pAGfc fm tfe ft PROFESSIONAL Á SftlA X D ttÀÌLY TÏDINGS Classified Column Saturday, D ecem ber 2 2 , 1023 Ohristmas Eve, the children of VACATION NOTICE > pointed to determine and assess the Nazarene Sunday school will NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN j the special benefits in the matter CLassifief Column Rate« have their Christmas program at | that the BALFOUR GUTHRIE of the construction of a sewer on PH YSICIANS One cent t«he word each the church. TRUST COMPANY. S. A. AR- MRS. GRACE ANDREWS, Editor Palm Ave. and Iowa Street, in time. Plans are made to make this • NOLD, and BLANCHE ARNOLD, Phone items to her at 345-R, between lb A. M. and 2 P. M. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ Sewer District No. 26, have filed To run every issue for one a very happy affair and much j have filed In the County Court for ; and evenings. dence and office, 108 Pioneer - ■ — their report with the City Recor- month or more, ^ c the word M t f M M I I ’ » » » *> » » thought has been given to the pro- Jackson County, Oregon, their pe- avenue. Telephone 28. Office David M. D unne W ill Be Chair- der for the Inspection of any per- each time. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 ing will be demonstrated in a gram and the plans for the enter-! tit,on praying for the vacation Calendar o f th e W eek— m an o f R eception 3°n in te re s te d , and a n y perso n o r tainment. ' ot all of the Plat of Ashland Or- p. m. only. Friday, Dec. 21— Xmas party, practical way. FO R SALE C om m ittee. ¡persons aggrieved thereby may • • • Christmas song aud story will i chard Tracts, “ Plat A”, which | Intermediates of the M. E. 9. 9. appear and make objection there- DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ FOR SALE— Live or dressed Evening at the M. E. Church. A n other C hristinas Party— be the theme of the evening and, was filed for record in the office ■ to before the Common Council at tice limited to eye, ear, nose and turkeys. G. W. Nichols Phone The hospitable home of Mr. the program promises to be a bounty Clerk of Jackson Friday — Thursday evening PORTLAND, Dec. 21.— David the City Hall, at 8 o’clock P. M , throat— X-ray including te e th .' is p 2 . 92-4* Bridge club, hostess, Mrs. Sackett. and Mrs. Butler Walker was the most pleasing one. County on the 7th day of June, M. Dunne, one of the old time Tuesday, the 15th day of Jan- Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to i —_____________________ scene of a lovely Christmas party,' No pains have been spared to 4910, and appears of record at TURKEYS FOR SALE__ High ^ d a y , Dec. 21— Xmas enter­ commercial travelers of the west, j uary, 1923. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. makp the church beautiful in its Page 3 3 of Volume 2 of the' tainment, Christian church; Eve­ Thursday evening. class turkeys 20c on feet; will be chairman of the general C. L. LOOMIS, Mayor Ore. There was a real live Santa holiday decoration. Records of Plats of Jackson ning. dressed. Phone 1F11. reception committee of the “ old GERTRUDE BIEDE. • * * County; said petition praying Saturday, Dec. 22— Xmas Eve Claus and a wonderful tree, bur- DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic a^so ^or ^ e vacaUon of all streets timers” at a monster gathering o f , Recorder. FOR SALE CHEAP— Ford in the Toy Shop;” Presbyterian dened with gifts for all the merry j A Pre-C hristm as Party— and Electro-Therapy. Office 95-1 party. ! One of the merriest and most and aPeys ’n the said plat; and traveling men of the western phone 48; residence 142. First touring car. The Auto Shop. 382 | church, 7:30 p. m. This was the Christmas party• de,iKhtul of parties was given i the 8aid petItIcn and any objec- states in Portland, December 29. National Bank building. East Main. 93-4* j Saturday, Dec. 22— Xmas en- The Travelers’ Protective asso­ i —---------------------------------*.