DAGE FOUR ÀSH l AND w e e k l y t i d in g s 4 » * «* • *•»* Saturday, Decem ber 2 2 , 19SM LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES M odern Santa C laus Visits-«- tomorrow to spend a weeks’ va- Siskiyou's are Slick- i . AIis§ H , will go to Port- i Only a few - people - ------j cation w ith his parents and sis-j Roads over the Siskiyou’s have Ida Dahl dottn town land for part of her vacation, early this m orning would have te n , He has been at North Pa- lost all their glam or and1 g H tte r’ Teachers from the high school known th a t a young Santa Claus cific Dental college in P o r t l a n d e r the erran t m otorist who Jo u ld ‘ IS c H A R O E D ^ iv ^ ’r v a i t A ' reka Her planned vacation it « ^ * * « « * * " NEVADA* short one. A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of local in terest. RENO, Dec. 22 — Following the sa le Reported— n and H aw thorne school will also passed thru Ashland this morning this w inter. ja u n t tow ards the south for a announcem ent th at additional ev- i A c w illh lte , Buick dealer, re- visit various cities during the A modern youth astride a Harley- pleasant day’s trip. According to ‘dence was discovered in a raid porta the gale of Bulck © coming two weeks. Davidson, whizzed through »the- O ut-of-tow n V isitors— tourists coming over th e .h ill this m ad® yesterday on the residence! M asquerade Party Planned-— Departed Last N ight— touring car to D. Perozzi. Mr. Per­ streets and on to his haven in and Mrs. Mrs. C. M. Sheehan and morning, there was more than of Jam es C. McKay, Reno sports-1 Several car loads of A shland, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Balis and We are w orking overtim e mak- the land of make-believe. J u d g in g ! Mr. Mr. and ozzi has had his new m achine A folk are expecting to attend the daughters, Jean and Jan et depart- inS chocolates for Xmas- at the j from the outw ard appearance Kirk, Ore., , are C. L. Sheehan, of one machine seeking refuge in the m an> federal officers state they week. among out-of- mire. have uncovered what appears to dance at Rivera where Loveland’s ed last night for a delightful two p laza Confectionery. 94-3 the chap had traveled so fast th a t j town visitors. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. be a gigantic rum running ring orchestra will furnish the music. weeks In San Francisco and Oak­ XT , ! f " as necessary for him to turn-1 Davis are business visitors from w hich is c h a rg e d w ith flo o d in g th e E r« n i S an Dego— * The dance is to be a m asquerade land. Their visit is an annual af­ V isitors in Jacksonville Navel Oranges 2 doz. for 2 5 c ., corners in the middle o f the I Pacific Coast with illicit liquor M. E. Stevenson passed through Dunsmuir Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Nel- and a galla tim e has been plan­ fair and th eir trip is always fea­ Detricks Groceteria. L ° ^ as beeQ visit valued at more than $2,000,000 in Ashland this afternoon en rout* 94-tf. block for fog had been frozen ov- son were guests last night from , ned. tured with pleasant en tertain ­ ng at t e ome of her sister Mrs. the jast fjve months. i er the front of his slicker and cap Junction City. to his home iu San Diego front ) ment. ! S. P. Shutt in Jacksonville. Have a fit at Orres Tailors for anil iCici03 dangled from his fin- points iu Eastern Oregon, w here F u r Coats, Chokers, Neckpieces men and women. 8911 gara. Ou and on he went , h0 (Qr Roseburg planning a $18,000 he visited relatives and friend*. A nother Student. Home— ----------- from Drummers Samples for one! Drummers Samples of F urs of Miss Ivern K eller is expected At the Post office he wanted to spend a warm library building. He dropped into the Tidings o f­ day only a t Enders Monday. 95-1 all kinds a t 25 per cent Discount Has Im proved— EJw in Mowat is helping a t the Christm as in southern California. tomorrow from Corvallis to spend fice long enough for a brief Mrs. Elizabeth Smith has im- ______ Monday a t Enders. postoffice during the Christm as Joins Fam ily in Yreka__ 95-1 thé holidays with friends. chat with Lee T uttle, a form er Select th a t Victrola now.— We proved sufficiently to leave the i To P ortland— * rush. Don Spencer was out today | Miss, Grace RidJley. stenogra- school mate. . 