PAO» THKRB C lassified C olum n ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PR O FESSIO N A L Classified Column Rates PH YSIC IA NS One cent th e word each tim e. DR. M ATTIE B . SH AW — Real To run every issu e for one dence and office, 108 P io n e e r ^ ’ m onth or m ore, the word avenue. T elephone 28. O ffice each tim e. hours, 10 to a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m. only. FOR SALE Thursday, D ecem ber 20, 1923 — iMAKE XMAS S o e i e t y S MERRY WITH Mrs. Grace E. Andrews, Editor GOOD BOOKS Phone item s to her a t 345-R , betw een 10 A. M., and 2 P. M. f—b — J /x w z w / _ " ■ w ays be dependent upon to bring J dam pen a sponge or soft brush the natural color and lu s - ] with it aud draw ti ls through 'Hints ' t>y tile Father o f Physical C ulture tre o f your hair. Everybody uses “ W yeth ’s ” Sage and Sulphur Compound now be- cause it darkens so naturally and even ly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You sim ply and even in gs. dressed DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Prac- Clean Books Are Unexcelled 6 E f< N A R .g Phone tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and > ♦ ♦ •"»< M ACFADDEN » is s ! •» » ■ » ♦ ♦ i» « » » » as Christmas Gifts to 92-4* throat— X -ray Including teeth. lost a tried and tru e friend. C alendar o f th e W eek— Children. O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to Edible leaves, in their fresh condi­ Thursday, Dec. 20— T rinity The good w ish es o f a ll with TU RK EY S FOR SALE— High 5. Sw edenburg B ldg., Ashland. tion, contain large amounts of water. Guild Bazaar, Parish H ouse. whom sh e has com e in contact go ! L I S T I S PRESENTED class turkeys 20c on feet; 25c Ore. Hence, they should not be valued too w ith her to her new hom e. Mrs dressed. Phone 1F 11. 92-4 ___ _______________________________ Friday, Dec. 21— X m as Party highly per pound, as it is only the dry W righ t w ill spend th e holidays ' •^PPPOved List P resen ted by Chalr- DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic M. E. S. S. F riday E vening. weight that counts as food. However, man o f Good L iterature of FO R SA LE— Several good and E lectro-T herapy. O ffice Friday, Dec. 21— X m as E nter- at th e hom e o f her brother in as leaves are not to be relied upon for P . T. A ssociation m ilch cow s. J. W. B ailey, T alent, phone 48; residence 142. F irst tainm ent, C hristian church, even- Irvington, C alifornia, and w ill the fuel supply of the diet, this watery m ake C alifornia her fu tu re hom e. Ore. 92-6* N ational Bank building. ing. R ecognizing the fact that good condition or low calory rating does not 1 ’ • • • Saturday, Dec. 22— “X m as E ve count heavily against them. books are unexcelled as Christ- FO R SALE— F ine cockerels DR. H AW LEY— Above T idings in t jje T oyshop,” at Presbyterian Chi 1st m as C antata— The high value of leaves as food is office. Phone 91. U tility strain of O. A. C. and 111- thc raas S^fts to e h ild ^ n and young j church, 7 :3 0 . A t the M ethodist church attributed to the fact that they contain ” A -H ee Im perial R in glets $3.00 C hristm as season s is m arked by j Pe°P ie > Mrs. Gordon McCracken, the active, growing cells of the plant. DR. E R N E ST W. SMITH— Chircn [' Sunday, Dec. 23— “X m as Can­ each. Phone 4F 12. Mrs. J. E. ta ta ,” Sunday evenin g, M. E. m any observances, C hristm as par- Prsident of the Southern Oregon This same thing is true of buds and ; praetor, near P ostoffice. H ours church. R am sey. 92-2* ties, C hristm as trees, and en ter- j Enos A. M ills; P acific o f th e Salvation Arm y at the Dry wood for sale. Phone 113, m errim ent th at filled th e hours. background for pictures, th e color Coast Birds, W. L. E liot. W h iteS h ield H om e, 565 May- Plaza P ool H all. S tories o f School and H om e 4 5-tf No set program had been pre- sch em e in th e variou s room s, the fair A ve., P ortland, O regon. L ittle W om en, A lcott; The Se- -------------------------------------------- j » - . . - ! , . ; pared, but a m ost e ffic ie n t enter- pictures, kind, and proper hang-1 i tainm ent com m ittee had seen to in g of them , the tou t ensem ble i cret Garden, B urnett; Stalk y and RESH INGLING & CALSOMINING For a sm ooth shave, of an attractive hom e w as ! Go., K ipling; F ive L ittle Peppers; S i it that not a m inu te dragged, F or resh in g liu g or pain tin g and and quick service, go i Games occupied th e social hour, brought very clearly before her Sidney; Rebecca of Sunnybrook calsom in ln g all work guaranteed to the Shell Barber hearers. ; Farm , W iggin; H eide, Mazli, J o - 11’« G randm other's R ecipe to and one that e ffe c tu a lly destroy- call A. V. H ood, Phon e 398 or B ring Back Color and Shop, across from D e­ ed any form ality w as th e group­ N ot alone w ere the elem en ts hanna Spyri. C. W . Ju d k in s Phone 390-R . L ustre to H air. G rinding of all ing, according to birthdays; and t jia t enter ¡nto an attractive hom e B ib le S tories 7 7 -lm o * I pot. each group w as resp on sib le for a d iscu ssed , but also the effe c t of I kinds. C hildren's work The Garden of Eden, W hen the • That b eau tifu l, even shade of stu nt, ^ iany and clever indeed such a hom e on child life and de- K ing Came, Dean H odges; i a specialty. The I dark .glossy hair can only be had w ere th e con trib u tion s to th e velop m en t, and its in flu en ce in I C hildren’s B ible, Sherm an and W . A. SH ELL, Prpo. by brew ing a m ixture of Sage hour’s jo llity by the variou s K ent; The Story of th e Bible, j parental control. j >32 A. St. A shland, Ore | Tea and Sulphur. Your hair is groups; from m im ic orchestras to I A t th is m eetin g, regret at Mrs. H endrick Van Loon; Story of th e' your charm . It m akes or m ars pantom im e all original and all W righ t’s resign ation w as expres­ B ible, H urlburt. i th e face. W hen it fades, turns m irth provoking. B iography sed and a risin g vote of appra- i gray or streaked, just an applica- The room s had bean m ade A Dutch Boy F ifty Years A fter, tion or two of Sage and Sulphur ciation from the Club m em bers very gay and festiv e in their Edward B ok , The A utobiography enhances its appearance a hun- C hristm as coloring of red and w as given , to show in a d efin ite — w hat to give anyone and of Benjam in F ranklin, H oughton dredfold. w ay th e loss th at all feel in her green, w ith the C hristm as tree M ifflin Co.; B oy’s Life of Edison, going. D on’t bother to prepare the all for C hristm as gifts. in place o f honor. An inform al reception brought M eadowcroft; The Story of Man- m ixture; you can get th is fam ous The “C hristm as C ircle” w as a H endrick Van old recipe im proved by the addi­ to a close th is d elig h tfu l after- ^^nd (h is to r y ), very happy feature, w ith its ex­ tion of other in gred ien ts at a change of g ifts— sig h t u nseen— noon. D uring th e social hour, tea Toon- sm all cost, all ready for use. I t ' w as served by th e h o stesses, Mrs. Mre- Gordon McCracken and gales of lau ghter greeted the is called W yeth ’s Sage and Sul­ ---------------------------------- display of g ifts, a fte r the ex­ Fred C. H om es, Mrs. C harles phur Com pound. T his can al- change w as effected . A. Brow n and Mrs. Frohboes. The f' A FO R SA LE— Live or turkeys. Q. W. N ichols. 18F 2. • « • j the hair, taking on mall strand at a tim e; by m orning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another application it becom es - beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. No. 67 A H om e F or C hristm as The Ideal of Ideals cuid the Wife’s Best Present New five-room bungalow , m odern, oak floors, fire place, good location, on pavem ent and sid ew alk s, good price and good term s. Other attractive P roperties, slso Robinson and Wild In H otel A shland B ldg. Phone 53 ..