PAGE PO UR Thursday, Decem ber Û0, LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES IMS Have your clothes cleaned and M EDFORD LE A SE S AUTO . CH ESTER CONCESSION IS HART GRANTS PARO LE TO . FOUR AR E HURT WHEN cottage cheese, milk and butter, i pressed at Orres tailor sh O ^ u p - CAMP TO MERRICK INN CANCELLED BY TURKEY We sell the best. Detricks. 53tf stairs. Phone 64. We call. PEPOOX, WIFE MURDERER TWAIN HITS AUTOMOBILE i In addition to transacting a LONDON, Dec. 20.— The Tur­ OLYMPIA, Wash. Dec. 1 9 __ CHICAGO. Dec. 19.— One wo- : mass of routine business, the kish government has formally Mrs. L. Hilty and Elwood i After BefvlnS 13 * j years of i a a m life man and two w g,rl® were fat«Uy In- Raymond Hixson, v of • ----------- -------------w«. w i t a Corvallis, u i o , u i u o i most l m p u important nam a c u u action u l a K c i taken i D y t by cancelled the v u o v Chester u c c i c i c concession o n c e s s io n - . o ** v u io u e ------------------' Francis expect to leave the last of who is in Ashland today, is repre- the city council last night, in aes. j according to a dispatch received sentence for the murder of his ^ured and another girl sustained the week for San Francisco, where R epairs B eing Made— M asonic Calendar > sentative for the O. A. C. band sion from 7:30 until long after 11 from Constantinople. The so-cal-j wife’ of which crime he always injuries that are expected to prove Karl Nims is painting his home they wil1 have Christmas dinner This Week on Vista street. Liberal coats of aDd eDjoy the holiday tlme- ,n w /h * ;COÛCert for th e i was « « decision to have the city led Chester concession w*as grant- dec^ard himself yinocent, George fatal when an auto in which ed the Ottoman American Devel- ‘ PeP°ou> now at the penitentiary they were riding was struck by a h n rn o n t Itf« XJ4i,n>.. ___i.x_’ hend here in March. no Friday— Ashland Lodge No. 23, no longer longer nnoratp operate tho the nitv city auto paint are being lavished on the home of Mrs. Hilty’s daughter, opment Cor., in which George W ., at Walla Walla, was paroled to- Chicago Northwestern passenger special communication. Work in house. J camp, but to lease it to the man- ■Mrs. Lillian Hilty Carnes. Goethals, builder of the Panama^ day Ij- Governor Hart. train near Barrington 111 Remodeling repairing done at j agement of the Mrrick Motor Inn, third degree, three candidates. If present plans mature before -------------------------— ---------------------- :— _ canal, is said to be interested. for two years, at 3600 annually, Meet at four o'clock p. m. Supper Blue uud white Japanese lunch ! o “ 1 T "*™ to Oreg0“ ’ Mr' aad Orres Tailor Shop— up stairs. The concession called for the A s to ria had e x p o rts v a lu e d a t Hood R iv er— U. S. Forest Ser- at 6:30, cloth on salo 48i48 in. 66c; 6 « i ElwoodaF°m H‘“ !' 93-3 with the privilege of the leasor construction of extensive railways. ! $975,000 during October, gain ol vie Cf\ < — . . ... _ Elwood will visit St. Augustine, e will build road from Mt. having first crack at renewal at 60 In., 31.19; 70x70 in. >1.48 30 per cent over Sept. P roof o f A sh lan d ’s Good W eath er Florida, and other interesting Mr. Automobile Owner:— Do Hood Highway, loop to snow line. the end of that time; the city to P . T. ASSN. GETS CHILD Jap Art Store, Medford, Ore. 88-8 pointe w iiT clalm ^ rih afe^ M h ete Proof of the mildness of Ash- retain general supervision over you know there Is a difference WELFARE LITERATURE attention before they return to I land’s weather Is made evident the lased camp. in automobile rates? You can save A Victor record from Rose California. again by the fact that chrysanthe­ money by Insuring with i. \ It is understood that the Inn The Parent Teacher’s Associa­ Bros, make the most Ideal Christ­ • • mums grown out-of-doors were management among the big im- tion has been able to secure an Yeo. of course. 