PAGE LoU tt ÄSHLAND DAÍLY TIDÎNG3 LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of local M asonic Calendar & interest. T h rills for the M otorist— Johnny Enders tells of playng “ m erry-go-round” on the Green Tuesday— A nnual C hristinas Spring yesterday when he was observance by K nights Templar, nine o’clock A. M. Services brief. driving to Klam ath Falls with his family. The roads a re unduly R epresentative attendance desired slick there now and the car tu rn ­ W ednesday— Special Conclave of Malta Commandery No. 4. K. T. ed around in the road and skid­ W ork in Order of the Temple. ! ded into a cut, saving the family more serious trouble. He declared Supper at 6:45. th ere were other cars lodged off Thursday— Installation of of th road with broken wheels and ficers, Ashland Lodge No. 2 3. axles, having come in contact with rocks and boulders. We have the freshest and finest! selection of Box candies iu the We are w orking overtime m ak­ city. Plaza Confectionery. 94-3 ing chocolates for Xmas— a t the T his W eek Plaza Confectionery. speck of sinful d irt to violate the the tree three times, speaking the spirit of the yuletide. words: “ Rejoice and be fru itfu l.” Fish for Christmas V irtually the whole of Denmark Christm as fish is to Sweden goes on holiday from Christm as what turkey is to America. Four to New Year. No one does any days are celebrated in Sweden. work th a t can be avoided. Christm as itself is a day of quiet Besides actually celebrating the and prayer, but on the second day birth of Christ, the Russians have the real fun begins and co n tin -j a traditional fete in honor of the ues until the end of the period. “ Goddess of Sun.” In the old Ga,y parties, in long sleighs, ride Russia this ceremonial was ob­ to church to the accompaniment served in most of the villages of jingling bells. throughout the nation. W’ith the The goose, is th e “ national advent of the present regime the bird” of Denmark at Christm as tradition may have partly perish­ time. The “ Christm as tre e ” re ­ ed along wth other customs of the mains standing, for it is in the o r­ church. The conventional Russian chard. At an appointed hour the greeting of Christm as Day lite r­ head of the house goes Into the orchard with a stick and strikes Merry Radio CHRISTMAS Tune In W ith the bunch of fine folks “ who are enjoying radio en­ tertainm ent, as soon as pos­ sible. It makes you kith and kin w ith interesting folks, and cuts off the limits of hum an acquaintance. 94-3 H ere from A storia— Dr. Donald W alker was greet-! Navel Oranges 2 doz. for 25c. ed this morning at the F . H .1 Detricks Groceteria. 94-tf W alker when he arrived from As-j toria to spend Christm as with his parents. Mrs. W’alker and rem ain- I Orres cleans clothes clean. Phone 64. 89-tf der of the family stayed in P o r t- ; land to be th e guest of Mrs. 1 Teachers R eturn— W’alk er’s parents. The Misses Edith Moody and Hazel B runer are home from Special prices on Xmas candies ' Portland and Riverside. Miss for church and school parties. ; B runer has beeft teaching school Plaza Confectionery. 94-3 ’ in Riverside and is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W .Brun- N ohting better than salt rising er. Zenas Moody has also returned bread. Bon Ton. 84tf home for a vacation. M iss E n g le A rrived— Have a fit at Orres— Tailors for Miss G ertrude Engle arrived men and women. 89tf hom e Saturday from Richmond Cal., and will be here for a short ANNUAL MEETING vacation. Miss Engle tells in te r­ Notice is hereby given th a t the estingly of the Berkeley fire. Annual Meeting, of the Stock­ holders of the Ashland F ru it and Mr. Automobile O wner:— Do Produce Asociation will be held you know there is a difference a t the City Hall in th e City of in automobile rates? You can save Ashland, Oregon on Saturday the money by insuring with ' me. 5th day of January, 1924, at 1:30 Yeo, of course. 77-tf o’clock P. M. for th e purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such I C hristm as to Be P leasan t— Mrs. D. Davis has been home other business as may properly several days from K lam ath coun­ come before said meeting. F. L. NUTTER, Secretary. ty and will spend Christm as with Ashland, Oregon, pec. 24th, 1923. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. 