■■■■■I THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL L ast Tim es Today “Strangers of the Night (Captain Applejack) The comedy is 4 4 U n d er Cov ers” FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ETEA GRAY HAIR DARK Greatest Mystejy Film ? Radio For MOTHER O u r W indows T ell Santa — A radio se t for m other w ill give en teraium en t and pleasure during the w in ter m onths. We have tin ni ready to install. S ets « 1 5 to «1585 Souti lern PR O V O ST BROS GAM ES Before The Collision The time to be thrifty is before you are hard up, and the time to protect yourself from damage suits is before your auto­ mobile injures or kills someone. * The question, is not— Can I afford to carry auto­ mobile liability insurance? But—Can I afford to drive an automobile without carrying adequate protec­ tion in that line? Let us tell you bow little it will cost to have this protection. DO IT NOW. B illings A gency R eal E sta te and R eal In­ surance. (E stab . 1 8 8 3 ) P hen e 211 41 E ast Main /or Everybody Bloxo ...................... 50c Puzzlepeg- ...............50c Oregon Puzzle Map 35c Horse Shoe Game $1.50 T in k e rto y .................75c Flinch, Rook, Rummy, ....................................75c P a rc h e e si...............$1.50 Building Blocks 30c to ............... $1.25 Dominoes .. 15c to $1.10 Teddy Bears $2 and $3 Tinker Beads 25c-50c-$l Rambora Play Balls 25c C h eck e rs..........15c, up McNair Bros. Aitone - » ♦ ♦< Shop For FOLEY PILL S BRING R E L IE F “ FOLEY PILLS are the best I have tried. My kidneys work a lot better since I received your generous o ffer,” w rites John W. i Brogan, Adam s, Mass. FOLEY : PILLS are a diuretic stim u lan t for the K IDNEYS and w h ile being ta ­ ken close attention should be paid ■ to the diet. Avoid sw eets, pas- try starchy foods, alcoh olic drinks, tea and coffee. Drink F or Christmas plenty of good fresh w ater, and keep the body w arm ly clothed. M otom eters, H plladay bum ­ R efuse su b stitu tes. Sold Every- pers. K laxon horns. Spot­ lig h ts, and acessories for , w here. th e car m ake u sefu l, prac­ --------------------------— tical p leasin g g ifts. W ork started on la st link of • • I Redwood H ighw ay b e t we e n Grants Pass and C alifornia line. • Dodge Service P a rts a n d R epairs A U T O M O T IV E Shop HaWs Catarrh Cor Main and P ioneer 4, 1 C latsk an ie to rush work of lay­ ing Main street sew er. .1 a-d sntei na’., and haa bee- ;. r' - -iatment of Catan’ ' •d by ail druggis' Tv led.', C lr The variou s com m ittees th at m ade th is so successfu l an àffair follow : entertain m en t, Mrs. Mad- ! den and Mrs. Chaney; refresh ­ m ent, Mrs. Baughm an, Mrs. E ast- burn, Mrs. H erndon, Mrs. M arske and Mrs. Stephens; decoration, Mrs. Thom pson, Mrs. Brow er, Mrs. , T hurlow , Mrs. B erg and Mrs. Baughm an. Tthe tw o-course luncheon w as served cafeteria fash ion and w as a ; very sa tisfy in g and d eliciou s re- 1 past. The gu ests of honor are hoping i that th e class have th ese parties often. • • • tea table w as an artistic trium ph and w as a practical dem onstration of th e aftern o o n ’s d iscu ssion. • • • ............. B eaver Block ' Joseph Napoleon Church P rize Here Xmas in Toyland— On Saturday even in g at 7 :3 0 , i “X m as E ve In the Toy Shop” w ill be given a t the P resbyterian church. T his is th e annual X m as party for th e children of th e P r e sb y te r -, ian Sunday School. T here w ill be the usual tree and treat and the program by t h e j i t t l e people. B ecause o f the w ee ones taking part th e program begins prom ptly at 7 :3 0 . Luncheon for M rs. L. M. W r ig h t- One of th e very charm ing a f­ WOMAN’S STATEMENT fairs, for w hich th e Civic club WILL HELP ASHLAND is noted, occurred Tuesday at the club house, w hen a charm ing “ I hated cook in g because all I luncheon w as given in honor o f ate turned sour and form ed gas. i Mrs. L. M. W right, w ith the m em ­ I drank hot w ater and o liv e oil bers of th e stan d in g com m ittees by th e gallon. N othing helped un as hostesses. Covers w ere laid til I used A d lerik a.” Most m edi- for tw en ty but a few m em bers of cin es act only on low er bowel but I i the variou s com m ittees w ere un­ A dlerik