________ tertalnment; Salvation Army; given by the Club that has a Tuesday evpjiing at the home of tlons thereto will be heard by the P la n s co m pleted fo r ex te n siv e said court at a session thereof to ciation, Oregon and Washington d e v e lo p m en t D R . H AW LEY— Above Tidings FO R SALE— Spitzenburg Ap- Evening Miss Edythe Stephenson on Sec­ of h y d ro -e le c tric happy habit of having good times be held in the County Court division, is having Its annual con-I off lee. Phone 91. i pies 50c per box. 1 ,6 V an Ness Sunday, Dec. 23— Xmas Can- very frequently, and this «» Holiday ond street. pow er in D esch u tes c o u n ty . De­ A six o’clock pot luck dinner House at Jacksonivlle, Oregon, on venton of its local post on that v e lo p m e n t of 175,000 h. p. in firs t DR e r \ kst w SMITH— Chiro- 94 2 tata, M. E. church, evening, gathering is an annual event. the 26th day of December, 1923. date at which time officers and praetor, near Postoffice. H ours; FO R SALE— Several Several good Sunday’ Dec- 23— White Xmas, tw o u n its possible at v ery sm all The Butler home had been was the special feature of the eve­ FOR SALE— This notice Is given by publi­ directors for the next year will he Christian church, evening. made very beautiful in holiday at­ ning and a Christmas tree with cost. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. milch cows. J. W. Bailey, Talent, I Monday, Dec. 24— Xmas pro- tire, from hall, parlor, and table, gay trappings and laden with cation thereof lo r thirty days elected. A feature of the program — I Ore. 92-6* Thursday, Dec. 27.— Xmas En- one caught the gleam of holly, the freight of Christmas time, previous to said session, in the for the traveling men will be the PLUM BING FOR SALK— A fine steel Gui­ terainment Parish House, 4:30 mistletoe, and Christmas green, shared in the interest of the Ashland Dally Tidings, a public smoker in honor of the “old time JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 newspaper printed in Ashland, members of the organization. All guests. tar for $15.00. A dandy Xmas P. M. and the spirit of Christmas was East Main. Phone 138. Oregon; the date of first publica­ new and old members will b e ' The delightful dinner occupied church; present to make holiday in the present. Easy terms. • Carl Love­ gram, Congregational tion being November 24th, 1923 brought together at -a high Jinx the earlier evening and the tree, land. 92-4 Exening. MONUMENTS hearts of the guests. . CHAUNCEY FLOREY and smoker on the evening of with its happy messages of Christ­ Monday, Dec. 23— Xmas pro­ Aftr the delicious luncheon, in­ —Doll Beds, County Clerk. December 28 at the Multnomah FOR QUICK SALE— Good gram, Methodist church, evening. mas and the fun that followed 72-5 Sat, MONUMENT— MARKERS terest centered in the tree and its work horse, harness and light made guests oblivious to the flight Lowest Prices hotel. Monday, Dec. 23— White Xmas —Doll Cradles, mysterious packages. Buy Drummers Samples in all of time for the remainder of the ASHLAND GRANITE CO. wagon at green house on Highway at the Baptist church, evening. Those who shared this Christ­ evening. kinds of fine furs at Enders Mon­ 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo. one mile south of Talent. 94-2'* —Chair and Table Sets, mas festival, were the Misses Ai- Those who planned and enjoy­ day— 25 per cent off. 95-1 NOTICE OF FILING OF REPORT i New Officers of Civic C lu b - ASH LAND G RANITE- FOR SALE— Oak kitchen cab­ —of good strong con- Owing to the resignation of leen Walker, Gertrude and Helene ed the evening were the Misses OF ASSESSMENTS OF SPEC­ MONUMENTS inet with sliding doors and con­ Mrs. L. M. Wright as president of Biede, Calla Biegel, Elsie Alex­ Florence Allen, Lillian Reed, IAL BENEFITS IN THE MAT­ Oregon G ranite Co. —struction. cealed ironing board. Phone 2F22 I the Civic club, new officers were ander, Hazel Emory, Gladys Ap­ Buena Temple, Sarah Williamson, TER OF THE CONSTRUCTION S. PENNISTON, Salesman. 94*3 elected at the official board meet plegate, Ruth Osmuir, Georgie Vera Mannel, Ruth Sims, Mabel OF A SEWER IN SEWER Phone 444-Y Re». 476 Lanrel Anderson, Mabel Eby, Emma Coffee and Emma Murphy. FO R SALE— 1 De Laval Separ- ing t0 fIU the DISTRICT NO. 2 « ,. IN THE • • • Keltlng, Dahl and Miss Alice ator No. 7. Good as new. 1 Jer-| Mrs- Tomlinson, as vice-presi- PLANING MILL CITY OF ASHLAND, OREGON. The largest exclusive paint; Heyei. sey Guernsey cow. 1177 Iowa St. dent’ a88ume9 the and Saturday E ven in g at th e P resby­ Recorder’s Office, Ashland. Ore­ and wall paper store in South-1 ♦ • ♦ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Ashland. 