1 - school m ate. Mr. Stevenson has will deliver it Christm as Eve. 100 per cent pure silk pongee Convalescent Home, and has gone 1 Miss Geraldine Ruch has de- Buy your Boy a Band instru- ° r the f,rst t,m e in a week as h e ; Pher in Briggs & Briggs office, been connected with a lum ber Rose Bros. 92-4 guaranteed by governm ent stam ps to make her home with Mrs. H .! parted to spend the Christm as m ent 'for Xmas and have him join has been conf*ned at home with will leave tomorrow to spend firm in San Diego for the past fir e T 18 8c Per yard. Jap A rt Store, B. Hatch and Mrs. Renie Fagan, holidays with friends in Portland. the Boys Baud. I can sell you any an attack of influenza. He de- Christm as with her relatives in years. Toys Jap A rt Store Medford Medford. She will also vlst relatives in E u­ 88-8 on Almond street. d a re s he feels fine but has to take ■ of the instrum ents listed below, gene. 88-8 * ______ dn easy paym ents. I have Cornets, life easy th at he may regain h is ' See the fine line of men’s neck­ Most complete line of box choc­ Claronets, Slide Trombones, Sax- strength and be in the office for V isitor from K lam ath F alls— A bargain— A beautiful $600. ophones, Flutes, etc. $15.00 to * part olates in the city. W atch our wear for Christm as at Orrs tailor tbe Christm as rush. O th­ Mrs. H arry Smith Is a guest at window. Rose Bros. 93-3 W alnut finish. Player Piano for 84tf shop upstairs. er memhers of the force are ask­ $150.00. Carl Loveland, studio the home of her sister, Mrs. Merle sale for $295.00. Used a little ing how it is done, th a t he gets a Robison and m other, Mrs. C. y . For the best candles try Rose over a year. In perfect condition. upstairs over McGee’s. Phones holiday after December first. To C alifornia— 134 and 465. 92-4 Beeler. Her home is in Klam ath Bros. 92-4 Would make a w onderful Xmas Members of the W. E. Sanford Falls. present. Has a big bunch of rec­ family are to spend a short time We deliver the goods- -Detricks NOTICE— If you ow n pi-aperty, ords. Can be bought for cash or R ecent A rrivals— in southern California during the Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Strong 'are 94-tf Buy Drum m ers Samples in all you carry Insurance; it alw ays easy payments. See Carl Love­ Christm as holidays. late arrivals from Los Angeles. kinds of fine furs at Enders Mon­ pays to get m y rates before you land, Studio upstairs ¡over Mc- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY' A. H Campbell and family are out- insure. Yeo, of oourse. day— 25 per cent off, 95-1 • 77-tf Gee’s. Phones 134 and 465. 92-4 F elt and leath er slippers. Jap of-town guests from Seattle. Mr. W ILL TAKE ORDERS for Store Medford. 88.8 Relatives Reside in Springfield— j Complete line of Ashland Can- and Mrs. M. Nelson stayed over Country Sausage. Phone 18F4. We have the freshest and finest Mr. and Mrs. W enton Cole plan ned Goods a t Detricks. 94-tf night last night from Junction selection of Box candies in the 95-4 Y es real sa lt risin g bread. g oti City. to leave tonight to spend ______ city. Plaza Confectionery. 94-3 FOR RENT— Furnished rooms. j Let us fill your pail with Swifts two weeks with Mr. Cole’s par- j Tourist Travel Holds Up— Ideal for working girls. Accom­ A rrived Last N ight— i Silver Leaf lard— costs less than ents, relatives and friends. They; The num ber of people travel- m odations for cooking breakfast Mrs. J. M. Abbott and sons- : shortening, goes fa rth e r and is will be at Springfield but probably jng in autom obile for cities all and parlors to entertain friends. Dean and Donald, arrived T h u rs-!more n u tritions. Detricks, will visit in Eugene. 