PAOS TO SES ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS TELLS H 0 W POTATO LAW IS A Feature Page For Telling the Cooks About l he Good Eatables This is Ashlands Place To Find What It Wants To Eat Sunday C. E. Spence, M arket Agent, Discusses Inspection Laws. IN S P E C T IO N PAYS L etter Is Cited G iving A dvantages o f Shipping P oin t In . K ohm an’s salft rising bread, For the best tam ales try R ose spection. 1 lb. loaf 10c, 1»A lb. loaf 15c. Bros. 84-tf .. (B y S tate M arket A gen t) Bon Ton. 84-tf Blue and w hite Japanese lunch No stronger argum ent for stan ­ then to help keep the kidneys cloth on sale 48x48 in. 66c; 60x dardization and shipping point clean and the blood pure, thereby 60 in., $1.19; 70x70 in. $1.48. inspection could be made than the often preventing serious kidney Jap A rt Store, Medford, Ore. 88-8 following letter from the U. S. complications. By all means have ______ D epartm ent of A griculture of your physician examine your kid- Old fashioned lasses eream taf- C alifornia to R. L. Ringer of the neys at least twice a year. No. 107 fy at Rose Bros. 84tf same departm ent in Portland SANFRANCISCO. Cal., Dec. 21. 1923.— F or the past several years Oregon Potatoes have been con­ sidered the poorest potatos and th e riskiest “ bet” of any stock used in San Francisco m arket. Several years ago they were in fairly good demand until, through years of dim inishing quality, they could not be used unless received on consignment. Fancy C alifornia Burbank9, from the San Joaquin River delta i «> lands, have always commanded th e highest prices here, but this year the Oregon B urbank is ru n ­ ning them a close second. Calif­ ornia stock, special packs, are bringing $2.00 per cwt. as top price, and the Oregon tuber “ as is” is selling at $1.90 with a strong m arket and an increasing dem and, one th a t if the quality — Oranges, apples, lemons, citron, figs, dates, grapefruit, is m aintained will surpass any cranberries, all kinds of candies, S. & W. mince meat. potato. As a comparison of values and grading, th e W ashington and Ida­ ho potatoes, which have always been in good demand here, are repacked upon arrival and put in first class condition, the highest prices realized on them , to the 97 N. Main Phone 55 jobber, is $1.10 per cwt. There is not a dealer who has not a t some tim e or another, ex­ pressed enthusiasm regarding the Oregon quality this year.’ J. C. Hansen, A ssistant in M arketing. Sweet Southern Oranges 2 dozen ................ 25c State-federal shipping point in ­ spection will soon be demanded Large No. 1 AValnuts 30c lb., 3 1-2 lbs........... $1.00 by shippers and larg e growers generally, on fruit, vegetables, po­ Nuts, Figs, Dates, Cluster Raisins, and Candies. tatoes, grain and other commo­ dities. The demand is rapidly Spitzenburg, Baldwin and Newton Apples at spreading over the states. It is Per Box.................................................... $1.10 form a form of insurance; it guar­ — ---------- ----- ------------------------- ---------♦ antees standard products; it aids Heinzes Mince Meat and Plum Pudding. f. o. b. sales; it is the shippers’ protection in state and federal Dodge’s Fruit Salad and Vegetable Salad—per courts and it guarantees the high­ can, ............................................................ 25c est m arket prices. One of P o rtlan d ’s large potato Dodge’s Pettite Pois Peas, Strawberry Beets, shippers recently asked inspec­ Fancy Maine Coni and Brussel Sprouts tion of a carload from th e state m ark et agent. The inspector found Crown and White loaf Flour, none better milled, th e stock was not up to the grade Saturday and Monday, per sack,........... $1.75 and he graded them as No. 2. The Family Patent, per sack......................... $1.65 shipper then resorted the car, culled out all th a t was not No. 1, Economy Dairy Feed, makes the cow give more and then shipped the car to San Milk, $1.40 per sck., per t o n .................... $32.00 Francisco. He reports th a t he re­ ceived a higher price for the sor­ Mill Run, per sack ,........................................ $1.40 ted potatoes than he would have received for the whole car; saved considerable on freight charges and th a t the buyers wrote him to m ake them fu rth er shipm ents of the same quality. For Christmas Fancy Hand Painted China Japanese Hand Painted China Fostoria Star Cut Glass Art Ware, of finest pottery, Beautiful for Presents H. P. HOLMES Groceries—Crockery CHRISTMAS SPECIALS PLAZA M ARK ET IF Friday, December 21, 1022 HURTS BEGIN ON SALTS F lu sh Y our K idn eys O ccasion­ a lly by D rinking Quarts o f Good W ater No man or woman can make a Jstake by flushing the kidneys :casionally, says a well-known ithority. Too much rich food eates acids which clog the kid- sy pores so th a t they sluggishly Iter or strain only part of the aste and poisons from the blood, hen you get sick. Rheum atism aadaches, liver trouble, nervous- e s s, constipation, dizziness, eeplessness, bladder disorders [ten come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ¡he in the kidnys or your back arts, or if the urine is cloudy, ’tensive, full of sedim ent, irreg- lar of passage, or attended by a »nsatlon of scalding, begin to rink soft w ater in quantities; al-j > get about four ounces of Jad . alts from any reliable pharmacy ad take a tablespoonful in ai [ass of w ater before breakfast >r a few days and your kidneys iay then act fine. This fam ous salts is made from le acid of grapes and lemon lice, combined with lithia, and as been used for years to help ush clogged kidneys and stim u- j ite them to activity, also to help eutrallze the acids in the system > they no longer cause irritatio n ,j tus often relieving bladder d is -, •ders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and can ot Injure; m akes a delightful [fervescent llthia-w ater drink, j hlch evreyone can take now and How Much Does Steer Weigh You Guess How Much See the big steer hanging in the window of the Plaza Market. For every purchase made at the Plaza Meat Market, until next Monday evening, you will he en­ titled to a guess as to how much the steer weighs. C lo s e s tG u ^ s , 9 Ifc. roast What Shall f Have For Christmas Dinner? lb PLAZA MEAT MARKET J. L. B arnthouse Good Meats Phone 190 BETHESDA, Ohio, Dc. 20.— A Say it with a box of chocolates Baltim ore & Ohio passenger tra in We wrap for shipping free of station was demolished and 11 charge. Rose Bros. 84tf persons Injured when two cars of a Chicago-bound train left the Large loaf quality bread 10c— track and crashed into the struc­ Bon Ton. 84tf. Good Meats Make Good Christmas "Dinners % Of Course Fruit Cake Spiced Apples— Peel, core and q u arter 4 cooking apples; prepare a syrup of 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of w ater and 1% cups of vinegar; add to this whole spices, tied in a cheesecloth; cloves and cinnamon will be sufficient: Cook until sug­ a r is dissolved, add apples and cook until tran sp aren t, but not broken. Chill thoroughly before serving. These will take the place of spiced peaches. O nions, A u G ratin— Peel and cook onions whole in boiling w at­ e r; drain. B u tter a casserole or baking dish; place a layer of on­ ions, season, cover with a layer of cream sauce; sprinkle with grated cheese, all another layer of onions, sauce, etc., and contin­ ue until all are used. Sprinkle buttered crum bs over all and bake in a m oderate oven until brown. Serve in the dish they baked in. Stuffed Tom ato Salad— Peel medium sized tom atoes, scoop out thee enters, sprinkle inside likhtly with salt and turn upside down to drain and chill. Take the inner stalks of celery and stand in cold w ater to which a little lemon juice has been added. Prepare the stuffing by cutting celery In small pieces, adding some of the tom a­ to taken from the centers, and cut in dice. Mix wth a French dress­ ing esasoned with a little onion juice. Fill tom atoes, set in crisp lettuce leaf— place a spoonful of mayonnaise on