94-3* Dr‘ Glady8 Cranda11’ wU1 as teria n Church— ern Oregon. gon, Dec. 22, 1923. WORKS, Cor. Helman and __________________________ ____ J vice-president during the remaln- Promptly at 7:30 on Saturday j M issionary Society M eets— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 194tf Van Ness. The Missionary society of the evening the Presbyterian Sunday FOR SALE— Young cockerels, der of the term. that the Board of Viewer» ap- from the dark ringlet barred rock: These new officers assume school will give their program for Presbyterian church met at the T R A N SF E R AND E X PR E SS Radiator Service home of Mrs. Mathes on North strain, birds from pen took 2nd their official duties at the next the Christmas time. W h ittle T ransfer A Storage Co. Main, Wednesday of this week. regular meeting. A feature of the program is prize at Fair. Inquire 855 East for SERVICE. • • • Considering the fact of the near [ “Christmas Eve in the Toyshop,” Main. 94-3* Experienced movers and pack­ L uncheon for Mrs. L. M. W right— written especially for this occa­ ness of Chrstmas, there was a ers of household goods. Deal­ FO R R E N T fairly good attendance. The Misses Fallentine were sion. Freeze-Meter Service ers in coal and wood. Phone The subject considered, in the hostesses at a charming luncheon Other numbers will be given, FOR RENT— Front room, 486 117. is gratis given in their pleasant rooms on and the Christmas music will have* “Foreign” field, were Persian and Boulevard. Phone 405-J. 92-6* Office 89 Oak St. near North Main Wednesday at 12:30. a prominent part in the exercises. Syria and wonderfully interesting You buy this guaranteed so­ Hotel Ashland The guests especially honored ___________ FOR RENT— Four furnished The church will look very gay facts were related concerning the lution and we test your Ra- T R A N SF E R AND E X PR E SS— housekeeping rooms. Phone 187J were Mrs. L. M. Wright and Mfs. and festive in Its holiday dress work in those fields. The “Home” topic was the work diator without charge when­ 94-3 Oeder. and there is the tree, and a treat T. L. PO W EL L General Trans- This was one of a number of of the church in the South, and ever you wish—just drive in. FOR RENT— Splendid front pleasant little affairs planned in for all the Sunday School. fer— Good team and motor interest in our own endeavor in Prevents freezings—will not • • • trucks. Good service at a rea- room apartments. Phone 263-R or ' cotnpijment to Mrs. Wright, le - the Southland, was quickened by sonable price. Phone 83. call at the Shook Building. 93-2 ' fOie she left for le r now home in Program M onday E ven in g at M. the discussion of the needs of the injure. E. ( lu r c h — California. colored children in an educational Quart 45c Gallon $1.75 In addition to all the Christmas TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— 1X)R RENT— A 7 room house, • • • way. King’s Transfer, general hauling.1 furnished, close in, apply to G. Social at Mrs. W h eelr’s— entertainments given by the var­ Do not drain Radiators In Mrs. Lamkin’s absence the Dry wood for sale. Phone 113,(8- Butler, 41 Granite St. 91-6 The pleasant home of Mrs. M. ious organizations of the Metho­ vice-president, Mrs. Plummer will Plaza Pool Hall. 45-tf Do Not Use Alcohol W. Wheeler of North Main street dist church there will be a Christ­ assume the duties as president of W ANTED was the scene of the regular so­ mas program by the Sunday the society. Typing cial of the M. E. Ladies Aid, on school as a whole, given on Christ­ The next meeting will be at the For a smooth shave, Public Typing, copying. 264 7th Wednesday of this week. mas Eve. All the departments of’ home of Mrs. J. W. McCoy on and quick service, go St. 83-lmo.* At this time busy fingers were the Sunday school are represent­ Oak street. Tires to the Shell Barber • • * occupied in making bags for the ed with appropriate exercises, WANTED— Washing. 248 1st Lap Robe Shop, across from De­ Christmas treat for the children among others might be mentioned Mr. and Mrs. W ill D odge E n ter­ Spot L ight 62-2mo.* pot. Grinding of all the playlet by the Juniors. of the Sunday school. Chains tain— kinds. Children’s work While fingers flew, the guests Music of a special nature will MISCELLANEOUS Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge were a specialty. , enjoyed the happy social time, be a feature of the program. Of gracious host and hostess at a We Want Your Business FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING j Jg & part of tfae gathering of course there is the tree and treat, most delightful dinner party giv­ W. A. SHELL, Prpo. i Prices reasonable. Room 7, over frien(j8 without which no Xmas party en Wednesday evening, with 832 A. St. Ashland, Ore Tidings office. Phone 77. 