1 over the country h as not d im in -> 94-tf House m other in charge. Strictly day on No. 15 to spend several v . ---------- 1 ished very noticeably from the first class. Phone411-R. 95-1 Xmas gifts som ething out of early fall According to attend- weeks at theh ome of Mrs. Ber­ Expected Y esterday— ^ ordinary from Jap A rt S to re .1 ants a t 6ervlce , tatlonB, „ tha Corthell and the guest of her lO R SALE— Second hand Hoo­ Miss Mildred and Lewis Beeson Medford. Main St. n ear Paclfie j a Bteady Btrealp people paBslng daughter. Miss Dorothy Abbott, ver special vacuum sweeper. Com­ were expected home Friday from Rev. P. K. Hammond, teacher of the F ourth grade a t the 8 way' 88*8 both directions, coming from all plete with attachm ents. Call 82. Drain and Eugene, where they Vicar Jun io r High. Mrs. Abbott left her i the states in the union and going have been this w inter. Miss Mil- 95-2 Services Drummers Samples of F urs of home in Kimball, Minnesota sev­ drd Beeson has tau g h t school all kinds at 25 per cent Discount i as many places. Several express Sunday Dee. 23rd eral days ago and has visited WANTED— Will trade Auto delight a t the beauties of the su r­ near Drain, and tho she likes her Monday at Enders. Holy Communion, 8:00 a. m. 95-1 many friends in different cities tires for some dry wood. Ashland roundings th a t Ashland is set in work, she will be glad to be home Sunday School, 9:45 en route since then. Her arrival Vulcanizing Works. Phone 90. and declare they would rem ain . , , tor a vacation.. Lewis Beeson has D. O. K. K. Hand P lays— Morning Service and Ser­ Thursday was a surprise as s h e K„ _ of TT . .. . _ j here several days if cabins could 95-2 I been at the University of Oregon mon at 11:00 Carl Loveland journeyed to was not expected before the e a r ly ! &n(j was pledged to Phi Sigma Pi Medford Thursday evening to play be furnished and a place to shel-- Mrs. Fred Neil will sing the p art of the week. BOULEVARD HOME— Modern te r their machine provided. fraternity. offertory solo In the D. O. K. K. concert. Sever­ 7 rooms, garage, etc., at a ttra c ­ Let us fit you out in a Holiday al Ashland people enjoyed the "B irthday of a K ing” F u r Coats, Chokers, Neckpieces tive price; also splendid 5 room suit and overcoat. P au lseru d ’s. I Come to Medford and look at concert. from Drum m ers Samples for one Bungalow and half acre for $2800 Christm as, Dee. 25 ■ the Jap A rt store you will save 91-tf day only at Enders Monday. 95-1 Services a t 8 and 11 a. m. Staples Realty Agency. 71 E Main money and get gifts suitable for SPECIAL! Pure virgin wool Cliff Payne m akes counters. O ffertory Solo by Hotel Ashland, Bldg. 95-1* every member of your family. ANNOUNCEMENT overcoats $20. at P aulserud’s. Mrs. John Shortridge 88-8 FOUND ■Bracelet In box. Own-1 Jackson Hot Springs Dance, 86tf "O Night Divine.” Special prices on Xmas candies er may have same by paying for for church and school parties. Saturday, December 22. Lyric Or­ EVERYBODY CORDIALLY H om e foi- V acation— chestra will furnish the music. ad- 95-2 Ready-to-wear suits and over- Plaza Confectionery. 94-3 WELCOMED G rant Selby is expected home Straus» Peyton A big time is assured. All are in­ coats at Paulserud’s. _ 91-tf FOUND— Pair glasses. Owner © vited. 94-2 1922 A rrived Thursday— • may have same by paying for ad. ----------- 8 Drum m ers Samples of F urs ot' Miss Marie Prescott arrived 8 95-2 Have your clothes cleaned and all kinds a t 25 per cent Discount home Thursday from Monmouth 95-1 FOR SALE— Nearly new elec­ to spend the holidays’ with her pressed at Orres tailor shop— up­ Monday at Enders. stairs. Phone 64. We call. tric Vacuum Sweeper. Cost new m other and relatives a t their R eturns H o r n e - $60.00. Will sell for $30.00. Good home on Seventh street. Mrs. Henry Sanders returned Farm er G raduate Teaches— as new. Ashland Vulcanizing Works. Phone 90. 95-2 Mrs. Laura Allen, of Palm Ave­ here Thursday from her home B eautifully decorated 15 pieces Waltz Ballad Written by judging on the general beauty ©f china Tea Set $2.95. Jap A rt nue, received a letter from her near Portland to spend a few sentim ent and melody, awarded FOR RENT— Furnished rooms Trio of Artists Store, Medford. 88-8 daughter, Mrs. Jean ette Allen days’ with her m other, Mrs. C har­ the crown to “Wonderful One,* « for Housekeeping. 330 Lower Al­ B urkholder, of Portland, saying les Delsman, Sr, Selected song written by three master* of mond St. 95-4* th a t she is teaching the F ourth A fram ed picture is always ap­ their arts, Paul Whiteman, of* P aulserud’s Suits give N ew York City.— They put it chestra leader; Dorothy Terri« propriate. D arling Studio. 