96-2 Mon. H urst on Beach street. Mr. Davis will probably join them tomorrow. SPECIAL! P ure virgin wool Oh Boy! .That salt rising bread. overcoats $20. a t P au lseru d ’s. 86tf Bon Ton. 84tf A Victor record from Rose Most compiete line of box choc­ Bros, make the most ideal C hrist­ olates in the city. W atch our 84tf window. Rose Bros. 84tf mas gift. O ut-of-tow n V isitors— Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wagg, of Portland, are among out-of-town vistiors. Edwin F raser was a guest a t the Hotel Columbia Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Taylor, of San Francisco, are among late arrivals. Mrs. L. A. Wood is a business visitor from Klam ath Falls. We deliver the goods— Detrick.v 94-tf E xpected T onight— Leo and Beth Finneran are ex­ pected this evening from the south to spend tomorrow with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F inner­ an. Leo Finneran has been a t­ tending Stanford and Beth F in­ neran has studied music in south­ Yes real salt rising bread. 80tf ern California. Ready-to-wear suits and over­ coats at P aulserud’s. 91-tf Let us fill your pail with Swifts Silver Leaf lard— costs less than Complete line of Ashland Can­ shortening, goes farth er and is ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf LET’S NOT THINK BUSINESS THIS EVENING CHRISTMAS IS HERE I'M GLAD you and your h eart 488103776 Supply PILES W rite M e About Your Caso TF you w ill write m e about 1 your condition, 1 w ill »end you my FREE illustrated book which tells many things about Piles and other recital troubles which Y O U should know. It also explains my non-suxgical treatment which, without painot confinement, ia G U A R A N I MED to cure your P fia —or fee reAinded. PLUMMER P h on e 50 The Laundrym an ones ¡¡lililí happy this Christm as eve. McNair Bros. :: CHRISTMAS Tho GRE “The Spirit of Christmas” Merry Christmas A spirit that marks the great growth between savagery and civilization—between good will and ill. —and— Noble, unselfish, customs bom in the shadows of the cross—sublime legacy bequeathed by a tragedy divine. may it be happy and safe. To be sure of happiness be sure of your brakes— We like to think of onr cus­ tomers as our friends and to our friends we just want to wish you a good old Merry Christmas and to ex­ tend a hearty wish that the New Year will bring you all the prosperity and happi­ ness that you can wish for yourself in 1924. Raybestos B rake L in in g will make certain as nearly as hum anly possble in brake packing th a t none may be sad a t any tim e on your ac­ count. AUTOMOTIVE Shop Today it is a spirit of a free nation, the same spirit of peace on earth, good will to man. C hristmas is on the threshold of our homes. Bringing its Vuletide cheer, its fragrance of love and friendship, its happy impulse of giving. Let the spirit of Christmas, gleam as of old, shining with holy light on a new world. The Spirit of Christmas must be there. Orres Tailor Shop —Upstairs Cor Main and P ion eer E R. ISAAC & CO. From Elhart’s We take this opportunity of assuring you of our ap- preciation of your patronage during the past year and by the same token we extend to you our wishes for a— The Quality Store ■ «> I ” ' 5 Days of 0123484853484802000253010248234853010101000289532348535353480200010100022301000002010100000202100102000102010053235302000102000 ......... ..... iimcniinnunnHHihiuiiffinsuœiawffiniitaaBBUttUiMHumuuHnB PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE Happy Christmas O ut-of-tow n G uests— and a E arl M. Pearson, of Bonanza, Oregon, is among late arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coucher was a guest yesterday at Hotel Ash­ land from Hoquiam, W’ash. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Roberts were guests yesterday from Kelso. . . H om e for C hristm as— The Misses Beth and Joyce Johnson are home from th eir work for the holidays. Miss Joyce who has been a student at the University of Oregon, arrived home late last week and Miss Beth arrived yesterday from her school in E astern Oregon. They Let us fit you out in a Holiday will be here about a week. suit and overcoat. Paulserud’s. 91-tf P aulserud’s Suits give satis­ 91-tf Old fashioned lasses cream ta f­ faction. fy a t Rose Bros. Successful Hew Year ELHART’S R eturns from R edding— R obert Cook returned yester­ YULETIDE TRADITIONS day m orning from Redding, Cal., DIFFER WIDELY IN to spend tomorrow with Mrs. VARIOUS NATIONS Cook and Phyllis June at the home of Mrs. Cora Burns. He will (Continued from Page One) retu rn to Redding soon a fte r Christm as. The Swedish housewife is es­ pecially devoted to th e theory th a t NOTICE— If you own property, unless her home is spotless there you carry Insurance; it always can be no real Christm as. She pays to get my rates before you spends weeks scouring and scrub­ insure. Yeo, of course. 