77-tf mas gift. 84tf Nohting better than salt rising picked this morning by Mrs. O. A .' provements which It will make on interesting lot of literature on bread. Bon Ton. 84tf Stearns at her* home on Pine its own plant by early spring will Stores to Open— child welfare and have pamph­ \ o tic e ■ * The majority of Ashland stores street. The flowers were grown in make from 31200 to 31500 worth lets pertaining to' the work on will probably remain open every w i i “ ^ ‘he M°der,‘ All kinds of Xmas candies at a sheltered place, and they are j of improvements on the leased display at the public library. night beginning Thursday evening , i ° , “lerlca wln gnther Porters Confectionery. 91-5 not stunted or uneven. Mrs. ¡camp Character Training, Your Op­ -Mail Tribune. ana »._. .. ' f° r a hig social time as the guests Starns will have home grown out and including Monday. No auth­ portunity with Health, Production of Camp 6013, at Medford, Ore., F reni Aw ay O ff— of-door flowers for Christmas. MRS. HUGHES EN DED entic agreement- has been reach­ of Clean Milk, A Program for Thursday night. A big class of Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Bohmbach, ed by the merchants, but each L IF E BY HANGING Health Teaching, and Dramatics candidates will be Initiated and a from Red Wing, Minnesota, are See the fine line of men’s neck­ for Health Teaching, together is acting independent and it is Better or. Bigger Assortments of Testaments— Prayer good speaking program and re­ among out-of-town visitors. Ben Books and Bibles? Good values— -Special Special Features. Features wear for Christmas at Orrs tailor with several other magazines have ! < > probable that every other store LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20.— Mrs. freshments are promised. All Thomas and David Powell, of shop upstairs. 93.3 Adelaide Hughes, wife of Rupert come from the Department of the ' will act in unison. members are Invited. Snohomish, Wash., are among re­ Hughes, author and film director, Interior Bureau of Education. cent arrivals. They are quaintly decorated M ilw aukie C lim ate is C o l d - Try our fresh kippered salmon hanged herself while on board Our assortment of grass and Reed Baskets 50c to «1 5 0 Standard line of cigars for j _____ _ with picturesque pictures and ’Detricks.” 53.^ According to Ernel Stearns, son a steamer traveling down the and decorated \\ ater Trays 75c — S 3.75? Xmas. Porters Confectionery mottos. A clear conception of Select that Victrola now.— We of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Stearns, coast of Indo-China, according to ways that will be effective in car- ' 91-5 will deliver It Christmas Eve. Milwaukie. Wisconsin is one of the first details of her death re- Embroidered silk kimona a n d ’ I * Rose Bros. 92-4 the coldest places he has visited, j eeived by her husband here yes rying on a health program is ! negligee at % price at Jap Art' H om e Today— given with even a casual glance at O u r W a ste P a p e r B a sk e ts 25c — $ 2 .7 5 ? Store, Medford. 88-S ' Mr. Stearns is an aprentice in a terday evening. That Mrs. Hughes Troy A. Phipps arrived in Ash- We deliver the goods. Service machine shop of the W est Alice was mentally deranged suffering the resume literature that has been obtained. j land today to spend the holidays Is our motto. Detrlcks— phone company in Milwaukie and will To Come H om e S o o n - from a terrible earache which in­ There is no charge attached to with his parents, Mr. and M rs.'62. g3ti Miss Marie Prescott, freshman not come home for Christmas. He fluenced her to take her life, was r i,n o AnS^ i “Tak€L a Picture” package. Including Box, looking at the collection. , ---------- at the State Normal School in i E. E. Phipps. Young Phipps has t amera, Films and Photo Album all for $5.00? says the cold is more penetrating the advice contained in the cabel Monmouth, is expected home the been elected an honorary member Good Christmas Planned__ than that of the coast and it is dispatch sent by a Standard Oil COVELL IS SENTENCED latter part of the week to spend of Sigma Pi, the national frater- j Mr. and Mrs. Harris Dean left colder than he likes. company official. TO L IF E IN PRISON the holidays with her mother and nity which admits members only this morning for Portland to be Our “Line a Day” and 1924 Diaries 25c — $2.50 each.? relatives who reside on Seventh because of acquisition of special the guests of relatives over the Let us fit you out In a Holiday R E B E L S A R E D E F E A T E D . MARSHFIELD, Dec. 20.