89tf and Fifth B grades in a Portland FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— faction. up to John McCormack this year lyricist, and Marshal N eilan, mo> School. Mrs. B urkholder is a A good thoroughbred Rhode Is­ to select the world’s most repre­ tion picture director. T eachers to V acation— graduate of the old Southern land Red Cockerel. Phone 3 0 1 -j| sentative popular song. The decision summed up “Wo»» Oregon norm al school and de- Book ®Bds, candle sticks, in- Miss A nnette W eatherford will or call 151 Coolidge St. 95-2 There were thousands of con­ derful One’s” m erits as those 9$ spend Chr istm as with relatives clares th a t she likes the work she I CGDSe burners- D arlln« Studio testants for the honor and -in­ sincerity, sim plicity and real nt»> TWO ROOM APARTMENT— in Corvallis. Miss Gregory goes to is in now very much. numerable new tricks of lyric sical quality. H om e for C hristm as— Furnished. Reasonable rate. Manx and tune. C entral Point for the holidays. “The song of the year hold* Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hale have Hotel, 349 East Main. 94-6 A ltogether the jolly Irish tenor Miss Edna Goheen leaves tonight both the dancer and the singer,* Buy Drum m ers Samples in all was as embarrassed by riches as for The Dalles which is the home kinds of fine furs at Enders Mon­ come to Ashland from B utte Falls declared McCormack, and to shew FOR RENT— Housekeeping a- the man to whom falls the duty and will spend Christm as here at his approval, he recorded “W o o of her parents. Miss Dahl will day— 25 per cent off. 95-1 partm ents, ground floor, 573 East o f selecting the Tollies chorus. the home of Mr. H ale’s parents, derful One” on the phonogrpfjl probably spend the two weeks’ va­ Main. 94-3* 4 But finally, Mr. McCormack, records. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hale They cation in Portland. Old fashioned lasses cream ta f­ have been living in B utte Falls fy a t Rose Bros. 84tf this Winter and Mr. Hale has been F u r Coats, Chokers, Neckpieces an instructor in the public schools from Drummers Samples for one K ohm an’s salft rising bread. day only at Enders Monday. 95-1 1 lb. loaf 10c, 1% lb. loaf 15c. and Mrs Hale has coa«hed the high school girls basketball te a m .1 C4S SEEN B Y POPULAR ¿MECHANICS AGA r n m Bon Ton. 84-tf CzMECHA27IC5 ¿M OMAGAZJNB N ohtlng better than salt rising A Victor record from Rose ; bread. Bon Ton. 84tf Large loaf quality bread 10c— Failures of Lightning Rod Can« Bon Ton. 84tf. Bros, make the most ideal C hrist­ Slump in It* U n mas gift. 84tf All kinds of Xmas candies at Though 75 year* ago them w«r* P orters Confectionery. 91-5 V isit P aren ts— lightning rod* in every hamlet in th* Many fine gifts at D arling ‘ Miss E. Kennedy, teacher of the United States, it i* said that a govern­ Studio. 89tf Program P lan n ed — Fifth grade a t the Ju n io r High, ment report, citing many failu re q | Students at the high school will spend the holidays with her conductor* to protect property, hM The only complete line of Box caused such a slump in their uee »be* were entertained yesterday a fte r­ parents in Chico, Cal. Chocolates in-A shland. See win­ today the government census does not noon with a short program begin­ record one factory making the ap­ dow display. Porters Confection- ning at 3:00-, Enthusiasm was Goldfish and supplies. Jap A rt ery> 91 5 paratus. Invented by Benjamin Frank- voluminous and the students are Store, Medford. lin in 1752, this protection against tbe 88-8 happy over their two weeks’ re­ dangerous electrical flashes was widely H om e T his M orning— used until the report of the Lightning lief from storm and strife. For the best tam ales try Rose Research Committee in 1905 cauaed W hat a happy handshaking Bros. 84-tf the public to lose faith in its value. Mr. Automobile O wner:— Do there was this m orning at the Tid- • • © you know there is a difference I ing's office when Edwin F raser Blue and w hite Japanese lunch Forty-Tbousand-Mile Flight in autom obile rates? You can save cloth on sale 48x48 In. 66c; 60x burst into view. He arrived home ! Gets Bee Pound of Honey money by Insuring with me. this m orning from the University 60 In., $1.19; 70x70 in. $1.48. Flights totaling more than 40X100 Yeo. of course. 77-tf and wll be here a few days to va­ Jap A rt Store, Medford, Ore. 88-8 miles must be made by a bee to cation with friends. The same gather enough nectar from the fiowei« Em broidered silk kim ona and combination of broad grin and to make a pound of honey, expert* Sweet Southern Oranges 2 dozen ................. 