77-tf bing so th a t there may be no COATS •• 1-4 to 1-2 off ......................................... ............. Christmas 84tf Zuinaby— 35 carloads of celery sh ip p e d from this point in Nov­ B en ioff Bros. R epresentative— ember via Oregon Electric. John F. Everett, representing Benioff Brothers, wholesale m an­ C lassified ads bring resu lts. ufacturing furriers in San F ran ­ cisco is in Ashland today con­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ducting a fur sale and exhibition STOCK RANCH B A R G A IN - at The Enders Company. He was 163 A, good house, barns and a guest at Hotel Ashland last Tools, team, 16 cattle, 80 acres night. under irrigation canal, 20 A paid K onm an's salft rising bread, up— Location, near Eagle Point. 1 lb. loaf 10c, 1% lb. loaf 15c. Price $3500. You can’t beat it. Staples Realty Agency. 1* Bon Ton. 84-tf NOTICE Midnight Mass to Be Sung— Having sold the last two fu r­ Midnight High Mass will be nished houses advertised, we celebrated a t the Catholic Church hereby offer another, the best on Christm as. Mrs. P. S. Provost bargain yet, NICELY FURNSH- will direct the choir; Miss Irene ED, ready for housekeeping, im- ' W’ehrli will be at the organ. Mass­ m ediate possession. Modern e- es on Christm as m orning will be quipped, large lot in good part of at 8:00 and 10:00 o’clock. At the town, rents for th irty dollars per late Mass a sermon on the N ativ­ month, b etter see us about this at ity will be delivered. A fter this once, first come first served. Mass Benediction will be given BEAVER REALTY CO., Exclu­ and there will be no evening de­ sive Agents. 96-97-99 votions. If the gentelm an, who picked up a lady’s mesh bag in front of Large loaf quality bread 10c— Bon Ton. 84tf. residence No 73 Granite Street early this (M onday) morning, will retu rn sam e to me I will pay For the best tam ales try Rose rew ard and will describe purse Bros. 84-tf and contents in detail. Miss Beth Johnson, 73 Granite St. 96-1* VnLY ca WIRT M. WRIGHT make loved Southern Radio We Hope And Trust Health and Happiness May Attend All Your Moments Tomorroîv and That You Enjoy Your Feast in Good Digestion centuries from old world custom* and covered over with à purely American veneer. MAY THE ONE WHO HAS GIVEN GOOD HOPE TO THE WORLD FOR TWO THOUSAND YEARS MAKE EVERY ONE IN ASHLAND RICH IN GOOD W ILL AND PEACE. May S anta’s m erry chuckle and generous Àionday, December 24, lM fj • ally translated was “ Greetings for youngsters pass through the festivity. j the Lord’s b irth ,” to which the streets gaily singing and reeiting In America Christmas seems to. person addressed responded: ‘God bits of verse. In Spain it is a per­ be a combination of many tra d i­ be with you.” iod of unrestrained hilarity and tions handed down through the Q uiet in France » i In France the Christm as sea­ son probably is quieter than in any other country, although rem ­ nants of age-old tradition still endure among the peasant classes. It is' chiefly a season in which the storekeepers gaily decorate th eir stalls and display th eir gift If not this year, we hope wares, W'hile the old folks sit a- next. Radio gives you con­ bout and recite to the younger nection w ith th e spirit of generation tales of other days. Christm as tim e with nearly all the rest of the Christm as Christm as in Italy is prim arily for world. the benefit of the chldren. The Greetings in the hope th a t your foot­ steps shall be directed in the pathw ay of Christm as spirit of service to your neighbor, community and country; and th a t your feet be clad in the best of servic­ able footw ear for comfort, health and happiness. Wool Dresses, Silk Dresses, Skirts, Suits, Sweaters, Underwear this week at January Clear­ ance prices. Buy now at— GOODS A ppreciating th e sp irit OVERLAND Shoe Shop Corner M ain and Oak Merry Be, and Merrier Be On The Morrow As ✓ Merry As You Can Be, Where ' ’Ere You M^y Be. FRANKLIN Bakery ^ irT IIIIIIIH ! Tor Our Friends This is a fitting time of year to express to you our sincere appreciation of your friendliness, co-operation, and good will that has helped to contribute to our success during the past year. We hope that this success has been mutual. We wish you a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS and we trust that the year 1924 will bring to you the best of health, happiness, prosperity and that our cordial relations will be so cement­ ed w’ith each passing year that we both can look back over the past with pleasant recollec­ tions. GOLDEN RULE STORE ASHLAND OREGON of cordiality and co-opera^ tio n th a t has m arked its business relationship w ith members of the com m unf ty during th e year th a t is p assin g , T h e C a lifo rn ia Oregon. Pow er C om pany extends C hristm as g reet' ings and its most friendly wishes for th e year N ine' teen T w enty'F our,