— Al­ holidays They will visit at the suit and overcoat. Paulserud's. street. Miss Prescott is attending scientific knowledge. REVOLUTIONARY FORCES len Coveil, murderer of his step­ home of their son, Clyde Dean the college under a scholarship 9 1 -tf!' mother, Mrs. Ebba Coveil, was Many fine gifte at Darling and with Mrs. Dean’s sister, who awarded for her meritorious work M otor to Gold H ill— Our assortment of new China at unheard of prices? sentenced today to life in the VERA CRUZ, Dec. 20. Revolu­ Studio. 8 9 tf, visited Ashland this summer. during high school. state penitentiary. L. J. Orres and his cousin Ber­ tionary forces under Generals They accompanied G. H. Yeo to nard Orre, were business callers Garza, Gonzales, and Maycottee Eugene by motor. Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, A tten d in g C onvention— nt Gold Hill and Central Point again defeated the federals in the ««-POUND BEAVER IS Ivan E. Phipps, a senior in the Our assortment of Perfume and Toilet Sets at$l to $7? Chipped beef and lard. Get it at yesterday. CAUGHT AT STANFIELD region of San Marcos according to law school of the Oregon Univer­ Toys— Jap Art Store Medford Detricks. It’s the best. 53-tf advics received at Heurtista head­ sity, leaves today from Eugene 88-8 To Whittier— STANFIELD, Dec. 20.— A 68- quarters, Two thousand Yaqui Oh Boy! That salt rising bread. for Cleveland, Ohio and will not Mrs. E. Horn and children Are Indians with General Lopez Ortis, pound beaver.was caught recently Our sssortment of Chilrens Books of all kinds— never Have a fit at Orres— Tailors for to spend Christmas with relatives Bon Ton. 84tf return until after the holidays. larger— never more complete. of General Martnez staff, aur- in the Umatilla river by Murk Mr. Phipps goes as a representa­ men and women. 89tf in Whittier, Cal. Mrs. Horn re­ rendered to revolutionary forces. brothers of Woodland, Wash. The tive of the University law frater­ H ere for th e W inter— cently came to Ashland from Books and The federate hav abandond San fur stretched 38 inches in diam­ Drug Sundries Mr. and Mrs. William Purdy nity, Delta Theta Phi, to the nat­ H ere from C orvallis__ Dunsmuir and the younger mem­ Marcos, retiring to Munoz on the eter. This is an extra large beaver. Stationery Toilet Goods ional convention of that order Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Keller were have come to Ashland to reside bers of the family have been in Mexican railroad. General San- from their former home in Malin, which is to be held in Cleveland in Ashland a few days’ this week school this winter. They will re- chez, of the rebel forces, now C lassified ads bring resu lts. from their home in Corvallis. Mr. turn in two weeks. Oregon. They have purchased a December 26-28. controls both Interoceanic and Keller left this morning for the home here, but have an apart­ Mexicano railroads to Apizaco. The only complete line of Box Southern Pacific hospital in San ment in the Livingstone home on D eparted T his M orning— East Main street. Mr. Purdy and Chocolates in Ashland. See win­ Francisco where he will probably Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McNaughtan brother left Monday for a two dow display.. Porters Confection- undergo a minor operation and and son departed this morning for NOMINATION O P H ANEY, THOMPSON W ITH DRAW N K T— « ___ I - . ___ * < ery- 91-5 Mrs. Keller also departed to spend Port Angeles, Wash., to spend the weeks’ trip to Astoria. New V York.