84-lmo* The h08teg8> Mr8. w heeler, was would be complete. covers laid for eight. LOST— Envelope containing a assisted ln serving the dainty re­ Sunday evening the M. E. Choir The Christmas thought was car­ fifty and twenty dollar bill. Find- freshments by the Mesdames will render a beautiful cantata. ried out in the general scheme of Homer Billings, Ralph Billings, under the efficient direction of ’ decoration; a beautiful Christ- er leave with Mary Ashcraft Brown, Ball, Barnhill and An- Mr. Harry Yeo, the numbers of mas tree. KaX with candles and Stowe, 135 Nutley St. and get guin. laden with dainty gifts was a fea­ reward. 93-3* I which are given in this issue • * • • • • ture that gave a happy surprise ANY G IRL IN TRO UBLE— May The Civic Club P la n s E lab orate A M essage from Mrs. R ock ett— ; t0 th e dinner guests. communicate with Ensign Lee A ffair— From .a letter recently received The table and rooms were of the Salvation Army at the The members of the Civic club by Mrs. H. G. Gilmore, from Mrs. i Christmas’y indeed, in festal ar- — what to give anyone and WhiteShield Home, 565 M ay-! are to be hostesses at a very J. C. Hockett, who will be rem em -iray’ greenery- holly and mistle- fair Ave,, Portland, Oregon. elaborate afternoon tea given as bered so pleasantly, by her many i toe glvlng the true hollday touch- f all for Christmas gifts. ----------------------------- ------------------- ; a mid-holiday week affair at the After the charming three course RESHINGLING & CALSOM INING; ciu t» house, Friday, December the friends, not alone for her pleasing dinner, the interest was centered personality, but for the gener­ For reshingling or painting and twenty-eighth. osity with which she shared her about the Christmas tree, and the calsomining all work guaranteed Tlie guests are the mothers and merry visit, that was prolonged ■ < call A. V. Hood, Phone 398 or j daughters of the club. In case a gift of song with those friends, till a late hour. C. W. Judkins Phone 390-R. , member has no daughter, she is this excerpt is taken: The guest list included th e ' “I am laid up in bed with a 77-lm o* privileged to borrow some one's Misses Leona Marsters, Buena The gift that every one ~ — else or if the case is reversed, the sprained back, contracted in a Temple, Vera Mannel, Zipora wants $ 6 .5 0 and up at our blizzard which chilled me and I Blumenfeld, Sarah Williamson, Kodak Counter. ; daughter may bring a guest. The affair is planned during can’t move except my hands and and Grace Hawkyard.. holiday week so that the college arms.” “Happened a week ago. Ingersoll The Misses Williamson and girls home from school may at- Am much better at present writ­ Hawkyard will remain In Ashland and | tend the function. ing. Myria is in second year .of during the holidays but the others Pocket Ben Watches The program will be given by University ^ d a Pl Beta Plu. will go to their homes to spend $1.50 to $9.00 —At the right price; the young girls of the club and “I still long for Ashland and the Christmas recess. ; promises Yo be of unusual lnter- (he dear friends there. There are Silverware, makes well Miss Marsters will go to Salem, Stationery ............. 6Oc to $0 (Cafe) ! est. " It will be largely musical. no others like thenr.” “Cold and Miss Temple to Lebanon, Miss received gift. Announcement will be made lat- tormy here.” “I was doing much Mannel to Eugene and Miss Blum- ; Fountain Pens....$2.75 to $7 er of the various committees in singing till I was stricken. Guy j enfold to Seattle, See Window Display Eversharp Pencil $1 to $S.5O charge. is still in Ascension church.” “I’d ' • • • (ea t all of it) • * • give ten dollars this minute, to | Xroas at the Christian Church— If undecided call and look X m as at th e C ongregational hear Mr. Gilmore play the or- us over and see our wonder­ The entertainment last night Opposite Ford Garage C hu rch- gan. ful assortment of Gifts for was essentially for the children On Christmas Eve the Congre­ • • Everyone. of the Sunday school and was a gational Sunday school will have very happy time indeed. The j its Christmas program and free. B azaar a G reat S u ccess— Warm Bran Mash The Bazaar that was given music, the recitations, the plays, An unusually fine program has ' been prepared, with special music Thursday, Dec. 20th, by the were all carried out in true Xmas spirit, and were well received by The time to be thrifty and a tree and treat is ready for Trinity Guild at the Parish House