top and serve. Chocolate Pudding— Line a mold with lady fingers. Prepare the chocolate, taking 1 % cups of ground chocolate, add % cup of thin cream or milk and cook in a double boiler until thick. Beat 2 eggs separately. Pour h it mix­ tu re over the yolks and retu rn to the fire and cook until quite thick. Then remove from fire, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla, % cup of chopped w alnuts and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Pour a portion of this m ixture in the mold, then add a layer of lady fingers, a layer of chocolate and C hestnut Stuffing— Take 2 pounds of chestnuts, split each shell w ith a sharp pointed knife, then place in cold w ater and bring to the boiling point. Drain, add a teaspoon of butter, shake over a fire, then remove shells. Chop nuts fine, add 1 cup soft bread crumbs, % cup melted bu t­ ter, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon minced parsley, % teaspoon pep­ per, % teaspoon sage. Plum Pudding— One cup soft bread crumbs, 1 cup finely chop­ ped suet, % cup brown sugar, 1 cup seeded raisins, 1 cup seedless raisins, % cup chopped w alnuts, Vz cup sliced citron, % cup flour, % teaspoon each nutm eg and cinnamon, *4, teaspoon cloves, % teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, beaten well; % cup milk. Mix bread crumbs, suet, sugar, fru its and nuts; sift flour, spices and salt. Combine m ixtures, add eggs and milk. Steam in a well greased mold a- bout two hours. H ard Sauce— One-third cup b u tter beaten until cream y; add tw o-thirds cup of confectioner’s sugar gradually, beating well. Flavor with 1 teaspoon of vanilla or other flavoring. Sprinkle with nutmeg. It liked, the stiffly beat­ en w hite of egg may be folded in­ to this sauce. Don’t Forget Whole Milk BREAD PLUM M ER 158 E. Main Phone 50 Of course our fine Saturday Specials con­ tinue to be a feature of this progressive place of trade for Ashland’s hungry folks. big Yuletide dinner I < ► AT THE EAGLE M ARKET Lithia Bakery 82 N. Main —That the fine desserts of the Christmas feast are topped off with Franklin pasteries. Sure, At All Groceries. FRANKLIN Bakery Phone 107 » ♦ ♦ ♦ > » ♦ • » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » > » » ♦ ♦ > » » > ...................... .... WHY NOT BUY IT AT chuerman’s 201 E. Mam We Deliver Phone 155 31 Stores 20lhCenturyGrocery 31 Stores 20th Century stores know nearly every house wife will want the following before Christmas and are accordingly ready. _ Raisins, Sumnaid Seeded Per Package, ......... Raisins, Sunmaid Seedless 4 pyg A •Per Package, .............■ ™ Currants, Thoroughly Cleaned., Pkg............. Dates, Camels, 1923 Pack Per Pkg., .................. 1 2 c Almonds, Paper Shell, Pound, ........................ Mixed Nuts, 20th Century best, P ound,.............. Walnuts, California No. 1., 3 P o u n d s....... Pimentos, Medium Cans, Each, ......................... Walnuts, Choice Budded 3 Pounds, ................... Layer Figs, California best, Pound, ........................ Filberts, Sicily, Pound, ........................ 22/2C 15c 25c 27c $1°° 10c $1°° 19c 20c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables OR — Calway Grape Juice, pint 85c; Toyland peanut butter, can, 30c; Sateen pure sugar candy, lb., 23c; Royal Club coffee, lb., 45c, 31b. $1.80. — Cocoanut, dates, oranges, lemons, cranberries, salad dres­ sing. Pish every Friday. We had the first smelt of the season last Friday. More next Friday. Vuiious sizes ready for the C ranberry Frappe— Three cups cranberries, 1 cups boiling w at­ er. Cook ten m inutes and strain through a sieve. Add juice of 1 lemon, 1 % cups sugar. Freeze, and allow to stand an hour or more before serving. W aldorf Salafi— Take bright red apples, cut off the tops, core and scoop out the centers. Drop apple cups in cold w ater to pre­ vent discoloration. Cut removed apple into cubes, add an equal quantity ow diced celery and ’4 cup as much chopped w alnut meats. Mix with French or may- ouaise dressing. Ju st before serv­ ing time fill apple cups with this m ixture, having each cup on a let­ tuce leaf. Turkeys — Chickens Ducks — Geese With the best of beef and pork for roasts, or any way you p r e f e r . Smoked hams, bacon, picnic hams, sausage and so fortth. L IT H IA ro a g t Guessing Closes Monday eve­ ning. Come see the big steer and try your judgement on what a beef weighs. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. ^ 1 .— F all­ ing in line with the “ swat-the- quack” movement introduced in several other states, including New York, Missouri and Connect­ icut, Texas will inaugurate its of­ ficial drive on fake doctors J a n ­ uary 1. Sufficient tim e has been a l­ lowed for many of the quacks to, flee from the state, with the promise of rigid prosecution for those who remain. The State Medical Association will sponsor the anti-quack cam­ paign. Menu No. 1 sou on until mold is filled. Chill F ru it Cocktail thoroughly, and serve with whip­ Consomme ped cream, sweetened and flavor­ Creamed Shrimp in Timbale Cases i ed with vanilla, adding 2 table­ Roast Chicken, Celery Dressing spoons of chopped m araschino Giblet Sauce cherries. Spiced Apples C urrant Jelly Mashed Potatoes M enu No. 2 Onions, au G ratin California Oyster Cocktail Stuffed Tomato Salad Salted Almonds Olives Celery Chocolate Pudding Sweetbread P atties Mints - Assorted Nuts Roast Turkey, C hesjnut Dressing Choice of either turkey or Coffee Giblet Sauce C ranberry Frappe chicken for 75c at the Plaza Sun­ Succotash Baked Squash day. 94-2 R ecipes for M enu No. 1 Candied Sweet Potatoes Creamed Shrimp— Two table­ W aldorf Salad spoons flour, 2 egg yolks, 2 cups Plan*. Pudding, Hard Sauce milk or thin cream, 1 teaspoon C hetse Crackers salt, teaspoon pepper, a dash of Coffee nutmeg. 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 3 cups shelled shrim ps. Melt bu t­ Recipes for Menu No- 2 ter, add flour; mix well and cook Roust Turkey— Stuff and truss over a slow fire until frothing. turkey. Rub the surface with a Then add milk and stir constant­ m ixture of equal p arts of flour ly until boiling. Beat the yolks of and butter. Place on a rack in a the eggs and pour hot milk over dripping pan. Roast, basting ev­ them. R eturn to stove, putting in ery 15 m inutes. Use one cup of — W ith the properly mel­ lowed nd ripened twang a double boiler. Then season and hot w ater to »4 cup of b u tter for which puts the delicious con­ ju st before serving add the bashing. Cook until tender in a clusion to the Christm as shrimps. These may be served in m oderate oven. The time required feast which would tickle the tim bale cases, p attie shells or in will depend upon the age of the most finicky stom ach or sad tongue. ram ekin dishes. bird. 4 lb. roast 2 TEXA S STARTS ROUNDUP DEPO T DEM OLISHED BY A ture. Two men waiting in the s ta ­ OF ITS QUACK DOSTORS TRAIN; ELEV EN IN JU R ED tion were injured, one seriously. Large stocks of new Oranges—plenty of Cranberries, Celery, Bananas etc. Shortening, best bulk. Pound, .................... Shrimp, latest pack, Can, ............................. Oysters, New Arrival, Can, ............................... Catsup, Heinz, large Bottle, ......................... . Catsup, Knights, large Bottle, ......................... Coffee, Edwards Dependable 3 Pound C a n ,................ Coffee, Royal Club, 3 Pound C a n ,............... Baking Powder, Royal 12 oz. Can........................ Crisco, 3 Pound C a n .................. Guest Ivory Soap Bar, ............................. Bon Ami, Cake, ............................. 19c 16c 29c 28c $112 $112 40c 75c 5c 10c Canned Vegetables Oom— Prefered Stockor T>el Monte, Fancy Crosby or Country Gentleman, Can 20c; Lily of the Valley, Early June tender peas, can ................. 27c Campbells Tomato Soup...............9c FLOUR—49 pound sack your favorite brand Thirty one 20th Century Stores unite in wishing all a hearty and Merry Christmas. 20th Century Grocers and Coffee Roasters Ashland Medford Grants Pass