—Dr. John H. Finley, to tell how she is using the Associa­ WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. — noted educator and journalist, has the holidays with her daughter holidays with Mrs. McNaughtan’s tions posters to teach the children,— just been elected President of the From K lam ath F a lls__ Withdrawal of the nominations of and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Fay yeSj and their parents, too,—»0 brush Xmas gifts something out of mother. As this has been the Frederick I. Thompson, of Ala­ National Child Welfare Association their teeth, and asking whether there Amos D. Slack and P. W. Slack Potter, in Hilt. the ordinary from Jap Art Store, of 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, o: second year that Mr. McNaughtan are other posters that will back up bama, and Bert E. Haney, of Ore­ which Herbert Hoover is Vice-Presi­ Medford, Main St. near Pacific and family of Klamath Falls, were her teaching regarding fresh air. has been in Ashland, he has form­ dent and Amos L. Prescott, Treas­ gon, as members of the shipping Say it with a box of chocolates Highway. 83.3 registered at the Hotel Columbia "Sometimes it is a deeply concern­ ed a circle of friends who are board, has been decided upon by urer. Dr. Finley is deeply interestec last night. ed group of women who want ad­ We wrap for shipping free of watching his work. Mrs. Mc­ Coolidge as a result of the unfav­ in the welfare of “all the children ol vice on how to start a child welfare all the people. charge. Rose Bros. 84tf SPECIAL! Pure virgin woo center in their middle west town. Naughtan has also been interest­ For the best tamales try Rose orable report rendered by the In his latest book, “The Debt Sometimes it is a librarian who overcoats 320. at Paulserud’s. ing but has had a good bit of sup­ Senate of Farley as chairman. Bros. Eternal ’, lie tells of a memorable needs some pictures to brighten the For the best candies try Rose 84-tf 86tf day when he had presidefl over a ervising to do In connection with walls and to stimulate better reading Bros. 92-4 meeting of the great ones of the habits in her little library in Maine. the costuming of the Elk's Show. Goldfish and supplies. Jap Art TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY earth. “As I came to my home," H om e Today— Or perhaps the head of a Children's They will return» to Los Angeles he says, “clad in my academic robes, Store, Medford. Home wants some posters that will Arrival is Hoped— Miss Ruth Purdy is expected FO R SALE CHEAP— Ford with a hood of brilliant color about make the indifferent public realise after the holidays tho they will The arrival of Miss Ivern Kel­ home today for her first va my shoulders, three or four little what the Home is doing and lend probably not stop on the return touring car. The Auto Shop. 382 boys playing near the door looked it their support ler on Sunday from Corvallis is cation since entering O. A. C To R eturn Tom orrow E vening— 93-4» up in awe. At last one of them G. H. ,Y eo,accompanied by Mr expected by her friends here. trip. They were guests at the East Main. “The National Child Welfare A»- where she is majoring in com­ got his tongue and said, ‘There Hotel Ashland during the time sociation is itself partly supported by and Mrs. Harris Dean, left hfere Miss Keller was unable to leave merce. She will visit at her par LOST— Envelope containing a goes John’s father.’ So at the end ol private contributions, thus being en­ the Elk’s Show was under their this morning for Eugene and will Corvallis sooner, but will spend ents home and with school friends fifty and twenty dollar bill. Find-j all this day of glory, I was the abled in every case to give its advice rpturn tomorrow evening with the the remainder of her vacation supervision. er leave with Mary Ashcraft ! father of my five year old boy. It COPTaiOHT UNDKRWOOO • UMSCaWOOD. M. V. and aid freely and to provide its edu­ is that great multitude whom he rep­ D r . John H . F in la y w h o has Just baan elected cational posters'at cost, serving and Ready-to-wear suits and over­ Misses Bernice Yeo. Caroline Til­ here. She is a senior at O. A. C. T o D epart Tom orrow— Stowe, 135 Nutley St. and get resents to me who are soon to pos­ president o f the N a tio n a l CSUM W e i f v a co-operating not merely with the Association ton, and Lucille Perozzi, all stu­ sess this earth.” coats at Paulserud’s. 91-tf and has been correspondent for reward. 93-3* health agencies, but with every agen­ The departure of Mrs. L. M. dents at the University of Ore­ the Tidings from that school. It . is for the sake of this “great mental and moral welfare. Some­ cy which, in any way, touche« the Wright tomorrow for Irvington, multitude” of children all over times it is a ‘mule-back nurse* from physical, mental or moral life of the FO R R E N T— Splendid front 100 per cent pure silk pongee gon. Mr. and Mrs. Dean will go America that Dr. Finley is allying the Kentucky mountains who writes ¡child. Cal. marks the removal of one room apartments. Phone 263-R or himself with the work of the guaranteed by government stamps on to Portland for Christmas. NOTICE— If you own property, of the civic figures in Ashland’s call at the Shook Building. 93-2 National Child Welfare Association. 77ie Church o f God and World P t a c t 88c per yard. Jap Art Storl, you carry Insurance; it always Speaking of his recent election to A bargain— A beautiful 3600. pays to get my rates before you club and social life. Mrs. Wright by The Reterend S. Parkes Cadman, D. D. Medford. 88-8 the Presidency of the Association, FOR SALE— Shepherd puppies plans to spend Christmas with her Walnut finish, Player Plano for Insure. Yeo, of course. It is well understood that what though they neither doubted dSdr 77-tf Just right for the kiddies Christ­ Dr. Finley said, “My special interest may have been a comparative bene- Gospel, nor yet believed it to b* brother in the California city sale for 3295.00. Used a little in the work of the National Child To Travel— mas present. Reasonable price. Welfare Association lies in the fact it in one age can become the decided practicable. Yet the monstrous In­ Orres cleans clothes clean but plans for the remainder of the Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Klum have over a year. In perfect condition. that it has a big vision and has de- curse of another. So the plea that sanity of armed violence is patent to winter are not very definite. She Austie Brown, Phone 1F5. 93-2 v i M d ' V ' ^ a ^ method^f m^kteg V has occasionally been the agent Christians and non-Christians' alike. departed by auto, for southern Would make a wonderful Xmas Phone 64. 89-tf that v is io n r w l T»a wietn« a new freedom has to be con- Christian civilization is greatly in­ hopes to be able to get Child’s WANTED— Used Victrola or that vision real. Its visiop is of the sidered in the light of what it now debted California and Arizona and New present. Has a big bunch of rec­ to Will Irwin for hu volume, whole education of the whole child. Welfare work In Irvington. other good make of phonograph, In . its educational material, health is, does, and leaves as its bitter “Christ or Mars?" The author Mexico in hopes of benefltting ords. Can be bought for cash or To C hristm as in C a l i f o r n i a - needs no prompting. His style show» Mrs. Val Snyder plans to leave with records. What have you for training is never divorced from aftermath. Mr. Klum’s health, which has easy payments. See Carl Love­ Toy F u rn itu re is D isplayed__ the man to an unusual degree. It ia The Church of God, without refer- dteracter training, but the gaining of land, Studio upstairs ¡over Mc­ this week for Los Angeles, where 350 to 375. Call 411-R. been poor since a recent sickness. challenging, provocative, direct, vivid, a healthy body is seen only as a firstf^ce to her divisions, will have to js first The tiny chairs and tables and They expect to be gone two Gee’s. Phones 134 and 465. 