attend SALEM, Dec. 28.— A total of an attempted criminal assnalt, was The fight has fanned the fires MOTHER IS KILLED completed today. Another timber yestrday, after learning that Wal- the service. day when a Vallejo bank notified ; 33,549 applications for cash bon- deal involving the sale of 6,000 was sentenced today to 12 years of hatred to greater heights be­ top had obtained a stay of execu­ Post Office Inspector C. M. Christ-1 us and loans had been received up acres in the same section of the in the penitentiary. Judge F. W. tween the ^Moros and Filipinos, INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 29.— causing a grave situation in the Motherly love won over the fear county and ownd by the Lumber­ tion, pending appeal of his case ianson, of San Francisco, that to tonight, according to a report Wilson, of The Dallas, passed the EUGENE-KLAMATII to the supreme court, it was an- >20,000 in Liberty bonds, con­ prepared by the world veteran’s sentence. Pielow’s attorney’s have CONTRACTS AWARDED Moro provinces. of death when Mrs. Maude Mourn­ man’s Timber company will be nouned at the penitentiary. signed to a San Francisco banking state aid commission. Cash bon­ filed notice of appeal. closed by the first of the year. ing, 24, was instantly killed by TOM MIX RECOVERING Walton was convicted in the institution and shipped on Decem­ us applications paid aggregate Contracts for construction work The consideration is said to be ap­ train FROM GUNSHOT WOUND an outgoing interurban on the third unit of the Southern proximately >2,000,000. The pur­ superior court here on a charge ber 20th, had not arrived at their 21,500, representing >4,634,360.- RENO COUNCIL R E FU SE S here when she threw herself in ' h„B„r j ’ . ’ . . 22. *»._ ____ , , cnaser of the latter tract is not of killing two fellow prisoners in destination. TO NAME POLICEWOMAN Pacific system’s new main line in LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29.— Tom I front of the train and succeeded the prison, with one of whom he Oregon between Klamath Falls Applications for loans paid by officially announced, but it is un- The name of the bank which Mix, cowboy movie hero, is expec- , in rescuing her five ear old escaped from San Quentin Prison. and Eugene have been let to the consigned the securities was n o t, the commission total 4927 and drestood to be a company with RENO, Dec. 28.— Once more, le d to return soon to the studio, daughter from the rails. The little Utah Construction company of announced. Christianson has been 1 a6Sregate >12,237,360. extensive holdings in this county. making at least eight times in the a fte r recovering from a severe girl was hurt but will recover. Ogden and San Francisco and the in charge of the investigation of 1 Payments made by the commis- past six years, the city council has The land is to be logged and DO RRIS CITIZENS PA Y wound received when he was ac­ FO R CELEBRATING XMAs’ the timber brought to the Colum­ the missing mail for the post of-1 s*on on interest total >328,287.18 refused to add a woman to the Stewart & Welch company of cidentally shot by his own gun. SEATTLE MAN HELD Seattle and San Francisco, accord­ while payments on principal ag­ Reno police force. bia river. tice department. Mix received the wound last Sat­ FO R MANSLAUGHTER ing to announcement yesterday gregate >264,526.28. DORRIS, Cal., Dec. 29.— Cele­ At >least once a year some­ urday when his revolver fell from 5 « MILLION MARKS ON by J. A. Ormandy, general pas­ The law creating the bonus de- brating Christmas after their own LIQUOR SPILLED WHEN times twice a year a similar peti­ senger agent for the company. his pocket and was discharged as ON LE TT ER FROM GERMANY fashion cost three local residents SEATTLE, Dec. 29.— A charge TRUCK GOES OFF ROAD Par^ment carried an appropriation tion is presented* to the council j he was attempting to prevent a of manslaughter will be filed on The contracts provide for 32 ______ I of >30,000,000, but only >20,000,- fines imposed by Police Judge W. by several women's clubs. rifle falling from the wall. The Monday against Ole Knutson, BUCYRUS, Ohio, Dec. 29.__ P. Sherman. miles of rail-bed and include the GARJJNERVILLE, Nev., D ec.! of these bonds have been sold. The members of the council de­ building of a 3700 foot tunnel un­ bullet lodged near the- spine and Seattle fisherman, arrested as the Stamps representing 50,000,000 Major Simpson, acting secre- F. A. Michels paid a >100 fine .29.— A small truck loaded with li- clare there is no need for pollce- der the summit of the Cascade was removed by an operation. man who drove the automobile marks wer affixed to a letter re- when haled before the judge on a , qUor of the better kind came to tary of the commission, said today and It «alar» would be unwise to| range according to George W’. that killed Eileen Bradshaw? crip-!Cently rece,ved from* relatives in charge of resisting an officr hav grief a few miles west of here 1 ? at was of °Pini°n that woman »nnther iu M m ARM ED BANDITS ROB ! Germary. Another citizen here re­ Boschke, chief engineer of the when the driver fell asleep at the | the $20>®00,000 of these b o n d s ................................... 50 BA NK N EA R CHICAGO pie, Christmas and sped away ceived from a relative in Germany ing knocked down Deputy Mar­ department’s maintenance cost. Southern Pacific system. shal William Evans, who was wheel and ran off the edge of a a’read^ sold will care for the without giving assistance. one of the new good standard ten needs of the department and it forced to beat Michels on the head small bridge. . Knutson, who is held at the CHICAGO, Dec. 29.— Armed FUNERAL SERVICES pfennig note— one-tenth of a U. R. STEAMSHIP AND will not be necessary to dispose with his pistol to bring him to city jail admitted that he hit with shotguns, a gang of bandits Cases of liquor were scattered Private funeral services for the mark— on which is printed the submission. 30 SAILORS ARE IX4ST * sped into Summit, near here, dis­ something at the time and place around and parties who arrived of any more of the securities. late Mrs. Margaret Stockton Tay­ statement that it is equal in value Lowell Cody was fined >50 for charged several volleys of shots, of the tragedy, but denied know­ to 2.38 cents of an American dol­ driving his automobile while in­ on the scene repaid themselves (JACKSONVILLE POST lor will be held tomorrow after- MOSCOW, Dec. 29.__The Uni- for their work of rescue by con- descended on the Summit State ing it was a human being. TELLS OF ACCIDENT noon at 2:00 at the chapel of J. ited States Shipping Board sleam- lar, indicating that the new gold toxicated, and Sam Hanrich was Bank and looted the vault of ap­ fisticating the greater part of the Prof. Eagy carried himself in P. Dodge and sons, local under-j ship Conejos has sunk in the standard money in Germany Is fined the same amount after be­ cargo. A t H o r n e - proximately >17,000 in currency. a sling for several days this week, takers. valued the same as the pre-war ing taken into custody while un­ , Black sea with a loss of 30 of her Scores of townspeople scurried Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McCallen The driver of the truck appar­ as a result of an auto accident mark, which was 23.8 cents. Rev. S. J. Chaney will officiate, crew, according to a dispatch der the influence of liquor. to cover as the gang invaded the are at home to their "riends at ently disappeared and all that of- near Medford Saturday, which Interment will be made In the from Batoum. The vessel foun- town. The shower of lead terror­ 1089 Boulevard. fleers secured were twenty-four made his face look like he had Mountain View cemetery. Bend— Bend hotel company In­ dered during a gale 150 miles Hermiston— Artesian well flow­ bottles of gm which has been turn been run through a threshing ma- ized those near by and no .resis­ corporated to erect >250,000 ho­ ing 175 gals, a minute assures off Batoum. tance was offered. Classlfled a