25c To Portland— negligee at % price a t Jap A rt have recently figured. Gathering the keen w elfare for everyone around Miss Ella Lischefsky and Miss sweet liquid within a radius of two Store, Medford. 88-8 him is unchanging. Miss Bernice Large No. 1 AATa1nuts 30c lb., .3 1-2 lbs........... ¿1.00 Signora Norman are among teach­ and a half miles from its hive, it i* Myer was the only other Univer­ estimated that the little housekeeper ers who plan to go to Portland Post O ffice Force ¡s R ushed— Nuts, Figs, Dates, Cluster Raisins, and Candies. sity student who came in on No. travels at kitst one and one-half mil»© In order th a t Christm as pack­ for the holidays. They plan to mo­ 13 this morning. for each drop. It takes one-half gallon Spitzenburg, Baldwin and Newton Apples at ages may get to their destination tor and be the guest of friends. of this substance to make one pound P er Box, ..................... , ....................... $110 of honey. At the same time, it a* somewhere near on time, post of- .O rres cleans clothes clean. Standard line of cigars for said, the busy worker also carries plant fic employees in the local office Phone 64. 89-tf Heinzes Mince Meat and Plum Pudding. pollen and water with which the y o ..^ Xmas. Porters Confectionery. are w orking over time, daytime, brood is fed. 91-5 From E u gen e— night time, all the time and per­ » • « Dodge’s F ruit Salad and Vegetable Sala<7=per petually. The popular hour to va­ Lester Pitm an, Paul Kelsay, Shellac for Floors can> ....................... ............. ............... • .... 25c M ERCHANDISE SHOOT cate the re a r working room of the Joe Dyer and Verm Hodges, all of A good and durable finish for fioon A M erchandise Shoot will be post office now is said to be at Dodge s Pettite Pois Peas, Strawberry Beets, Washing a Mountain into the Sea stairways, and other surfaces that ar© Eugene, were guests at the Hotel 4 a. m. The parcel post is unus­ held Sunday, December 23 at ; Columbia last night. , . , , 1 subject to heavy wear is obtained bv Fancy Maine Corn and Brussel Sprouts Contractors years ago began to slowly began to crumble downward, applying a coat of shellac over tna Hollywood orchard, Jacksonville ually heavy this Christmas. iove a mountain from the heart of a At its summit stood an old mon- filler coat, before using the regular road. Trap and rid e »hooting. A j l r r |t c d A’rown and AVhite loaf Flour, none better milled, outh American city into the sea. astery. Abandoned by its former varnish. The shellac should not h»» hey used mule-drawn carts to haul occupants, it fell with the ground that mixed with the varnish, and jf any apeclal Invitation la extended to MrB L „ Wood elde Saturday and Monday, per sack,...........$1.75 and ! he soil and rock away to be dumped supported it. Stones too large to be Oh Boy! That salt rising bread. Ashland Gun club and all rllle daughter arrlved m iside the sea wall that marked the moved by the force of the water, thinner is required alcohol should be Bon Ton. 84tf »hooters of the Ashland d is tric t.! trom Councll Oroye KanBa3 Family Patent, per sack,.........................$1.65 mils of a new water front. Shortly were broken up by dynamite and used. The wear-resisting qualities of iter the work was started it was sluiced away. Over 7,000,000 cubic the shellac will offer a pleasant sur­ join L. N. Woodside, advertising Lconomj Dairy P eed, makes the cow give more D rum m ers Samples of F urs of jtimated that under this mefhod the yards of earth and rock have already prise to anyone who has to varnish m anager of the Tidings. They will Milk, $1,40 per sck., per t o n ......................$32.00 ost would be almost prohibitive, and been poured from this hill into the floors often, and the gloss obtaiwed ha* all kinds a t 25 per cent Discount Home from O. A. C. a long life. reside in the C. E. Lane home at hat the task would require eight bay, making an extension to the shore Monday a t Enders. 95-1 • * ♦ Miss M argaret McCoy has re- 212 Van Ness avenue Mill Run, per s a c k ,...........................................$1,40 ears. It was finally decided to wash three miles wide. Sixty new blocks turned for Christm as vacation