92-4 she will spend th holidays’ with step In the making of an alert, train­ face this problem or suffer a set­ and penetrated by the quiet persist­ cribs that were made by C. C. The Salvation Army wishes to ed mind and a sterling character. It back which one does not care to ence which outlasts stormy tnvoca* her son Charles Snyder. She will months and will visit many places is foilopring the dictum o f - - Mon- - contemplate. Her mission in the tion. He starts out to prove that Local R esid en ts V isit R elatives__ probably also visit the Slingerland Weisenberger for some kiddie’s invite all who can possibly come on their trip. war has gone beyond all comt tai. *Wo I W W _____ . have not to train up a Mrs. Alma Stennett and daugh­ family, who left here a few years Christmas are being shown in the to the Christmas program this soul, nor yet a body, but a man, and earth is already assigned. Her cre­ tory stages, and is diametric! t b dentials belong to another realm window of J. O. R ig g s shop. If Saturday evening, December 22. we cannot divide him than that of the state. She should posed, to the Christianity of Most complete Hoe of box choc­ ter, Mabel, accompanied by Mrs. ago and are living In Pasadena, you are down town and want to be possessed by a greater love than The issue is raised in such a __ Mary Stennett and daughter Ella- We have tried to so arrange as i and other friends. olates In the city. Watch our Realizing Its Vision nationalism or even democracy can plete manner that evasion Is impoo. see something unique, go to the not to conflict and that veryone! window. Rose Bros. 84tf leen, motored to Medford- and inspire. Her affections are com­ tible. Stripped of hereditary instisctK practical method by which Gold Hili yesterday to visit rela­ Old fashioned lasses cream taf­ store and see what has been made might attend this splendid effort. the "Tto mandeered for Humanity as a whole. the combative element has to rely A b < iodation is realizing its vision at odd moments by Mr. Weteen tives. They have been defiled by what Will upon its native merit or demerit fy at Rose Bros. 84tf Everybody is welcomed. Come of a healthier, more intelligent, finer Large loaf quality bread 10c— Nor can a Christian avoid the con­ berger. Irwin, journalist, war correspondent geaantion is that of visual edu­ early and avoid the rush if all Bon Ton. 84tf. clusion that the time is ripe for radi­ and author in his latest book, “Christ cation, lectures, exhibits and commu- Kohman’s salft rising bread, the seats are taken I will give up Come to Medford and look at cal readjustment upon mis disputed organization. From all over the or Mars?” forcibly terms “bad bio­ point Here, H om e from College—— tl ere, then. Is a book winds 1 lb. loaf 10c, 1H lb, loaf 15c. the Jap Art store you will save mine. The first hundred are sure Mr. Schw ein Im proving— mmntiy,—indeed from all over the logical habits." illuminates the debate, which show» es Burton Winnie is home from Bon Ton. 84-tf wodd^—visitors and letters come to Race, creed, color, distance, are all to get a sack of candy and nuts. money and get gifts suitable for Louis Schwein, who has been O. A. JD . and is a guest at the National Child Welfare Asso- too prevalent in the conceptions of that what is really religious is f in ­ CAPT. PORTER, every member of your family. ill at his home on Church street jciation as kin g for advice oq every those who profess and call them­ ally reasonable, and which rears », home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O ut-of-tow n V isitors— harrier between our race and LIEUT. DYE. 93-1 88-8 geNfbia phase of the child's physical. selves