a acts ton BOTH upper able to be present. and low er bow el and rem oves all The tab les w ere very b eau tifu l, gas and poisons. E xcellent for in gay holiday dress; great m asses ob stin ate constipation . H elps any of h olly and C hristm as greenery, case gas uu on the stom ach >u in TEN m e otumnvu x WQ Qf tfae most ;nteresting reHct givin g a m ost festiv e air to the m inu tes. L. K. B olton, D ruggist X of Napoleon family are, d eliciou s repast. strange to say, in the possession of a W ith the pleasan t com radship J WINTER COUGHS AND COLDS litd« known church in Philadelphia, . J, .. Pa. It is the Church of St. Peter, and frien d lin ess w as Interm ingled W ith th e changeable w ea er and treasurC9 are two brass can- a feelin g of sadness, for th is m ark- w h lch w e have a t th is season of dlesticks, once the property of Joseph ed the fact that th e Civic club th e year coughs and cold s are very Bonaparte. and A shland w ere to lo se Mrs. prevalent. B e prepared for them , i , .When the great Napoleon was in B a r . » b o ttle o f FOLEY'S HON- i ^ i ^ l V c h r i X . ca” d X S W right. In the o fficia l fam ily of the BY AND TAR COMPOUND handy, friends, he made brother Joseph club it had been know n for som e and w ith th e fir st sig n of a cough ' King of Naples and King of Spain, f808 Joseph thought he would : little tim e, but to the m ost of th e or cold tak e a d ose and prevent a i be safer in Bordentown, N. J., Spain serious ailment. FOLEY’S HON­ 1 m em bership o f the club the an ­ being politically inclement at that nouncem ent cam e as a great sur­ EY AND TAR COMPOUND has thne The candlesticks came from Joseph’» been th e standard fam ily cough prise. Mrs. W right has been e x e cu t-R e m ed y for over 35 years, bring- house into the possession of the Sima family and later were given to the ive officer of the Civic club the in g pfom p t r e lief and w hen once church. They are a tribute to the past year and has carried th e u8ed 5™ never w ,th ou t 11 enduring nature of the metal, its mellow color, and the facility with Sold E veryw here. d u ties of that o ffice in a m ost which it lends itself to perfection of kindly, gracious and e fficie n t detail and workmanship, | U m atilla county cuts >92,-1 m anner. The club feel th at in P ortland— B u ilding perm its for losing Mrs. W right, not only has 591.81 from tax budget, Colum bia the club lost an officer of un- county, > 40,000; Jackson Coun­ 10 m onths surpass 1922 by 32 per usual execu tive ability, but it has ty, >43,390. cent. ‘ J i Radio Supply W hat flie World Is ¿Doing, CAS SEEN B Y (POPULAR c M E j CHANICS M A G A Z I N E Sun’s Rays Make Alarm Clock of Cannon Bees, Color-Blind, Must Learn of the moving “bhelves” can be pu-Ji* lieved of the trouble of raanipulatir^ car 8 to guide them into stalie af crowded garages. » * » A Novel Dairy Farm Milking and feeding go together, and therefore provision should be made to milk and feed at the same time. A novel dairy barn, which is arranged to permit this, is shown in the drawing. The hay manger is located above the heads of the cows so that they have to reach up a. trifle to pull the hay out; the bottom has a row of */2- in. iron bars to allow this. A hay manger of this type has the advan­ tage of containing enough hay to last the cows for a number of days. The trap door of the hay manger hangs outward on chains and can be pushed back into vertical position whenever necessary, as in cold orS. stormy weather. The grain manger is of the onlinary tyjie, except that it is much larger and also lower. Both mangers can be filled from the outside, fr^m a wagon or truck, the surplus hay being tempo­ rarily stored on the roof, ready to be raked into the manger when needed. Another interesting feature of this dairy barn is the chain cow tie. which is an improvement on the stanchions usually used, as the cows have greater freedom to move their heads around, the bars permitting the chain to be moved up and down, but preventing « the cows from moving backward.