those who were privileged to list­ was a most successful affair. is before you are hard up, the children. Dessicated Mollassses en to the little folks. and the time to protect Beet Pulp with Aqua Pura dres­ The church has been mad3 beau­ Ther articles displayed proved The tree and decorations were yourself from damage sing, garnished with 2nd cut­ tiful for this occasion; the most most attractive to purchasers of ed the entertanment,. tree, and elaborate decoration, has been dainty Xmas gifts and the ladies ting of Alfalfa suits is before your auto­ lovely and the youngsters enjoy- arranged by the committee ap­ have disposed of everything. (N ote: a sw ell d ish ) treat very much. mobile injures or kills pointed to take charge of that The proceeds were $200— a Sunday evening is given the someone. Next Closest Four Guesses, j J. . part of the program, and a won­ neat sum, for the Guild,treasury. “White Christmas” where others The question is not— derful setting for the gladsome The patronage of Xmas shop­ rather than - self is considered. exercises is provided. Can I afford to carry auto­ Ground Wheat, Ground Corn pers was appreciated very much The program is planned to unfold The services Sundry, aro plan­ by ladies of the Guild. Next Closest Five Guesses mobile liability insurance! Mill Run, Ground Barley the Christmas story and the offer­ • • • ned particularly with the Christ­ Prize o f....................... ing taken is for the Board of Min­ But—Can I afford to drive Linseed Meal mas thought in view. Xmas Party Thursday P. M.— isterial Relief. an automobile without • • • Next Closest Five Guesses, The Sunday school of Trinity carrying adequate protec­ A W h ite X m as a t th e B ap tist - Episcopal church will have its W IN T E R COUGHS AND COLDS tion in that line? Church— AU of the above mixed thorough­ program and Christmas tree and With the changeable weather The “Whte Christmas” will be treat on Thursday afternoon at ly with hot water. Let us tell you how little which we have at this season of For Christmas given at the Baptist church on 4:30 at the Parish house. it will cost to have this the year coughs and colds are very Christmas eve by the members of protection. DO IT NOW. Everything is planned to give prevalent. Be prepared for them. the Baptist Sunday school. Motometers, Halladay bum­ the children a happy time and the Have a bottle of FOLEY’S HON­ Rolled Barley Pudding pers, Klaxon horns, Spot­ This is the “White Christmas" rooms will be beautiful in Christ- EY AND TAR COMPOUND handy, lights, and acessories for < > of giving and the whole program * Real Estate and Real In­ the car make useful, prac­ mas greenery, and gay in Christ-iand witb the iirst sign of a cough surance. (Estab. 1883) is arranged to carry out that tical pleasing gifts. _— colors. mas „ or 1 cold take a dose and prevent a Phene 211 41 East Main thought. serious ailment. FOLEY’S HON­ Demi-aqua pura, H2-O, and Cam­ Chrstmas morning there will The decorations are beautifully bric Tea EY AND TAR COMPOUND has eb services at the church at 8 a. been the standard family cough I arranged and there will be a tree, VETERAN EDITOR DIES J. L. Rarnthouse m. and 11 a. m. with its Xmas gifts. ’remedy for over 35 years, bring­ s e e NEW YORK, Dc. 21.— Frank Lovely music, tableaux and a Good Meats Phone 190 ing prompt relief and when once Cobb,* veteran editor of the New playlet will have a place on the Christmas Eve at the Nazarene used you will never be without it. Cor Main and P ioneer (Sold Everywhere. .York World, died this afternoon. program, and the thought of (I t - Church— S O C IE T Y B. MEN 10 MEET DEC. 29 Hand Made Ashland J. 0. RIGG Service Station Whiz Anti-Freeze FREE Christmas Suggestions: Dr. Oeser & Son Our Windows Tell Santa PROVOST BROS A Kodak For Christmas Extra Quality Stationery How Much Does Ashland Mills Steer Weigh Calf Hay Table de Hote I T. K. BOLTON You Guess How Much Menu Soup Before The Collision McNair Bros. Salad See the big steer hanging in the window of the Plaza Market. For every purchase made at the Plaza Meat Market, until next Monday evening, you will be en­ titled to a guess as to how much the steer weighs. ^ ’’prize oT’ 9 Ik r03St Shop For Entrees Dodge Service Parts Stew 31b. roast g and Repairs Guessing Closes Monday eve­ ning. Come see the big steer and try your judgement on what a beef weighs. Dessert Billings Agency Drinks ' T AUTOMOTIVE :: Meals Delivered Shop PLAZA MEAT MARKET