Christians. It would seem as abyss of destruction. several days, is improving. Mr. W Winnie on Sherman stree!. Raymond Hixon, from Corval­ Schwein is in business in Med­ He is a member of Beta Theta Pi lis, was a business visitor yester- Delightful Trip to Portland-— ford, but was obliged to return day. John McCoy of Portland is Mrs. Wm. Roberts and daugh­ fraternity recently installed on home lately. an out-of-town guest ter, Mrs. E. Beeson, of Talent, re- the O. A. C. campus. I turned early in the week from a Felt and leather slippers. Jap Fresh fruit cake and mince three weeks’ motor trip to Port- W ith th e Sick— Store Medford. 88.8 meat ingredients— brown sugar, land. The drive was made in Mrs. Mrs. Phebe Wells is ill at her citron, spices, orange peel, lemon Beeson’s machine and the tourists lome on Gresham street. Mrs. Yes real salt rising bread. 80tf Have you any idea peel walnuts and so forth. De- enjoyed a thoroughly successful Elizabeth Smith, who has been tricks. We deliver. 8i-tf vacation. ill for some time, is not as well what to give to .Mr. Mat tern te Bet ter— as she has been recently. Herman Mattern is able to H ere from E d g e w o o d - Wife? Pauteerud’s Suits give satis- leave his home after being ill Mrs. F. H. McMahon is in Ash­ faction. «. 91-tf NO RU RA L D E L IV E R IE S several days. Tuesday was the land this week from Edgewood, ,/1 M ADE ON CHRISTMAS first day that Mr. Mattern has Cal., visiting friends and buying Patrons of the Postoffice will Book ends, candle sticks, in­ been around to a great extent for Christmas accessories. cense burners. Darling Studio. please note that there will be no the past several days. 89tf delivery by rural carriers on Buy your Boy a Band Instru- Christmas Day. This Is in accord Beautifully decorated 15 pieces ment for Xmas and have him join with an ammended order just is­ china Tea Set 32.95. Jap A r t! the Boys Band. I can sell you any Chrtetmas Shoppers H ere . GLOVES— H OSIERY— UM BRELLAS— NECKW EAR 88 8 ‘ yOU any A’ J - Generelli and Bert Miller, sued by the Postoffice depart­ Store, Medford. H AND BAGS— SILK UN DERW EAR ,he «»ted below. of Hilt Callt.. were Chrietma, ment. The Ashland Postoffice will Christmas PETTICOATS— KIMINO— BATH ROBE— TABLE LINEN on easy payments. I have Cornets be open until Christmas noon as BLOUSE— SW EATER— SUIT— COAT— DRESS A framed picture is always a p -1 daronets. Slide Trombones Sax- shoppers in town yesterday. heretofore announced. No money propriate. Darling Studio. 8 9 tf! ophone8> Plute8 , etc |1 5 ’00 to N ew s o f D eath R eceived— orders or register business trans­ ¡3150.00. Carl Loveland, studio L. J. Orres received a telegram acted. No delivery by city car­ The service of a willing force Sprained Ankle Causes Suffering upstairs over McGee’s. Phones from Lake Mills, Iowa that his riers but carriers will be at the A. H. Hayes, who resides on 134 and 465. 92-4 mother died at her daughters* office until noon to make deliver­ Many country famous brands of salespeople is at your dis­ Nursery street, Is still unable t o ! to select from, every one home there. She had been sick ies to patrons on their route who leave bis home on account of a complete in color and size Netarts Installing new posal. Ask them water only a few days and was 85 years i call for mail. Malls dispatched as range. badly sprained ankle. system. old. per usual holiday schedule*. 1 A D aily C hronicle of those w h o com e and g o , and even ts o f local in terest. C hristm as D inner in C alifornia— B ook ing A gent H e r e - j Two Big Shopping Days of Xmas Values Have You Seen-— Plave You Seen— Have You Seen— Have You Seen— Have You Seen— Have You Seen— Have You Seen— Have You Seen— ELHARTS Dn Finley Heads National Child Welfare WELL, MOST ANYTHING Oh Mani FROM McGEE’S WOULD DO Because all ive have is for Women You can hardly make a mistake if you select gifts such as these. _ _ „ . . Say Merry Xmas With Hosiery Î